Haldimand Papers conversion List Guylaine Pétrin made this list and is happy to have it shared on Randy Saylor’s web site. © Guylaine Pétrin, April 2014 This list allows easy conversion between the LAC films of the Series B transcripts (H-####), the Series B transcript volume numbers (B-###), the Add MSS ##### number from the British Library and the WMD film number of the actual papers. Hand written transcripts of the Haldimand Papers done by the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) were filmed in 3 batches and they are the ones now available on the Heritage Canadiana Website. In 1969, the "B" series volumes B-105 (Add. MSS 21765), B-106 (Add. MSS 21766), B-166 (Add. MSS 21826), B-167 (Add. MSS 21827) and B-168 (Add. MSS 21828), together with a nominal index to them, were microfilmed on reel C-1475. These volumes deal with the Loyalists. In 1972, volumes B.69 to B.71 (Add. MSS. 21729 to 21731) were also microfilmed on reel C-4652. Then from 1983 to 1986, microfilm copies of all the transcripts were made in two batches. The first 35 films on reels H-1428 to H-1455, H-1649 to H-1655, H-1685. The second batch of 10 films on H-1736 to H-1745 (10 films). Some of the microfilms are missing on heritage.canadiana.org. Hopefully, they will be added in the future. The original Haldimand Papers were filmed by LAC and are available in Ottawa on 98 films. World Microfilm Publishing (WMP) copied these films on 115 reels of microfilm. The AO purchased 50 of these films from WMP and they are: #5; 12; 23; 29 to 33; 35 to 52; 54 to 57; 76; 78; 80 to 85; 97; 99; 102 to 105 and 109 to 114. These are catalogued at the AO as XX ##. When citing the Haldimand papers, the citation should contain the Add MSS number and the page number, as well as a description of the volume included in the Add MSS and appropriate film numbers. Hopefully, this conversion list will allow one to find the original whether the reference includes the H film, the B series volume, or the Add MSS or the WMP reel number. LAC reel Batch #s B series Add MSS WMP reel # H-1428 #1 H-1429 #2 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-5 21661 21662 21663 21664 21665 To page 317 21665 From page 318 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 LAC reel Batch #s H-1430 #3 H-1430 H-1431 #4 H-1431 H-1432 #5 H-1432 H-1433 #6 H-1433 H-1434 Not online #7? B series B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-11 B-12 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 B-22 B-23 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-26 B-27 B-28 B-29 B-30 B-31 B-32 B-33 B-33 B-34 B-35 B-36 B-37 B-38 B-39 B-39 Add MSS 21666 21667 21668 21669 21670 21671 21672 To page 50 21672 From page 51 21673 21674 21675 21676 21677 To page 286 21677 From page 287 21678 21679 21680 21681 21682 21683 21684 21685 21686 To page 27 21686 From page 28 21687 21688 21689 21690 21691 21692 21693 To page 291 21693 From page 292 21694 21695 21696 21697 21698 21699 To page 505 21699 From 506? WMP reel # 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 B-40 B-41 B-42 B-43 B-44 21700 21701 21702 21703 21704 15 16 16 16 17 2 LAC reel Batch #s Not on line H-1435 #8 H-1435 H-1436 #9 H-1436 H-1437 #10 H-1437 H-1438 #11 H-1438 H-1439 #12 H-1439 H-1440 #13 H-1440 H-1441 Not online Not on line H-1442 #14? #15 B series B-45 B-46 B-46 B-47 B-48 B-49 B-50 B-51 B-52 B-53 B-54 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 B-59 B-60 B-61 B-62 B-63 B-64 B-64 B-65 B-66 B-67 B-68 B-68 B-69 B-70 B-71 B-72 B-72 B-73 B-74 B-75 B-75 Add MSS 21705 21706 To page 179 21706 From page 180 21707 21708 21709 21710 21711 21712 21713 21714 To page 191 21714 From page 192 21715 21716 21717 To page 641 (end) 21718 from page 1 21719 21720 21721 21722 21723 21724 to page 23 21724 from page 24 21725 21726 21727 21728 To page 472 21728 From page 473 21729 21730 21731 21732 To page 120 21732 pt 1 from page 121 21733 21734 21735 To page 236 21735 After page 237 if it exists) WMP reel # 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 32 32 B-76 B-77 B-78 B-79 B-79 B-80 B-81 21736 21737 21738 21739 to page 76 21739 from page 77 21740 21741 33 34 35 35 35 35 35 3 LAC reel Batch #s H-1442 H-1443 #16 H-1443 H-1444 #17 H-1444 H-1445 #18 H-1445 H-1446 #19 H-1446 H-1447 #20 H-1447 H-1448 #21 H-1448 H-1449 #22 H-1449 H-1450 #23 B series B-82 B-83 B-84 B-85 B-86 B-86 B-87 B-88 B-89 B-89 B-90 B-91 B-92 B-93 B-93 B-94 B-95 B-96 B-97 B-97 B-98 B-99 B-100 B-101 B-101 B-102 B-103 B-104 B-105 B-105 B-106 B-107 B-108 B-109 B-109 B-110 B-111 B-112 B-113 B-114 B-114 B-115 B-116 B-117 Add MSS 21742 21743 21744 21745 21746 To page 86 21746 from page 87 21747 21749 21749 To page 163 21749 From page 164 21750 21751 21752 21753 To page 150 21753 from page 151 21754 21755 21756 21757 to page 530 21757 from page 531 21758 21759 21760 21761 to page 9 21761 from page 10 21762 21763 21764 21765 to page 112 Nominal index LAC site or film C-1475 21765 from page 113 21766 21767 21768 21769 to page 105 21769 from page 106 21770 21771 21772 21773 21774 to page 110 21774 from page 111 21775 21776 21777 WMP reel # 35 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 43 43 43 44 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 52 53 53 4 LAC reel Batch #s H-1450 H-1451 #24 H-1451 H-1452 Not online H-1453? Not on line #25? #26? Not on line H-1454 #27 H-1454 H-1455 #28 H-1455 C-1475 Image 4 – 332 H-1649 Images 334 to end #29 H-1649 H-1650 #30 H-1650 B series B-118 B-119 B-119 B-120 B-121 B-122 B-123 B-124 Add MSS 21778 21779 to page 203 21779 from page 204 21780 21781 21782 21783 to page 365 21784 WMP reel # 54 54 54 54 55 55 56 56 B-125 B-126 B-127 B-128 B-129 B-130 B-131 B-132 B-133 B-134 B-135 B-136 B-136 B-137 B-138 B-139 B-139 B-140 B-141 B-142 B-143 B-105, B-166, B167, B-168 21785 21786 21787 21788 21789 21790 21791 21792 21793 21794 21795 21796 To page 22 21796 from page 23 21797 21798 21799 to page 228 21799 from page 229 21800 21801 21802 21803 To page 277 Typed nominal index to these volumes. Same as on line at LAC. 57 57 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 63 64 64 65 66 67 67 68 69 69 70 Selected pages of above transcripts B-144 B-145 B-146 B-147 B-148 B-149 B-150 B-151 B-152 B-153 Filmed in 1969, poor quality. Use the appropriate H films from 1980’s. 21804 from page 1 21805 21806 21807 21808 to page 181 21809 from page 1 21810 21811 21812 21813 to page 210 71 71 72 72 72 73 73 74 75 75 5 LAC reel H-1651 Batch #s #31 H-1651 H-1652 #32 H-1652 H-1653 #33 H-1653 H-1654 #34 WMP reel # 76 77 77 78 78 79 80 80 81 81 82 83 83 83 84 84 #H-1685 B-169 B-170 B-171 B-172 B-173 B-174 B-174 B-193 Add MSS 21814 from page 1 21815 21816 21817 to page 120 21817 from page 121 21818 21819 21820 21821 to page 230 21821 from 231 21822 21823 To page 15 21823 from page 16 21824 21825 21826 Nominal index LAC site or film C-1475 21827 to page 320 Nominal index LAC site or film C-1475 21827 from page 321 Nominal index LAC site or film C-1475 21828 Nominal index LAC site or film C-1475 21829 21830 21831 21832 21833 21834 To page 58 21834 after page 59 if exists 21853 from page 1 See bel. B-195 21853 To page 133 99 #1 1985 B-175 B-176 B-177 B-178 B-178 B-179 B-180 B-181 B-182 B-182 B-183 21835 from page 1 21836 21837 21838 to page 335 21838 from page 336 21839 21840 21841 21842 To page 550 21842 From page 551 21843 88 88 89 90 90 91 92 92 92 92 93 H-1654 H-1655 B series B-154 B-155 B-156 B-157 B-157 B-158 B-159 B-160 B-161 B-161 B-162 B-163 B-163 B-164 B-165 B-166 B-167 #35 B-167 B-168 H-1655 ? where H-1685 H-1685 ? H-1736 H-1736 H-1737 #2 H-1737 H-1738 #3 85 85 85 85 86 86 87 87 87 87 99 6 LAC reel Batch #s H-1738 H-1739 #4 H-1739 H-1740 missing #5 See ab. H-1740 H-1741 Not on line Not on line H-1742 #7 H-1742 H-1743 #8 H-1743 H-1744 Not on line #9? B series B-184 B-185 B-185 B-186 B-187 B-188 B-189 B-190 B-191 B-192 B-193 B-194 WMP reel # 94 95 95 96 96 96 97 97 98 99 99 100 B-194 B-195 B-196 B-197 B-198 B-199 B-200 B-200 Add MSS 21844 21845 To page 500 21845 From page 501 21846 21847 21848 21849 21850 21851 21852 21853 21854 To page 101 Note at end of reel. See 35 mm H1685 for B-195. 21854 from page 102 21855 21856 21857 21858 21859 21860 To page 13 21860 From page 14 B-201 B-202 B-203 B-204 B-205 B-205 B-206 B-207 B-208 B-209 B-210 B-211 B-212 B-212 B-213 B-214 B-215 B-216 B-216 21861 21862 21863 21864 21865 To page 340 21865 From page 341 21866 21867 21868 21869 21870 21871 21872 to page 468 21872 from page 469 21873 21874 21875 21876 To page 131 21876 from page 132 105 105 105 105 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 108 108 109 109 110 110 110 B-217 B-218 21877 21878 111 112 100 100 101 102 103 103 104 104 7 LAC reel Batch #s Not on line H-1745 #10 image 690 H-1745 B series B-219 B-220 B-221 B-222 B-223 B-224 B-225 B-226 B-227 B-228 B-229 B-230 B-231 B-232 Add MSS 21879 21880 21881 21882 21883 21884 From page 1 21885 21886 21887 21888 - Haldimand’s Index 21889 21890 21891 21892 WMP reel # 112 113 113 113 113 113 114 114 115 115 115 115 115 115 8
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