680 LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT [9 September 2014 GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION No. 436-440/DSE/EC/C/2014. Puducherry, the 7th August 2014. NOTIFICATION It is hereby informed that the following candidates have lost their original Higher Secondary Examination Mark Certificates beyond the scope of recovery and necessary steps have been taken to issue duplicate certificates. If any one finds the original mark certificate(s), it/they may be sent to the Secretary, State Board of Secondary Examinations, College Road, Chennai – 600 006 for cancellation, as it is/they are no longer valid. Sl. No. Name of the applicant Register No., session and year Sl. No. of the mark certificate School in which studied last (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Thiru/Tmt./Selvi : 1 Kiriza, R. 774715, March 1993 AB0730355 K a n n a g i G o v e r n m e n t G i r l s’ H i g h e r Secondary S c h o o l , Villianur, Puducherry. 2 Sendhil Kumar, B. 544778, March 2010 5138046 Calve College Government Higher Secondary School, Puducherry. 3 Jayalakshmi, N. 488926, March 2008 135977, June 2008 3699133 3238109 Vallalar Government Girls’ Higher Secondary School, Lawspet, Puducherry. 4 Anandan, S. 473078, March 2007 2929118 Ilango Adigal Government Higher Secondary Schoo l, Muthirap alayam, Puducherry. 5 Saranya, V. 441326, March 2005 154443, June 2005 1619817 1883317 S r i N . K . C . G o v e r n me n t G i r l s ’ H i g h e r Secondary School, Kurusukuppam, Puducherry. R. PARTHASARATHY, Joint Director. ———— GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DIRECTORATE OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE (SECRETARIAT WING) [G.O. Ms. No. 2/Ind&Com(SW)/S1/2014, dated 22nd August 2014] NOTIFICATION In pursuance of Article 70 of Articles of Association of Pondicherry Textile Corporation Limited, Puducherry, the Lieutenant-Governor is pleased to appoint the following officials as the Director in the Board of Directors of Pondicherry Textile Corporation Limited with immediate effect and until further orders. The Secretary to Government (Industries and Commerce), Puducherry is appointed as Director in the Board of Directors of Pondicherry Textile Corporation Limited, Puducherry in the place of Thiru W.V.R. Murthy, I . A. S ., transferred. Further, the Secretary to Government (Labour) is appointed as Director in the Board of Directors of Pondicherry Textile Corporation Limited, Puducherry in the place of Thiru M. Chokkalingam as the individual is no longer in service in the National Textile Corporation, Coimbatore. Further, the Director of Industries and Commerce, Puducherry is appointed as Director in the Board of Directors of Pondicherry Textile Corporation Limited, Puducherry against the existing vacancy. Further, Thiru A. Arulsamy, Executive Director, National Textile Corporation Limited is appointed as Director in the Board of Directors of Pondicherry Textile Corporation Limited, Puducherry in the place of Thiru K.R. Krishnamoorthy. (By order of the Lieutenant-Governor) G. M ALAR K ANNAN, Joint Secretary to Government (Ind & Com). 9 September 2014] LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT 681 GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY HOME DEPARTMENT (G.O. Ms. No. 54, dated 22nd August 2014) ORDER Approval of the Lieutenant-Governor is accorded for the revision of the Standing Order prescribing the physical efficiency test for selection of Women Home Guards in Pondicherry Police, as detailed below: Standing Order In partial modification of the G.O. Ms. No. 15, dated 8-3-2013 of the Home Department, Puducherry, the physical efficiency test for the recruitment of Women Home Guards in the Union territory of Puducherry will be follows: Physical efficiency test for female candidates : Stage Existing Events Proposed modification Minimum standard to acquire Events Minimum standard to acquire Stage-I 200 Metres Run 40 Seconds 200 Metres Run 45 Seconds Stage-II Long Jump 3.25 Metres Long Jump 2.75 Metres Stage-III High Jump 1.05 Metres High Jump 0.9 Metres (By order of the Lieutenant-Governor) YASAM LAKSHMI NARAYANA REDDY, Joint Secretary to Government. ———— 5 Executive Engineer, National . . Member Highways Division, Public Works Department, Puducherry. (G.O. Ms. No. 34/Tr.Sectt./2014, dated 25th August 2014) 6 Deputy Director, Public Health . . Member NOTIFICATION 7 Regional Transport Officer, Puducherry . . Member GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY TRANSPORT SECRETARIAT In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 215 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Act No. 59 of 1988), the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry is pleased to approve and constitute the District/Regional Road Safety Committee in the road transport sector in the Union territory of Puducherry, with the following officials/non-official members with immediate effect: A. District Road Safety Committee, Puducherry 1 District Collector, Puducherry . . Chairman 2 Senior Superintendent of Police (Traffic), Puducherry. . . ViceChairman. 3 Commissioner, Local Body concerned . . Member 4 Executive Engineer (Buildings and . . Member Roads Division), Public Works Department, Puducherry concerned. 8 Deputy Director, Elementary Education, . . Member Puducherry. 9 Regional Administrator, Mahe . . Member 10 Regional Administrator, Yanam . . Member 11 One representative each from Bus and Lorry Owners’ Association. . . Members 12 One representative each from any two NGOs. . . Members 13 Superintendent of Police (Traffic), Puducherry. . . MemberSecretary. B. District Road Safety Committee, Karaikal 1 District Collector, Karaikal . . Chairman 2 Senior Superintendent of Police, Karaikal. . . ViceChairman. 682 LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT 3 Municipal Commissioner, Karaikal . . Member 4 Executive Engineer (Buildings and Roads Division), Public Works Department, Karaikal. . . Member 5 Deputy Director (Health) . . Member 6 Regional Transport Officer, Karaikal . . Member 7 Deputy Director, Office of the Chief . . Member Educational Officer, Karaikal. 8 One representative each from Bus and Lorry owners’ Association. . . Members 9 One representative each from any two NGOs. . . Members 10 Superintendent of Police, Karaikal . . MemberSecretary. C. Regional Road Safety Committee, Mahe 1 Regional Administrator, Mahe . . Chairman 2 Municipal Commissioner, Mahe . . Member 3 Executive Engineer( Public Works Department), Mahe. . . Member 4 Motor Vehicle Inspector, Mahe . . Member 5 Junior Town Planner, Mahe . . Member 6 Deputy Director (Health), Mahe . . Member 7 Superintendent of Police, Mahe . . MemberSecretary. D. Regional Road Safety Committee, Yanam. [9 September 2014 (3) Development of trauma care and blood bank facility in the district - Evaluate and to take action for trauma care facility including blood banks where necessary. Training in trauma care to be provided to people from villages adjoining highways, police personnel, etc., who are the first responders. (4) Enforcement of traffic regulations - DRSC to formulate a strategy and monitor enforcement of traffic regulations, special attention to accident prone stretches, ensure coordination between transport, highway and police authorities to check overloading on the road. (5) Campaign to spread awareness - DRSC to take up campaigns to spread awareness regarding responsible and safe road use associating education authorities, schools, colleges and local Government Bodies like panchayats. (6) Creation of wayside amenities - DRSC to identify the need and feasibility for creation of wayside amenities along highways. (7) Functioning of the District Transport Office DRSC to monitor the functioning of District Transport Office (DTO) to ensure transparency in the issue of fitness certificates and driving licences. (8) Advice to Para Statals - DRSC to advice Para Statals to carry out effective measures for ensuring safety of all road users. 1 Regional Administrator, Yanam . . Chairman 2 Municipal Commissioner, Yanam . . Member 3 Executive Engineer (Public Works Department), Yanam. . . Member 3. The non-official members shall hold office for a period of two years. 4 Motor Vehicle Inspector, Yanam . . Member 4. The committee shall decide the procedure and methodology to be adopted for its functioning. 5 Junior Town Planner, Yanam . . Member 6 Deputy Director (Health), Yanam . . Member 7 Inspector of Police, Yanam . . MemberSecretary. 2. The committee shall perform the following functions, viz: (1) Identification of black spot - DRSC to identify existing accident prone spots/black spots and plan for remedial measures like spreading awareness, improvement in road condition, enforcement and provision of emergency medical relief in case of accident. (2) Deployment of ambulances in the district DRSC can identify the requirement of ambulances to be deployed to provide emergency care to victims within 8-10 minutes. Manning and functioning of ambulances to be monitored by DRSC. 5. The committee shall meet ordinarily once in six months. (By order of the Lieutenant-Governor) S.D. S UNDARESAN , Additional Secretary to Government. ———— GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY CHIEF SECRETARIAT (HEALTH) (G.O. Ms. No. 58, dated 25th August 2014) ORDER Whereas, the Supreme Court of India in the Suo Motu Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 24 of 2014 In Re : Indian Woman says gang-raped on orders of 9 September 2014] LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT Village Court published in Business and Financial News, dated 23-1-2014 vide Judgment, dated 28-3-2014 has directed all hospitals, public or private, whether run by the Central Government, the State Government, Local Bodies or any other person, are statutorily obligated under section 357C to provide the first-aid or medical treatment free of cost to the victims of any offence covered under sections 326A, 376, 376A, 376B, 376C, 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code; And whereas, the Under Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India vide his letter, dated 2-5-2013 has stated that a Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 129 of 2006 in the matter of Laxmi through her father Vs. Union of India and others has been filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the context of acid attack, the Hon’ble Supreme Court in its Judgment, dated 31-8-2012 has directed the Union Home Secretary to discuss the enactment of appropriate provisions for effective regulation of sale of acids in States/Union Territories and one of the reliefs prayed for by the petitioner was to direct the respondent to appoint and constitute a committee for adopting measures for proper treatment, after care and rehabilitation of the victim of acid attack; And whereas, the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 (No. 13 of 2013), which came into force on 3rd February 2013 and has been gazetted on 2nd April 2013 and as per section 357C inserted in Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 by amendment, it has been provided that “All hospitals, public or private, whether run by the Central Government, the State Government, Local Bodies or any other person, shall immediately provide the first-aid or medical treatment free of cost to the victims of any offence covered under sections 326A, 376, 376A, 376B, 376C, 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code and shall immediately inform the police of such incident; And whereas, section 326A of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 provides for voluntarily causing grievous hurt by use of acid, etc., section 376 deals with the punishment for rape, section 376A speaks about punishment for causing death or resulting in persistent vegetative state of victim, section 376B speaks about the sexual intercourse by husband upon his wife during separation, section 376C deals with the sexual intercourse by a person in authority, section 376D deals with gang rape, section 376E speaks about the punishment for repeat offenders; And whereas, the above issue was discussed in a meeting held under the Union Home Secretary and it has been decided that all the State Governments/ Union Territories may be requested to ensure free medical treatment to the victims of any offence covered under sections 326A, 376, 376A, 376B, 376C, 376D or 683 section 376E of the Indian Penal Code and further, the fines imposed and collected would meet the medical expenses of treatment of the victim and shall be paid to the victim. And whereas, health is a State subject, it is the responsibility of State Government/Union Territory administration to provide adequate medical treatment and rehabilitation of the acid attack victims and against the above background, the State Governments/ Union Territory administrations are requested to issue necessary instructions to all concerned such as State/ Union Territories officials, all hospitals irrespective of run by Government, autonomous institutions private institutions etc., for compliance of abovesaid provisions in right earnest manner; Now, therefore, in compliance to the directions of the Supreme Court of India and the directions of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, the Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry is hereby pleased to order that all hospitals, public or private, whether run by the Central Government, the State Government, Local Bodies or any other person, shall immediately provide first-aid or medical treatment free of cost to the victims of any offence covered under sections 326A, 376, 376A, 376B, 376C, 376D or section 376E of the Indian Penal Code, and shall immediately inform the police of such incident. (By order of the Lieutenant-Governor) V. C ANDAVELOU, I. A. S., Commissioner-cum- Secretary to Government (Health). ———— GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY LABOUR DEPARTMENT (G. O. Rt. No. 123/AIL/Lab./J/2014, dated 25th August 2014) NOTIFICATION Whereas, the Government is of the opinion that an industrial dispute has arisen between the management of M/s. Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry and its workman Thiru A. Kannan, over non-employment in resp ect of the matter mentioned in t he An ne xu r e to this order; And whereas, in the opinion of the Government, it is necessary to refer the said dispute for adjudication; Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority delegated vide G.O. Ms. No. 20/91/Lab., dated 23-5-1991 of the Labour Department, Puducherry to exercise the p ower s confer red b y clause ( d) o f sub -section (1 ) 684 LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT of section 10 of the Ind ustr ial Disp utes Act, 1947 (Central Act XIV of 1947), it is hereby directed by Secretary to Government (Labour) that the said dispute be referred to the Labour Court, Puducherry for adjudication. The Labour Court, Puducherry sh all submit the award within 3 months from the date o f issue of reference as stipulated under sub-section (2-A) of sectio n 1 0 of the Ind ustrial Disp utes Act, 19 47 and in acco r d ance with rule 10-B of the Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957. The party raising the dispute shall file a statement of claim complete with relevant documents, list of reliance and witnesses to the Labour Court, Puducherry within 15 days of the receip t o f the o rd er of r eference and also for ward a copy of such statement to each one of the opposite parties involved in the dispute. ANNEXURE (a) Whether the dispute raised by the petitioner Thiru A. Kannan, Anesthesia Technician, a ga i ns t the ma n a g e m e n t o f M/s. Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, over his non-employment is justified? If justified, what relief, he is entitled to? (b) To compute the relief, if any, awarded in terms of money, if it can be so computed? (By order) S. T HAMMU G ANAPATHY , Under Secretary to Government (Labour). ———— GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY LABOUR DEPARTMENT (G. O. Rt. No. 124/AIL/Lab./J/2014, dated 25th August 2014) [9 September 2014 Puducherry and its workman Thiru L. Bhuvaneswaran, over non-employment in r e s p e c t o f t h e ma t t e r men ti o n ed i n th e An ne xu r e to this order; And whereas, in the opinion of the Government, it is necessary to refer the said dispute for adjudication; Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority delegated vide G.O. Ms. No. 20/91/Lab., dated 23-5-1991 of the Labour Department, Puducherry to exercise the p ower s confer red b y clause ( d) o f sub-section (1 ) of section 10 of the Ind ustr ial Disp utes Act, 1947 (Central Act XIV of 1947), it is hereby directed by Secretary to Government (Labour) that the said dispute be referred to the Labour Court, Puducherry for adjudication. The Labour Court, Puducherry sh all submit the award within 3 months from the date o f issue of reference as stipulated under sub-section (2-A) of sectio n 1 0 of the Ind ustrial Disp utes Act, 19 47 and in acco r d ance with rule 10-B of the Industrial Disputes (Central) Rules, 1957. The party raising the dispute shall file a statement of claim complete with relevant documents, list of reliance and witnesses to the Labour Court, Puducherry within 15 days of the receip t o f the o rd er of r eference and also for ward a copy of such statement to each one of the opposite parties involved in the dispute. ANNEXURE (a) Whether the dispute raised by the petitioner Thiru L. Bhuvaneswaran, against the management o f M/s. Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, over his non-employment is justified? If justified, what relief he is entitled to? (b) To compute the relief, if any, awarded in terms of money, if it can be so computed? NOTIFICATION (By order) Whereas, the Government is of the opinion that an industrial dispute has arisen between the management of M/s. Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, S. T HAMMU G ANAPATHY , Under Secretary to Government (Labour). ———— GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DIRECTORATE OF ACCOUNTS AND TREASURIES No. 11-1/DAT/SK.Estt./2014/74. Puducherry, the 25th August 2014. NOTIFICATION The tentative seniority list of Store-keeper Grade-III, who have been appointed subsequent to the issue of Notification No.11-1/DAT/SK.Estt./2006/203, dated 12-8-2010 of Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries, Puducherry has been circulated to all concerned inviting objections, if any vide Memorandum No.11-1/DAT/ SK.Estt./2014/41, dated 27-5-2014. No objection has since been received and the final seniority will be as indicated below: 9 September 2014] LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT 685 2. The list will form the base for the purpose of promotion. Sl. No. Seniority No. Name of the Store-keeper Grade-III Department in which working at present (1) (2) (3) (4) Thiru/Tmt. : 1 349 B. Anbalagan Office of the Deputy Director (Immunization), Karaikal. 2 350 Sangadi Bhairavaswamy (Retired on 31-7-2009) Netaji Subash Chandra Bose Government Industrial Training Institute, Yanam. 3 351 V. Kanagaraj Office of the Assistant Director (Filaria), Puducherry. 4 352 N. Vasuki (Voluntary retirement on 1-6-2009). Block Development Office, Karaikal S. P UNIDHAVA LLI , Director. ———— GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL AND ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS (PERSONNEL WING) HOME DEPARTMENT (G.O. Ms. No. 57, dated 27th August 2014) [G.O. Ms. No. 56/DP&AR/SS.II(1), dated 26th August 2014] NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION On attaining the age of superannuation, the following Superintendents shall retire from service with effect from the afternoon of 31-8-2014. The Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry is pleased t o d e c l a r e P u b l i c H o l i d a y f o r a l l G o v e r n me n t Offices/I n s t i t u t i o n s a n d B a n k i n g I n s t i t u t i o n s i nc lu d i ng Co-operative Banks for all the four regions Sl. No. Name of the Superintendent and Department/Office in the Union territory of Puducherry on Saturday (1) (2) Liberation Day under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 1 2 2 3 Thiru S. Sivabalan, Superintendent, Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries, Puducherry. Thiru A. Bascaradasse, Superintendent, Directorate of Accounts and Treasuries, Puducherry. Tmt. P. Lima Rose, Superintendent, Shri NKC Government Girls’ Higher Secondary School, Kurusukuppam, Puducherry. Tmt. C.K. Valsala, Superintendent, Public Works Department, Mahe. the 1st November 2014 on account of Puducherry in lieu of Friday the 3rd October 2014 declared as Public Holiday on account of Vijayadasami vide G. O. Ms. No. 63, dated 29-10-2013 of Home Department, Puducherry. 2. The Lieutenant-Governor, Puducherry is also pleased to include Friday the 3rd October 2014 in Appendix-III (Restricted Holidays 2014) on account of Vijayadasami. (By order) (By order) M. KANNAN, Under Secretary to Government(DP&AR). YASAM LAKSHMI NARAYANA REDDY, Joint Secretary to Government. 686 LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT [9 September 2014 GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DIRECTORATE OF AGRICULTURE GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY CHIEF SECRETARIAT (WORKS) No. 426/Ag/Estt/A4/2014. Puducherry, the 1st September 2014. (G.O. Ms. No. 42, dated 28th August 2014) NOTIFICATION ORDER On attaining the age of superannuation, Thiru M. Venugopal, Executive Engineer, Buildings and Roads (North) Division, Public Works Department, Puducherry is admitted into retirement with effect from the afternoon of 31-8-2014. The resignation on technical formality tendered by Thiru R. Kumaran, Agricultural Officer, Office of the Additional Director of Agriculture (T&V), Puducherry is accepted and he is relieved from the service with effect from the forenoon of 1-9-2014 to take up his new assignment. (By order) (By order of the Lieutenant-Governor) Dr. A. RAMAMOURTI, Director of Agriculture. V. THENRALI , Under Secretary to Government (Works). ———— A . pt. pt. 9 September 2014] LA GAZETTE DE L’ETAT 687 pt. P.R. }|{, GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DIRECTORATE OF ACCOUNTS AND TREASURIES (BRANCH OFFICE) Karaikal, the 22nd August 2014. TENDER NOTICE Tenders in sealed covers are invited for the sale of old newspapers in as-is-where-is condition as detailed below: Rate per kilogram (1) Old Tamil newspapers .. ` (2) Old English newspapers .. ` 1. The tenders superscribing on the envelope as “Tender for the purchase of old newspapers” should reach the office of the undersigned at 4.00 p.m on or before 15-9-2014. 2. The tenders so received will be opened on the same day at 4.30 p.m. in the presence of those tenderers or their representatives who are present at that time. 3. The tenders received after the due date and time will be rejected. 4. If for any reasons, the opening day of tenders happens to be holiday, the same will be opened on the next working day at 11.30 a.m. 5. The intending tenderers must deposit a sum of ` 300 (Rupees three hundred only) in cash as earnest money deposit before submitting their tenders. The earnest money deposit of the unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded only after the finalisation of the tender. 6. The successful tenderer should pay the entire amount immediately alongwith sales tax, if any, and clear all the items sold within 24 hours at his own risk and cost failing which the earnest money deposit will be forfeited into the Puducherry Government Account. 7. The successful tenderer should make his own arrangements to weigh the old newspapers. 8. The intending tenderers can inspect the old newspapers in the store section of this office during the office hours on any working day. 9. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reason thereof. 10. No claim on the quantity and quality of the newspapers will be admitted once the tender is finalised. 11. In case of any dispute, the decision of the Deputy Director will be the final and binding. 12. Rate should be mentioned for each item separately. K. SELVARASU , Deputy Director.
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