CHAPTER-III __________________________________________________ SOME CURVES IN HERMITIAN AND TACHIBANA HYPERSURFACES 1. INTRODUCTION: Kronecker [53] at the very beginning of his research , has investigated the curvature of a hypersurface of the n-dimensional Euclidean space, to verify the existence and the leading features of the lines of curvature as well as the generalization of Meunier's theorem and various other results. Ricci [104] has published a crucial investigation of the properties of an orthogonal ennuples in a Riemannian manifold, in which he has used the coefficients of rotation, which are now universally known as "Ricci's coefficients". Moreover, Ricci explored that for a given congruence of curves in a Riemannian manifold Vn , there is a special set of (n-1)-mutually orthogonal congruences, related to it in particular intimate manner. He called these congruences canonical with regard to the given congruence. The congruences of geodesics, normal congruences and n-ply orthogonal systems of hypersurfaces were also examined. Weatherburn ([192] and [195]) has described some special features of hypersurfaces, the hypersur- Chapter-III.nb 88 face in Euclidean space of constant curvature and produced the theory of certain quadratic hypersurfaces in Riemannian space. Further, Bihari and Saxena [10] have defined and studied the hyper-Darboux lines of a Kaehler manifold and several results have been obtained by them. Hypernormal curves on a Riemannian hypersurfaces and Finsler space have been studied by Singh ([152] and [155]) and various theorems have been derived. Also, some properties of such curves have been investigated by Semin ([110] and [111]). These curves have been generalized to produce the hyper-D lines (i.e., hyper-Darboux lines) of a hypersurface by Pravanovitch [93]. Furthermore, Singh [154] has analyzed some concepts of hyper-D lines of order h in Riemannian subspaces and some properties of union hyper-D lines have also been investigated by him. Springer [164] has characterized the theory of union curves of a Riemannian hypersurface and various results have been obtained by him. Further, Singh [157] has studied special, union and hyper-asymptotic curves of a Riemannian hypersurface and several results have been obtained therein. Also, Mishra [68] has discussed various proper ties of union curves in a subspace of Riemannian space. Moreover, Tsagas [182] has studied special curves of a hypersurface of Riemannian space and a number of significant facts concerning to such curves, have been mentioned. Recently, Singh and Kothari [134] have defined and studied special, union and hyper-asymptotic curves of a Tachibana hypersurface and several theorems have been proved by them. Later, Singh and Thapliyal [133] have characterized union and hyper-asymptotic curves of a Tachibana hypersurface and several results have been obtained by them. Chapter-III.nb 89 The present chapter is devoted to the study of some curves in Hermitian and Tachibana hypersurfaces. We have defined and studied the hypernormal curves on the Hermitian hypersurfaces and several properties of such curves have been discussed. Also, the equations representing a hypernormal curve of order one are obtained. Further, union and hyper-asymptotic curves and some special categories of such curves have been investigated. Moreover, the nature and effects of such special curves in Hermitian manifolds and Hermitian hypersurfaces have been considered and several theorems have been investigated. Furthermore, the study of hyper-Darboux lines in the Tachibana hypersurfaces has been made and some properties of hyper-D lines have also been investigated. Further, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the curvature congruences to be the hyper-D lines have been derived therein. We, now, firstly define Hermitian spaces and outline some basic formulae, which are the necessary pre-requisites to study such spaces. Let us consider that there is given a self-conjugate positive definite Riemannian metric: (1.1) ds2 = gij dzi dz j in the complex manifold Cn . If the fundamental metric tensor gij is hybrid, then we call such a metric, a 'Hermite metric' and the complex manifold Cn , equipped with this metric, is called a Hermitian manifold (Yano & Bochner [205]). We call it as Hnc - space. We shall always assume the self-adjointness of the indices in an Hnc - space. Chapter-III.nb 90 Since, the fundamental metric tensor gij is hybrid, therefore its covariant components will satisfy the relation: (1.2) g ij = or, (1.3) i 0 kg - lm gl m y - 0 { , j Fhi Fk g kh = gij , where Fhi is an almost complex structure field. On account of the fact that (1.4) g lm = -- gl m =0 and - (1.5) g lm =g - ml - =g lm - =g ml and making use of the formal definition of Christoffel's symbols, we nay have the following expressions: (1.6) Glm n = Gln m = (1.6*) Glm n- = Gl-n m = 1 2 gl rI - ∑gn r- ∑ zm 1 l r ∑gm r g I 2 ∑ zn + - ∑gm r∑ zn ∑gm n- ∑ zr M, M and (1.6**) Glm- -n = Gl-n m- = 0. The rest components of the Christoffel's symbols are given by the self-conjugacy of the above three equations. Now, if a Hermite metric given by equation (1.1), satisfies the relation (1.7) Glm n- = Gl-n m = 0, we call the metric a Kaehler metric and the complex manifold equipped with this metric is called a Kaehler space (E. Kaehler [48], J.A. Schouten Chapter-III.nb 91 [107], [108], J.A. Schouten and D. Van Dentzig [109]). We shall denote such a manifold by Knc . On account of the above known results, we now, have some more basic results on subspaces and hypersurfaces. SPACE OF N-DIMENSIONS, VARIETIES, DIRECTION AT A POINT AND HYPERSURFACES A set of n-independent variables x1 , x2 , ...., xn may be regarded as the co-ordinates of a current point in an n-dimensional space Vn , in the sense that each set of values of variables defines a point of Vn . The totality of points corresponding to values of variables lying between certain specified limits constitutes a region of Vn . The aggregation of points of Vn , whose co-ordinates may be expressed as a function of single parameter t, is called n-dimensional space curve, or a curve in n-dimensional space. Thus the equations xi = xi HtL, for i=1, 2, ...., n define a curve of Vn . Also, a family of curves, one of which passes through each point of Vn , is called a congruence of curves. Further, the points of Vn , whose co-ordinates are expressible as functions of two independent parameters t and s, constitute a surface in Vn . Equations of the form: Chapter-III.nb 92 xi = xi Hs, tL, (i=1, 2, ...., n) thus define a surface. The totality of points, whose co-ordinates are express ible as functions of k independent parameters is called a variety or subspace of Vn of k dimensions, and is denoted by Vk . Any such variety is said to be immersed in Vn . Now, if k=n-1, Vk is called the hypersurface of Vn . An equation of the form: fHx1 , x2 , ...., xn L = 0, determines a hypersurface. And if c is any arbitrary constant, fHx1 , x2 , ...., xn L = c or, more generally, fHxi L = c represents a family of hypersurface and each value of c determines a unique hypersurface. Hence, hypersurface is a particular curve of (n-1)-dimensions in Vn . Suppose that P be a point of Vn , whose co-ordinates are xi , Hi = 1, 2, ...., nL, and Q any neighbouring point of Vn , whose co-ordi- nates are xi + dxi , then the differential dxi are called the components of the infinitesimal displacement PQ in the system of co-ordinates xi . We call that each displacement determines a direction in Vn at P and the directions of infinitesimal displacements dxi and dxi at P are regarded as being the same, if the two differentials are in proportion, that is to say, if dx1 dx1 = dx2 dx2 =. ... = dxn dxn . DEFINITION (1.1): SUBSPACES OF A RIEMANNIAN MANIFOLD. Let Vm be a Riemannian space of dimension m, referred to an allow- Chapter-III.nb 93 able co-ordinate system ya , (a=1, 2, ...,m) and possessing the metric aa b dya dy b . Now, the points of Vm , whose co-ordinates are expressible as functions of n-independent variables xi , Hn mL, are said to constitute a Vn immersed in Vm . Let the metric for Vn be denoted by gij dxi dx j . If xi and xi + dxi are the adjacent points of Vn , whose co-ordinates in y's are ya and ya + dya , then we may have dya = (1.8) ∑ya ∑xi dxi , for all (i=1, 2, ...., n) and (a=1, 2,...., m). Also, since the length ds of the element of an arc connecting the two points of any space is same, whether it is calculated with respect to Vn or Vm , it follows that ∑ya ∑xi gij dxi dx j = aab dya dy b = aab ∑y b ∑x j dxi dx j . And as the above relation holds for all values of the differentials, we have gij = a b (1.9) ∑ya ∑xi ∑y b ∑x j . Thus, the metric of the subspace is determined by the equations defining the subspaces. Let dya and dy b be the components of two elementary vectors at a point of Vn in y's and let dxi , dxi be the corresponding components x's, then their inclination f, calculated with respect to Vm is given by Cosf = " Ha ab Haab dya dy b L dya dy b L Haab dya dy b L . By virtue of equations (1.8) and (1.9), the last expression is equivalent to Cosf = Hgij dxi dx j L " Hg dxi dx j L Hg dxi dx j L ij ij , which shows that f is also the inclination of the vectors calculated with respect to Vn . Chapter-III.nb 94 DEFINITION (1.2): HYPER-D-LINES. A Darboux line (or, D-line) on the surface of 3-dimensional Euclidean space is a curve, for which the osculating sphere at each point is the tangent to the surface and a hyper-Darboux line on the surface on n-dimensional Euclidean space, is a curve for which the osculating sphere at each point of the hypersurface of the Euclidean space is the tangent to the hypersurface. EXPRESSION FOR THE TENSOR DERIVATIVE OF THE UNIT NORMAL AND THE DERIVED VECTOR We, now, discuss the generalized formulae for the tensor derivatives of the unit normal N a with respect to x's and the derived vector of N with respect to the enveloping Riemannian space Vm , for any direction in the hypersurface. The unit normal vector N a is a contravariant vector in the y's, whose tensor derivative with respect to the x's, is given by: (1.10) N a, i = ∑N a ∑xi + 9 a = N b yd, i . bd We may obtain an expression for this in terms of the quantities Wij where Wij 's are the components of symmetric covariant tensor of the second order in the x's. Taking the tensor derivative of each side of the well known expressions (1.11) aab N b ya, i = 0 , Hi = 1, 2, ... .., mL Chapter-III.nb 95 and (1.12) aab N a N b = 1 (Weatherburn [192]), we get (1.13) aab N b N,ai = 0, which shows that N,ai regarded as a vector in the y's, is orthogonal to the normal and thereby tangential to the hypersurface. It may be expressed linearly in terms of n-independent vectors ya, i , so that (1.14) N,ai = Aki ya, k . The coefficient Aki can be determined as follows. Taking the derivative of equation (1.11) with respect to x's, we have (1.14*) b aab ya, ij N b + aab ya, i N, j = 0. Now, substituting from the following known expression: (1.15) Rhijk = 1 2 I ∑x∑ ig∑xhk j + 2 ∑2 gij ∑xh ∑xk - ∑2 ghj ∑xi ∑xk +gab 9 b = 9 a = - gab 9 b = 9 a = hk i j h j - ∑2 gij ∑xh ∑x j M+ ik and equation (1.14) in the expression (1.14*), we get Wij = -aab ya, i y,bk Akj = -gik Akj . Multiplying by g ih and summing over i, we get (1.16) Wij g ih = -Ahj . Thus, equation (1.14), on interchanging the dummy indices, becomes (1.17) N,ai = -Wij g jk ya, k . The equation (1.17) is the required expression for the tensor deriva- tive of N a . The derived vector of N for the direction of any unit vector ei in the hypersurface is therefore given by (1.18) N,ai ei = ei Wij g jk ya, k . Chapter-III.nb 96 Now, let us consider an analytic Hermitian hypersurface Hnc of the embedding IV a , - Va Mª or, JV 1 , enveloping - V 2, V n, ...., - V 1, V 2, space c Hn+1 . If ...., V n N denote the co-ordinates of - a point in Hnc , then the equation of the Hermitian hypersurface (i.e., Hnc - hypersurface) may be written in the form: zi = zi HV a L ; z i = z i IV a M. - (1.19) - - Suppose that ga -b is the fundamental metric tensor, then - (1.20) ga b = - gi j Bia - j B- , b where Bia ∑zi ∑ va = - j ; B = - b - ∑ zj ∑ vb . Since Yano [198] has shown that an analytic hypersurface of a Kaehlerian manifold is also a Kaehlerian manifold, likewise due to the same reason an analytic hypersurface of a Hermitian manifold will be Hermitian manifold. Hence, if IN i , N i M be the components of unit normal vector to the hypersur- face, then we have - (1.21) 2 gi -j N i N j = 1 and - (1.22) j - gi j N B - = 0 ; gi j N j Bia = 0. - i - b Now, if Iqi , q i M and IPa , pa M are the components of first curvature - - c vector with respect to Hn+1 and Hnc respectively, then we have from Bihari and Saxena [10]: (1.23) and qi = Bia pa + Kn N i Chapter-III.nb 97 - - - - q i = Ba-i pa + K n N i , (1.24) where the normal curvature HKn , Kn L of the hypersurface is given by M I dV M, Kn = WabI dV ds ds a b a Wa- -b J dV ds - Kn = NJ - dV b ds N, and - Bia, b i = Wab N ; B i-ab - = Wab N i . -- where comma (,) followed by an index denotes the operator of covariant differentiation with respect to the metric tensor gij of Riemannian space. IWab, Wa- -b M are the components of symmetric covariant tensor of the second order in the x's to the hypersurface. It is obvious from the fact that the functions Bia, b are of this nature. Now, let us consider a curve C : zi = zi HsL ; z i = z i HsL (where s ia - real) of Hnc . The components dzi ds Jor, - dz i ds N and dVa ds Jor, - - dVa ds N of the unit c and the hypertangent vector of C with respect to the enveloping space Hn+1 surface Hnc are related by dzi ds (1.25) - dz i ds (1.26) dVa ds = Bia - , - dVa ds = Ba-i . Also, the unit vector Ix , x M orthogonal to J - i (1.27) gi -j dzi ds i - - x j + g-i j dz i ds dzi ds - , dz i ds N is given by xj = 0 and (1.28) 2 gi -j dzi ds - xi x j = 1. We shall, now study about hyper-normal curves on a Hermitian hypersurfaces. Chapter-III.nb 2. 98 HYPERNORMAL CURVES ON A HERMITIAN HYPERSURFACE In this section, we will study the curves on a Hermitian hypersurface and various properties of such particular curves of (n-1) dimensions and several particular cases will be discussed. Assuming that d /ds is the usual covariant differentiation along a curve C : zi = zi HsL ; = z i HsL of the Hnc , where C is non-geodesic and - - zi non-asymptotic curve, then we have the first two Serret-Frenet's formulae: dhiH0L ds (2.1) - i dhH1L ds = KH1L hiH1L and = -K H1L hiH0L + KH2L hiH2L together with their complex conjugates given by - i dhH0L ds (2.1*) - - = i K H1L hH1L i dhH1L ds and - - i i = -K H1L hH0L + KH2L hH2L , where 9hiH0L I ª dzi ds M, i hH0L J - - ª dz i ds N=, 9hiH1L , i hH1L = - and 9hiH2L , i hH2L = are the - components of unit tangent, unit principal normal vector and the unit first binormal vectors respectively, while HKH1L , K H1L L, HKH2L, K H2L L are the first and second curvatures of the curve C respectively. Let us consider a congruence of curves given by unit vector field c , there passes exactly l** = Il , l i M, such that through each point of Hn+1 i - one curve of congruence. At the point of the hypersurface, we have (2.2) li = ta Bia + c N i and its conjugate, where sents a unit vector, we get ta and c are the parameters. Since Ili , l i M repre- Chapter-III.nb 99 - 2 gi -j li l j = 1 and it follows by using (1.21), (1.22) and (2.2) that - 2 ga b - ta t b = 1 - » c »2 . - Further, assuming that q is the angle between the unit vectors l** and N , we have c=Cosq and 2 ga -b ta t b = Sin2 q = 1 - » c »2 . - Now, a curve of the hypersurface will be called a hypernormal curve of order h, (h=1, 2,...., n-2), relative to the congruence l** , if the variety spanned by the first curvature vector and binormal vector i IhiHh+1L , hHh+1L M of order h contains l** . - For a hypernormal curve of order one, we have (2.4) li = gqi + n hiH2L Thus, the equations (1.23), (1.17) and (2.1) yield (2.5) dqi ds = dpa ds - KHnL Wgy g1êa µ dVa ds + dKHnL ds Bia + IWab pa µ dVy ds M. Similarly, we may obtain the conjugate of the above expression. Eliminating hiH2L from (2.4) and (2.5) and making use of the equations (1.23), (2.2) and (2.3), we find (2.6a) and (2.6b) where (2.6c) a ta = gpa wA dpds - KHnL Wgy g1êa - 8dHlog KH1L ê dsL< pa E Cosq = gKHnL + wIWab pa µ 8dHlog KH1L ê dsL<, w = n ê KH1L .KH2L dV b ds dVy ds + 2 + KH1L dKH1L ds dVy ds M - KHnL Chapter-III.nb 100 and their conjugates. Using the first two Serret-Frenet's formulae with respect to Hnc , we get pa = dVa ds a = KH1L xH1L and a dxH1L ds = -KH1L dVa ds a + KH2L xH2L and their conjugates, we have dpa ds (2.7) 2 = -KH1L + d 9log dVa ds a µ xH2L KH1L ds = pa + KH1L KH2L µ a a and its conjugate, where IxH2L , xH2L M is the first binormal vector of the curve - with respect to hypersurface Hnc . On substituting this value of I dpds M in the equation (2.6a), we get a - a a t = gp (2.8) a 2 dV + wA9KHnL ds µ dVy ds pa = + K E + 9dIlog I KH1L * M ë ds= µ K a H1L KH2L xH2L H1L KHnL Wgy g 1êa and its conjugate may be obtained in the same way. In the above relation, we have used *2 = K 2 + K 2 KH1L H1L HnL (2.9) for simplification. Since l** is a unit vector field, we have (2.10) 2 + K 2 K 2 w2 , 1 = g2 KH1L H1L H2L in the light of equations (2.1), (2.4) and (2.6c). The elimination of g and w, from (2.6b), (2.8) and (2.10), will yield the equation for hypernormal curve of order one. Chapter-III.nb 101 From the equation (2.8), we have - b ga b ta dV ds - = 0; - - b ga b ta dV ds = 0, - - which proves the following proposition: A necessary condition that a curve be hypernormal (of the order unity) relative to the congruence l** is that the tangential component of the hypersurface of the vector field l** is orthogonal to the curve. After defining Cosa = Jg 2 $ Ig ta xH1L +ga- b ta xH1L N - - ab b - b a ta t b M $ Iga- b xH1L xH1L M - - ab b - and Cosf = Jg 2 $ Ig ta xH2L +ga- b ta xH2L N - - ab b b b a ta t b M $ Iga- b xH2L xH2L M - - ab - - b and multiplying equation (2.8) respectively by J2 ga -b xH1L N - b J2 ga -b xH2L N , we get - (2.11) and 1ê2 Sinq Cosa = gKH1L + w 9KH1L d logI KH1L * M ë ds K b dVa -KHnL Wab xH1L ds and (2.12) 1ê2 = Sinq Cosf = wIKH1L KH2L - KHnL Wab H1L dVa ds M where we have used (2.3). Defining V = KH1L KHnL and eliminating g and w from the equations (2.6b), (2.11) and (2.12), we obtain Chapter-III.nb 102 b HSinq Cosa - V CosqL IV KH2L - Wab xH2L (2.13) = Sinq Cosf 9 dV ds a where the relation * 2 K2 = 1 + KH1L HnL dVa M ds b dVa - H1 + V 2 L Wab xH1L =, ds 2 KH1L 2 KHnL has been used in the simplification We, now, discuss the following particular cases: 3. PARTICULAR CASES We shall consider the solution of equation (2.13) in the following two particular cases: CASE (I): Let Ita , ta M be orthonormal to the first binormal vectors - a a IxH2L , xH2L M. In particular, let Ita , ta M be along the principal normal vector - - a a IxH1L , xH1L M. - This implies Cosf=0. Hence, we have either (3.1) KH1L KHnL = tanq Cosa, or (3.2) y M I dV M xH2L KH1L KH2L = Wab Wgy I dV ds ds a b and their conjugates, where we have used the relation M I dV M KHnL = WabI dV ds ds a b in the later equation. - CASE (II): Let the congruence l** be along the normal vector N of the hypersurface. We have, then Cosq=1, Sinq=0. Since the curve is non-geodesic, Chapter-III.nb 103 i.e., V∫0, the equation (2.12) reduces to (3.2). An special feature of (3.2) is in fact the product of the curvatures (with respect to the hypersurface) of order one and two have been expressed in terms of the second fundamental tensor of the hypersurface. Since the curve is non-geodesic and non-asymptotic, we have the following proposition from (3.2): A necessary and sufficient condition that the curvature of order two (with respect to the hypersurface) of a non-geodesic and non-asymptotic hypernormal curve of order one to be zero is that the first binormal vector is conjugate with respect to its tangent vector. On the basis of above discussions, we shall now define and study some theorems on special, union and hyper-asymptotic curves of a Hermitian hypersurface. 4. UNION AND SPECIAL CURVES OF A HERMITIAN HYPERSURFACE The first two Serret-Frenet's formulae for any curve C : zi = zi HsL ; z i = z i HsL of the hypersurface Hnc are given by the equations - - (2.1) and (2.1*). The components Iqi , q i M and I pa , pa M of the first curvature vectors - - c of Hnc and Hn+1 are connected by the relations: (4.1) qi = pa Bia + Kn* N i , (4.1*) q i = pa Ba-i + K n N i , - - - * - Chapter-III.nb 104 where Here, IN i , Bia = - - ∑zi ∑ ua and Ba-i = ∑ zi ∑ ua . N i M are the components of the unit normal vector and IKn* , K n M - * is the normal curvature of the hypersurface Hnc in the direction of the curve C and (4.2) i q = dzi ds , b du b ds - - q = dz i ds pa dua ds i = - a p = du b ds , b , b - dua ds + , b du b ds dz i ds + du b ds + du b ds ,b - - - + - - dzi ds du b ds ,b - dua ds - ,b du b ds - - du b ds dua ds ,b - , where - Bia , b = Wab N i ; B -i - - a, b Kn = a Wab du ds b du ds -- N i , = Wab - ; Kn = dua -Wab ds - du b ds . -- are the components of the second fundamental tensor to and Wab and Wab the Hermitian hypersurface. Consider the two congruences of the curve C, given by Il* , l* M and IL* , L* M, which are such that at each point of Hnc , we have - (4.3) - - - li = ta Bai + L N i ; l i = ta Ba-i + L N i , and (4.3*) i a L =s Bai i - i +M N ; L =s - a - Ba-i - + M N i. The special and union curves relative to the congruence Ili , l i M in - the Riemannian hypersurface have been defined by Tsagas [182] and Springer [165] respectively. Chapter-III.nb 105 DEFINITION: SPECIAL CURVE & UNION CURVE Let IKl* , K l- M be the special curve relative to the congruence * Il* , l* M and the union curve relative to the congruence IL* , L* M in the Hermitian hypersurface Hnc . Now, this curve of congruence is said to be a special curve relative to the congruence Il* , l* M, if the vector Il* , l* M lies in the variety spanned by the vectors I pa Bia , - pa Bai M - - and Iqi , q i M and a - curve of the congruence is said to be union curve relative to the congruence IL* , L* M, if the vector IL* , L* M lies in the variety spanned by the vectors J dzi ds - , dz i ds N and Iqi , q i M. - MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION: Suppose that HG, GL be a IKl* , K l- M curve relative to the congruence Il* , l* M and a union curve * relative to the congruence IL* , L* M, then the above definition mathematically yields: Ili , l i M = IV , V M I pa Bai , pa Ba-i M + Hw, wL µ - - (4.4) - - - µ Iqi , q i M - and (4.4*) IL* , L* M = Hu, uL J - dzi ds - , dz i ds N + Hz, zL Iqi , - q i M, - which yield (4.5) li = Vpa Bai + w qi and its conjugate, (4.5*) L* = u dzi ds z pa and its conjugate. Using equations (4.1), (4.1*), (4.2), (4.3) and (4.3*), we get (4.6) ta = HV + wL pa , N = V Kn* ; ta = HV + wL pa , N = V K n - (4.6*) - - * Chapter-III.nb 106 and (4.7) sa = u (4.7*) sa - dua ds z pa , M = z Kn* ; - = a u du z ds - * - pa , M = z K n . Defining 2 - - 2 - - -- t a t b , T 2 = gab ta t b ; T = gab -- sa s b , S 2 = gab sa s b ; S = gab 2 KH1L = gab pa pb ; 2 K H1L = gab -- - pa - pb and -- ta t b í T SN, Cosq = Jgab ta t b ê T S ; gab - - where KH1L is the first curvature vector of the curve C in Hnc . Using (4.6) and its conjugate, (4.7) and its conjugate, we find (4.8) Kn S Cosq = D KH1L ; K n S Cosq = D K H1L . From the last equation and the equations - (4.9) - Li L j = 1 = gij Li L j = S 2 + D2 ; 1 = g-ij 2 =S +D 2 and (4.10) 2 we obtain (4.11) 9 and (4.11*) where *2 2 2 2 KH1L = kH1L + Kn* 2 ; K H1L = k H1L + K n , 9 K * n = e KH1LH1 - S 2 L .H1 - S 2 Sin2 qL 1ê2 K * 2 n = eKH1L I1 - S M .I1 - S Sin qM 2 1ê2 2 kH1L = e KH1L S Cosq ë H1 - S 2 Sin2 qL 2 2 1ê2 1ê2 k H1L = e K H1L S Cosq í I1 - S Sin qM - 1ê2 1ê2 , Chapter-III.nb 107 e = ±1 in order that eCosq be non-negative. Since IS, SM and Cosq depend upon the congruence Il* , l* M and IL* , L* M, we have the following theorems from the equations (4.11) and (4.11*): THEOREM (4.1): If a special curve relative to a fixed congruence Il* , l * M is a union curve relative to the another fixed congruence IL* , L* M, then the modulus of the normal and the first curvature with respect to Hnc at a point of the curve are proportional to its first curvature with respect to Hnc+1 . THEOREM (4.2): If the components of the vector fields Il* , l * M and IL* , L* M tangent to the hypersurface are in the same direction, the ratio of the two first curvatures is equal to the magnitude of the tangential components (to the hypersurface) of the Il* , l * M. PROOF: Since Ita , ta M and Isa , sa M are along the same direction - - Cosq = 1, Sinq= 0, therefore from the equations (4.11) and (4.11*), we have kH1L KH1L =S; k H1L K H1L = S, which proves the theorem mentioned above. 5. HYPER-ASYMPTOTIC CURVE DEFINITION: HYPER-ASYMPTOTIC CURVE A curve of the hypersurface is said to be a hyper-asymptotic curve relative to the congruence IL* , L* M, if the vector IL* , L* M lies in the variety spanned by the vectors i , IhH0L i M hH0L - and i , IhH2L i M. hH2L - Chapter-III.nb 108 MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION: A hyper asymptotic curve of order one, relative to the congruence IL* , L* M in the Hermitian space, is characterized as follows: - (5.1) - - - - Li = u hi H0L + zH1L hi H2L ; L i = u h i H0L + zH1L h i H2L . From the first two Serret-Frenet's formulae (referred to the equa- tions (2.1) and (2.1*)), we have (5.2) d = -K 2 H1L hi H0L + 8 ds Hlog KH1L L< qi + dqi ds +KH1L KH2L hi H2L and - (5.2*) dq i ds = -K 2 d i i H1L h H0L + 8 ds Hlog K H1L L< q + - - - +K H1L K H2L h i H2L . Another expression for J dqi ds - , dq i ds N may be obtained by equations (4.1) and (4.1*) and the relation (Mishra [126]): (5.3) d Bi a ds = Wab I du b ds M - Ni ; d B i ads dug ds ; = Wab J -- - du b ds N Ni - and dNi ds = -W bg g ba Bai - dN i ds -- - - i -- g ba B = -W bg a The last expression for J dqi ds - , dq i ds dug ds . N and the equations (5.1), (5.2) and (5.2*) may be used to eliminate Ihi H2L , h i H2L M with the help of equations (4.1), - (4.1*), (4.3) and (4.3*), we have (5.4) sa = uH1L - (5.4*) sa = - dua ds a + yI dpds - Kn* W bg g ba 2 - pa dHlog KH1L ê dsL + KH1L - a uH1L du ds - a + yJ - p dHlog dug ds dua M, ds -a * dp dug -- g ba K W n bg ds ds a 2 K H1L ê dsL + K H1L du ds - N - - Chapter-III.nb 109 and D = yIWab pa (5.5) dua ds + dK*n ds + dKn ds - Kn* dHlog KH1L ê dsLM where ZH1L KH1L KH2L y= D= (5.5*) * - - dua -- pa yJWab ds - K n dHlog K H1L ê dsLN, * where - - y= Z H1L K H1L K H2L . a a a a a a , xH0L M, IxH1L , xH1L M and IxH2L , xH2L M be the unit tangent, unit Let IxH0L - - - principal normal and the unit first binormal vectors respectively and IkH1L , k H1LM, IkH2L , k H2LM be the first and second curvatures of the curve with respect to the hypersurface. We obtain from the first two Serret-Frenet's formulae with respect to the hypersurface Hmc (5.6) dpa ds dua + ds a +kH1L kH2L xH2L dpa ds dua + ds a . +k H1L k H2L xH2L and (5.6*) 2 = -kH1L 2 = -k H1L pa dHlog KH1L L ê ds + pa dHlog K H1L L ê ds + - From the equations (4.10), (5.4), (5.4*), (5.5), (5.5*), (5.6) and (5.6*) and the definitions Cosf = J we deduce Igab sa S du b ds M N, i Jgab sa - -- k uH1L = IS Cosf, S CosfM and S - du b ds N y { , Chapter-III.nb (5.7) 110 AWab pg du b ds dK*n ds + µ Isa - S Cosf = D . AKn* 2 dua ds KH1L ds - Kn* dIlog M dua ds + pa dI logkH1L kH2L M ë ds + * - Kn* W bg g ab +kH1L kH2L xH2L b AWab pg du ds - - (5.7*) -- µ Jsa - * dKn ds + * - K n dJlog - S Cosf a *2 . AK n du ds - =D N - dua ds - + pa dJ * +k H1L k H2L xH2L log k H1L k H2L * - Kn ME µ K H1L ds dug ds E NE µ N í ds + -- - dug -- g ab W bg ds E. THEOREM (5.1): A hyper-asymptotic curve relative to the congru ence IL* , L* M is characterized by the equations (5.7) and (5.7*). PROOF: Multiplying equation (5.7) by ga t pt and the equation - (5.7*) by ga- -t p t and simplifying, we find Wab pa du b ds IS Cosf + D Kn* kH1L M= = AD kH1L dIlogI KH1LH1L MM ë ds - Kn* S Cosf µ k µ dIlog I KKH1Ln MM ë dsE , * where we have defined Cosf = and Hgab pa s b L kH1L S Chapter-III.nb 111 - - du b -- pa Wab ds JS Cosf + D = AD k H1L dJlogJ µ dJlog J k H1L K H1L * K n K H1L * Kn k H1L N= NN í ds - K n S Cosf µ * NN í dsE , where we have defined Jg -- pa s b N - - Cosf = 6. ab k H1L S . HYPER-ASYMPTOTIC AND SPECIAL CURVES Let a hyper-asymptotic curve with respect to the congruence IL* , L* M be a special curve relative to Il* , l* M. this implies f = q. Denoting X = kH1L ê KH1L ; X = k H1L ê K H1L , Y = Kn* ê KH1L ; Y = K n ê K H1L , * - - a a writing pa = kH1L xH1L ; pa = k H1L xH1L and differentiating the well known identities 2 2 X 2 + Y 2 = 1 ; X + Y = 1, we have (6.1) D dX ds (6.1*) D dX ds and - S Cosq dY ds a I du M µ = Wab xH1L ds - S Cosq dY ds du -- x a J = Wab H1L ds N µ b µ HX S Cosq + D Y L ; µ IX S Cosq + D Y M - b Chapter-III.nb 112 (6.2) X (6.2*) X dX ds +Y dY ds +Y dY ds ____ dX ds =0; ____ =0. We shall discuss the solutions of the above equations in the following cases: a , xa M is not conjugate with respect to CASE (I): The vector IxH1L H1L - J du , ds a - dua ds a N, i.e.,IWab xH1L A = are non-singular. du b ds a ∫ 0, Wab xH1L du b ∫ ds — 0M and the matrices i D -S Cosf y i D -S Cosf y ; B = — Y k X { Y X k { Equations (6.1), (6.1*), (6.2) and (6.2*) yield b a du IWab xH1L ds dX ds = dY ds a = -IWab xH1L MY ; dX ds = du b -- x a JWab H1L ds - - NY and ___ dY ds - -- x a = -JWab H1L du b ds - du b ds M X; NX . The quantities X = kH1L ê KH1L ; X = k H1L ê K H1L and Y = Kn* ê KH1L ; Y = K n ê K H1L * are obtained by the solution of the above foregoing simultaneous equations. CASE (II): Let a , HxH1L a L xH1L be conjugate with respect to J dua ds - , dua ds N and the matrices A and B are non-singular. Equations (6.1), (6.1*), (6.2) and (6.2*) have unique solution given by the following: THEOREM (6.1): If a special curve relative to the congruence Chapter-III.nb 113 Il* , l * M is hyper-asymptotic curve relative to the vector IL* , L* M and conditions mentioned above in the cases I and II are not satisfied, then the ratio J kH1L KH1L , k H1L K H1L N and J * KH1L KHnL N are the same at each point of the curve. * K H1L , K HnL CASE (III): The conditions mentioned in case I and case II are not satisfied, i.e., the matrices A and B are non-singular matrices. b a du JWab xH1L ds - - ; b a du Wab xH1L ds -- N may or may not be zero. We have then * D Kn* + kH1L S Cosq = 0 ; D K n + k H1L S Cosq = 0, which in view of (4.9) and (4.10) yields the following: THEOREM (6.2): If a HKl , K l L curve is hyper asymptotic relative to IL* , L* M and the conditions mentioned in the cases I and II are not satisfied, then (6.3) kH1L = KH1L H1-S 2 L H1-S 2 Sin2 qL K H1L J1-S N 2 1ê2 1ê2 1ê2 ; k H1L = J1-S Sin2 qN 2 1ê2 and (6.3*) Kn* = - KH1L S Cosq H1-S 2 2 Sin qL ê12 * ; Kn = - K H1L S Cosq J1-S Sin2 qN 2 ê12 Comparing (6.3), (6.3*), (4.11) and (4.11*), we get the following theorem: THEOREM (6.3): If two special curves HG , G L and HG * , G * L rela- tive to the congruences Il* , l * M and IL* , L* M respectively and the conditions expressed in the cases I and II are not satisfied, then the modulus of the normal curvature in the direction of HG , G L is equal to the first curva- ture of HG * , G * L and the first curvature of the curve HG , G L is equal to the modulus of the normal curvature in the direction of HG * , G * L. Chapter-III.nb 7. 114 HYPER-DARBOUX LINES IN A TACHIBANA HYPERSURFACE Let us consider a curve C : zi = zi HsL ; z i = z i HsL (not a geodesic of - - the enveloping space) of Tnc . The components and i , IxH2L i , IxH0L i M xH0L - ªJ dzi ds - , dz i ds i , xi M N,IxH1L H1L - i M of the unit tangent, unit principal normal and the unit first xH2L - binormal vectors define an orthogonal system of unit vectors at every point of the curve. Assuming that d/ds is the usual covariant differential along C, we have the first two Serret-Frenet's formulae for a curve in Tnc , which are given by: (7.1) i dxH0L ds (7.1*) i dxH0L ds - i ; = KH1L xH0L - i = KH1L xH0L and (7.2) i dxH1L ds (7.2*) i dxH1L ds - i i = -KH1L xH0L + KH2L xH2L ; - - i i = -KH1L xH0L + KH2L xH2L , where the scalars HKH1L , K H1LL ª J R1H1L , 1 RH1L N HKH2L , K H2LL ª J R1H2L , 1 RH2L N and are the first and second curvatures of the curve in the embedding space. Consider a congruence of a curve given by the vector field Chapter-III.nb 115 c l** = Ili , l i M, such that through each point of Tn+1 , there passes exactly - one curve of congruence. At the point of hypersurface, we have (7.3) li = ta Bai + C N i ; - (7.3*) li = - ta - - Ba-i + C N i , - where ta and C are the parameters and ta and C are their complex conjugates respectively. The curve C is said to be a hyper-D line of the hypersurface spanned by the vectors i +R IRH1L xH1L H2L i , IxH0L dRH1L ds contain the vector Ili , l i M. - i M and xH0L - - i R xi +R xH2L H1L H1L H2L i M, xH2L - dRH1L ds From (7.1) and (7.1*), we have (7.4) i d2 xH0L dKH1L ds 2 i = -KH1L xH0L + ds2 i i xH1L + KH1L KH2L xH2L and - (7.4*) i d2 xH0L = ds2 2 i -K H1L xH0L ____ dKH1L ds + - i xH1L - i . + K H1L K H2L xH2L These equations give (7.5) i gi -j IRH1L xH1L + RH2L dRH1L ds and (7.5*) i g-i -j JRH1L xH1L (7.6) i + RH2L li = uARH1L xH1L - - dR + RH2L dsH1L i xH2L MJ i d2 xH0L ds2 N = 0; 2 i i N i d xH0L xH2L ds2 - - k For the hyper-D line of the hypersurface, we get dRH1L ds y = 0. { i i xH2L E + V xH0L ; and - (7.6*) li = i uARH1L xH1L - - - dR + RH2L dsH1L We, now, have the following: i E+V xH2L - - i . xH0L Chapter-III.nb 116 - (7.7) lHhL = 2 gi -j l xHhL i j and - (7.7*) lHhL = 2 g i j l i xHhL . - j i , 2 g- J Multiplying the equation (7.6) by 2 gi -j xH0L i j i d2 xH0L ds2 N and using the equations (7.5) and (7.7), we find i d2 x j y i d2 x j y i . (7.8) 2 gi -j ds2H0L li = 2 gi -j ds2H0L lH0L xH0L k { k { From (7.4) and (7.8), we have - (7.9*) I dKH1L ds - M lH1L + KH1L KH2L lH1L = 0. Similarly, with the help of equations (7.5*), (7.6*) and (7.7*), we have (7.9**) J - dKH1L ds N lH1L + K H1L K H2L lH1L = 0. The equations (7.9*) and (7.9**) represent the hyper-D lines of Tnc relative to l** . We, now, have the following: THEOREM (7.1): If the congruence l** is along the principal normal, i.e., (along the vector 9xH1Li , xH1Li =) of a curve, then the necessary - and sufficient condition that it be a hypersurface is that it be a curve of constant first curvature. PROOF: The proof follows immediately from the equations (7.7), i i (7.7*) and (7.9**) and the fact that the vector IxHhL , xHhL M constitute an - orthogonal system. In view of theorem (7.1), a hyper-D line satisfies the following: THEOREM (7.2): If the congruence l** lies along the first binor- Chapter-III.nb 117 mal then the necessary and sufficient that it be a hyper-D line is that it be a curve of second curvature. PROOF: The proof follows from the equations (7.9*), (7.9**) and c . the fact that the curve is not a geodesic of Tn+1 We are familiar with the well known relations: (7.10) = pa Bai + Wab I du M I du M Ni ds ds i dxH0L ds a b and - (7.10*) i dxH0L ds = - pa - Ba-i + Wab J -- - dua ds NJ - du b ds N Ni. - Writing the covariant differentials of equation (7.10) and using (Mishra [67], page 155): N,i g = W bg g bg Bai + fg N i , we get (7.11) i d2 xH0L 2 ds = 9 dpds - Wmb a µ Bai A3 Wab du b ds dua +Wab I ds dum ds du b ds Wgn g ga pa + Wab,g M I du M fg I ds b dun ds =µ dua du b dug ds ds ds dun i ME.N . ds + Similarly, writing the covariant differentials of (7.10*) and using (Mishra [67], page 155): -- - - - -- g bg B -i + f - N i , N,ig- = W bg g a we get the conjugate of the equation (7.11) as follows: - (7.11*) i d2 xH0L ds2 =9 - µ Ba-i - dpa ds - dum -- Wmb ds du b -A3 Wab ds - a +Wab J du ds - -- - a p NJ - du b ds -- -- g ga Wgn - dua -- + Wab ,g ds - du b ds N fg J - - dun ds - dun ds - =µ - du b ds dug ds NE.N i . + - Substituting from (7.11) in (7.8) and using the fact that i , I xH0L i M is orthogxH0L - Chapter-III.nb 118 onal to IN i , N i M, we get - I dpds M ta - W mb a n dum du b g du W t + gn ds ds ds b dua du b dug a p + W +CA3 Wab du ab,g ds ds ds ds dua du b dug +Wab ds ds ds fg E + 2 a dpa du b du b M g I +lH0LAIWab du ab ds M ds E ds ds (7.12) + = 0. Similarly, the conjugate of the equation (7.12) is given by J (7.12*) - dpa ds m N ta - Wmb du ds - - - - - du b -+CA3 Wab ds p a n Wgn tg du ds a +lH0LAJWab du ds - - - - dua -- + Wab ,g ds - du b ds du b ds -- + -- - - dua -+Wab ds - - du b ds -- dug ds N 2 du b ds fg- E + a - gabJ dpds - -- N - dug ds - du b ds + E = 0. Now, we have the first two Serret-Frenet's formulae for Tnc given by pa = (7.13) d ds a , I du M = KH1L zH1L ds a a = -KH1L I du M + KH2L zH2L ds a dzH1L ds a with its conjugate. a a zH1L and zH2L are the components of the principal and binormal vec- tors with respect to Tnc . These equations give I dpds M = -K 2 H1LI du M+ ds a a a . +KH1L KH2L zH2L dKH1L ds a zH1L + Substituting the values of I dpds M in (7.12) and using the fact that a lH0L = 2 gij- l i we have - j xH0L - = b 2 gab- ta du ds def = tH0L , Chapter-III.nb 119 dKH1L (7.14) ds dua ds tH1L + KH1L KH2L tH2L - Wab du b ds µ µ Wgn tg I du M + 3 CWab pa I du M+ ds ds n b +CWab,g I du M I du M H du L+ ds ds ds a b g M I du M fg I du M+ +C Wab I du ds ds ds a +tH0L IWab b dua ds n M = 0, 2 du b ds i and z i where tH1L and tH2L are the projections of ta in the direction of zH1L H2L respectively. In the same way, we may obtain the conjugate of (7.14) as dKH1L t H1L (7.14*) ds + K H1L K H2L t H2L n µ Wgn tg J du ds - - -- dua -- - J +CWab ,g ds - dua -- J +C Wab ds - + t H0L NJ - - du b ds b N + 3 CWab pa J du ds - -- NJ a JWab du ds -- - dua -- Wab ds - du b ds - du b ds - du b ds NJ - dug ds N fg- J N+ N = 0. 2 - dun ds - µ N+ N+ The equations (7.14) and (7.14*) represent the hyper-D lines of the hypersurface. The above equations have been represented un terms of the second fundamental tensors and the curvatures of the curve with respect to the hypersurface. Chapter-III.nb 120
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