3.50-3.99 GPA Adomaviciute, Ieva+ Allen, Erin^+ Amojo, Ireti^+ Backsen, Alexandra Boliba, Kendall^ Brenteson, John+ Brevick, Zachary^ Brooks, Leon Bueno, Kelsey^+ Cameron, Mariah^+ Clair, Gurveen Clark, Allison+ Demaris, Liana^ Dwyer, Emily+ Ekelem, Christiana+ Englund, Justin^+ Felix, Kristine+ Fitzpatrick, Carly+ Foote, Jarrett Fossedal, Thomas Frame, Hank^ Gibson, Hailey+ Googe, Ksenia^ Gould, Brianne^+ Guetlein, Kourtney+ Hale, Jennifer^+ Hall, Frederikke+ Hare, Nicole+ Harmon, Lindsay^ Henderson, Amanda+ Hoeper, Samantha^ Hornsby, Gregory Hurt, Kyle Irwin, Camryn^+ Jackson, Martha+ Jacobs, Hannah Jeffers, Jocelyn^ Johansson, Emma^+ Kankaras, Andjela^+ Keel, Dominique+ Ketcham, Audrey Kim, Heidi^ ROW WTF WBB ROWN ROW MTF MFB MFB WTF SOC SOC WTF ROW WTF WTF MTF WTF WTF MGO MFB MGO WTF TEN ROW SOC ROW SWM ROW WGO WTF ROW MTF MGO VB ROW ROW SOC SWM TEN WTF WTF ROW 3.00-3.49 GPA Anderson, Haley^+ SWM Anderson, Michael^+ MGO Andrada, Samantha WTF Awa, Dawnyelle WBB Aylard, Michelle ROW Baker, Tyler MFB Bartolone, Brett MFB Bates, JoAnne ROWN Bekker, Jenna^ SWM Betland, Emma^ WGO Bettinson, Chelsey^ VB Bieleckaite, Evelina SWM Blanshan, Brett MTF Bock, Matthew MFB Boquet, Emily ROW Bosch, Elliott MFB MFB ROW MFB SOC MTF MBA MFB ROW WTF WBB ROWN WTF ROW WTF ROW MBB ROWN MTF WTF MBA SOC MFB MFB MTF MFB VB MFB MTF WBB MGO ROW MTF MBA ROW SOC MBB ROW MFB MTF ROWN SWM MBA SOC ROW SOC MBB WBB SWM WGO WTF MBB MFB ROW MBB WTF MFB MBB ROW WTF WTF MBA ROWN MTF Odland, Ella Olson, Loree+ Onosko, Jaclyn^ Owsley, Mesa^ Pickett, Travis Pillette, Michelle Pistorese, Joseph Potter, Hana Pupava, Bethany Romberg, Sage Schroeder, Jacob Schultz, Grant^ Sealby, Jacob Sealby, Lucas Seydel, Jacob Shaffer, Forrest^+ Sims, Josiah Smith, Andrea^+ Smith, Mercedes Snider, Regina Sodorff, Austin Starkel, Emily Steger, Sarah Stemp, Trek Stevens, Kyle^ Sullenberger, Kiana Sullenberger, Shanell Tam Sing, Trace Tannhauser, Kelly^ Tarrant, Katrina+ Todorovich, Rachel^ Triece, Sam Troedson, Erin Turney, Kathryn Vandersloot, Cassie Vasilyeva, Liudmila^ Vega, Brandi Villarrubia, Pierson Waddell, Alexandra^ Wagner, Alexander Wardell, Matthew^ Williams, Indigo Williamson, Alexas Winfrey, Brierra Wu, Sarah^ Young, Rebekah Zalud, Courtney^ ROW SWM WTF SOC MTF SOC MBA WBB ROWN WBB MBA MTF MTF MTF MFB MTF MTF WTF WTF ROWN MTF ROW ROW MBA MTF SWM SWM MBA SWM ROW VB MBA TEN SOC ROWN TEN SOC MFB ROW MGO MTF WTF WBB WTF ROW VB WTF Spring 2013 Semester Academic Highlights On average, all studentathletes earned a 2.98 semester GPA (all university students averaged a 2.96 semester GPA). Seventy-nine percent of all student-athletes maintained at least a 2.50 cumulative GPA— 338/430 (67% of men and 91% of women). Ten teams earned an average 3.00 or higher semester GPA—women’s basketball, men’s golf, women’s golf, varsity rowing, novice rowing, soccer, swimming, tennis, women’s track and field/cross country, and volleyball. Nine of 13 teams maintained a 3.00 or higher cumulative GPA— women’s basketball, men’s golf, women’s golf, varsity rowing, soccer, swimming, tennis, women’s track and field/ cross country, and volleyball. Spring 2013 President’s Honor Roll 2012-13 Pac-12 All-Academic Team Members ROW SOC MTF ROW ROW WTF MTF TEN WGO ROW WBB MBA WTF ROW MFB MBA WTF ROW Bucannon, David Burns, Rebecca+ Byers, Jared Byrd, Ariana^+ Byrne, Derek Chleborad, Tanner Christ, Moritz Christiansen, Noel Condos, Kiah Cooks, Mariah+ Coon, Kimberly Crain, Jenna Culwell, Molly Dean, Kathran Dehner, Olivia DiIorio, William Dougherty, Kendall Ferenchak, Sam^ Fermin, Shawna Fitzpatrick, Kelly Frenkel, Abby Fullington, John^ Furney, Andrew^ George, Lee^ Gilbertson, David^ Glab, Marcelina Glover, William Gonzales, Andrew^ Grad, Katie^ Hagen, Kent Hammer, Courtney Harris, Sean Hartnett, Sean Head, Gina^ Hemingway, Matisse Hill, George Hinkle, Stephanie^ Hoffart, Steven Howell, Byron Ilyankoff, Kyra Indahl, Taylor Jacobs, Brett^+ Jeffers, Zoe Johnson, Carly^ Johnson, Kayla^+ Johnson, Que Kelley, Jordan Kenney, Anne^ Kent, Mallory Knight, Abby Ladd, Michael Laufasa, Jeremiah Leahy, Lauren Leavitt, Bryce Logan, Shaquana Long, Travis^ Longrus, Junior McDonald, Megan^ Moller, Zoe Morshead, Ramona Nelubowich, Adam^+ Newcomb, Alex Newland, Paul ^ Dick, Katie^+ Doyle, Rachael^+ Farmer, Kyle+ Hassall, Kerry+ Jones, Elise+ Kenney, Ashley^+ Kimpel, Andrew^+ Koning, Charlotte^+ Lewis, Rachel^+ Marks, Raeanne+ Noyes, Carly^+ Ochoa, Richie+ Parent, Holly^+ Payne, Chloe+ Peterson, Mitchell+ Slaybaugh, Collin^+ Taylor, Kelsie+ Wakulich, Kayla+ Kirkwood, Christine+ WTF Kyhnel, Sofie+ ROWN Lawrence, Hayley+ ROWN Lintz, Andrei^ MFB Logan, Stephanie^+ VB Luchini, Shelbi^+ SWM Lum, Shawna+ VB Luzina, Elizaveta^+ TEN Maley, Katelyn+ ROW Mand, Alison^+ SWM Markle, Darren MFB McAdie, Mike+ MFB McDowell, Christopher+ MBA McFadden, Shannon^+ SOC Mendenhall, Mathew MBA Monda, Michael+ MBA Muschamp, Charlotte+ WTF Neyman, Isabel SOC Park, J. Ellen WGO Pierson, Thane+ MTF Ranney, Erin^+ ROW Roberts, Ruby^+ WTF Rumann, Alyssa^ ROW Schaedler, Shaya+ SWM Schuster, Erin^+ ROW Shroy, Richard^ MTF Stoick, Marisa^+ WTF Swannack, Kyle+ MBA Swanson, Matthew+ MTF Thode, Alexis+ SOC Tinjum, Whitney WBB Vukicevic, Jovan MTF Wakefield, Todd^ MTF Wardell, Samuel MTF Watson, Jordan+ ROW Wetterstrom, Presley+ SWM White, Essence+ WTF White, Susannah+ SOC Williams, Kristoff^+ MFB Wilson, Sean+ MTF Wold, Alyssa+ VB Yanagi, Nani+ WGO Yost, Mallory ROWN Young, Shantae WTF Zoellick, Korinne+ WTF + 4.00 GPA Student-athletes must earn a minimum of 12 credits to be listed. Student-Athletes Earning a 3.00 or Higher Semester GPA On average, all studentathletes maintained a 2.99 cumulative GPA (all university students average a 3.05 cumulative GPA). Seventy-three percent of female students-athletes earned a 3.00 or higher semester GPA (145/207) —they averaged a 3.25 semester GPA. Female student-athletes contin- ue their streak, started in Fall 1999, of earning at least a 3.00 semester GPA (all university women earned a 3.07). Two hundred thirty-four student-athletes earned a 3.00 or better semester GPA (54%). One hundred five student -athletes were named to their respective Pac-12 All -Academic teams. Rowing led all teams with 21 nominees. Men’s golf and tennis tied their highest number of nominees with 3 and 5 respectively. Since Fall 2003, the football team has maintained at or above an average 2.60 cumulative GPA. Student-athletes donated 3,230 hours to various community service endeavors during the 201213 academic year. The Glenn Kranc Academic Award— presented to the WSU Athletic team earning the highest average semester GPA—went to women’s golf with a 3.40 semester GPA. Women’s basketball earned its highest semester GPA— a 3.14, with 10 out of 15 team members earning over a 3.00 semester GPA. Volleyball earned its highest average semester GPA since Fall 2008—3.15. The Seehafer Academic Award, presented to the WSU Athletic team or teams which do the most to reach team academic goals, was awarded to the women’s basketball for their outstanding academic efforts. The men’s golf team continues to led all male teams earning the highest semester (3.00) and cumulative (3.16) GPAs. Varsity rowing earned its second highest semester GPA—3.35, and its highest since Spring 2006. The 112 freshmen student -athletes averaged a 3.05 cumulative GPA with 27 credits earned—53% earned over a 3.00 cumulative GPA (59/112). The three freshmen soccer student-athletes led the way with a 3.79 average cumulative GPA and 31 credits earned. Men’s basketball headed all freshmen men averaging a 3.22 cumulative GPA and 30 credits earned. The 12 student-athletes who entered Washington State in 2012-13 through the alternate admissions process earned an average 2.59 cumulative GPA and 23 credits. Seven freshmen teams averaged over a 3.00 cumulative GPA—men’s basketball, women’s golf, varsity rowing, soccer, swimming, men’s track and field/cross country and women’s track and field/cross country. Eighteen student-athletes earned a perfect 4.00 semester GPA. Varsity rowing had the most perfection with six rowers earning all A’s. After spring semester only 3% of student-athletes have under a 2.00 cumulative GPA (12/430). Eighty-six student-athletes were named to the WSU President’s Honor Roll. Baseball (7), varsity rowing (17), women’s track and field (20), and volleyball (4) all had their most honor roll honorees. PAGE 2 Women’s Golf Is A Repeat Winner of the Glenn Kranc Academic Award The Glenn Kranc Academic Award is presented to the Cougar athletic team that earns the highest team semester grade point average. Women’s golf has earned the Kranc Award 14 times since the award’s inception. This semester they had WSU Athletics leading team average semester GPA—a 3.40. It has been quite an academic year for women’s golf. They swept the Kranc Award in 2012-13 by also having the highest team GPA for Fall 2012. This spring, three team members were named to the Pac-12 All-Academic Team—Kristen Rue, Emma Betland, and Lindsay Harmon. In addition, Rachel Lewis and Nani Yanagi earned Spring 2013 President’s Honor Roll designation. Seventy-five percent of the team earned over a 3.0 semester GPA (6/8), and women’s golf is the only WSU Athletics team that can say all team members maintain over a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Great job, golfers! Women’s Basketball Earns Spring 2013 Seehafer Academic Award The Seehafer Academic Award is presented each semester to the WSU athletic team that demonstrates the most improved academic performance or the greatest strides toward achieving its team academic goals. In Spring 2013, the women’s basketball team earned this recognition. It is the fourth time women’s basketball has received the Seehafer Academic Award. The women’s basketball team earned its highest ever team semester GPA—a 3.14. Sixtyseven percent (10/15) of the team earned over a 3.0 semester GPA and no one earned less than a 2.0 semester GPA. This spring, the Pac-12 honored the three seniors Katie Grad, Carly Noyes, and Ireti Amojo by naming them to the Pac-12 All-Academic Team. In addition, Carly, Ireti, and Mariah Cooks were named to the spring WSU President’s Honor Roll. WSU Athletics would like to thank Bill and Faye Seehafer for providing this motivation and recognition for Washington State student-athletes. We are grateful to the Seehafer family for its continued support. Student-Athlete Development Spring 2013 Semester Highlights 2013 Senior Luncheon Recognizes Outstanding Student-Athletes Athletic Director’s Star Performance Award Student-athletes who are star performers must have earned at least a 2.50 semester GPA, with their semester GPA being at least a quarter of a grade point higher than their cumulative GPA, while passing 12 or more credits. BASEBALL Kellen Camus Elliott Cooper Bryce Jackson Joe Pistorese SWIMMING Kelsey Bruggman TENNIS Lize Leenknecht TRACK AND FIELD Lateah Holmes Byron Howell Rashaun Johnson Candii McFarland Mercedes Smith Spencer Wordell Shantae Young FOOTBALL Tyler Baker Matthew Bock Matt Goetz Jeremiah Laufasa MEN’S BASKETBALL George Hill Davonte Lacy DJ Shelton WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Shalie Dheensaw ROWING Courtney Hammer Julia Monroe Aley Roberts VOLLEYBALL Marcelina Glab SOCCER Morgan Porter Nicole Setterlund 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 MGO 3.00 3.16 3.35 3.26 2.95 3.09 WSU Alumni Association Big-10 Senior Awards: Liudmila Vasilyeva (athletic), Adam Nelubowich (athletic), and Erin Troedson (campus) Damien Ficek Athletic Training Award: Katie Grad and Jeff Tuel Rob Oviatt Cougar Strength and Conditioning Award: Jenna Bekker and Shawn Swartz SAAC True Cougar Award: Kelsey Bruggman and Michael Ladd Community Service and Leadership Award: Hank Frame, Ashley Kenney, Alison Smith, and Erin Troedson Athletic Director’s Star Performer Award: Shawna Fermin and Dana Wells Cougar Pride Academic Trophy: Mariah Cameron and Adam Nelubowich Senior Excellence in Academics: Ariana Byrd, Mariah Cameron, Katie Dick, Justin Englund, Carly Fitzpatrick, Megan Garrity, Brianne Gould, Katie Grad, Andjela Kankaras, Ashley Kenney, Andrei Lintz, Shelbi Luchini, Shannon McFadden, Adam Nelubowich, Carly Noyes, and Erin Ranney Pac-12 Conference Postgraduate Scholarship: Katie Dick, Andjela Kankaras, Andrei Lintz, and Darren Markle Pac-12 Enterprises Internship: Sean Harris Pac-12 Conference Medal: Liudmila Vasilyeva and Adam Nelubowich Semester Cumulative 3.16 3.24 SWM 3.32 3.22 TEN 3.31 3.29 VB 3.40 3.28 SOC WTF/CC Beulah M. Blankenship Outstanding StudentAthlete: Andjela Kankaras and Andrei Lintz 2.64 VR OW MTF/CC 3.75 3.14 3.03 2.47 WGO NROW 3.50 2.67 2.60 WBB MFB 3.25 2.90 2.95 MBA MBB 3.00 This year’s Senior Recognition Luncheon, held on Friday, May 3, recognized the academic, personal development, and community service achievements of the 2013 Senior Class. Former track and field stand out, Francesca Sewell, served as the mistress of ceremony as more than 275 family, friends, athletic and university administrators, and coaches were in attendance to honor this outstanding group of studentathletes: 2.96 2.92 3.27 3.18 3.15 3.09 Spring 2013 Team GPA Comparison PAGE 3 Student-Athletes Donate 3,230 Hours to Greater Palouse Community WSU Athletics and its student-athletes have embraced a growing list of community service opportunities. During the 2012-13 academic year, 3,230 hours were donated by Washington State student-athletes. These initiatives included: The Reading Buddies Program pairs Sunnyside Elementary School students with WSU student-athletes. The elementary student and his or her “buddy” read together, practice reading and writing skills, and have educational fun together. Twenty-nine student-athletes volunteered as a Reading Buddy each semester. The Coug Pals Program is a writing partnership between Pullman elementary students and WSU studentathletes where they exchange biweekly letters. It provides elementary students a chance to practice writing skills and gives student-athletes an opportunity to be role models and practice leadership skills. This spring, 120 student-athletes participated as Coug Pals. During finals week, Coug Pals had the opportunity to meet faceto-face. This winter, WSU Athletics hosted the inaugural Special Olympics Regional Basketball Tournament. Over 500 Special Olympic athletes arrived on our Pullman campus to participate in this one-day tournament. One hundred and three student-athletes took part in the tournament serving in all capacities from cheer coaches to scorekeepers to whistle-blowing, hug-giving officials. During Butch’s Bash, our annual holiday indoor carnival held for Palouse-area children, 210 student-athletes volunteered to man carnival booths, decorate gingerbread houses, and supervise activities. In conjunction with the carnival, student-athletes sponsored a canned food drive benefitting the Palouse Cares initiative. Over 700 pounds of food was collected. In March, 13 student-athletes partnered with members of the Pullman Senior Citizen Center to duke it out in a Wii Bowling Tournament. Student-athletes had so much fun, that they proposed an expanded relationship with the senior center in 2013-14.
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