Jake Urban and Marilynn Davis’ combined Bio Both Marilynn and Jake attended college in the state of Vermont, and then stayed long after graduation to live in the lush green mountains. It is there, where they met on the mountain bike trails of East Burke. Marilynn taught high school while completing her Doctorate of Education at the University of Vermont before taking a job in the Education Department at Lyndon State College (LSC). LSC was not only Jake’s alma mater, but also an employer of the past 10 years where he taught as an Adjunct Professor in the Mountain Recreation Management Department. Their meeting brought to a close the Vermont chapters of their lives. After a very short courtship, the two wed, and moved from Vermont in a combined effort to reinvent themselves. After much deliberation they settled in Jackson, WY. Both continued teaching by securing positions with Central Wyoming College soon after their arrival. Additionally, in an effort to connect and support the community, Marilynn began to volunteer with JH Fire/EMS as an EMT-‐Firefighter. Jake had many years of mountaineering and ski patrolling under his belt and was able to apply his experience to his volunteer work with Teton County Search and Rescue. Volunteer work blossomed into professional ventures for them both. Marilynn is now a paid staff member of JH Fire/EMS. She begins Paramedic training in the fall of 2014. Jake is now the Training Director and Deputy Director for Teton County Search and Rescue. Their combined interest and experience in rescue work was the inspiration for the development of their business, Jackson Hole Outdoor Leadership Institute, LLC. The school provides pre-‐hospital emergency medical training and avalanche education. In their free time you can find them recreating in the mountains around Jackson Hole. Spending their time in the winter months backcountry skiing and the summer months rock climbing and mountain biking. Jacob J. Urban P.O. Box 1418 Wilson, WY 83014 [email protected] (802) 249-‐9075 Instructional, Guiding, Climbing & Skiing Related Professional Experience April 2010 – Present Jackson Hole Outdoor Leaderhip Institute, LLC Wilson, WY http://www.avalancheandwildmedtraining.com/about/about-‐jake Owner / Lead Instructor • AIARE Avalanche Curriculum Provider / Level 1 & 2 • SOLO Wilderness Medicine Curriculum Provider / WEMT, WFR, WFA • National Registry EMT / Training Center • Wyoming Emergency Medical Services (EMS) / Training Center • American Heart Association / Training Site December 2009 – Present American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE) Gunnison, CO http://avtraining.org/instructor-‐training-‐team/ Instructor Trainer / Course Leader • Responsible for the design and delivery of Instructor Training Courses (ITC) and Instructor Refresher Courses (IRC) for the AIARE Avalanche Level 1 & 2 curriculums. September 2007 – Present Central Wyoming College Riverton, WY https://www.cwc.edu/jacob-‐urban Adjunct Faculty – Outdoor Education Department Undergraduate Courses Taught: • Avalanche Level 1 (Spring 2009 – Spring 2014) • Avalanche Level 2 (Spring 2010 – Spring 2014) • Avalanche Awareness (Fall 2010 – 2014) • Backcountry Skiing and Avalanche Awareness (Spring 2008 – 2012) • Mountain Travel Expedition (Summer 2008 – 2014) o This 4-‐credit, 14 day field based course concentrates on basic rock climbing, outdoor living skills, glacier travel and mountain travel skills. Venues include the Teton Crest Trail in its entirety in the Teton Mountain Range and the Cirque of Towers and Gannet Peak in the Wind River Mountain Range. September 1996 – Present Lyndon State College Lyndonville, VT http://lyndonstate.edu/degree-‐programs/mountain-‐recreation-‐management/ Adjunct Faculty – Mountain Recreation Management • Over 120 credits taught • Currently facilitating long distance learning through online mediums in conjunction with expeditionary studies and field related technical skill development. • Developed, delivered and assessed curriculum for all of the following undergraduate level courses: o Teton Backcountry Ski / Yurt Trip (Winter 2014) • o Teton Backcountry Ski and Avalanche Level 2 (Winter 2011) o Wasatch Backcountry Ski & Snow Studies Expedition (Winter 2009) o Orizaba Mountaineering Expedition (Winter 2008) o Moab Multi-‐Sport Expedition (Fall 2006) o Sierra Nevada Mountaineering Expedition (Spring 2005) o Fundamentals of Ice Climbing (Spring 2003-‐2006) o Intermediate Rock Climbing (Spring 2003 – 2006) o Newfoundland Backcountry Ski Expedition (Spring 2005) o Backcountry Skiing and Avalanche Awareness (Spring 2003 – 2006) o Basic Rock Climbing (Fall 2003 – 2005) o Top Rope Site Management (Fall 2002 – 2004) o Outdoor Education Practicum (Fall 1996 – 2003) o Ropes Course Facilitation and Management (Spring 1997 – 2006) o Leadership Theory and Design (Spring 1997 – 1998) o Adventure Based Practicum (Fall 1996 – 1997) Developed, delivered and assessed curriculum for all of the following graduate level courses: o Adventure Based Counseling (Summer 1997 – 1999) o Ropes Course Facilitators Competency I (Summer 1997 & 1998) o Ropes Course Facilitators Competency II (Summer 1997 & 1998) September 2002 – June 2006 Lyndon State Adventure Programs Lyndon State College, Lyndonville VT. http://lyndonstate.edu/campus-‐life/adventure-‐activities/ Program Coordinator • Responsible for the booking, staffing, development, staff training, and administrative duties for all programs / Oversight of 20 employees • Responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of ropes course and climbing wall facilities in accordance with OSHA and industry standards • Developed rock climbing, indoor climbing wall, canoeing, kayaking, ropes course, mountain biking, teambuilding and leadership programs for over 4500 participants per year during my tenure • Developed, successfully implemented and evaluated an outdoor education curriculum that replaced a traditional physical education program for a local charter school which exceeded their minimum standard for P.E requirements • Developed, successfully implemented and evaluated behavioral intervention programming for a public middle school Winter Seasons 2000 – 2006 Burke Mountain Ski Area East Burke, VT http://www.skiburke.com Ski Patroller • Responsible for on-‐hill daily risk management and patient care • Responsible for leading weekly medical and monthly technical trainings May 1992 – September 2002 Lyndon State Adventure Programs Lyndon State College http://lyndonstate.edu/campus-‐life/adventure-‐activities/ Senior Guide & Instructor • Responsible for program development, facilitation and guiding related to rock and ice climbing, mountaineering, ropes course, outdoor leadership, teambuilding, mountain biking, canoeing and kayak touring • Facilitated and guided over 1000 programs Professional and Personal Skill Based Experience Rock Climbing: Professional Experience • Over 500 days of guiding and instruction since 1996 • Over 300 days of indoor climbing wall instruction Rock Climbing: Personal Experience • Over 50 personal climbing days per year since 1996 • Capable of comfortably leading traditional route up to 5.9+ on all rock types / environments • Established over 30 first ascents o Up to 500’ in length o Up to 5.11a in difficulty • Select areas climbed o Cannon Cliff, Cathedral Ledge, Whitehorse Ledge, Rumney, Keene Valley, Shawangunks, New River Gorge, Seneca Rocks, Eldorado Canyon, Boulder Canyon, Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Yosemite National Park, City of Rocks, Smith Rock, Red Rock Canyon, Grand Teton National Park, Sinks Canyon Ice Climbing: Professional Experience • Over 150 days of guiding and instruction since 1996 Ice Climbing Personal Experience • Capable of comfortably leading WI 4+ / M6 Mountaineering: Professional Experience • Over 200 days of guiding and instruction since 1996 Mountaineering: Personal Experience • Personal high point of 22,841 • Climbed throughout North, Central and South America • Climbed the 1st 2nd and 3rd highest peaks in the Americas Backcountry and Ski Mountaineering: Professional Experience • Over 200 days of guiding and instruction since 2000 • Guided throughout the Rocky Mountains Backcountry and Ski Mountaineering: Professional Experience • Capable of comfortably descending up to 55 degree terrain • Skied over 100 days per year since 2000 • Skied extensively throughout the Rocky Mountains, Sierra and British Columbia * For a detailed resume in any of the above activities please request an experiential transcript Education 1995 Lyndon State College – Lyndonville Vermont Department of Recreation Resource and Ski Area Management Bachelor of Science – Recreation Resource Management 1990 Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale Department of Audio and Video Design Bachelor of Arts – Audio and Video Production Certifications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • National Registry Emergency Medical Technician (March 2015) State of Wyoming Emergency Medical Technician (December 2014) State of New Hampshire Emergency Medical Technician (March 2015) (State of Vermont Emergency Medical Technician 2001-‐2007) Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician SOLO (June 2016) Outdoor Emergency Care Technician (December 2013) NREMT Training Coordinator Wyoming EMS Course Coordinator Wyoming EMS Trainer Wyoming EMS Evaluator SOLO Wilderness Medicine Instructor WEMT/ WFR/ WFA American Red Cross Instructor American Heart Association Instructor American Heart Association CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer (07/2015) American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA): Certified Single Pitch Instructor (June 2017) AIARE, Avalanche Level III AIARE Level 1 & 2 Course Leader Rigging for Rescue: High Angle Rescue Level 1 Technician (Sept 2011) Rigging for Rescue: High Angle Rescue Refresher (August 2013) Rigging for Rescue: For the ALS/BLS Provider (August 2013) Swift Water Rescue Technician Level 1 (May 2017) Advanced Swift Water Rescue Technician (May 2016) National Ski Patrol: Basic Patroller FEMA, Emergency Management Institute, ICS-‐100, (October 2011) FEMA, Emergency Management Institute, NIMS-‐700 (October 2011) National Ski Patrol: OEC Instructor National Ski Patrol: Avalanche Level 1 Instructor National Fire Academy: Incident Command System State of Vermont Fire Service Training Council: Hazardous Material Awareness Continuing Education • • • • • • • • • • • National Ski Patrol Avalanche Level I (1996) American Institute of Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE), Avalanche Level II (January 2005) AMGA: Ski Guides Course, Aspen, CO (January 2006) AIARE Instructor Training Course Level 1 Winter Park, CO (2008) AIARE Instructor Training Course Level 2 Crested Butte, CO (2009) AMGA: Ski Enhancement Course For Ski Guides, Sugar Bowl, CA (February 2010) National Ski Patrol: Instructor Development Course, Jackson WY (October 2010) National Avalanche School, Graduate Phase 1, Snowbird, UT (October 2011) AMGA Rock Guides Course, Joshua Tree, CA November 2014 (Slated) Teton County Search and Rescue Since 2010 over 1000 hours of training in: o High and Steep Angle Rescue Rigging, Avalanche Explosive Mitigation, Incident Command, Missing Persons, Helicopter Operations, Navigation, ELT Search, Avalanche Beacon Search, Snowmobile Operations, Medical Protocols. Memberships • • • • • • • American Mountain Guides Association o Certified Single Pitch Instructor o Associate Member American Avalanche Association o Professional Member o Education Review Committee Member: Outreach Coordinator American Institute of Avalanche Research & Education o Advisory Board Member o Level 1 and 2 Provider and Instructor o Instructor Training Team Teton County Search and Rescue o Deputy Advisor / Training Advisor o 700 hours of volunteer time per year o Advisory Board Member o Short Haul Team Member o Avalanche Explosives Team National Ski Patrol o Alpine Patroller o Snow King Ski Patrol o Volunteer Alpine Patroller American Alpine Club Grand Teton National Park Foundation Conferences Attended • ISSW Squaw Valley, CA 2011 • Utah Snow and Avalanche Workshop 2011, 2012, 2013 • JH Fire / EMS Trauma Conference 2012, 2013, 2014(Presented) o 2012 Improvised Patient Packaging o 2013 Long Term Patient Care Considerations o 2014 The use of Ketamine and tourniquets in the Backcountry • AIARE ITC 1 Stanley, ID. 2013 (Course Leader) • AIARE ITC 2 Snowbird, UT 2013 (Course Leader) • AIARE ITC 1 Snowbird, UT 2014 (Course Leader) • ITRS Albuquerque 2013 • ISSW British Columbia, CAN 2014 (Slated) • IKAR Lake Tahoe, NV 2014 (Slated) References Darran Well -‐ Faculty, Department of Outdoor Education Central Wyoming College, Riverton, WY 307 855 2063 / [email protected] John Deleo -‐ Faculty, Department of Recreation Resource & Ski Area Management Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, VT 802 626 6236 / [email protected] Lauren Struck -‐ Faculty, Department of Math & Science Burke Mountain Academy, East Burke, VT 802 467 3688 / [email protected] Marilynn Davis PO Box 1418, Wilson, WY 83014 (802) 598-0364 [email protected] Professional Experience 2013Medical Unit Leader, Northern Rockies Type I Incident Management Team present Missoula, MT • Develop the incident Medical Plan and ensure expedited medical aid and transportation for ill or injured Incident personnel • Establish and determine staffing levels, equipment/supplies needs • Manage EMT and Paramedics; provide evaluation • Provide medical documentation for Team and State EMT office 2011Firefighter II and EMT-Intermediate (I-99), Jackson Hole Fire/EMS, Jackson, WY present • Provide emergency pre-hospital care and transportation, participate in firefighting duties, and all hazards/all risks training and continuing education, provide instruction in CPR/AED, EMR, and EMT-B curriculum 2010Owner/Instructor, Jackson Hole Outdoor Leadership Institute, LLC, Wilson, WY present • Provide instruction in CPR/AED, Basic First Aid, Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness First Responder, and Emergency Medical Technician-Basic courses • Organize marketing and purchases, manage course and program paperwork, develop schedules, manage teaching staff, coordinate with partners including Central Wyoming College, NREMT, State of WY EMT Office, JH Fire/EMS, St. Johns Medical Center 2008Adjunct Faculty, Central Wyoming College-Jackson Campus, Jackson, WY present • Developed and taught Orientation to College courses for first year students • Taught English Composition I & II, health, & wilderness medicine courses 20092010 20072008 Response & Preparedness Program Assistant, Bridger-Teton Red Cross, Jackson, WY • Provided community and private instruction county-wide in CPR/AED, Basic First Aid, Wilderness First Aid, and disaster preparedness Lifelong Learning Coordinator, Central Wyoming College- Jackson Campus, Jackson, WY • Directed and instructed for the English as a Second Language program • Taught critical reading, writing, and technology course for freshman • Advised Jackson-based students • Assisted in the coordination and planning of campus programs and courses • Managed publications, marketing, public relations, special projects, and student testing • Provided Spanish/English translation services for Department of Workforce & Development and for potential and enrolled students 2006, Fall Adjunct Professor, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana • Developed and taught two sections of Freshman Seminar: Foundations of Critical Thinking, Writing, and Dialogue 20042006 Assistant Professor & Professional Development Coordinator for The Portfolio Connection (PT3), Department of Education, Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, Vermont • Taught: Computers in the Classroom and ePortfolio Development Fieldwork supervision: Sophomore Exploratory, Junior Apprenticeship, Student Teaching (seniors) • Responsible for administration and implementation of the U.S. Department of Education’s Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers in Technology (PT3) Grant • Co-taught Outdoor Expedition: Backpacking California’s Sierra Nevada (12 day mountaineering trip), Ski Industry Career Crossroads, and Moab MultiSport Expedition with faculty in Department of Recreation Resource and Ski Resort Management • Advised undergraduate students 2004 Graduate Teaching Fellow, Middle Level Teacher Education Program, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont • Supervised and evaluated graduate and undergraduate students in middle grades student teaching field placements 19992002 Language Arts Teacher, English Department, Stowe High School, Stowe, Vermont Taught 9th-11th grade literature-based Language Arts courses • Education Doctorate in Educational Leadership & Policy Studies Specialization: Higher Education University of Vermont (2005) Masters in Curriculum & Instruction in Education Specialization: Secondary and Middle Grades Language Arts University of Vermont (1999) Bachelor of Arts in English Minor: Environmental Studies University of Vermont (1994) Volunteer Work 20082011 Firefighter and EMT-B, Jackson Hole Fire and EMS, Jackson, W.Y 20072013 Ski Patrol, Snow King Resort, Jackson, W.Y. Certifications • • • • • • National, Wyoming, Montana licensed EMT-Intermediate (current) Wilderness First Responder / W-EMT (current) Outdoor Emergency Care Practitioner (current) Red Cross and AHA Instructor -CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer (current) Rigging for Rescue (current) Middle Grades and High School Language Arts Teaching Licenses (expired) Memberships • • • • • American Alpine Club American Avalanche Association National Ski Patrol Grand Teton National Park Foundation American Institute of Avalanche Research and Education Personal & Professional Races, Expeditions, Peaks, & Climbs • Ranger Peak, 11,355’, Grand Teton National Park, WY. June 2014. Ski decent. • • • • • • Pierre’s Hole 50 Mile Mountain Bike Race, August 2011, 8th overall (5:41) XTERRA Wild Horse Creek Off-road Triathlon, August, 2011, 2nd in age-class, 9th overall XTERRA Utah Off-road Triathlon, September, 2010, 1st in age-class, 3rd overall XTERRA Wild Horse Creek Off-road Triathlon, July, 2010 1st in age-class, 10th overall XTERRA Wild Horse Creek Off-road Triathlon, July, 2009 3rd in age-class, 6th overall Teton & Snake River Ranges, WY. Over 300 days of ski touring. Descents up to 45 degrees. Winter 2006 – present Grand Teton National Park, WY. 60 days of touring/snowboarding on peaks: Twenty-five Short, Maverick, Avalanche Canyon, Shadow Peak, Veiled Peak, Middle Teton (Southwest Couloir, May, 2009), Albright Peak, (East Face, Feb., 2009) Winter 2006 – present Teewinot Mountain, 12,325’, East Face. 4th Class. Grand Teton National Park, WY. September 2007 Grand Teton 13,770’, Grand Teton National Park, WY. Exum Ridge 5.5 September 2007 & Owen Spalding 5.5 August 2006, Owen Spalding September 2010 Ice Point, 9,920’ North Face, 5.4, Grand Teton National Park, July 2007 Illiniza Norte, 16,548’ North Couloir. 4th Class. Illiniza Preserve. Machachi, Ecuador. December 2006 Volcan Rucu Pichincha 15,214’ West Face. 3rd Class. Quito, Ecuador. December 2006 Cotopaxi, Ecuador. An unsuccessful summit ascent of Cotopaxi due to heavy snows with poor stability on the north glacier. 18,700’ high point. December 2006 Decent of Upper Chutes Canyon, C2; 5.6, San Rafael Swell, Utah, November, 2006 (Lyndon State College course) Buck Mountain 12,997’ via The East Ridge, 4th Class. Solo. Grand Teton National Park. August 2006 Durrance Ridge 5.6, Symmetry Spire, Grand Teton National Park, WY. August 2006 Mt Washington, New Hampshire. Ascent and descent of Tuckerman Ravine, October, 2005 Mountaineering / Sierra Nevada: Led college students on 12 days of mountaineering style travel following the approximate route of the John Muir Trail. Multiple 12,000’ passes with snow up to 50 degrees. May 2005 NORBA New England Mountain Bike Women’s Expert Champion. 1999 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Potential List of Services Provided On site services: • Daily on site presence • Daily walk through of the main house and grounds • Daily assessment and repair / maintenance of grounds • Opening and closing of the main house • Snow removal as needed (porches, walkways, plow prep) • Vegetable garden care and maintenance • Flower garden maintenance • Upkeep of caretaker cabin • Small project and general maintenance: o Painting o Chainsaw o Small engine maintenance o DIY • Management of contractors (snow plowing, house keeping, lawn care, plumbing, window cleaning, heating, pest control, etc.) Off site services: • Mail pick up and forwarding • Airport pick-‐up / drop-‐off • In town driving Concierge Services: • Reservations • Grocery Pick-‐Up / Errands • Guided or Instructional Outdoor / Adventure Activities (Due to the nature of our professional experience, we will be able to provide most of these services personally. If the activity falls outside of our professional capabilities, professional private guides will be secured. In most cases these will be colleagues or clients of our company.) § Rock Climbing § Ice Climbing § Backcountry Skiing § Resort Skiing § XC Skiing § Mountaineering § Road Cycling § Mountain Biking § White Water Rafting § Kayaking § Horseback Riding § Hunting § Fishing All services listed are to be negotiated directly with the caretakers.
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