CCDOC-2014-002 Straight Seniority Bid Transfer (In-House Electronic Monitoring Unit) COOK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS MEMORANDUM TO: All Interested Sworn Electronic Monitoring Unit Investigators DATE: April 02, 2014 Cara L. Smith, Executive Director FROM: SUBJECT: Electronic Monitoring Unit In-House Bid- April2014 Postmg Date: Apnl 02, 2014 Internet Posting Including Information of Current Vacancies Tracking Number: CCDOC-2014-002 -Straight Seniority Bid Transfer (In-House Electronic Monitoring Unit) Pursuant to agreement between Management and Teamsters Union Local 700, Article XIV - Job Posting and Transfers, Section 14.3 - Posting of Vacancies and Bidding, I. DOC, C. Special Assignments of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and consistent with Article K - Straight Seniority Bid Transfer of the Sheriff's Employment Action Manual ("SEAM"), the Electronic Monitoring Unit In-House Bid will take place on Tuesday, April 15, 2014. The bidding location will be the following: Cook County Department of Corrections Electronic Monitoring Unit 2323 South Rockwell Chicago, Illinois 60608 Instructions: I. One (1) standard bid slip will be utilized for bidding available location(s), shift(s) and day-off group(s) listed below. 2. Each employee must be in an active status to be eligible to bid. 3. The Electronic Monitoring Unit of the Cook County Department of Corrections requires an applicant to meet specific requirements necessary for obtaining that position. Within this posting, to bid a position within the Electronic Monitoring Unit the employee must meet the following requirements, which must be produced at the time of bidding and verified prior to awarding the assignment: I. Must be possession of a current Deputy Card and in deputized status; 2. Must be in possession of a current and valid Firearm Owners Identification Card; and 3. Must be in possession of a current and valid Driver's License. 3. The one-cycle Electronic Monitoring In-House Bid will take place on Tuesday, April 15, 2014 at the location listed above. Each employee has been assigned a bidding time in order based upon his/her verified seniority date. These times are scheduled below. 4. Bid slip(s) will not be accepted outside of each employee's scheduled date and time as listed below. 5. Bid slip(s) must be completed and include the following: • The date completing the bid slip; • Name (Last, First, MI); In-House Electronic Monitoring Unit Bidding Process CCDOC-2014-002- Straight Seniority Bid Transfer Internet Posting Including Bid Number, Employee Number, IDE, Seniority Date and Scheduled Time • Employee Number; • JDE Number; • Current Work Assignment; • Current Shift; • Current Detail; • Choice of Selected Available Location; • Choice of Selected Available Shift; • Choice of Selected Available Detail; • Signature; and • No Political Consideration Certification. 6. Any employee that fails to submit a fully completed bid slip will not be considered for the Straight Seniority Bid opportunity. 7. Effective date of each employee's awarded bid will be Sunday, Apri120, 2014. For further information regarding the above process, kindly refer to Article XIV - Job Posting and Transfers, Section 14.3 -Posting of Vacancies and Bidding, I. DOC, C. Special Assignments of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and Article K- Straight Seniority Bid Transfer of the Sheriffs Employment Action Manual, which is posted on the Cook County Sheriff's website: I certify, that no political reasons or factors were considered in any decision I made or action I took relating to this employment action. Further, I do not know of, or have any reason to believe that, anyone else considered or took action based on political reasons or factors with respect to this employment action. Printed Name: Department Head or Designee's ignature: Date: Cara L. Smith, Executive Director 04/02/2014 ELECTRONIC MONITORING UNIT DETAIL ;H\i:<:\. •,:;•:;:r:::· I 2 3 4 5 6 7 NUMBER OF POSITIONS 2300-0700 SHIFT 0700-1500 SHIFT 1500-2300 SHIFT Four (4) Four (4) Six (6) Six (6) Six (6) Five (5) Three (3) Six (6) Five(5)_ Four (4) Five (5) Five (5) Five (5) Four (4) Six (6) Five (5) Six (6) Six (6) Six (6) Six (6) Five (5) -2 -II' u g ~ In-House Electronic Monitoring Unit Bidding Process CCDOC-2014-002- Straight Seniority Bid Transfer Internet Posting Including Bid Number, Employee Number, IDE, Seniority Date and Scheduled Time ,.. ·.i\iii!~sW:r~~WQR!·(:~s~~~~.;•·•·• >< ~~ ><,.. "" O"" ,.. .... E-< ~ ...:!~ ~~ .....oE-< < zA s ,..~~ ,.. ~ ""1 206297 380360 04/22/1980 ~ ~ ~,.. BID TIME 00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 210085 215602 215652 216050 459339 217700 217942 217968 218036 218840 218918 218050 222136 222759 224971 225021 225497 226209 226261 226530 226634 227056 227093 227224 227377 227892 228894 383325 229942 230009 230498 230515 230602 230606 230969 231462 231784 231884 231891 381282 381263 378169 383408 459339 381963 383683 375363 381897 380004 374788 378244 382782 379882 376664 379514 377886 387104 385058 385423 381049 377872 383147 384224 382868 379114 380163 383325 385377 378189 382282 379067 376117 377075 386511 381886 383914 378196 379058 11/16/1981 12/1711984 12/17/1984 04/0111985 09/16/1985 01/21/1986 04/01/1986 04/01/1986 04116/1986 07/07/1986 0711611986 09/01/1987 02/16/1988 06/0111988 04/17/1989 0411711989 06/01/1989 0811611989 08/2811989 10/02/1989 I 0/1611989 12/18/1989 1211811989 01/16/1990 02116/1990 04/16/1990 07/16/1990 01/0211991 01/16/1991 02/0111991 04/16/1991 04116/1991 04/22/1991 04/2211991 06/03/1991 07/0811991 08/19/1991 09/16/1991 09116/1991 "' ~ " 0 0:: 0 0 r0 "' ~ "0 0:: 0 ~ r0 "' ~ " 0 0:: 0 N r0 "' ~ " 0 0:: 0 "' r0 In-House Electronic Monitoring Unit Bidding Process CCDOC-2014-002- Straight Seniority Bid Transfer Internet Posting Including Bid Number, Employee Number, JDE, Seniority Date and Scheduled Time BID TIME ~ l 0 0 00 0 j 0 00 "' 0 -4 -II' u g ~ In-House Electronic Monitoring Unit Bidding Process CCDOC-2014-002- Straight Seniority Bid Transfer Internet Posting Including Bid Number, Employee Number, JDE, Seniority Date and Scheduled Time ..:: :s"" ~ ~ 9~ 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 :>'!:WMI\Js1iJ:G'$:t(;)~ c¢sii:, >' ~~ ..:: ~~ """" E;~ 745973 746287 746279 749172 750986 750989 751001 757648 755196 764427 764439 777210 768904 465695 770628 771975 772810 772846 775015 771980 778770 778782 779488 779511 786095 745973 746287 746279 749172 750986 750989 751001 757648 755196 764427 764439 777210 768904 465695 770628 771975 772810 772846 775015 771980 778770 778782 779488 779511 786095 """" z :>< E-< liil"" o!;; BID TIME :z:~ "" rLl 11/18/2002 12/02/2002 01/28/2003 03/10/2003 05/05/2003 05/05/2003 05/05/2003 11/24/2003 07/09/2004 08/02/2004 08/02/2004 11/01/2004 01/10/2005 04/18/2005 04/18/2005 06/13/2005 07111/2005 07/11/2005 10/17/2005 03/15/2006 04117/2006 04/17/2006 05/15/2006 05/15/2006 04/16/2007 ~ !30 ::r: 0 (") 00 0 ~ '-< = 0 ::r: .., 0 00 0 ~ '-< = ::r: 0 0 <n 00 0 ~ '-< = 0 ::r: 0 0 "' 0 ~ '-< = ::r: 0 0 ~ "' 0 I certify, that no political reasons or factors were considered in any decision I made or action I took relating to this employment action. Further, I do not know of, or have any reason to believe that, anyone else considered or took action based on political reasons or factors with respect to this employment action. Printed Name: Department Head or Designee's Signature: Cara L. Smith Date: 04/02/2014 SIGNATURE cc: All CCDOC Assistant Executive Directors Gregory Shields, Director of Electronic Monitoring Unit Rosemarie Nolan, Deputy Chief, Bureau of Human Resources Robert Egan, Compliance Officer CCSO Officer M. Robinson, Chief Union Representative- Teamsters Local 700 File - s -II' " g ~
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