Dakota County Library Technology Plan 2014-2015 Dakota County Library 1340 Wescott Road Eagan, MN 55123 Library Director: Ken Behringer Contact Person Name: Contact Person Mailing Address: Contact Person Phone Number: Contact Person E-mail: Mike Turbes 1340 Wescott Road, Eagan, MN 55123 651-450-2991 [email protected] Adopted by the Dakota County Library Board, February 13, 2014 URL for this Technology Plan: http://www.co.dakota.mn.us/libraries/About/AnnualReport/Documents/TechnologyPlan.pdf Page | 1 Page | 2 Vision, Goals, Objectives, and Strategies for Technology All library technology plans, projects and services are examined and considered in concert with the County and Library mission statements, the County Strategic Plan, and the Technology Vision Statement for the Library. The Library Technology Department cooperates and works with other County departments to ensure that the needs of Dakota County residents are anticipated, understood and met. County Mission Statement The mission of the Dakota County government is to provide efficient, effective, responsive government that achieves the Board of Commissioners' vision for Dakota County: a premier place in which to live and work. Dakota County Library Mission Statement The mission of the Dakota County Library is to support lifelong learning for county residents of all ages by: Anticipating and responding to their needs for information, Encouraging their desire to read, and Enriching the quality of life in their communities. Technology Vision Statement for Dakota County Library The people of Dakota County, in and through their Dakota County Library, will have convenient access to library resources through proven technology. In the virtual and physical libraries, our role will be to provide value-added products and services that guide and direct customers to information and resources. Customers will be assisted as needed by a sufficient number of knowledgeable, trained staff who can help them make the best use of both new and traditional resources. Staff will be supported by up-to-date technology that ensures quality services that are efficient and effective. To support this vision we draw on these values: We value acquiring and using technology to support the missions of the Library and the County. We value the principles of intellectual freedom guiding the Library in developing access to electronic resources, with customers responsible for what they choose to use. We value making electronic information resources available to persons of all ages, physical conditions and locations in Dakota County. We value electronic resources extending library services, complementing other materials and services provided by the Library, and where appropriate, substituting for equivalent resources in other formats. We value promoting electronic resources and complementary resources in other formats to all residents of Dakota County, both current and potential customers. We value staff interaction with customers, instructing them as necessary, assisting them in locating, using and evaluating information, whether a customer is on library premises or accessing library services from a remote location. We value the ongoing offering of new and emerging resources delivered via new technologies. We value the continuing education and training of Library staff in the use of electronic resources and new technologies. Page | 3 We value adequate and reliable equipment through the use of a planned equipment and software upgrade cycles. In implementing the vision, the following principles will be followed: The Library strives for user-friendly interfaces for technology and, when possible, will attempt to use software similar or identical to software people are familiar with using at home, school, or work. No one will be denied basic access to the library catalog or electronic databases in Library buildings because of fees. Charges to customers for using technology may include consumables for printing and other supplies. Customers may be denied Internet access based on compliance with current Library circulation policies. To the greatest extent possible, in-library and remote access to electronic resources will be provided to customers. The Library may need to restrict access in order to comply with copyright and license agreements. The Library will support and encourage efforts to enhance customer digital literacy. The Library will endeavor to protect any user data created or collected in library transactions in keeping with industry standards and state data privacy laws. In implementing the vision, our strategies are: Develop information systems flexible enough to adapt to new technologies and their opportunities. Provide ongoing staff development so that Library staff can facilitate and educate customers’ pursuit and use of electronic information resources. Be active in relationships with vendors of electronic information to ensure intellectual freedom, patron privacy, equity of access and user friendly methods of access. Coordinate our efforts with those of other metropolitan public libraries, with schools and higher education institutions, and with other units of county government. Promote customer self-service. Demographics Dakota County Library, including its affiliate the South St. Paul Public Library, serves a population of 405,088 (2012 estimate) with a broad range of needs. 11.1% are over age 65* 25.4% are under age 18* 6% live below the poverty line* 11.2% speak a language other than English in their home* 224,297 library card holders with activity in the past three years (352,301 total borrowers). *Source: U.S. Census Bureau Page | 4 Page | 5 Dakota County Library – Technology Department The Dakota County Information Technology Department has been a leader in fiber-optic network partnerships and installations. Due to this forward thinking and the associated funding, the Library System has excellent fiber-optic network connectivity between our buildings and the county. This enables us to effectively utilize other County IT services as well, including the public web site (both as an information provider and an information receiver), Outlook email, Lync, voice-over-IP telephones, Dakota Works (a centralized internal website for employee communications) and IFAS (the county Enterprise Resource Planning System). The Dakota County Information Technology Department and Library System have a service level agreement for maintaining, developing and upgrading the telecommunications infrastructure supporting library services and operations. Where appropriate, the library provides assistance with problem diagnosis and resolution for these systems. Depending on the county for the mentioned services frees the library to concentrate on library customer-focused applications, equipment, and services. The Library Technology Department is responsible for the implementation, and management of technology projects for the entire Dakota County Library System. The department also participates in project evaluation and planning. Once a project is approved, the department will plan, purchase necessary hardware and software, implement, test, and train staff for the new service. These activities may include library staff, other agencies, vendors, and outside resources as needed. To ensure the most effective pricing we participate in county and state in purchasing contracts. Where possible, we will seek educational pricing in accordance with our mission. Inventories are maintained and verified annually by the Library Technology Department. The Department also provides support services for library customers and staff. The Department maintains a Help Desk for library staff that is available seven days a week during all operating hours for the nine library buildings and at least one hour prior to opening on weekends. The Library Help Desk receives all staff calls related to library and county services. Realizing the Library’s significant public interaction and the impact on customer services, the Library Technology Department staff strives to provide immediate diagnosis and solutions to the problems. Support issues for county services are forwarded to the County Help Desk if the Library Help Desk is unable to resolve them locally. In 2013, over 5300 calls were handled by the library help desk. Over 500 online support tickets were also submitted to the library help desk. Specialized library applications and services are supported by Library Technology Department staff and through maintenance contracts with vendors. We collaborate with several external agencies. MELSA (Metropolitan Library Service Agency) - the regional federation of metro city and county libraries which works to provide cooperative services and cost-savings to member libraries. MnLink – the statewide information system linking public, academic and school libraries using a portal allowing customers to access materials from other library systems throughout the state and the country. Minitex – an information and resource sharing program of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and the University of Minnesota Libraries, which provides support to MnLINK software as well as providing access to the Electronic Library of Minnesota (ELM). Acknowledging that the primary aim of library technology is to improve and support the customer experience, the Library Information Services Department has been incorporated into the Library Technology Department. Information Services provides direct service to customers through communication, digital initiatives, community engagement, information literacy and education, Page | 6 reference and readers’ advisory services, and staff training/competencies. Information Services also encompasses the Inter-Library Loan Department which uses VDX software to both supply and acquire library materials for library customers. Current staffing – 6 FTE plus 3 FTE in Information Services and Inter-Library Loan Equipment and systems supported All library computers and devices are maintained and supported by the Technology Staff. This includes over 530 computers and printers plus a wide variety of peripheral devices. Additionally, 25 software systems are supported. See Appendices A and B for a detailed list. The Library Technology Department partners with other library departments to identify, implement, and support services for the staff and public by identifying and recommending technologies. The department provides desktop support in the library for: Setting up new computers Upgrading existing computers Installing and maintaining software Providing scheduled and unscheduled maintenance Support and trouble-shooting Ensuring compliance with licensing requirements Assuring the security of PCs, using automated systems to install patches and scan for unauthorized software. Needs Assessment Customer and staff input are received and considered for new services and improvements to existing services. Comments and suggestions are currently received via: Public surveys (Counting Opinions, Edge and Impact survey, adhoc) Staff Surveys Comment cards – Comment cards are available for customers at all buildings. These cards are responded to by the appropriate staff. We regularly receive technology related comments. Email comments – Similar to the comment cards, customers often submit their comments via email to our AskALibrarian email reference service. Social Media comments and suggestions. The Library Technology Department actively monitors and seeks out trends affecting library services and operations looking for opportunities to improve services for customers and staff. We strive to be on the leading edge of services offered to our customers making sure that the services are reliable before implementation. Regular participation in conferences, workshops, and committees allows staff to interact with peers and industry representatives for discussion of trends and emerging opportunities. Appendix C contains a sampling of additional resources used in monitoring trends. Page | 7 Observed Trends Mobile and tablet computing With the rise of mobile computing, library customers have growing expectations that library technologies will keep pace with their needs and desires. Library services that have been traditionally delivered in a physical format are being delivered electronically. Libraries must stay on top of the changing needs of their customers, both in providing the technologies as well as the digital literacy skills needed to operate them. Digital Access and Literacy For many people in the community, the library provides the only digital access that they have. Customers expect library staff to have the expertise in multiple technologies and devices. Because many of the services provided by the library are delivered electronically, they have a role in not only providing access but in providing customers with the skills staff need to use those services. Innovation labs and spaces Spaces that support active learning are becoming more and more common in public libraries. These spaces provide users with the opportunity to create video, audio, print and 3D content. Challenges Managing technological change Rapid changes in industry and services offered by library Ongoing training for staff and customers Varying technological skills of customers and staff Variety of equipment used to access library services Expectations that systems will be available 24 hours a day 7 days a week Intense public use of network bandwidth and equipment 2014 Goals and Objectives Review and improve, where justified, information aggregation to improve customer access and service. o Enhance eBook integration by implementing eResource Central o Review online payment options o Implement latest 3M selfcheck software upgrade o Evaluate of selfcheck barcode readers for smartphones o Upgrade telephone notification system (Telecirc/TM3) o Review staff training opportunities o Review and document major systems uptime performance o Review disaster recovery plans and update as needed o Review Innovation Lab developments Review and improve, where justified, library hardware and software. o Improve internal communications using Lync 2013 including implementation and training for library staff o Remain within one release of Symphony software upgrades Page | 8 o o o o o Remain within one release of Enterprise software upgrades Remain within one release of eCommerce software upgrades Provide assistance for building remodeling projects Ensure public computers are replaced at the 5 year replacement cycle Ensure staff computers are replaced at the 5 year replacement cycle Review and improve, where justified, systems to assist Library Administration analyze statistical and administrative measures in support of Library and County objectives. o Evaluate SirsiDynix Analytics as a reporting tool for Symphony o Review CollectionHQ usage for collection development o Complete annual review of maintenance contracts 2015 and beyond Goals and Objectives Review and improve, where justified, information aggregation to improve customer access and service. o Continuous library and technology trend review with detailed exploration of those with most promise for Dakota County Library. o Continue existing collaborations and partnerships as appropriate o Explore new collaborations and partnerships as appropriate o Review Innovation Lab developments Review and improve, where justified, library hardware and software. o Ensure software updates are maintained at appropriate versions o Ensure hardware replacement cycle is maintained Review and improve, where justified, systems to assist Library Administration analyze statistical and administrative measures in support of Library and County objectives. o Evaluate expiring contracts and renegotiate as needed Review and improve, where justified, training opportunities to improve customer service. o Provide training opportunities for support staff as needed o Continue developing staff training for library systems Page | 9 Dakota County Library Technology Accomplishments 2013 TechLogic Materials handling system upgrades at Burnhaven, Wentworth, Wescott Installation of Materials Handling system at Inver Glen Simley High School removed from Symphony Expanded Reader Bar to Galaxie, Burnhaven, and Wentworth Enterprise 4.3 installed Public Scan/Fax stations installed at Wescott, Galaxie and Burnhaven Participated in alpha and beta testing for new 3M self-check software Updated Symphony to v3.4.1 SP3 Participated in pilot testing of SirsiDynix MobileCirc Reviewed eResource Central Installed digital signage in all building except Inver Glen and Farmington which will be completed when they are remodeled. Began Collection HQ performance review Implemented staff training programs Replaced 86 public computers Replaced 49 staff computers Upgraded Envisionware pcReservation software and hardware Upgraded eCommerce software 2012 3M Cloud Library implemented Zinio digital magazines implemented Boopsie mobile app implemented (MELSA cooperative project) IFAS implementation for library (County IT cooperative project) Symphony EDI with IFAS (County IT cooperative project) Library social media presence established Enterprise public catalog implemented Collection HQ implemented Phone system upgrades completed (County IT cooperative project) TechLogic materials handling systems maintenance contract reviewed Lifts for delivery bins purchased RFID set check-in updates completed Mobile RFID cart evaluated iKnow for staff access to library resources implemented ILC lab computers replaced Lync usage in library expanded 2011 Symphony go-live 1/13/2011 Symphony upgrades completed Burnhaven Remodeling activities completed RFID implemented Materials Handling systems updated for RFID Public and staff computers updated to Windows 7 and Office 2010 Page | 10 34 public computers replaced 26 staff computers replaced Staff training for eBooks and app use Credit card payments implemented at self-checks Lync installed (County IT cooperative project) Receipt printers replaced Customer self-service email and PIN implemented Network infrastructure upgrades (County IT cooperative project) Annual evaluation of internet capacity. Page | 11 Appendix A: Technology Inventory App Name Symphony Enterprise Standard Interchange Protocol EzProxy TeleCirc (TM3) WebReporter 3M CIMS E-commerce (Envisioware) ICVerify EnvisionWare Tightrope Media Websense Evanced App Description Manages inventory records, customer accounts and acquisitions Middle tier application that supports Z39.50, NCIP and customer access to Symphony Provides access to Symphony from third party applications related to self-service technology Utilizes Symphony customer data to determine eligibility to use library resources Telephone notifications and item renewal support for Symphony customer accounts SQL reporting tool and scheduler based on Micro Strategies 1.4 Central management for 3M self-checks and security gates Web-based credit card payments for customer accounts in Symphony Credit card payments at the 3M self-checks Provides queue/time/print management for public PCs Digital signage system Internet filtering to meet e-rate/CIPA compliance Web-based event calendar with registration and room reservation. Integrated with MELSA calendars. App Number of Users Contract Expiration Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited 5 simultaneous calls Upgrade Q1 2014 Page | 12 Drupal Cisco Centurion Symatec Ghost MnLINK/VDX Boopsie Overdrive 3M Cloud Library OneClick Digital Collection HQ Electronic Databases Zinio Library staff intranet Wireless access points for WIFI and centralized management Public PC auto wake-up and shut down, disc protection. Maintains standard images and pushes out updates Utilizes Z39.50 to search participating Minitex regional library systems for ILL Library remote app e-Book vending e-Book vending e-Audiobook vending Comparative tool for selection/de-selection of items in library collections eResource collection of research tools from various third party vendors e-magazine vending. MELSA sponsored. Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Xx/xx/xxxx Approx. 80 Varies Unlimited Page | 13 Appendix B: Hardware Supported Hardware Quantity Audience Internet computers 213 Public Public Access Catalog (PAC) computers 68 Public Mobile Computer Lab 12 Public Children’s AWE computers 21 Public Self-check stations 28 Public Copier/Printers 20 Public/Staff Scan/Fax Stations 3 Public Microfilm Reader/Printers 4 Public Wi-Fi Access Points 9 Public/Staff Coin boxes 21 Public Automated Materials Handling Systems 9 (after mid-2014) Public/Staff Digital Signage 9 Public Staff Computers 170 Staff Security Gates 9 Public Scanners 60 Staff RFID Pads and software 60 Staff Receipt Printers 30 Staff/Public Telephone notification/renewal 1 Staff/Public Page | 14 Appendix C – Monitoring Technology Trends There are a number of resources used by Library staff to stay abreast of the latest technologies and trends affecting libraries and our customers. The following are some examples. Professional Journals - Computers In Libraries - Online - Online Searcher Local, Regional, and National Conferences - Minnesota Government IT Symposium – state conference - Library Technology Conference – regional conference - COSUGI – SirsiDynix national conference - Computers in Libraries – national conference - Internet Librarian – national conference Professional Organizations - MELSA – multiple committees and teams - UMRUG – regional customer user group for SirsiDynix Special interest Web Sites - Pew Internet - Library Technology Guides - Tech Soup - Webjunction Staff Interest and Feedback - Staff input based on their professional and personal interests Webinars and Programs sponsored by vendors such as 3M, SirsiDynix, Evanced, Boopsie, OCLC, and others. Page | 15 Appendix D – Performance Trend Data Internet and WiFi Usage 2011- 2013 500,000 450,000 400,000 350,000 Combined users 300,000 Combined hours 250,000 Internet users 200,000 Internet hours 150,000 WiFi users WiFi hours 100,000 50,000 - 2011 2012 2013 Combined usage remains strong with internet computer usage trending down while WiFi usage is increases. WiFi usage is not limited by policies. Internet computer policies need to be reviewed based on this information. Page | 16 Enterprise use for 2013 - 6.8 million page views 1.1 million visits 8 minutes on average spent on site per visit - External access only - December 2013 o 67% of total visits to Enterprise o 60% of external access is Chrome, Safari or Firefox o 63% use Windows, 14% IOS, and 11% Macintosh o Mobile users - 66% use IOS and 32% use Android Public web page use for 2013 - 2.8 million page views 1.5 minutes average spent on site per visit Mobile App use for 2013 2013 Monthly average (Jan-July) Platform Android iPhone iPad iPod BlackBerry Browser Java Java/Windows8 Java/WindowsPhone Palm WinMo Symbian Total users percent of total 818 35.20% 889 38.25% 467 20.09% 117 5.03% 6 0.25% 22 0.96% 1 0.02% 3 0.12% 1 0.06% 0 0.00% 0 0.01% 0 0.00% 2324 100.00% Page | 17 Internet utilization for 2013 Page | 18
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