OHA Data Track Submission: XML File Format Specifications: - XML Tags should be included exactly as in Field Name. Ex. <ADMITDATE></ADMITDATE> - XML format should follow the schema provided by OHA. Please contact OHA for schema at [email protected] Columns: Field Name: Name of data element Type: X = alphanumeric; N = numeric; I = integer Length: Maximum length of data submitted in this field Description: Definition of data element Y=Yes; N=No; S = Situational (this data is required on patients where the data Required: applies); Y* = Yes with exceptions (See note in corresponding description field for Key: Blue Fields: Standard OHA Fields Black Fields: Data Fields used by CMS and TJC for Care Measures, and their definitions apply Notes: - See website for FAQ's: www.ohiohospitals.org/datatrackfaq - Contact OHA Data Services for questions: [email protected] Patient Record Field Name ADMITDATE ADMITTIME Type Length Description X 10 Date of admission or start of care (MM/DD/YYYY) X 5 The time the patient was admitted or start of care (Time: 24 hour clock) X 2 Point of Origin for Admission or Visit, a code indicating the point of patient origin for this admission or visit - See lookup table for accepted values Required Y N ADMSNTYPE X 1 Y BIRTHDATE X 10 DISCHDT DISCHTM X X 10 5 DISCHGSTAT X 2 EncounterTypeID X 1 ETHNICITY X 1 ADMSNSRC XML File Format Admission Type, a code indicating the priority of this admission/visit - See lookup table for accepted values The patient’s month, day, and complete year of birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Discharge Date (MM/DD/YYYY) The time the patient was discharged from care (Time: 24 hour clock) Discharge Status or patientstatusid, the final place or setting to which the patient was discharged on the day of discharge - See lookup table for accepted values Specifies Inpatient or Outpatient - See lookup table for accepted values Patient's Ethnicity - See lookup table for accepted values *Note: Required for GCHC Hospitals Updated 10/14/14 Y Y Y N Y Y Y* Page 1 of 5 FIRSTNAME HCOID X X 60 3 LANGUAGE X 1 LASTNAME MED_REC_NO X X 60 20 PAN X 50 PMTSRCE PMTSRCE2 X X 50 50 POSTAL-CODE Practitioner_Admit X X 5 30 Practitioner_Attend X 30 Practitioner_Attrib X 30 Practitioner_Refer X 30 RACE X 1 recur X 1 servcode X 2 SEX X 1 TC N 10,2 XML File Format Patient's First Name The unique identification number assigned to each facility by OHA. *Required if multi-hospital submission Patient's Language - See lookup table for accepted values *Note: Required for GCHC Hospitals Patient's Last Name Medical Record Number - The number assigned to the patient’s medical/health record by the hospital that distinguishes that patient and their medical record from all other patients. Patient Account Number - The patient’s unique alphanumeric number assigned by the hospital to facilitate retrieval of individual’s account of services containing financial billing records and posting of the payment. Full payer name Payer group - See lookup table for accepted values Patient's postal code, full postal code accepted NPI code, a code identifying the physician who admits the patient NPI code, a code identifying the attending practitioner Y Y* NPI code, a code identifying the primary surgeon of record NPI code, a code identifying the referring physician during encounter of care Patient's race - See lookup table for accepted values Code that specifies that this episode of the outpatient care is recurring - Accepted value = 'Y' or leave blank Area where the patient receives service, further specification of encounter type to determine patient class - See lookup table for accepted values Sex of the patient as recorded at admission or start of care - See lookup table for accepted values Total Charges, the total hospital charges for the episode of care, including both covered and non-covered charges if exists Updated 10/14/14 Y* Y Y Y Y Y Y if exists if exists if exists Y N Y Y Y Page 2 of 5 ADDRESS1 X 60 House number and street name Y - Examples: "155 E. Broad St." or "155 East Broad Street" *Note: If Patient's address is unknown, please indicate with "UNK" for unknown in this field. MIDDLENAME X 60 Y* PAYERID X 20 ARRVLDATE ARRVLTIME BIRTHWEIGHT DCNADMITDT DCNADMITTM EDDEPARTDT EDDEPARTTM EMCODE ICUADMDATE ICUDSDATE PROVCONTDT PROVCONTTM PTHIC X X N X X X X X X X X X X 10 5 (10,2) 10 5 10 5 5 10 10 10 5 12 Patient's Middle Name *Note: If full middle name is not available, provide middle initial. If middle name is stored with First Name in your system, please include the middle name in the FIRSTNAME field, and indicate with "UNK" for unknown in this field. Patient's health insurance policy number associated with the primary payer on the record. *Note: This is required on patients with a payer of Medicare or Medicaid (Payer groups: C, D, M, O) Arrival Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Arrival Time Birth Weight Decision to Admit Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Decision to Admit Time ED Departure Date (MM/DD/YYYY) ED Departure Time E/M Code ICU Admission Date (MM/DD/YYYY) ICU Discharge Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Provider Contact Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Provider Contact Time The patient's Medicare health insurance claim number REVCODE# X 4 Y REVCHG# N 10,2 Revenue Code (UB-04 Revenue Code) - Show each revenue code on the record one time per PAN (data should be grouped by PAN) Revenue Charge (nnnnnnn.nn) - Show sum of charges per Revenue Code (REVCODE) CPTCODE# X 5 S CPTDATE# X 10 UNITSERV# I 7 CPT or HCPCS Code -A five digit code describing noninpatient procedures and services performed by physicians and hospitals - OHA prefers that both "hard-coded" and "soft-coded" CPT and HCPCS codes are provided in this file. The date the CPT or HCPCS Code was performed or occurred (MM/DD/YYYY) Total units of service for the CPT or HCPCS Code provided. XML File Format Updated 10/14/14 Y* N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y S S Page 3 of 5 PRINDX X 8 Primary Diagnosis Code - ICD-9-CM codes should be submitted on any records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 9/30/2014 or prior. - ICD-10-CM codes should be submitted on any records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 10/1/2014 or later. Y PRINDXPOA X 1 Primary Diagnosis Code Present on Admission Indicator - See lookup table for accepted values Y ADDX X 8 Admitting Diagnosis Code - ICD-9-CM codes should be submitted on any records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 9/30/2014 or prior. - ICD-10-CM codes should be submitted on any records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 10/1/2014 or later. Y ADDXPOA X 1 Admitting Diagnosis Code Present on Admission Indicator Y - See lookup table for accepted values OTHRDX# X 8 Secondary Diagnosis Code - ICD-9-CM codes should be submitted on any records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 9/30/2014 or prior. - ICD-10-CM codes should be submitted on any records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 10/1/2014 or later. OTHRDX#POA X 1 PRINPX X 8 Secondary Diagnosis Code Present on Admission Y Indicator - See lookup table for accepted values Primary Procedure Code S - ICD-9-CM codes should be submitted on any records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 9/30/2014 or prior. - ICD-10-PCS codes should be submitted on any inpatient records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 10/1/2014 or later. PRINPXDATE OTHRPX# X X 10 8 Primary Procedure Date (MM/DD/YYYY) S Secondary Procedure Code S - ICD-9-CM codes should be submitted on any records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 9/30/2014 or prior. - ICD-10-PCS codes should be submitted on any inpatient records with a Discharge Date (DISCHDT) of 10/1/2014 or later. OTHRPX#DT X 10 Secondary Procedure Date (MM/DD/YYYY) XML File Format Updated 10/14/14 Y S Page 4 of 5 © Ohio Hospital Association, 2014 XML File Format Updated 10/14/14 Page 5 of 5
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