ihcuekaT ypocsnlC :dnuorgkcaB latceroloc si eno , tub ti nac kolrevo smalpoen To etaulave :evitcejbO tnerapsnart :gnitteS ・ yraitret :stneitaP eviF ypocsnolc gnisu WLI dernuh tnerapsnart thgiE stsipocsonoloc Main outcme :stluseR ・N eoplasm WLI tuohtiw tnaerapsnart ;doh etar WLI enola puorg nosirapmoc desab tnaerapsnart smalpoen gnisu AFI TH: ypocsnolc AFI tuohtiw a tnaerapsnart noitceted eht WLI enola ni eht dna AFI+ .doh etar AFI+ evitaleR TH puorg noitceted noiserger model (number wasyltnacifingis .1 )4 , P =320.0 soitar (95%CI) rof wasyltnacifingis , ]1O fo TH .spuorg 4. )3 sv .1 91 -39.0( .1[ 96 .1( 50-2 desaercni htiw (WLI) .dohtem 1[ 96. .1( 2-43 1.)2 , P<O. wasyltnacifingis gniam gnisu ni msalpoen .])tset on nosioP hod ypocsnolc hcae detacola (95%CI) thgil )2( 明+ILr ;doh ypocsnolc newtb noitceted smalpoen gnituom a airt .l )1( etihw )3( AFI :enola gnisu elpitlum diopylop :spuorg The ecnerefid ni eht htiw delortnoc tnaerapsnart dna )4( AFI+TH: (Tukey-Kram rof talf ot ruof rep )tneitap naht )IFA( , dezimonar detacola :stnemrusa smalpoen gniam fo .stneitap detagitsevni detceted rehgih evitc, epsorp erw ;doh rof noitceted .smalpoen dna eno-ytxis gnisu htiw sdohtem .retnec stn・ eitaP :enola folatceroloc dengised recnac :snoitnevretnI foecnecseroulfotua rof noitceted a 2x2 lairotcaf most elbailer some .snoisel eht ycacife hod :ngiseD fo eht .Y 1 desaercni dna evitaler by AFI noitavresbo by noitceted 38.1[ soitar 1( 2.)17.2-4 .]20.0 Lim,t i:α snoit Open lairt AFI :noisulcnoC latceroloc smalpoen demrofep ypocsnolc nielgnis htiw naht did lanoitnevnoc tnearapsnart recnac larrefer hod WLI ypocsnolc etnec detceted .r yltnacifingis tuohtiw more tnearapsnart , P = ihcuekaT .doh (UMIN lacinilC slairT yrtsigeR number , UMIN0001473) Y. 2 ihcuekaT .Y 3 noitcudortnI latceroloC recnac /ediwlro dna latceroloc lavomer ecnac noitneverp si eno fo eht folatceroloc .r 2 ,3eroferhT most adenoms noit, ceted folatceroloc recnac common sesuac secuder fo recnac eht ksir folatceroloc htaed fo tneuqesbus smalpoen si yrev tnatropmi ni .ytilatrom Background ypocsnlC si eno tub ti nac kolrevo we tcepsus some two them tluciffid taht snoisel era nedih htgnelevaw-trohs .noitaticxeotohp gniam (WLI) 戸 On eht rehto epocsnolc nac pleh noitceted We detcudnoc AFI htiw WLI tuohtiw ot tceted smalpoen hod tnaerapsnart , tub yeht erw taht AFI tnereffid retteb hod eht cinoloc sdlof dna makes si delortnoc noitceted sesu ot fo talf snoisel naht ton detaulave nilatot ot eht pit fo by gninrut tnearapsnart yratnemlpoc , dezimonar .doh noitceted tnearapsnart , gnisu devihca taht by erusopxe retteb dniheb , The rehto euqinhcet stroper snoisel eavitcepsorp tnaerapsnart AFI delaever , gnituom unknown era talf , whic .ypocsonloc erohporoulf , we dezisehtopyh eroferhT folatceroloc dnah , .sdlof eht suoengd did ni suoiverp era snoisel si na cipocsodne 6 fo smalpoen rof gnikolrevo lanoitnevnoc cinoloc )IFA( from ypocsnolc .sdlof gnisu dniheb gniam detime rof noitceted eht snosaer sti ecnetsixe snoisel ecnecseroulfotua cinoloc 戸 hguotlA sdohtem One sitaht dekolrevo ot ezingocer dekolrevo thgil most elbailer rojam .seitilibissop ecnecseroulfotuA etihw fo eht revo eht nac work hod .sminahce lairt fo smalpoen 9 ot enimretd rehtw naht lanoitnevnoc rof ihcuekaT Y. 4 Methods sihT ypocsdne yduts tinu was dengised ni Osak sa na nepo lacideM retneC locotorp was devorpa by eht hcraesR yduts dewolof eht CONSORT senilediug Network lacinilC slairT lairt rof recnaC yduts lacideM dezimonar yrtsigeR demrofep ta na dna ralucsavoidraC scihtE dna dna .sesaesiD Comite The .r sihT ni ruo etnec was deretsiger ni eht ytisrevinU latipsoH , UMINOOOI473. (UMIN-CTR) stnapicitraP stneitaP lacef tluco gniogrednu dolb gnitset retfa cipocsodne-tsop fi yeht symptoms suoicipsus :dah sisopylop stneitap sisonets evag netirw demrofni tnerapsnart tonac snoitacidni :spuorg TH: ypocsnolc gnisu gnisu WLI htiw ro )5( fi eht .noitacolla eht tcapmi desab erw ypocsnolc fo random , sesaesid , eruliaf ;ypareht otetagitsevni , ehtstnapicitrap )1( WLI :enola )2( llA ni siht .yduts retfA noitacifitarts rof ypocsnolc ;yregrus Masking ngised hod .ylsuoenatlumis nagro eht ecnatropmi oetapicitrap a 2x2 lairotcaf erw bowel tnalugaocitna and stneitaP )3( yrotamlfni )4( ereves ezilaer , Asignmet ypocsnolc , wer .elbigile gniogrednu gninercs rofecnalievrus ro ;recnac ;recnac tnesnoc Design We detpoda yeht derrefer ro m 吋ro lanimodba latceroloc , ro wer taht Study WLI+ rof latceroloc known fo eavitisop smalpoen fo ymotcerolc deguj erw folatceroloc yhtapolugaoc tsipocsonoloc ruof , ro who )1( ayrotsih dna elbatceroc-non rofnoitagitsevni (FOBT) noitceser deulcxe lailimaf ypocsnolc tnearapsnart dengisa ;doh dna onstsipocsonoloc ylmodnar WLI tuohtiw fo AFI a dna ot eht gniwolof tnaerapsnart )3( AFI :enola ;doh ypocsnolc )2( ihcuekaT gnisu AFI tuohtiw tnearapsnart .doh noitazimnim was ehtstnapicitrap ehtstnapicitrap wer was ni siht lairt , WA , USA). The .dengisa ypocsnolc by dynamic elbat ton devlovni , Redmond spuorg dna )4( AFI+TH: Anoitazimodnar who noitaroproC ;doh Wedetacola .dohtem rehcraeser litnu tnearapsnart rof hcae 四 gnisu lecxE ecneuqes 208 AFI gnisu eht mutarts htiw by a rof Mac tfosorciM( was delaecnoc stsipocsonoloC gnisu gnicnalab erp deredro Y. 5 ot eht stsipocsonoloc wer ton dednilb ot eht detacola ni siht .lairt Procedus stneitaP wer eht yad erofeb :ypocsonoloc Osak , )napaJ retfa lacituecamrahP roirp nevig arebif-wol 061 yrev , Osak locylg otmnijA Pharma enimalopcS Nihon , Tokyo )napaJ ro nogaculg tsuj erofeb 02( l( mg; .ypocsonloc )napaJ was rof eht tneitap (EVIS was , )napaJ LUCERA depiuqe CV-260SL; htiw who two delpuoc-egrahc secruos Olympus) was secived ot naelc eht .l , Tokyo , Tokyo Pharma rednu lacideM rofnoitinifed-hgih bowe , was deretsinimda ypocsnolc ni siht .yduts (CDs) desu saletsA Olympus) desu , ro;celfiN miehlegnI Olympus CLV-260SL; gnirom ro 731 1. 5 g , )napaJ Dormicum; CF-H260AZI; erw nI eht regnirheoB ot ogrednu (EVIS ;P iroH , napJ , Tokyo iasiE detnaw (EVIS t, hgil Nipon 2( 5. mg; , ni 8.1 L retaw ni 2 L retaw G Nov; lacituecamrahP ta.thgin , Tokyo ;napocsuB Glucagon AFI sepocsonloc Tokyo tL .d , mg; Midazolam desu devlosid devlosid gnirud lorcgaM( mL fo retaw lacituecamrahP , )napaJ edimorblytub etartic ni 081 etartic noitacidem ;S F 吋otmi ledoY( devlosid (Muben; kot evitaraperp 34 g magnesium , 68 g magnesium enelyhteylop dna mg edisones , dna laem , )napaJ ot ypocsnolc teid .noitades smetyS dna The , oediv , .oC , srosecorp AFI epocsonloc WLI dna rof ihcuekaT .IFA Each notub noitavresbo mode on eht epocs WLI+ TH ro AFI+ was dehcata yllaitrap WLI dluoc eht and AFI eb nes image ni eht "se“ niart eht segami AFI gnidulcni image eht retfA eht esac detimil .sedom 100% ot eht AFI stsipocsonoloc ypocsnolc ni eht eht pit fo eht hod 9 , by rieht “ more ruof more naht 01 seipocsonoloc wer ecneirepxe and railimaf aerutcel htiw tuoba AFI .smalpoen otni sa ylkciuq eht cecum gnisu sa elbisop l, lastsipocsonoloc snoisel eht tuohtiw detrats de, tceted pek noitaraperp ;)noitazilausiv , nev noitazilausiv AFI mode etairporpa was )2( god enola dna AFI+ , tub we wer tlef taht ton latot fo bowel fo lasocum eht cecum ylno sa elbisop lA eht stsipocsonoloc demrofep eht hod sa ped , os taht was detresni was dehsup done folatceroloc cecum 同 WLI mode. gnikol rof eht yduts .noitagitsevni wer osla nI derocer ni eht .aera fo lasocum detacola a (D ;30461-02 The tnerapsnart had ylsuoiverp , eht epocsnolc gnihcaer devrsbo by gnihsup by thgie :stsipocsonoloc smalpoen fo etlpmocni く( 90% demrofep segami The ytilauq dluoc fo htob folatceroloc otni .snoisel gnisu dleif (< 1 0 .)seipocsonoloc esac sdnoces hod , ti was noitabutni ぺwho nI hcae ni a few AFI .epocsonloc gnitrats wer evif lacipyt noitresnI , tnaerapsnart , erofeb stsipocsonoloc and ruof TH puorg erof, ereht dleif image lA serudecorp decneirepxe ylisae ot eht pit fo eht debrutsid hcae eb dehctiws .eldnah nI eht Olympus) nac .Y 6 AFI dearg 注( 90% retfa folaudiser .)diulf WLI mode ni eht noitautis mucosa ro )3( rop nI eht stneitap was yllacisab ot esu eht ot eht tsomla( ;)noitazilausiv noit, avresbo was etairporpani ecnatsid fo lasocum noitcus TH spuorg dewola )1( tnelecxe sa:swolof rof AFI noitavresbo demrofep yliraropmet taht when eht stsipocsonoloc .g.e( ta eht eht ihcuekaT renroc , ni diomgis fo eht nolc , ezis The noitacol fo lla detceted dna erw ymotcepl was tuoba dradnats desongaid lanitsetniortsag Measured latoT yramirp diopylop lf/ ta s malpoen esrvdA stneve wer sisylana ton olatcigolotsih dradnats nilyxotameh sgnidnif Viena and noitacifissalc nilatceroloc newtb stneve gnidroca rof esrvdA eht htiw fo erw noisrev msalpoen WLI dna sa yradnoces recnaC etar AFI+ TH .spuorg noit, ceted detaulave .0.3 noitceted enola smalpoen ot eht lanoitaN stnevE , WLI tuohtiw , 戸61 The rep tneitap ot tceted Power ot eht , dna stneitap spylop detaulave seiduts 5. 4 adenomas puorg gnidroca erw etar fo .stniopdne etutitsnI Common 41 eziS nI suoiverp enola ot eht cipocsodne rep )tneitap htiw airetirC tneiciffus dednilb eht ecnerefid , dna esrevda Sample 0-62.0 was smalpoen fostneitap ygolnimreT gnisu yeht 21. , 1 tniopdne fo detceted number detcejbus , deispoib Outcomes The (number aisalpoen erw 01 , 11 wer esuaceb was ygolohtapotsih lla snemiceps ipelaileht snoisel fnoitagitsevni snemiceps Twostsigolohtapotsih spuorg ot eht siraP noitacifissalc l, la detceted ta eht emit The dexif dna nisoe .gniniats gnidroca ylacisaB ton demrofep The ecnerefer detacola epyt .detnmucod .ymotcepylop .noitanimaxe htiw.)sisolucitrevid , dna cipocsrcam snoisel demrofni noloc .Y 7 30% more smalpoen 03. 6 smalpoen gnimusa( detacidni taht tnaerapsnart elpmas ezis fo siht lairt ni eht AFI+ TH puorg , htiw rep tneitap > 21 stneitap hod erw den detceted adradnats ni hcae a mean was detaluclac compared ot eb htiw WLI fo 0)3. noitaived puorg eht , gnimusa 61 , .71 a 5% ihcuekaT ecnacifingis level andlacitsitats erofereht detanritse taht ytilibigile noitaived and lacitsitatS ;etar noitavresbo ton (TH- wer detaluclac spuorg egakcp was denifed desesa hcae , otetagitsevni ni siht lairt spuorg gnisu eht tcapnri edonr (WLI evit, aler sv TH+) gnisu .ecnelaviuqe eb den , gniraeb We ni dninr nosioP nriretni sisylana who by eht atad tnaerapsnart dna /dedurtorp Dat .tnacifingis ta eht ytisrevinU tset ta noitceted hod ro 日tasnrsalpoen ot eht elpicnirp wer deredisnoc sisylana lA atad fo ihsanraY ytsialibigile detcudnoc P seulav wer fo tuohtiw was lA retnec , dna gnitnuonr sastneitap R 8.)2 /gro.tcejor1p-r.ww/:pth( yllascaitsitats eht nrsalpoen gnidroca retfa noitazinrodnar ta.lla nosirapnroc taht detcefa , edanr .l edonr pa st此 napici wer elpitlunr rof llarevo stnapicitrap eht otllorne soitar noiserger snosirapnroc renarK-yekuT sv AFI )noitavresbo lla detacola and desufer dna elpitlunr fo two srotcaf noitceted , gnidoc taert-ot-noitnetni ton nrofrep would deis-owt .sesac wer We dezylan sesac gnisu fo 50 stneitap tuoprd , we derapnroc srif .t Then dezylan alatot fo 80% siylanA Four erofereht power .Y 8 noitaived yna .snoisel gnisu ehltacitsitats wer deliat-owt detceloc ni ruo latipsoh , .napaJ We did , and P and <50.0 ihcuekaT .Y 9 stluseR Recruitmn and tnapictraP Betwn November deludehcs ot ogrednu deulcxe from erw eht( ylmodnar Flow 208 dna ypocsnolc htiw dengisa dna dezylana user tI s erw tsomla suoirav same )1 November ni ruo tnemlorne erugiF( 209 ypocsdne gnidroca erw tfel fo 165 stneitap who sisylana “ wer fo 362 stneitap alatot ot eht elpicnirp ni rep locotorp stneitap inu .t Alatot , whic snosaer , 329 elbigile gnidulcxe taert-ofto-noitnetni ytilibigile noitaived .)sesac newtb enilesaB Data enilesaB atad eht spuorg was detar rof hcae dna puorg wer satnelecxe era shown tonyltnacifingis ro god ni elbaT .1 They .tnereffid ytilauQ by eht stsipocsodne ni tatsael wer dezylan fo bowel 98% noitaraperp fo eht sesac ni hcae .puorg Outcomes & noitamitse Alatot deniatbo from fo 501 was elbaliava serutaef fo eht detceted dna The wasyltnacifingis -39.0( erw esuaceb fso'tsipocsonoloc 31 snoisel sisongaid sa smalpoen snoisel detceted 217 yramirp wer desongaid tniopdne rehgih .1 )4 , P =320.0 elbaT thgiE , neoplasm naht (Tukey-Kram ni eht snemicpS dernuh 2 seziramus ehltacigolohtapocinilc dna evif-ytneves snoisel sacitsalpoen-non noitceted WLI enola mutIelpi erw ton , dna lacigolotsih senselerac rof .snoise12901 .snoisel ni 380 .stneitap wer desongaid .snoisel etar puorg nosirapmoc (95%CI) ni eht AFI+ .1[ 96 1( 5.)34.2-0 method TH puorg sv .1 91 , serugiF 2 dna .])3 ihcuekaT AFI htiw tnaerapsnart .ypocsonloc evitaleR noiserger neoplasm oitar more smalpoen etar smalpoen more hod The noitceted setar was diopylop neoplasm by gnituom noitceted tnaerapsnart hod noitceted oitar noitceted oitar decneulfni .C).I rof talf rof talf stnev Mucosal minor and smalpoen 2 ni eht dna decneulfni yltn, ednepdni era shown fo model smalpoen wasyltnacifingis 1. 2 , )lO.O<p 2-43.1( The desaercni by gnituom tnaerapsnart desaercni hand , )20.=p 1( 2.17.2-4 38.1 .C).I rof (95% On eht rehto by gnituom wasyltnacifingis 96.1 tnaci3fingis( by AFI .noitavresbo by AFI .noitavresbo was oitar was .1 12 , )89.0=p neoplasm ni elbaT noitceted .1 0 -28.0( tnaerapsnart Advers hod WLI noitavresbo evitaleR 0( 5.1-9 4. 1, p=O )76. 19.0 by mountig spuorg and tub ton decneulfni and hod did , AFI noitavresbo mode noiserger rof diopylop (95% noitavresbo eht .)spuorg hod oitar tnaerapsnart tnaerapsnart lf/ ta s malpoen on nosioP tnaerapsnart did on nosioP ro .ton newtb desab desab by mountig eht noitavresbo naht fo diopylop ton nes neoplasm hguotlA naht yltneuqerf tnaerapsnart ecnerefid more naht lanoitnevnoc .C).I rof llarevo (95% .1 45 .1( -81 .1 7 , )lO.O<p was noitceted gnituom enola tceted .1 36 , p=0 1. )3 by AFI .noitavresbo detceted evitaler dluoc noitceted model .1 41 -69.0( eht hod Y. 01 evit, aler by AFI .doh The evitaler by AFI noitavresbo tub ton .doh gnidelb was AFI+ TH )puorg nes ni 4sesac tub no citatsomeh 1( hcae ni eht erudecorp WLI+ TH and was .deen AFI ihcuekaT .Y 11 rof noitceted fo noisucsiD We detartsnomed latceroloc , compared smalpoen nretsew 9, 20 .teromehtruF rieht roloc .ecnereffid ezilitu chromendspy cinoloc-nap eyd ot detacilpmoc sah tnaerapsnart emit by dna ti was adenoma ysae ot nilacinilc hand , , esuaceb ecitcarp stsipoc, sonoloc taht lla yeht , dna tiaw eht notub , dna noitceted 2 _1,2 However stpmeta eyd ;noitulos , hsup elbazingocer rof.seeniart method gniyarps fo ysllaitnatsbus ni siht lairt On eht rehto den fo dna ecneserp adenoma eht latceroloc adradnats ot noitanimaxe tisi esu den si ot mount rof a few sdnoces , whic sdeiifissalc si eno fo eht AFI a eht .noitanimaxe Anevitanretla method desab-tnempiuqe decnah-egmi desab-tnempiuqe IE rof eyd gniyarps methods 2 _4ー26 yltnecR chromendspy ehtsenevitcefe dezimonar slairt hguotlA eht ycacife NBI do ton roirp neb nI number foaisalpsyd era ylisae fo eht gnismorp .gnimusnoc hod hod ton , erged nev ot evorpmi .doh ot eht folatceroloc hod si eno yarps ezis oetapicitrap made tnaerapsnart smalpoen 4seeniart neb hod gnidroca latce, roloc image tnearapsnart evah dna tnerapsnart show noitceted htiw stpmeta cinoloc-nap gnirud et, aruca We detivni AFI Some htiw pylop , ni AFI ylevitceffe tnearapsnart era deiced ot eht detceted eroferhT natropmi htiw WLI tuohtiw slavretni ninoitida .erutcetihcra fo AFI htiw lanoitnevnoc , eht ecnalievrus seirtnuoc adenomas/ suolliv eht ycaciffe sah citsongaid sah neb ypocsdne )EI( 2 _3 NBI , si detcepxe otezilaer , hguohtla fo NBI rof noitceted gni, dulcni eno retnecitlum fo NBI rof noitceted ycaruca rofgnihsiugnitsid lareves depolevd , whic stilaitnetop sacinortcele srotagitsevni evah folatceroloc lairt folatceroloc citsalpoen shown neb , most adenomas , evah sa vitagen adenoma from citsalpoen-non gniyrt ot fo eht er 陀ses叩 tlu .臼s, 戸 凶16幻 , 929 刊 si tnoc laisre甘 vor 0, 3ピ f ihcuekaT .snoisel AFI The 13 , 32 ypocsdne , dna metsy sisongaid smalpoen dna detcepxe ot eveihca retteb eht tneserp lairt , eht tcapmi evah sesu neb detartsnomed si osla regnorts hod neoplasm detceted ni eht tneserp smalpoen AFI noitavresbo sievitceffe sihT yduts , whic retnec tsilaiceps naisA detacola eht detroper dna ni siht gnirud yduts esuaceb etar ni eht t1 show taht 51 , 38 61 , 28 , enola kot rehto ot tceted and ecalp eht ni arecnac larrefer edistuo elbaliava , we dluoc ylaniF erw we did ton mrofep 日 ta fo talf .smalpoen otstsipocsonoloc puorg fo dna talf .smalpoen eht stsipocsonoloc WLI depleh number hcae nI osla fo eht /diopylop hod , eht yduts sihT lairt erofereht 37 seld, rager more eht stluser Kingdom. .etabed fo msalpoen WLI noitavresbo diopylop si , AFI noitavresbo si ylaicremoc eht detinU eht .erudecorp noitceted .atad fo htob hod rof noitceted complent , eht AFI epocsdneodiv Second puorg neoplasm dluoc ot ylpa folatceroloc si rednu tnearapsnart tsriF tluiciffid seirtnuoc tnempiuq hod a tub ti seod tnaerapsnart detceted dah.snoitatimilareves .stinu some , gnituom rof noitceted makes naht AFI noitavresbo tnearapsnart noitceted ro no .t nI eht sisylana lairt htiw .snoisel However etar mounted dna dna noitanibmoc fo AFI .noitavresbo was ypocsnolc hguotlA hod sa ot eht lacitpo , 71 , 34-6 sti ycacife taht noitceted tnaerapsnart .EI sa lew WLI rof retteb htiw tnaerapsnart msalpoen gnidroca 戸AFI ecived fo gnituom NBI naht lanoitnevnoc fo adenoms naht htiw rof eht detceted agnismorp mechanism rehtw diopylop sisongaid snoisel noitceted depiuqe snoisel sisongaid tnaereffid aretteb more lacigolotsih more citsalpoen hod was eht detceted lacfiogolohtapotsih Atnerapsnart thgim lamrof nac tceted eht tsoc ni ruo lairt dna dracsid , tuohtiw NBI hod ton esaercni desu we nac tceser gnisu tnerapsnart metsy Y. 21 ylno ton laecnoc eraw dah ot eb na open was elbarpmoc tnegilgen fo ni eht fo eht detacola airt .l Howevr , htiw ylsuoiverp noitavresbo ni eht WLI ihcuekaT enola , and eht neoplasm puorg rehgih naht ni eht htiw tanerapsnart we detarsnomed smalpoen enola eht stluser hod htiw ni eht tnaraw sa adradnats eht ycacife , compared etar AFI+ TH puorg wasyltnacifingis .puorg , hguohtla nI noisulcnoc AFI WLI noitceted .Y 31 fo AFI lanoitnevnoc method htiw tnaerapsnart WLI tuohtiw arehtruf esahp rof noitceted 111 yduts folatceroloc hod tanerapsnart rof noitceted othsilbatse smalpoen folatceroloc .doh , ihcuekaT Table .1 enilesaB atad fodetacola WLI enola Sex , %) elam( Median )egnar( lacef 牢 co 1u tdolb gnitset AFI 1a en0 WLI+TH 39 1/ 3 (70%) 141/9 (70%) AFI+TH 74101 (69%) 041/49 )%76( ega )y( 64 43( noitacidnI FOBT; .spuorg .Y 41 同 )48 ・ )38 36 13( 36 53( 46 33( ・ )48 同 )38 fo , n (%) ypocsnolc FOBT+* evruS Bowel 11i ecna 47 (35%) 35 (38%) 35 (36%) 25 )%73( 68 (65%) 8 (62%) 94 (64%) 8 (63%) 13(85%) )%98(521 , noitaraperp n(%) tnelecxE God )%41(8 roP )%28(51 81 1( 2%) )%9(31 2(%) 2(1%) 2(16%) 2(1%) 3(2%) , n tsipocsodnE More decneirepxe seniarT Mean latot 126(8%) (95% 87 68 08 5 36 16 06 )IC erudecorp iT me ).nim( 78 7.02 91 4. 1( 93.)0.2- )9.02-8.71( 8.42 62-1.32( 9.2 )4. 42-6.12( Cec 1anoitabutni etar , n (%) 31/231 (9%) 141/631 (96%) 741/541 (9%) 31 81/ 40 (9%) )2. Table l.aci2golohtapocinilC serutaef WLI stneitaP fo detceted htiw spylop htiw smalpoen 事ILT enola )n( snoisel n( ヲ%) n( , %) lA detceted snoisel citsalpoen-noN Y. 51 AFI+TH latoT and .stneitap + TH AFI enola 141 31 ihcuekaT 741 38 (62%) 89 (70%) 59 (65%) 401 74 (56%) 48 (60%) 38 (56%) 8 (62%) )n( 391 23 165 041 (74%) 25 38 (68%) 923 (59%) 501 38 spylop )n( 40 Neoplasm )n( Adenoma Low-grade adenoma High 6 49 217 62 251 248 20 572 578 641 24 791 269 458 41 237 981 257 728 edarg 田 adenoma 2 5 8 。 。 evisavni-noN carcmoa 2 evisavnI amonicra 3 4 6 3 3 dionicraC 27 21 21 2 3 Nolacigolotsih noitanimaxe )n( Neoplasm 8 noitceted (95% )IC 1-39.0( The P seulav TH: 02. 1,WLI AFI :enola .1 91 etar rof suoirav 35.0 enola , WLI+TH .1 72 4.)4 snoirapmoc .sv AFI :enola 29.0 .sv AF +I TH: noitceted .1( 07- .1)56 1( 2-05. ;etar enola WLI enola .sv AF +I TH: 320.0 , AFI enola .sv AFI TH: .01.0 ,WLI 97.0 .1 96 .1 36 1( 2.)51.2-8 fo neoplasm 31 3 十 .1 57 4. )3 .1( 83 ., 1 )67 .sv WLI ,WL +I TH .sv + ihcuekaT elbaT .3noitceteD cipocsrcaM r創 出 (95% )IC tafolfldiopylop WLI enola WLI+TH .Y 61 .smsalpoen AFI+TH AFI enola latoT epyt diopylop msalpoen noitceted etar (95% 14. 5 68.0 )IC )70.1-46.0( .1( 03- .1)78 59.0 .1 71 14. 4 .1)91 )58.1-40.1( -07.0( .1( 01- .1)43 talf msalpoen noitceted etar (95% The 13.0 )IC P seulav .sv WLI 必))93.0-71.0( 0-61.0(1 + TH: WL +I TH .sv rof suoirav snosirapmoc 370.0 ,WLI enola AFI :enola 51.0 rof suoirav snosirapmoc .1 0 ,WLI enola AFI :enola 36.0 04. 1 02. 8 msalpoen noitceted ;etar enola .sv AFI 89.0 AF +I TH: ラ WLI .1 0 ラ AFI 4.))6 0-03.0( )27.0-13.0( .sv AFI :enola .sv 83.0 0( 2. 7-0 )65. fo diopylop ,WLI+TH 15.0 WLI enola TH: 570.0 十 , enola .sv AF +I TH: ;etar WLI enola .51.0 The WLI P seulav + TH: WL +I TH .sv .87.0 fo talf .sv ラ WLI+TH AFI :enola .sv msalpoen noitceted 97.0 AF +I TH: ,WLI 51.0 enola ,AFI .sv enola AF +I TH: .sv .sv 52.0 AF +I TH: , ihcuekaT .Y 71 secnrefR .1 lameJ A, legeiS R ,Ward .Bs'tnediserP :sserdda E, te a.l recnaC scitsitats ,.902 CA recnaC J nilC .942-52:95;902 .2 nosirM Soc JS ,rebuaZ cipocsonoloc .ymotcepylop by kcab-ot-kcab .6 Uedo .lewob corP R folatceroloc yb .1 sim setar ygoloretneortsaG fo samoned ー .82 42:1;791 RE , te.laevitcepsorP desim recnac yduts fo eht ycneuqerf by .ypocsonoloc J ltaN dna recnaC tsnI .271-9671 N, iIihs H, atustaT dna ecnatcelfer tsetniortsaG metsy ni eht egral GT , te .al cipocsonloC .seipocsonoloc fo spylop ecnecseroulfotua .7 Matsud ecneuqes J Med 891-791:23;91 MB , renilpmaS ezis noitubirtsid :28;091 日 M N ,te a.l noitneverP N lgnE CS ,Lemel ytreneF LJ , .5 nosxiH AG ,Ho DK , reltuC denimretd recnac -4 .75 Med 154:76;4791 .3 Winawer .4 Rex eht pylop csodnE M ,te a.l A levon gniami ypocsdneodiv metsy rof sisongaid by gnisu focirtsagogahpose .srecnac .825-125:26;502 otiaS T, Y ,Fu KI , te a.l Does ecnecseroulfotua evorpmi eht cipocsonoloc pylop noitceted gniami ?etar ypocsdneodiv - atolip .yduts Am J ihcuekaT loretneortsaG ;802 .8 Uedo :301 Y, euonI hod :metsys T, Hanoka .ypocsodne ni eht siraP citsalpoen .11 cipocsdnE :snoisel csodnE lpuS(91;802 Dig csodnE , hcamots 3:)lpuS(85;302 snoisel by new :)1 lailehtipe 31-0 .1 .41 lanoitaN recnaC .etutitsnI .puorG RH ,otaK tnearapsnart .35-74S:)1lpuS(2;012 cipocsodne noitacifissalc noloc lfaoicifrepus - November etadpU 30 ot Decmber 1, Endoscpy fo .875-075:73;502 aneiV noitacifissalc fo Gut .52-152:74;02 lailehtipe Common .tcart on eht siraP noitacifissalc Y ,te .al The .aisalpoen MF. lanitsetniortsaG :15;202 gnisu -4 .3 ni eht evitsegid RJ , lediR lanitsetniortsag , dna Reviw citsalpoen csodnE The siraP sugahpose tsetniortsaG repmlhcS Dixon adenoms ypocsonloc Dig .pohskrow noitacifissalC laicifrepus .yduts N, te.laecnalievruS dna decnahe-gami .01stnapicitraP .202 atolip fo cinoloc 4- .831 .9 ihcuekaT .31 R, te .al sisongaiD K ar, ahihsI gniami S13 .21 .921-6291 N, onihsagiH ecnecseroulfotua .Y 81 ygolnimreT :aisalpoen aneiV airetirC rof esrvdA .detisiver Gut stnevE .0.3v ihcuekaT Y. 91 :at elbaliavA h立旦/: /etc 03_ctc#mpt_h., ctc/snoi旦 tacilpa且 _cinortce盟 le/tnempoleveDlocotorp/vog.r .51 .702 8, Acesd yraubeF reldA A ,lhoP dnab-wor seod .61 euonI H, uoalkinapP gniam SI , te a.l A evitcepsorp susrev dnab-wor gniam T ,Murano ypocsnloc ecudni rof ?tceffe :spylop yduts adenoma on :noitceted Gut .46-95:7;802 N ,te .al evitarpmoC cinoloc-nap cinoloc ypocsnolc agninael M ,Murano and citsalpoen lanoitnevnoc dezimonar yduts dnab-woran gniam metsy a dezimonar , delortnoc fo lanoitnevnoc ni eht noitceted fo airt .l JloretneortsaG .05-4:3;802 .71 Kondo Yam 吋i Y , Watbe S, senlufesu fo atnerapsnart Muto T, Busey Cancer .072-152:6;5791 .91 senilediuG hod dehcata delortnoc ot eht pit lairt gnitaulave eht fo eht .epocsonloc Am J .1 8-57:201;7021oretnortsaG .81 H, te .al A dezimonar HJ , Morson rof ypocsnloc BC. ecnalievrus The noitulove retfa fo recnac :ymotcepylop fo eht nolc and .mutcer A sunesoc etadpu by ihcuekaT eht US yteicoS-itluM ksaT .yteicoS ygoloretneortsaG .02 snriaC Sdleife, lohcS .HJ senilediuG Gut .2-1:)51puS(15;202 2.1 rekorB JC , srednuaS fo evitunimid dellortnoc airt .tsetlniortsaG eht naciremA recnaC .ypocsmorhc Gut 73:5;402 T, Sano etutitsnI ypocsonloc enituor ni hgih yarps-eyd sesaercni :ypocsonoloc onaS Y, ustamiroH eht a dezimodnar evitunimid lairt latceroloc fo cinoloc-nap snoisel susrev ta detegrat Y dna, ldeirF S, te.la naciremA lacigoloretneortsaG ygolonhcet tnemsesa on noitaicosA decnahe-gami .ypocsodne :431 .043-723 woran H ,te l.atiglid/lacitpO dnab gnigami ypocsdnemorhc sys 旬m . Dig gnirud csodnE 71;502 .56S-06S:)1 .52 ksir 6- .083 M ,T 吋 iri gnisu cinoloc R, te.la gnitceteD dellortnoc ;802 Y ,Muto gninercs .83-3:65;202 S r, etalS a desimodnar ygoloretneortsaG gnirud csodnE :ypocsonoloc onaS dna recnac SG , te .allatoT samoned DP , sorC .32 hcabnetlaK .42 recnaC roflatceroloc BP , haS noitceted (AGA) on latceroloC .581-2781:031;602 .spuorg .22 enotslruH ecroF .Y 20 T ,Fu K, te .al gniyfngaM noitavresbo foralucsavorcim lpuS( ihcuekaT erutcetihcra .62 .72 .82 folatceroloc 81;602 lpuS( S:)1 Tanka S, Oka S, atariH woran band Rex gibleH D, gniam .03 C. gnisu 24:31;702 -4 .7 reldA A ,Aschenbck noitinifed noisivelet Uraok a dnab-worn otiaS T, a dnab-wor :12;802 .518-0 Uraok T ,Sano adenoma :noitceted M , te .altiP nrettap sisongaid Dig High sdleiy rehtie etihw cipocsdne Endosc fo lams thgil J,Yenrim .metsys Dig Endosc ro woran adenomas band etairporpa .gnigami rof gninercs thgiletihw :ypocsonloc hgih aevitcepsorp -4 .61 folatceroloc a tolip Y, te a.l Narow-bnd metsy ygolretneortsaG susrev T, te .aytlilibatceteD Y, otiaS gnisu htiw noitinifed-hgih T, te a.l Narow-bnd :metsys aisalpoen .65-2S:)1lpuS(81;602 014:63;902 Y ,Matsuda rof latceroloc and talf gniam gniam 4- .506 gniam 4- 5.1 airt .lygolretneortsaG gnisu 06:85;902 gnisu .noitacifingam sepocsnolc randomize .92 snoisel Y. 12 noitcnuf citsalpoen .yduts JloretneortsaG gniam rof sgnittes snoisel lotapeH gnivorpm era .deriuqer latceroloc Gut ihcuekaT 3.1 tsaE EJ ,ikuzS noitaterpretni cinoloc .23 Machid latceroloc .33 civotajngI ta enituor DISCARD November .43 atihsustaM tnerapsnart .53 N ,srednuaS htiw :spylop woran atolip H ,Sano .PB band .yduts gniami tsetniortsaG Y, Hamamoto atolip EJ , ikuzS ypocsonloc 11 , .902 K, ikazskO .74 Kondo S, Yam 司i Y , Watbe loretneortsaG ;702 .63 ihcuiroH A ,Nakayama 207 .613-013:6; rof evitunimid dnab gniami ni eht sisongaid fo 901 4- .8901 :63;402 sisongaid fo lams latceroloc esiretcarAhC .yduts tip nrettap tcesR tecnaL spylop dna ygolcnO ;dracsiD Pudehsilb enilno 01 l.8-9230.7)90(5402-0741S/610 4:03;891 fo tanerapsnart csodnE tcepSnI K, te .la ycacifE ni nosirapmoc senlufesu ypocsdnemrh Endoscpy trohoc DOI: ori M ,H 吋 susrev N, te .allacitpO aevitcepsorp pac .yduts tceteD( :)lairt fo deifngam Y, te .al Narow :snoiselasocum A, tsaE nosirapmC .Y 2 htiw ypocsonloc tuohtiw H, te .al A dezimodnar hod dehcata folatot delortnoc ypocsonloc eht htiw .paC lairt gnitaulave ot eht pit fo eht .epocsonoloc a Endoscpy eht Am J .18-57:201 Y ,Kato N, te .aldetsisa-doH ypocsonloc si more evitceffe ni noitceted loretneortsaG .73 .83 iaL YT , htiw raluger srevruC dnab-woran citsalpoenon .713-703:96;902 adenoms Hepato1209 Le ;64-14:401 folatceroloc LH , Hui Aug .62 bupE[ .Y 32 .gnigami nilC fo]tnirp ypocsonloc dellortnoc ni nosirapmoc airt .l Am loreJtneortsaG :902 5..6 :iod ;Ol 802.gja/8301 snoisel dnab-woran fodetsisa-pac a dezimodnar gniami daeha AJ , te .alycacifE :ypocsonoloc W L ,nav naht ihcuekaT ned JF ,amstieR Brock rof eht noitceted ni eht JB ,te .al citametsyS dnanoitaitnereffid noloc htiw( .)soediv weiver fo fo citsalpoen tsetniortsaG dna csodnE ihcuekaT erugiF Y. 24 sdnegl .1 Flow erugiF .spuorg nrargaid erhT noitaived fsotnapicitrap sesac sesac eht( stluser ni WLI+TH and wer tnenrllorne deoc tsonrla puorg dna sastneitap enras dnanoitubirtsid eno esac tuohtiw ni AFI yna snoisel nilocotorp-rep sisylana otni enola puorg eht detacola wer ytilibigile tarerotf-ot-noitnetni gnidulcxe sisylana ytilibigile noitaived .)sesac erugiF was .2 nrsalpoeN nes noitceted ni eht ton gnitnuonr AFI+ edonr noitavresbo evitcep, serri detacola noisel .noisel TH puorg tnaerapsnart noitavresbo erugiF etar was detceted naht hod AFI+TH ni eht nrutcer yltAnacifingis enola .puorg eht nrsalpoen detceted snrsalpoen tnearapsnart fo laatcer puorg WLI decneulfni fo rehtw seganri .puorg eht did , AFI noitavresbo .3 ciposdnE ot eht ni hcae dedrocer( retfa lavonrer gnirud AFI .noitavresbo noitceted etar hguotlA eht gnitnuonr ro noitceted etar eronr eronr hod talf nrsalpoen rehgih was detnuonr ni adlo-raey-96 fo tnaerapsnart )B( lanoitnevnoC yltneuqerf naht eht naht WLI who was ro .ton nanr .)doh )A( WLI The fo eht
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