Chapter 8 Bonding: General Concepts 207 Erercises l. Indicate whether the bonds between the following would be primarily covalent, polar covalent, or ionic: a. O-H b. Cs-Cl 2 . c. d. H-Cl Br-Br Calculate the energy of interacfion for KC1 if the internuclear distance is 0 .3 I 4 nm. 3. Calculate tlre energy of interaction between Ag. and Br- if the internuclear of Agtsr is 0.120 nm (in kJ/mole). 4. Using a periodic table, order the following from lowest to highest electronegativity. a. b. 5. Rb N c. d. Fr, Mg, B, AI, C, Using the periodic chart of P, As, Ga, O Cl, S, P elements, place the following in order from t}e lowest to the highest electronegativity: F, Nb, N, Si, Rb, CA, Pt 6. Using Figure 8.3 in your textbook, calculate the difference in electronegativity (A) for each of the following bonds: c. Fe-O d. H-O a. Cl-Cl b. K-Br 7. e. S-H Place the following in order of increasing polarity: NaBr, 12, H2O, MnO2, CN- 8. Which of the following molecules contain polar covalent bonds? List in order of increasing bond polarity. (Use Fis. 8.3 in your text). 03, P8, NO, COr, CI{4, 9. 10. II . H2S How will the charge be distributed on each of the following molecules: FIF, NO, CO, and HCI? Why is it that BeF, is ionic, and BeCl is covalent? Determine the orientation of the dipole of the following, if any. a. AlCl. (planar with aluminum b. c. d. atom at the center) CH3F (tetrahedral with carbon at the center) NrO (linear with N-N-O structure) AgClo (planar molecule, silver atom at center, Ag-Cl bonds 90" apart) 12. Which of the molecules in problem I I contain one or more polar bonds? 13. Which of the following molecules would you expect to have a dipole moment of zero? Describe the dipole orientation of the otler 2 molecules. a. KI b. CR (tetrahedral structure) c. H2Se (bent structure) be indicate which element they would each of the following atoms and for ion stable most the Determine tro"i".to"i. with if they lost or gained electrons: 14 e' c' 1 d' Te a. O b. Be Na +2' Arrange these in order of 15. 2 to with argon and have charges from List four ions that are isoelectronic increasing ionic radius' 16. List4ionsthatareisoelectronictoKr.Arrangetlreseinorderofincreasingradius. t1. sets of atoms' compound formed ftom the following Determine the formula of the binary a. Ca and O b. KandCl c. Rb and S d. Ba and P binary ionic compounds' Predict formulas for the following 18. a. Mg andN b. Na and F c. Ca and S d. Sr and Te Usingshorthandnotation,listthecoreelectronconfigurationsfortheionsinthecompoundsinproblem18. 19. 20. to rist the core electron ionic size. Use rhe shorthand notation place the folrowing in an order of increasing ions' configuration for each ofthe 922+, fg2-, Cst, a. b. 21. I- Cs*, S2-. O'-, K* to list the core erectron ionic size. use shorthand notation place the fonowing in an order of increasing ions' configuration for each ofthe b' L. cr, F-, Sf*, ca2* 22. Na*' Mg2*' Li*' Beh reactions: calculate the AII for the following listed in Table 8'4 of vour text' Using the bond energy values z. b. c. zF.r(e) + Odg) ' ZH2O , COzG) * 2crlluG) + lbrg) HCN(g) + zHr(S) - + 6H'o(g) CH'NH2@) a. H-C=C-H(g) + H'(g) - Cttz=C.!z!e). zco(e) + 4H'o(e) NrH(g) (l'IH'?-NHt trl * 1o,G) ;. N,gi'* z*,(g - ; i"t 1A 25 data in enthalpies of formation found the following reaction' use the for AHi reaction of enlhalpy calculate the in in parts Compare the values obtained textbook' ApPendix 4 invour ,,a,, Hr(g) and ,.b,, from of problem 23 to A}I values calculated + Crt{(g) - Cr}IuG) AHi Chapter 26. 8 Draw Lewis dot structures for the following atoms, ions, or molecules: a. b. c. 27. d. e. f. Sr Br- ICN NH' CSe, e. Cl- P d. P5* c. d. AsF, 03 e. NH4* f. ot HrO* BHo- Draw Lewis dot structures for the followine: a. b. c. d. BC13 AsF, BrOrSrF,o (contains a S-S bond) Draw Lewis dot structures for the following: a. b. c. 31. o Draw Lewis structures for the following: a. b. 30. E. h. P3- H" b.c 29. Ga GaClo- Draw Lewis structures for the following: a. 28. 209 Bonding: General Concepts SbCl3 AlFr3- PClj Assign formal charges to each of the labeled atoms. 2- '?' tBrl 'o-c-Br. .l 'a 32. e 'cr-c-o: .l t.. d :s-o: t" I I ;' .:9 Draw the remaining resonance forms for \Oo. I f :cl: I I \ ,,N-N. ,/o {\ JJ. How many reasonable resonance structures are there for carbon monoxidg CO. What are the formal charges? 34. Hydrazine, N2It, is used as a propellant on the Space Shuttle. Draw all reasonable structures for NrHo and assign formal charges. 35. Draw a Lewis stnrcture and any resonance forms of benzene, atoms with one hydrogen bonded to each carbon.) 36. Predict the structure of each of the followins molecules or ions: a. b. SeFu Nro c. d. ClFl clo- C6ft. @enzene consists of a ring of six carbon e. CF.CI (carbon is central atom) 3,1 . Discuss the nature of the bonding of the stereochemistrY exPected a. b. 3g. each of the c. d. COt cocl2 following. Indicate the nurnber of sigma and pi bonds and H2CO2 HCN Using the VSEPR model, determine the molecular geometry for each of the following molecules: a. b. c. d. SCl4 Hrse 39. Which of the molecules Mu in ltipl e 40. C ho i ce Questions The bond in RbF is: B. Molecular C. Polar covalent D. Ionic D, H_O which of the following bonds do you expect to be polar covalent? A. 42. TlClz" SnClr- of ions in problem 38 contain polar covalent bonds? Are polar? A. Covalent 4I. e. IF4- B. H_H H*N C. Cs-F In a polar bond, electrons: A. spend equal time around both nuclei B. are localized between both nuclei C. spend more time around the bigger nucleus D. qpend more time around one of the nuclei than the other one 43. What is the electronegativity difference between At and H? A. 44. B. 0.1 B. Cs-Cl 4.3 D. 0.0 C. N_O D. C-H c-o, c-At C. H-F<C-O<Se-Cl<C*At D. C-At<C-O<Se-Cl<H-F order the following bonds in order of increasingbond polarity: H-F, Se-Cl, A. C-At<Se-Cl<C-O<H-F B. C-O<Se-Cl<H-F<C-At 46. c. Which of the following bonds is the most polar one? A. H_O 45. -0.1 Order the following bonds in order of decreasing bond polarity: Ca-O, Ca-Cl, P-Cl, Fe-O, B-O, N-O A. N-O>P-Cl>B-o>Fe-o> ca-cl>ca-o c. ca-o>ca-cl>Fe-O>B-O>P-Cl>N-O B. Ca-Cl>P-Cl> Ca-O>Fe-O>B-O>N-O D. Fe-O> Ca-O>B-O>N-O> Ca-Cl>P-Cl A1 which A. 4g. polarity? A11molecules are tetahedral in shape' of the following molecules would exhibit the greatest CHC13 B. CH, c. ccl4 which of the following molecules has a dipole moment equal to A. SiO, (tetrahedral) B' HrO @ent) C. D. CH3CI D. CBrClrF 0? CrHrF, (tetrahedral) Answers fo Erercltses 1 a. b. polar covalent ionic 2. -7.36 x J. E=-l160kJ/mole 4. a. b. c. d. polar covalent covalent c. d. Ga, As, P, O P, S, Cl 10-Ie J Fr, Rb, Mg Al, B, c, N Rb<Ca<Nb<Si<Pt<N<F 0.8 1.0 1.6 1.8 2.2 3.0 4.0 6. 1 c. d. a.0 b. 2.0 0.4 t.4 12<CN-<HrO<NaBr<MnOt 0 1.9 0.5 |.4 P, < 8. or, 9. IIF; NO; CO; HCI 10. e. 1.7 HrS, CH4 +- +- +- 2.0 < NO a CO: +- The difference in the electronegativitybetween Be and F is higher than the one between Be and Cl. 3.0 - 1.5 = 1.5 (covalentbond) 4.0- 11. a. b. 12. all 13. b. 1.5 = 2.5 (ionic) no dipole negative toward F c. d. negative toward O no dipole The opposing bond polarities in a tetrahedral structure cancel out. Thus, CFo has no dipole moment. KI is a binarylonic compound which has a negative dipole toward I. Selenium will have a partial negative charge as its electronegativity is greater than that of hydrogen. Thus, the resulting dipole moment of HrSe would be orientated as shown: "\ t4. a. O2-, isoelecuonic with neon b. Be2*, isoelectronic with helium c. I-, isoelectronic with xenon d. Te2-, isoelectronic with xenon e. Na*, isoelectronic with neon 15. ca2*, K*, 16 Sl.<Rb.<Br-<Se2- cl-, s2- I ,2" Se T I V 214 Chapter 17. a. b. 18. a. b. 19. a. b. 20. a. b. Bonding: General Concepts c. RbrS d. Baf, CaO KCI NaF c. d. [Ne], [Ne] [Ne], [Ne] c. d. MgrNt Ba2* 8 ( Cs* < CaS SrTe [Ar], [Ar] [Kr], [Xel I- < Te2 all canbe written as [Xel [Ar], 6r* = [Xel, Ot- = [Ne] K* < Cs* < 02- < S2-, K* = <Sl* Na* F-= [Ne],61- = [Arl, C*': [Ar], Sf.= [Kr] -- fNel, Na* = [Ne] Zt. a. b. F- <Ca2'<Cl- 22. a. -4'l8kJ b. -2818 kJ c. - 23. a. -157 kJ b. -1046 kJ c. +95 kJ 24. a. 17 kJ difference b. 8 kJ difference 25. Bez* < Li* < Mgh < AlIi = -136'7 26. a. b = Lf [H€1, = [He], tlrl ,cjt: 1 [ 'ir' I e. I'cr- iu-cr:l l-r-l ["ii{- a. TITI+ l-! b. i a. :F-As-F': -l f. [:ii.:13c. ti. d. [Pl'* l+ c. |lH-o-Hl ltl rill I :F: b. 148 kJ s.[u-ry-n] d. .Ga. .Sr. .1 28. Mt- kJ/mole ,i- c=N, 2'7. Be2* d. rl "-T-"1 Hl h. ,Sb:c:S'": e [,dj']- ful. l"-1,-"1 ltl LHI :b-o.: 29. c l,a-;;-6,1 t"t"l [ :o: :cFpti: t" a. :cl: I d. 30. ?'c. _ b. a. :Cl: I t" I : 31. 32. b.s o. )-"(. d\oo d' .* :CI: +1 or /o - - o\, -y'o <>/^-*oo *;,)-".o o\Zo .o /\ ./\ :CI: e. +l f.0 -1 a.0c' cl-f.-cl: ;. )\-( +l JJ. 34. formal formal charge of - 1 and oxygen has a :O = C: is the only reasonable structue. The carbon has a but charge' both C and O have a zero formal charge. It is possible to draw a struchre such as :C: (i in which the carbon would be electron deficient (lacks an octet)' The only reasonable structure has an N-N single bond. A11 formal charges = 0. H. '\ N-N HH ,/tt Each nitrogen has a formal charge of +l ..,/ ,H \ of - 1' and the two oxygens that are single have formal charges t 35. T I Y' ll ":^/\n/' "-.2\c/^ Itt tl I Y I ,/\r<\H nY I H -> "/t\./\H I H Chapter 216 36. a. b. 37 . a. b. c. d, 38. a. b. 39. c. d. octahedral linear I Bonding: General Concepts e. tetrahedral e. linear see-saw linear 2 sigma bonds, 2 pi bonds, and linear geometry planar geometry Carbon has 3 sigma bonds, 1 pi bond and trigonal planar geometry trigonal pi and bond' 1 bonds, Carbon has 3 sigma geomtry linear and pi bonds' 2 bonds, Carbon has 2 sigma c. d. see-saw bent sllure Planar trigonalbiPYramidal polar' b, c, d, and e have polar covalentbonds; b is 40. D 46. C 52. B s8. c 64. B 4t. D 47. A 53. D s9. A 65. A 42. D 48. A 54. B 60. A 66. B 43. A 49. B s5. B 61. D 44. B 50. c s6. A 62. A 45. A 51. A s7. C 63. c
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