Hypergroups made concrete for special orthogonal polynomials, a survey Tom Koornwinder Korteweg-de Vries Institute, University of Amsterdam [email protected] lecture at Colloque Orthogonal Polynomials and Hypergroups, Toulouse, France, 18-19 June 2014 last modified: 23 June 2014 Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Toulouse and Thomas Stieltjes Thomas J. Stieltjes, 1856–1894 until 1885 in the Netherlands; assistant at Leiden observatory; many letters exchanged with Hermite; 1885–1886 in Paris; from 1886 in Toulouse: 1886–1889 maître de conférences; 1889–1894 professeur His tomb is at the cemetery of Terre Cabade in Toulouse. Stieltjes prize: an annual prize for the best PhD thesis in mathematics defended at a Dutch university, see http://testweb.science.uu.nl/WONDER/prizes.html Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Askey’s sabbatical, Amsterdam, 1969–1970 Mathematisch Centrum, 2e Boerhaavestraat 49, Amsterdam (earlier situation; in 1969 the top floor looked different) http://beeldbank.amsterdam.nl/afbeelding/010003018854 Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Askey’s sabbatical, Amsterdam, 1969–1970 (cntd.) Dick Askey reading a math book in his Dutch home, Amstelveen, 1970 Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Askey’s sabbatical, Amsterdam, 1969–1970 (cntd.) In his lectures in Amsterdam, 1969–1970, Askey emphasized positivity properties of (special) orthogonal polynomials related to generalized translation and convolution. Thus he presented special hypergroups avant la lettre. These results were presented with a much wider scope in his 1975 SIAM Lecture Notes. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Askey’s 1975 SIAM Lecture Notes Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Four canonical problems {pn } and {qn } systems of orthogonal polynomials; Z pm (x)pn (x) dµ(x) = hn δm,n . Often pn (x0 ) = 1 = qn (x0 ) for some special x0 . product formula: Z pn (x)pn (y ) = transmutation: pn (z)K (x, y , z) dµ(z). Z qn (x) = pn (y )A(x, y ) dµ(y ). linearization of products: pm (x)pn (x) = m+n X cm,n,k pk (x)/hk . k =|m−n| connection formula: qn (x) = n X an,k pk (x)/hk . k =0 Find the integral and summation kernels explicitly and/or see when these kernels are nonnegative. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Four canonical problems (cntd.) A product formula with nonnegative kernel is a necessary aspect of a hypergroup associated with orthogonal polynomials. Similarly, nonnegative linearization coefficients are necessary for a dual hypergroup associated with orthogonal polynomials. Transmutations and connection formulas with positive kernel have some hypergroup flavour, in particular when they connect with cosine functions or Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Product formulas Z pn (x) pn (y ) = K (x, y , z) = pn (z) K (x, y , z) dµ(z) ∞ X pn (x) pn (y ) pn (z) n=0 Tom Koornwinder hn Hypergroups made concrete Gegenbauer product formula Jacobi polynomials (α, β > −1) : (α,β) (α,β) Rn 1 ∫ −1 (x) := Pn (α,β) Pn (x) (1) , (1 − x)α (1 + x)β dx , dµα,β (x) := R 1 α (1 + x)β dx (1 − x) −1 (α,β) (α,β) Rm (x)Rn (x) dµα,β (x) (α,β) = hn δm,n . (α,α) (α,α) (x)Rn Gegenbauer product formula (α > − 12 ) : Rn 1 1 1 (α,α) = ∫ Rn xy + (1 − x 2 ) 2 (1 − y 2 ) 2 t dµα− 1 ,α− 1 (t). 2 −1 − 12 : (y ) 2 1 2 For α = cos nφ cos nψ = cos n(φ + ψ) + cos n(φ − ψ) . Generalized translation (Levitan, Bochner, Hirschman): 1 1 1 Ty [f ](x) := ∫ f xy + (1 − x 2 ) 2 (1 − y 2 ) 2 t dµα− 1 ,α− 1 (t). 2 −1 2 Positivity of generalized translation: f (x) = ∞ b (α,α) X f (n)Rn (x) n=0 hn ≥ 0 ⇔ Ty [f ](x) = ∞ b (α,α) (α,α) X f (n)Rn (x)Rn (y ) n=0 Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete hn ≥0 Gegenbauer product formula (cntd.) Product formula and generalized translation in kernel form: Z 1 (α,α) (α,α) (α,α) Rn (x)Rn (y ) = Rn (z) Kα,α (x, y , z) dµα,α (z), −1 Z 1 Ty [f ](x) = f (z) Kα,α (x, y , z) dµα,α (z), where −1 ∞ X Kα,α (x, y , z) = (α,α) Rn (α,α) (x)Rn (α,α) (y )Rn (α,α) (z)/hn n=0 1)2 α− 1 (1 − x 2 − y 2 − z 2 + 2xyz)+ 2 Γ(α + α ≥ 0. = Γ(α + 12 )Γ(α + 23 ) (1 − x 2 )(1 − y 2 )(1 − z 2 ) Convolution: Z 1 (f ∗ g)(x) := Z 1 Z 1 Ty [f ](x) g(y ) dµα,α (y ) = −1 f (z) g(y ) −1 × Kα,α (x, y , z) dµα,α (y ) dµα,α (z) = ∞ b X b(n)Rn(α,α) (x) f (n)g (α,α) n=0 Tom Koornwinder −1 hn Hypergroups made concrete . Convolution algebra Z Put 1 kf k1 := |f (x)| dµα,α (x). Then we conclude: −1 kf ∗gk1 ≤ kf k1 kgk1 , kf ∗gk∞ ≤ kf k∞ kgk1 , f , g ≥ 0 ⇒ f ∗g ≥ 0. The same machinery would work for other orthogonal systems, provided we have a product formula with positive kernel. Gegenbauer case α = 21 (d − 3) by group theory: G = O(d), K = O(d − 1), Ω = G/K = S d−1 (Gelfand pair). Z (f ∗ g)(x) = (g ∗ f )(x) = f (y ) g(y −1 x) dy (f , g K -biinvariant), G Z (F ∗ G)(hx, y i) = F (hx, zi) G(hz, y i) dω(z) (x, z ∈ Ω), Ω Z (α,α) φ(x) φ(y ) = φ(xky ) dk (x, y ∈ G, φ(x) = Rn (hxe1 , e1 i) ). K φ is spherical function (Gelfand); immediate positivity results; works also for certain other Jacobi parameters (Gangolli). Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Jacobi product formula In the analogous Jacobi problem for α > β > − 12 Gasper (1971) showed that (α,β) Rn (α,β) (x)Rn Z 1 (y ) = −1 (α,β) Rn (z) Kα,β (x, y , z) dµα,β (z) with Kα,β (x, y , z) ≥ 0 as a definite integral of an explicit nonnegative elementary function. In fact he found this by combining two formulas in Watson’s Treatise on the theory of Bessel functions, see there pages 411 and 413. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Jacobi product formula (cntd.) Watson essentially has the same nonnegative kernel in the following two product formulas (α > β > − 12 ): Z ∞ Jβ (z) e 1 Jα (x) Jβ (y ) = α Kα,β (x, y , z) z 2β+1 dz, α β x 2 Γ(α + 1) 0 y zβ Z π/2 (α,β) (α,β) (α,β) Rn (cos 2θ1 ) Rn (cos 2θ2 ) = Rn (cos 2θ3 ) 0 eα,β (sin θ1 sin θ2 , cos θ1 cos θ2 , cos θ3 ) (cos θ3 )2β+1 sin θ3 dθ3 . ×K Askey’s question Rewrite the Gasper-Watson Jacobi product formula as something similar to the Gegenbauer product formula (α,α) Rn (α,α) (x)Rn 1 (α,α) = ∫ Rn −1 (y ) 1 1 xy + (1 − x 2 ) 2 (1 − y 2 ) 2 t dµα− 1 ,α− 1 (t). 2 2 For this purpose work with addition formulas and group theory. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Gegenbauer addition formula The Gegenbauer product formula gives the constant term in the Gegenbauer addition formula: n X (−1)k (−n)k (n + 2α + 1)k (α,α) 2 12 2 12 Rn xy +(1−x ) (1−y ) t = (α− 12 ,α− 12 ) k =0 22k ((α + 1)k )2 hk (α+k ,α+k ) ×(1−x 2 )k /2 Rn−k (α+k ,α+k ) (x) (1−y 2 )k /2 Rn−k (α− 21 ,α− 12 ) (y ) Rk (t). For α = 12 (d − 3) by group theory: G = O(d) ⊃ K = O(d − 1) ⊃ M = O(d − 2), A = SO(2) ⊂ G commuting with M; φ spherical function for (G, K ) and ψδ for (K , M) (Gelfand pairs): X φ(a1 k a2 ) = φba1 ,a2 (δ) dδ ψδ (k ) (k ∈ K , a1 , a2 ∈ A). δ∈(K /M)b Or as reproducing kernel for spherical harmonics of degree n: (α,α) Rn (hx, y i) dn 1 X = Yn,k (x) Yn,k (y ) dn (x, y ∈ S d−1 = O(d)/O(d−1)). k =1 Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete disk polynomials (d−2,0) Gangolli: Jacobi polynomials Rn are spherical functions on complex projective space P d−1 (C) = U(d)/(U(1) × U(d − 1)) (a compact Riemannian symmetric space of rank one). But this is the space of U(1)-orbits on S 2d−1 = U(d)/U(d − 1) (unit sphere in Cd ). Functions on P d−1 (C) are U(1)-invariant functions on S 2d−1 . Moreover (U(d), U(d − 1)) is Gelfand pair with Zernike’s disk α (z) (α = d − 2) as spherical functions. polynomials Rm,n (α,|m−n|) α Rm,n (reiφ ) := Rmin(m,n) (2r 2 − 1) r |m−n| ei(m−n)φ , Z α Rm,n (x + iy ) Rkα,l (x + iy ) (1 − x 2 − y 2 )α dx dy = 0 D ((m, n) 6= (k , l); D unit disk). Work with complex spherical harmonics on Cd : refinement of ordinary spherical harmonics on R2d . Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete disk polynomials (cntd.) The disk polynomials, introduced by the Dutch Nobel prize winner Zernike, find important applications at the Dutch world leading chip machine maker ASML. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Addition formula for disk polynomials R. L. Šapiro (1968), K (1972): 1 1 α Rm,n z1 z2 + (1 − |z1 |2 ) 2 (1 − |z2 |2 ) 2 w = m X n X 1 α 2 2 (k +l) α+k +l cm,n,k Rm−k ,n−l (z1 ) ,l (1 − |z1 | ) k =0 l=0 1 α+k +l α−1 × (1 − |z2 |2 ) 2 (k +l) Rm−k ,n−l (z2 ) Rk ,l (w). (α,0) This yields an addition formula for Jacobi polynomials Rn and next, by differentiation and by analytic continuation in the (α,β) parameters, an addition formula for Jacobi polynomials Rn 1 (α > β > − 2 ). It involves an expansion in terms of orthogonal polynomials in two variables on a parabolic biangle. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Orthogonal polynomials on the parabolic biangle (α,β+n−k + 21 ) (α,β) Rn,k (x, y ) := Rk Z 1 y =0 1 (β,β) 1 (2y − 1)y 2 (n−k ) Rn−k (y − 2 x). 1 Z y2 (α,β) x=−y 1 2 (α,β) Rn,k (x, y )Rm,l (x, y ) × (1 − y )α (y − x 2 )β dx dy = 0 ((n.k ) 6= (m, l)). Parametrize this region by (x, y ) = (r cos φ, r 2 ) (0 ≤ r ≤ 1, 0 ≤ φ ≤ π). r 2β+2 (1 − r 2 )α (sin φ)2β+1 dr dφ Put dνα,β (r , φ) := R 1 R π . 2β+2 (1 − r 2 )α (sin φ)2β+1 dr dφ r r =0 φ=0 Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Addition formula for Jacobi polynomials Λ(x, y , r , φ) := 21 (1 + x)(1 + y ) + 12 (1 − x)(1 − y ) r 2 1 1 + (1 − x 2 ) 2 (1 − y 2 ) 2 r cos φ − 1. (α,β) Rn × (Λ(x, y , r , φ)) = n X k X 1 (α,β) 1 cn,k ,l (1 − x) 2 (k +l) (1 + x) 2 (k −l) k =0 l=0 1 (α+k +l,β+k −l) Rn−k (x) (1 − y ) 2 (k +l) (1 1 (α+k +l,β+k −l) + y ) 2 (k −l) Rn−k (α−β− 21 ,β− 12 ) × Rk ,l (y ) (r cos φ, r 2 ). Constant term in the expansion is the Jacobi product formula (α,β) (α,β) Rn (x)Rn (y ) Z 1 Z π (α,β) Rn = r =0 φ=0 (Λ(x, y , r , φ)) dνα−β− 1 ,β− 1 (r , φ). 2 2 Conversely, the product formula implies the addition formula by integration by parts and Rodrigues type formulas. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Laplace type integral representation (Askey, 1974; K, 1974) The Gegenbauer Laplace type integral representation is a degenerate case of the Gegenbauer product formula: (α,α) Rn (x) Z 1 = −1 1 (x + i(1 − x 2 ) 2 t)n dµα− 1 ,α− 1 (t). 2 2 Combine this with a fractional integral or degenerate the Jacobi product formula for obtaining (α,β) Z 1 r =0 Jacobi Laplace type integral representation: Rn (x) = Z π n 2 2 21 1 1 (1 + x) − (1 − x)r + i(1 − x ) r cos φ dνα−β− 1 ,β− 1 (r , φ). 2 2 2 φ=0 2 One can go back and forth between this integral representation and the Jacobi product formula by Bateman’s bilinear sum and its inverse. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Bateman’s bilinear sum and its inverse (x + y ) where n (α,β) Rn 1 + xy x +y (x + 1)n = (α,β) (α,β) Rn (x)Rn (y ) where (α,β) Rn n X = (α,β) an,k Rk (α,β) (x)Rk (y ), k =0 (α,β) an,k Rk k =0 n X = (x) = n X (x); k bn,k (x + y ) (α,β) Rk k =0 n X 1 + xy x +y , bn,k (x + 1)k . k =0 These connect Z 1 Z π n (α,β) 1 + xy (x + y ) Rn = (Λ(x, y , r , φ) + 1)n dνα−β− 1 ,β− 1 (r , φ) 2 2 x +y r =0 φ=0 Z 1 Z π (α,β) (α,β) (α,β) Rn (Λ(x, y , r , φ)) dνα−β− 1 ,β− 1 (r , φ). and Rn (x)Rn (y ) = r =0 2 φ=0 Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete 2 Hypergroups The term hypergroup seems to have been used first in the paper H. S. Wall, Hypergroups, Amer. J. Math. 59 (1937), 77–98. It generalizes the definition of a group in the sense that the product of two elements is a sum of finitely many elements. Commutativity is not required and each element has an inverse. Dunkl (TAMS, 1973) first defines a hypergroup as a locally compact space on which the space of finite regular Borel measures has a convolution structure preserving the probability measures. He requires commutativity and there is no inverse. Similar but differently phrased definitions were given by Jewett (Adv. Math., 1975) and Spector (TAMS, 1978). An imported added axiom involves the so-called Michael topology of the collection of compact subsets of a locally compact space. Hypergroups according to Dunkl, Jewett and Spector are sometimes called DJS-hypergroups. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Further developments Gasper (1972): Extension of Jacobi generalized translation to absolutely bounded (not necessarily positive) case. Dunkl: Addition formulas for Krawtchouk, Hahn and q-Hahn polynomials from interpretation on finite groups. D. Stanton: Similarly for q-Krawtchouk polynomials. K: Addition formula for little q-Legendre polynomials from quantum group interpretation. Floris: Addition formula for q-disk polynomials in noncommuting variables from quantum group interpretation. Koelink: addition formulas in many q-cases, both from quantum groups and analytic. Rahman: analytic proofs of q-addition formulas. K & A. Schwartz: positive convolution for orthogonal polynomials on triangle and simplex. Carlen, Geronimo & Loss (2011) proved Gssper’s positivity of Jacobi generalized translation by probabilistic means. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Heckman-Opdam Jacobi polynomials The big open problem: Show the positivity of convolution for Heckman-Opdam Jacobi polynomials. Partial results by Rösler and by Remling & Rösler in BCn case Partial, yet unpublished results in A2 case by Dominique Bakry and co-workers. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Transmutation Z qn (x) = pn (y ) A(x, y ) dµ(y ) A(x, y ) = ∞ X qn (x) pn (y ) n=0 Tom Koornwinder hn Hypergroups made concrete Fractional integrals Riemann-Liouville: 1 Γ(µ) Z 1 (Wµ f )(x) := Γ(µ) Z (Rµ f )(x) := x f (y ) (x − y )µ−1 dy (Re µ > 0). 0 Weyl: ∞ f (y ) (y − x)µ−1 dy (Re µ > 0). x Askey & Fitch (1969) emphasized Bateman’s integral: Z x c−1 x c+µ−1 a, b 1 y a, b ;x = ; y (x−y )µ−1 dy , 2 F1 2 F1 Γ(c + µ) c+µ Γ(µ) 0 Γ(c) c (Re µ, Re c > 0). Hence, for Re µ > 0: Z 1 (1 − x)α+µ (α+µ,β−µ) 1 (1 − y )α (α,β) Rn (x) = R (y ) (y −x)µ−1 dy . Γ(α + µ + 1) Γ(µ) x Γ(α + 1) n Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Transmutation property Bateman’s integral in kernel form: Z (α+µ,β−µ) (α,β) Rn (x) = Rn (y ) A(x, y ) dµα,β (y ), where A(x, y ) = (y − x)µ−1 2α+β+1 Γ(α + µ + 1) Γ(β + 1) + . Γ(α + β + 2) Γ(µ) (1 − x)α+µ (1 + y )β Transmutation Theorem. Let {pn } and {qn } be complete orthogonal systems with respect to measures dµ and dν, respectively. Let D and E be operators having the pn repectively the qn as eigenfunctions with R the same eigenvalue λn . Suppose that qn (x) = pnR(y ) A(x, y ) dµ(y ). Then the operator A given by (Af )(y ) := f (x) A(x, y ) dν(x) satisfies the transmutation property A ◦ E = D ◦ A. Hence in case of Bateman’s integral : D = Dα,β , E = Dα+µ,β−µ , (α,β) (α,β) where Dα,β Rn = −n(n + α + β + 1) Rn . Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Feldheim-Vilenkin integral Feldheim-Vilenkin integral (not of the desired transmutation form): (x − 1)α+µ 1 n (α+µ,α+µ) − 1 (x 2 ) x 2 Rn Γ(α + µ + 1) Z x (y − 1)α 1 n (α,α) − 1 1 y 2 Rn (y 2 ) (x − y )µ−1 dy = Γ(µ) 1 Γ(α + 1) (µ > 0). Remark. Both the Bateman and Feldheim-Vilenkin integral can be obtained from spherical harmonics. For Bateman also use that ( 1 p−1, 12 q−1) 2 (x12 +· · ·+xq+p )n Rn 2 2 2 ) (x12 + · · · + xq2 ) − (xq+1 + · · · + xq+p 2 x12 + · · · + xq+p is an O(q) × O(p)-invariant homogeneous harmonic polynomial of degree 2n on Rq+p . Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete ! Transmutation in the non-compact case Jacobi functions (surveyed by K, 1984). These form a continuous orthogonal system of Gauss hypergeometric functions. They are noncompact analogues of Jacobi polynomials. They have richer transmutation properties. ! 1 1 (ρ + iλ), (ρ − iλ) (α,β) 2 ; − sinh2 t , ρ := α + β + 1; φλ (t) := 2 F1 2 α+1 Z ∞ Z ∞ bf (λ) |cα,β (λ)|−2 dλ. bf (λ) = f (t) ∆α,β (t) dt, f (t) = 0 (α,β) Dα,β φλ = −λ Transmutation: 2 0 (− 1 ,− 1 ) φλ 2 2 (t) (α,β) φλ ; (α+µ,β±µ) φλ (t) Z = 0 t (α,β) φλ = cos(λt). (s) A(s, t) ∆α,β (s) ds with A(s, t) positive and elementary if µ > 0. Relationship with Abel transform on noncompact semisimple Lie groups. Generalization to Chébli-Trimèche hypergroups. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Linearization of products pm (x) pn (x) = m+n X cm,n,k pk (x)/hk k =|m−n| Z cm,n,k = pm (x) pn (x) pk (x) dµ(x) Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Linearization of products (cntd.) Jacobi polynomials: (α,β) Rm (α,β) (x) Rn (x) = Theorem (Gasper, 1970) (α,β) k =|m−n| cm,n,k Pm+n (α,β) Rk (α,β) (x)/hk (a) ⇐⇒ (b) ⇐= (c) (α,β) cm,n,k (a) ≥ 0 for all m, n, k . (b) some quartic polynomial in α, β is nonnegative. (c) α ≥ β > −1 and α + β > −1. General monic orthogonal polynomials pn : p1 (x) pn (x) = pn+1 (x) + an pn (x) + bn pn−1 (x), P pm (x)pn (x) = m+n k =|m−n| cm,n,k pk (x)/hk . Theorem (Askey, 1970) ∀n an , bn , an+1 − an , bn+1 − bn ≥ 0 =⇒ ∀m, n, k (α,β) cm,n,k ≥ 0. This covers: If α ≥ β and α + β ≥ 1 then cm,n,k ≥ 0. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Linearization of products (cntd.) Remark 1. A function f on a group G is called positive definite if for all x1 , . . . , xk ∈ G and all c1 , . . . , ck ∈ C k X f (xi xj−1 )ci cj ≥ 0. i,j=1 If (G, K ) is a Gelfand pair P with G, K compact and with spherical functions φλ then φλ φµ = ν cλ,µ,ν φν with cλ,µ,ν ≥ 0. Indeed, spherical functions are elementary positive definite functions, a product of positive definite functions is again positive definite, and a K -biinvariant positive definite function is a nonnegative linear combination of spherical functions. Thus for special parameter values the theorems of Gasper and Askey also follow from group theory. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Linearization of products (cntd.) Remark 2. K (1978): An addition formula obtained for a spherical function on a Gelfand pair carries the essential information making it positive definite and leading to nonnegative linearization coefficients. This last information is preserved in an addition formula for other parameter values which do not come from group theory. The addition formula needs to have certain properties. In particular, the expansion coefficients in the addition formula should be nonnegative. Then it implies the nonnegativity of the linearization coefficients. This works in the Jacobi case for α ≥ β ≥ − 21 . Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete An application to Laguere polynomials This works also for disk polynomials. If these are rewritten in terms of Jacobi polynomials and next the limit to the Laguerre case is taken then: Z ∞ Lαk (x) Lαm (λx) Lαn ((1−λ)x) x α e−x dx ≥ 0 (α ≥ 0, λ ∈ [0, 1]). 0 By iteration: Z ∞ Lαn1 (x) Lαn2 (x) Lαn3 (x) Lαn4 (x) x α e−2x dx > 0 (α > 0). 0 This leads to the four boxes paper by Askey, Ismail & K (1978). Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Connection formula qn (x) = n X an,k pk (x)/hk k =0 Z an,k = qn (x) pk (x) dµ(x) Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Connection formula (cntd.) (γ,δ) Rn (x) = n X (α,β) an,k Rk (α,β) (x)/hk =⇒ an,k = stuff × 3 F2 (1). k =0 In particular, an,k is elementary and nonnegative in the cases (γ,γ) Rn (x) (γ,β) Rn = (x) = n X k =0 n X (α,α) (x)/hk (α,β) (x)/hk an,k Rk an,k Rk (α,α) (γ > α > −1), (α,β) (γ > α > −1). k =0 Askey & Gasper (1971) give sufficient conditions for (γ,δ),(α,β) nonnegativity of an,k = an,k . For given (α, β) this includes an infinite region in the (γ, δ) plane bounded by three lines with (γ, δ) = (2α + 1, 2β + 1) as one of the vertices. Askey (1968): Certain of these positivity cases from isometric embeddings of projective spaces. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete Connection formula (cntd.) Nevai (1979): Connection coefficients for pn in terms of Chebyshev polynomials Tk are limits of linearization coefficients for pn . Lasser (1994): Under certain assumptions positivity of linearization coefficients implies positivity of connection coefficients with Chebyshev. Further work by Szwarc. It seems that certain conditions on the coefficients in the three-term recurrence relation can identify a class of orthogonal polynomials giving rise to the dual case of the Chébli-Trimèche hypergroups. Tom Koornwinder Hypergroups made concrete
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