CIVIL COURT ONE MOTIONS Date: Monday 3rd March, 2014 No. CORAM: DAVANI, J COURTROOM: NINE (9) TIME: 9.30am File Ref: Plaintiff Defendant Lawyer Nature of Application Remarks 1. OS 382/12 Bible Fellowship Church of Papua New Guinea (PNG) Inc The State & Ors Kimbu & Associates Seeking interim orders Adj from 10/02/14 2. OS 364/13 Max Puli Kunjil Konga & Anor Wariniki Lawyers Orders of 19/07/13 be set aside Adj to 3/03/14 3. OS 809/13 April Andres Wildawn & 2 Ors Young & Williams Lawyers Exparte Order of 23/12/13 be set aside Fresh Notice of Motion 4. OS 6/14 Pacific Sustainable Development Foundation Inc. Royalwolf Trading Hansen Brown & Armstrong Ltd Young & Williams Lawyers Order for registration of judgement Originating Summons 5. OS 42/14 Geoffrey Walpi, Newe Yakas, Tom Waya of Awinda Land David Keta Lawyers Orders of 6/11/13 be set aside or dismissed Fresh Notice of Motion 6. OS 61/14 Angora Landowners Incorporated Land Group & Anor Andrew Sondo John Dege & 3 Ors & The State Koeget Lawyers Seeking interim orders Fresh Notice Motion 7. WS 453/06 Ted Taru & Elsie Taru Pacific MMI Insurance Limited & 2 Ors Allens Lawyers Proceedings be dismissed Fresh Notice of Motion 8. WS 147/10 Tobias Yala Michael Pearson & Anor & The State Solicitor General Proceedings be dismissed for WOP Adj from 2/12/14 9. WS 290/11 Raphael Del Hebou Construction (PNG) Ltd Pacific Legal Group Lawyers Entire proceedings be dismissed for WOP Fresh Notice of Motion 10. WS 426/11 Papua New Guinea Institute of Public Administration Oratame Security Services Limited Lakakit & Associates Lawyers Seeking interlocutory orders Relisted-request by Letter 11. WS 518/11 William Malt National Housing Corporation & Anor Kongri Lawyers Order to produce documents Fresh Notice of Motion 12. WS 881/11 Freddy Singer Kupiaw Damian Kalinau & Anor & The State Saulep Lawyers Order 1 & 2 dated 5/07/13 be extended Adj from 3/02/14 13. WS 101/12 Pacifika Chemicals Limited Kossy Sosoro and Kawaso Investment Limited Kombri & Associates Lawyers Contempt Relisted – request by letter 14. WS 473/12 Tracy Nen Kimberly Issou & Alen Due Henaos Lawyers Proceedings be summarily disposed of Relisted – request by letter 15. WS 664/12 Johanis Wandaki Ekip Opa also known as Jacop Opa & 3 Ors Kamen Lawyers Leave be granted to issue Writ of Possession Fresh Notice of Motion 16. WS 1103/12 Hallmark Consttuctions Limited Mr. Memafu Kapera, NBC & Anor & The State In Person Default Judgement be entered Adj from 10/02/14 17. OS 349/12 Paul Apakali & Ors Porgera Landowners Association & Ors Narokobi Lawyers Direction Hearing Adj from 18/02/2014 @1.30pm 18. WS 991/06 Western Highlands Provincial Government Makap Lawyers Direction Hearing Adj from 3/12/13 19. WS 1152/06 Niugini Building Supplies Limited t/as Niugini Builders Niugini Buildings Supplies Limited t/as Niugini Builders Western Highlands Provincial Government Makap Lawyers Direction Hearing Returnable from 3/03/14 20. OS 488/12 Boera Holdings Ltd & Ors Seseka & Ors of Isumata Can of Boera Village Ashurst Lawyers Status Conference Adj from 11/02/14 @3.00pm 21. OS 411/13 MOILE RESOURCES LIMITED & ORS Luther Sipison and Hon. Benny Allan & Vanimo Jaya Limited & The State Nelson Lawyers Hearing Adj from 18/02/14 @3.00pm for hearing
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