2014 ONTARIO PRIDE EVENTS MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST Guelph Pride May 3 - 10 www.guelphpride.com Pride Durham June 2 - 8 www.pridedurham.com Belleville Pride July 5 www.bellevillepride.ca Simcoe County Pride August 1 - 9 www.simcoepride.com Pride Niagara May 30 - June 7 www.prideniagara.com Barrie Pride June 7 - 14 www.barriepride.ca Sudbury Pride July 12 - 20 www.sudburypride.com Windsor-Essex Pride Festival August 8 - 10 www.wepridefest.com Tri-Pride: Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo May 30 - June 7 www.tri-pride.ca Pride in Perth June 7 - 14 (TBC) http://lgbtlanark.com/ events/pride-in-perth Muskoka Pride July 18 - 27 www.muskokapride.com Capital Pride Fierté August 15 - 24 www.capitalpride.ca Elliot Lake Pride May 30 - June 1 www.elpride.ca Thunder Pride June 8 - 15 www.thunderpride.ca Brockville Pride Walk July 19 https://sites.google.com/ site/brockvillepride Kingston Pride May 30 - June 15 www.kingstonpride.ca Hamilton Pride June 9 - 15 www.pridehamilton.ca Peel Pride July 19 www.peelpride.ca Grey Bruce Pride June 13 - 15 https://www.facebook.com/ GreyBrucePride Pride London July 19 - 27 www.pridelondon.ca York Region Pride June 14 - 22 www.yorkpridefest.com Brantford Pride June 21 www.brantfordpride.ca WorldPride 2014 (Toronto Pride) June 20 - 29 www.worldpride.ca Halton Pride July 26 http://www.haltonpride.org SEPTEMBER Timmins Pride September 2 - 7 http://timminspride.wix.com/ timminspride Sault Ste. Marie Pridefest September 5 - 7 www.algomaarts.wix.com/sault -pride Peterborough Pride September 13 - 20 www.peterboroughpride.ca Pride Chatham-Kent September 26 and 27 www.pride-ck.com ETFO members are encouraged to participate in local Pride events and to make celebrating Pride an integral part of their inclusive classroom. Contact your local office for more information about local Pride activities and how to volunteer. ETFO is looking for volunteers to host our ETFO booth at the WorldPride Streetfair on Saturday, June 28 and Sunday, June 29, 2014. Please e-mail Susy Costa ([email protected]) by Friday, June 13, 2014 if you are interested. Please indicate your preference for a morning or afternoon shift and which day you are available. Are you interested in marching in the ETFO contingent for the Dyke March on Saturday, June 28 or the Pride Parade on Sunday, June 29? If so, please inform Susy Costa or Adam Peer by Friday, June 13, 2014. For further information, please contact Adam Peer, Executive Assistant, [email protected] or Susy Costa, [email protected] at the ETFO provincial office: 136 Isabella Street, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 0B5 Telephone: 416-962-3836 Toll free: 1-888-838-3836 Fax: 416-642-2424 Website: www.etfo.ca Please note: The dates were accurate at the time of printing. Members are encouraged to check the individual websites prior to attending any of the Pride events.
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