Jointt Seminar of o the Internatio onal Commiittee of the Bar Counccil of Englan nd and Walles and the Deutschen D Anwaltverrein with its Arbeitsge emeinschafft Bank- un nd Kapitalm marktrecht "Deriivative saales practtice in En ngland an nd Germany and its regulation" Monday ber 2014 y, 1 Decemb House of Finance, F Goe ethe-Univerrsität Frank kfurt am Ma ain, Campuss Westend Grüneburgp G platz 1, 6032 23 Frankfurrt 16:00 Wellcoming an nd Introducctions Dr. Rolf Friede ewald, MBA A, Managing g Director of o the Institu ute for Law w and Finaance, Frank kfurt. Wellcome of pa articipants: • Julia Heise,, LL.M. (London), Rech htsanwältin n, Vorstandsm mitglied dess Deutschen n Anwaltveereins und Mitglied M des Geschääftsführendeen Ausschu usses der Arrbeitsgemeiinschaft Bank- und Kapitalmarrktrecht • Hugh Merccer QC, Vice-Chairman n, Bar Coun ncil Internattional Committeee Introductio on to the Ba ar Council and barristerrs 16:10 – 17:10 Investigations by Regulaators in the UK and Germany and d proposalss for orm includiing MiFID II refo • am Buildinggs, London Robert Purrves, Barristter, 3 Verula • hristian Du uve, M.P.A., Rechtsanw walt, Prof. Dr. Ch Vorstandsm mitglied dess Deutschen n Anwaltveereins, Frank kfurt 17:10 – 17:30 Cofffee break 17:30 - 18:40 Mis-selling of financial instruments – recent case law in the UK and Germany • Gregory Mitchell QC, 3 Verulam Buildings, Chairman of the London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association and Paul Marshall, Barrister, No 5 Chambers • Dr. Peter Clouth, Rechtsanwalt, Frankfurt 18:40 – 18:45 Concluding remarks from Co-Chairs 18:45 Drinks Reception, sponsored by the Bar Council of England & Wales Kindly supported by Information of participants: Location: House of Finance, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend - Grüneburgplatz 1, 60323 Frankfurt Seminar language: The seminar language is English. Registration fee: € 25,00 per person Registration: Please complete and return the enclosed registration form via fax or register online: You will receive a written confirmation of your registration together with our invoice. Cancellation: If you are not able to attend please inform us in writing by e-mail. Registrations cancelled after November 25, 2014 will not be eligible for a refund. Certificate of attendance: A certificate of attendance (2,25 h) will be sent automatically, provided you have confirmed your presence in the list of attendance. Information / Enquiries: DeutscheAnwaltAkademie - jurEvent, Catharina Hille, Littenstrasse 11, 10179 Berlin, Germany, Phone: +49 30 72 61 53 183, fax: +49 30 72 61 53 188, e-mail: [email protected] Regisstration Form R Return to o: +49(0) 30 / 726 153 1 188 On nline-registrration: www w.anwaltak g/derivativee-sales-practice "Deriivative saales practtice in En ngland an nd Germany and its regulation" y, 1 Decemb Monday ber 2014 House of Finance, F Goe ethe-Univerrsität Frank kfurt am Ma ain, Campuss Westend Grüneburgp G platz 1, 6032 23 Frankfurrt I will attend d. € 25,00 per person Personaal informatiion: Title/firrst name/surname …………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ………... Professiion ……………… ……………………………………… ……………… …………. ………… Company Name ………… ……………… ……………………………………… ……………… …………. Postal aaddress ………… ……………… ……………………………………… ……………… …………. Postal ccode ………… ……………… …………… Country y ………… ……………… ……………………………………… ……………… ……......... Phone ………… ……………… …………… Email ………… ……………… ……………………………………… ……………… …………. Date, Siignature ………… ……………… ……………………………………… ……………… ………… ……………… ……………… ………… City …… ……………… ……………… ………… Fax .…… p inform m us in writting by e-m mail. If you aare not able to attend please
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