Yad Vashem The International School for Holocaust Studies Through Our Own Lens Reflecting on the Holocaust from Generation to Generation July 7-10, 2 014 The 9 th Internation al Conference on Holocaust Education GENEROUSLY SUPPORTED BY: The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Conference Program T h rough Our Own Lens Reflecting on the Holocaust from Generation to Generation Mo n da y, J u l y 7 , 2 0 1 4 Opening Ceremony Tu e s da y, J u l y 8 , 2 0 1 4 The First and Second Generation Telling the Story We dn e s da y, J u l y 9, 2 0 1 4 The Second and Third Generation Finding the Meaning in the Story T h u rs da y, J u l y 1 0 , 2 0 1 4 The Third and Fourth Generation The Relevance of the Story 4| Monday, July 7, 2014 Tuesday, July 8, 2014 The First and Second Generations 12:00-15:00 Optional Guided Tours: Holocaust History Museum Holocaust Art Museum 8:00 Buses will leave from the Hotels to Yad Vashem Exhibit: I Am My Brother’s Keeper- Marking 50 Years of Honoring 8:45-12:00 The Edmond J. Safra Lecture Hall 8:45-9:30 Opening Remarks Chairperson: Dorit Novak, Director General, Yad Vashem MK Rabbi Shai Piron, Minister of Education, Israel Dr. Eyal Kaminka, Lily Safra Chair of Holocaust Education, Righteous Among the Nations Telling the Story The Reflection Center The Visual Center 17:45 Buses will leave from the Hotels to Yad Vashem 18:00-20:00 Supper will be served at Yad Vashem in the “Square of Hope” 20:15- 21:30 Opening Ceremony will take place in the “Valley of the Communities” 9:30-10:00 Topic: Passing the Legacy on from Generation to Generation Opening Remarks: Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council Avner Shalev, Chairman, Yad Vashem Directorate Topic: From Generation to Generation- (M’Dor Le’Dor) Passing 10:00-10:30 Coffee & Cake Break 10:30-12:00 Topic: The 1st Generation: From Testimony to Collection Chairperson: Prof. Steven Katz, Slater Professor of Jewish and on the Legacy Musical Performance by Yasmin Levy 21:30 Buses will take the participants from Yad Vashem to the Hotel Director, ISHS, Yad Vashem Holocaust Studies, Boston University Serge Klarsfeld and Arno Klarsfeld Prof. Yehuda Bauer, Academic Advisor, Yad Vashem 12:00-13:00 Lunch 6| 13:00-14:30 Topic: Documenting the Event – The Dialogue between the 1st and 2nd Generations (4 breakout sessions) Location Room 212-213 History and Memory – The German Police (ORPO) and the Holocaust Klaus Donecke & Dr. Noa Mkayton Wednesday, July 9, 2014 Panel Moderator: Daniel Rozenga Location Constantiner Lecture Hall The Significance of the Eichmann Trial Justice Gavriel Bach, (Ret.) & Prof. Aviad Hacohen Location The Second and Third Generation Finding the Meaning in the Story Panel Moderator: Yael Richler Friedman 8:00 Buses will leave from the Hotels to Yad Vashem The Edmond J. Safra Lecture Hall 8:45-12:15 The Edmond J. Safra Lecture Hall Can We Pray After the Holocaust? Prof. David Halivni & Rabbi Jeremy Stavisky Topic: Documentation and Representations of the Holocaust Location Panel Moderator: Shani Lourie Room 210 The Evolution of Yad Vashem over the Last Forty Years Avner Shalev & Dr. Yitzhak Arad Break 15:00-16:30 Topic: Using Primary Resources in Teaching the Holocaust 10 Educational Workshops 16:30-17:00 Panel Discussion on the Film “Shoah” by Claude Lanzmann Shulamit Imber, Pedagogical Director, ISHS, Fred Hillman Chair in Memory of Janusz Korczak, Yad Vashem Irena Steinfeldt, Director, Department of the Righteous, Yad Vashem Prof. Annette Insdorf, Director, Undergraduate Film Studies, Columbia University Panel Moderator: Liat Benhabib, Director of the Visual Center, Yad Vashem LocationPlease see pages 12 -13 For more information 9:45-10:15 Coffee & Cake Break Coffee & Cake Break 10:15-12:15 Presentations Chairperson: Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Concluding Session The Film -“Weapons of the Spirit” with Prof. Patrick Henry 18:00 Chairperson: Ephraim Kaye, ISHS 17:00-18:00 Location 8:45-9:45 Panel Moderator: Dr. Robert Rozett 14:30-15:00 The Edmond J. Safra Lecture Hall Council of Europe Prof. Daniel Goldhagen, The Nature of the Perpetrators, ”Hitler’s Willing Executioners” Alexandra Zapruder, Diaries of Children in the Holocaust, “Salvaged Pages“ Buses will take the participants from Yad Vashem to the Hotel Michel Kichka, “Things I Never Told My Father” 8| |9 12:15-13:30 Lunch Break 13:30-15:30 Topic: Organizational Approaches to Holocaust Education Location The Edmond J. Safra Lecture Hall Israel - “Paths of Memory” New Israeli Holocaust Curriculum – 16:00-18:00 Topic: The Reflection of Life through the Arts Each dramatic presentation will be 1 hour and the second hour will be an educational discussion of that presentation. Location Susie Sandager, A one-woman show: Giving voice to the legacy of the Righteous Gentile Corrie ten Boom Shulamit Imber, Eliraz Kraus, Shani Lourie Poland- Brama Grodzka in Lublin- Witold Dabrowski & Bartosz Gajdzik Panel Moderator: Alex Dancyg Panel Moderator: Dr. Susanna Kokkonen Location Location Constantiner Lecture Hall USA- Facing History and Ourselves- Marc Skvirsky & Dimitry Anselme letters of Etty Hillesum Russian Federation-Educational Holocaust Center in Moscow- Prof. Ilya Altman Panel Moderator: Stephanie McMahon-Kaye Location Room 210 USA- Echoes and Reflections- David Warren- ADL, Dr. Stephen SmithShoah Foundation & Ephraim Kaye- Yad Vashem Ukraine-Tkuma - Dr. Igor Shchupak Panel Moderator: Dr. Robert Rozett “The Green Dumpster Mystery” Location Room 212-213 Panel Moderator: Liat Benhabib Location Room 211 Goran Paskaljevic, Serbia, A film: A 1st & 2nd Generation story of Jewish Identity, “When Day Breaks” Room 210 Tal Haim Joffe, Israel, A film: A 2nd & 3rd Generation story: Panel Moderator: Richelle Budd Caplan Location Constantiner Lecture Hall Susan Stein, Performance of "Etty", adapted from the diaries and The Edmond J. Safra Lecture Hall Panel Moderator: Dr. Chava Baruch Location Room 212-213 Malte Ludin, Germany, A film: A 1st & 2nd Generation story of German Perpetrators, “2 or 3 Things I Know About Him” England- Institute of Education (IOE)- Prof. Stuart Foster & Paul Salmons Panel Moderator: Deborah Hartmann Austria-erinnern.at- Dr. Maria Ecker & Dr. Nadja Danglmaier 18:00 Buses will take the participants from Yad Vashem to the Hotel Panel Moderator: Yiftach Meiri 15:30-16:00 Coffee & Cake Break Wednesday, July 9, 2014 | 11 Thursday, July 10, 2014 The Third and Fourth Generation 11:00-11:30 Coffee & Cake Break 11:30-12:30 Topic: Future Challenges for the 4th Generation Roundtable Discussions The participants will be divided into 36 roundtables Please see pages 16-17 for information 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 11 Educational Workshops Please see pages 14-15 for information Location The Relevance of the Story 8:00 Buses will leave from the Hotels to Yad Vashem 8:45-11:00 The Edmond J. Safra Lecture Hall Chairperson: Dr. Qian Tang, Assistant Director General for Education, UNESCO 9:00 -9:25 Topic: The X, Y and Z Generation, Where do we go from here? Dr. Eyal Kaminka, Lily Safra Chair of Holocaust Education, Director of ISHS, Yad Vashem 9:25-9:50 Topic: Technology, Ethics and the Holocaust Prof. Yossi Matias, Managing Director, Israel R&D Center, Google 9:50-10:15 Topic: Digital Strategies Associated with New Pedagogical Approaches Dr. Stephen Smith, Executive Director, USC Shoah Foundation for Visual History 10:15-10:40 Topic: Connecting Knowledge and Technology- Creating a Personal Virtual File Dr. Haim Gertner, Director of Yad Vashem Archives, Fred Hillman Chair of Holocaust Documentation, Yad Vashem 15:00-15:30 Break 15:30-16:30 Topic: The Future of Holocaust Education- The Voices of the 4th Generation Location The Edmond J. Safra Lecture Hall Six students (18-25 years old) will share the motivation for their interest in the Holocaust England- Lucy Hamwijk China- Laura Han Canada- Iain Beaumont Poland- Lukasz Matysiak Argentina- Maria Gonzalez Warcalde Israel- Batya Brownstein 16:30-17:00 “Mu-Zika” – A Musical Performance by Israeli High School Musicians 17:00-17:30 Refreshment Break 17:30-18:30 Closing Session in Memory of Izzy and Babs Asper The Edmond J. Safra Lecture Hall Location Chairperson: Shai Abramson, Consultant, The Asper Foundation, Israel Keynote Presentation: Prof. Shlomo Breznitz, Former Rector and President University of Haifa 10:40-11:00 Topic: The Future of Holocaust Education in the Age of Technology 18:30 Avner Shalev, Chairman, Yad Vashem Directorate Buses will take the participants from Yad Vashem to the Hotel Thursday, July 10, 2014 12 | | 13 Tuesday, July 8th 15:00-16:30 Educational Workshops 1 Name Country Workshop Title Room Moderator Jorge Brandão Portugal Tell Your Parents: History and 304 Haya Feldman Carvalho Clarita Fernandez Costa Rica Matarrita Country Workshop Title Room Moderator Dr. Naama Shik Israel The Holocaust Education Video 210 Sandra Toolbox (HEVT) in the Classroom: Schools of Amares 2013-2014 Pedagogical Guidelines Dr. Rachel Century Y dijimos “Nunca más...” La UK USA Mary Johnson New resources on teaching about 7 Alexandra USA Zapruder 303 the Holocaust in Eastern Europe: Yiftach Dr. Ann Millin Ashkenazy Marta Berecka Shani Lourie 8 History lesson or the unique USA From Concrete to Meaning: The Fate Germany Daniel Gaede 302 Clapsaddle Multi-faceted Memory - Learning A Personal Story: The Impact of the Netherlands Study in Contrasts 9 Mitch Braff Tamar Machado 209 Nurit Davidson USA Holocaust Israel Inger Schaap Netherlands “The Jewish Street”: Documenting Jewish Life in Interwar Poland Teaching about the Holocaust: The Use of Graphic Novels in the Classroom Teaching Armed Jewish Resistance Israel 211 James McIntosh Collecting Music During and After the Holocaust 10 Ronaldas Racinskas Литва Преподавание темы Катастрофы в Ingrida Vilkiene Литве - опыт работы со взрослой аудиторией From Names to Faces: A High-School Project About Local Victims of the Yiftach Meiri Eyes from the Ashes and the Sources as a Teaching Tool in the Classroom 5 USA During the Holocaust with Primary Holocaust on Successive Generations Martijn Pellis Sheryl Ochayon on-site and online about Nazi Australia Authentic Encounters: Using Artifacts 212 Auschwitz Album Photographs: A concentration camp David de Groot UK Jonathan and Stalinist internment and 4 Prof. Stuart Foster Dr. Ann Weiss of Families as Told by Objects Steven Stegers & Using Primary Documentation in & Paul Salmons experience? Education at the Israel Asaf Tal Teaching the Holocaust in the High Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Site 3 Salvaged Pages: Using Young Writers’ 213 School and University Classroom classrooms Poland Using Primary Resources in Teaching Holocaust Diaries in the Classroom Integrating recent research into Andrzej Kacorzyk & Rosenfeld the Holocaust experiencia de formación sobre Derechos Humanos en Costa Rica Dimitry Anselme & 6 Name Memory of the Holocaust - Group of Shoá, Genocidios Recientes y 2 Educational Workshops 301 Dr. Frumi Shchori 214 Ноа Сигал 14 | | 15 Educational Workshops Thursday, July 10th Name 13:30-15:00 Educational Workshops 6 Jonathan Friedrichs Canada Prof. Glenn 1 Name Country Workshop Title Room Moderator Patricia Moira Argentina El Holocausto: su impacto y legado 304 Sandra Leonard & María en nuestros valores, conducta, González Warcalde memoria y compromiso 2 Holocaust Education: Using Graphics Kimmelman as a Tool Poland Miriam Cooper USA Jason Russo & Australia USA Jillian Mitsch Tamar Don 8 214 Brenner 5 Eva Unterman, USA Inbal Kvity Ben Dov Leah & Richelle Budd Roshkovsky Caplan Dr. Naama Shik Using High Quality Literature to UK 9 303 Nurit Israel SignPosts: Israeli Graphic Design Israel Jakub Niewinski & Poland Maciej Jedlinski Through Three Lives to Common Bonnie Abrams 302 Dr. Frumi Shchori 10 Elena Barr Baum USA USA Marian Held Educational Tools Developed by the Yael Richler- ISHS for the 3rd & 4th Generation Friedman 301 Voice of the Second Generation: What We Carry – Changing the Face 213 of Holocaust Education Israel James McIntosh Witnesses and Education- Using Holocaust Survivor Testimonies in the Classroom Yoni Berrous 11 Inna Sorkina Беларусь Маршруты по штетлам - опыт изучения еврейского культурного наследия в краеведческой работе & Phoebe Matina Kozireva Belgium Sternin on the Holocaust from Generation to Generation Unterman Michal Memory: Polish – Israeli Reflections Frameworks Story 212 The Holocaust Education Video Transferring Holocaust Legacies Sophie Unterman, Asaf Tal Students Shaping Holocaust Memory Students’ Moral and Ethical A Family Dialogue: Third Generation 211 Responsibility? Davidson Choiceless Choices: Developing Impact of Holocaust Education - Yiftach Meiri Passing on the Legacy: Whose New Technologies Teaching about the Holocaust in a 210 Teach the Holocaust: The Grade Six Toolbox (HEVT) in the Classroom: Creative Takes on a First Generation & Andi Gergely Kaye Teaching about Anti-Semitism in Steve Unterman, Jane Braden-Golay Making Aware and Passing On: The the OSCE Region: Methodology for Imparting to the Next Generation Israel McMahon- Heritage Project Multi-Racial Classroom Greg Keith Canada & Iain Beaumont Rosenfeld Teachers 4 Shawntelle Nesbitt Humana” Anne Giebel 3 7 Domínguez Developing Global Partnerships for Stephanie to Teach the Holocaust Education Coevorden USA 209 Moderator Luzhen Han Un Ataque Contra la Dignidad & Jane Jacobs Using the Internet and Social Media Martin Chung, & & José Luis Kimberly Mann Room Holocaust in Chinese University Karen Van Spain China Workshop Title Timmermans, Dr. Proyecto “Memoria del Holocausto: Iñaki Mendoza Country Украина Немецкие колонисты Юга Holocaust Commemorative Украины и "еврейский вопрос" Programming: Case Studies from - опыт исследовательско- Jewish Student Unions преподавательской деятельности 214 Ноа Сигал Ноа Сигал 16 | | 17 Moderators for Roundtable Discussions Thursday, July 10th 16 Name Title Room Julie Golding Director of Education, The Kleinman Family Holocaust 210 Education Center 17 Moderators for Roundtable Discussions 18 Name Title Room 1 Ann Millin, Ph.D. Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 304 2 Maureen Carter Holocaust Studies, School District of Palm Beach County, 3 4 Head of European Union of Jewish Students Carlos Yebra Academia Klass Formacion 19 Yessica San Director, Department of Holocaust and Antisemitism, Román Centro Sefarad - Israel Prof. Isabel Educator, Escuela Integral, Montevideo, Uruguay Distinguished Professor of Holocaust & Genocide Studies RSM and Dr. Marsha Radicoff Grossman Professor of Holocaust 21 Prof. Don Berry University of Mobile, AL Studies, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey 22 Otto Rühl Senior Master, Helsingoer Gymnasium, Denmark; Danish Delegate to IHRA Director, Sara and Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Rosenthal Center – Richard Stockton College of New Jersey 23 Inger Schaap Anne Frank House, The Netherlands 5 Liebe Geft Director, Museum of Tolerance, L.A 24 Steven Stegers Deputy Director, EUROCLIO 6 Linda Medvin Chair, Florida Commission Task Force on Holocaust 25 Daniel Stejeran Northern Transylvania Holocaust Museum Romania 26 Nevena Bajalica Anne Frank House Amsterdam, The Netherlands 27 Lena Jersenius Swedish Committee Against Antisemitism 28 Urs Urech Programmleiter Shoa Education, 302 Education Mark Weitzman Simon Wiesenthal Center 8 Dr. Michael Director, Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Hayse Richard Stockton College of New Jersey 9 Marc Skvirsky Vice President, Facing History and Ourselves 10 Dimitry Anselme Program Director, Staff Development, Facing History and 303 Ourselves 11 Dr. Mary Johnson Facing History and Ourselves 12 Dr. Miriam Klein Director, Holocaust Studies Summer Institute, University of Kassenoff Miami, Florida Richard Director, South African Holocaust & Genocide Foundation 13 Tali Nates Director, Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre 15 Ayalah Podwal Westchester Reform Temple, Scarsdale, NY 29 Rachel Donnelly Holocaust Learning Officer, Imperial War Museums 30 Karen Van Education Officer, Holocaust Educational Trust Coevorden 214 Freedman 14 Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Schweiz 209 31 Lea Roshkovsky Yad Vashem, ISHS 32 Dr. Na'ama Shik Yad Vashem, ISHS 33 Yael Eaglstein Yad Vashem, ISHS 34 Michal Sternin Yad Vashem, ISHS 35 Jackie Metzger Yad Vashem, ISHS 36 Dr. Frumi Shchori Yad Vashem, ISHS 213 Constantiner Lecture Hall Gail Hirsch 7 212 Burstein Dr. Carol Rittner 301 211 Lopez 20 Florida Jane BradenGolay 208 207 Special Conference Rates Books & Ed ucational M aterials Through Ou r Own Lens R e f le c t in g on the H o lo c a u s t from G e n e r a t io n to G e n e r a t io n Yad Vashem The International School for Holocaust Studies www.yadvashem.org
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