312 G E O R G E S T IR, E E T •, (ONE DOOH SODTIl OF HUNTER BTIIEKT.) TABLE OF CONTENTS. WILLIAM SMITH, 8HXM MAKUFACStfEBR, . , HOSIER, GLOVER, AND OUTFITTER, t> RESPECTFULLY desires to acknowledge 'the Unprecedented Patronage awarded to his Establishment for the last Twcnty-fivo years, and begs to assure those that favor him with < their orders, that nothing on his part shall be wanting to give such satisfaction to his patrons as will enable him to maintain the position he has so long held, for keeping the Best Make of Goods, and for Equitable Dealing, and' at the same time begs to inform the public generally, that he is in receipt of regular Shipments (direct from the Manufacturer) of New and Fashionable Goods, comprising, ' i, j- * i . i • & always on hand, or made to measure or pattern, in Silk, Cashmere, Lambs' Wool, Merino, and Cotton. 17 181 255 447 PAGE f grinto! dfambric, alt gilti, gitlt unit » o t , gait Pfetaw, <Jfinc dfastoittw and £tont all Moot Cfrinwnn j^iirte, PAQB STREET DIRECTORY SUBURBAN DIRECTORY ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY ... TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL ... PART II. WHITE EUREKA SHIRTS, to button behind or in front, with Narrow Plaits and Improved Cambridge Wristbands, for all studs, or for buttons, from 6 s . 6d. EACH, or 3 8 s . THE H A L F DOZEN. These Shirts having been cut to W. SMITH'S own patterns by the Manufacturer, are acknowledged to be the Best Fitting and Cheapest in the Trade. A L A R G E A N D V A R I E D STOCK OF PART I. • BANKS '. INSURANCE COMPANIES STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANIES ... ... MINING COMPANIES VARIOUS COMPANIES BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETIES CLUBS FIRE COMPANIES ARTISTIC, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS MASONIC INSTITUTIONS •'"* FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, ODD FELLOWS, FORESTERS, DRUIDS. &c. ... GOVERNMENT AND OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ECCLESIASTICAL DIRECTORY LEGAL DIRECTORY ... MEDICAL DIRECTORY MILITARY, NAVAL AND VOLUNTEER DIRECTORY ... MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY COLONIAL DIRECTORY 1 2 4 5 6 7 7 9 9 15 18 19 28 30 85 86 89 41 SUPERIOR, HOSIERY, in Silk, Lisle Thread, Cashmere, Lambs' Wool, Merino, and Cotton. STREET GENTLEMEN'S LINEN AND LINEN FACED PAPER COLLARS, ALL SHAPES. SCARVES AND TIES, VERY CHOICE, LV GREAT PAGE VARIETY. Ladies' and Gentlemen's First Choice Josephine Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Braces, Belts, Perfumery, Studs, Nicknacfcs, &c. Umbrellas and Sun Shades. O U T F I T S BY LAND OR S E A . PYJAMAS, SLEEPING COATS, DRESSING GOWNS, NIGHT CAPS, BLANKETS, SHEETS, 'RUGS, PILLOW SLIPS, TOWELS, AND TOILET BAGS, B R U S H E S , C O M B S , & , C , <S&C. ,,-.*. GENTLEMEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS ALWAYS ON HAND, '\jk ft 312 ••;*. PROPRIETOR, G E O E G E S T R E E T , h S Y D N E Y . * O P P O S I T E T H E OAFE FRANOAIS. DIRECTORY. * -1- Abattoir road, Pyrmont ... ... 17 Aborcrombio placo ... 17 Adelaide placo ... ... 18 Albert placo ' 18 Albert street, Circular Quay 18 Albert street, Victoria street ... ... 18 Albion lane ... ... 18 Albion street ... •• ... 18 Albion strcot, Little ... 10 Alexander strcot 20 Alfred street, Woolloomooloo... . . . . 20 Alfred street, Pyrmont 20 Alpha torraco ... •• ... 20 Ann's place,. Grown street 20 Ann street, Bourko street ... ... 20 . Ann street, Macquario street, South... 21 Arbitration street ... 21 Argyle place •,.. ... • > -21 Argylo street ... ?*' ... Arthur street ... Athlono placo Athlone street Banks street ... Barkerlano Barker street ..' Barrack street Bat hurst street • Bay street, Glebe Bay street, Woolloomooloo . . . Bedford street Bel voir street Belvoir terrace Bent street Berwick lane . . . . Bcttington street -''-' PAGE ... ... 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 2G 26 .:::•:•: 2 7 ...,•' ... ... ... 27 27 27 28 iv CONTENTS. TAOE Bland street Bligh street Bloomfield street Bloomfield street, Little Botany road ... Botany stroot ...• ... t Botanic Gardens Bourke lane Bourko street Bourke street, Little Bowman stroot, Pyrmont Bridge street Brisbane street, South Head road Brisbane street, Parramatta street Brisbane street, Little Brougham place Brougham streot Broughton street Brown Bear lane Brown's lano Buckingham street ... ... Buckingham street, Little Burnell lano Burrnhporo street Burton lano Burton street Cambridge streot Campbell place Campbell street Campbell street, Lower Carlton street ... Oastlereagh street Castlerengh streot, North Castlcrcagh street, South Cecil placo Chambers street Cbapcl lane Charles lane Charles street, Bay street . Charles street, Francis street Charles street, Parramatta street Charlotte lano Charlotte place Ohippen street Ohowne street, Pyrmont Church hill ... ...• Church street, Crown street Church street, Pyrmont Clarence lane ... Clarence stroet ... ,,y. Cleveland street Clyde street " College street, Liverpool street College streot, Devonshire street Collins lane Collins street ... ... ' Cooper street, Elizabeth streot Cooper street, Abercrombie street Cornrstreet " . . . .. Craigend terrace ... .... Crescent street ... .... ;,' ... Cribb's lane ... .V.^.., £" Crown lane, Crown str&etjjf'''... ... ... 28 28 28 28 29 29 80 80 80 34 34 85 85 36 36 36 37 38 88 38 38 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 48 44 44 47 48 48 48 - 48 40 49 49 50 ,V 50 50 51 51 51 51 51 52 52 54 56 56 56 56 • 56 57 67 57 ... 68 ... 58 58 58 TAOE Crown lano, Stanley lano' Crown road ... Crown street Crown street, Ultimo , Cumberland street ... -' ... Dalo street Darling street Darlinghurst road Davy street Day's terraco Denham street Dovonshiro street Dick streot Dixon street, East Dixon street, West Domain Domain torrace Dowling street *•.•' Downshiro terraco Druitt street Duke street Duncan street ... V CONTENTS. ... ... ' ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Earl street East street ... Edward lano ... ... . ... Edward street Elizabeth streot Elizabeth street, Little... Elizabeth street, North Erskino street Essex lane Essex street Exeter placo ... Perry lane Pitzroy stroet, Botany road ... Pitzroy street, Surry Hills Pitzwilliam street Forbes street ... Port stroet, Lower Port street, Upper Poster street Poveaux street Poxlow placo Prancis street ... Prazer's lane French street ... ... ... Gas lane Gcorgo street ... .... Goorgo street, Little. , Gipps street, Haymarket ... Gipps street, Surry Hills Gipps street, Little Globe street ' ... Gloucester street Gordon streot Goulburn streot... . Grantham street -., ... Grantham street, Little Greshnm stieet ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 58 50 63 03 64 04 65 65 GG 66 66 67 67 68 68 68 08 70 70 71 71 72 72 72 72 73 76 76 77 77 78 78 78 78 70 80 80 81 82 82 82 88 ,83 783 ... -m ... ... ... ... ... .... ... 84 84 91 92 92 92 98 93 94 94 96 96 • 96 I'AOK Hamilton street Harbour stroet Harbour stroet, Hay street Harnett street Harrington street Harris street, Pyrmont Harvey street, Pyrmont Hay stroot Helena terraco, Pyrmont Henrietta street High Holborn street Hill street ... Hill stroet, Macquario streot, South Hill street, Littlo ... Holt streot Holt street, Pyrmont ... ... Hosking-placo Hunt street Hunter streot ... Hutchinson stroot, Surry Hills Hutchinson street, George street James street, Crown street James street, Bathurst street' Jamison street, Surry Hills Jamison street, Gcorgo street Jenkins street John streot, Elizabeth (jtroet John streot, Pyrmont Johnson street ..' Jones streot, Ultimo estate ... Judge street ... ... Junction lane ... Junction street, Bourke street Junction street, Hill street Kcllett street ... Kensington street Kent street ... Kersey lano King's lano King street Langloy lane Lansdo'wno street Lime street Liverpool street... 90 97 97 ... 97 97 98 99 99 100 100 .100 100 ... 100 100 101 ... 101 101 101 101 ... 102 ... 103 ... ... ... ... ... ... Macarthur street Maeloay streot Macleay street, Littlo Macquario lano, Goulburn street Macquario lano, Wilton streot Macquario placo Macquario street Macquarie streot, South ' \ - ... Maiden lano ... ... Maitland placo Margaret lano, Wynyard lane Margaret lane;Yurong street... Margaret place... ...... Margaret street Marian street Markctlano ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... • ... 103 103 103 103 104 104 104 105 105 105 105 106 106 106 196 107 110 Ill Ill 113 113 113 114 117 117 117 117 117 118 118 HOi 119 120 120 120 120 .120 121 12! I'AtlE Market New Market Old, Shed C Market Old, Shed D Market street Marlborough street Marshall street/Devonshire street Marshall street, Pitzroy street Mary street May street Mew street Middle lane Middle street ... Miles street Mill street ... Miller's road Mooro'sroad Mount street Munn street Murray street ... Myrtlo stroot ... ... Napoloon street... • Newtown road ... Nichols street ... Norman street North street Norton lnno Norton street ... Norton street, Littlo ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Oatley lano ... O'Brienlane ... O'Conncll street Orwell street Owen street ... .... 129 ... 129 ... 129 ... 129 ... 129 Palmerlane ... Palmer street" Paradise placo Park lane Park street Parker lano Parker street Parramatta street Phillip street ... Pine street Pitt street ... Point street ... Pottingcr street... Princes road ... Princes street Providence row Pyrmont street " ... ... ... ... ...: ... Queen's lano . ... . ... Queen's placo '..'. \ ,.\ .' ... Queen street ..'. .7. 121 ... 121 ... 121 122 ... 123 ... 123 ... 123. ... 124 ... 124 ... 124 ... 121 ... 124 ... 125 ... 125 ... 125 ... 126 ... 126 ... 126 ... 126 ... 127 127 127 127 127 128 128 128 128 ... 129 ... 180 ... 182 ... 182 ... 182 ... 132 ...182 ...182 ... 184 ... 185 ... 185 :.. 141' ... 141 ... 141 ... 141 ... 143 ... 143 ... 148 ... 148 ... 144 ... , 144 'Railway placo Handle street ... " . . . ;.-.?•, 144 Reibylano ... ... "•... ...145 Eiloy lano ... .... 145 Riloy lane, Surry Hills'..:. " ; . . ' • :.;i:; 145Riley place ... "'... •'•... CONTENTS. VI CONTENTS. rAOE Riley street Robin Hood lane Robinson lane Roso street Roslyn street Rutland street Ryder street ... 145 149 149 149 149 149 149 Samuel street Sarah Ann street Sholly street Shepherd street...' Short street Smedleylano Smith street, Campbell street... Smith street, Athlone place ... Smithers street South Head road Spencelane Spring street Stanley lane Stanloy street Steam Mill street ... - ... Steel street ... ... ... Stephen street StKildalane ..: Surry street, Crown street Surry street, Darlinghurst Susan lane Sussox street Swan street Syrott'slane 149 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 151 153 153 154 154 155 155 155 155 165 156 150 156 160 160 Taggart's lane Taylorstreet Teggs' Row _ Terry's buildings Thomas street Thomson street Turnerlane 160 160 160 160 160 161 161 Ultimo street, Bay Btreet Ultimo street, Victoria street... Underwood street Union lano Union street, Erskino street ... Union street, George street Union street, Lansdowno street Union street, Pyrmont... Union street, Sussex street' ... 161 .161 162 162 162 162 162 '163 163 Unwin street 163 Valentino's lane Victoria place, Liverpool street Victoria plncfl, Surry Hills Victoria street, Crown street Victoria street, Goorgo street Victoria street, Darlinghurst ... Walton's lano, Sussex street Walton's lane, Bay street Washington lano Washington street ... Waterloo place Waterloo street... Wattle street Way's terrace, Pyrmont Wellington place ... Wellington street Wemyss street Wentworth place • ... Wentworth street Weststrcot Wharf streot Wharves, &c. William lano William street William stroet, Ultimo William street, East ... William street, Upper, North ... .,. William street, Upper, South Wilmott Btreet Wilson stroet ... Wilton lane ... Wilton place ". ... Wilton street „. ' ... Windmill streot Wood's lano Woodward's lano .... Woolloomooloo lane " ... Woolloomooloo street ... ... ..* Wyldo street Wynyard lane ... Wynyard square Wynyard street... Yeoman's buildings York street Yurong lane Yurong street ... ... ... 163 164 164 164 164 164 166 160 166 166 166 167 167 167 168 168 168 168 168 169 169 169 172 172 173 174 174 174 175 175 175 175 175 175 176 176 176 176 177 177 177 178 .,'.'. 178 ... 178 179 ... 179 SUBURBAN DIRECTORY. PAGE Alexandria Asbfield ... Balmoin ... Burwood... m TAUE PAGE 181 Campcrdown ... ;,. ; 184 Cook's River road, St. Peter's... Darlington ... 185; ,,. ', 108 Enfield ,„ Fivo Dock PAGE 202 t Petorshnm^ncludingBroughton.Garryowen, Lcichhardt and part of Norwood) 230 202 Glebe Manly ... ... , Marrickvillo (including Kingston, Stanmoro and part of Norwood) Newtown North Shoro ' , ... Paddington Randwiek 210 Redfern ... ... 211 Waterloo Wavcrlcy 213 Woollahra(includingRushcutter'sBay, Doublo Bay, Darling Point, Wat220 son's Bay, South Hoad and Rose Bay 223 232 233 243 247 .210 ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. PAGE Names in A B 0 • ii ii 1) II IS F • a 255 Names inN 2G0. O 279 P II 295 4 804 11 308 M T 316 324 U 840 V 341 345 . w Y 350 X >t M 358 II a ui II j II • .L II rfe" PAGE 880 883 387 896 398 405 423 429 430 431 445 446; TRADE AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. l'AGE. * Account Book Manufacturers... Accountants ...'. " . . . ... » Agents and Brokers - ... Architects, Surveyors, and Civir Engineers ... "... .;.* ... Artists"... >.. •• ... Attorneys, Conveyancers and Notaries Auctioneers ...' '• ... '...' ... Aurists • ... < ... ' ',;; : . 105 107109 .201 ... vu PAGE ... . ". -Mb ••!;-.. Bakers ... Ballastmen ... ... • Barristers * Barrow Makers Basket Makers ... v.'."-$> "... '• ' Bedstead and Bedding Warehouses Bollhangers and Locksmiths •.;:" ... ... ... ... PAGE ... 451 447 Bellows Maker ... ... 451 447 Billiard Table Makers .,. 447 Bill Posters ". ..; 451 Bird Fanciers ... ' ... ... 451 449 Blacking Manufacturers ... 451 "... 450 Blacksmiths ... 451 450 Blind Makers ... '.. ... ... 452 450 Board and Lodging Houses ... ... 452 450 Boat Builders ... ... 453 . \* Boiler Makers . . . . - • ... 453 : 450 Bonded Stores ... . ... 453 451 Bone Mills ... 453 •451 Bonnet Makers ... ... 453 451 Bookbinders . ... ... ...' 453 451 Booksellers and Stationers .... ...454 451 Boot and Shoo Mnkers and Sellers ..*; 454 '451 •Brass Foundors... ...' ••... ' ; .ii :455 Viii J'AfiK Braziers Brewers Bricklayers Brickmakors Brokers (Seo Agents) Brush Makers Builders Butchers Cab and Omnibus Proprietors ... Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers ... Candle Makors GarpenterB and Joiners Carpot "Warehouses Carriers and Forwarding Agents ... Carvers, Gilders and Picture Framo Makors Chemists and Druggists Chimney Cleaners Ohinn, Earthonware and Glass Dealers Chiropodists Churn Maker Civil Engineers Clock Makers Cloth Manufacturers Clothiers and Outfitters ... ... Coach and Carriage Builders Coal and "Wood Merchants Coffee Roasters Collectors Comb and Brushmakers ' Commission Agents , ... Confectioners and Pastry Cooks ... Contractors Coopers Coppersmiths Cordial and iErated "Water Manufacturers Curriers Custom House Agonts Cutlers & Surgical Instrument Makers t Dairies Dealers and Furnituro Brokers Dentists Die Sinkers Distillery District Court Agents '. Drapers and Haberdashers Drapers, "Wholesale Dray and Van Proprietors Dress Makers and Milliners Druggists Dyers and Scourers 455 '156 456 456 447 456 456 457 459 460 460 460 461 461 461 461 461 461 461 461 461 461 461 461 462 462 462 463 463 447 463 463 463 464 464 464 464 464 464 ... 465 466 466 466 ... 148 166 497 467 468 469 469 • Eating Houses Electro Platers Engineers, Boilor Makors, &c Engravers and Die Sinkers Estate Agents Fancy Bazaars Earners Fellmongers Fish ana Oyster Dealers CONTENTS. CONTENTS. 169 169 169 • 169 169 ' ... 169 .' A69 ,.. 170 170 l'AOK Flour Merchants Frcncli Polishers Fruiterers and Greengrocers ... ... Furniture Dealers Galvanized Iron and Zinc Workers ... Gardeners ... Gaslitters and Plumbers General Agents Ginger Beer Manufacturers Glass and China Dealers Glass Manufacturers Glass Riveter Glaziers Grocers Grocers, "Wholcsalo Gun Makors Hair Dressers Harness Makors Hatters and Cap Makers Hay and Corn Doalers Herbalist Homoeopathic Chemists Horse Dealers & Livery Stablo Keepers Hosiors and Glovers Hotul Keepers and Public Houses ... Houso and Estato Agents •Importers and Merchants Importers of Building Materials ... Insurance Agents Iron Bedstead Makers Iron Founders Ironmongers Jewellers, "Watch and Clock Makers... Joinors Kerosene Oil Manufacturers & Sellers Labor (Seo Registry Offices) Laddor Makers Law Stationers Leather Cutters and Sellers Lightermen,Ballastmen and Stevedores Lime and Cement Merchants Lithographers Livery Stables Locksmiths ... Lodging Houses Machinists & Agricultural Implement Makers Machine Rulers Mnrine Surveyors Masons Mast, Block and Pump Makers ... Mathematical and Nautical Instrument Makers and Importers Merchants and Importers Midwives Millers Milliners ••• Mining Agents ••• Modellers and Sculptors Music Sellers and Musical Instrument Makers and Importers 470 470 470 472 472 472 472 447 461 473 473 473 473 473 477 477 477 478 478 478. 478 478 478 478 178 149 485 185 449 485 485 485 485 486 486 486 186 486 486 488 466 486 486 486 486 480 186 486 186 486 487 187 188 488 188 H9 188 188 IX PAGE I'AOK Shipbuilders ... ... ... ... 491 Millwrights Shipchandlcrs... 494 Miscellaneous Shipping Agents 449 News and Advertising Agonts Shipsmiths 404 Nowspaper Proprietors Shirtmakers 494 Nightmen Sign writers 494 Notaries (See Legal Directory) Soap and Candlemakers 494 Nursorymcn, Seedsmen and Florists .. Stationers 494 491 ... 489 Stevedores Oil and Colourmcn ... 449 ... 489 Stock, Share, and Station Agents Omnibus Proprietors 191 ... 489 Stovemakers Opticians ... 494 ... 489 Sugar Refiners Organ Builders... ' 494 ... 489 Surgeons Outfitters (See Clothiers) Surveyors 491 ... 489 Painters, Glaziers, &c ... 494 ... 400 Tailors Pastry Cooks : 495 ... 490 Tanners and Curriers ... Pawnbrokers 495 ... 490 Taxidermists Photographers ,,.; 195 ... 490 Teachers Physicians and Surgeons ... . . 119 ... 490 Telegraphic Agents ... Piano Tuners 195 ... 490 Ticket Writers Piano Warehouses 195 ... 490 Timbor Merchants Plumbers 196 ... 490 Tinsmiths Potters ... 490 Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturers ... 496 Poulterers 196 ... 449 Tobacconists Printers' Agonts 197 ,.. 490 Toy Dealers Printers and Publishors 197 Produce Merchants 117 and 491 Turners 197 ... 491 Tweed Manufacturers Professors and Teachers .'.. 497 ... 492 Typo Founders Provision Merchants ... 492 Umbrella and Parasol Makers Publishers ... 497 ,.. 492 Undertakers ... ... ' 497 Registry Offices ... 492 Upholsterers 497 Restaurants ... 492 Ropo Makers Veterinary Surgeons ... 497 .. 492 Saddlers and Harness Makers 497 ... 492 Warehousemen Saddlers' Ironmongers 197 .. 492 Watchmakers Sail, Tent and Tarpaulin Makers 197 .. 492 Wheelwrights Saw and Moulding Mills 198 .. 493 Whitesmiths Scale Makers ... 198 .. 493 Wine and Spirit Merchants Schools Wine Merchants (Australian) ... 198 .. 491 Scourers .' 498 493 Wireworkers Seedsmen ... Woolbrokers 198 193 Sewing Machine Agents & Manufacturers 108 194 Wollpressers Shinglcrs and Slaters 488 498 449 488 488 488 488 GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Acclimatisation Society Agricultural Sooiety of Now South Wales Agent Representing Colony in England Albert Cricket Ground Company Alliance British and Foreign Life and Fire Assurance Company of London Alliance Building Society Australian Alliance Assurance Company Ancient Order of Foresters Attorneys ... Auditor Goncral "*- 9 9 21 6 18 82 21 PAGE Australasian Fire and Life and Marine Insurance Company '2 Australasian Steam Navigation Company 1 Australian Agricultural Company ... 6 Australian Freemasons' Hall Company 17 Australian Club 8 Australian Gas Light Company .... 6 Australian General Assurance Com- , pany ;.. 2 Australian-Jockoy Club 8. Australian Joint Slock Bank ... ... 1 Australian Meat Company ... ... ." 6 Australian Museum ... ... ... : 101 Australian Mutual Provident Socioty Australian Papor Company Australian Permanent Building Sooiety Australian Union Bfinefit Society Austrian Lloyd's Steam Packet Company Auxiliary Fire Salvage Company Balmain Cemetery Company Balmain Working Men's Institute ... Bank of Australasia Bank of New South Wales Baptist Church ... Barristers Barristers' Admission Board ... Batavia Sea and Fire Insurance Company Benevolent Asylum Botanical Gardens British and Foreign Marine Insurance Company Bulli Coal Mining Company Burrowa Copper Mining Company . •. Camden College Canton Marine Insurance Office of Hongkong Cattle and Sheep Inspectors Central Police Office Ohambcr of Commerce Chief Secretary Church of England Church of England Cemetery Company, Camperdown Church Society City and Suburban Building Socioty... City Bank City Iron Works Company City Night Refuge and Soup Kitchen Civil Departments Civil Service Club Claims to Grants of Land Clarence and New England S. N. Company Clarenco and Richmond Rivors' S. N. Company Clerks of the Peace Colonial Architect Colonial Directory Colonial Secretary Colonial Sea and Fire Insurance Company Colonial Sugar Refining Company ... Colonial Treasurer Commissioners for Affidavits ... Commercial Banking Company Commercial Union Assurance Company Congregational Union Consuls ... Cornwall Insurance Company Council of Education Crown Lands' Office Crown Law Offices Orown Proseoutors PAGE 2 6 7 10 Cudgcgong Cinnabar Mining Company Customs Darlinghurst Gaol Deaf and Dumb Institution 4 Distilleries and Refineries 0 District Court District Court Judges 6 District Commissioners 10 Domain ... • 1 Druids, Order of 1 Ecclesiastical Directory 29 Electric Telegraph 31 English, Scottish and Australian Char31 tered Bank Enterprise Quartz Mining Company... 2 Entomological Society, N.S.W. 10 European Assuranco Society 25 Executive Council „ „ f Sec Addenda) 2 Female School of Industry 5 S Fitzroy Dry Dock Foresters, Order of, 10 Free Public Library General Post Office German Association 25 German Glco Club, Concordia 21 Glanmire Gold Mining Company 6 Government Printing Office 21 Government and Official Directory ... 28 Great Western Trunkcy Gold Mining Company 7 Grcendale Company 10 Harbour Department 7 Harbours and Rivors 2 Hartley Kerosene Oil and Paraffino 7 Company 15 Health and Emigration Office 21 Hebrew Synagogue t.. 8 Home Visiting and Relief Society ... 31 Hospital for Insane, Gladesvillo Hunter River New Steam Navigation Company Hyde Park Improvement Committee... 4 House of tho Good Shepherd 31 27 Illawarra Steam Navigation Company 41 Immigration 21 Imperial Fire Insuranco Company of London Industrial Benefit Building Society ... 7 Industrial Benefit Building Society, No. 2 23 88 Insolvency 1 Inspector General of Police ... 2 Inspector of Prisons .... 20 Inspector of Public Charities .. 23 Insurance Companies' Firo Brigade ... 3 Lands'Titles Office 21 Lands 27 Law Institute ... •,,. 81 Legal Directory... 81 Legislative Assembly (See Addenda) XI CONTENTB. CONTENTS. 6 24 22 11 24 81 31 27 27 10 28 26 1 6 10 8 20 11 27 18 23 26 11 11 5 24 19 5 7 24 27 5 24 80 11 22 4 11 11 5 25 3 8 8 80 22 22 22 9 22 25 81 80 PAGE TAOK PAOK Legislative Council Liverpool and London and Globo Insuranco Company Liverpool Paper Company London and Lancashire Firo and Lifo Insuranco Companies London Chartered Bank of Australia... London Missionary Society Lunatic Asylums Lunatic Reception House, Darlinghurst Magazines Magistrates of tho City of Sydnoy ... Manton's Bungonia Quartz Mining and Crushing Company Mount Coora Gold Mining Company Mariner's Church Masonic " Master in Equity ... Medical Board Medical Directory Mercantile Bank Metcalfe's Marino Assurance Offico ... Military Mitchell's Crook Quartz Mining Company Money Order Offico Municipal Directory Mutual Benefit Building Socioty, No. 1 Mutual Benefit Building Society, No. 2 Mutual Lifo Association of Australasia National Marino Insuranco Company Nautical School Ship " Vernon" ... Naval Necropolis Netherlands India Fire and Marine Insuranco Company of Batavia ... New South Wales Auxiliary Bible Socioty Now South Wales Bush Missionary Socioty New South Wales Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution New South Wales Marine Assuranco Company New South Wales Religious Tract and Book Society New South Wales Riflo Association ... New South Wales Tcmperanco Alliance New South Wales Trn.de Protection Society Newcastle Minmi Colliery Nowcastlo Wallsond Coal Company ... New Zealand New Zealand Insuranco Company ... Northern Firo and Life Assurance Company North China Insuranco Company ... Now Lambton Colliery 20 Norwich Union Fire Insurance Com- pany , 3 Notaries Public 0 Observatory 8 Oriental Bank Corporation 1 Osborne Wallsend Coal Company 11 Oddfellows 22 Pacific Fire and Marine Insuranco 22 Company Parliament of New South Wales ... 24 „ „ (Seo Addenda) 34 Parramatta River Steam Navigation Company 5 Peak Downs Copper Mining Company ' 5 Peel River Land and Mineral Com30 pany 15 Peninsular and Oriontal Steam Navi30 gation Company 35 Permanent Mutual Benefit Building 35 and Investment Society 2 Perpetual Building and Investment 3 Sooiety 36 Phoenix Building Society Postmaster General 5 Presbyterian Church of New South 26 Wales 39 Presbytorian Church of Eastern Australia 7 Protestant Orphan School Public Works 7 Pyrmont Bridge Company 8 Prince Alfred Band of Hope 3 Queensland ... 22 Queensland Sheep Investment Com36 pany 22 and Industrial Schools ... 3 Ragged Railways General 11 Registrar Rifle Association 11 Roads Roman Cotholic Church Catholic Orphan School ... 11 Roman Royal Alfred Australian Volunteer Fire Company, No. 1 3 Rosewood Copper Mining Company ... 12 Royal Artillery 12 Royal Fire and Life Insurance Company of Liverpool and London ... 12 Royal Mint Royal Society of New South Wales ... ... 15 Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron 6 5 Sanctuary of tho Ordor of Royal Shepherds 43 3 Savings' Bank of New South Wales ... School of Arts, Balmain „ Camperdown 3 „ Pitt at. 3 „ St. Leonard's 5 3 33 22 2 5 18 8 20 5 5 6 5 7 7 7 26 29 29 22 26 7 12 41 7 12 26 22 12 27 28 23 0 6 36 8 25 12 9 19 2 12 12 14 12 •rt CONTENTS. xn r-AOE Sea nnd Firo Insurance Company—The Oosterling * ... Sea nnd Firo Insurance Company— (Second) Secretary for Lands . . . . ... ... Secretary for Public Works ... ... Shoriff ... ... Shipping.Office Society for Eelief of Dostituto Children South Australia... ... ... ... Southern Insurance Company St. John's College SC Mary's Collego, Lyndhurst ... St. Paul's College ... St. Vincent's Hospital... ... ... StandardLifo Assuranco Company ... Stcnm Navigation Board ...... Starr Bowkett Building Society, No. 1 Starr Bowkett Building Society, No. 2 Superannuation Fund ... ... ... Supreme Court ... ... ... Surveyor General ... ... ... Sydney City Mission ... • ... ... Sydney Bethel Union Sydney'Diocesan Society ... ... SydnoyDistrict Court;.... ... .... Sydney Exchange Company Sydney Female Kofuge Sydney'Grammar School ... ... Sydney Servants' Homo Sydney Infirmary and Dispensary .... Sydney Insurance Company SydneylTarino Assurance Company... Sydnoy Mechanics' School of Arts ... Sydney Volunteer Firo Company, No. 2 • Sydney Investment Company Sydney Fire Brigade ... ... ... 3 4 26 26 80 25 12 42 4 18 18 18 18 4 25 8 8 28 80 25 13 18 18 81 7 14 14 14 14 4 4 14 9 8 0 I'AQE Tasmania , .. ... Tasmanian Steam Navigation Company Treasury... Trust and Agency Company of Australasia Trunkey Greek Quartz Mining Company... ' ... ... Trado Protection Society 42 Union Bank of Australia Union Club ... Unitarian Church , United .Fire and Marine Insurauco Company of Sydnoy United Ports and General, Insurance Company ... '••... ... Universal Marino Insurance Company University of Sydney ... ... ... 2 0 80 •$>< 23 8 6 15 ALMANAC 4 4 4 15 Vaccine Department ... Vice Admiralty Court ... , ... ... Victoria... ... ... ... ... Victoria Club ... ... • ... ... Victoria General Insurance Company... Victorian Trunkoy Gold Mining Company... ... Volunteer Club ... ... Volunteer Force ... ... 28 80 44 9^ ( 4'. "Western Koroseno Company "Waralah Coal Company .... ... "Water Polico Office "Wesloyan Methodist Church "Western Australia "Woolgarlo Lead Mining Company ... 6 6 28 29 45 6 AND 6 9 86 GENERAL CALENDAR FOR 187 -m. \ J<«* •>.U-'! i • ; « . , 0 444 Wri ALPHABETICAL Wya Woolfo, Henry, butcher, 887 Elizabeth at. & Wright, Charles, carpenter, Marian st., Redf. 76 and 78 Campbell st. Wright, Charles, tarpaulin maker, 889 CastleWoolford, Mrs., 31 Clarence st. reagh st. Woolfrey, Rev. IT. N., Vickery St., Waverley Wright, E. E,, blacksmith, 291 Susan st. WOOLGAULO LEAD MINING CO. (Limited)— Wright, Ewon G., dairy, 85 Dowling st. Russell, G. A., secretary, 364 George st. Wright, Francis (Wright, F. and Co.), 475 Woollcr, Samuel, horso bazaar, 254J- Pitt st.; Georgo st. p. r. Goulburn st. Wright F. and Co. ( Wright, Francis; M'Keill, Wooller, T„ horse dealer, 123 Goulburn st. _ I).), carriers and agents, 475 Georgo st. Woolley, John, plumber, 33 Pnrramatta st. Wright, Georgo, 67 Victoria st., George st. Woolloy, Mrs. Thomas, 32 Cumberland st. Wright, G., bootmaker, Dowling st, Redfern "Woollcy, T., fireman, 91 Harvey st., Pyrmont Wright, George, bricklayer, 252 Albion st. Woolley, William, Lodge St., Glebo Wright, Georgo, bricklayer, Roslyn s t Woolley, William, grocer, Bullanaming et, Wright, Georgo F., plumber and galvanized Waterloo iron works, 53 William st. Woolmer, E., 3 Webb's cottages, Pyrmont st. Wright, Henry, carpenter, 446 Castlcrcagh st. Woolnough.George, South H. rd.,01d, Wlhra. Wright, Horatio • G. A., surgeon, Carlton Woolnough, Henry ( Woolnough, Horace, and terrace, 67 Wynyard square, West Co.); fialmain Wright, James, 78 Kent st. Woolnough, Horace ( Woolnough, Horace, and Wright, James, 32 Middle st. Co.); Balmain Wright, James, tailor, 63 Goulburn st. Woolnough, Horace and Co. (Woolnough, Wright, J. B., Raglan St., Waterloo Horace, Woolnough, Henry, Woolverton, Wright, J. J. and Co. ( Wright, J. J.), merWilliam), merchants, 2 Wynyard st. chants, 60 Pitt st. Woolridgo, Francis, Glebe rd. Wright, John, Botany rd., Alexandria Woolridgo, Mrs. Ann, Edward st., Pyrmont Wright, John, Marion st, Redfern Woolverton, William (Woolnough, Horace and Wright, John, Mitchell St., Glebe Co.), p. r. Richmond terrace Wright, John, Spring st. Paddington Wooster,Jonathan F., Kerosene and American Wright, John, carpenter, Walker St., Redfern chairdepot,485 Georgost.j p. r. Stanmoro Wright, John, dealer, 3 Behnoro place, CnstleWootten, Edwin, cabinetmaker, Belvoir terrcagh st. race, Belvoir st. Wright, John, dealer, 58 Union st, Pyrmont Worboys, David, Glen Rock terrace, Wav. Wright, John, painter, 828 Pitt st. Worcester, John F„ general dealer, 832 Wright, John, paperhanger and decorator, Sussex st. 828 Pitt st. Work, Thomas, 15 Wentworth place Wright, John, teacher, Glebo rd. Wormleazen, Thomas, blacksmith, 3 Elizabeth Wright, John D., blacksmith, 25 Union lano place, Elizabeth st. Wright, Johh Joseph, 109 Phillip st. Worms, Matthew A. and Co. (Worms, M, Wright, John M., -wholesale confectioner, 486 A.), merchants, 21 Wynyard lane; p. r. George st Balmain Wright, John P . (Hibbert and Wright), Worrall, John, painter, 9 Foster st. Botany rd. Worrill, Mrs., 11 Newtown rd. Wright, Mrs., 147 Liverpool st. Worsley, James, 7 Dick st. Wright, Mrs. William st, Redfern Worsley, William, 25 Dale st. Wright, Mrs. Mary, 80 Middle s t Worth, James, Alton St., Woollahra Wright, P., Vaucl!use, Watson's Bay, Wlbra. Worthington, G., carpenter, 166 Campbell st. Wright, Richard H., Banks st. Wortley, Thomas, carpenter, Newington cot- Wright, Robert, shingler, 26 Liverpool st. tage, Roschill st., Redfern Wright, S., engineer, Campbell St., C. River Wotton, John, Elizabeth st., Ashfield Wright, Stephen, compositor, 130 Riley st. Wrather, Alfred, cordial maker, Shepherd st., Wright, Thomas, 8 Foster st. Darlington Wright, Thomas, Turner st, Redfern Wray, George, Paddington s t , Paddington Wright, W., blacksmith, 841 Sussex st. Wren, Thomas, 28 Windmill st. Wright, William, Vaucluse, Watson's Bay, Wrench, Edward [liichariison and Wrench), Woollahra Ashfield Wright, William, merchant, Wright's Wharf, Wright, Alex., bootmaker, 831 George st. Sussex st.; p. r. Union St., Pyrmont Wright, A., carpenter, Marian St., Redfern Wright, William, oil and colorman, 67 South Wright, A., jun., shipsmith, 42 Princes st.' Head rd. Wright, Archibald, ship and general smith, WmanT's WHAHF ( Wright, William), Sussexst Pile's wharf, George St.; p.r. Princes st. Wring, Emanuel, Botany rd., Waterloo Wright, A., type founder, 18 Charlotte lane Wyatt Brothers (William H., Joseph and Wright, G, boarding house, Margaret st. Frederick), leather and grindery wareWright, C, 45 and 47 Wynyard square, West house, 319 Pitt s t Wright, Charles, baker, 54 Goulburn st. Wyatt, Frederick, 140 Goulburn st. Yea DIRECTORY. Wyatt, Frederick ( Wyatt Brothers), Crown st. Wyatt, Frederick, pastrycook, 221 Palmer st. Wyatt, Georgo, Northern rd., Five Dock Wyatt, J., 42 Burdokin terrace, Collego s t Wyatt, Joseph, Norton st, Manly Beach Wyatt, Joseph (ir^a«i?ro</ioi's),Darlinghurst Wyatt, Mrs., Holden St., Redfern Wyatt,Mr.3.,earthonwaredoalcr,22l Palmer st. Wyatt, William, 329 Bourko st. Wychcrloy, Michael, teacher of navigation, Victoria st., St. Peter's, Cook's River Wykc, E., blacksmith, Botany st, Redfern Wylde, Edward, 2 John st. Wylio, Adam, McLaughlin lano, off Gipps st, Paddington Wymcr, George, joiner, Holden st., Redfern Wynands, William, Cook's River rd., St. Peter's, Cook's River Wyndham, Messrs., Australian v-ine depot, Cohen, W. T., agent, 96 Pitt st. Wynn, John, Reeves' place, Glebo Wynn, William, 132 Castlcrcagh st. Wynne, Edward, mason, Hopgood's terrace, Dowling st. Wynne, J. W., confectioner, 749 George st. Y YADSLET, BENJAMIN, Petersham rd., Mkville. You 445 Yee Cliong and Co., Chinese merchants, 204 Georgo st. Yeend, A., Kangaroo Hotel, 471 Georgo st. Yecnd, C, Burwood Hotel, 593 Georgo s t Yeend, John J., Ballast Point rd„ Balmain Yecnd, Mrs., Watorvicw st., Balmain Yecnd, Robert, Nelson Bay rd., Waverley Yendall, II., bookbinder, Marian st, Redfern Yco, Francis, haberdasher, Glebe rd. Yco, Georgo, sheep inspector, 237 Fitzroy St., Surry Hills Yeo, John, draper, Entnorc rd., Newtown Yeo, Thomas It., Avoca st., Randwiok Yeoman, Wm., painter, 99 Georgo st.; p.r. Union st., Surry Hills Ycomans, G. C, 17 Bligh s t Yeomans, John, 414 Elizabeth st Yeomans, Mrs., Neutral Bay, North Shore Ycomans, R. (Abbott and Yeomans), 414 Elizabeth st York, Brothers (Charles and James), woolwashing establishment, off Botany rd., Waterloo York, C. (York, Bros.), carcase butcher, Pyrmont bridge rd., Glebe York, J. R., Unwin's bridge rd., Marrickvillo York, Thomas, Westmoreland st, Glebe .York, James (Yor/t, Bros.), 437 Crown st. Youll, George, 283 Clarence st. Young and Lark (Young, J. 11, Lark, T.), warehousemen, 257 Georgo st. Young, A.,gardener, South II. rd., Old, Wlhra. Young, C, off Nicholson st, Balmain Young, ft, grocer, South H. rd., Old, Wlhra. Young, Charles, Isabella St., Waverley Young, Charles, bootmaker, Gipps st, Littlo Young, Charles, bricklayer, 26 Market lano Young, Charles F., 5 Francis s t Young, Daniel, shipwright, 4 Mill St., Pyr. Young, Francis William, upholsterer, 407 Castlcrcagh st. Young, Frederick, Botany st., Waterloo Young, George, Lennox st, Newtown Young, George, Victoria st., Paddington Young, George, carpenter, 186 Goulburn st. Young, G. L., upholsterer, 89 Cumberland st. Young, Henry, Dairy lano, Nor.th Shore Young, J., Norwood, Marrickvillo Young, James, Merlin st., North Shoro Young, James, Spring st, Paddington Young, John, 67 Chownc st, Pyrmont Young, John, 120 Darlinghurst rd. Young, J. (Gilchrist, Watt §• Co.),Macleay st. Young, John, carpenter, 127 Buckingham st. Young, John, contractor, 384 George st. Young, John, 25 Bathurst st. Young, John, shipwright, 3 Jenkins st. Young, Joseph 0., painter, 246 Crown st. Young, J. R. (Young and Lark), Hereford house, Glebe Point rd. Young, M. (Morehead and Young), 175 Macquarie st. Young, Michael John, Burwood rd., Bunvood Young, Mrs,, 11 Clyde st. Yag<!r, Charles, Raglan st., Alexandria Yale, Joseph, Wcarne's Wharf, Bathurst st. Yard, O. T., shingler, Morehead St., Redfern Yard, J., 0 Yard's terrace, Gipps St., S. Hills Yard, John, shingler and slater, Botany rd., Redfern Yard, Mrs., Whiley's cottages, off Botany rd., Redfern Yarkor, John, 4 Macquarie lane, Wilton st. Yarnton, G. S., solicitor, 109 Elizabeth st,; p. r. Ashfield Yarnton, John, 354 Macquarie st, South Yarrington, A. J., boot warehouse, 735 Georgo st. Yarrington, W. H., 31 Botany rd>. Yates, D., South Head rd., Old, PabWington Yates, George, George st., WaterlooX Yates, James, Corner st, Burwood J Yates, James, boatbuilder, Cowpcrs Wharf, Woolloomooloo Bay; p.r. 2 Brougham st. Yates, James, cooper, 105 Abercrombio place Yates, John, Hordern st, Newtown Yates, John, grocer, 16 Queen st. Yates, John, photographer, 432 Georgo st.; p. r. 393 Bourko st. Yates, John G., sailraaker,Circular Quay; p.r. 24 Francis st. Yates, Richard, Cameron st,, Paddington Yatos, T., carpenter, Spiccr st, Woollahra Yates, William,' Rosebrook, Tempe, O. River Yates, W., carpenter, 224 Fitzroy St., S. Hills Yaw, Daniel, Wellington st, Waterloo Yaw, James, 5 Henrietta s t Yawler, George, 13 Clarence lano Yeatcs, Mrs., Bourke st„ Redfern Yeatcs,W. G., commission agent, 63 Sussex Bt. Young, ReVi B., Railway terrace, Burwood Yeates, William, 343 Sussex st. 446 Zei ALPHABETICAL Zllf Young, Robert, 138 OasUereagh st, Zondler, John, John st., Waterloo Young, Robert, Caledonian Hotel, 9 King st.Zions, Henry, tailor and outfitter, 409 & 415 Young, Thomas, Beattio st., Balmain George st. •'' Young, T., dairy, Underwood St., Paddington Zollar, John, Botany rd., Alexandria Young, Thomas, grocer, 80 South Head rd. Young, Thomas, sailmaker, 22 Union st., off Zollner, Daniel, painter, off Parramatta rd., Burwood Erskine st. Zollner, Simon, Sydney galvanized iron Young, William, Addison rd., Marrickville Young, William, Dairy lane, North Shore works, 84 York st.j p.r. 81 Orown rd., Younger, C, stovo manufacturer, 80 Pitt st.} Miller's Point p. r. Neutral Bay, North Shore Younger,H.,boatbuilder,NeutralBay,N.Shore Zucoani, Emilio and Oo. (Zuccani, Emilio andFloriano; Strong, K If.), cabinet Younger, M., professor of music, Cleveland st Youngs, Hannah, laundress, Bay st, Glebe makers, 253 George st. Youngs, Mrs. H., Bay st., Glebe Zuccani, Emilio {Zuccani, Emilio and Co.), 9 Wynyard square Zuccani, Floriano (Zuccani, Emilio and Co.), ZAHBI, V., Brunoville, Miller st., N. Shore 9 Wynyard square Zeitz, Oarl, Denisoa st., Newtown Zufall, A. P., bootmaker, Parramatta rd., Petersham, TRADE AID PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. 1870. COMMISSION, PRODUCE & GENERAL. Allan, A., Mort's passage, 370 George st. Allpress, James B., 10 King st. Anderson, R., 54 Pitt st. Andrews, John, 181 Elizabeth st, Ariell, W. H., 119 Sussex st. Barry, Thos. E., 11 Albert St., Potts' point Beer, B., 67 Pitt st. Accountants. Bell and Mitchell, 364 George BI. Abrams, Lewis G., 143 Pitt st. Bennett, George, 76 Pitt st. Baass, A. H. J., 14 Spring st. Bensusan, S. L,, 326 George st. Baass, J. 0. H., 227 Georgo st. Bertram B., 448 Georgo st. Bogio, J. W., Exchange, Bridgo st. Biffin and Clarko. 147 Pitt st. Bowen, W. L., 78 Pitt st. Binnio and McElhono, King st. Buyers, William, 69 Pitt st. James, 12 Wharf st. Clarke, R, S„ Mort's buildings, 179 Pittst. Bird, Blake and McDonald, 143 Sussex st. Deloitto, W. H., Spring st. Blako, Georgo, 126 Sussex Bt. Eagar, Hon. Gooffrey, 364 George st. Blow and Walsh, 11 and 13 King st. Lees, George, 74 Elizabeth st. Bond, C. B„ 64J Sussex st. Mackenzie, William H., sen., 96 Pitt st. Brown, David, 277 Sussex st. Napthali, Joseph, 400 Georgo st. William, 6 King st. OgUvie, Alex.,'Bell's Chambers, 175Pittst. Burchmoro, Buyers, W., Hamilton st. Pile, Georgo, jun., 62 Margaret st. Cameron, John and Co., Exchange, Pitt st. Purkis, John, 17 O'Connellst. Camroux, F., 3 King st. Rattray, Georgo (J.P.), 364 George st. Cannon, M., 131 York st. Rucker, John H., 43 Georgo st. Chisholm, A., 108 Pitt st. Sim, Alexander, 62 Margaret st. Clarke, Homy, M.L.A., Victoria wharf, Solomon, P. S,, 364 Georgo st. Shelley st. Taylor, James C, 32 Bridgo st. Clark, John, 35 Wharf st. Thomson, Robert, P. I. A., 130 Pitt st. Cooper, Alexander, 15 Barrack st. Coulter, Graham, 125 Sussex st. Agents and Brokers. Coulter, William, 145 Sussex st. • CARRIERS. Craven, T. W., 121 Sussex st. Stott and Co., Sydney Parcels Delivery Co., Cutlor, W. H., 21 Sussex st. Dal ton, William, 9 Kingst. • .; 16 Barraok st.—See Advt. Deane, Charles M., 32, Bridge st. , Wallwork, Barber: and Co., 473 George st. Woods, Shortland, Fox and Co., Railway Devlin, Jas., jun., Albert Bt., Circular Quay, and 131 Pitt st. . Station and Albert st., Ciroular Quay Wright, F, and Co., 475 George st, Dodds, H., Bankpourfc, Kingst. . • . - . . Account Book Manufacturers. Dennis, Robert, 30 Bridgo st. Leigh, S. T. and Co., 21 Hunter st. Moffltt, William, 227 Pitt st. Reading and Co., 356 George st. Sands, John, 392 George st,—Sec Advl. 448 Age TRADES, &a, Age Drynan, William, 324 Georgo st. Nutter, S., GKingst. Ebsworth, 0. B„ Albert St., Circular Quay O'Doad and Co., King st. Eisonstadter, Dennis, Hamilton st. Oliver, H. W., 448 Georgo st. Ellen, Thomas, 74 Pitt st. Orr, W. M, 70 King st. Etheredgo, George 0., Wyiiyard lane Peterson, F., Bell's Chambers, 173 Pitt st. Farnsworth and Partridge, 64 Sussex st. Phillips, John, Botany rd., Redfern Field, Charles, 101 Sussex st. Phillips, Robert, 10 Bridge st. Foley, John, 120 Sussex st. Pile, Stephen, 0 King st. Francis, Grosvenor, Albortst., Circular Quay Prescott, H. and Son, 101 Sussex st. Gardiner, G. W., 59 Pitt st. Priestly, Henry, 05 Sussex st. Goddard, B. and J., 29 Wharf st. Priestly, Samuel, 139 Sussex st. Goddard, Henry, 175 Sussex st. Rattray, George, J.P., 364 Georgo st. Graeio, Jamos, 348 George st. Rawlings, Benjamin, 153 Sussex st. Grcon, Daniel, 324 George st. Raynes, Troevo&Co., 177 Pitt st—See Advt. Graham, John, 7 King st. Rhodes, Georgo, Smith's wharf, King st. Hains, Isaac, Brisbane st., South Head rd. Richardson & Wrench, 142 Pitt st.—See Advt. Halo, Thomas, Exchange, Bridge st. Rodwell, Thomas G., 227 George st. Hardy, R. J., Lime st. wharf, Lime st. Ross, James, 4 Bourko st., Little Harnett, Richard, 324 Georgo st. Rowling, John, 95 Sussex st. Harris, Charles, Cleveland st. Sawkins, T. G., Exchange Hawken & Vance, 103 Sussex st.—Sec Advt. Scott, Michael, 148 Sussex st. Healoy, Jeromiah, 110 Sussex st. Scroggio, James, 96 Pitt st. Henfrey and Toohey, 119 Castlereagh st. Short, William, Victoria wharf, Shelley st. Hezlet, William, 117 Sussex st. Simmonds, John, 112 Sussex st. Huddlestono, Fredk. B., Georgo st., Redfern Smith, George, 162 King st. Humby, John, 111 Sussex st. Spcer, William, 1 Erskine st. Hurst, G. R., 379 Georgo st. Stonham, David Hi, Wharf st. Hyam, Solomon, 90 Botany st. Sullivan Brothers, 21 Sussox st. Jacobs and Co., Bell's Chambers, 175 Pitt st. To Kloot, Jean, 127 Pitt st. Jessep, James, 098 Georgo st. Thorno arid Moiklojohn, 141 Sussex st. Johnson, Edward, 185 Bourko st. Thorno, James, 32 Bridge st.—See Advt. Johnston, Alexander, 41 Lansdowno st. Vallentino, B., 326 Georgo st. Jones and Flanagan, 171 Sussex st. Vescys, Robert, 108 Sussex st. Jones, Thomas, 74 Pitt st. Wallach, James, 12 Spring st. Langloy, Robert, 31 Wharf st. Warren, J. L., 145 Pitt st. Lee, Frederick, 2 Bridge st. Webb and Booth, 69 and 71, Sussox st. Lees, Georgo, 74 Elizabeth st. Wells, G., 25 Wharf st. Lipmarih, £., 199 l o r k st. Whiddon, S. C , 105 Elizabeth st. Long, Charles, 4 Clarence lane Whitten, Charles H., 66 Sussex st. Loughlin, Edward, Turner st., Redfern Whitfield, P. B., 3 Spring st. Love, William, Cleveland st. Whytlaw, M., 18, Wynyard square Lowther, Edward, 117 Sussex st. Wilson, C. A., Pitt st., Redfern McCaffrey, Thomas, Shelley st. Yeates, W. G., 63 Sussex st. McCarroll, J. A., 02 Buckingham st. McCrea and O'Neil, Campbell st. CUSTOMS. McHugh, M. andT., 147 Sussex st. Bayley, Marshall, Albortst., Circular Quay McKanney, James, 129 Sussex st. Bros, John, 9 Castlereagh st., North McRickard, H., 90 Bathurst st. Cohen, S. H., 11 Castlereagh St., North Martin, James, 204 Crown st. Ford, R, T. & Co., 11 Castlereagh st., North Martin, William, 23 Wharf st. Gedyo, McCrea and Co., 5 Castlereagh st., N. Martin, William, 83 Harris st. Labat, Henri, 11 Castlereagh st., North Martin, W., 131 Sussex st. ' Metcalfe, Powell and Wall, 9 Castlereagh st., Mayor, J. H., 181 Pittst. Melville, William, 351 Crown st. North Miller, J. H., 183 Pitt st.—See Advt. Moss, George, 3 Castlereagh st., North , Moore, M. J., 17 Church hill Nash and Bramwell, 21 Albert st., Circular Moran, Lawrence, Victoria wharf, Shelley st, Quay Morgan, Leopold, 132 Elizabeth st. Mullens, D., 305 Georgo st. DISTRICT COURT. Myers, Samuel, 434 Bourko st. Keily, B. F., 148 King st. Neild, J. C , junr., 227 George st, Kendall and Hogarth,-145 King st. Neville, Joseph, 21 Wharf Bt. Levin, Simeon, 164 King st. Nicoll, G. R., 3 Erskine st. • Roberts, JameB; 154 King st. Nipper and Seo, 123 Sussex st. Roberts, J., 132 Elizabeth st, Norton, Thomas, 541 Sussex at, Age DIRECTORY. HOUSE AND ESTATE. Bowen, Edward, 67 Bathurst st. Cubitt, Arthur, 11 Bridge st.—See Advt. Delohory, Alfred C , 111 Elizabeth st. Fenton, W., Darling st., Balmain Hanson, William, 247 Georgo st. Harris, Walter, 25 Botany rd. Hitchcock, John, 21 Union st., Sussex st. Langhorno, G., Newtown rd. Long, Charles H., 61 Elizabeth st. May, C. H. and Co., 109 Elizabeth st. Newman, H. H., 120 Elizabeth st. Pile, George, jun., 62 Margaret st. Raynes, Treeve & Co., 177 Pitt st.—See Advt. Rishworth, F. E., 401 Georgo st.—See Advt. Scoles, W., 71 Clarenco st. Smith, Goorge and Co., 162 King st. Vaughan, H. and Co., 147 King st. Woolcott, W. P., Bell's Chambers, 171Pittst. Aro 449 Smith, William H., Smith's wharf, King st. Thome, Charles, 61 Pitt st. Thorne, James, 32 Bridge st.—See Advt. Ward, Joseph and Co., 3 Bridge st. STOCK, SHARE AND STATION. Barton, Melhado& Co., 165 Pittst.—SecAdvt. Bate, C. and Co., 165 Pitt st. Beit, H., 5 Wyny.ird st. Brewster and Trebeck, 267 Georgo st. Chatfield, W., 69 Pitt st. Ettershank, Eaglestonc and Co. (Clark, William, agent), Mort's buildings, 181 Pitt st. Fattorini and Co., 175 Pitt st. Harrison and Jones, Boll's Chambers, 173 Pitt st.—See Advt. Hinchcliffo, Andrew, 4 Castlereagh st., North Irwin and Turner, 171 Pitt st. Lennon and Cape, 136 Pitt st. Mullens, Joseph, 131 Pitt st. INSURANCE. Muston, W. T. & Co., 171 Pitt st.—See Advt. Anderson, J,, Mort's passage, 370 George st. Pitt, G. M., 382 Georgo st. Raymond, R. P., 15 Bligh st, LABOUR,—Seo Registry Offices. Richardson & Wrench, 142 Pittst.—See Advt. Richardson, A. H., 277 George st. MINING. Rooke, Charles H., 78 King st. Manton, J. A. Bros, and Co., 364 George st, Sullivan and Tindale, 400 Georgo st. Want & Simpson, 271 Georgo st.—See Advt. NEWS AND ADVERTISING. Barker, Frank, 93 Sussex st. TELEGRAPHIC. Bartram, William, Buckland st., Waterloo Grevillo and Co., 390 Georgo st.—See Advt. Byron, John, 247 Bourko st. Byron, John, 227 Georgo st. Calloway, Richard, 147 King st. Architects, Surveyors, and Civil Cooper, Joseph J., 825 George st. Engineers. Cubitt, Arthur, 11 Bridge st. Benjamin, 247 Georgo st. Deacon, S., Milson's Point rd., North Shore Backhouse, Blacket, E. T., Mort's buildings, 179 Pitt at. Gordon and Gotch, 281 Goorge st. Thomas, 198 Dowling st. Grovillo and Co., 390 Georgo st.—Sea Advt. Bradridge, Brecs, Harold, 263 Brougham st. Hayes, J. J., South Head rd., Old, Pad. Brownrigg, W. H., 132 Pitt st. Hinohcliffo, Joseph, Botany rd., Waterloo Calder, James, sen., 78 Abercrombio place Ireiklc, Robert, 391 Bourko st. Davey, John J., 382 George st. Lea, Charles, 92 South Head rd. Golden, M., Glebe Point Mihell, Alexander W., Botany rd., Redfern Grundy, F. H., Mort's buildings, 183 Pittst. Pierce, Thomas, 77 William st. Hallen and McEvoy, 108 Pitt st. Wise, John, 164 William st. Hilly, John F., 138 Pittst. Hughes, Edward, 9 Botany rd. PRINTERS. Hunt, J. Horbury, Spring st.—See Advt. Sharwood, L. & Co., 87 York st.—See Advt. Huntley, A. S., Bell's Chambers, 171 Pittst. Greville, E. &Co., 390George st.—See Advt. Kemp, W. E., Mort's buildings, 179 Pitt st. Gordon and Gotch, 281 George st. Kuapp, E. J., 131 Pittst. Knapp, E. J., jun., 131 Pitt st. SHIPPING. Lentz, G. A. F., 322 Castlereagh st. Bell and Mitchell, 364 George st. Lewis, Mortimer W., 392 George st. Black, John and Co., 14 Spring st. Lewis, Oswald H., 392 Georgo st. Ebsworth, F., 11 Castlereagh st., North— McBcath, David, 191 Bourko st. McDonald, D. E., 105 Pembroke terrace, See Advt. Buckingham st. Eldred & Spence, 62 Margarot st.—See Advt. McDonald, James, Thames st., Balmain Hall, H. H., 21 Bridge st. Mansfield, G. Allen, 165 Pitt st.—See Advt. Hill, William Russell, Grafton wharf Mayos, Charles, Mort's buildings, 179 Pitt st. Lloyd, G. A. and Co., 364 Georgo st. Muuro, W., 62 Pitt st. Motcalfo, Michael and Co., 9 Bridge st. Rouss, Ferdinand, 142 Pitt st. Sawkins, T. G., Exchange, Bridge st. AD 450 Auo TRADES, &a, Bak Rowe, Thomas, 5, 6 and 7 Vickery's Cham- Payten, Samuel, 156J- Pitt et. bers, Pitt st.—See Adv. Peek and Frorichs, 273 George st. f Phillips, Samuel, 07 King st. Ryan, D. W., 78 King st. Raynes, Treevo and Co., Mort's buildings, ARTISTS. 179 Pitt st.—See Adv. Felton, Myra, 121 Cnstlereagh at. Richardson and Wrench, 142 Pitt st.—See Fowles, Joseph, Globe rd. Adv. Hazelton, A., 237 Duko st. Rishworth, Francis E., 401 George st.—See Hodgson, Thomas, 373 Crown st. Adv. Pickering, A., Glebe rd. Slattery, T. M. and Co., 143 Pitt st. Robinson, F. W., St. Mary's st., Balmain Solomon, John, 309 George st. Scott, Montagu, 392 George st. Stubbs, R. F. and Co., 362 Georgo st.—See Sotright, Richard, 205 Bourke st. Adv. Wilson, William, 110 Palmer st. Teaklo, Charles, 7 Wynyard st. Vaughan, Henry and Co., 147 King st. ; Waldron, Charles, 448 Pitt st. ••• • > Attorneys, Conveyancers. & Notaries. Wooller, Samuel, 254J Pitt st. ;.-. f Soo Legal Directory. . Aurists—See Oculists. Auctioneers. Allan, A., Mort's passage, 370 George st. Baker and Short, 299 Pitt st. Bradley, Newton and Lamb, 104 Pitt st. Bradley, James Octavius, 132 Elizabeth st. Bowden, Thomas, 154 Pitt st. Butler and Inglis, 791 George st. Byrnes and Tighe, 330 George st. Carr, C , 12 and 14 Parramatta st. Chandler and Co., George st., Little Coekburn, Henry D., 347 Pitt st. Cohen, J. G., 352 George st. Dawson, Thomas, 432 George st. Devlin, J., juu., 131 Pitt st,, and Albert st., Circular Quay Dunn, Thomas, G99J Goorge st. Eb8worth, O. B., Albert st., Circular Quay Ellis and Co., 703J George st. Fahey, Skinner, and Co., Pitt st. Fotheringhara, Darvall and Co., 21 Macquano place Graham, Samuel, 100 Abercrombio place Grisdalc, W. and Co., 208 Pitt st. Harrison and Jones, Bell's Chambers, Pitt st., and 43 Albert st., Circular Quay Henfroy and Toohey, Castlercagh st. Hurley, George & Co., 85 Wynyard sq., West Irwin and Turner, Boll's Chambers, 171 Pitt st. ' Israel, Joseph, 254 Pitt st. Jagelman, T., 330 and 332 Pitt st. Jay, Samuel, 217 Pitt st. Kiss, George, 272 Pitt st. Levin, Simeon, 104 King st. Lister and Son, 204 Pitt st. Martyn, Henry D., 240 Pitt st. Meadowcroft and Co., Park st. Miller, J. H., Mort's buildings, 183 Pitt st. Molony, Mathew, 259 George st. Monaghan, J. H., 99 King st. Moore, Alexander & Co., 285 to 295 Pitt st. —See Adv. Moore, Chas. and Co., 107 Pitt st. Mort and Co., Albert st., Circular Quay North, J. B. and Co., 278 Georgo st. Bakers. Crated Bread Co., 28 Hunter st. Allen, Joseph, 100 Kent st. Archer, Robert, 94 Dowling st. Ashcroft, Thomas, Morehead st., Waterloo Banks, George, 72 Athlono place BaiT, William, 08 Athlono place Bennett, John, 181 South Head rd. Bonser, Richard, 407 Goorge st. Boylson and Sons, Parramatta rd., Camperdown Breen, B., Albion st., Paddington Breen, James, Dowling st., Paddington Brown, John, Darling st., Balmain Cannichael, John, 17 Ersluno st. Carroll, John, 200 and 262 Crown st. Cassin, James, 174 Georgo st. Cazenavo and Co., 54 Yurong st. Childs, C , 1 and 3 Dale st. » Chisholm, James, Cook's River rd., Teinpe Cook, Edward W., South Hd. rd. Old., Pad. Cook, James, 301 Elizabeth st. Cosgrove, Thomas, Miller st., North Shore Cripps, John F., 148 South Hoadrd. Cross, Charles, 41 Banks st. Cullon, Patrick, 39 Holt s t , Surry Hills Dallimore, G. E., 511 George st. Dodd, John, 402 Castlereagh st. Dingle, John, 102 William st. Dingle, Thomas, 222 William st. Donohoo, T. J., Newtown rd. Doran, John, Foster st. Douglas, Robert, 158 William st. Dowdall and Mooro, George st., Redfern Droan, John, 340 Pitt st. Fielding, Joseph O., 752 Georgo st. Forstor, Thomas, Cook's R. rd., St. Peter's Freohill, Patrick, 109 Georgo st. Gaffney, Bernard, 102 Market st. Garland, J., Botany rd., Waterloo Gecring, G., Cook's River rd. Gibb, Henry, Rosost., Darlington Godfrey, James, South Head rd. Grcig, H. B., Glebe st., Glebe Bak DIRECTORY. Groig, Peter, 5 Market st. Hamilton, John, 28 Hunter st. Hammett, William, Globe rd. Hardio and Mitchell, 510 and 518 George st. Hardman, Bros., 708 Georgo st. Hardman, James, 11 Botany rd. Hathaway, P., Curtis rd., Balmain Heil, John George, Globe rd. Hildor, Hannaniah, 739 Georgo st. Hoffman, Frederick, 501 George st. Hoffman, G. and H., Darling st., Balmain Hohnon, Charles. 343 Pitt st. Holmes, Samuel H., 120 King st. Holliday, George W., 71 Goulburn st. Hughes, Patrick, 135 Albion st. Hunt, E., Darling rd., Balmain Jefferies, George, Cleveland st.. Jessep, Edwin J., 189Fitzroy st., Surry Hills Julian, Francis, Botany st., Waterloo Kecshan, John, 110 Cumberland st. Kidd and Kelly, Newtown rd. Krauss, Louis, 157 York st. Lanimon, David, 30 Stanloy st. Leach, Frederick, Darling st., Balmain . Lovely, Charles, 310 Pitt st. McBurnoy, James, South Head rd., Pad. M'Gann, John, 295 Sussex st. M'Geo and Devir, Botany rd., Redfern M'Hugh, James, Georgo st., Waterloo M'Laughlin, John, 62 Goulburn st. M'Lean, Mrs., Redfern st., Rcdforn M 'Mahon, Thomas, 173 George st. Macdonald, William, Bedford st. Martin, James, 167 Parramatta st. Muir, Georgo, Denison st,, AVoollahra Newnham, Frederick, 174 Campbell st. Newton, Adam, 30 King st. Nixon, Robert, 66 Bathurst st. O'Hear, James, Albion st. O'Hear, John, 147 Kent st. Patrick, Robert, 70 Harris st., Pyrinont Pinkerton, James, 70 Parramatta st. Pritehard, W., 21 King st., and 188 George st. Purves, J. G., 13 Ultimo st., Bay st. Riordan C , 93 Parramatta st. Roper, John, 773 Georgo st. Sands and Sons, 190 Sussex st. Service, James, 165 Crown st. Simmons, Thomas, 153 Campbell st.. Shadier, Adolph, 71 Hunter st. Shields, Robert, 30 Botany rd. Smail, Mrs., 25 Argylo st. Spring, James, 101 Castlereagh st. Stohr, B., Globe st., Glebe Stuart, William, Crown st. Suttlo, Elijah, Miller st., North Shore Tripp, Richard, Mary st. Truman, Henry, Parramatta st., Petersham Truman, John, Botany rd., Waterloo Vaughan, William, 110 Forbes st. Verdau, J. B., Francis st. Watkinson, J., Darling st., Balmain Weir, James, 79 William st. Wongert, Martin, Francis st., Glebo White, Thomas, .38 Queen st. Bla 451 Whitelaw, Peter, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Wickham, J. F., 83 Cumberland st. Williamson, David, 135 William st. Ballastmen—See Lightermen. Barristers.—Soe Legal Directory. Barrowmakers. Parker, William, 205 Riley st. & Newtown rd. BasketmakersDobson, Joseph, 18 Park st. Green, Israel, 8j2 York st. Green, Richard, 123 York st. Griffiths, Charles, 770 George st. Griffiths, George, 254 Riley st. Kilin, John, 509 Georgo st. Wiley, David, 21 Park st. Bedstead and Bedding Warehouse. Rogers and Co., 222 Pitt st. Dnnkwater, T,, 218 Castlereagh st. Lawler, John, 677 Georgo st. Reason, W. C. W., 7 Bridge st. Bellhangers, &c. Hughes, James, 122 Liverpool st. Martin, Thomas, 111 King st. Potter and Son, 75 Clarence st. Schlichting, C. H., 152 Castlereagh st. Tall, Georgo, 306 and 308 Pitt st. Vivian, William H., 156 Campbell st. Webber, John, Hutchinson st., Georgo Bt. Bellowsmaker. Gribben, Hugh, 78 Athlone place Billiard Table Makers. Fane, William, 226 Liverpool st. Stephens, John, 17 Hosking place Bill Posters. Barnes, J., 42 Chapel lane Haddon, E., 97 Liverpool st. Holland, Andrew, 151 Clarence st. Birdfanoiers. Crawley, T. W., 26 and 28 Market Old, Shed C. Neaves, W., 10 and 18 Market Old, Shed C. Horton, William, 110 Liverpool st. Blacking Manufacturers. Oldfiold, John, 100 Kent st. Wayman, Richard, 45 Macquarie lane BlacksmithsArnold, Joseph, 91 William st. Baldick, James, Cook's River rd., S i Peter's Brown, Richard, Liverpool rd., Enfield 452 Boa TRADES, <fec, Bulgin, John, Spicer st., Woollahra Banham, John, 312 Castlereagh st. Cargo, William, 269 Castlereagh st. Clarke, James, Botany rd., Redfcrn Clarke, William, Parramatta rd., Petersham Clayton, James, Watervicw st., Balmain Collcy, Alfred, Liverpool rd., Ashfleld Collis, Edward, Parramatta rd., Burwood Corbett, John, 4 Ann st., Macquario st. Cruikshank, A., Parramatta rd., Campdn. Cunningham, Robt., 100 Abattoir rd., Pyr. Evans, George, Foster st. Frank, Thomas, 117 Albion st. Harvoy, J., 561 George st. Hewitt, Adam, Liverpool st, Howitt, William, 445 and 447 Pitt st. Lewis, Charles, 203 Phillip st. McDonald, George, 5 Cecil place McFarlane, A., Phoenix wharf, Shelloy st. McKenna, Patrick, Botany rd., Alexandria McKenzie, Simon, Parramatta rd,, Burwood McNeil, Hector, 13 Phillip st. Mason, Ralph, Newtown rd. Mitchell, Robert, 50 Parramatta st. Monroe, William M., 258 Clarence st. Murphy, John, 236 Kent st. Murphy, John, 2 Napoleon st. Nelson and Egan, Argylo st. Jones and Sutton, Underwood st. Joyner, Cornelius, 9 Surry st. Joyner, R., Glcivmoro rd., Rushcutter's Bay, Boa Armstrong, Mrs., 188 Princes st. Balenzula, Peter, 42 Campbell st. Barr, George, 94 York st. Beck, Mrs., 17 Jamison st. Bergin, Mrs. M., 50 Palmer st. Birkett, Francis, 75 George st. Bluck, Richard, 58 King st. Bonnott, Samuel, 36 York st. Bourke, Mrs., 221 Castlereagh st. Bradley, Joseph, 267 Kent st. Brady, Mrs., St. Kilda House, 133 Woolloomooloo st. Butlin, William, 39 King st. Cameron, John, 96 Clarence st. Carow, Mrs., 3 Bligh st. Carroll, Thomas, 173 York st. Carty, William, 183 Castlereagh st. Casoy, Mrs., 13 Church hill Cavell, Mrs., 28 York st. Chee Fow, 112 Gloucester st. Collins, Thomas, 20 Erskino st. Cruikshank, Mrs., 24 Wynyard square Crummor, Mrs. F., 181 William st. Daley, Thomas, 157 Claronce st. Dawson, Mrs. L. H., 153 William st. Digan, Mrs., 19 Clarence st. Dobson, John S., 27 Park st. Dowling, Mrs., 190 Crown st. Drover, George, 195 Clarence st. Drury, James, 159 Clarence st. Elder, William, 294 and 296 Castlereagh st. Ellis, Mrs. Mary, 60 King st. Paddington Farrcll, Daniel, 208 Clarence st. Olds, James, 226 Crown st. Fcston, M., 98 Clarence st. Parr, Peter, 10 Park st. Filtham, Richard, 48 Wynyard square Pollard, W. H., 169 Clarence st. Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 122 Clarence st. Pope, William, 10 Parramatta st. Fleming, Miss, 174 Princes st. Potts and Paul, Lime st. Gardincp, George, 63 Druitt st. Ray, Richard, Liverpool rd., Enfield Gattenhoff, Joseph, 123 Castlereagh st. Scott, J. Walter, 151 and 153 Elizabeth st. Gehde, August, 39 York st. Smith, J. and Co., Parker st. Gorman, G., 194 Kent st. Smith, William, 198 Sussox st. Goodwin, Mrs.JAnn, 67 George st. Starr, J. and T., 579 George st. Grant, Miss, 7 Jamison st. Stephens, Thomas, Botany rd., Waterloo Gray, John T., Esplanade, Manly Beach Taylor, Charles, Cleveland st. Grover, William, 77 Claronco st. Thiering, John, Jenkins st. Hamilton, Mrs., 23, Clarence st. Walsh, David, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Hand, Mrs. Mary, 5 Bent st. Ward, E., 6 Market st. Hatelie, Mrs., Richmond terrace, Domain Wright, W., 341 Sussex Bt. Hayes, Mrs., 126 Kent st. Hayes, Mrs, 1 Crescent st. Hayes, Mrs. A., 335 Macquario st., South Blindmakers. Hollingdalo, John, 44 Wynyard square Brierly, J., 9 Albert place, off Crown st. James, Edward, 247 Kent st. Cooper, Edwin, 73 Ebzabeth st. Jones, Enoch, 180 Princes st. Hughes, William, 27 Albion st., Little Jones, James, 10 and 18 Sussex st. Tarring, J. W., 9 Hunter st. Jones, Mrs. Jane, 271 Kent st. Tracey, T., 18 Bridge at.—See Advt. John, 219 Castlereagh st. Welch, William P., 286 Pitt st.—See Advt. Kain, Kavanagh, Thomas, 87 Harrington st. Wright, George, 252 Albion st. Kolly, Mrs., 5 Harrington st. Kenny, John, 124 Clarence st. Lane, Henry, 156 Palmer st. Boarding Houses. Lappin, Mrs., 45 Valentino's lane Abbott, James, 265 Kent st. Larame, Mrs. Elizabeth, 300 Palmer st. Abbott, Richard, 269 Kent st. Lewis, Mrs., 87 Gloucester st. Allen, Mrs., 292 Liverpool ot. Lincoln, Mrs., 128 Castlereagh st.. ,.', Anderson, Mrs., 5 Jamison st. Andrews, William, 55 Argyle st. Boa DIRECTORY. Liiner, Mrs., 258 and 260 Castlereagh st. McCluer, David, 73 Clarcnco st. Manor, Patrick, 97 Clarence st. Mair, Mrs. Caroline, 140 Castlereagh st. Marshall, Mrs., 67 Elizabeth st. Marshall, Mrs. E., 195 Castlereagh st. Matthews, John, 132 Clarence st. Mcuror, F., 150 Castlereagh st. Miller, Mrs. Ann, 317 Elizabeth st. Mitchell, Mrs., 22 Wynyard squaro Morgan, Miss Margaret, 393 Pitt st. Morrissoy, Mrs., 54 Princes st. Mungovan, Mrs., 98 Palmer st. Murphy, Arthur, 17 King st. Murray, Miss, 7 Bligh st. Murray, Morris, 199 Castlereagh st. Ncill, William, 126 Clarence st. " Nelson, Thomas, 252 Kent st. Newlands, William, 287 Castlereagh st. Nowsom, Mrs., 191 William st. Phillips, Hyam, 14 Jamison st. Posten, Thomas, 174 Sussex st. Potter, James, 170 Cumberland st. Power, James, 97 George st. Price, Mrs. Ann, John st., New, Balmain Quigloy, Patrick, 49 Goulburn st. Quinn, James, 92 Sussex st. Rigg, Mrs. S., 323 Macquario st., South Rogers, Mrs. S., 246 Sussex st. Rowett, William, 69 Wynyard square, West Rule, John, 85 Gloucester st. Sales, John Joseph, 109 Liverpool st. Sargent, Mrs., Sunnyside, Manly Beach Saunders, William, 783 Georgo st. Shoohy, Patrick, 128 Clarence st. Sheppard, Mrs., 179 Bourke st. Sherlock, Lawrence, 118 Clarence st. Skorrett, Mrs., 9 Stanley st. Smith, James, sen., 157 Georgo st. Smith, John T., Esplanade, Manly Beach Smythe, Robert, 223 and 225 Castlereagh st. Stephens, Mrs., 14^6 Crown st. Somerville, Frederick, 74 King st. Stone, Georgo, 395 Pitt st. Summers, ftlrs. A., 47 Hunter st. Taylor, Mrs., 13 Margaret place Taylor, Mrs., 302 Sussox st. Thcrry, Mrs., 46 Margaret st. Thomas, John, 50 Yorkst. Thomas, Mrs. E., 133 William st. Tuncceo (Chinese), 184 George st. Walker, Mrs., 203 Macquane st. Wallis, Mrs., 205 Macquario st. Watson, James, 145 Clarence st. Watson, Mrs., 330 Liverpool st. Webb, Georgo, 114 Kent st. Weeks, Mrs., 13 Jamison st. Wells, Mrs., 70 Fort st„ Upper AVelsh, Mrs. W., 397 and 399 Pitt st. West, George, 186 Princes st. Weynton, Mrs. Susannah, 2 O'Connell st. White, Miss T. H., 209 Macquario st. Williams, Henry, 53 Crown st. Williams, Mrs. Mary, 168 Clarcnco st. Williams, Mrs. S., Macquario placo. BOO 453 Wright, C , Margaret st. Vandergryp, Andrew, 100 Sussex st. Boatbuilders. Ackroyd, John, 20 Duke st. Barnett, Benjamin, Pottinger st. Bates and Son, Thames st., Balmain Buckley, G., Buckley's Wharf, Kent st. Dunn, William, Lavender Bay, North Shoro Fisk, Henry, Mort st., Balmain Gardener, Henry, William st., Balmain Hayes, Frank, Darling St., Balmain Huggct, James, Milson's Point rd., N. Shoro Ireland, James, Domain Langford Brothers, 28 Clyde st. Lomax, James, Peacock's Point, Balmain Looko, William, Lookest., Balmain Macbeath, B,, Street's Wharf, Sussex st. Miller, John, Miller's Wharf, Kent st. Pritchard, Charles, Darling st., Balmain Punch T., Cowpcr's wharf, Woolloomooloo Reynolds, Andrew, Duke st., Balmain Shechy, D., Woolloomooloo Bay Smeil, John, Brougham st. Stephenson, H. A., Lane Covord., N. Shoro Yates, James, Cowper Wharf, Woolloomooloo Bay and 2 Buckingham st. Youngor, Henry, Noutral Bay, North Shoro Boilermakers—Seo Engineers. Bone Mills. Billyard, W. W„ Holt st., Pyr.—See Adut. Tancrcd, Peter, Parramatta rd., Petersham Bonded Stores. Alger's (Alger, John), Fort st. Argylo (Mitchell, J. S.), Argylo st. Australian (Frazer, John and Joseph, S. A.), 14 to 20 Elizabeth st., North Brown's (Brown and Co.), O'Connell st. Campbell's (Daniel, King & Co.), Campbell's wharf Circular (Willis, Merry and Lloyd), 971 Phillip st. Cooper's (Cooper, D. & Co.), 464 George st. Farrelly's (Farrelly, Patrick), Pottinger st. Gilchrist's (Gilchrist, Watt & Co.), Margaret st. Griffiths' (Fanning, Griffiths & Co.), Spring st. Macquario, (McMahon, P.) Circular Quay Moore's (Moore, Henry H.), Miller's Point . Parbury's (Parbury Brothers), Fort st. Towns' (Towns and Co.), Miller's Point Bonnetmakers.—See Milliners. Bookbinders. Conyber, James, 13 Park st.—See Advt. Falk, Jacob, 151 Pitt st. Moffitt, W., 227 Pitt st. Roberts, David, 284 Pitt st. Ryan, Thomas, 211 South Head rd. Sands, John, 392 George st.—Sec Advt. Watt, John, 2 Markot buildings, Goorgo st. 454 BOO TRADES, &c, Booksellers and Stationers. Abbott, Mrs. G., 109 South Head rd. Andrews, John, 313 Pitt st, Clarke, J. R., 23 Hunter st. Cole, F. and E., 380 George st. Cole, H., 404 Georgo st. and 110 King st. Collis, J., 205 Farramatta st. Cooke, W. A., 670 Georgo st. Downing, Robert, 237 George st. Edwards, P. L., 137 Pitt st. Ferguson, John, 426J Georgo st. Flanagan, E. F., 594 George st. Hardman, Mrs. S., South Hd. rd. Old, Pad. Hill, James, 790 Georgo st. Jones, Alfred, 837 Georgo st. Kirby, Frederick, 62 Market st. Lea, Charles, 92 South Head rd. Lindsay, R. M. 201 Castloreagh st. Maddoek, W., 383 Georgo st. Mailer, John, 256 Georgo st. McNally, John, Yurong st. Moffltt, William, 227 Pittst. Moore, J. J., 560 to 564 Georgo st. Muspratt, Mrs. E., 140 William st. Parsons, B, G., Miller st., North Shore Piddington, W. R., 332 George st. Reading, J. and Co., 35G Georgo st. and 13 Bridge st. Ross, R. W., 81 Parramatta st. Sandon, C.T., 324 George st. Sands, John, 392 Georgo st. Skinner, Robert William, 361 Pitt st. Smith, Frederick, 405 George st. Turner, E., 670 George st. and 26 Hunter st. Boot and Shoemakers and Sellers- Abbey, William, 350 George st. Alderson & Sons, 231 Elizabethat.~SeeAdvt. Anderson, John, 673 George st. Anderson, Samuel, Adolphus st., Balmain Andrews, G., Newtown rd. Barnett, Mrs. S., South Hd. rd. Old, Pad. Barrett, John, 42 King st. Barry, David, 505 Georgo st. Barry, Henry R., 76 South Head rd. Barry, Robert H., 567 Georgo st. Barry, Thomas, 127 Georgo st. Barth, Charles, 350 Kent st. Beer, J. C , Newtown rd. Bennett, Thomas, 294 George st. Biggs and Abigail, 481 George st. Bishop, Joseph, Liverpool ret., Ashfiold Blakeney, Ambrose, Botany rd., Redfern Bourke, Thomas, 122 William st. Buchanan, William, 119 William st. Bovis, Charles, 72 Market st. Bridgman, Mrs. E., 23 South Head rd. Brown, George H., Pitt st., Rcdfern Brown, Richard, 152 Riley st. Calc, Richard, 557 Georgo st, Callaghan and Son, 397 Georgo st. Callaghan, Hugh, 306 Georgo st. Callanan, James, 400 Elizabeth st. Clarke, Samuel, Botany rd., Waterloo BOO Clarkson, W., Newtown rd. Clcary, Edward, 240 Sussex st. Cleary, J., 28 Market st. Cleary, R., 1 Market buildings, George st. Clcary, Thomas, 291 Sussex st. Clyno, Henry G,, 42 King st. Cooks, Benjamin, 369, 371 and 689 Georgo st. Cocksodge, Thomas, 402 Pitt st. Collins, M., Darling st., Balmain Condell, Robert, 588 Georgo st. Cook, James, 194 Sussox st. Cooke, Mrs., 254 Georgo st. Cork, Thomas, York st. Coxhcad, John, Boundary st., Redfern Crcgo, William, 103 King st. Croplcy, John, 703 and 798 Georgo st. Dadswoll, Thomas O., 32, 34 and 36 King st. Darcy, William, 67 Hunter st. Davenport and Alcock, 60 York st. Davey, Peter, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Davoy, W. E., 7 and 8, Market buildings, George st. Dawson, R. C, South Head rd., Old, Wlhra. Denieff, Martin, Mort st., Balmain Dermody, Edward, 8 Erskino st. Dimond, John, 237 Kent st. Dogkorty, James, 655 Crown st. Dohnan, George, 47 Parramatta st. Dowling, Thomas, 2 Charlotte place Dryer, Casper, Newtown rd., Darlington Dwyer, Richard, 190 Cumberland st. Earls, —, Newtown rd. Edwards; James, 290 Kent st. Elliott, John, Botany rd., Redfern Ellison, Edward, Botany st., Waterloo Feeney, Edward, 204 William st. Fisher, Thomas, .176 Pitt st. Fitzpatrick, Henry, Stephen st., Camperdown Fletcher, John, 434 Georgo st. Flynn, William, 491 Georgo st. Forster, Francis, 132 South Head rd. Foxall, William, 151 South. Head rd. French, Edward, 150 South Head rd. Gardener, Henry, 69 and 71 Bathurst st. Gardner, George, 499 George st. Geary, G., John st., New, Balmain Gleeson, Edward, 20 King st. Gray, John, Charloto st., Ashfield Gregory, Edward Wm., Caledonia st., Pad. Griffiths, John George, Botany rd., Redfern Hand, John, 221 Pitt st. Harden, Thomas, Botany rd., Alexandria Hardwick, William, 687 Georgo st. and 75 Bathurst st. Harris, Georgo, Newtown rd. Harris, Henry, 4 Corfu st. Harris, John, 14 Carlton st. Hartley, William, 52 Parramatta st. Healoy, Thomas, 3 Queen's place Heaney, James, Crown st. Heiser, Henry, 149 Pitt st. Holey, Michael, 240 Georgo st. and 42 Erskino st. Hickey, William John, 584 Georgo st. Hicking, Snmuel, 240 Georgo st. Boo DIRECTORY. Holliday, M. A., Darling st., Balmain Holliday, Thomas, 137 South Head rd. Hooworth, James, Bay st., Glebe Hopkins, Thomas, 130 Clarence st. Hunt, J. H., Darling st., Balmain Inman, G., 4 South Head rd. Times, Andrew, 469 Kent st. Irvine, Thomas, 42 South Head id. Johnston, Jason, 5 Parramatta st. Keating, Michael, 73 Parramatta st. Kennedy, Wm., Soutli Headrd., Old., Pad. Kerr, Samuel, 187 Georgo st. Knox, Andrew, 28 Charles st., Parramatta st. Landers, Joseph, 232 and 234 Castlercagh st. Lawes, Georgo, 248 Riley st. Leathern, John E., Botany rd., Redfern Lennard, John, George st., Burwood Lcnnon, John, 1G9 Parramatta st. Lcwin, John, 89 Market st. Lewis and Gairns, 22 Hunter st. Loudon, L., Darling st., Balmain Lyons, Henry, 303 Sussex st. M'Auley, T., 149 Kent st. M'Camloy, Edward, 226 Kent st. M'Carty, James, 687 Georgo st. M'Carty, William, 99 Abercrombie placo M'Evoy and Cahill, 199 George st. M'Evoy, John, 586 George st. M'Grath, Edward, 8 Botany st. M'Guffin, Richard, Botany rd., Redfern M'Laugklin, John, 583 George st. McMurtio, J. and G., 39 Goulburu st. M'Namara, Thomas, 37 Charles st. Madden, William, 29 Banks st. Magner, Michael, 2 Burton st. Magner, Thomas and Son, 50 Crown st. Maguire, John, 113 Georgo st. Mahuko, Fred., Cook's Rivorrd., St. Peter's Martin, Thomas, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Mclly, James, 70 Parramatta st. Merrick, Samuel, 380 and 382 Liverpool st. Milford, Alexander, 242 Riloy st. Mills, Georgo, 95 Parramatta st. Mitchell, Charles W., 223 Clarence st. Mitchell, Robert, 548 Elizabeth st. Moore, John, 16 Carlton st. Morgan, John, 120 South Head rd. Morton, John, Camperdown rd., Camperdown Mullina, Patrick, 80 Athlono placo Murphy, Bartholomew, 115 William st. Murray, James, 91 King st. Nelson and Dale, 7 Park st. Newton, Henry, 99 Parramatta st. Newton, Henry, Abercrombie placo O'Brion, John, 34 Albion st. O'Donoghue, Michael, 212 Castlereagh st. Orr, Thomas, Botany rd., Redfern Palmer, G., 3 & 4, Market buildings, Gcorgest. Palmer, William, 61 Market st. Perry, Frederick, University st., Camperdown Potno, Adam, 269 George st. Phumner, T., South Head rd., Old, Wlhra. Potter, John H., Parramatta rd., Burwood Potts, Robert, 57 Banks st. Pritchard, Josoph, 60 William st. . Bra 455 Putland, Samuel, 85 Sussex st. Quin and Boyle, 57 Argylo st. Regan, John, Bourke st., Redfern Richards, Henry, 239 Pitt st. Roberts and Dartnell, 302 Castlereagh st. Robinson, D., 91 Forbes st. Rolston, William, Wells st., Redfern Rothwcll, Richard, 503 George st. Sadler and Merrick, 144 King st. Shearsby, Charles, 370 Macquario st., South Shephard, Alexander, Glenmore rd., Rushcutter's bay, Paddington Shcrring, Edward G., 267 Crown st. Shirlow, William, 072 George st. Siedokum, F., 45 Hunter st. Simpson, William, 27 Athlono place Smith, Mrs. E., Newtown rd. Stcnner, James E., 220 Riley st. Stevens, Joseph, Botany rd., Redfern Stewart, William, 112 Market st. Stone, Henry, 532 George st. Swain, John, 80 Harrington st. Swyny, George, 76 Market st. Swyny, G. R., 124 William st. Swyny, Henry, 8 Park st. Taylor, Thomas, 4 Market st. Taylor, Thomas, Newtown rd. Tcbbatt, E. J., Biley st. Tomlin, James, 278 Crown st. Trenough, Charles, 161 York st. Turner, John, Botany rd., Redfern Vickery, J., 377 Georgo st. Waddington, Joseph, 123 Clarence at. Watson, William H., 788 George st. Way, J., 6 & 6 Market buildings, George st. White, Patrick, 63 Clarence st. White, Robert, 76 Dowling Bt. Wildman, Edmund, 225 and 227 Sussex st. Willis, Henry, 408 Pitt st. Wilson, William, Botany rd., Redfern Wood, Lewin, 20 Hunter st. Wright, Alexander, 831 Georgo st. Wright, J. P., 28 Botany rd. Yarrington, A. J., 735 Georgo st. Zufall, A. F., Parramatta rd,, Petersham BrassfoundersBennett, William, Harbour st. Bown, T. J. and Co.,Bathurst st.—SecAdvt. Brickell, Robert, 149 Georgo st. Bubb, J. R., 561 Georgo st.—Sec Advt, Evans, David, 20 Albion st. Fitzpatrick, John, 29 Erskino st. Gilchrist, James, 77 Market st. Griffiths, William, 145 York st. Hall, John, 316 Kent st. Harkness, John, 61 Bathurst st. McCulla, Matthew, 11 Cecil place McManus, John, 38C Pitt st. Marshall, Alex. A., 19 Maoquarie place Murphy, Charles, SO Druitt st. Sutton and Jones, 192 George st. Braziei'S.—See Brassfouudoivj. 456 Bui TRADES, &c., Bui Cutler, Samuel, George st., Burwood Brewers. Fitzgerald & Prcndergast, Hay ah—Sec Advt. Deacon, Charles, George st., Redfern Dean, Alexander, 154 Castlereagh st. and Henlfrey and Toohey, Castlereagh st. 81 to 87 Elizabeth st. Marshall, J., South Head rd. Old, Pad. Tooth,-R. F. and Co., 24 to 40 Parramatta st. Dobson, H. B., St. John's rd., Globe Dolan, Patrick, Cleveland st. Dorbauer, Hoinrich, Piper st., Woollahra Bricklayers.—See Builders. Drury, William, 255 Riley st. Duncan, William, 150 Burton st. BriokmakersDyer, Benjamin, 20 and 22 Jamison st. Blamiro, A., Sydonham rd., Norwood Edgely, John, 144 Campbell st. Burling, Charles, May st., Cook's River Ethenngton, Samuel, 21 Buckingham st. Burling, Henry, Lord st., Nowtown Etherington, Thomas, 19 Brisbane st., Littlo Burling, John, Maria st., Newtown Eveleigh, William, 155 Livorpool st. Cook, Joseph, Mary st., Cook's River Ewan, Robert Ladd, Roschili st., Redfern Edward, H., Cook's River rd. Faulkcs, John, Georgo st., Waterloo Gentle, J., Mitchell's rd., Alexandria Fisher, James, Georgo st., Redfern Gibbons, Martin, Australia st., Newtown Fowler, J., South Head rd., Old, Paddington Goodsell, Alfred, Newtown rd. Foyler, Elijah, Ann st., Balmaiu Goodsell, Frederick J., Newtown rd. Freeman, Thomas, George st., Redfern Hogan, John, Sydenham rd., Marrickvillo Frey, John, 80 Ultimo st., Victoria st. Larkins, James, Parramatta rd., Pctorsham Garret, William, 117 Bourko st. Mosely, William, Chapel st., Marrickvillo Gibson, James, Reynolds st., Balmain Rawlings, James, May st., Nowtown Gibson, John, 158 Fovcaux st. Shortiss, William, Norwood, Petersham Gilbert, Alfred, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Walters, Thomas, off Liverpool rd., Enfield Gilroy, James, 688 Elizabeth st. Godbolt, J., Glebe rd. B r u s h m a k e r s . - ^ e e Comb & Brushmakers. Gooch, William, 79 Elizabeth st. Gore, Frank, 103 Woolloomooloo st. Grace, Henry, 324 Crown st. Builders. Grace, William, Juliet st., Nowtown Allpress, Philip, 10 Hunt st. Graham, Aloxandcr, Glebo st., Glebe Andrews, William, 291 Castloreagh st. Graham, Archibald, sen., Glebe St., Glebe Armitago and Harris, Glenmore rd., Pad. Graham, James, Dorwent st., Glebo Austin, Thomas, Botany rd., Waterloo Graham, Peter, Derwent st., Glebo Bailey, W., Enmorord., Nowtown Grcig, Aloxandcr, Shepherd st., Darlington Banks, W. D., Derwcnt st., Globe Guest, Martin, 245 Fitzroy st., Surry Hills Bartlett, George, Liverpool rd., Ashfield Walter, 79 Crown st. Beaumont and Waller, 79 and 81 Botany rd. Hamilton, Hardaker, A., Union st., Newtown Begley, Robert, 544 Elizabeth st. Bennett, Fredorick, 214 Palmer st. Harnet, James, Rose st., Darlington Bennett, Henry, 393 Macquario st., South Harrison, W. S., Ocean st., Woollahra Bennett, James, Wells st., Redfcrn Hart, Thomas, 178 Devonshire st. Best, George, 253 Forbes st. Hawthorne and Campbell, Burnett St., Redf. Bosward, George, 150 Sussex st. Haylock, Charles D., S. H. rd., Old, Wlhra. Bricrly, James, 331 Castlereagh st. Hedges, J., 388 Crown at. •' Brodie, H., jun., 194 Devonshire st. Hill, James, Botany rd., Waterloo Brown, George B., Christie st., Glebe Holland, Henry J., 381 Liverpool st. Brown, John, 22 Mount st., Pyrmont Brown, Philip, Newtown rd., Old, Darlington Hudson, Brothers, Botany rd'., Redfern Hutchinson, Thomas, 52 Dcnham st. Bryan, Edward, 5 Randlo st. Buchanan, John, Glenmore rd., Rushcutter's Inder, Jacob, 110 Stanley st. James, Benjamin, 10 Brisbane st. Bay, Paddington Jarman, Daniel, Nowtown rd., Darlington Burton, Frederick A., Grose st., Camperdown Jenkins, William, Neich's rd., Burwood Clark, John, 19 Arthur st. Jennings, John, 497 Riley st. Clarke, Thomas, 21 Arthur st. Jesson, Charles, 14 Collins st. Coleman, Joseph, Taggart's lano Jesson, John, 565 Crown st. Coleman, Joseph, Ryder st., Little Kean, James, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Coleman, William, 4 Alexander st. Kelly, George, Botany st., Redfern Collins, John Jas., Abercrombio st. Kelly, John, Glebe rd. Compton, James T., Ocean st., AVoollahra Kersey, Caleb, 15 Dixon St., West Corbin and Nicolle, 168 Castlereagh st. Laing, Robert, 10 Nowtown rd. Corbin, James B., 89 Riley st. Laing, W., Newtown rd., Old, Darlington Cropley, William, 3G4 Elizabeth st. Lane, Samuel, West st. Cross, Stephon, 215 Brougham st. Lang, William, 18 Rose st. Curtis, William, Hordernst,, Nowtown Lavcrs, F. S., 419 Crown st. Bui DIRECTORY. Leist, Edward F„ 130 Campbell st. Lewis and Steel, Rcgont st., Paddington Lingbye, E. Levin, 126 Elizabeth st. List, William J., 220 Albion st. Loanoy, John, Bay st., Glebo Locke, John, 48 Kensington st. Long, S., 57 Botany rd. Loveridge, Aaron, Vino st., Darlington Loveridgo, Samuel. Vino st., Darlington Lucas, George, 22 Francis st. McConville, Hugh, Bay St., Glebo McCredio, Alexander, 87 Bowman st. McCredio, Robort, 75 Bowman st. McCredio, William, 81 Bowman st. McDowall, William, Gipps st., Paddington McLarren, Alex., 55 Church st., Pyrmont McMastcr, H., Macquario st., South Mackey, David, 82 Ann st., Macquarie st. Mahoney, B., 49 Riley st. Mahoney, James, 293 Liverpool st. Mcars, John, Walker st., Redfern Moss, Charles, Derwcnt st., Globe Mountford, AVilliain, Miller St., North Shore Newland, William, 603 Elizabeth st. Newton, Benjamin, Livorpool rd., Ashfield O'Carroll, Patrick, 358 Macquario st., South O'Mara, William, 135 Duko st. Orford, Robert, 350 Macquario st., South Palmer, James, Curtis rd., Balmain Pattison, John. 267 Bourke st. Poil, John, 5 Burton st. Pcttitt, John, Marian st., Redfern Phillips, John, 49 Lansdowne st. Pitkcthly, Tait, 207 Palmer st. Polly, William, James st., Redfern Poulton, Edward, 347 Brougham st. Pring, Abel, 21 Susan's lane Purcell, Jonn L., 563 Bourko st. Rhodes, B., 399 Sussex st. Richards, Tlios., Glonmorord., Rushcutter's But 457 Thursby, Henry, Derwcnt st., Glebe Tucker, William, Queen st., Glebo Turbit, Henry, 125 Bourko st. Turner, Edward, 320 Crown st. Turton, James, 687 Elizabeth st. Ullberg, Charles, Phillip Bt. Vaughan, William, Derwcnt st., Glebo Vogcs, William, Gipps st., Surry Hills Wagg, AVilliam, 524 Bourke st. AValker, J., 253 Riloy st. AValker, AVilliam, Crown st., Ultimo AVallacc, AArilliam, 21 Randlo st. AValker, AVilliam, Jones st., Ultimo Estate AArallis, Nathaniel, 77 Bourko st. AVatson, James, 34 Crown lane, Stanley lano AAratson, Joseph, 271 Crown st. AVebb, Eooh, 6 Arthur st. AVhitemann, John, 6 Owen st. AVilliams, John, Alma st., Darlington AArilmot, John, Stowart st., Paddington AVilliams, Thomas, 12 Judge st. AVilmot, AVilliam, 20 Thomson st. AVilson, Hugh, 32 AVcmyss st. AVithcrs, George, 222 Albion st. Butchers- Allen, Francis, Pitt st., Redfern Alloyne, AVilliam, Broughton st., Glebo Andreas, Jacob F., 658 George st. Arscott, Edward, 141 and 143 George st. Ashdown, J. and Co., 194 Georgo st. Austin, AAllliam, 158 AVoolloomooloo st. Bailey and Co., 162 South Head rd. Baird, AVilliam, 150 AA'illiam st. Barden, Edwin, Newtown rd. Barden, Fredk., Cook's River rd., St. Peter's Barden, Sidney, Cook's River rd., St. Peter's Beattio, James, Darling st., Balmain Bell, Henry, 315 Pitt st. Biggs, Alfred, SouthHd. rd.. Old, AAroollahra Bay, Paddington Bissaker, James, 44 AVindmill st. Richards, Thomas, Underwood st., Pad. Bowd, Tristram,#9S Bathurst st. Robinson, Luke, Forest st., Glebo Bragg, Catherine, 71 Riloy st. Rossitcr, John, 552 Georgo st. Rowc, Richard, 400 Liverpool st. Branigan, John, Botany rd., AVatorloo Sanbrook, John, Ross st., Camperdown Briant, Richard, Glebo st., Glebe Schoultz, T., 104 Waterloo st., Surry Hills Breakwell, A., 82 Hunter st. Schoultz, W., 100 Waterloo st., Surry Hills Brcarly, AVilliam, Elizabeth st. Schultz, William, Clayton st., Balmain Britcher, P. S., 171 Parramatta st. Shawl, George, Rose st. Buchanan, E. N. S, 142 Harris st., Pyrmont Shead, Georgo, Miller st., North Shoro Bulliu, George, 224 Kent st. Simmons, Charles, 251 Albion st. Bunting, Robert, Raglan st., AVatorloo Slade, Joseph, 315 Dowling st. Burt, Charles, Pittst., Redfern Smart, William, 282 Palmer st. Busher, Thomas, Denison st., Nowtown Smith and Bennett, 4 to 12 Burrahpore st. Callaghan, John, 105 Gloucester st. Smith, J., Nowtown rd. Carroll, AVilliam, 8 Market Sheds, York st.' Smith, Thomas J., Glebo st., Glebo Carugati, C, 745 Georgo st. Parramatta Bt. South, Henry, 152 Palmer st. Catloy, George, Bourko st., Redfern Stoddart, William, 150 Burton st. Churchill, J., 80 Dowling st. Sutton, John, 160 Palmer st. Claydon, Thomas, 97 Georgo st. Tarves, Alexander, 53 Clarence st. Clark, Henry, 144 South Head rd. Thomas, James, 5 Orwell st. Clark, H. AV., 115 Dowling st. Thornlcy, A., Arundel terrace, Globe Coidin, AATlliani, 53 Banks st. Thornton, William, Darling rd., Balmain Conway, James, Darling st., Balmaiu Thorpe, Georgo ,H., Darluiguurst rd. Cook, T, J., AYilliam st., North Shoro 458 But TRADES, &a., Cooper, James, Botany rd., Redforn Costello, John, 294 Crown Bt. Cotter, John, 108 Phillip st. Cover, William, 254 Crown st. Crowloy, John, 48 Athlone placo Davis, Alfred, Camperdown rd., Newtown Davis, George, Newtown rd. Davis, Joseph, Newtown rd. Davison, James, 239 Castlereagh st. Dee, Thomas, 18 Carlton st. Dornelloy, J., 545 Georgo st. & 18 S. II. rd, Dougan, Robert, Liverpool rd., Ashfield Dubois, Alexander, Catherine st., Glebo f Duggan, E., 373 Castlereagh st. ' Dunriek Brothers, 412 Castlereagh st. Elvy, William, Shoplicrd st., Darlington Emerson, William, Gipps st., Faddington Enfield, Georgo, 229 Sussex st. Fagan, Michael A., 90 Albion st. Farrell, P., Bullanaming st., Waterloo Fear, James, 155 South Head rd., 63 Parramattast. and Botany rd., Waterloo Fehrenbach, George, 146 Woolloomooloo st. Gale, Elam, Campbell st. Gannon, Alfred, Cook's River rd., St. Peter's Gardner, Richard, 196 Castlereagh st. Giblett, George, Milson's Point rd., N. Shore Giffin, James, 33 King st. Gilligan, Michael, 625 Georgo st. Goldfinch, T. B., Botany rd., Waterloo Goldsmith, Leopold, 1 Market Sheds, Yorkst. Goodfellow, Francis, Raglan st., Alexandria Gow, R., Beattio st., Balmain Green and Aggs, 7 Parramatta st. Hackett, John, 126 Forbes st. Hall, Alfred, Brodie st., Paddington Hambly, Thomas, 40 South Head rd. Hammond, J., Milson's Point rd., N. Shore Hampton, Heming G., 186 Kent st. Harman, Georgo, 228 George st. Harper, T. and P., South Head rd., Old, Pad. and Darling st., Balmain Harrison, Chas, 213 Sussex st. ; 18 Bathurst st.; and Druitt st. Harrison, George, James st., off Bathurst st. Hickson, Edward, Botany rd., Redfern Hinds, Thomas, Missenden rd., Camperdown Hoddle, Robert, 49 Buckingham st. Hodges, Stephen, 109 Parramatta st. Home, Moffat, 18 Athlono place Hudson, Enos, 70 Shepherd st. Hudson, H., Newtown rd. Hughes, Henry, Parramatta rd., Petersham HuUe, Edward S., 573 George st. Hyne, Michael, Botany st., Waterloo Ireland, James, Liverpool rd., Ashfield Jackson, George, Botany rd., Redfern Jenkins, Richard N., 764 George st. Jobson, James, 19 Argyle placo Johnston Elliott, Australia st., Newtown Johnstone, George, 76 Chowno st., Pyrmont Keen, William, Burwoodrd., Burwood Kennedy, James, 77 Parramatta st. Kirkhal, William, Glebo st., Glebe Langford, William, 129 Goulbum st. But Laws, William, 90 South Head rd. Lincoln, William, 404 Elizabeth st. Levy, Henry, 41 Bathurst st. Loguo and Lamder, Vickery st., Waverley Lyne, William, 18 Mount st., Pyrmont Macleau, F., South Headrd., Paddington McCarroll, Phillip, 24 Banks st.; Crescent st. ; 151 Cumberland st.; Essox lano ; Liverpool st.; Pitt and Market sts. j 211 Parramatta st.; 98 William st.; 309 Sussex st.; Whiteckapel, Botany rd., Redfern and Waterloo McGrath, Androw, 178 Cumberland st. McGrath, Mrs. B., Botany rd., Alexandria McNamara, H., Parramatta rd., Petersham and Liverpool rd., Ashfield McNamara, John, 56 Sussex st. McNeill, Archibald, 508 Bourko st. Mackaness, James, Lane Covo rd., N. Shore Macnamara, William, 52 Buckingham st. Male, Robert, 208 Sussex st. Malouy, John, 177 Crown st. Marshall, Henry, Corso, Manly Beach Mason, David, 13 Argylo st. Mason, John, 67 Stanley st. Meakin, Benjamin, Bay st., Glebe Merriman, William, 19 Gloucester st. Miller, James, 417 Pitt st. Moodio, David T., 20 Charlotte place Muir R,, Glebo st., Globo Murphy, D., John st., Pyrmont Newell, J., Newtown rd. North, George, 679 Georgo st. Norton, David D., 116 lung st. Norton, Wykes, Bayst., Glebe O'Callaghan, John, Essex lano O'Connor, James, 4 Market Sheds, York st. O'Connor, Timothy, 2 Market Sheds, Yorkst. O'Connor,. William, 209 Cumberland st. O'Connor, D., 506 Market Sheds, York st. O'Connor, Timothy, 685 Georgo st. Oldham, Georgo, South Hd. rd., Old, Pad. Palmer, Frederick, Piper st., Woollahra Playfair, Thomas, 103 Georgo st. Preston, William, Harris rd., Five Dock Pyne, Nicholas, Mount st., North Shore Quinlan, Henry, 11 Market st. Quinlan, Matthew, Liverpool st. Quinlan, Thomas, 96 William st. Raiue, Robert, Derwent st., Glebo Reid, Alexander, Botany st., Waterloo Reynolds, George, Blue's Pt. rd., N. Shore Rice, T., Milson's Point rd., North Shoro Richards, William, Piper st., Woollahra Rico, Thomas, 180 and 182 Georgo st. Rice, Henry, 62 Market lano Robins, John, Cowpcr st., Waverley Rogors, Michael, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Russell, W. R., 12 Margaret placo Saillard, Richard, Cleveland st. Scard, John, 238 Kent st. Schmidt, F., Rushcutter's Bay, Woollahra Scott, Richard, 21 Kent st. Scott, Richard, 126 Devonshire st. Scott, R., Miller's rd. Cab DIRECTORY. Sharman, George, 179 Georgo st. Sharp, Georgo, 62 and 64 Hunter st. Shepherd, Mm. E., Darling rd., Balmain Shipway, Edwin, Buokland st., Waterloo Smith, B., Mort st., Balmain Smith, George, 90 John st., Pyrmont Smith, Isaac, 128 South Head rd. Smith, James, Dcnison st., Newtown Sorrcll, William, Camden st., Nowto'vn Spcers, William, 2 Market st. Spooncr, William, 5 Botany rd. Steelo, William, 40 Crown st. Stenning, Georgo, 220 William st. Stokes, William, Redfern st., Redfern Tait, Josoph, 97 Cooper st. Taylor, James, 166 Pitt st. Taylor, William, 215 Palmer st. Tcare, James, 55 Clarenco st. Thompson, Robert, 42 Crown st. Tigho, Ferdinand, 155 Campbell st. Timmins, Thomas, jun., 209 Clarenco st. Tucker, John George, St. John's rd., Glebe Turner, Georgo, 44 Parramatta st. Tye, W., Nowtown rd. Wait, Henry, 47 King st. Wallis, Henry, 92 William st. Walters, Frank, 153 Gipps st., Surry Hills Walsh, Michael, 18 Randlo st. Walsh, John, 568 Crown st. Ward, John, 133 Crown st. Watkinson, William, 50 Francis st. Watson, James, 372 Kent st. Webber, C. F., 31 Charles st., Parramatta st. Weir, William, 174 Pitt st. Westaway, R., South Head rd., Old, Pad. Wickham, Edward, 22 King st. Williams, Charles, 10 Abercrombio placo AVillingalo, Robert, 49 South Head rd, Wilson, Henry, Mitchell st., Glebe Woodham, Reuben, 528 Georgo st. Woodward, Henry B., 420 Crown st. Woolfc, Henry, 387 Elizabeth st. 76 and 78 Campbell st. Whatmore, Henry, 30 Erskino st. Whiting, W., Cook's River rd., St. Peter's Uhde, L. and Co., 104 and 106 Cumberland st.; 608 and 657 George st.; 63 King st.; and 183 South Head rd. Cab and Omnibus Proprietors. Aaron, Charles, Druitt st. Adams, Thomas M., Cleveland st. Anderson, Thomas, 558 Bourke st, Aubusson, Charles, Yarnold st., Redfern Bell, Samuel, Marshall st. Blakey, John, Johnson st. Botloy, James, Wilton lano Boudler, Claudius, Denison st., Woollahra Bray, H., John st., Woollahra Brian, Daniel, 106 Buckingham st. Brown, Thomas, Groso st., Glebo Burke, John, 109 Crown st. Burrows, Henry, Union st., Paddington Cnllaghaii, John, 109 Cumberland Bt. Oab 459 Carroll, Daniel, Turner st,, Redfern Carroll, Michael, Enmoro rd., Nowtown Clarke, Jame3, Redfern st., West, Redfern Clark, Matthew, 243 Brougham st. Cleary, Cornelius, Fourth st., Woollahra Conlon, P., Franklyn place, Glebe Cullen, B., Glebe Road Curtis, Mark, Cleveland st. Donin, C., 238 Brougham st. Doling, Georgo, 90 Crown st. Dolling, John, Paddington st., Paddington Donnallan, Michael, 86 Forbes st. Dwyor, John, Francis st., Glebo Elliott, John, McLean st., Paddington Enright, P., 14 Crown lane, Stanley lano Evan, Michael, 41 Judge st. Fcnton, Anthony, 129 Gipps st., Surry Hills Flood, Martin, 51 Cumberland st. Free, John, Bay st., Glebo Flynn, John, Marshall st. Glass, Robert, Albert st., Redfern Grace, Robert, Groso st., Glebe Grounds, Thomas, Riley Bt. Hales, Thomas, Franklyn place, Glebe Harrison, Robert, 5 Athlono st. Hassen, Thomas, Grove st., Glebo Harrison, J. and T., Cleveland st., Redfern Hayes, James, 2 Abercrombio place Hayes, Michael, Norton st., Glebe Hickey, Cornelius, 421 Castlereagh st. Hogan, William, 48 Fitzroy st., Botany rd. Holder, Jasper, Redfern st., Redfern Hummcrston, George, McGarvio st., Pad. Hunt, Charles, Smith st., Cook's Rivor Jaekson, James, 5 Wilton lane Jones, Joseph, Marshall st. Joseph, Francis, 115 Devonshire at. Kain, Martin, 501 Bourko st. Kirkman, John, Harris st., Ultimo Lackey, Samuel, 8 Marshall st. Larkin, Patrick, Cleveland st. Lynch, Thomas, Underwood st., Faddington Mackelvogue, John, 35 Athlono placo McCahon, John, East st., Redfern McCarthy. Michael, Buckingham st., Little McGrath, James, 195 Cumberland st. McGrath, Thomas, Glebo st., Glebo McKeogh, John, 706 Elizabeth st. McNeill, Thomas, Shepherd st. Matthews, William, 216 Macquarie st. Meehan, John, 2 Cumberland st. Molony, Patrick, 109 Crown st. Monaghan, Matthew, Cavendish st., Newtown Murphy, Patrick, 8 Kellet st. Myers, John, Grose st., Glebo Ncvin, Charles, 131 Devonshiro st. O'Shaughnessy, James, 191 Cumberland st. Palmer, Thomas, Francis st., Glebe Passic, Charles, Glebo rd. Perrin, Charles, I Earl st. Pound, John, 15 Wyldo st. Prineville, Patrick, Union st., Paddington Pritchard, Henry, 255 Elizabeth st. Pugsley, George, Botany st., Waterloo Quigloy, Jamos, John st., Woollahra 460 Oab TRADES, ifea, Raspison, Vincent, 42 Surry st. Reynolds, Henry, 7 Cooper terrace, Cooper st. Rielly, Patrick, Albert st., Redfern Ross, Alexander, Botany st., Redfern Ross, William, Botany rd., Redfern Salmon, Mark, Denman st., Glebo Sedgwick, Frederick, 466 Bourko st. Skortkill, M., Leichhardt st., AVavorloy Skuto, John, 561 Kent st. Smith, John, 2 Cecil placo St. Ledger, Charles, Macquaric st., South Stokes, Thomas, Frankljii place, Glebo Tyrrell, George, Dowling st., Paddington Wall, J., Mount st., North Shoro Walsh, John, St. Paul's St., Randwick White, Richard, Riloyst. AVilliams, Henry, 24 Dixon st., East Willis, W., 193 William st. Woods, Shortland, Fox& Co., Railway Station Oar Mooro, Thomas, 337 and 339 Pitt st. Muir, Christian, 103 Bathurst st. Murphy, Henry, Louisa terraco, Bathurst st. Nowlan, Joseph, 268 W., Pitt st. Oelrich, P., 197 Castlereagh st. O'Mcara, Edward, Victoria St., Paddington Pacey, John S., 331 Bourko st. Payne, AVilliain, 42 Goulburn st. Pcarce, John H., 392 Pitt st. • Pearson, Frederick, 270 Pitt st. Pearson, AV. E,, 280 Pitt st. Powys, R, O., 209 Riloy st. Powys, AA'illiam, 84 Stanley st. Raphael and Co., 181 Castlereagh st. Sawyer, Joseph, 266 Sussex st. Shaw, Dolauoy, 819 Georgo st. Shying, Henry J., 477 Pitt st. Simes, AVilliam, Liverpool st. Steel, James, 13G William st. Stow, H., 89 Botany rd. Arentura, G., Newtown rd. Cabinetmakers. AVaa Lee Cong, 31 Park st. AVau Cliong, 215 Georgo st. Aiken, Henry, 195 Clarence st. AVilkending, Frederick, 12 Alfred st. Alexander, William, 305 Pitt st. AVinchuttle, Adolf, 461 Crown st. Ar Choy and Sam Lung, 210 George st. Artlctt, C , Rushcuttcr's Bay, S. H. rcl.Pad. AVintcr, George, 314 Castlereagh st. Wood, George, 141 Clarence st. Ayre, J., 137, 139 and 141 Parramatta st. Zuccani, Enulio and Co., 253 George st. Boges, William, 310 Riley st. Butler Brothers, 39 Park st. Butler, Henry, 35 and 37 Park st. Candlemakers.—See Soap & Candlemakers. Chippendale, Richard, 274 Pitt st. Clark, Henry, Parramatta rd., Old, Glebe Carpenters and Joiners. Clarke, Robert, 40 Pitt st. Adams, Thomas, 462 Bourko st. Cooper, Thomas W., 28 King st. Bagnall, A\rilliam, Corso, Manly Beach Cox, Thomas, 353 George st. Barrett, Henry, Bay st., Glebo Davison, George W., 171 Clarence st. Bartlett, Henry, Liverpool rd., Enfield Dyer, John, William st., East Boehine, Henry, John st., Ashfield Fairfax, John, junr., 107 William st. Brown, George, 262, Kent st. Fane, William, 226 Liverpool st. Brown, James, 110 Bowman Bt. Finn, Edward, Datchett st., Balmain Cadell, B., 275 Brougham st. Giles, Henry, 56 Parramatta st. Carroll, Denis, 18 Hutchinson st., Surry Hills Girdlerand Cecil, George st., Redfern Carter, John, 149 Gipps st., Littlo Grant, Fred., 224 Dowlingst. Chanclon, Joseph, 79 South Head rd. Guest, Martin, Dowling st,, Surry Hills Chidgey and Son, Adolphus st., Balmain Hap Lee, 169 George st. Childs, Thomas. 16 Athlone placo Hasson, J., 215 George st. Dillon, John, 326 Crown st. Hattersley, Thomas, 10 Smith st. Herve, Josiah, Missenden rd., Camperdown I Dyson, Duncan, 46 Parramatta st. Edmondson, George, Adelaide placo Houng Chung and Co., 20 Bridge st. Ethcrington, Thomas, 33 Pitt st. Howitt, Samuel, 416 Pitt st. Fluddcr, J.H., 21 Erskino st. Hy Hip, 219 George st. Godfrey, John, 3 Athlone placo Jordan, John, 318 and 320 Pitt st. Gostelow, Ebenczer, 345 Brougham Bt. Kelly, Robert, 90 Market st. Graham; Archibald, Glebo st., Glebo Kennedy, T., 369 Pitt st. Hayes, Alfred, 29 Collins st. Lawler, John, 569 Kent st. Hinton, J., 54 Hunter st. Lawler, John, 316 Pitt st. Hokin, Joseph, 13 Athlone placo Lawson, James, 249 Georgo st. Inch's, Henry, 248 Crown st. Lenehan, Andrew, 143 Pitt st. Johnson, William, 79 Bowman st. Leon Cheong, 184 George st. King, Joseph T., 119 Crown st, Lyons, H. and J., 165 Castlereagh st. Langloy, Thomas, 285 Palmer st. McCarthy, Joseph, 402J Pitt st. McConnell, James, 94 and 26 South Hd. rd. McCrcdie, Thomas, 85 Bowman st. McNicol, Donald, 77 Bowman st. Mackenzie, David, 317 Pitt st. May, James, Bay st., Glebo Modcalf, Joseph, 121 Botany rd. Mover, Henry, Parramatta rd., Potorsham Moore, A, and Co., 285 to 295 Pitt st, Mifdwaters, Wm., Whistler st,, Manly Boach Ohe DIRECTORY. Murray, Jariles, 103 Abercrombie place Nordenberg, F., 174 Clarence st. Rigg, George, 23 Buckingham st. ROTJ inson, George, 322 Crown st. Scott, Robert, 578 Crown st. Shcttle,' AArilliam, 161 Dowling st. Simonson, H. E. J., 161 Gipps St., Surry Hills Skinner and Lester. 222 Castlereagh st. Slado, Froderick, 209 Campbell st. Tincham, C , Susan st.,'Camperdown Toelle, Henry, Curtis rd., Balmain Torr, Gcorgo, Leicester st., and South Head rd., Old, Paddington AVigger, Charles, 55 Pitt st.—See Adnl. Carpet Warehouses. Fanner and Co., 269 to 275 Pitt st.Hodgson and Albery, 351 George st. Jones, David and Co., 347, Georgo st, Thompson and Giles, 378 Georgo st. Carriers and Forwarding Agents, OlO 461 Mitchell, AVilliam H. D., King st. Moore, James, 34 South Head rd. Morlcy, A. G., Botany rd., Redfern Mummery, J., Cook's River rd.,r St. Peter's Nome, James S., jun., 109 AA illiam st. O'Reilly, AValter, M.D., Botany rd., Redfern Pane, Thomas M., 84 King st. Parker, AVilliam, Darling st., Balmain Pinhey, AV. T., J.P., 259 Pitt st.—See Advl. Porter, C , Newtown rd. Porter, Edward, 478 Crown st. Poulton, Arthur, 207 and 209 Elizabeth st. Pratt, AVilliam, 521 George st. Randcrson, R. S., 8 Market st. Reeve, AVilliam, 334 Georgo st. Howe, E., 219 Pitt st. Senior, Frank, 252 George st. Slopcr, F. E., 72 AVilliam st. Steward, AVilliam, 665 Georgo st.—See Advl. Tarrant, R. A., 175 South Head rd. AVatson, John, 601 Georgo st. AVatt, A. J. and Co., 534 Georgo st. AVatt, Charles, 057 Elizabeth st. AVeokes, Nicholas, 101 Parramatta st. AAllkinson, A. G., 7 Hunter st. AVoods, F, C , 31 Parramatta st. Drako, Richard, Parramatta rd., Petersham Hill, Henry, Norwood, Petersham Mills, John, Norwood, Petersham Stott and Co., Barrack st,—See Advl. AVallwork, Barber and Co., 473 Georgo st. Chimney Cleaner. AVoods, Shortland, Fox and Co., Albert st., Beech, AVilliam, jun., 237 Macquarie st. Circular Quay and Railway Station AVright, F. and Co., 475 George st. China and Glass Warehouses. Carvers, Gilders, and Picture Frame Makers. Bernaseoni, John, 266 Pitt st. Corti, Joseph, 145 Pitt st. Cunningham and Quill, 117 Liverpool st. Furse, C., 403 Gcorgo st. Jackson, A. J., 108 King st. Murray, A., 42 Yurong st. Quill, William, 7 AVemyss st. Smith, Robert, 22 York st. Tarran, Alfred, 125 Goulburn st. Tinkler, Thomas, Newtown rd., Darlington AVard, AV. B., 283 Riloy st. Chemists and Druggists- Abraham, John S., 44G George st. Blaudford, M. C , 87 South Head rd. Bozon, F. B., Bourko and AVilliam sts. Dole, James, Glebe rd. Eames, AV. D., 14 South Head rd. Elliott Bros., 110 and 112 Pitt st. Falmingham, AVilliam, Piper st., AVoollahra Gibbs, James, Liverpool rd., Ashfleld Guise, J. AV., Blue's Point rd., North Shore Hambrook, H. 0.', 34 Union st., Pyrmont Hamilton J., 131 and 133 Botany rd. Harpur, Charles, 51 King st. Henry, James and Co., 792 George st. Humphries, T., Newtown rd. Kirscnbaum, Albert, 127 King st. Lariner, A\rilliam, 323 George st. Long, Mark H., 398 George st. Mills, AV., Newtown rd. Andrew, J., Newtown rd, Baruott, D. and Co., 214 Pitt st. Coates, Mrs. T. R. Gould, J., 391 Georgo st. Hudson, Reuben, Market, New, Georgo st., and 355 Castlereagh st. Isaacs, John, 420 and 605, George st. Kennelly, Joseph, 135 South Head rd. Lane, George, 359 Gcorgo st. Levy, G., 611 George st. Millin, Charles H., 30 Union st., Pyrmont Myers and Cantor, 114 Pitt st. Owen, S. and Co., 544 Georgo st. Voss, E., 615 Georgo st. ChiropodistsAlexander, Godfrey, 16 O'Connell st. Cohen, ATictor, 811 Georgo st. Churnmakers. Torr and Clarke, 373 Pitt st. Civil Engineers-—See Architects. ClOCkmakers-—See Jewellers. Cloth Manufacturers-—See Tweed Manufacturers. Clothiers and Outfitters- Ball, George, 179 Clarence st. Beaney, James, 554 George st. Buck, Robert, 796 George st. 462 Coa TRADES, &a„ Clinton, James, 45 Parramatta st. Cohen, Brothers and Co., 402 George st. Cohen, Benjamin H., 229 Pitt st. Coleman, George, 46 Market st. Collins, John, 63 George st. Collins, Joseph, 57 King st. Curley, Timothy, 759 and 761 George st. Daly, J. H., 198 Georgo st. Daly, William, 208 Georgo st. Do Groon, Sampson, 694 and 696 George st. Farmer and Co., 269 to 275 Pitt st. Fletcher, It., Darling st., Balmain Friedman, Abraham, 630 George st. Gard and Hemsley, 390 Georgo st. Gill, George, 117 George st. Goulston. W., 277 Pitt st. Grover, William, 236 Clarence Bt. Harris and Co., 1 Thornton's buildings., Georgo st. Harrold, John, 49 Parramatta st. Hicking, Samuel, 246 Georgo st. Hill, P. C , 787 George st. Johnson, James, 225 George st. Jones, David and Co., 345 and 347 George st. Lorking, George, 303 George st. McBridc, Bernard, 10 South Head rd. Marks, Abraham, 77 King st. Mayers, Moses M., 165 George st. Mcnser, Morris, 75 King st. Moss, J. and Co., 416J Georgo st. Moss, Moses, 456 Georgo st. Musgrave, Thomas, 93 King st. Myers, Joseph, 548 Georgo st. Shaccles, Nathan, 802 Georgo st. Solomon, Isaac Saul, 80 York st. Stephens, Theophilus, 141 Pitt st. Sutherland, George, 33 South Head rd. Thompson and Giles, 376 and 378 George st. Warren, Joseph, 628 Georgo st. Warren, Solomon, 466 George st. Williams, Thomas, 139 South Head rd. Wilson, John, 552 Georgo st. Coach and Carriage Builders. Cof Rowley and Wainman, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Scanes, William, Victoria st., Paddington Tronicl, Carl, 365 Castlereagh st. Vial, William, 261 Castlereagh st. Vickers and Cooko, Francis.st., Globe Warr, Thomas, 195 Parramatta st. Whately, C , Newtown rd. Coal and Wood MerchantsAshlin, Spencer, 4 Pitt st. Bielor, W., Newtown rd. Boyers, William, Botany rd., Rcdforn Brighton, James, 3 Steam Mill st. Briggs, William, Druitt st. Byrnes, Bernard, 13 Castlereagh st., North Croaley, William, 332 Sussex st. Crealey, William, 57 Liverpool st. Daley, M., Argyle st. Dearin, T. B., Pacific wharf, Druitt st. Duguid and Co., 74 Pitt st. Dunk, William, Botany rd., Redfern Elliott, P.J. and Co., Cowpor's wharf, Woolloomooloo Bay Farrell, J. and E., 65 Forbes st. Gardnor, James & Co., Pacific wharf, Druitt st. Gittins, T. L., Cowper's wharf, Woolloomooloo Bay Gordon, Edward, 14 Fort st., Lower Harding, J.,'Blue's Point rd., North Shore Harris, J., 114 Dowling st. Henderson, Alexander M., Cowpor's wharf, Woolloomooloo Bay Hogg, James, Wentworth wharf, Druitt st. Howard, R., Piper st., Woollahra Jones, James, Albion wharf, Sussex st. Jones, Peter, 101 Dowling st. King, William, Devonshire st. Leo and Purcell, Albert st., Circular Quay, Leonard, J., Piper st., Woollahra McKinniry, Michael, Albion wharf, Sussex st. McMahon, P., Forbes st. Moon, Henry, Patent Slip wharf, Sussex st. Mullet, C. J., Wright's wharf, Sussex st. Murphy, J., Murphy's wharf, Liverpool st. Phillips, John & Co., Bathurst and Barker sts. Read, George, •Birch Grove rd., Balmain Richardson, F. L., Crown st. Roberts, H. L., Wentworth wharf, Druitt st, Ross, Charles, 131 Crown st. Short, Z. K., Holt st., Pyrmont Smith, James, 113, 115 and 117 Crown st. Smith S„ Newtown rd. Sowter, Thos., 268 Riley st. Spcer, William, Bethel wharf, Erskine st. Tobin, Thomas, Flood's wharf, Moore's rd. Warburton and Sons, Union st., Pyrmont Wells, Georgo, Wharf st. Whitchurch, George, Sussex st. Wilson, David, Wentworth wharf, Druitt st. Whittell, Thomas, 16 Bathurst at. Adams & Webber, Newtown rd.—See Advt. Angus, W. T., 185 Castlereagh st. Arthur, E. and F., 235 and 237 Elizabeth st. Bennett, J., Parramatta rd., Camperdown— See Advt. Douglass, George, 312 Pitt st. Fitzgerald and Collins, 299 Castleroagh st. Halley & Clyde, 381 Pitt St.—See Advt. Jcnner, C , 49 Elizabeth st. Keary, John, 288 Pitt st. Larter, C. R., 125 Parramatta st. Lilly, E. J., 263 Elizabeth st. Lyttle, Joseph, 198 Palmer st. McCarthy, E., 250J Pitt st. McEldowney, Andrew, 102 Liverpool st. Moore, Thomas, 203 and 205 South Hd. rd. O'Brien, Kerridgo and McKay, 267 Castlereagh st. Parfitt, William Arthur, Yurong lane Coffee Roasters. Robertson, John, 483 to 489 Pitt st. Redgate, Richard, Yurong st. Con DIRECTORY. 000 463 Makins, Thomas Alexander, 692 George st. Manning, Miss A., 755 George st. Masters, John, 208 Parramatta st. CollectorsMctcalf, Mrs. A., Darling st., Balmain Argent, Thomas, 90 Albion st. Mitchell, James, 522 George st. Cooper, Edwin, 73 Elizabeth st. Mitchell, William, 41 Parramatta st. Cragg, Robert, 335 Bourko st. Miller, John, 2 South Head rd. Dyson, Charles, Pitt st., Waterloo William, 141 Botany rd. Jacobs and Co., Bell's Chambers, 175 Pitt st. Moon, Morris, Stephen, Bourko st. Nixon, J. H., 92 Elizabeth st. Morris, S., 166 .South Head rd. Ramsay, Edward, 279 George st. Nowland, Thomas, 385 Elizabeth st. Slater, Josiah, 318 Elizabeth st. Nunn, William, 108 Phillip st. O'Neill, Morgan, 43 and 45 King st. Comb and BrushmakersO'Neill, Thomas, 643 George st. Owen, George, 713 George st. McGlone, Henry, 235 Brougham st. Paterson, Robert, Botany rd., Waterloo McMahon, M„ 244 Pitt st. Popplowell, Elizabeth, 97 Parramatta st. Nichol and Co., 410 Georgo st. Osborn, James, South Head rd., Old., Pad. Preacher, John, 286 George st. Price, H., 198 Parramatta st. Taylor, James, 123 Bathurst st, Reeves, James, 49 Clarenco lane Taylor, Samuel, 42 York st. Seamer, Mrs., 201 South Head rd. Smith, Mrs., 45 William st. Confectioners and PastrycooksSpencer, Paul, 162 Woolloomooloo st. Adams, R. H., Georgo and Huntor sts. Stcdman, James, 121 South Head rd. Austin, James, 61 South Head rd. Vailo, George Ebenezer, 106 King st. Bailey, Mary, Cleveland st. Valentine, David, Gotanyrd., Redfern Bassetti, John, 111 Elizabeth st. Valentine, John, 51 South Head rd. Biddell, Bros., 495 and 497 Georgo st. Venters, Frances and Mary, 228J George st. Branson, Henry, 182 Cumberland st. Watts, Isabella, 206 Parramatta st. Carter, Thomas, 137 Bathurst st. Wright, John M., 436 George st. Cohen, Enoch, 556 George st. Wynne, John William, 749 George st. Cole, Charles, 2 Burnell lano Compagnoni, Ilanz, 202 Pitt st. Cook, Thomas, 136 South Head rd. Contractors. Craddick,Wm. H„ South Head rd., Old, Pad. Bailey, David, BuUanaming st., Redfern Cripps, John F., 255 Pitt st. Bell, C, 5 French st. Dance, William E., Darling st., Balmain Carpenter, William, 337 Bourko st. Dans, John, 361 Sussex st. Dawes, Mrs., 590 Bourke st. Cobb and Co., 246 Pitt st. Do Jossolin, Henri, 317 and 319 George st. Collins, Thomas, 442 Bourke st. Dingle, John, 102 William st. Dobson, H. B., St. John's rd., Glebe Dunn, William, 551 George st. Francis, C , 117 Pembroke terraco, BuckingDouglas, Robert, 158 William st;, ham st. Fairbank, Mrs. Ann, 72 Abercrombie place Gibbons, Martin, Australia st., Newtown Fisher, John, 510 George st. Gisford, George, 18 Hunt st. Fitzgerald, Edward, 454 Georgo st. Goddard, James, 449 Bourko st. Frauds, William, 304 George st. Gogan, Thomas, 6 Ann st., Macquarie st, Fuller and Burt, 377 and 379 Sussox st. Johnson, Henry W., 251 Sussex st. Garrett, Samuel, 93 South Head rd. Lee, Michael, Norton st., Glebo Georgo, A. P., 108 Riley st. Lingbye, E. Levin, 126 Elizabeth st. Gill, Mrs., 64 William st. Parish, Robert J., 333 Bourke st. Green, Thomas, Cleveland st. Peck, John, 540 Bourko st. Guy, Andrew, Nowtown rd. Peters, G., 5 French st. Halliday, John, 38 Erskino st. Adam, 272 Palmer st. Haynes, J. W., 572 George st. and Market st. Sharpo, Sharpe, John, 270 Palmer st. Hcuschkel, Frederick, 37 Parramatta st. Sinitli and Bennett, 4 to 12 Burrahpore st. Howe, G., 8 South Head rd. Turner, John, 23 Bloomfleld st. Howell Brothers, 140 Riley st. Wardsworth, Andrew, 11 Mills st., Pyrmont Howell, George, 185 Liverpool st. Watkins, William, 9 Castlereagh st., North Hurst, Mrs., 140 King st. Woods, Shortland, Fox, and Co., Albert st., Jones, Mrs., 83 Parramatta st, Circular Quay King, James, 33 Market st. Young, John, Parramatta st., Globe King, R. G., 174 Palmer st. Lahiff, Ambrose, 149 Campbell st. Coopers. Lardelli, Peter, 126 King st. Lolato, Giovanni, 158 Palmer st. Cormack, A. W., BuUanaming st,, Redfern Gagcn, James, 2G Sussex st. Thorp, Charles, Parker st. 464 Dai TRADES, &c, Giltinnn, Kingsmill, 202 Kent st. James, W.,-90 Sussex st., and26 Erskine st, Johnson, John, 48 Clarence Bt. Johnson, William, 47 Cambridge st. Kelly, Thomas, 1254 George st. Kempster, William, 506 George st. Richardson, J. S., 37 Clarence lane Ryan, Matthew, 188 Clarence st. Simmons, W., 85 Parramatta st. Thomas, Thomas, 90 Princes st. Ward, A, H., 208 Cumberland st. Williams, John, Pitt st., and Reiby lano Yates, James, 105 Abercrombio place Coppersmiths- —See Brassfouuders. Cordial, Crated Water and Ginger Beer MakersAitken, Robert, 1 Wellington place Arnold, James, 213 South Head rd, Burridgo, John, 33 Arthur st. Clare, T. and W., 1564 Pitt st. Cockburn, Martin, 18 Hosking place Evans, David, William st., Redfern Evans, George, 15 Hutchinson st., Surry Hills Gray, Mrs., Newtown rd. Hall, Stephen, Bay st., Glebe Henfroy and Toohey, Castlercagh st, Johnson, T., 234 Clarence st. Lillywhite, W„ 72 Goulburn st. Norris, Mrs. Isaac, 304 Castlercagh st. Penney and Hamilton, 105 Botany rd. Phillips, H., Beattiest., Balmain Prestage, Mrs., Darling st., Balmain Segar, Louis, 471 Pitt st. Starkey, W. A., 147 Castlercagh st. Starkoy, John, 138 Phillip st. Starkey, W. A,, 147 Castlereagh st. Curriers-—See Tanners. Custom House Agents-—See Agents, Cutlers & Surgical Instrument MakersBennett, Frederick C , 89 King st, Gillam, J., 2 Hunter st. Guyatt, G., 50 Market st. Jennings, Mrs. S. A., 274 and 276 George st. Modini, G. B., 610 George st. Parr, Peter, 10 Park st. Rose, Joseph II., 53 Hunter st. Snelson, J., 640 George st. DairiesBanfield, Henry, 32 Owen st. BarnBfield, E., Darling rd., Balmain Carr, Samuel, Cullanaming St., Redfern Ceard, L., Mullens st., Calinain Cisgrove, John, 47 Riley st. Cramley, William, 294 Liverpool st. Cridgement, Samuel, 4 Windmill st. Cridgman, Mrs., 122 Darling st. Cromley, William, 5 Cerwick lane Dai Crown, Martin, 380 Harris st., Ultimo Cuckley, James, 4 Ultimo st., Victoria st. Crurt, Alfred, Cook's River rd. Cutler, Joseph, Harris st., Ultimo Cahill, Mrs. Lavinia, Botany rd., Redfern Cardwcll, Mrs., Dowlingst., Camperdown Clancy, Patrick, 92 Bourke st. Coates, Robort, 41 Chippen st. Collins, William, Dowhng st., Paddington Coops, James, Leichhardt St., Waverley Coops, William, Leichhardt st., Waverley Corr, Patrick, Bourke st., Redfern Coulter, William, Jamos st., Redfern Cox, William, Elliott st., Balmain Cross, Michael, 674 George ot. Doherty, Patrick, 212 Dowling st. Downey, George, East st., Redfern Dunn, Christopher, Chelsea st., Redfern English, William, 210 Dowling st. Parley, James, 2 Ultimo st., Victoria st. Farmer, George, 220 Crown st. Farmer, Jonathan, 181 Crown st. Fanner, Philip, 267 Palmer at. Ford, T„ OAthlonest. Foster, James, Holden st., Redfern Franklyn, Patrick, Wellington st., Waterloo Garrity, James, 39 Point st., Pyrmont Gibbons, Martin, Bullanaming st., Waterloo Gilligan, Timothy, 39 Maitland place Glceson, Mrs., Harris st., Ultimo Gow, Alexander, Elliott St., Balmain Graham, William, 208 Castlercagh st. Guerin, John, 2Fortst., Lower Hilton, James, 191 Clarence st. Hogan, Patrick, Harris st,, Ultimo Horan, James, 192 Clarence st. Johnson, Thomas, 237 Darling et. Killing, Whiteside, Alpha terrace, Ultimo at. Land, Thomas, 49 Chapel lano Lennon, James, Barcom st., Little, Pad. Lillis, Michael, Ernest st., North Shore Lloyd, Thomas, Addison rd., Marrickville Luders, John, William st., Paddington Lutton, Mrs., 5 Ultimo st., Victoria et. Lutton, William, Paddington Lynch, David, Moncm-st., Woollahra McCabe, Patrick, Dowlingst. McCrory, John, 256 Clarence st. McGce, Barnett, 155 Darling st. McKay, George, 121 Liverpool st. McNeil, J., 11 Holt's placo, Elizabeth st. Mackenzie, A. K., Waverley st., Waverley Mackey, David, 151 Gipps st., Little Manning, John, Pitt st., Redfern Martyn, A., Enmorord., Marrickville Matthews, Aaron, Market lano Mitchell, Henry, Bellevuo St., Redfern Morgan, Mrs., Harris st., Ultimo Navcn, Michael, Pitt St., Redfern Naydon, ![., Pitt st., Waterloo Neilan, Patrick, 148 Woolloomooloo et, O'Brien, Martin, 78 Judge st. O'Grady, John, 99 Palmer st. Percival, Arthur, East st., Redfern Powell, John, Caledonia St., Paddington Dea DIREOTORY. Dea 405 Dcnch, Willinm", Glebo rd. Devoncy, James, 74 Riley st. Ditcham, John, 5 Crown lane, Stanley-lane Dormen, John, Botany rd., Redfern Ellis, Mrs. Julia, 218 Georgo st. Emanuel, John, 195 Campbell st. England, John, 100 South Head rd. Eustace, John, Newtown rd. Evans, James, 7 Victoria place Fan-ell, Peter, 44 Park st. Fitzgerald, John, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Fleming, Robert I!., Redfern st., Darlington Fontaine, J. A., 21 Market, Old, shcdC. and 112 Gipps st., Surry Hills Gaul, Robert, 499 Pitt st. Galloway, Cornelius, 98 Market st. Gannon, Mrs., S4 and 86 Bathurst st. Gershon, Henry, 444 Castlereagh st. Gibson, Thomas, 100 Cumberland st. Goddard, Benjamin, 14 May st. Golding, Robert, 606 George st. Gordon, A., 13 Hill st., Macquariest., South Griffiths, Mrs., 319 Elizabeth st. Hammell, Burnett, Shepherd st., Darlington Hannneter, Henry H., Parramatta rd., Petersham Hanson, John, 188 Parramatta st. Harding and Burfield, 242 Pitt st. Hardy Brothers, 7 to 17 South Head rd. Dealers and Furniture Brokers. Harris, George, 398 Pitt st. Anderson, John, Newtown rd. Hart, John, 92 Market st. and 210 CastleAndorson, Mrs. Jane, Mount st., Pyrmont reagh st. Baker, William T., South Head rd.. Old, Pad. Haswell, Nathan, 409 Castlereagh st. Barclay, George, 67 Clarence st. Hawkins, Richard, 14 Campbell st. Barr, George, 203 Pitt st. Hcnnings, Charles, 293 Castlereagh st. Barr, Samuel, 82 Bathnrst st. Henry, Samuel, 400 Pitt st. Benjamin, Henry, 47 Campbell st. Hicks, Thomas, 134 Burton st. Bethel, Frederick, 423 and 425 Castlereagh st. Hoolan, Patrick, 807 Georgo st. Birch, John, Botany rd., Redfern Hughes, Richard J., 29 Bloomfield st. Bone, Frederick, 424 and 426 Pitt st. Hughes, Robert, 64 South Head rd. Boyd, John, 35 Dixon st., East Hughes, William, 72 Bathurst st. Brennan, James, 54 Liverpool st. Hunt, George, 12 Queen's lane Brock, John, 120 Darling st. Hyams, Abraham, 479 Pitt st. Brown, George, 30 Market st. Ingram, David, 1 Bay st., Woolloomooloo Brown, James, 623 George st. Israel, Simon, 36 Campbell st. Buck, Richard, Ocean st., Woollahra Jacobson, N. T., 290 and 292 Pitt st. Burdott, Daniel, 121 George st. Jagclman, Joseph, 311 Kent st. Buss, Ellis, Bullanaming st., Redfern James, Thomas, ,'t Hay st. Byrne, George, 64 and 66 Liverpool st. Jeffreys, William, 38 Park st. Cannon, John, 306 Castlereagh st. Jessep, James, 60S George st. Carter, James, Botany rd., Redfern Johnson, Timothy, 8 Brisbane st., Littlo Chambcu-lain, Philip, 99 Clarence st. Kelly, William, 43 Foster st. Churchwood, Charles, Norwood Cottage, Kennedy, T., 369 Pitt st. ' Chelsea st., Redfern Kenuey, William, 62 Campbell st. Clntwoithy, Georgo, 6 Marshal st. Kent, George, Canterbury rd., Petersham Connor, James, 272 Castlercagh st, King, W. R,, 129 Parramatta st. Corliss, John, 132 Sussex st. Kirby, J., 8 Burton st. Coulson, John T., 15 Bathurst st. Lee, Benjamin, 216 Georgo st. Coulter, James, 394 Castlereagh st, Lover, Henry Joseph, 115 Liverpool st. Cowell, John, 30 Princes st. Lovi, Jacob, 33 Charles st. Crummy, John, Botany rd., Waterloo Lindsay, R. M., 201 Castlereagh st. Culbert, James, 19 Campbell st., Lower Littlewood, John, 160 Riley st. Cuthbert, J. T., 338 Pitt st. Lomax, Thomas, 408 Sussex st. Darbyshire, Aaron, 334 Sussex st. Lyons, Saul, 60 Campbell st. Davis, Benjamin, 118 Liverpool st, MeArthur, Mrti-garet, 4 Burton st. Purcell, John, Ocean st., Woollahra Quinton, Mrs. Ann, 189 Devonshire st. Roilly, James, Victoria st., George st. Reilly, John, Cleveland st., Little, Redfern Richards, John, 46 Brisbane st., Glebe Riley, M., Collcgo st., Balmain Rohr, Mrs,, 48 Brisbane st., Glebo Ruddell, David, Raglan st., Darlington Ryan, Patrick, 67 Ultimo st., Victoria st. Savage, Thomas, Corso, Manly Beach Scholes, Richard, Double Bay, Woollahra Smith, Frederick, 633 Bourke st. Smith, Joseph, Manly Beach Steel, William, 137 Princes st. Strettles, Mrs. Bridget, 305 Castlereagh st. Sullivan, Mark, George St., Redfern Taylor, Patrick, Ulawarrard., Marrickville Thompson, Mrs. Rachel, George st., Redfern Tiffin, Mrs., 137 Gloucester st. Tobin, James, Bittwater rd., Manly Beach . Todd, Henry, Golden Grove Estate, Redfern Toole, James, 90 Harvey st., Ultimo Tracey, Daniel, Golden Grovo Estate; Redfern Walsh, Matthew, St. Paul's st., Randwick Whelan, Peter, Bourke st., Redfern Wright, Ewen G., 85 Dowling st. Youiig, Thomas, Undenvood st., Paddington AE 466 Dea TRADES, &c, • McDormott, Michael, Park st. McKone, Mrs., 257 Elizabeth at. McLougblin, John, 475 Pitt s t Machin, Joseph, Newtown rd. Makin, Thomas, 20 Albert place, Crown st. Mash, C. AV., Campbell st. Miller, James, 7 Berwick lano Miller, Robert, 01 Campbell st. Mitchell, Mrs., 445 Castlereagh st. Mooro, Aloxander and Co., 285 to 29 Pitt st. Mooro, T., 337 and 339 Pitt st. Morris, John, 145 Devonshire st. Murphy, John, 110 Princes st. Murphy, John, 2 Brown Bear lano Myers, Mark, 129 South Head rd. Newton, Joseph, 101 Kent st. Noble, David, 7 Brown Bear lane Norden, Abraham, 20 Campbell st., Lower O'Connell, Thomas, 100 Markot st. Pantlin, Henry, 41 Crown st. Pearson, T., 248 and 250 Pitt st. Phillips, William, Newtown rd. Pittman, Arthur, Newtown rd. Pope, Aaron, Botany St., Redfern Prowles, James, Newtown rd. Reynolds and Ponder, 33 Lansdowno st. Rice, G. T. (curiosity), 232 Georgo st. Riley, John, 307, 309 and 311 Pitt st. Robinson, John, George st., Redfern Robinson, William, 7 Barrack st. Rorko, James, Shepherd st., Darlington Ross, Charles, 129 Crown st. Rossitor, Walter, 294 Pitt st. Rushton, J., 04, 00 and 08 York st. Russell, Henry, 103 South Head rd. Russell, James, 170 George st. Smith, James, 30 Crown lane, Stanley lano Smith, Thomas, 825 George st. Solomon, Aaron, 21 Wood's lano Solomon, Oliver, 20 Wood's lano Sorensen, Julius, 133 Bathurst st. Stanley, Samuel, 25 Charles lane Stewart, Samuel, 12 May st. Stock, William, 11 Macquario lano. Sutton, Joseph, 350 Macquario st., South Sweenoy, Mrs. Ann, 579 Kent st. Swift, Peter, 108 Princes st. Swiney, AV., South Head rd., Old, AYoollahra Taylor, Abraham, Market lano Thomas, Benjamin, 173 Elizabeth st. Thompson, James, 099 George st. Tremain, Richard, 252 Pitt st. Turkington, Robert, 12 Chambers st. Ward," Mrs. G., 140 Princes st. Warren, AVilliam, Rcdfeni st., Redfern Warton, Edward, 12 May st. Wenek, Augustus, 138 Palmer st. Wheatloy, James, Georgo st., Redfern Whitbrcad, Georgo, 117 Parramatta st. Whitbread, AValter, 155 Parramatta st. Wiggins, AVilliam, Mitchell st,, Globe Williams, Hugh, 38 Pitt St. Wood, James, Bay st., Glebe Dra Dentists. Belisario, John, D.D.S., Lyons' terraco, 191 Liverpool st. Bennett, AV. F„ AVynyard square, East Easton, J. B., 32 South Head rd. Emanuel, Dr. John and Son, 178 Pitt st. Emanuel, M., 324 Georgo st. Elctchor, David, 40 AVynyard squaro Georgo, G., 27 Hunter st. Kaolcnberg, C, Newtown rd. Lugg, James, 48 South Head rd. and 10 Hunter st. Paterson, Hugh, 247 Macquario st, Reading, Edward, 128 Philip st. Sampson, T. AV., AVynyard squaro Smyth Brothers, 363 George st. Smythe, George, 432 George st. Smytho, John E., 20 O'Connell st. Spenco, John, 352 George st, Trafford, Thomas, 85 AVilliam st. AVinstanloy, Robert, 133 York st. Die Sinkers—Seo Engravers. Distillery. BBISDAHE DISTILLERY, 108 Parramatta st. Drapers and Haberdashers. Allen, Albert, Pitt St., Redfern Andrew, George, Botany rd., Redforn Andrew, AV., 11 Parramatta st. Arnold, E. and Co., 115 South Head rd. Baker, Thomas, 566 Georgo st. Ballcin, J., South Head rd., Old, Woollahra Bardsley, John, Glebe and Cowper sis,, Glebe ' Beard, Daniel, 82 King st, Beehag, AA'illiam, Newtown rd. Bluracr, Mrs. Sarah, S. H. rd., Old, Pad. Bull, Henry, 004 George st. Bull, Nathaniel George, GG2 Georgo Bt. Butler and Linney, 110 AA'illiam st. Butler, James and Son, 100 AVilliam St. Butler, L., Darling st., Balmain Byron, AA'illinm, Bullanoming St., Redfern Cable and Tickle, 368 and 004 Georgo st, Culver, Mrs. Marian, 50 Union st., Pyrmont Canvin, Mrs., 800 Georgo st. Carter, John Q., 118 South Head rd, Coshman, Mrs. E., 202 AVilliams st. Clnrk, James, 014 George st. Cockertin, G. A., Botany rd., Alexandria Corcoran, Mrs. E., Mort St., Balmain Cowie, Alexander, Cleveland st. Cross, Alfred, 115 Parramatta st. Crondare, Mrs., Newtown rd. Dalton, Patrick P., 90 King st. Daly and Gilbert, 600 Georgo st. Davies, John, 448 Georgo st. Dawson, J. and E., 400 and 408 Georgo st. Douglas, Alexander, 223 George st. Downey Brothers, 290 George st. Doyle, Jamos, Charlotte place Ellis, Ann, Catherine St., Glebo Evans, Thomas, 46 Banks st. Dra DIRECTORY. Farmer and Co., 269 to 275 Pitt st. Fitzgerald, E., South Head rd., Old, Pad. Ford, AVilliam, Ocean st., AVoolIahra Fox, Thomas, 630 Georgo st. French, Henry, 44 South Head rd. Gilbert and Clack, 022 Georgo st. Glassop, James J., Darling St., Balmain Goldsmith, James, Newtown rd. Gricrson, A. C, 287 Pitt st. Haggett, Mrs. E., 17 Argylo place Haigh, Samuel, 322 Pitt st. Hancock, J. AV., 514 Georgo st. Hannah, Mrs. Hannah, 101 John St., Pyrmont Hoare, J. II. and Co., 831 and 338 Georgo st. Hogan, Edmund, Goulburn st. Holroyd, Michael, 210 AVilliam st. Hopson, Nicholas, 612 George Bt. • Hordern, A. and Sons, 750 Georgo st. Hordorn, L. and E., 676 and 078 George st. Hordern, J. L., Newtown rd. Howell, John Benjamin, 684 George st. Howell, William A., 153 South Head rd. Hunt, Thomas, Botany rd., Redfern Ircdalo, Robert, 391 Bourkc st. Jenkins, Charles, 44 Harris st., Pyrmont Johnson, James, 225 George st Jones, David and Co., 345 and 847 Georgo st. Kelk, AV. O., 413 Georgo st. Keith, Margaret, 165 Woolloomooloo st. Kennedy and Ross, 258 Pitt st. Kingsborough, C. and Co., 83 South Head rd, Larcombo and Co., Botany rd., Redfern Laundry S., Parramatta st. Loader, M. F., 85, 165 & 167 South Head rd. and 74 AA'illiam st. Lowis, Clement, 68 AA'illiam st. Lewis, Mrs. E., South Head rd., Paddington Lorking, Alfred, 700 Georgo st. McCrea, Catherine, 50 South Head rd. McUren, AVilliam A., 620 George st. Mackay, Edward T„ 803 Georgo st. Mollot, Peter, 91 South South Head rd. Monk, AAr., South Head rd., Old, Paddington Moran, Mrs., 786 Georgo st. Morris, John & Co., 638 and G40 Georgo st. Morton, Jano, Glebe rd. Murphy, Mrs. Bridget, 84 Park st. Murray, John, Darling St., Balmain Murray, J. S., I l l and 113 Parramatta st. O'Mailey, AVilliam II., Botany rd., Redfern Perry Brothers, 92 and 94 King st, Petherby, John, 3 Miller's rd. Phtmmer, Joseph G., 101 South Head rd. Prcscott, Charlos, Botany st., Redfern Pringle, James, 141 South Head rd. Roid and Robertson, 94 AVilliam st. Renwick, AVilliam C, 86 King st. Rossitor, G. J., University st., Camperdown Rush and Rousseau, 618 Georgo st. Rush, John, 727 Georgo st. Sadler, James, Newtown rd. Seddon, M. A., Darling St., Balmain Seymour, Giles M., 118 William st. Sheard, William Luke, 578 and 654 George Bt. Smith, William, 79 Parramatta st. Dra 467 Snow, John, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Sponco, Mark, 216 and 218 Pitt st. Spencer, Mrs., 81 Argyle st. Staples, A., Newtown rd. Stono, Mrs. 3 Thornton's buildings, George st. Stone, AA'illiam, 702J- Georgo st. Taylor, J. AV., 35 and 87 Erskine st. Thompson and Giles, 376 and 878 George st. Thompson, David, 18 Market st. Tickle, W. J. & Co., 688 Georgo st. & King at. Trader, Mrs. M., South Head rd„ Old, AVlhra. AValker, John, Piper St., Woollahra AVright, John, 36 Erskine st. AVctherill, John, 233 and 235 Pitt st. Westaway, R., South Head St., Old, Pad. Dray and Van Proprietors; Allen, Stephen, Adclaido place Allison, Joseph, James st., Redfern Armstrong, Mrs. Mary, 2 Kent st. Austin, Henry, Newtown rd. Bourko, Patrick, 116 Gloucester st ' Burnett, David, 651 and 653 Elizabeth st. Carey, Thomas, 22 Athlono place Carson, AV., Franklyn place, Glebe Coogan, James, Shepherd st., Darlington Cox, Benjamin, 269 Palmer st. Cox, Henry, 40 Campbell St., Lower Coull, AVilliam, Church st, Paddington Des Condrcs, L., George st, AA'aterloo Dillon, Michael, 88 Buckingham st. Doherty, Denis, 83 Dcnham st. Fahcy, Patrick, 72 Palmer st. Egan, John, Blenheim st, AVaverloy Elstub, Robert, Regent st, Newtown Fiddcn, James, Camperdown rd., Newtown Gallagher, James, Glebe st, Glebe Gleeson, John, 28 Holt st. Gordon, Hugh, 43 Cumberland st. Gough, Richard, Forrest st, Glebe Graham, John, 23 Buckingham st, Littla Graham, John, Dcrwcnt st, Glebe Hackett, Michaol, 10 Bourko St., Little Hennessy, James, 5 Banks st. Holburn, Thomas, 04 Brisbane st Johnston, Adam, 31 Riley st. Jones, John, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Jones, Richard, 29 Arthur st Keating, Matthew, Bourko St., Redfern Leonard, Matthew, 11 Athlone st Lino, James, 443 Bourko st Luscombe, Richard, 2 Marshall st. McCabe, Jamos, Dowling st McCaffrey, Christopher, 223 Brougham st. McCarthy, Michael, Middle lano McLaughlin, Irvine, 90 Buckingham st McMahon, James, Mary st. MoMahon, Thomns,- 141 Dowling st. McNainarn, Patrick , Botany st, Waterloo Maher, Michael, AA'nlker st, Redfern Maxwell, James, 172 Sussex st Mealley, George, 27 Arthur st Mosher, Charlos, Bullanaming st, Rodfern Nichols, James, 128 Riley st, 468 Dre TRADES, die, Osborne, Richard, 104 Devonshire St. Parsons, James, 175 Crown st. Piatt, James, Street's Wharf, Sussex st. Price, George, 386 Kent st. Quinn, Michael, 2 Athlone st. Kiddell, John, 487 Bourko st. Eittson, Thomas, Albert st., Eedfern Eobbords, John, 40'Botany st. Ryan, Owen, 390 Castlercngh st. Salmon, James, 11 Norton st. Stack, —, 3 Ann st.. Bourko st. Stanley, S., 00 Bourko st. Stevenson, W. II., Foy st, Balmain Steward, Richard, 258 Albion st. Stott and Whitehead, Sydney Parcels Delivery Company, 18 Barrack st. Sutton, Peter, Chelsea st., Eedfern Walker, Thomas, Botany rd„ Redfern Walsh, Patrick, Eedfern st., Eedfern Ward, Henry Braddon, 25 East st. Wilson, Thomas, 170 and 172 Clarence Bt. Woods, Shortland, Fox and Co., Railway Station, and Albert st„ Circular Quay Dre Gould, Mrs., 282 Crown st. Greon, Mrs, Elizabeth, 193 Phillip st. Grogan, Mrs. Catherine, 150 Bourke s t Guy, Mrs., Newtown rd. Hall, Miss C, 137 Liverpool st. Hamilton, Mrs., 180 Devonshire st. Harper, Mrs. II. E„ 450 Kent st. Harris, Mrs. W., 104 Eiley st. Hegarty, Miss, 357 Elizabeth st. Hegarty, Miss, 93 Druitt st. Hayes, Mrs., 123 South Head rd. Hayes, Miss S. A., 119 King st. Higgins, Mrs., 17 Norton st, Little Hillior, Mrs., 808 George st. Hogan, Mrs. M., 13 Short st. Holmes, Mrs., 159 South Head rd. Holt, Mrs. M. W., 239 Pitt st. Ilopson, Mrs., 698 George st. Hornby, Mrs., 898 Bourko st. Hund, Mrs., 59 Pino st. Hunt, Mrs., 215 Crown s t Jones, Miss, 842 Macquario St., South Jones, Mrs., Newtown rd. Kelly, Mrs. M., 98 Eiley st. Lees, Mrs., 27 Mills St., Pyrmont Dressmakers and MillinersLees, Mrs. E., 74 Elizabeth st Arundell, Mrs. B,, 9 Park st. Lyons, Mrs., 7 Erskino st. Baker, Mrs. J. P., Newtown rd., Old, Drlgtn, McKinnon and McLcnnon. 170 Princes st. Baynes, Mrs., 80 Phillip st. McKay, Mrs., 59 Eiley st. Bell, Miss, Parker lano Maxwell, Mrs. M., Darling st., Balmain Brown, Sarah, 47J Parramatta st. Meredith, Mrs., 108 Crown st. Bunbury, Mrs., Newtown rd. Monteith, Mrs., 125 Eiley st Burgess, Mrs., 252 Eiley st. Murphy, Michael J., 251 Pitt st. Bursill, Miss, SO Riley st, Murphy, Miss M., 79 Liverpool st Bass, Miss O., Botany st, Eedfern O'Brien, Miss Catherine, 89 Princes st. Butler, Miss Julia, Darling st, Balmain Perry, Mrs., Darling rd., Balmain Campbell, Mrs., 80 Market s t Phelps, Mrs., 87 Parramatta st. Chamberlain, Miss, 100 Eiley st. Phillips, Miss, 809 George st. Chanelor, Mrs., 79 South Head rd. Poole, Miss Annie, 51 Wilson st. Cherry, Miss, Vincent lane, Balmain Porter, Mrs. E., 21 Botany st. Chidloy, Mrs., Canterbury rd., Petersham Prentice, Mrs., Mary, 70 Albion st. Clingan, Miss, Enmoro rd., Newtown Quirk, Mrs., 500 George st, Cochrane, Mrs., 250 Crown st. Bamsay, Miss, 212 Liverpool st. Coghlan, Ellen, 12 Charles st, Parramatta st. Eeynolds, Mrs., 241 Pitt st. Coleman, Mrs., 48 Market st. Eobbords, Mrs.E. A., 78 South Head rd. Collins, Miss E., Botany st, Eedfern Eobcrtson, Miss C, Mullens st. Balmain Connor, Mrs. A., South Head rd., Old, Pad. Eobinson, Mrs., Donison st, Newtown Cooke, Mrs., Argylo place Eogers, Mrs. Harriet, 188 Riley st. Corden, Mrs., 108 Phillip st. Rossiter, Mrs. Emily, 114 Market s t Cotton, Miss Ann, 841 Pitt st. Rowles, Miss Z., 74 South Head rd, Craddock, Miss, 20 Fort st, Upper Seigcl, Mrs., 148 William s t Crawford, Jano M., 107 Liverpool st. Shaw, Mrs., 74 Elizabeth st. Dale, Miss, 519 Eiley st. Simmons, Mrs., 48 Buckingham st., Littlo Dixon, Mrs., Turner st, Eedfern Slattory, Miss, Eiley st. Doak, Mrs., 58 Wynyard square Slee, Mrs., Botany rd., Eedfern Donahoe, Mrs. Mary, 211 William st. Spenc«r, Mrs., 273 Palmer st. Dunn, Mrs., 51 Burton st. Spurling, Miss, 105 William st, Dunain, Mrs. A., Newtown rd., Darlington Stenner, Mrs., 90 Dowling st. Ewing, Miss E., Botany rd., Eedfern Stone, Mrs., 422 Bourke st. Firman, Mrs., 227 George st. Thynno, Miss B., 102 King st. Foot, Mrs. O., 78 Market st, Timond, Mrs., 271 Palmer st. Gagg, Miss, 20 Brisbano st. Turner, Miss, Eegent st, Newtown Gannon, Mrs. B„ Newtown rd. Way, Ebenezor, 201, 203 and 205 Pitt st. Gardiner, Mrs., Newtown rd. Whelan, Mrs. Julia, 242 Sussex st • Gerrard, Mrs., Newtown rd. White, Miss, 185 Elizabeth s t Eng Far DIEEOTORY. 469 Engravers and Die Sinkers- Williams, Mrs. T„ 84 Hunter st. Wilson, Miss M. K., 18 Stanley st. Wood, Mrs. W. H., Darling st, Balmain Wohch, Mrs., Bridgo s t Brown, Thomas, 80 Bathurst st. Fitzsimmons, J., 211 Castlereagh st. Fischer, J. N., 266 George st. Flack, Alfred, 20 York st—See Advt. Jackson, Arthur Levitt, 106 King st. Druggists—Seo Chemists. Leigh, S. T. and Co., 21 Hunter st Mort, Henry, 44 Erskino st. Dyers and Scourers. Murray, A., 42 Yurong st. Cooper, Francis, 704 Gcorgo st. Salisbury, Thomas, 101 Pitt st. Cox, Alfred, 55 William st,andl75Parramatta Thornthwaito, John, 157 Pittst. st,—See Aclvt, Twemlow, George, 199 Pitt Bt, Eldridgo, William C, 187 York st Wigloy, W. H. and Co., 297 Georgo st. Largo, W. T., 27 Botany rd. Wilson, Thomas, 394 Pitt st. Eogers, Charles W., 185 South Head rd. Rutld, Mrs., 218 Liverpool st. Estate Agents—Seo Agents. Walz, Mrs. Catherine, 72 South Head rd. E a t i n g Houses—Seo Eestaurants. Fancy Bazaars. Abrahams, J., 79 King st., and 804 Georgo st, Barnett, Mrs. S., South Head rd., Old, Pad. Bennett, Christie, 335 Pitt st. Electroplates Beare, Mrs., 220 William st. McLean, John, 70 York st. Bohrsman, Mrs., 127 South Head rd. Russell, A., 6 South Head rd. Buckworthy, Mrs. M., 140 William st. Russell, M., 3 Hutchinson st. Burton, John, 4 Hunter st, Cree, Edward 0., 540 Georgo st. Davis, Eleazai-, 98 King s t Engineers, &c. Dixon, Mrs. D., 207 Parramatta st. A. S. N. Company, Pyrmont Ellis, T. II., 230 Pitt st. Bennett, William, Harbour st. Goldsmith, Miss F., Botany rd., Eedfern Bown, T. J. and Company, Bathurst st. Hill, George, 68 South Head rd. Briggs, Charles, Harbour st. Jolly, Mrs., 138 William s t Brown, Thomas, 78 Harvey st Bubb, John E., Victoria Foundry, 561£ Knight, Charles, 51 Parramatta st Lecky, Mrs., 149 South Head rd. Georgo st. Lemaire, Charles, 472 Georgo st. Chapman and Co., 782 and 784 Gcorgo st. Levi, David, 494 Gcorgo st. Clissold, Ambroso, 101 Botany rd. Myers and Solomon, 542 George st. Dawson, R. and Co., 188 Georgo st. Drinkwater, Theophilus, 218 Castloreagh st. Nash, William, 28G Georgo st. Palmer, Thomas, 020 George st. Ellis, James, 328 Elizabeth st. Parkes, Robert, 833 and 835 Georgo St. Evans, E., 207 Georgo st. Pratt, W. II., Newtown rd. Fitzpatrick, J., Erskine st. Eadford, J., Newtown rd. Fletcher Brothers, 32 Park st. Glenn, Robert II., 9 Edward st., Pyrmont Beading, Son and Steffanoni, 104 and 106 Halliday, Charles, 10 Erskine st Market st. Healoy, Daniel F., Sussex st. Eobinson, Mrs. Mary, 100 Woolloomooloo" st. Hughes, Edward, 9 Botany rd. Sapsford, Newman, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Hutchinson, James, 408 Castlercngh st. Scwell, James, 086 George s t James, William, 55 Botany st. Williamson, Mrs,, 135 William st, McFarlano, A., Shelley st. McKcnzie, G. B., Grafton wharf FarriersMather, Joseph, Barker and Bathurst sts. Abbott, John, South Head rd., Old, Wlhra. Norman, William, 108 Bowman st. Bastard, William, 165 Parramatta st. O'Neill, Henry, 18 Banks st. Bates, John, Bay st, Glebe Owen Brothers, 229 Georgo st, Bates, J., 181 Parramatta st. Parkinson and Monaghan, Bathurst st. Berwiok, 0., Harris st, Ultimo Penny, W., Cowper st, Glebe Russell, P. N. and Co., Sydney Foundry Blako, Samuel, 191 and 193 Parramatta st. Brown, William, 224 Darlinghurst rd. wharf, Barker st, 899 Georgo st, and Burcher, Stephen, 20OJ Pitt st. York st Challinor, John, 349 Bourko st. Taylor and Wearing, George st, Eedfern Clark, James, Parramatta rd., Petersham Triggs and Marr, Claronco st. Cotton Bros., 85 Crown st. Vale and Lacy, Druitt st. Dadd, E,, Newtown rd. Walkor, William, 4 Barker st. Edwards, John, 15CJV Pitt st. Watorvicw Dry Dock Company, Balmain Farrelloy, Ji, Adolplius st., Balmain 470 Flo TRADES, &c, Glover, Georgo, 20 O'Conncll st. " G'ribben nnd O'JSTeiU, 127 William st, Hannah, Edward, 5 Queen's placo Juleff, M. B. and Son, Botany rd., Redfern McMuhon, Michael, 151 York st. O'Connor, Robert, Rushcutter's Bay, South Head rd., Paddington O'Kecffe, Daniel. South Head rd,, Old.Wlhra. Silk, John, 223 South Head rd. Smith, J. and C, Gipps St., Haymarkot Stephens, James, Newtown rd. Swadling, John, 288 and 290 Castlereagh st. Swan, Robert, 880 Sussex st. Turner, Joseph, 9 Botany st. Wolsh, Thomas and G., 780 George st. Warrs, II., Newtown rd. Woston, J., Parramatta st. Wills and Yorke, Cloveland st. Wilson, Bros., 150 York st. Fl*U llardman Brothors, George st., South l'emoll and Co., Parramatta st. Sim, R., Goulburn st., West Swain, Brothors, 710 Georgo st. Wells, G., 25 Wharf st. Wcarno, J., Bathurst st., West French PolishersBray, N., Pitt st., Waterloo Brown and Son, G South Head rd. Brown, William, 125 Campbell st. Collctt, A., 1 Simpson's place, Castlereagh st. Lake, Thomas, 13 Brougham place Pacy, John J., 831 Bourko st. Wood, George, 141 Clarenco st. Fruiterers and Greengrocers- Abrahams, Mrs., 7 Castlereagh St., North Adams, Mrs. B., 18 Market, Old, Shed D Alekiu, Francis, 88 Crown st. FellmongersWilliam, 2 Waterloo placo Alderson and Sons, Lachlan Swamp, Watloo. Allen, Allner, Sebastian, 31 Market, Old, Shod D Bell and Linden, Alexandria Anderson, 0. F., Glebo rd. Ebsworth, 0. B., Alexandria Anderson, G. W., Market, Now, George tt. Gatloy, Richard, James st., Newtown Andrews, G. W., Market, New, George St. Haigh, Henry and Son, 70 Pitt st. Andrews, G. W., Raglan st. Waterloo Hincheliffe, A., Alexandria Bailey, John, 99 South Head rd. Lupton, John, Alexandria Bnrr, Samuel, 107 King st. Walton, John, Bay st, Glebo Bayfield, M., South Hoadrd., Old, Paddington York Brothers, Alexandria Bcale, Mrs., 158 Crown st. Beare, J. C, 214 and 210 William st. Fishmongers and Oyster DealersBeavis, Jacob, 30 Market, Old, Shed D Anderson, H., 188 Pitt st. Bockenham, John, Moncur st., Woollahra Bambury, 695 George st. Bell, Robert, Marinn st., Redfern Brown, William, Newtown rd. Bennett, G., 20 and 22 Market, Old, Shed C Clark, James, 78 Market st. Bennett, Georgo M., 143 King st. Emerson, Albert R., 031 George st. Betel, Frederick, 110 Market st. Emerson, Mrs., 128 King st. Bird, Mrs., 18 Market, Old, Shed 0 Freeman, John, 110 South Head rd. Blake, John, 20 Bridge st. Gilbert, C. F., 372 Castlereagh st. Brett, Charles, 6 Henrietta st Gower, Herbert, Bathurst st. Browne, Andrew, 181 Sussex st. Hahn, Ernest, 180J William st. Brown, John, 18 Market, New, George st. Hanson, 0. W., 180 South Head rd. Brown, Thomas, Donison st., Woollanra Harrison, James, Piper St., Woollahra Buckingham, II., 19 Market, New, George st. Hayer, John, Newtown rd. Burno, William, Botany rd„ Redfern Hughes, John, 181 South Head rd. Burns, William, 242 Olarenco st. Lee, James, 142 Bourke st. Callaway, John, 501 Kent st. Lovell, William, 98 York st. Calloway, Richard, 147 King st. McCoy, John, 50 Market st. Carroll, Timothy, 30 Market, Old, Shed D Paterson, John, 131 George st. Carter, Edward, Miller st, North Shore Perry, Thomas, Botany rd., Redforn Garter, Thomas, 543 George st. Saunders, George, 779 George st. Chant, Joseph, 99 Forbes st. Solig, Aaron, 236 Pitt st. Chapman, John, Liverpool st. Wiggins, James, 747 Georgo st. • Chapman, John, 192 Crown st. Wigginton, Thomas, Botany rd., Redforn Christie, John, 183 and 185 Georgo s t Wilby, Joseph, 28 South Head rd. Clingan, Georgo, Ennioro rd., Newtown Collins, Mrs., Botany rd„ Redfern Flour MerchantsCooke, Mrs. Fanny, 88 Market st. Barker and Co., Sussex st. Corcoran, Patrick, 06 Market st. Boilby and Scott, 123 Pitt st. Costelloe, David, 83 Argylo st Breillat and Co., Napoleon st. Cox, Mrs., 1C7 Castlereagh st. Campbell, John and Co., 5 King st. Crampton, John, 89 Pitt st. Ellen, Thomas, 74 Pitt st Orosstand, John, 893 Kent st. Hardio and Mitchell, 510 and 518 Goorgc st, Daly, Thomas, 829 Georgo st. Fru DIRECTORY. Davis, Mrs. Mary Ann, 43 Goulburn st. Dawson, Mrs., 15 Erskino st. Deegan, P., 0 and 11 Market, Old, Shed 0 Desmond, John, 12 Brougham plaoo Dive, James, 155 Georgo st. Dummer, James, 112 William st. Dunn, James II., 388 Bourko st. Duruz, Mrs. J. A., 293 Georgo st. Elliott, Mrs. S., South Head rd., Paddington Elson, Samuel, Bay st, Glebo Farrcll, Lawrence, 00 Hunter st. Fitzgerald, William, 10 Essox st. Floming, Alex., Soutli Head rd., Old., Pad. Forbes, Mrs. L., 109 York st. Fostor, Mrs. M., 74 Forbes st • Franklin, Honry, Cowpor st., Waverloy Fraser, John, 753 George st. Frazcr, John, 28 Park st. Gilchrist, David, 12 Park st. Goodwin, Elijah, S3 Bathurst st. Gouldthorpo, Mrs., 40S Elizabeth st. Gould, Sophia, 420 Castlereagh s t Greison, Martin, 270 Georgo st. Griffiths, George, 115 Georgo st. Griffiths, Henry, 52 York st. Hancock, William, 29 Market, Old, Shed D Hargroavos, Henry, 0 Market, Old, Shed D Harper, Samuel, 27 Parramatta st. Harrison, James, Newtown rd. Haslic, Eliza, 96 Parramatta st. Hazelton, James, 8 Market, Old, Shed D Hayes, Ann, 205 Campbell st. Herrold, R,, sen,, 2 Market, New, Georgo st. Herrold, R,, jun., 2 Market, Now, Georgo st Higgins, James, Francis st, Glebe Hilliard, William, 29 Edward lano . Hocking, Francis, Raglan st,, Waterloo Hooper, William, 125 George st. Houghton, Robert, Piper st., Woollahra Howard, Peter, 179 Parramatta st. Hughes, Peter, 669 Georgo st. Isaacs, John, 741 Georgo st. James, Ann, G Barrack st. James, Peter, 33 and 35 Market, Old, Shed C James, John, 19 Market, Old, Shed D Johnson, J., South Head rd., Old, Paddington Johnson, John, 71 Dowling s t Johnston, T., 2 Market,Old, Shed 0, Georgo St. Jones, Thomas, 24 Market, Old, Shed D Joyce, Georgo, 166 and 168 Riley s t Kaluoy, Peter, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Kelly, Miohaol, 14 Park st. Konnedy, Mrs. M., 869J Pitt s t Kilduff, Bernard, 237 South Head rd,, and 9 Kensington st. Kingoott, A., Glebo rd. King, William, 622 Elizabeth st. Kirby, Frederick, 192 Pitt st. Lacey, Mrs., 74 Parramatta st. Larlun, Jane, 149 Pitt st. Lawless, M., 14 and 1G Market Old, Shod D Lawless, Thomas, 486 Kent St., and 10 Market Sheds, York st, Lawrence, E., 10 and 12 Market, Old, Shed C Lee, Margaret, 06 Parramatta st. FTU 471 Lostikow, Charles, 1U0 Georgo st. Light, Joseph, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Loton, Mrs., 221 Crown st. Loughnan. Mrs., 29 South Head rd. McClelland, Mrs., 201 Palmer st. McCormack, Mrs., 120 Liverpool st. McErncrncy, Michael, 410 Pitt st. McGregor, Andrew, 220 Palmer st. McGuirk, John, Darling St., Balmain McGutrk, M., Short st, Balmain Mcllvecn, Georgo, 192 Cumberland St. McKeown, Win,, 11 and 12 Market Sheds, York st. MoKinley, C, 290 Sussex s t McNeill, James, 224 William st. McNulty, John, 202 Sussex st. McQuirk, Mrs. Mary, 80 Goulburn st. Machin, Timothy, 777 Georgo st. Mackler, C, 118 Market st. Madden, Mrs., 209 Clarenco st. Mahoney, Mrs., 597 Georgo st Maloney, John, Bottington st. Mancer, Alfred, 80 Hunter st. Mann, Henry, 182 Palmer st. Manscll, George, 2G Banks st. Margotts, William, 223 Sussex st Marron, John, 100 Cumberland st. Martin, Mary Ann, Greek st, Glebe Martin, Mrs., 122 King st. Maryott, George, 427 Kent st. Mawboy, Mrs. Ann, Newtown rd. Mayhew, Thomas, 133 George st Menan, Mrs., 18 Botany st. Miller, John, 193 Crown s t Miller, Mrs. Eliza, 49 Pitt st. Moss, Richard, Blue's Point rd., North Shore Mottram, James, 588 Bourko st. Murdoch, Andrew, 00 South Head rd. Nixon, Mrs. E., 12 Market, New, George St. Nixon, W. H., 1 Market, New, George st, Norton, Joseph, 159 Campbell s t OToole, Daniel, 435 Pitt st. O'Mant and Rose, 62 William st. Paget, Thomas, 157 Parramatta st. Parton, John, 12 Market st. Paternoster, George,420 Bourko St. Perman, John, 252 and 254 Castlereagh 8t Paterson, Charles, IS Argylo st. Phillips, G., Darling st, Balmain Piles, William, Newtown rd. Pincott, Benjamin, 219 Palmer st. Polo, Dominick, 11 Market, Old Shed, D Powell, George.!'., 49 Harris st, Pyrmont Proctor, Henry, 183 South Head rd. Putterill, George, 171 South Head rd. Radford, Miss Ann, 125 South Head rd. Ramsay, John, 22 Botany rd. Randlo, Mrs. Caroline, Rushcutter's Bay, South Head rd., Paddington Reynolds, Elizabeth, 24 Market, Old Shed, 0 Rigby, Thomas, Glebe St., Glebe Robertson, James, Riley st. Robortson, James, Miles st. Robinson, James, 124 Devonshire St. Ryan, Ann, 58 Parramatta st. 472 Gar TRADES, Ac, Ryan, Edward, 26 Market st. Ryan, Edward, 32 and 84 Market, Old Shcd.D Sainty, Charles, 552 Bourko st. Sainty, John, 169 York st, Saunders, Cornelius, 76 Hunter st. Solwyn, Mrs. P. J., 10 Albion st. Sheeny, John, 104 Riley st. Sinnigar, Thomas, 12 Market, Old Shed, D Smith, Bartholomew, 81 South Head rd. Smith, Frederick, 171 Gcorgo st. Smith, Henry, 22 Market, Old Shed, D Smith, R. M., 812 Sussex st. Smith, Richard, 81 Athlono placo Smith and Son, 9 | Pnrraraatta st. Snell, Eli, 48 Francis st. Strangeway, Sarah, 20 Market, Old Shed, D Stevens, G., 25 and 27 Market, Old Shed, D Sullivan, Matthew, 533 Kentst. Sweeting, George, 72 Parramatta st. Sweetman, J, 1 and 8, Market, Old Shed, D Thompson, Mrs., 61 George st. Thornc, W. and Sons, 147 South Head rd. Tombs, Robert, 146 Goulburn st Toohcy, John, 5 Market, Old Shod, D Tumeth, William, Bay st, Glebe Walsh, Jessie, 242 George st. Ward, John, 80 Park st. Warr, Thomas, Parramatta rd., Glebe Watson, Francis N., Liverpool st. Watson, William H., Liverpool st. Whalan, Mrs. Mary, 119 Parramatta st. Whclan, "William, Botany rd, Redfern Wild, James, 158 Clnrenco st. Wilkins, Isaac, 21 Market, Oi'd, Shed D Wilson, J. K, 7 and 9 Market, Old, Shod D Winchuttle, Adolf, 461 Crown st. Wise, John, 154 William st. Woodward, Henry, 155 York st. Wood, William W., 92 Dowlintf st. Gas Guilfoylo ond Son, Double Bay, Woollahra Harris, John, Stanmoro rd. Harris, William, Rushcutter's Bay, South Head rd., Paddington Hilcs, L., Alexandria Hilly, Frederick, off Liverpool rd., Enfield Hognn, Matthew, Glenmoro rd., Paddington Horlon, John, Double Bay, Woollahra McFarlano, James, Northern rd., Fivo Dock McLaughlin, Thomas, Alexandria Magill, Michael, Bourko St., Redfern Moloney, Michael, Glenmoro rd., Rushcutter's Bay, Paddington Marsh, W. P., Stanmore rd. Mills, John, John st, Ash field Moy Mow, Rushcutter's Bay, South Head rd, Paddington Nicholls, Charles, King st., Five Dock Schwcigler, David, 634 Bourko st. Stevens, Richard, 28 Brisbane st. Webber, John, Double Bay, Woollahra Wood, Thomas, Phillip st, Alexandria Gasfitters and Plumbers- Adrain, Thomas, 595 Gcorgo st. Anderson, Alexander. 178 Castleragh st. Arnold, Joseph, 91 William st. Blake, John, 252 Crown st Bowman, Henry, 803 Palmer st. Bown, T. J. and Co., Bathurst st— See Advt. Brcakspeer, IT., 3 Alston terrace, Redfern st, Redfern Brcekwell, Henry, 208 Liverpool st. Brown, James A., 276 Pitt st. Bullock, William, 20 Park st Chandler, Richard, 204 Parramatta st. Constable and Turner, 71 Market st. Cooper, William, 187 Cnstlereagh st. Evans, William, 289 Riley st. Furniture Dealers—See Dealers Fttrness, William, 156 William st Gretrix, John, Parramatta st, Petersham Galvanized Iron and Zinc Workers- Hampson, Kcnrick, 64 Parramatta st. Batters, Richard, 0 Burton st, Hawfcsford and Blizard, 68 Market st. Benton, George, 134 Phillip st. Jones, William, 83 Goulburn st. McLean, M., 19 Pitt st. Keating, Patrick, 42 Park st. Partridge, James, 101 Bathurst st. McCarthy, William, 26 Albert st, Potts' Roc, J. H. and J., 821 Elizabeth st. Point White, J. S., Cleveland st McMcnemy, John, 871 Bourke st Wright, George P., 53 William st. Miller, Joseph, 507 George st. Zollner, Simon, 84 York st.—See Adit. Moorhouse, William, 88 South Head rd. Penson, James, 351 Pitt st. GardenersPcnson, William, Bay s t , Glebo Baptist, John & Son, The Gardens, Bourke st, Pitt, James, 127 Bourko st. Ponder, Robert, Redfern st, West., Redfern Redfern, and Markets, George st. Robinson, W. G., 164 Cnstlereagh at. Bell, G. A„ Falconer s t , North Shore Sheldon, Richard Shelton, 24 Jamison s t Blaokburn, Robert, Double Bay, Woollahra Stroud, T., Piper st, Woollahra Carter, James, Alexandria Collins, John, Rushcutter's Bay, South Head Swan, Lawrence, 155 Pitt st Thompson, R. and W., 855 Pitt st rd., Paddington Tickle, Ralph, 41 Market st Ferns, John, Northern rd., Five Dock Watson, Richard, 140 York st. Ferns, Robert, Northern rd., Fivo Dock Goold, John, Rushcutter's Bay, South Head Wright, Gcorgo P., 53 William st. Wooiley, John, S3 Parramatta st rd., Paddington Gro DIRECTORY. Gro 473 Boulton, William, 30 Denham st. Glass ManufacturersThomas, 99 Riley st. Cook Brothers, Smart and Co., Wentworth Bourko, Bowes, Patrick, South Head rd., Paddington wharf, Druitt st Bowyer, George, 608 Elizabeth s t Wilthow, William, 50 Druitt st. Brady, John, 576 Georgo st. Braham, Michael, Yurong st. Glass and China DealersBray, Thomas, Ocean st, Woollahra Canty, C , 143 and 145 Botany rd. Breheny, Michael, 244 Liverpool st. Coates, T. R., 411 Qeorgp st. Brennan, William, 141 William st. Crowe, John, Botany rd., Redfern Brewster, Peter 0., 25 Banks st. Gould, Josoph, 391 George st. Brickloy, Margaret, 10 Crown lane, Crown st. Hawkins, George, South'Head rd., Old, Pad. Brien, Francis, Darling st., Balmain Kennelly, J., 105 South Head rd. Briscoe, G., 8 Millers rd. Shoppec, Thomas, 108 South Head rd. Brodio, Thomas, 52 Union St., Pyrmont Thomas, H, and Co., 101 and 103 Liverpool st. Brown, Arthur, 898 Elizabeth st. Thomas, J., 12 Market buildings, Goorge st. Brown, George, 416 Kentst Wyatt, Mrs., 221 Palmer st. Brown, James, 125 Phillip st Brown, Josoph, Botany rd., Redfern Brown, Mrs., post office, Bourke st, Redfern Glass Rivetter. Brown, Thomas, 93 Campbell st. Brown, Wm., Cook's River rd., St. Peter's Granville, Howard, 203 Castlereagh st. Brown, William, Cleveland st. Bubb, Mrs., Hose st., Darlington Glaziers—Sec Painters. Buohanan, William, 78 Stanley st. Grocers. Burroughs, Mrs. E., Phillip St., Balmain Butcher, Frederick, 82 South Head rd. Abbott Brothers, 97 South Head rd. Butler, George, Groso st, Glebo Adams, John, 661 Gcorgo st. Aitkon, Gcorgo C, 195 and 197 South Head rd. Button, E., Botany st, Waterloo Burns, Alexander, Palmer st. Albon, R., Wellington st, Newtown Alderton, Daniel, Parramatta rd., Burwood Burns, George, 33 Norton st. Alexander, Alexander, 195 Phillip st. Burns, Thomas, 15 Harrington st. Allen, Albert, Pitt St., Redfern Burns, AVilliam, 25 Brougham plaoo Allen, Charles, 20 Arthur st. Bupp, Joshua, Cleveland st Allen, Joseph, 106 Kent st. Byrne, James, Georgo st, Redfern Anderson, Eliza, 112 Bourke st. Byron,'William, Bullanaming st, Redfern Anderson, John, 388 Sussex st. Cain, Michael, Parramatta rd., Petersham Armstrong, William, Botany rd., Waterloo Caldwell, Charles W., 278 Pitt st. Attwell, John, George st, Burwood Cameron, James, 419 Macquario St., South Ayling, Thomas, 311 Castlereagh st. Cameron, AVilliam, 283 Kent s t Bain, George, 509 Kentst. Campbell, David, 139 Castlereagh st. Ballday, Mrs. Ann, 27 Bathurst st. Campbell, James, Pitt St., Redfern Bancroft, J., Cook's River rd., St. Peter's Carroll, John, Market lane Banks, Mrs., Liverpool rd., Ash field Casey, Michaol, Glebo rd. Bardsley, John, 125J and 127 Sussex s t Cannon, John, Vickery st, Waverloy Bardsley, John, Glcbo and Cowper sts., Glebo Canty, C, 143 and 145 Botany rd. Barnett, Gcorgo, Bluo's Point rd., N. Shoro Canty, Jeremiah, 184 Pitt st. Barrcll, Albert, Parramatta rd., Petersham Cansdell, Edward, Parramatta rd., Petersham Barrett, W. ond L. D., 40 Park st. Cavil, W. II,, Darling rd., Balmain Barton, Henry, 78 South Head rd. Cazenavo and Co., 54 Yurong s t Beattie, Isaac, 593 Elizabeth st. Chalmers, John, 26 Jamison st. Bell, Francis, Parramatta rd., Burwood Chambers, William, 94 Forbes s t Boll, Mrs., 151 Gcorgo st. Chandler, Thomas, 180 Phillip s t Bennett Brothers, 482 George st. Chant, Joseph, 99 Forbes st. Bennett, John, Dnwling st, Paddington Clark, Edward, Botany st. Bcntloy, P., 236 Riley st. Clark, John, 72 York st. Borgin, Laurence, 517 George st. Clarke, Daniel, Bourko st, Redfern Berkshire, William, Darling St., Balmain Clarke, Mrs., Mount st, North Shore Bieler, Mrs., Newtown rd. Clay, Henry, 8 Mary st Bindon, Robert, 6 Georgo st. Clcary, William, 178 Crown st. Birch, E. T., Newtown rd., Darlington Clough, James, 34 Mount st, Pyrmont Black, David, 363 Elizabeth st. Chine, Thomas, 65 Parramatta s t Blanchard,;john, Beattie st, Balmain Colo, J., Enmore rd., Newtown Bloxidge, John, Essex st. Collins, Michael, 147 Campbell st. Boraford, Oliver, 81 Campbell st. Conlin, Mrs. Sarah, Cleveland st. Booth, Joseph, 226 Sussex st. Cooper, A, L., 60 Buckingham, st. 474 Gro TRADES, &a, Cooper, Isaac, 132 Woolloomooloo st. Cooper, J. J., 38 Judge st. Cords, 0., 78 Dowling st. Corvie, Alexander, Cleveland st. Cox, John, 118 Cumberland s t Crain, Bobert, Newtown rd. Crawford, J. F., 238 Sussex st. Crease, Mrs. Ellen, Bedfern St., Bedfern Creley, William, 57 Liverpool st. Crowo, John, Botany rd., Bedfern Culbort, John, Porramatta rd., Campcrdown Cummins, John, 139 Gipps St., Surry Hills Cunningham, John, 17 woolloomooloo lano Currnn, M., 47 Gloucester st. Curran, Mrs. Mary, 170 Crown st. Daly, Edward, 555 George st. Daniel, Edward H., Piper st., Woollahra Danne, John T., 849 Elizabeth st. Darby, It. T., Newtown rd. Davis, Charles F., Newtown rd, Davis, Robert, 248 Sussex st. Davis, William, 02 Bathurst st. Deigan, Patrick, 14 Francis st. Dimond, Patrick, 215 Fitzroy st., Surry Hills Dobinson, Thomas G., 509 Crown st. Donaldson, Mrs., Bullanaming st., Bedfern Donaldson, Samuel, Gipps st, Paddington Doodson, Mrs., 90 William st. Dowdall and Moore, Gcorgo st., Bedfern Dowling, Mrs., William st„ Bedfern Doylo and Jenkins, Darling st, Balmaiu Doyle, James, 282 Sussex st. Dunn, Daniel, 72 Athlonc plnco Dunn, Bichard, Bnyst., Glebo Dunsmore, Bobert, 50 Church st., Pyrraont Earlc, Mrs,, Washington st. Easton, George, Botany rd., Bedfern Egan, John, 199 Fitzroy s t , Surry Hills Eldridgo, Daniel, Miller s t , North Shore Elliott, Mrs., 88 Gloucester st. Elliott, Bobert, 83 Erskino st. Evans, Thomas, 40 Banks st. Evers, Mrs., Camden st, Nowtown Fairfield, James, Botany rd., Alexandria Fairwcather, Bobert, 79 Harris St., Pyrmont Farrell, Patrick, 767 Gcorgo st. Farrell, William, Market and Oastlcreagh st Fegan, Patrick, Greek st, Glebo Fenton, Mrs., 47 Crown st. Fernon, John, 50 Goulburn st. Ferrier, William, Cleveland st. Fcrricr,W. W., Shepherd st., Darlington Finlay, James P., South Head rd., Old, Pad. Fitzgerald, Charles, 838 Sussex st. Fitzpatrick, P., 153 Cumberland st. Fitzpatrick Patrick, Essex lano Fisher, Thomas, Boss st, Campcrdown Fluvan, William, 47 Princes s t Farrell, W. T., 218 Castlerengh st. Flegg, John, 332 Oastlcreagh s t Flores, Mary, Campbell st, Camperdown Ford, William, Eose St., Darlington Foreman, Hugh, 413 Bourko s t Forrest, Mrs. Barbara, Druitt st. Forsytb, Elizabeth, 238 Castlerengh et, Gro Forsythc, William, Botany rd., Bedfern Fortescuc, Edward 0., Glebe rd. Fowler, Mrs. Mary A., 01 Bathurst st Fox, Alfred, Wortley St., Balmain Fox, John, Corso, Manly Beach Fox.B., 70Kiley st. Fox, Bobert S.. Darling st, Balmain Freeman, Caroline, 17 Church st, Pyrmont Fripp, Mrs. A., Cook's Bivcr rd., Tcmpa Fulton, John, 107 Harris St., Pyrmont Gallon, Thomas, 229 South Head rd. Garretty, J., Enmoro rd. Gates, John, 192 Sussex st. Gaul, Mrs. Mary, 159 Fitzroy st, Surry Hilla Gavin, J., Broughton st, Glebo Gay, Charles, Wells st, Bedfern Gny, C. Bnilway placo Gibson,'James, Curtis rd., Balmain Gifford, George, Foveaux st. Gill, Charles, Elizabeth st, Bedforn Ginman, Thomas, 142 Sussex s t Glashecn, John, 40 King st. Glassock, Henry, Lodgo St., Glebe Glover, A. and Son, Botany rd., Waterloo Glover, Thomas, Caledonia St., Paddington Godfrey, Frederick B., 290 Crown st. Godfrey, Jnmes, 20 South Head rd. Gogarty, Thomas, 300 Sussex st. Graham, F. and Co., 24 Campbell st Graham, George, 80 Albion st. Gray, Charles, 33 and 35 Bandlo st. Gray, It., Bullanaming st, Waterloo Greig, John, Cook's Biver rd., Tempo Griffiths, Edward, Norwood, Petersham Griffin, William, Derwcnt st, Glebo Grogan, John, 82 York st, Gurney, Samuel, 285 Castlerengh st Guy, Bobert, 575 George st. Haddon, Morton, 84 Cooper st. Hair, Gilbert, 198 Devonshire st. Hall, Croft F., 70 Gloucester Bt. Halloran, John, 891 Pitt st Ilamblin, J., Newtown rd. Hammond, J., 40 and 42 Dowling st Hankcn, James, 859 Oastlcreagh st. Hanks, J. G., 520Georgo st, andNewtOwnrd. Hanly, Brothers, 707 George st. Hardy, J. 11. and Co., 189 Georgo st. Harper, William, 2 Surry st. Harper, William, Gl William st., Upper, South Harris, J., 898 Macquario St., South Harrison and Attwood, 231 Georgo st Harry, Henry, Botany rd., Bedfern Hayes, Joseph, 17 Jenkins st. Hay, Mrs., 30 Castlereagh st. South Hcgarty, Patrick, 607 Crown st. Heighway, Gcorgo, 374 Macquario St., South Helmes, Denis, 143 York st. Herbert, Samuel, South Head rd., Paddington Hcskcth, J., 84 Harris st, Pyrmont Hoydon, Charlotte, 153 Kent st, Hickey, Mary, 45 Eiley st. Hickman, Charlotte, Glebo st, Glebo Hickson, Thomas, 385 Kent st. Uiggins, L,, Bullanaming st., Bedfern Gro DIRECTORY. Higgs, Henry, 112 Buckingham st. Hilton, Hugh, 187 Crown st. Hobbs, Eliza, Grose st., Camperdown Hodgkins, Samuel, 249 Sussex st Hodgkiss, Michael, 564 Elizabeth st. Hodgson, Henry, Ynrnold st, Bedfern Hoffman, C, Buattie St., Balmain Hogan, Edmund, 414 Castlereagh st. Hogan, Patrick, 2 Clydo st. Hogan, Mrs., 106 Dowling st. Hoping, G., Missenden rd., Camperdown Hopkins, Mrs. M., Bueklnnd st, Waterloo Hornby, J., Camperdown rd., Camperdown Howard, Bobert S., 890 Bourko st. Hughes, William, 110 William st. Hume, John, Liverpool St., Enfield Humfrey. Thomas, 93 Bourko st. Humphrey, J. O, William st, Paddington Hunt, E,, Darling rd., Balmain Huntley, Mrs. A., S. H. rd., Old, Woollahra Hunter, W., Silver St., Cook's ltiver Hurley, James, Glebo rd. Huxley, J., Newtown rd. Iliffo, Harriett, 61 and 03 Crown st. Irons, David, 839 Castlereagh st, James, William, Botany rd., Bedfern Jamison, William, Newtown rd, Jelly, Henry, 50 Liverpool st. Joycs, Georgo, 243 Kent st, Jinkins, J. V., 48 Dowling st Jones, A., Darling st., Balmain Jones, A., Baglan st., Alexandria Jones, Edward, 116 Devonshire st. Johnson, Mrs. M., 433 Pitt st. Johnson, Edward, Glenmoro rd., Paddington Johnston, Francis, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Kavanagh, James, 174 Woolloomooloo st. Kavanagh, John, 117 and 119 Biley st. Kavanagh, Lawrence, 6.39 George st. Kavanagh, L., 20 Market st. Kavanagh, T., 213 Parramatta st. Kay, Thomas, 29 Holt st, Surry Hills Kearns, John, 56 South Head rd, Kelly, John P., 24 King st. Kelly, Mrs., Baglan St., Waterloo Kelly, Neil, 400 Cleveland st. Kelly, Peter, 1 Kensington st, Kember, George, 137 Campbell St. Kempt, Mrs., Elizabeth st. Kcnarick, Mrs., 72 Forbes st Kermond, William, S. H rd., Old, Paddington Kcogh, James, Abcrcrombio st, Bedfern Keogh, Patrick, Boso St., Darlington Keys, William, 198 Olarenco st King, Miss, 81 Cumberland st King, W. S., 96 John st., Pyrmont Kitson, Georgo, Botany rd., Alexandria Knight, Mrs. S., Curtis rd., Balmain Kidman, Chas,, Campbell st., 448 Castlereagh st., Essex st, Parramatta st, 201 Georgo st, 158 South Head rd., 110 William st. Land, Joseph, 10 Charles st Land, Thomas, 187 Crown st Langlcy, Bobert, Foy St., Balmain Larlrin, Jnmos, Fnrrnmatta rd., Camperdown Gro 475 Lartcr, Francis, 386 Castlereagh st Lawloy, Mrs. Ann, 101 Clarence st. Lenchan, Bros., 722 Georgo st, & Market st. Levy, Solomon II., 036 Georgo st. Lindsay,Gcorgo, King st. Linltlater, Mrs., 180 Bourko st. Little, Giles, Collins st. Loftus, Boderick, 01 Wattle st Lofts, Stephen, Botany rd., Alexandria Logan, John, 717 Georgo st. Love, J. B., 504 George st. Lovo, W. and Co., 470 Georgo st. Lovelock, Jnmes, 87 King st. Lovott, George, 215 Kent st. Lowe, Benjamin, 9 Argylo st. Lowo, Daniel, Bourko st. Lusty, Thomas, Liverpool rd., Ashfield Lyons, Michael, King's lano Lyttlo, J. T., 103 Botany rd. McAdam, Mrs. Ellon, Kent st. McAuley, Bichard, 157 South Head rd. McCann, Mrs. Eleanor, 567 to 571 Crown St. McCarthy, John, 729 George st. McCulloch, W7illiam, Foy St., Balmain McCoy, J., South ncad rd., Old, Paddington McCullum, Alex., Parramntta rd., Burwood McDonald, B., South Head rd., Old., Wlhra, McDonald, William, 659 Elizabeth st. McDowell, John, 899 Macquario st, South McGco and Devir, Botany rd., Bedfern McGregor, Mrs., Hill st. Mclnncrney, Mrs., 135 Gloucester st. Mcintosh, James, Frnncis st., Glebo McKay, James, 82 and 84 Market st. McKcchnie, A., Newtown rd. McKcnzie, Mrs., 85 Norton lano McLachlan, Donald, Pitt st., Bedfern McLaurin, Mrs. H., 428 Pitt st. McLaughlin, Daniel, Curtis rd., Balmain McLean, Mrs., Bedfern St., Bedfern McLcod, Mrs. M., 104 Gloucester st. McMahon, Thomas, 178 Georgo st. McManaoby, James, 75 Parramatta St. McNiel, James, 40 Sussex st. McNeil, Bobert, 11 Holt's place, Elizabeth it. Macdonald, W., Bedford st. Macgregor, James, 820 Georgo st. Mackin, P., Albemarle St., Newtown Macnamara, Willinm, 697 Georgo st. Magney, J. B., 148 William st. Magner, John, Glebo rd. Mnhoney, Patrick, 653 Georgo st. Mulonoy, John, 218 William st. Marsh, Mrs. M., Blue's Point rd., North Shore Marshall James, 158 Dowling st Marshall, Peter, 62 Harris St., Pyrmont Martin, J., Union lano Marti;;, Thomas, AID Pitt st. Matchatt, William, 41 Park st Maughan, Henry, George st, Burwood Maxwell, John, 153 Parramatta st. Mcrrywoathor, William, Bathurst st, Miller, Mary, 295 Riley st. Miller, Mrs., 182 Eiloy st. Miller, Bobort, 78 Clarenco st. 476 Gro TEADES, (fee, Minett, John, 132 Gipps st., Surry Hills Moat, W. H., Johnston st., Balmain Moore, Isaac, 809 Bourke st. Morris, R., Newtown rd. Moylo, Charles, 305 Sussex st. Munkert, J. T., Curtis rd., Balmain Murphy, Felix, 503 Bourlco st. Murphy, Jane, 120 Kent st. Murphy, Mrs. Jano, Crescent st. Murphy, Simon, Norton St., Glebe Murrell, Thomas, Liverpool rd., Ashfiold Nestor, Michael, Pitt st., Redfern Newland, Mrs., Harrington st., Stnnmoro Newell, Robert W., Newtown rd. Noble, Elizabeth, 20 Hosking place Norris, J. W., Lodge st., Globo Nichols, John, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Nicholson, Margaret, 824 Castlereogh st. O'Brien, Mrs,, Marian st., Redfern O'Brien, P., 72Dowling st. O'Connell, James, 251 South Head rd. O'Connell, Patrick, Walker st., Redfern O'Hear, John, 147 Kent st. O'Mara, John, 488 Macquario st., South O'Neill, James, lol George st. O'Neil, Patrick, 89 Bathurst st. O'Neil, Saniuol, Campbell st., Balmain O'Sullivan, Daniel, 414 Crown st. Owens, William, 03 Clarence st. Page, George W., 525 George st. Pain, Alfred, 297 Sussex st. Paisley, Robert, Darling st, Balmain Palfrey, Philip, 134 Bourke st. Palmer, James, 871 Castlereagh st. Palmer, William, 2lG Riley st. Palscr, Henry P., 427 George st. Parson, William, 214 George st. Patrick, Hugh, 54 Market lane Patterson, Joseph, Camden st., Newtown Patterson, Mrs. E., 18 East st. Fattison, J. J., Newtown rd. Paul, Albert, Parramatta rd., Burwood Paul, Mrs., Botany rd., Waterloo Pawley, Mrs., 85 Lansdownc et. Payton, Thomas, 29 Mount st., Pyrinont Penrce, Charles, 018 George st. Peate and Harcourt, 258,260 & 262 George st, Pcdlow, Magurrcn and Co., 674 George st, Phillips, Mrs., George st., Redfern Pilgrim, R., Sydenham rd., Marrickvillo Pitt, Edward W., 128 Goulburn st. Pontifex, Mrs., 176 Riley st. Pople, Charles, Botany st., Waterloo Potter, Georgo, 22 Handle st Powell, David, 203 Palmer st, Powell, W. H., Cowper and Elger sts., Glebe Proctor, John S., 57 Parramatta st. Proctor, Thomas, 97 Stanley st. Pullin, John, 298 Sussex st. Purdie, Georgo, 89 Eorbes st. Purdy, L., John st, New, Balmain Quinn, James, 69 Goulburn st. Rail ton, George, Bay St., Glebe Recce, William, Piper St., Woollahra Reilly, John, Glebe st, Glebo Gro Reilly, Patrick, 832 Macquario st, South Reynolds, Miss, 178 Princes st Rice, William, John St., Pyrmont Richards, William, 411 Pitt st Riddlo, Thomas, 23 Kent st. Riordan, C , 93 Parramatta st. Risby, J., Newtown rd. Rix, Robert, 91 Crown st. Roberts, Joseph, 124 South Head rd. Robinson, G., 534 Bourlco st. Roffoy, Thomas, Argylo st, Rooko.Mrs., Oollogo st., and Devonshire St. Ross, George D., 27 Edward st. Rozca, F. M., Newtown rd. Buddom, Henry, 15 Kent st. Rungi, Henry, Botany rd., Waterloo Russell, Adam, Corso, Manly Beach Russell, William, 268 Sussex st Salisbury, James, 445 Bourlco st. Sampson, W., Darling St., Balmain Sands and Sons, 190 Sussex st. Scanlan, Mrs., 162 Riley st. Schlccde, Charles, 20 Essex st Shaw, H., 7 Mount st, Pyrmont Shaw, William, 371 Liverpool st. Shaw, William, 199 Palmer st. Shelley, William, Stephen st, Balmain Sholl, John, 60 Yurong st. Shore, Daniel, Charlotte St., Ashfield Short, Mrs. M., Newtown rd. Silk, John, 87 George st. Simmons, Mrs., 441 Chester terrace, Crown st Simms, Samuel, 26 King st Simms, Michael, 195 Crown st. Simpson, Joseph, Milson's Point rd., N. Shore Simpson, M. J., Bowman s t Sinclair, John, 13 Parramatta st. Sloan, James, 37 Fitzroy st, Botany rd, Smart, Ann, 202 Castlereagh st. Smith, G.', Rosserst, Balmain Smith, John Thomas, 15 Erskine st. Smith, John F., Botany rd., Redfern Smith, John, 55 Sussex st. Smith, Mrs. M., 30 Banks st. Smith, Mrs., 564 Crown st. Smith, Peter, 50 Druitt st. Smith, R., 110 Dowling st. Smith, William T., Parramatta rd., Burwood . Smith, William, Botany rd., Redfern Smyth and Wells, 108 Phillip st. Smyth, Owen, Vickery St., Wavorloy Snatchcll, James, Campbell st, Balmain Soutcr, Mrs. E., Alma st, Darlington Sponce, Mrs. E,, Botany rd., Waterloo Stackpool, Michael, Piper st, Woollahra Staunton, Poter, 68 Cumberland st. Steel, Thomas, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Stephens, George, 240 Clarenco st. Stretton, William, Norton st, Glebe Stockley, T., Newtown rd. Stuart, William, Crown st. Summers, George, 80 Riley st Swain, Edward, 209 Clarence st. Swan, Mrs., Burt st, Balmain Swanston, W., 116 Parramatta st. Gro DIRECTOKY. Tatham, Robert, Darling st, Balmain Taylor, Thomas, Cowper st, Waverloy Terry, James, 102 South Head rd. Thomas, Charles H., 800 Crown st. Thomas, William, Union st, off Erskine st. Thomas, W., South Head rd., Old, Woollahra Thomas, William, 5 Erskine st. Thompson, Alexander, Rosehill st, Redfern Thompson, P. F., 208 William st. Thompson, William, Ann St., Macquario St. Thornton, F., 50 Burton st. Ticinus, Fred. A., 100 and 102 Dowling st. Tighc, Edward, 114 William st. Tigho, Robert S., 617 George st. Tilson, John, Botany rd., Waterloo Tncsnan, James, 272 Sussex st. Toms, Frederick, 20 Margaret place" Toms, Mrs. Mary Ann, Clarence lano Toomoy, John, 239 Kent st. Towers, Joseph, Greek St., Glebo Triclcett, Mary, 24 Botany rd. Tuft, J., Newtown rd. Turtle, Charles, Oxford st, Newtown Waddington, Mrs, Ann, 0 Mills St., Pyrmont Wngg, G,, Morchead st, Redfern Wakeliam, Richard, Liverpool rd,, Enfield Walker, Arthur, S. II. rd., Old, Paddington Ward, Harrison, 449 and 451 Pitt street Warden, John, Glebe rd. Warner, Robert, 184 Palmer s t Watson, Samuel, 177 Cumberlond st. Weedon, Mrs., 232 Fitzroy st., Surry Hills Welch, James, 106 South Head rd. Wells, George, 21 Market st. Whitehead, J., Darling st, Balmain Whitehead, Mrs. E., Uoattio St., Balmain Whiting, J., Bay st., Doublo Bay, Woollahra Whittokcr, James, 298 Castlereagh st Whitten, George, 252 Sussex st. Wild, Richard, 101 Gloucester st Williams, John, Tumor St., Redfern Williams, Mrs,, 132 Princes st. Williams, Walter, 118 Dowling st. Williams, William, 79 George st. Wilson, C, O'Connell st., Newtown Wilson, John, 122 Forbes st. Woolley, William, Bullanamingst,Waterloo Yates, John, 10 Queen st. Young, C, South Head rd., Old, Woollahra Young, Thomas, 30 South Head rd. Grocers (Wholesale). Barlow, John, 758 George st. Bennett, Brothers, 482 Georgo st. Bird, H. S., 3 Pitt st, North Burrows and Barnard, 422 George st. Crocker, N. J. and Co., 519 Georgo st Ourran, J. J., George st. DeLissa, S., Barrack st. Douglas, William and Co., 88 King st Fairfax, Alfred J. and Co,, 444 George st. Frazer, John and Co., 97 and 99 York st. Love, W. and Oo., 470 Georgo st. Mitchell, David and Co,, 426 George st. Hal 477 Mills, John, 715 George st. Stewart and Co., 90 and 92 Clarence St. Stutchbury, T. J., 94 Clarenco st. Thame, Walker and Co., 442 George st. Wilton and Co., 182 George st. GunmakersChallener, Henry, 59 King st. Cowlcs, Charles, 205 Pitt st. Lenehan, Daniel, 48 York st. McGlinn, John J., 121 York st. Modini, G. B„ 010 George s t HairdressersAspinall, John, 663 George st. Asztalos, J., Newtown rd. Bogle, Andrew, Darling st., Balmain Brady, John, 94 Market st Broom, John, 15 Park st. Broom, William, 535 George s t Burnett, Stephen, 5G3 and 505 Georgo St. Caffyn, William, 315 George st. Callaghor, J. T., 113 Clarenco st. Clamp, John, 743 George st. Costin, George, 89 Georgo st. dimming, A., 14 Market st. Cutler, Frederick, 228 George st. Cutter, James W., Botany rd., Redfern Damsicll, Henry, 20 York st. Davies, Benjamin, 152 South Head rd. Deeper, Elias, 302 George st, Farrell, William, 19 Erskine st. Fitz, James, 147 Georgo st. Fitzroy, John, 56 Goulburn st. Ford, Edward, I5l£ George st. Forstor, George, 89 Parramatta st. Fowler, Robert, 62 King st. Godwin, George, 87 Sussex st. Gotto, Thomas \V., 161 Clarenco st. Griffin, Frederick, 314 Pitt st. Harmon, Alexander, 200 Sussex st. Harris, W. II., 780J Georgo st. Haywoods, G. A., 209 and 211 Georgo st, Jackson, J., 01 Market st Jackson, J. W., 54 Parramatta st. Lacerda, Dominick, Botany rd., Redfern Lane, William, 125 Bathurst st. Lcstono, Arthur, 05 King st. Lewis, John, 35 Market st. Lightly, Mrs. E„ 04 King st. Loves, Ferdinand, 65 South Head rd, Marks, Wolf, 98 Sussex st. Momberg, Charles, 8 Hunter st. Moore, John, 104 William st. Moreau, Henry, Newtown rd. Osman, Charles, 58 South Head rd. Pearson, John, 68 Market st. Pccdell, Thomas, 392 Elizabeth st. Revallion, Robert, 184 Sussex st. Reynolds, Robert II., 241 Pitt St. Scholtz, William, 24 Hunter st. Seoley, Georgo W., 194 Porramatta st, Shirley, James, 52 Market st. Sidney, Paul, 549 Georgo st. 478 Hay TKADES, <fec, j " Hot Smith, David, 181 Gcorgo st. Stewart, Matthew, 117 William st. Storum, Henry, 190 Pnrrnmatta st, Trathen, John, 224 William st. Vaughan, Henry, 209 Pitt st. Vaughan, Thomas Henry, 828 George St. Whcate, William, 70 King st. Wigzell, Charles E., 143 South Head rd. Williams, Ernest, Park st. Harness Makers—Seo Saddlers Smith, J. H., Newtown rd. Sparkes, W., Milson's Point rd., North Shore Spring, William, South Head rd., Old, Wlhra. Stanley and McCobo, 120 William st. Steel, John, South Head rd., Old, Pr.ddington Stookbridgo, J., Wallis st, Woollahra Tierney, Michael, 47 South Head rd. Tinsloy, Edward, 18 Campbell s t • Walker, William, Eorrcst St., Glebo Wallburn, George, 91 Gcorgo st. Wood, George, Botany rd., Alexandria Wood, William, 145 William st. Hatters and Cap Makers- Arnold, Charles, GO Qoulburn st. Bostrom, C M., 70 Market st. Bowman, Mrs. A., 428 Pitt s t Bulmer, John, 817 Macquario st., South Clowes, Robert, 680 George st. Cochran, William, 74 Market st. Collins, Samuel, 412 Pitt st. Cusack, George, 870 and G48 George st, Gill, T., 67 Liverpool st. Green, Mark, 0 Railway place Hill, P. 0., 787 George st. Keedlc, George, 667 Bourko st. Lewis, Clement, 68 William st. Ollerenshaw, John, 533 George st. Osman, Frederick, 71 South Head rd, Mahony, J., 4.87 George st. Menser, Morris, 75 King st. Mountcastle, Benjamin, 352 George st. Palser, Thomas, (SCO George st. Peters, Daniel, 512 George st. Priddy, Charles, 450 George st. Smith, Gcorgo Henry, 316 and 818 George st, Hay and Corn Dealers- Hot Hot 479 - Herbalist. Baker, James, 31 Collins st. Homoeopathic Chemists. Bell, John, 227 Georgo st. Larmer, William, 823 George s t Mooro, William, 181 Elizabeth st. Horse Dealers and Livery Stable KeepersDriscoll, John, Bourko st, Littlo Farrow, George, 402 Castlereagh St. Firman, Charles, 81 York st Francis, Thomas, 10 Parramatta st. Gibson and Knight, 282 Pitt st. Haggerty, Michael, Comber St., Paddington Hevers, James, 130 Elizaboth St. Jubb, Samuel, 159 Pitt st Kiss, George, 272 Pittst. Martin, Emanuel, 118 Devonshire St. Martyn, H. D., 246 Pitt st. M'Intosh, Robert, 496 Georgo st. Nixon, Charles C, 8 Dale st. Norfolk, Robert, 214 Castlereagh st. Scully, B., Chippen st. Thomson, Buclian, 33 and 35 Bligh st. Woollor, Samuel, 254£ Pitt St. Barker, and Co., 177 York st. Barrell, O. S., Darling St., Balmain Barrel!, Robert, Newtown rd. Brady, John, 10 and 12 Charlotte place Brickwood, 11., Newtown rd. Clewitt, J., Blue's Point rd., North Shore Hosiers and GloversDunn, Edward, Rushcutter's Bay, Wlhra. Clowes, R., 680 George st. Duncan, Matthew J., 5 Hay st. Farmer and Co., 269 to 275 Pitt St. Duncan, Samuel, Harris st., Ultimo Gard and Homsley, 390 Georgo st.—See Advt, Easton, George, Botony rd., Rcdfcrn Gowing, John E., 844 George s t Ford, E., 43 Park st. Griffiths, Theophilus, 708 Georgo st. Halstead, S., Lane Cove rd., North Shoro Hobson and Whiting, 3 nuntor st. Hopkins, T., G81 Gcorgo St., South Humphreys, D. J., 342 Georgo st. Hough, Henry, South Head rd., Waverley Jones, D. and Co., 315 and 317 Georgo st, • Keegan, John, 177 and 179 South Head rd. Lewis, Sharp H,, 10 Hunter s t King, John, Enmoro rd., Newtown Larkin, P. R., 776 Georgo St., South, 48 Pt ,, Parrot Brothers, 12 Hunter st Peapes and Shaw, 338 and 840 George St. ramaOa st, and Beattio St., Balmain Smith, W., 312 Gcorgo st. Law, George, 734 Gcorgo st. Thompson and Giles, 370 and 378 Georgo st. Maloney and Moroney, 84 Parramatta st. Maloney, John, Darlinghurst rd. Hotelkeepers and PublichousesMilgate, S. S., Newtown rd. Mooro, Henry, Parramatta St., Glebo Allardicc, Georgo, Glcnmoro Cottage Inn, 63 Pemell, J., 795 to 801 Gcorgo st. Cumberland st. Phillips, William, Campbell st, Anderson, C, Napoleon Inn. 61 Kensington st. \Andreoli, Augusto, Opera House Hotel, 1G9 Saunders, Edward, Neich's rd., Burwood Smith, John, Botany rd., Redfern Castlereagh st. Angles, Gustavo, Shamrook Hotel, 109 Woolloomooloo st. Apterl, John, Pelican Hotel, 55 South H. rd. Arkey, George, Galatea Hotel, 17 Hunter st. Ashton, C, Bee-hive Hotel, 92 Cumberland st. Atterton, F., Dolphin Hotel, 410 Crown st. Austin, John, Sportsman's Arms Hotel, Parramatta st Aylward, Jane, Pelican Hotel, 415 Bourkc st. \ Baker, B., Dungato Inn, 375 Castlereagh st. Baldock, W., ',Clarenco and Richmond Hotel, 853 Kent st. Baldry, William, Hen and Chickens Hotel. 118 Goulburn st. Balmer,C.W.,Botany View Hotel,Newtown rd. Barden, Spencer, Cottage of Content Inn, Cook's River rd. Barnett, H„ Club Hotel, 122 Castlereagh st. Barnctt, William, Victoria Arms, 11 Kent st Bath, Charles, St John'sTavern,248Goorgost. Bate, C, Crown and Anchor Inn, Newtown rd, Beal, Mrs., Simpson's Hotel, 580 Georgo st. Beattio, W., Gardeners' Arms, 197 York st. Bcaucourt, Louis, Hotel do Boulogne, Castlereagh st, North Bell, J., Golden Ago Hotel, 39 Lansdowne st. Bennett, Mrs. Margaret, Londonderry Hotel, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Berry, Robert, Royal Oak, 54 Sussex st. Black, James A., Volunteer Hotel, 849 Pitt st. Blaokman, Robert H., Baltic Hotel, 194 Pitt st. Blair, Francis, Bristol Arms, 81 Sussex st. Blair, James, Blair's Hotel, 231 Kent st Birch, Mrs. Sarah Ann, Sussex Arms, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Biss, J., Forrest Lodge Hotel, St John's rd., Glebo Blake, Jacob, Robin Hood Hotel, Riley st Blake, Thomas, London Tavern, 112 and 114 South Head rd. Blow, John, Blow's Commercial Hotel, 115 Sussex st. Bluck, J., Bluck's Family Hotel, 5G0 Crown st. Blunt, William, Woolpack Inn, 782 Georgo st. Bohen, James, Tradesman's Arras, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Booth, Henry, Hero of Waterloo Inn, Cook's River rd., St Peter's Bosher, George, Angel Hotel, 169 Pitt st. Bottomley,W.,Bottomley'sIIotcl,64Forbesst. Bound, Mrs. E., Warwick Castlo Hotel, Darling rd., Balmain Bovis. William O., G. V. Brooko Hotel, 43 Stanley st. Bowm..'-, T., Coachmakers' Arms, 851 Sussex st. Bradford, Alfred jun., Bradford's Family Hotel, South Head rd. Bradford, A., Bradford's Hotel, 79 Wynyard square, West Braun, Peter, Drover's Homo, Liverpool rd., Ashfiold Brcnchley, Georgo, Shearers' Arms, Botany rd., Redfern Brennan, P., Cooper's Arms, 59 Harris Bt,Pyr, Brennan, Thomas, President Lincoln Hotel, 181 Woolloomooloo st Brigg, Sarah, John Bull Inn, Newtown rd., Darlington Brooks, G., Morpeth Hotel, 120Clnrence st. Brown, Catherine, Marino Hotel, 93 George st. Brown, J., Auckland Hotel, 184 Princes st. Brown, J., Hero of Waterloo Hotel, 67 and 69 Fort st, Lower Brown, Michael G., Brougham Tavern, 215 Pitt st. Brunton, It., Patent Slip Hotel, 113 Sussex st. Buck, Mrs. A., Lamb Inn, 24 Margaret place Bullivant, C. J., Rag & Famish Hotel, Miller St., North Shoro Bullivant, Maurice, Captain Cook Hotel, 92 York st. Burlcss, W., Balmain Hotel, 163 Clarence st. Burrows, G., Tradesman's Arms, Moncur st, Woollahra Butters, II. J., Currency LassHotel, Glebe rd. CafFroy, Thomas, Yorkshiro Stingo Hotel, 415 Castlereagh st. Cagnio, L., Elephant and Castlo, 182 Pitt st. Cain, Robert, Princo of Wales Hotel, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Camb, William, Commercial Hotel 184 >_ Castlereagh st. Carter, J., Old Commodore Inn, Blue's Point rd., North Shore Cavanagh, William, Old Boomerang Inn, 170 Sussex st, Cervetti, L., Woodcutter's Arms, Liverpool rd., Enfield Chapman, William, Salisbury Hotel, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Chard, J., Commercial Hotel, 760 Georgo s t ' Clare, William, Welcome Homo Inn, 668 Elizabeth st. Clark, W. A., Maitland and Morpeth Hotel, 10 Wharf st, Cloary, Edward, Currier's Arms Hotel, 418 and 415 Pitt st. Clear}', P., Lighthouse Hotel, 254 Sussex st. Coffey, J., Surry Hills Hotel, Campbell st. Cohen, Abraham, Cohen's Family Hotel, 2 Wynyard squaro Collins, J., Sportsman's Arms, Bay st, Glebe Collis, W., Signal Hotel, South Head, Wlhra. Commins, G., Star Inn, Hunter & Phillip sta, Conley, J„ Kingston Lodge Hotel, Australia St., Newtown Conn, E., Edinburgh Castlo Hotel, 389 Pitt st. Conway, E., Morpeth and Ilinton Hotel, 188 Kent st. Coombe, G., Hand and Heart, Botany rd., Redfern Cook, Win., Pnltenoy, Hotel, Cook's River rd., Tempo Copas, G., Sir Maurico O'Connell Hotel, 10 and 12 Riley st. Corbett.M., Clare Castlo Inn,68 Parramatta st. Corcoran, Patrick, Australian Inn, 87 Woolloomooloo s t Corkan, M.,,Odd Fellows Hall, 667 Goorgost. 480 Hot TRADES, &c, Hot Corlian, Mrs. Margaret, Corkan's Hotol, 79 Fernandez, David, Liberty Inn, Liverpool st. Fitzpatrick, John, Victoria Hotel, Riley st. Clarence st. Courvoiscr, Alphonse, Hotel do France, 41G Fogarty and Carroll, Tho Market Hotel, 175 Georgo st. York st. Cowoll, Frances, Sportsman's Hotel, 481 Fogarty, David, Tradesman's Arms, Bullanaming st., Redfcrn Pitt st. Crane, Win., Bee Hive, Raglan st., Waterloo Forbes, Charles, Bull's Head Hotel, 498 Crawford, R„ Threo Crowns, Cumberland st. Georgo st, Creed, W E , Royal Oak Hotel, 82 Union St., Forrest, John, Whaler's Arms, 10 Argyle st. Fortune, J., Star Hotel, Mort St., Balmain Pyrmont Foster, Richard, Foster's Hotel, Macquario Croft, T„ Star of Peace Hotel, 300 Kent st. Cunningham, James, Now Market Hotel, GG St., South Foy, Robert R., Dublin Tavern, Botany rd., Market st. Cunningham, T., Ovens Hotel, 421 Pitt st. Redfcrn Daley, David, Black Swan Inn, 383 and G85 Frazer, Joseph, Scandinavian Hotel, 168 and George st. 100 George st. Daly, Bernard, Union Inn, Lane Covo rd., French, Robert F., Albert Cricket Ground Hotel, Elizabeth st., Redfcrn North Shoro Friend, Joseph Hunter, Odd Fellows' Arms, Daniel, F. J., Red House Hotel 159 Pitt st. Daniel, W., Blue Boll Hotel, 111 Phillip st. George St., Redfcrn Davis, S., Volunteer Hotol, 154 Bourko st. Fuge, William, White Horso Tavern, 430 Davis, T., Robin Hood Inn,45 South Head rd. George st. Davis, Wm., Tradesman's Hotel, Campbell st. Fyson, Samuel, General Washington Hotel, Davison, George, Governor Bourko Hotel, 288 George st. Parramatta rd., Camperdown Gains, C, Clifton Hotel, Botany rd., Waterloo Davoren, Michael, Plough Inn, 547 Georgo st. Gale, Joseph, Royal Oak, Bay St., Double Bay, Dickens, Eli, Belmoro Hotel, Georgo St., Rodf. Woollahra Dillon, John, Halfway House Hotel, Rand- Gallard, William, Clarence Hotol, Shelley st. wick rd., Randwick Gannon, William, Oxford Hotel, King st. Dind, W. F., Dind's Hotel, Milson's Point rd., Garwell, W., Newtown Inn, Newtown rd. Gaston, John H., Volunteer Hotel, 53 ParraNorth Shore matta st. Dolohenty, M., Friend in Hand, Cowper St., Gee, E., Montpolier Hotel, 175 Castlereaghst. Glebe Gorrard, G. T., Lily of St. Leonard's, Western Donovan, D., Dove Inn, 53 Sussex st. Donovan, J., Steam Engine Inn, G75 Gconre st. Wharf rd., North Shoro Donoughy, Robert, Albion Inn, 400 Bourko st. Gibbons, J. W., Albion Hotel, 139 Elizabeth st. Downey, P., Wheelwright's Arms, 244 Gibson, J. M., Prince Arthur Hotel, 5 Crescentst. Glading, W., Charing Cross Hotel, Cowper St., Sussex st. Doylo, James, Royal Yacht Hotel,62 Forbes st. Waverley Drake, Henry, Terminus Inn, Liverpool rd., Glissan, James, Belmoro Arms, 503 Pitt st. Goodwin, E., Turon Inn, 843 George str Ashficld Drysdole.R., Baltic Wharf Hotel, 37 Wharf st. Gordon, E., Travellers' Rest, 79 Market st, Greenslado, James, Lord High Admiral, 73 Duffy, John, Clarence Hotol, 4 Erskine st. Duncan, John F., Lord Clyde Hotel, Point Botany st. st, Pyrmont Greig, II., Bush Tavern, 203 and 205 ElizaDuxbury, Edmund, Gladstone & Rockhampbeth st. Grice, J„ Coach and Horses Hotel, Randwick ton Hotel, Day's terrace, Sussex st. Earlc, William, Sir William Wallace Inn, 23 rd., Rondwick Griffin, J., Coachmens' Arms, S. H. rd., Old, Bathurst st. Edmonds, Henry, Bayswatcr Hotel, Double Woollahra Bay, Woollahra Griffin, P., Governor Bourko Hotol, Sussex st. Enwright, Honoria, Sailors' Homo Hotel, 81 Halloway, W., Black Dog Inn, Essex lano George st. Hall, J. W„ Strawborry Hill Inn, 662 ElizaEvans, Anne, Picton Arms, Campbell st. beth st. Evoritt, H. J., Crown Inn, 350 Elizabeth st. Hallstcnberg, C, Revolving Battery Hotel, Evesson, F., Napoleon Hotel, 154 Georgo st. 157 Dowling st. Fairs, William, Grinding Young Hotel, Bul- Hamilton, James, Exchange Hotel, 68 Pitt st. lanaming St., Waterloo Hancock, J. M., Hope and Anchor Inn, 211 Faulkenen, Edward, Sportsman's Arms, Sussex st. Botany rd., Waterloo Hanley, E., Golden Anchor Inn, 82 ParraFelton, Edward, Labour in Vain Inn, 189 matta st. Sussex st. nanslow, J., Cottage of Content, Pitt st,, Fenn, William, Hope Tavern, 101 York st,Waterloo Fennelly, J., Sprig of Shillelagh Hotel, 37 Hard, William, Rochester Inn, Missendon rd„ ' " -East st. • Camperdown Hot DIRECTORY. Hot 481 Iseton, W., Durham Hotel, 124 William st., East Hardy, E., Shakespeare Hotel, 231 S. H. rd. Harris, Geolgo, Martin's Family Hotel, 405 Jacobs, John, Post Office Hotel, 111 York st, Jarrett, A., Tynemouth Castle, Glebe rd. Kent st. Harris, Margaret, Clarendon Hotel, Georgo Jarrett, Thomas, Royal Oak Hotel, South Head rd., Old, Paddington and Hunter sts. Jarrett, William,. Tradesman's Arms, Norton Hart, Timothy, Bathurst Hotol, 279 Pitt st. st., Glebe Hay, W., Duke of Wellington Hotol, Georgo Jenkins, John, Forth and Clyde Hotol, 93 st., Waterloo Princes st. Hayes, M., Castlemaino Hotol, 52 Hay st. Jessott, J., Royal Naval Brigade Hotol, Essex Heany, M., Patent Slip Inn, 139 George st. St., George st. Hcarn, Charles, Bald Faced Stag, ParraJohnson, W. T., Scandinavian Hotel, 191 matta rd., Petersham Hcnnessy, James F., New Hamburg Inn, 107 Castlereagh st. Johnston, Mrs. 0., Promenade Hotel, 19 South York st. Head rd. Hcnwood, J., Lord Nelson Hotel, 9 Kent st. Hcuschkcl, L., Queen's Arms, Bay st., Glebe Jones, Mrs. C, Paddington. Inn, South Head Hicking, Henry J., Crooked Billet Inn, 288 rd., Old, Paddington Jones, i\, Ancient Briton Hotel, Glebe rd. George st. Hill, Edward, Old Cheshire Cheese Hotel, 46 Jones, W. D., Crown Inn, 117 & HQBotanyrd. Joseph, Sarah, Joseph's Family Hotel, 277 and Windmill st. 279 Castlereagh st. Hill, J., Red Lion Inn, Parramatta rd., Bur. Hill, Joseph, Petersham Inn, Parramatta rd., Jossolyn, Robert, Captain Cook Inn, 1 Clyde st Kearney, Thomas, Woolloomooloo Inn, 212 Petersham William st, Hill, Mrs., Catherine, Nell Gwynne Inn, 102 Kearney, D., Crown Hotel, 573 Georgo st. York st. Hill, Rowland, Enmoro Hotel, Edgowaro rd. Keeshan, M., Hamburgh Hotel, 114 King st. Kelly, James, Emu Inn, 580 George st. and Camden St., Newtown Hinchy, W. F., Hyde Park Hotel, 820 Castle- Kelly, John, American Hotel, 107 Georgo st. Kelly, Robert, Blue Lion, Clarence st, reagh st. Hogg, James, Boomerang Inn, 217 Palmer st. Kelly, Thomas, Sir Walter Scott Hotel, 256 Hoins, D.,Royal Sovereign Hotel, Liverpool st. Sussex st. Iloins, Mrs. Mary, Dungannon Castlo, 180 Kelly, William, Victoria Inn, 198 South H. rd. Kelly, William, Bazaar Hotel, 298 Pitt St. Crown st, Hoins, William, Cottage of Content Hotol, Kelsey, C, Queensland Hotel, Erskine st. Kennedy, J., Manchester Arms, Campbell st. 160 South Head rd. Holberton, William, Rose of Australia Inn, Kerr, Adam, Kerr's Family Hotel, 106 Sussex st. 172 Georgo st, Holland, J., Cricketer's Arms, 185 Elizabeth st, Kettle, John L., Cricketer's Rest, Pitt St., Holloway,W.,BlackDogInn,l03Gloucestorst. Redfcrn Hoolth am, W., Albert Hotel, Elizabeth st,,Rcdf. Keys, Henry, Glebe Hotel, Glebo rd. Hopgood, Mrs. Anne, Fountain of Friendship, Kilfoyle, Mrs. M., Rainbow Hotol, O. Riverrd. King, Henry, Volunteer Hotel, 200 George st. 302 Kent st. Hopkins, G., Haymarket Hotel, 633 George st. King, J., Australian Inn, 102 Parramatta st. Horner, Tho Misses, Tho Old Town Hall King, Rebecca, Young Australian, 351 Riley st, LahifF, John, Cowper Wharf Hotel, Forbes st. Hotel, 56 Wynyard square Hourigan, John, Sir John Young Hotel, 88 Lambournc, W., Lambourno's Family Hotel, Corso, Manly Beach William st. Hovendon, Mary, Welcome Inn, Susan st., Langley, John, Forth and Clyde Hotel, 148 Cumberland st. Camperdown Howard, C.J.,OddFellows'Arms,362Sussoxst. Larkin, Patrick R,, Prince of Wales Hotel, Howarth, A., The Butchers' Arms, C, River rd, 778 George st. Howarth,Thomas, CaptainCookHotel,Botany, Lawrence, Joseph W., South Head Family St., Itedforn Hotel, South Head, Woollahra Hume, C, Gardeners' Arms, Piper St., Wlhrn. Lea, Margaret, Tradesman's Arms Hotol, 113 Hutchings, John, The Australian Youth Inn, William st. Leo, T., St. John's Tavern, G52 Georgo s t Boy st., Glebo Hutchinson, A., Bakers' Arms, 267 Riley st, Lennartz, John P., Grafton Arms, 488 to 492 Hutchinson, A., Warwick Arms Hotel, CampGeorge st. bell st. Leonard, James, Royal Oak, 91 Abercrombie Hyland, J„ Rob Roy Hotel, Adolphus St., Bal. place Hyland, M., Balmam Hotel, Darling st., Bal. Leoni, Adelaide, Swiss Hotol, 163 George st.Ireland, W., New Inn, Livorpool rd., Enfield Lewis, George, Old Ship Inn, 261 Olarenee st. Irvino, R,, Shakespeare Hotol, Newtown rd. Lewis, L., Kent Hotel, Palmer and Wortley Irwin, Mrs. P., Evosson's Family Hotel, Crown sts., Balmain • and.Oampbell sts. Lewis, W. J., Pacific Hotel, Stephen »t., Bal, AP 482 Hot- TRADES, Ac, Lindsay, J., Three Tuns Tavern, 154 King st. Lloyd, Ellen, Victoria Hotel, 248 Pitt st. Lloyd, Thomas, Koso and Shamrock Hotel, Botany rd., Bcdfern Lock, II., Bucklnnd Hotel, Botany st., Wat. Logue, C, Wavorley Family Hotol, Cowper St., Waverloy Lomax, J., Albion Hotel, Darling st, Balmain Long, Stephen, City Arms Hotel, 135 Crown st. Longford, John, White Hart, 52 King st. Lord, John, Waterman's Arms Hotel, 80 . Harrington st. Loseby, E., Pack-horse Hotel, Campbell st. Luland, J., Moore Park Hotel, 570 Bourke st. Lynch, J., Gardener's Arms, Botany rd., Ecdf. Lynoh, W., Harbour View Hotel, 2 George st. McBride, Maurice, McBride's Hotol, 83 Windmill st. McCabo, John, North Star, 396 Pitt st. McCarthy, Sarah, Richmond Hotel, 181 Eiley st. McOauloy, Oharles, St. Peter's Hotel, Cook's Eiver rd., St. Peter's McDiarmid, Mrs. Martha, Gladstone and Eockharapton Hotel, 20 Sussex st. McDonald, Alexander, Darlington Hotel, Eose st., Darlington McDonald, Edward, Burwood Inn, Neich's rd., Burwood McDonnell, John X, Old Blue Post Hotel, 190 George st. McDonnough, J., Cornstalk Inn, 54 King st. McGlone, D., McGlone's Hotel, Market st. McGrath, Mary, Hand of Friendship Hotel, 16 Waterloo place McGrath, Mrs., City Wine Vaults, Georgo st. Mcllhinnoy, Mrs. J., Waterloo Eetreat, Botany rd., Alexandria Mclnerney, John, Dog and Duck Inn, 705 George st. McKay,D.,Greig'sFamilyHotel,789George8t. McKone, John J., Currier's Arms 818 Castlcrcagh st. MoLaughlin, B., Union Inn, 117 and 119 South Head rd. McMahon, J., Sportsman's Arras, 256 Pitt st. McMaster, John, Swan with Two Necks, 538 George st. McMaster,T.,Burdekin Hotel, 137 William st. McMillan, W., McMillan's Hotel, 14 Sussex st. McNaraara, John, Baker's Arms, 114 Cumberland st. MoNamara, Timothy, Native Boy Hotel, George st., Bedfern Mackell, J., New Market Hotol, Campbell st. Macnamara, M., Farmer's Homo Hotel, 093 George st. Madden, James, Limerick Hotel, 117 York st. Maguire, J.,Shipwright'aArms,lll George st. Malioch, Alexander, Brisbane Inn, 432 Kent st. Moloney, Edward, Plasterer's Arms, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Mann, Mrs. Eliza, Mann's Hotel, 128 Kent st. Manning, Joseph, Swan of Erin Hotel, 181 . Wp.olloomoojoo st, Hot Marland, James, Bugle Horn Hotel, Eedforn st., Alexandria Marriott, William, Fostorvillo Hotel, 421' Mncquario st. Martin, Edward, Cheshiro Choeso Hotel, 804 # Elizabeth si. Martin, Thomas, jun., Stirling Castle Hotel/ . 147 Botany rd. Matterson, Thomas N., Clevoland Inn, Bourko st., Eodfern May, William, Beehive Hotel, 88 Princes st. Meacher, C, Dowling Street Wharf Hotel, Dowling st. Mcdus, James, Ico Hotel, 258 South Head rd. Merchant, W., Wholor's Arms, Ciibb's lano Merriman.W. J,, Gladstone Hotel, 8 Argylo St. Mitchell, J. W., Bengal Arms, 18 Bridge st. Miller, Thomas, Britannia Hotel, 142 Woolloomooloo st Milson, Eichard, Oriental Hotel, 1 Pitt st. Malony, John F., Cafe Francais, 283 and 285. Georgo st. Monk, W. H., Albert Inn, 70 Devonshire st. Moon, D.,Madcria Inn, 122 Devonshire st. Mooney, F., King's Head Hotel, 77 Georgo st. Moore, B. E., Observer Tavern, 73 Georgo st. Moore. John B., Liverpool Arms, 225 Pitt st. Moore, Mrs., Custom House Hotel, 51 Argylo st. Moore, E. W., Fortune of War Hotel, 135 Georgo st. Morgan, F., Wheatshcaf Inn, 763 Georgo s t Morrau, Mrs. E., Shipwright's Arms, Darling st, Balmain Morrow, Maria, Honest Irishman, Parramatta st, Camperdown Moyso.W. H., Woollongong Hotel, 470 Kentst. Mullany, James J,, Waterloo Hotel, 184 South Head rd. Mullavey, John, University Hotel, Parramatta rd., Glebe Mulry, Michael, Pine Apple Inn, Fitzroy st., Surry Hills Munro, R., Pembroke Castle, 18 Arthur st. Murio, James, Eoso and Crown Hotel, Gipps st, Paddington Murphy, John, Erin go Bragh Hotel, 150 Cumberland st. Muscutt, E., Norfolk Hotel, 385 George st. Neich, Emanuel, Bath Arms Hotel,Parramatta rd., Burwood. Neilly, Sarah, Hotel Royal, 140 King st. Newling, Peter, Polico Office Hotel, York st. Nichols, Georgo, New Dovo Inn, Liverpool rd., Ashfiold Nicholson, II., Eushcuttor's Bay Hotel, Pad. Noblo, J., Golden Gate Hotel, 515 George st. Norris, William, Eoyal Oak, 1 Miller's rd. Norton, John, Belmoro Hotel, 05 William St., Upper, South O'Brien, Patrick, Eoyal Standard Hotel, Millor st, North Shore O'Brien, Thomas, Native Youth Hotel, Union St., Pyrmont O'Brien, W. J., Tattersoll's Hotel, 808'Pitt st. O'Oonnoll, M., Honest Lawyer, 068 George st, Hot DIRECTORY. O'Keefe, Michael, Emu Inn, 01 Botany rd. O'Leary, John, Eagle Tavern, 77 S. H. rd. Oliver, Francis L., Bondi Hotel, Waverloy st., Waverloy O'Neil, Michael, White Swan Inn, Dowling st. Orr, Adam, European Hotel, 182 Castlereagh st. Orth, J., Trafalgar Hotol, 170 Castlereagh st. Packer, Georgo, Willow Treo Inn, 380 Castlereagh st. Paddon, James, Burwood Hotel, 27 Margaret placo Pages, L., Old Australian Inn, 224 Crown st. Palmer, Joseph, Eoyal Forester Hotel, 820 Sussex st. Parker, Jane, Wheelwright Hotel, 19 Banks st. Paton, Jamos, Coach and Horses Hotol, 179 Cumberland st. Pearce, E., Victoria Inn, 121 Parramatta st Penmon, William, Golden Fleece, 81 King st. Perry, John, Craven Hotol, 801 Pitt st, Phelan, Mary, Duke of Edinburgh Hotel, 180 King st. Phillips, Francis.^ Sportman's Arms, 510 Bourke st, Pilley, Honry Miles, Forester's Hall, Turner St., Eodfern Pinson, Honry, Viotoria Inn, 222 Palmor st. Poole, James, Builders' Arms, 307 Sussex st. Poppenhagen, Fred., Popponhagon's Hotel, 100 Clarcnco st. Potter, William, Great Britain Hotol, 867 Georgo st. Power, Edward, Robin Hood Inn, Vickery st, Waverley Precious, E., Blue Bell Hotel, 52 Sussex st. Prendergast, T., Hibernian Hotel, Glebe st., Glebe Proscott, J., Hunter Eivor Inn, 2 Sussex st. Primrose, G. H , Terminus Hotel, 89 and 41 Botany rd. Proberts, Chas., Printers Arms, Liverpool st. Punoh, James, Punch's Hotel, 223 Pitt st. Purcoll, Philip, Custom House Hotol, 17 Macquario placo Quiney, C, California Inn, 18 Parramatta Bt. Eahal, Poter, California Inn, 11 Ultimo St., Bay st. Ecch, Jacob, Gas Hotel, 159 Kent st. Eeid, Georgo P., Wolloomooloo Royal Hotel, 98 William st. ' Eeidy, Martin, Newcastle Hotol, 152 Woolloomooloo st. Eonno, John, Wheatsheof Inn, 143 Castlereagh st. Roynolds, Charles, Tower Inn, 785 Goorge st. Rhodes, Mrs. Mary, Daniol Lambert Inn, Nowtown rd. Rico, T., Ship Inn, Albert st, Oircular Quay Richards, E. T., Groso Farm Inn, Grose St., Camperdown Richardson, 0., White Horso Hotel," New. town rd. • Riddett, J. G, Imperial Hotol, 161 William st, Riedy, Michael, Star Hotel, Bay st., Glebe Hot 483 Eiedy, P. F., Shannon Hotel, Eiley st. Riley, F., Supremo Court Hotol, 166 King st' Eitchie, John, Sir William Wallace Hotel, 281 Sussex st. Eoach, John Wm., Petty's Hotel, 87 York st. Eobarts, William, Prinoe of Wales Shades, 184 and 186 King st. Koberts, Charles J., Crown and Anchor Hotel, 462 George st. Eobertson, John, Dundeo Arms Hotel, 159 Sussex st. Robertson, Mrs., Land's End Hotel, Harris's!., Pyrmont Robinson, Anne, Boundary Stone Inn, Bourko st, Eodfern Eobiuson.D., Fitzroy Hotel, 108 Williara st. Robinson, J. A., Forbes Hotel, 46 York s t Robinson, Luke, Hand and Heart Inn, 23 Athlone place Eogers, W., Garriok's Hotel, 119 York s t Eolfo, G., Cauliflower Hotel, Botany rd., Wat. Eoss, G., Belmore Family Hotol, 2 Phillip st. Rudd, J., Cottage of Content, Liverpool st Ryan, H., Wellington Inn, 60 Parramatta st. St. George, Mrs., Golden Fleeoe, 451 Castlereagh s t Salmon. T., Chippendale Hotel, 48 Banks at Samuell, E., Park Lodge Hotol, Cowper wharf Woolloomooloo Bay Samuells, Jamos, Caxton Hotol, Palmer st. Saunders, C, Quarryman'a Arms, 3 Mount St., Pyrmont Saunders, D., Exchange Hotol, 25 Bridge st Saylo, John, Liverpool Arms, 95 George st. Seale, Joseph, Square and Compass Inn, 702 Georgo st. Seale, Miohael, Scale's Hotel, Parramatta rd., Camperdown Seldon, Thos., Half-Way House, Abattoir rd., Pyrmont Sowoll, G., Lord Eodnoy Hotol, 112 Kent st. Shalvoy, M., Eoyal Hyde Park Hotel, 249 Elizabeth st, Sharpe, J. C, Pier Hotel, Esplanade, Manly Beach Shaw, C, Wheelwright's Arms, Parramatta rd., Petersham Shelley, Mrs. Anne, Robert Burns Hotel, 247 Sussex st. Shoppord, J., Five Roads Hotel, 228 William st Sheridan, John, Ship and Mermaid Hotol, 82 Gloucester st. Sherlock, A., Governor Denison Hotel, 232 Kent st. Shino, W., Rising Sun Hotel, 566 Elizabeth st. Simpson, J., Lady of tho Lako,;Bay'st., Glebe Sinolair, D., Cosmopolitan Hotel, 76 Olarencost Sinclair, P., Lambing Flat Hotel, Markotjlane Skarratt, G G, Eoyal Hotel, 438 Georgo s t Smart, H. E., Smart's Family Hotel, 281 Pitt st. Smith, E., Darling Harbour Inn, 48 Wharf st. Smith, F., Burrangong Hotel, 655 Georgo st. Smith, J., Greenwood Tree Hotel, South Head rd., Old, Paddington 484 Hot TRADES, &a, Hot Smith, Mary T., Prince Imperial Hotel, 173 Vale, F., Australian Hotel, 404'Georgo st. Castlerengh st. Vaughan, W., Colonnado Hotel, King st. Smith, R,. Greenwich Pier Hotel, Watson's Verdau, John B., jun., College Hotel, 19 Bay, Woollahra Francis st. Smith, William, Glasgow Arms Hotel, 858 Vidler, Georgo, Five Dock Inn, Northern rd., George st. Five Dock Solomons, Henry, Sydney Volunteer Hotel, Viney, Angolo G., Hotel do Nice, 273 Kent st. Wakefield, Georgo, Hand and Heart Inn, Cmvpcr st. Solomon, J., Commercial Hotel, 217 George st. Liverpool st. Solomon, J. T., Sir Maurice O'Connell Hotel, Wakeham, H., Bricklayer's Arms, Ntown. rd. Wakoly, J., Terminiislnn,Enmoro rd., Ntown. Elizabeth st Sothern, W. S., Freemasons' Retreat, 163 Wakfer, T., Dock Inn, College St., Balmain Walker, William, Union Inn, Newtown rd. Woolloomooloo st, Spencer, T., Shakespeare Tavorn, 200 Pitt st. Walton, Robert, Huntsman's Inn, 215 Parramatta st. Steel, A., Royal Arms, Devonshire st. Steel, Alfred, Museum Hotel, 52 William st. Wangenheim, G., Cafu do Paris, 123 and 125 King st. Stephens, A. P., Fig Tree Cottago Inn, Blue's ; Warrior, W„ Fosterville Hotel, Campbell st. Point rd., North Shore Watkins, George, New Steyno Hotel, Corso, Stevens, J., Hit or Miss Inn, 6 Windmill st. Manly Beach Steward, T., Charlton's Hotel, 14 Wharf st. Watkins, Mrs., Evening Star Hotel, 580 Stewart, P., Roso Hotel, 200 William st. Elizabeth st. Sullivan, John, Prince of Wales Hotel, 171 Watson, Richard Albert, Paragon Hotel, • Castlereagli st. Albert st., Circular Quay Sweeney, E., Hero of Waterloo, Botany St., Watson, William K., Exchange Hotel, 476 Waterloo Crown st. Swift, W., The Star Inn, Newtown rd. Francis J., Ship Hotel, 86 Sussex st, Symonds, R., White Bay Hotel, Burt St., Bal. Webster, Webster, J., Daniel Webster Hotel, Ntown. rd. Talty, 0. J., Criterion Hotel, Foveaux st. Weeks, A..Kingston Hotel,Regent st.,Ntown. Taylor, Thomas, Unity Hall Hotel, Nicholson Wells, Mrs., Well's Family Hotel, Miller st., and Darling sts., Balmain North Shoro Taylor, W.,BritanniaHotel,S.H. rd., Old,Pad. Wells, Mrs. Ann, Wynyard Hotel, 121 Teirney, T., West End Hotel, Mullens st., Bal. Clarence Terhen, Mrs. L.,Burnbank Hotel, Darling st., Worry, J. W., st. Victoria Inn, Bay St., Glebe Balmain West, S., Pompey's Pillar, 413 Castlereagli St. Thomas, H., Volunteer Hotel, Darling st., Bal, Wheeler, Emily, Oxford Family Hotel, WatThomas, R., Queen's Hotel, 163 Castlercaghst son's Bay, Woollnhra Thompson, Eliza, Sydney Arms Hotel, 250 Whelan, J., Dew (do) Drop Inn, 154 WoollooCastlereagli st. mooloo st. Thompson, Mrs. Clara, Royal Albert Inn, Wholow, E., Dumbarton Castle, 145 Kent st. 220 Georgo st. White, Johanna, White Conduit House, South Tidswell, F., Albion Hotel, 389 Elizabeth st, Head rd., Paddington' Tierney, D., Currency Lass Hotel, 135 Pitt st. Whitehead, David, Yorkshireman's Retreat, Tighe, J., Queen's Arms Hotel, 191 S. H. rd. 207 Fitzroy St., Surry Hills Tighe, P., Rising Sun, 75 South Head rd. Whitehead, Mrs., Lord Nelson Hotel,337 and Timmins, Thomas, sen., Welcome Homo Inn, and 339 Kent st, 209 Clarence st. Wilkinson, Mrs. Sarah, Criterion Hotel, 44 Tobin, Nicholas, British Seaman's Hotel, 2 York st. Harrington st. Wilks, Anno, Cricketers'Arms, Castlercaghst. Tobin, Matilda, Domain Hotel, Bay st., Wool. South Tollis, William, Sir John Franklin Hotel, 70 Williams, Jane, Star and Garter Hotel, 814 William st. • Riley st. Toohey,J., Orphan Boy Inn,107 Parramattast. Williams, J., Metropolitan Hotel, 186 CastleTreacy, D., White Swan Inn, 20 Rose st, reagli st. Tucker, John G., Old Forest Lodgo Hotel, Williams, 0., Friendship Hotel, 21 Bathurstst. Lodge st,, Glebe • Williams, Philip, Australian Inn, 370 Kent st. Williamson, William, Bolfast .Wine Vaults, Turnbull, A , Woolpack Inn, 124 Sussex st. Turner, John, Railway Family Hotel, 2 Botany rd., Redfern Parramatta st. Wilson, Henry, Flower Pot Inn; 181 York st. Twight, H., Welcome Inn, 29 Parramatta st. Winton, W. W., Forth and Clydo Hotel, Mort Twohy, W., Prince AlbertHotel, 71Williamst. St., Balmain Tye, A., Kentish Hotel, Parramatta rd., Glebe Wood, J., Square & Compas'glnn, 718 Georgest. Underwood, F., Globe Tavern, Market st, Yeend, A., Kangaroo Hotel, 471 George st. Upton, George, Native Home Hotel, Brisbane Yeend, Charles, Burwood Hotel, 598 Georgest. Young, Robert, Caledonian Hotel, 9 King st. «t., South Head rd. ; Iro DIRECTORY. Jew- ess Reilly, Richard, 424 Georgo st Robinson, Frederick R., 486 George st. Shaw, Alexander, Ocean st, Woollahra . Importers (Building Materials)Shilling, James, 59 Parramatta st. Cary, William, 820 George st. Smith, Frederick S., 36 Park st. Crane, G. E., Pitt st., North and 147 Parra- Smith, Thomas, 821 George st. matta st. Snelson, John, 616 Georgo st. Mcllwraith, J. and Co., 27 and 29 Pittst. Sweet, C. and W., 579 George st. Patten, William, Pitt st., South Wcarne, Thomas, 609 George st Whitbread, H., 143 and 145 Parramattast. Indian Condiment Manufacturers- Williams, Georgo, 89 South Head rd. Williams, Richard, 161 South Head rd. Haomot, J. M., 153 Pitt st. Lackorsteen, A. A., 48 Pitt st. Importers—Seo Merchants. Iron Bedstead Makers- Jewellers, Watch and Clockmakers- Allerdihg, F., 25 Huntor st. Dfinkwator, Thcophilus, 218 Gastlereagh st. Beckmann, Edwin, 814 Georgo it. Foster, Stephen, 81 Harrington st." Berins, Levi and Soligman, 95 York ft-. Blau, Adolph, 9 Hunter st. Iron Founders—See Engineers. Blomgren; Jons, 505 George st. Brockstayne, George, 87 King st. IronmongersBrown, William, 629 George st. Adnum,Mrs.,266 Georgo st. • Cohen, Victor, 811 Georgo st. Ainsworth, W. G., 187 and 189 York st. Conder, John, 19 Hunter st. Aitkon, Thomas, 345 Pittst. Conway, A., 400 Georgo st. Allen, E.j Darling st,, Balmain Cooke and Robins, 236 Pitt st. Allerton, Joseph, 650 George st. Dawson, Matthew, 15 Barrack st. Allerton, William, 671 George st. Delaruo, H. F., 896 George st. Armstrong,John, 27 and 29 Market st. Dixon, William, 55 Market st. Bain, John C, 172 Pitt st. Dwyer, James, 839 George st. Baird, Alexander, 408 Crown st. Evans, Charles, 218£ George st. Burney and Evans, 81 South Headrd. Finckh and Bokemann, 6 Hunter st Cole, Charles, 152 William st. Flavello Brothers, & Roberts, 354 GeMgajrt. Coleman, James, 190 Princes st. Forrester and Co., 574 George st.—See-Atifrt.. Collins, Thomas, 83 Parramatta St. Friend, Walter R., 148 Castlereagli st. Crawford, William, 682 George st. Furner, Francis, 59 King st. Davies, John, 90 York st. Hafer, Christian, 828 Georgo st. Dole, Joseph, 389 George st. Hall, J. W., 299 Georgo st. Dyason and Son, South Head rd., Paddington Hammon, Frederick, 138 King st. Edwards, Anthony, 87 & 89 William St. . Hammon, F.', 46 South Head rd. Fallick, William, Newtown rd. Hardy Brothers, 5 Hunter st. Farroll, James, 188 and 185 Clarence St. Hock, Aloes, 22 Market st. Folton, Frederick, -206 Georgo st. Hollingdale, Edward, 104 King St.—Sit Advt. Fletcher, A., 67 Parramatta st. Hunt, R., Darling st., Balmain Foy, William, 16 and 18 Hunter st. Jacobs, Isaacs and Co., 5 Barrack st Friend, "W. S. and Co., 183 and 185 York st. Jennings, T., Botany rd., Redfern Harrison, M., Newtown rd. Jones, T. T., 330 George st Holdsworth, J. B., 458 George st. & Waterloo Kitler, Julius, 828 George st stores, Market st. Klein, John, 14 Hunter st. Horn, John, Botany rd., Redforn Knight, W. J., Darling st, Balmain • Johnson, George, 31 South Head rd. Lamb, Richard, 324 George st. Keep, J., 16,18 & 20 Barrack st. Lamy, Charles, 177 George st. Lasseter, F. and Co., 419 to 428 Georgo st. McCall, John, Botany rd., Redfern Levicks,-James and Co., 264 George st. McDonnel, W., 826 Georgo st. M'Intosh, John, 62 Clarence St. McMinn, Arthur B., 668 George st. M'Kay,George, 145 Georgest McMinn, Brothers, 558 George st. M'Nab, James, 602 Georgo st. McMinn, John, 111 South Head rd. Macintosh, John, 875 Pitt st. Mason and Carloss, 580 George st. May, Thomas, 771 Georgo st. Milligan, J., South Head rd., Old, Paddington Milham, Richard, 711 George st. Morris, F. F., 200 Palmer st. Miller, J., Newtown rd. Moss and Co., 637 George st. Partridge, James, 582 George st. Newman, J. T., Newtown rd. Plummer, James, 438 George st. Pitt, Chnrlei, 496 Georgo st. Rabonc, Stephen, 8 Parramatta st. Qwist, C. L., 11 Hunter st. Reeve, Thomas P., 659 Georgo st. Randall, Alfred, 107 South Head rd, 486 Lim TRADES, Ac, Robins, G. B., 230 Pitt st. Rossiter, Edwin, 97 King st. Snber, Wolf, 502 Georgo st. Sharp, Henry, 108 Market st. Simcoo, Henry, 80 Market st. Smailes, Richard, 94 Market st. Smith, J. M., 402 Georgo st. Solomon, S., 83 Park st. Stephenson, John, 266 George st. Street, T. 0., 4 Bridge st. Terrill, Samuel H., 197 Pitt st. Trick, William, 34 Erskino st. Twemlow, William, 295 George St. Waddell Brothors, 757 Georgo st. Webster, Thomas, 140 South Head rd. Wilson, Edwin S., 888 Pitt st Woolf, Maurice, 139J William st. Mas Cnry, W., Railway bridge, George s t Crane, G. E„ 30 Pitt st., and Parramatta st. Gardener, J. and Co., Pacific wharf, Druitt st. Hogg, James, Wentworth wharf, Druitt st. Kennedy, AVilliam, Moore's rd. Murphy, James, Murphy's wharf, Liverpool st. Patten, William, 844 Pitt st. Venters and Frost, Lime st. wharf, Limo st." Lithographers—See Frinters. Livery Stables—Seo Ilorso Dealers. Locksmiths—Sco Bollhangers. Lodging Houses—See Boarding Houses. Joiners—See Carpenters. Machinists and Agricultural Implement Makers—See Engineers. Kerosene Oil Manufacturers and Sellers Machine Rulers- Fels, Ernest T., 456 Georgo st. Graham, John, 7 King st. Cross, S., Mort's passage, 370 George st. Cunninghame, F. and Co., 186 Pitt st. Dennis, Robert, 26 Bridge st. HAMLET KEROSENE Ooarr-ANr, Spring st. Gibbs, Shallard and Co., 108 Pitt st. Stanford and Co., 807 George st. WESTERN KEROSENE COMPANY, 251 George st. Kerrigan, Daniel, 56 York st. Sands, John, 392 George st. Wooster, Jonathan F., 485 Georgo st. Labour and Registry Offices—See Agents. Ladder MakersCardell, B., 275 Brougham st. Parker, William, 211 Elizabeth st. Law Stationers. Banbury, Mrs., 63 Elizabeth st. Edwards, F. L., 189 Pitt st. Kenyon, George, 95 Elizabeth st. Lamont, W., Elizabeth st. Smith, Stephen, 126 Elizabeth st. Warrington and Hooper, 93 Elizabeth st. Leather Cutters and Sellers' Alderson and Sons, 218 to 231 Elizabeth st. Bell, Henry, Kersey lane Eady, Thomas W., 54 York st. Forsyth, J. and Sons, 92 Parramatta st. Hall, T. W., 333 Pitt st. Hibbertand Wright, 827 Georgo st. Richardson, Georgo, 167 York st. Rofe, A., 527 George st. Saddington and Sons, 152 Pitt st. Stephens, Henry, 19 Park st. Wyatt Brothers, 819 Pitt st. Lightermen, &cAraess, John, Albert St., Circular Quay Bayliss, William, Hamilton s t Blue, John, Albert st, Circular Quay Chester, Thomas, 5 Princes s t Lime and Cement Merchants- Mangle MakerSims, Samuel,'199 South Head rd. Marine Surveyors- Banks, J. M., Exchange, Bridge st. Beal, T. &, 4 Bridgo st. Dolgleish, Daniel 0., 329 Sussex st. Donald, James, 275 Georgo s t Keys, Laurence R., Exchange, Bridge st. Malcolm, J., 227 George st. Norie, William F., 91 Pitt st. Pockley, R. F., 22. Bridgo at. Woods, William, Bridge st, Masons (Monumental)Andrews and Son, Camperdown rd., Newtown Ball, John, Botany rd., Redforn Ohcster, Joseph, 11 O'Connell st. Cunningham, James, 81 Clarence st. Dovlin, John, 175 Dowling st. Davies and Ross, William st. Hooworth, Georgo, 805 George st. Layt, J., 489 Riley st. Maytum, William, 268 Castlereagh st. Murphy, Francis, 104 Liverpool s t Patton, William, 342 and 844 Pitt st. Roseby, J., 805 Georgo st. Talbot and Son, Camperdown rd., Newtown Taylor, Henry, Petersham Tumor, Henry J., Denison St., Woollahra Woolford, Mrs., 81 Clarenco s t Mast and Pump Makers- Cullen, Dale and Co. ' Brcnnan, Thomas, Wentworth wharf, Drui tt s t, Glover, T., Charlton's Wharf, Windmill st. Mer DIRECTORY. Mer 487 Hoffnung, S. and Co., 11 Wynyard st. Stephenson, M., 18 Princes st. Woodley, F., Pile's Wharf, Georgo st., North Holdsworth, J. B., 458 George st. and Waterloo stores, Market st. Mathematical and Nautical Instrument Hughes, John, 93 York st. Isaacs, John, 420 and 605 Georgo st. Makers. Jacobs, Isaac & Co., 5 Barrack st.—See Advi. Flavelle Brothers and Roberts, 354 George st. Jacobs, John and Sons, 141 Pitt st. Matthews, T. T., 250 George s t Jacobs, Lewis, Mort's passage, 370 George s t Tornaghi, A., 812 Georgo st. Jones and Co., 163 Pitt st. Keelo and Co., Spring st. Merchants and importersKeep, John, Barrack st. Keep and Parsons, 893 and 895 George st. Alderson and Sons, 213 to 281 Elizabeth St. Knibbs, John Handloy, 768 Georgo st. Alexander, Maurice, 64 Margaret st. Kohn, Joseph and Co., Hunter st. Algor, John, Alger's wharf, Fort st., Lower Laidley, Ireland and Co., 864 Georgo st. Allen, Street and Norton, Wynyard s t Lamy, L., Mort's passage, 870 George s t Anderson, Charles and Co., 52 Pitt st. Loarmonth, Dickenson and Co., 18 Charlotte Beilby and Scott, 123 Pitt s t placo Beit, H., 5 Wynyard s t Lender, F. G. and Co., 15 Pitt st. Bercns, Levi and Seligman, 95 York st. Levy, Montague, 54 Margaret st. Binnie, Richard, 292 George st. Levick, James and Co., 264 Georgo sti Bostock and Co., Wynyard s t Lloyd, G. A. and Co., 864 Georgo st. Brodziak, Meyer, Wynyard lano Broomfield and Whittaker, Albion wharf, Lorimcr, Marwood and Rome, 80 Hunter st. McArthur, A. and Co., 127 and 129 York st. Sussex st. McDonald, Smith and Co., 81 Hunter s t Brown and Co., Spring st. Mcllwrnith, John and Co., 27 Pitt st. Burrows and Barnard, 422 George st. Caird, Paterson and Co., 14 Wynyard square Macnamara, John, Macnamara's wharf Macnab, Francis and Co., 9 Wynyard st, Callaghan, and Son, 397 Georgo st. Campbell, Hon. John and Co., Campbell's Manning, John E., 9 Castlereagh s t , North.. Martyn, W. M., 55 George st. wharf, George st. Mason Brothers, Mort's buildings, 188 Pitt st. Cattell, J. R. and Co., Georgo St., Little Mathews, John A., 41 Pitt st. Chapman, Edward and Co,, 137 Pitt st. Miller, John R., Hamilton st. Chen Ateak, 159 and 161 George st. Metcalfe, Michael and Co., 9 Bridgo s t Church, Walter, 27 Macquario place Meyerfold and Co, 12 Castlereagh s t , North Clarke, Henry, Viotoria wharf, Shelly st. Montefioro and Montefioro, Gresham st. Coates, T. R., 411 George st. Cocks, Benjamin, 869, 371 and 689 George st. Montefiore, Joseph and Co., 4 O'Connell st. Moore, Hon. H., Moore's wharf, Moore's rd. Cohen, D. and Co., Spring st. Morehcad and Young, 1 O'Connell st. •Cooper, D. and Co., 464 George st. Moss, Moses and Co., 11 Wynyard lane Cowan and Co., Barrack st. Myers and Solomon, 542 George st. Cowlishaw Brothors, 50 Pitt st. Curcier, Hawke and Co., 23 Macquario placo Nowton, Christopher, Brother and Co., 440 George st. Curran, John Joseph, 600 Georgo st. Nichols Brothors, 42£ Pitt s t Dangar, Dangar and Co., Clarence st. Nossiter, Thomas and Co., 60 Pitt st. Daniell, King and Co., 10 O'Connell st. On Chong and Co., 205 Georgo s t Dibbs, G. R., 57 Georgo st. Owen, Samuel and Co., 544 Georgo st. Eldred and Sperice, 60 Margaret st. Palmer, F. B. and Co., Wynyard lane Fanning, Griffiths and Co., 4 Spring st. Parbury Brothers, 5 Spring st. Ferguson, Georgo, 48 Hamilton st. Fisher, H, and Son, 8 Castlereagh s t , North Parkcs and Co., 418 Georgo st. Paul, E. and W., 62 Margaret st. Fourcade, A., Bell's chambers, 175 Pitt st. Poden, Magnus J., 127 Pitt st, Fourcado, H., Bell's chambors, 175 Pitt St. Petersen, Boesen and Co., 14 York s t Frazer, John and Co., 97 and 99 York st. Pollard, Edward H., Exchange, Bridge st. Franck, Brothers and Co., 121 Pitt st. Gardiner, W. and S., 825 and 327 George s t Prince, Ogg and Co., 872 and 374 George et Rabono, Fcez and Co., 8 Wynyard st. . Gee Iok, Ohinese, 26 Harrington st. Ricdy, William, 10 Castlereagh s t , North Gilchrist, Watt and Co., 64 Margaret st. Saber, Wolf, 502 Georgo st. . Gilfillan and Co., Macquario placo Saddington and Sons, 152 Pitt st. Gray, Robert, 13 and 15 Wynyard Bt. Samuel, Hon. Saul, M.L.A., Spring st. Griffiths, Georgo, 15 Bridge st. Sands, John, 892 George st—See Advt. Guild, Chapman and Co., 8 Barrack st Schweig, Charles and Oo., 87 York st.. Harman and Oliffe, 143 George st. Scott, Henderson and Co., 322 George s t Hebblewhite, Benjamin, 432 George st Sonauer, C. H. nnd Co., 9 Vickery's chambers, Hir Yeak, 119 Georgo s t Pitt st. Hinsch, J. 0. W., 147 Pitt st. 488 Mil TRADES Ac, Simmons, Isaac, 44 and 4b* Pitt St. Skinner, T. and J., Macquarie place Smith, Brothers and Co., 14. Castlereagh st. Stabler, George, 105 Kent st. Stanford and Co,, 807 George st. Stewart, Garrick and Co., 25 Macquarie place Stutchbury, T. J., 9-1 Clarence St.—Sec Advt. Sum Kum Tiy, 207 George st. Sun Kum On and Keo Kiy, 0 Pitt st. Sun Kum On, 100 George st, Thome, George, Exchange, Bridge st. Thornton, George, 872 George st. Tidswcll, Wilson and Co., 80 Clarence st. Tin War and Co., 193 and 195 Georgo st. Towns, R. and Co., Towns* Wharf, Mooro' rd Tucker and Co., 379 George st. .Tucker, William, 879 George st. Vorinard and Stevens, 220 Pitt st. Vickery, Ebenezcr, 110 Pitt st. Walford and Sparko, 478J George st, Walker, John, Shelley st. Way Key and Co., 190 George st, Webster, A. S., Gresham st. Williams and Co., Gresham st Willis, Merry and Lloyd, 100 Pitt st. Wilshire, Austin Forrest, 634 Georgo st. Wolfen.'W. and Co., 23 Bridgo st. Wooluough, Horace and Co., 2 Wynyard st. Worms, M. A. and Co., 21 Wynyard lano Wright, J. J. and Co., 09 Pitt st. Wright, William, Wright's Wharf, Sussex st . Yee Chong and Co., 204 Georgo st. Young and Lark, Margnret st. Nur Kendall, Laurence, 69 George st. Kidd and Kolly, Albion st, Littlo King and Co., 375 Sussex st Luker, George, 381 Bourke st. Pemell, J., 795 to 801 Georgo st. Pritchard, 21 King St. Sim, Richard, Dixon St., East Wearne, J., Anchor Flour Mills, 1 Barker st. Milliners—See Dressmakers. Modellers and SculptorsApperly, John, Cleveland s t Caproni, Antonio, 233 Castleroagh st. McGill, Walter, 894 Riley st. Roseby, John, 805 George st. Wacey, G., 160 Castlereagh s t Music and Musical Instrument SellersBuist, David and Son, 235 Georgo st Elvy and Co., 821 Georgo st. Frith and Co., 247 Castlereagh st. Goldring, E., 541 George st. Goldring, L., 291 George st. King, William, 70 Hunter s t Marshall, William, 129 George st Moss, Lewis, 5 Hunter st. Paling, William H., 83 Wynyard square, West Wainwright, J., 721 Georgo st Walker, John, 20 Park st MillwrightsMidwives. Belford, Mrs., 93 Goulburn st. Bethel, Mrs., 423 and 425 Castlereagh st, Card, Mrs., Silver st., Cook's River Chamberlain, Mrs., 100 Riley st. Chambers, Mrs. Elizabeth, 160 Brougham st. Crowley, Mrs. H., 19 Carlton st. 'Day, Mrs., Botany rd., Waterloo Frost, Mrs., Bullanamingst, Redfern Garton, Mrs., James st., Redfern Grandon, Mrs., 291 Liverpool st. Hill, Sarah, 25 Fitzroy st., Botany rd. Harrison, Mrs., 888 Elizabeth st. Kennedy, Mrs., Parramatta rd., Burwood Kent, Mrs. W. E., Vine st,, Darlington McAllister, Mrs., 00 Union st., Pyrmont McCarty, Mary, Spence lane Morris, Mrs., Enmoro rd., Newtown Nettleship, Mrs., Raglan st., Waterloo O'Brien, Mrs., 587 Bourko s t Plekard, Mrs., 154 Riley s t Pike, Mrs., 12 Palmer st. Rollings, Mrs., 250 Liverpool st. Scolstock, Mrs. Elizabeth, 847 Elizabeth st. Watson, Mrs., 2 Foster st. Millers- Chapman and Co., 782 and 784 George st. Ellis, James, 328 Elizabeth st Newspaper ProprietorsBennett, Samuel, Empire, Evening News, and Town and Country Journal, 190 Pitt s t ' Cook, J. & Co., Church of England Chronicle, Mort's passage Dolman, and Blundell, Freeman's Journal, 2 Park st. Fairfax, John and Sons, Sydney Morning Jlerald and Sydney Mail, Hunter st Gibbs, Shallard and Co.. Illustrated Sydney News and Punch, Pitt st. Moore, J. R., Afternoon Telegram, Hunter st. Piokering, G. F., Bell's Life, 297 Pitt st. Sherriff, J. L., Christian Herald, Wynyard sq. Nightmen. Coleman, Henry, 90, 92 and 94 Liverpool s t Miley, William, 4 Wellington st Tester, James, 531J George st. Notaries—See Legal Directory. Nurserymen (Seedsmen and Florists). Browne, Hilton and Co., 237£ Pitt s t Barker and Co., Sussex s t Baptist, John and Son, The Gardens, Bourke .Bpylson and Sons, Parramatta rd., Petersha i st, Redfern, and 15 and 17 Market, Now, Breillat and Co., Sussex s t George st Pai DIRECTORY. Gelding, J. and W., 8 Market, Now, Georgo st. Graham, J., 9 and 11 Market, New, Georgo st. Guilfoylo and Son, Double Bay Harris, John, James st, Newtown Henderson, R. and O., Alexandria Law, Somner and Co., 258 and 200 Pitt st. Magill, Michael, Bourko st., Redfern Paradice, William, 7 Buckingham st, Littlo Searle, Frederick, 8 Market, New, George st. Shepherd and Co., Newtown rd. Warren, Mrs. R., 10 Markot, Old, Shed D Warren, T., Newtown rd., Old, Darlington Pai 489 Brown, Patrick, 70 King st. Brown, Robert, Sarah st, Burwood Bryant, John, 391 Pitt st. Bushcll and Son, 110 Elizabeth st. Doyle, P., 124 Cumberland st. Chapman, M. and Co., 470 Georgo st. Coleman, Robert T., 187 South Head rd. Creighton, Charles, 145.V George st. Croft, Joseph J., 117 William st,East Curtiss, Edward, 844 Georgo st. Edwards, Anthony, 87 and 89 William s t Evans, II., Vickery st, Waveriey Frasor, Alexander, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Galbraith, John, Cowper St., Glebo Oil and Color men. Gayliard, Elias, 18 Albert place, Crown st. Ayton, W. and W., 373 Pitt st. Gent, Charles B., 02 Albion st. Beaumont and Sons, 417 Georgo st. Gibbons, Charles, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Brown, P., 70 King st Gibson, James (heraldic), 118} Bathurst st. Chapman, M. and Co., 470 Georgo st, Gostelow, T., 558 Georgo st. Curtiss, E., 344 Georgo st. Groth, Herman, 2 Bridge st. Forstcr, Brothers, 103 Parramatta st. Haffield, Henry E., 48 Goulburn st Fels, F. T. t 450 George st. Hall, John, 114 Stanley st Green, James, 57 South Head rd. Hollinshed, John, 803 Castlereagh st. Grube, John, 05 Market st Hill, Charles, Liverpool rd., Asnfield Hawkins, Thomas, Newtown rd. Hilton, John, 810 Palmer s t Heavan', J. and Co., 553 George St. Holloway, T., Newtown rd. Hewett, George, 382,Georgo s t Holmes, W. H., 275 Kent st. Murphy and Son, 21 and 23 Parramatta st. Howes, John, Botany rd., Redfern Renny, Walter, 170 Pitt s t Hughes, John A., 820 Kent st Tormng, Andrew, 1G0 Pitt s t Keano, John Andrew, 808 Castleroagh st Waters, B., 181 Pitt st. Lane, Charles, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Webb, W. C, Union st., Pyrmont Lloyd, George E., 95 Stanley s t Wonban, W., 110 South Head rd. McNeilly, Alexander, 127 Albion st. Wilson, Watson, 231 Castlereagh st. McNeilly, Joseph, 3 Simpson's place, Castle* Wright, John, 328 Pitt at. rcagli st. Wright, William, 07 South Head rd. Manly, It., 9 Market st Yeoman, W., 99 George st. Monday, Henry, Miller st, North Shore Morris, H. D., 833 Kent st. OpticiansMorison, James, 06 Harris st, Pyrmont Flavelle Brothers & Roberts, 854 George st. Mullins, T., 202 Palmer st Hawsford, James, 27 Burton st. Negus, Amos, Botany rd,, Redfern Jenkins, John, 568 Georgo s t Nichols, Henry, 86 Parramatta st. McDonnell, W. and Co., 326 George st. Nisbet, J., Piper st, Woollahra, Tornaghi, Angolo, 312 George st. Pacey, AVilliam, 887 Castlereagh st Pearn, William, 559 Crown st. Poole, James, 04 Liverpool st. Organ BuildersPratt, William, Newtown rd. Davison, W., 38 Edward lano Pullin, Alfred, 283 Pitt st Jackson, 0. J., Nowtown rd. Renny, Walter, 170 Pitt st Scarsbrook, Thomas, 122 South Headrd. " Omnibus Proprietors-Sco Cab Proprietors. Sheffield, Anthony, Botany rd., Redfern SincLir, S., Goulburn st. Outfitters—See Clothiers. Smith, Charles, 443 Bourke st. Stroud, T., Piper st, Woollahra Painters and Glaziers. Stuart, W. J., Castlereagh st. Ashlin, John, 78 Druitt st Taylor, John H., 183 Fitzroy st, Surry Hills Ayton, W. and W., 878 Pitt s t Taylor, W. H., Newtown rd. Banks, John 0., Glebe rd. Torning, A., 160 Pitt st Beaumont and Sons, 417 Goorge st. Walker, William H., Piper st, Woollahra Benson, William Thomas, 406 Pitt st. Waters, Benjamin, 161 Pitt s t Bovin, Samuel, 395 Bourko s t Watson, Emanuel, South Head rd., Old, Pod. Black, John, 45 Hamilton st. Way, Frederick, 163 Phillip st. Borthwick, G. L., 134 Sussex st. Weldon; George, 25 Brisbane st., S. Head rd. Boagh, Samuel, Glebo rd, Weldon, Samuel, South Head rd. Breakspenr, H., 3 Alston terrace, Redfern St., Wellings, Henry, Darling st., Bnlmain 490 PhO TRADES, &c, Wonban, William, 110 South Head rd. Williams, Charles, 180 Castlereagh st. Wilson, Watson, 231 Castlereagh st. Wright, John, 828 Pitt st. Yeoman, William, 99 George st. Young, Joseph C, 240 Crown st. Pastry Cooks—Seo Confectioners. Pawnbrokers. Baker, John B., 126 South Head rd. Burnett, Charles, 8 Pottinger st. Benjamin, Henry, 618 George st. Bennett, Edward, 100 Liverpool st. Benson, Henry George, 278 Castlereagh st. Benson, John, 78 Parramntta st. Brockstayno, George, 87 King st. Cantor, Samuel, 192 Castlereagh st. Compton, William Penn, 88 Crown st. Connolly, Mathew, O'Connell st„ Newtown Cottrell, Charles, Bay st,, Glebe Dewar, Ebenezer, 884 Castlereagh st. Dunn, Henry L., 112 Forbes st. Erwin, James, 110 Clarence st. Hamilton, Thomas F., 2lO Liverpool st. Heilborn, Alexander, 58 York St. Hillard, Thomas, 171 York st. Himmclhoch, Isaac, 292 Castlereagh st, Isaacs,.John,Botany rd., Bedfern James, Henry D,, 209 Castlereagh st. Joseph, Alfred, 244 Georgo st. Joseph, Henry, 298 Georgo st. .Levy, Lewis, 127 Woolloomooloo st. Lewis, Benjamin, 24 South Head rd. Madden, James 0., 279 Sussex st. Millard, Robert, 241 Kent st. Molloy, J. C, 92 Bathurst st. . Moore, A. and Co., 285 to 289 Pitt st Moss, William, 90 Parramatta st,, and 189 Botany rd. Murray, Henry, 108 Cumberland st. Murphy, J., 105 and 107 Bathurst st. Peat, Clement, 4 Botany st. Peters, Thomas, jun., 170 Eiloy st. Peters, Thomas, sen., 109 and 111 Clarence st. Phillips, Samuel, 67 King st. Roonoy, Matthew, 15 King st. Sly, Joseph, 6 Bridge st. Speerin, John, 167 George st. Photographers- Allen, 0. H., 3Q0 George st. Boake, Barcroft 0., ,880 George st. Bradley, William, 138 Pitt st.—See Advt. Ohaffer, Walter, 267 Pitt st. Davis, John, 233 Pitt st Degotardi, John, 287 Georgo st Drinkwater, Charles, 621 George st. Freeman, W. G. W., 820 Georgo st. Glaistcr, Thomas S., 253 Pitt st. Gorus, John T., lOlKingst. Gow, James, 22 Campbell st., Lower Lomer, Albert, 417 Georgo st. Milligan, Joseph C., 84 Kingst. Pri Moss and Co., 687 Georgo st. Newman, J. H., 12 South Head rd. Pickering, Charles, 6lO£ and 616 Georgo st. Prout, Victor A., 137 Castlereagh st. Rigney, R. J., South Head rd. Robinson, Francis W., 348 George st. Schroder, William H., 649 George st. Scott, Montagu E., 892 Georgo st. Stewart, Robert, 348 George st. Tullett, Charles, 487 Georgo st. Yates, John, 432 Georgo st. Photographic Materials (Dealors in)Jerrems, T. 0., 805 George st. Small, Jabez W., 4 Barrack st, Physicians and Surgeons—See Medical Directory. Piano Tuners. Buist, David and Son, 235 George'st. Frith and Co., 247 Castlereagh Bt. Grieves, William, 194 Castlereagh st, ' Hoopor, Charles, Botany St., Redfor'n Jackson, John J., 206 Palmer St. King, W., 79 Hunter st." Loveday, II. W., 883 George St., and 82 Yurong st. Marshall, H., Campbell st, Balmain Tumor, J, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Williams, J., Newtown rd. Woods, Joseph, 74 Bourko st. Piano Warehouses—See Musio Sellers. Plumbers—See Gasfitters. Potters. Field, Thomas, 793 Georgo s t Fowler, Enooh, Oaraperdown—See Advt. Goodlet and Smith, Marlborough st, Riley st. Poulterers- Abbott, Nicholas, 2 Market, Old, Shed D Adams, J., Milson's Point rd., North Shore Beare, J. 0., 214 and 216 William st. Cummins, Henry, 224 George st. Glanville, Peter, 80 South Head rd. Ireland, W.H.,144Williamst.,&l6Market,New Kippax Brothers, 4 Market, Old, Shed C Lovctt, George, 29 and 31 Market, Old, Shed C Raymond, Sarah E., 280 George s t South, William, 6 Market, Old, Shed C Wakely, James, 14 Market, Old Shed 0 Walton, Alfred, 104 South Head rd. Printers and PublishersBennett, a, Pitt st. Bone, Robert, 140 Pitt s t Colo, James, Mort's passage, 370 George st Cook, J. & Co., Mort's passage, 870 George st. Cunninghame, F. and Co., 186 Pitt st. Douglas, Alexander, 40 Hunter St.. Dolman and Blundell, Park st. Pro DIRECTORY. Engel, John Alexander, 103 York s t Fairfax and Sons, Hunter st. Fiissell, J., 14 and 16 Crescent st Geary, Edwin, Mort's buildings, 185 Pitt st. Gibbs, Shallard and Co., 108 Pitt st. Goggin, E. W., 156 Pitt st. Leo and Glassop. 215 Castlereagh st. Lees, Samuol E., 285 Castlereagh st. Leigh, S. T. and Co., 21 Hunter st. . Loxton, George and Co., 11 Queen's placo Jones, Alfred, 887 Georgo st. O'Connor, Joseph Graham, 105 York st. Pickering, G. F„ Pitt st. Reading, J. and Co,, 856 Georgo St. Salisbury, Joseph, 66 Bathurst st. Sands, J., 892 George st. Shoriff, John L., 18 Wynyard square" Smith, Frederick, 405 George st. White, Fredorick, 140 William st. Wigley, W. H. and Co., 297 Georgo st. Produce Merchants. Barker and Co., 177 York s t Beer, William, 53 Pitt st. Binnie and McElhono, Commercial wharf, King st. Bond, C. B., G4| Sussex st. Burns, Alex., 128 and 180 Woolloomooloo st. Campbell, J. and Co., King st, West Crane, Charles, 127 Parramatta st. Campbell, R,, 1 King s t Clarke, H., Victoria wharf, Sussox st. Coulter, Graham, 125 Sussex st. Coulter, W., 145 Sussex st. Duffin and Son, 28 King st. Ford, Edward, 43 Park st. Froeman, William, 66 South Head rd. Funston, Christopher, 27 Wharf st. Goodin, George, 201 and 208 Parramatta st. Halatead, J., Milson's Point rd., North Shore Hannor, Eugene, Vickery st, Waverley Harrison, Charles, 775 George st. Hezlot, W., 117 Sussox s t Hopkins, T., 681 Georgo st. James, Peter, 32 and 84 Market Shed,- Old, 0. Kcegan, John, 156 South Headrd. Larkin, Patrick R., 774 and 776 George st Law, Georgo, 784 George st. Lbwther, E., 119 Sussex st. Moloney, James, 236 Sussox st. Mdran, Lawrence, 57 Shelley st. Maronoy and Malonoy, 22 Parramatta st. Moore, Henry, Parramatta rd., Glebo Niooll, G. R,, Lime st. O'Doud and Co., King st, West Petherbridge, Richard, l i s York st Phillips, William, 509 Pitt st Pope, John, 195 York s t Priestly, H., 65 Sussex st. Priestly, S., 189 Sussox st. Pritchard, William, 21 King st Prescott and Son, 101 Sussex st. Riddle, James, Miller st, North Shore Roper, John, 773 Goorge st. I Pro 491 Spcer, William, 1 Erskine st. Thomns, John, 709 Georgo st. Thorno and Moiklejohn, 141 Sussex st. Walker, John, Victoria wharf, Shelley st. Walker, W., 100 Parramatta st. & Newtown rd. Walton, Alfred, 104 South Head rd. Warburton and Sons, Union St., Pyrmont Webb and Booth, 69 and 71 Sussex st. Whitchurch and Hcnman, 309 Sussex st. Williams, Georgo, 724 Georgo st Williams, Georgo, 106 Sussex st. Professors and TeachersDANCING. Bailey, W., Short st Clark, John, Elizabeth st. King, William, 86 Liverpool st. Needs, F. H., 147 Pitt st. Read, Mrs. C, 75 William st. Williams, Mrs., 105 Elizabeth st. DRAWING—See Arti«ts. LANGUAGES. Dutruc, P. A., Randwick Masters, Edward, 86 Pitt st. Montague, H. N., Darlinghurst rd. Mooro, J. S., City College, Lyons' terrace Naogucli, Mademoiselle, 2 Hyde Park terrace, Liverpool st. * Ponder, Isaac, Harrington st, Stanmore MUSIO AND SINGING. Anderson, Alfred, Hunter s t Adcock, Mrs. St. John, Cleveland st. Bailey, W., Short st Bridson, Mrs. T. V., 24 Wynyard square Budd, Thomas, 25 Hosking placo Bushelle.Madamo E. W., 151 Darlinghurst rd, Caldwell, Mrs., 25 Botany st. Gallon, D. G., Point Piper rd., Paddington. Chizlett, Charles, Pipor St., Woollahra Oobley, Edwin H., 151 William st Cordner, William J., 116 Woolloomooloo st. Deano, Edward, 13 O'Connell st Del Sarto, Monsieur, 156 Castlereagh s t Devoti, Signor Ugo, 201 Bourke st. Harwood, Charles, 213 Maoquario st Hill, J., K.S.R.A.M., Woodside Farm, Burwood Jnmos, Miss, 55 Botany st. Jarmaine, Miss, 185 William st. Kriegsmonn, Casper R., 247 Crown st McCabo, William, King s t Martin, John, off Parramatta st, Petersham Marsh, Honry, 187 Oastloreagh st. Meillon, Mrs. J., 167 William st. Nicolle, Mrs. J. A., 148 Burton st Packer, Charles, 309 Dowling st. Rae, Alexander, Newtown rd. Ryall, John, 13 Francis st. Schmidt, Horr Carl, 151 Darlinghurst rd. Stanley, William, 404 Olovoland st. Younger, Montague, Cleveland st. 492 Rop TRADES, &c., Saw NAVIGATION. Saddlers and Harness Makers. Lowiclt, W. M., 19 Hunter st. Aiken, Edward, 85 King st. Wycherley, Michael, Victoria St., Cook's River Black, Andrew, Parramatta rd., Petersham Bolus, G. and Son, 24 York st. Boxscll, Richard, 196 Parramatta st. WRITING. Boyce, William, 14 Charlotte placo Gow, John, 330 Crown st. Brereton, William, 180 South Head rd. Hall, J. C. Fitzjohn, 726 George st. Brush, John, 497 George st. Norris, Stanley, 160 Phillip st. Carty, John, 887 Pitt st. Collier, Charlos, 587 George st. Dunn, John. 754 George st. Provision Merchants. Fngan, G., 180 Sussex st. Barron and Austin, 1 and 2 Arbitration st. Forbes, James, 195 Sussex st. Bird, H. S., 8 Pitt st. Furness, .Septimus, 150 Crown st. Leslie, J. J., Porramatta rd., Camperdown Gaydon, William, 06 William s t Loutit, James, Darling St., Balraain Grahl, T., 192 Parramatta st. Ross, G. and Co., Sussex st. Keith, Alcxandor, 272 Pitt st. Silva, Matthias, Watson's Bay, Woollahra Hughes, Edward, 27 East st. Jarman, Richard E., 25 Park st Publishers—See Printers. Johnson, S., Newtown rd. Johnson, Thomas, 730 Georgo st. Registry Offices—See agents also. Jones, Daniel, Norton lane Lucas, Robert, Botany rd., Rcdfo'rn Allen, Mrs., Newtown rd. McCall, David, 14 Hunter s t Bradford, Mrs., 128 Castlerengh st. McCarthy, Johni 206 William st. Brown, William, 207 Pitt st. McKechnio, J., Newtown rd. Capps, Mrs. Eliza, 185 King st. Molony, C, 589 George st. Donnelly, Mrs., 83 William st. Molony, C.jun., 02 Parramatta st. • • Fowler, Miss H. P., 809 Castlereagh st. O'Brien, J., 20 Parramatta st. Haigh, William B., 221 Pitt st. 'O'Kcefo, T., 591 Georgo st. Heap, Mrs. &, 219 and 221 Campbell st. Parker, William, 203 Sussex st. Ncalo, F. M., 179 Castlereagh st. Pcarco, William, Newtown rd. Pawsey.Mrs. M., 168 Pitt st. Perry, James, 72 King st. Sell, John, Botany rd., Redfern Rothwell, John, 729 Georgo st. Stephenson, Mrs., 6 Bridge st. Ryan, John, 778| Georgo st. Sharp, Robert, Botany rd., Redfern Restaurants. Simpson, W. H., 885 Georgo s t Smith, A., 493 Georgo st. Backler, Mrs. E., 183 Parramatta st. Warren, James, 145 and 147 Gipps st.,S. Hills Brandon, James, 635 George st. Wiley, G. J., South Head rd., Old, Woollahra Brown, Arthur, 234 Pitt s t Williams, Georgo, Parramatta rd., Burwood Courvoisier, A., 418 George s t Williams, W. H., Newtown rd. .Do Josselin, H., 317 George St.—See Advt. Wells, John T., 283J Pitt st. Dunn, James, 155 Sussex st. Easy, William, 69 King st. Emery, James, 524 George st. Saddlers' Ironmongers. Glue, J. C, 162 and 1C4 Pitt st. Henery, Thomas, 264 Pitt s t Blackburn and Co., 10 Barrack st. Holland, Joseph, 210 Pitt st. Brookes, Henry 0., 581 George st. Home, Robert, 198 Pitt st. Butler, Brothers, 91 York st. Julius, W. W., 46 and 48 Erskine st. Hinton, Brothers, 96 Pitt st Keen, Thomas, 57 Sussex st. Williams, Edmund, 81 Wynyard square, West Kennett, Oharlcs, 59 Parramatta s t Lodge, John, 760 George st. Sailmakers, Tent, and Tarpaulin Molony, J. F., 288 and 285 George st. Makers. McGrath,. John, 2 Thornton's buildings, Barron, John, Jenkins s t George st. Carter, J., sailmakcr, Baltic wharf, Market s t Somerville, Frederick, 74 King st. Craig, Brothers, Lime s t TEMPERANCE COFFEE ROOMS, Barker-st. Israel, Israel, 608 George st. Thame, Richard Holt, 474 George s t Lane and Co., 11 Pitt st. Twight, A., Temperance Hall, 859 Pitt St. Livingston, W., Patent Slip wharf, Sussex st, Watson, George, 211 Pitt st. Moss, Mrs., 712 and 714 Georgo s t Strong, J., 18 Princes st. Rope Makers. Forsytho, Archibald, Bourko st., Waterloo Jones, Thomas, Burnett st, Redfern Saw Mills. Booth, J, and Co., Balmnia S6h DIRECTORY. Brown, Jabez, Pacifio wharf, Druitt st. Chadwick, R., Chadwiok's wharf, Liverpool st. Goodlett ami Smith, Erskine s t Hudson, Brothers, Botany rd., Redfern Seamer and Robertson, Darling st. Scale Makers. Bain, John, 17 Park s t McFarlnno, Robert, Liverpool st. Schools. A'Beckctt, Mrs., ladies' school, Darling st., Balmain Ayton, Mrs., 371 Pitt s t Back, William, 16 Cowper st., Glebe Bailey, Rov. Dr., Burton and Palmer-sts. Bangham, Mrs. 0., 209 Bourko st. Bardsloy, James, 26 Crown rd. Barker, Mrs., 0 Porcival's terrace, Turner St., Redfern Baxter, Mrs;, Constitution Hill, Manly Beach Berthcaii, Madame, 100 Harrington st, Biss, Mrs., 110 Phillip st. Blackraore, Edward (B.A.), 88 Phillip st. Bowers, Mrs. M. A., Botany s t , Redfern Butler, Mrs. M., South Head rd., Old, Pad. CAMDEN COLLEGE, Newtown rd. Cannon, Mrs., Newtown rd. Cannon, R. S., Lyceum school, Bathurst st. Castle, Joseph F., Calder house, Chisholm's grant, Redfern Chambers, Mrs., 397 Macquario St., South Chilcott, Mrs. Helen, Looke s t , Balmain CITV COLLEGE—Moore, Sheridan, Lyons' ter- race, 193 Liverpool St. Connor, Miss, 63 South Head rd. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Hill s t , Macquario st. COMMERCIAL' SCIIOOL, 74 and 70 Stanley st. Sew 493 Hardio, The Misses, EdgcolifFo rd., Woollahra Harris, Miss M., Lyons' terrace, 197 Liverpool st. Honrichsen, Madame, 127 Darlinghurst rd. Hooper, Miss, 28 Fort St., Upper Hooworth, Miss, Bay st, Glebo Horloy, Mrs., 51 Botany st. Horning. Mrs., Norwood, Petersham Hosking, Miss, Darlinghurst rd. Johnson, Miss M. A., 65 Elizabeth st. Jones, Miss L., 199 Campbell st. Kelly, Mrs. Elizabeth, 881 Castlereagh st. Kemish, Joseph, 212 Palmer st. Kirby, Miss, Mount st., North Shore Lambert, Miss, Thames St., Balmain Landreth, Mrs. Sarah, 2 Rachel terrace, Georgo St., Redfern Langlcy, Mrs,, 41 Botany st. Lester, Miss, Lansdowne house, Cornerst,,Bur. Llewellen, Richard, Palmer St., Balmain M'Cormick, Peter, 23 Burton st. M'Donald, Mrs., 90 Burton st. McNeill, Miss, Brisbane St., South Head rd, Maloney, Catherine, Missenden rd., Oaropdn. Mantle, Miss, 227 Devonshire st. Martin, Tho Misses, 195 Macquarie st. Maceficld, George 11., William s t , East Metcalfe, Mrs., 480 Crown st. Middloton, Charles, 146 Foveaux st. Miller, Miss E, A., Darling St., Balmain Montague, Mrs. H. N., 147 Darlinghurst rd. Oakes, Mrs., Jcsmond place, 457 Bourko at. O'Connor, Miss, 277 Clarence s t O'Shaughnessy, Mrs. Hamilton, Cleveland st. Pacey, Mrs. 13., Church s t , Balmain ' Penny,. Thomas, 21 Stanley s t Pont, Mrs., Grose St., Camperdown Powell, Miss E., 192 Bourko st. Ramsey, Mrs. Alice, Rosehill st.j Redfern Roberts, Mrs. J., 4 Mary st. Rumley, Mrs., 102 Bourke st. Riitledge, Mrs., Vincent St., Balmain Saunder.3, Miss, George St., Waterloo Scrutton, Mrs, R, L., Glebe rd. Siddell, Mrs., Cribbs lane Silver, Mrs., Burton lane Saclier, Mrs., 55 Wynyard square, West Somerville, Mrs., Globe rd. Stanley, Rev. G. H., Point Piper rd., Pad. Sullivan, Mrs., 109 Macquarie st. Symons, Miss, Parramatta rd., Old, Glebo Thomson, Miss E., Church st, Waverley Thurlow, Mrs. J., Glenmore rd., Paddington Tweedio, Mrs., 194 William st. Walker, Mrs., 5 Burton lane' Walsh, Mrs. Celia Jano, 123 Liverpool st. Ward, John, 42 Cumberland st. Webb, William, 20 Crown rd. Williams, Mrs., O'Connell st, Newtown Cooke, Miss Jane, Newtown rd., Old, Dralgtn, Cooksey, The Misses, Carthona, Darling Point Cousens, Mrs., 0 Bligh st.' • Crook, Miss, 837 Macquarie St., South Curtis, Madame, 284 Forbes st. Curtis, R., 282 Forbes st. Dawson, H. H., Phillip s t Day, Charles, 03 Shepherd st. Dddd, Miss E.. Underwood st., Paddington Drewitt, Mrs., 326 Liverpool st. Dunn, Mrs., Nelson St., Woollahra Dunsmuro.Mrs., Paddington Dutton, Mrs. Mary Ann, 45 Stanley st. Flower, Miss, Sydney ladies' college, 89 Bent st Frazer, Miss, 832 Liverpool st. Frost, Mrs; 0., 418 Crown s t Gale, R. N., 5 Way's terrace, Pyrmont Garrett, Miss, Wilson st, Newtown Garrett, Mrs. E., 86 Devonshire st. Gillam, Tho Misses, 157 Forbes st. Gloster, Miss, 353 Crown s t Seedsmen—Seo Nurserymen. Glovers, William, Junction st. Griffiths, Mrs. H., Union St., North Shore Sewing Machine Makers and AgentsHall, Miss, South Headrd., Waverloy Hampsou, Mrs., 43 Parramatta st. Gordon and Gotch, 281 Georgo st. 494 Sig TEADES, <fca, Hebblewhite, B., 432 George at,—Bee Advt. Miller, It., 93 Crown st. McRiokard, H., 90 Bathurst St. Stanford and Co., 307 George st. Vennard and Stevens, 220 Pitt st. Scourers—See Dyers. Shinglers and SlatersAitkcn, Alexander, 371 Elizabeth st. Aitkcn, John, Hopewell St., Faddington Ayres, John, 22 Norton st. Bowmaker, James, 420 Bourko st. Cameron, Neal, Francis St., Glebe Dent, John, 21 Norton st. Morton, Samuel, 52 Banks st. White, John, 71 Sussex st. Yard, George T., Morehead st, Redfern Yard, John, Botany rd., Redfern Shipbuilders. Tai O'Brien, John, 88 Arthur st. Palmer and Weekes, 141 King st. Pullin, Alfred, 283 Pitt st. Smith, Bichard Silver, 245 Elizabeth st. Waters, Robert, 380 Macquarie st., South Soap and Candle Manufacturers- Acton, John, 174 Kent st. Allen Bros., 084 George st., and Cowper st,, Wavorley ByrncB, D., Brown Bear lano Oarahor, Owen J., I l l Gloucester st. and Parramatta rd., Camperdown Cowan and Israel, 21 Sussex st. and Parramatta rd., Camperdown Dickson, Stephen, Bennett st., Waverloy McArdell, Terence, Greek St., Glebe Molly, John, Bay st,, Glebe Mulcahy, Patrick, Botany rd., Redfern Trimble, H., 87 Clarence st. Stationers—Soo Booksellers. Cuthbert, John, wharf, Unwin st, Hely, and Harper, Jonkins st. Stevedores—See Lightermen. McGuinncss, Hugh, Hose st,, Darlington Pile, Richard, PiTo's wharf, George St., Lower Stove MakersSheehy and Hayes, Cowper's wharf, "WoolCurtis, John, South Head rd., Old Paddington loomooloo Bay Fletcher Brothers, 82 Park st. Jones and Sutton, 31 Pitt st, Ship ChandlersArmstrong, A. B. and Co., 39 and 41 Wharf st. Juleff, M. B. and Son, Botany rd., Redfern Slee, Richard, 165 Bourko st. Armstrong, John, 251 Clarence st, Younger, Charles, 80 Pitt st. Carr, John, 122 Sussex st. Korff, Frederick, Pitt st. Lane and Co., 168 and 170 Georgo st. Sugar RefinersMitchell and Co., 104 George st, COLOSUL SUOAH REFINING CO., Bridge st. Potts and Paul, Lime st. Peek, Isaac, Botany rd., Waterloo Perigo, Thomas, 127 Liverpool st. Shipsmiths—See also Blaoksmiths. Dunlop, I t , 74 Forbes st. Surgeons—See Medical Directory. Hanson, Peter, 2 Murray st., Pyrmont McFarlane, A., Shelly st. Surveyors—See Architects. McKenzie) George B., Grafton wharf Murphy, John, Grafton wharf TailorsNelson and Egan, off Argylo st. Balls, Robert, 105 York st. Triggs and Marr, Olarenco st. Bass, Thomas, 78 Albion st. Wardrbp, Joseph, Arbitration st. Beanoy, James, 654 Georgo st. Wright, Archibald, Georgo st. Belfield, Francis, 52 South Head rd. Bender, Jacob, 459 Crown st. Shirt Makers and Underclothing: Bennett, John, 04 Campbell st. Bond, William, 656 Georgo st. ManufacturersBornstein, Louis, 860 George st. Butler, Henry, 57 Market st. Brady, William, 07 Market st. Grocott, Mrs. A., 75 Market st. Bryant, John, South Head rd.' Hughes, M. A., 590 Georgo st. Burgis and Whitley, 257 Pitt st.—See Advt. Lorkrhg, E., Goulburn st. Casper, Robert, 300 Georgo st. Smith, William, 812 Georgo st.—See Advt. Chate, A. II., 295 Liverpool st. Webb, Mrs., 280 Liverpool st. Clarkson, D. W., 82 Markot st. Clatworthy, William, Georgo St., Redfern Sign Writers. Cohen, Brothers and Co., 402 Georgo st. Bowen, A., Adolphus st., Balmain Collins, John, 63 George st. Davies, Henry, G Park st. Conncll, Patrick, 51 and 58 Goulburn st, Hayman, F. H., 28 Park st. Connelly, Thomas, 808 Sussex st. Manly, R.,9.Market.Bt, . f ,.; ...' Cousens, William, 642 George.st. . . . . ' . Tai DIRECTORY. Crannoy, Michael, 673 Georgo st. Cunningham, Samuol, 158 Pitt st. Cutter, John, 324 Pitt st. Dalquist, A., 45 Hunter st. Daly, William, 208 George st. Davidson, James, 87 Market st. Douglas, Alexander, 61 Olarenco st. Douglas, Robert, 19 Hunter st. Dawson, J. and E., 400 George st. Dyer, Georgo Thomas, 207 Castlereagh st. Dyson, Henry, 2 Barrack st. Elworthy, Georgo, 881 Georgo st. Enway, William, 105 South Head rd. Exton, John, 301 George st. Farmer and Co., 2G9 to 275 Pitt st. Flanders, P., 18 George st., Little Fletcher, R,, Darling st,, Balmain Flood, C 100 Bathurst st. Fox, Alcanda, 329 Oastloreagh st. Gaffney, Petor, 221 George st. Gcohagan, Michael, South Head rd. Golding, W. H., Queen st., Glebe Goldring, Horbort, 1 Bridgo st. • Goulding, James W., 11 Park st. Gould, William, 401 Pitt st. Gormond, Knox, 201 Campbell st. Griffiths, John, 23 Erskino st. Hannington, Thomas, 40 Thompson st. Hanly, Stophen, 41 King st. Harring, Francis, 105 Woolloomooloo st. Harrison, James, Newtown rd. Heather, Alfred, 42 Parramatta st. Herbert, James, 82 Banks st. Hewer, Richard J., 229 Castlereagh st. Heydon; Ebenozer, 448 George st. Hipwood and Nixon, 212 Pitt st. Hall, George, University st., Camperdown Holle, John F., 277 Georgo st. Howell, George, 121 King st. Howes, William, 88 King st. Howland, C, Macarthur st, Ultimo estate Hulek, Albert, 98 Parramatta st. •Humphreys, Decimal J., 312 George st. Irish, Charles, 224 Castlereagh s t James, Daniel, 38 South Head rd. James, Edward, 184 Pitt st. Jones, David and Co., 845 and 347 Georgo st. Jones, Humphery, 191 Elizabeth st. Jones, John Sturdy, 728 Georgo st. Judkins, George, 5 Wellington place Kron, Ellis, 289 Georgo st. Leake, Samuel, Kent. st. Loworthy, Richard, 352 Georgo st. Lord, Henry, 49 King st, Lorking, George, 808 George St. McKenzic, Mark, Esplanade, Manly Beach McMillen, Hugh, 265 Sussex st. McSherry, Brothers, 1 Hunter st. Mannix Brothors, 109 King st. Martin, Jacob, 500 Georgo st. Martin, Michael, 85 Pitt st. Maxwell, John, Castlereagh st. Millett, Edward, 361 Georgo st. Mooney, Edivard, 6 Dick s t Pithers, Henry, Liverpool rd., Ashfield' Tim 495 Peirce and Carney, 68 King st. Pratt, W. H., Newtown rd. Pugh, E. and Co., 421 Georgo st. Ricdcl, Alfred, 175 Georgo st Riley, Edward, 844 Kent st. Robinson and Sons, 212 and 645 George st, Roeper, J. H., 272 Georgo st. Savago, Hugh, 351 Georgo st. Serale, George, 80 South Head rd. Shoarsby, William, 313 Georgo st. Smith, Michael, 12 William lane Smith, W. and Co., 279 Georgo st. Snow, John, South Head rd., Old, Paddington Spittle, Charles, 406 Kent st. Steenson, James, 607 Georgo st. Stroh, John, 222 George st. Sumraerfteld, Henry L., 281 Pitt st. Thompson and Giles, 876 George St. Tickle, William James, 80 King st. Tucker, John, Glebe rd. Turner, Joseph, 484 Georgo st. Walter, William, 145 South Head rd. Walsh, Patrick, 723 George st. White, John, Stephen st, Camperdown Williams, E.H., 11 Markot buildings, George st. Wilson, John, 624 Georgo st. Zions, Henry, 409 and 415 George st. Tanners and Curriers. Alcock, T. II., Enmoro Tannery, Marrickvillo Aldorson and Sons, 221 Elizabeth st. and Bourko St., Redfern—See Advt. Begg, J., 2 Reiby lano and Glenmore rd., Pad. Davenport and Alcock, 60 York st. Dugan, John, Barcom Glen, Paddington Hyndman, S., Sydenham Tannery, Mkville. Pawloy, David, 075 Bourko s t Yickory, J., Victoria st, Wavorley TaxidermistsBarnes, Henry, 78 Yurong st. Palmer, James, 27 Hunter st. Teachers—See Professors, also Schools Tent Makers—See Sailmakers. Ticket-Writers. Jordan, William, 108 King St.—See Advt, Loyau, George, 570 Elizabeth s t Rooney, James, 288 Pitt St. Timber Merchants- Austen, Thomas, 519 Pitt st. Baldick, S., Newtown rd. Blair, James, 88 Sussex s t Booth, John and Co.r 23-und 25 Sussex st, & • Balmain—Sec Advt. Brown and Co., Druitt st. Buchanan, John, 55 Botany rd. Burns, A., Cowper's wharf, Woolloomooloo Bay Byrne, Cavin, 'Devonshire s t 496 Tob TRADES, &o., Chadwick, Robert, 37 Liverpool st, Coleson and Baker, Wilmot st. Cox, J. and Co., Baltic wharf, Market st. Crane, Thomas, 87 and 89 Bathurst st. Fagan, P. and W., 178 Sussex st. Forrest, David, 243 SUBSCX st. Goodlet and Smith, 12 and 14 Erskine St., 483 and 505 George st. and Parramatta st. Grant and Curtis, Arbitration st. Hudson Brothers, Botany rd., Redfern Longfield, Richard, 28 Myrtle st. Miller and Harrison, Albion wharf, Sussex st. - and Barker st. Nisbet and Tyrrell, 206 Sussex st. Page, Thomas, 96 Campbell st. Rolfe, William H., 8 Pitt st. Seamer and Robertson, Cowpcr's wharf, Woollooniooloo Bay Sladc, Joseph, Bourko st., Littlo Smith, Cahill and Co., Dixon st. Taylor, "William, Market wharf, Wharf st. Tob Tobacconists- Abreu, Antonio F., 690 Georgo St.Bac and Co., 647 Georgo st. Becker, Charles, 118 King st. Bent, Charles, 884, 412, 4G0 & 641 George st. Bowring, William, 3 Albion lane Biiching, Carl, 202 Georgo 8t. Buist, Henry, 101 King st. Burnoy, Charles J., 95 South Head rd. Butcher, Edward, 169 South Head rd. Christie, John, 183 and 185 George st. Cohen, Sydney, 808 George st. Connor, Eliza, 47 William st. Davis, John, 477 Georgo st. Dcbnam, John, 124 King st. Donovan, Denis, 9G King st. Eve, James, Botany rd., Redfern Farr, Mrs., 141 Castlercagh st. Fenton, William, 2 Robinson's lane Fleming, Charles, 64 Harris St., Pyrmont Frazer, Keziah, 123 Parramatta st. Furner, Francis, 59 King st. TinsmithsGellatly, John, 59 South Head rd. Absolom, J., 102 Gipps st., Littlo GilTin, John, 31 King st. Barker, George, Yarnold st., Redfern. Gold, Clement 0., 228 Pitt st. Batters, Richard, 6 Burton st. Harmer, W. H., 84 William st. Beard, T.'„ Glebe rd. Hartzel, William M., 226 Georgo st. Bennett, Michael, 80 York st. Hogan, William, 113 King st. Blore, John, 427 Pitt st. Hudson, Herbert, South Head rd., Old, Brickcll, Robert, 149 George st. Paddington Cale, Richard, 125 York st. Hutchinson, Thomas S., 178 South Head rd, Cale, Thomas, 059 George st. James, D., 88 South Head rd. Crampton, T. B., Derwcnt St., Glebe Jones, John, Mount st., North Shore Dart, J., 10 Parramatta st. Jordan, William T., 108 King st.—See Advt. Dart, W., Botany rd., Alexandria King, Isaac F., 11 Erskine st. Filewood, J., 7 Market st. Lidbury, Edward, 726 George st. Foy, William, 37 Hunter st. Lind, Gustavo, 296 Georgo st. Fuller, T., 751 George st. Loewe, L., 28 South Head rd, Gretrix, Jonas, Parramatta rd., Petersham Maguire Brothers, 191 George st. Jones and Sutton, Underwood st. Marchant, Thomas, 89 Clarence st. Molpas, Charles, 65 Liverpool st. Maxwell, Oliver, 19 Market st. Meckel, Edward, 49 William st. Morton, Mrs., 84 Market st. McLean, M., 19 Pitt st. Myers, J. H., 105 King st. Miller, William, Newtown rd. McEncroo, Airs. M., 602 George st. Munro, John, 98 Phillip st. McEncroe, Thomas, 619 George st. Page, Richard, Botany rd., Redfern O'Mant and Rose, 62 William st. Porter, Timothy, South Head rd., Old, Pad. Pearson, Joseph, 39 Erskine st Robinson John, 98 Dowling st. Penfold, Edwin T., 894 George st. Scott, Ebenezer, 879 Pitt st. Ramsay, John, 22 Botany rd. Shaw, Samuel, 16 Park st. Reilly, Richard H., 709 George st. Slater, William, 51 and 53 Market st. Saywcll, Thomas, 4 Park st. Stephenson, Henry,! Market st, Schroder, William H., 649 Georgo st. Sutton and Jones, lf<2 George st. Schweigert, William, 69 Parramatta st, Swinson, John, 25 Market st. Searson, W., Botany rd., Redfern Walker, Frederick, 7 Jtmes st. Shaefcr, L., 200 Parramatta st. Wickham, Frederick, 1UJ Clarence st. Sippel Brothers, 526 George st. AVells, George, 40 Pitt st. Smith, James, 157 Georgo st. Wood, James, 627 Georgo st. Spalding, George, Newtown rd. Sutton, Arthur W., 284 and 414 George st. Tobacco and Snuff Manufacturers. Tanner, A., 148 King s t Dixson and Sons, 193 York st, Thomson, Archibald, 523 George st. M'Encroo and Haydon, 502 Georgo st. Ponfold, E. T., 894 Georgo st. and 175 and Tipper, Allan, 53 South Head rd. Weissbergcr, L., 189 Castlercagh st. 177 Clarence st. Westhoff, J.j Newtown r'd.V' Thomson, Archibald, 523 George st, Vet DIRECTORY. Toy Dealers—Seo also Fancy Bazaars Abrahams, J., 79 King St., & George St., South Davis, Eleazar, 98 King st. Lemaire, Charles, 472 George st. Pearce, Adam, 98 South Head rd. Stroud, John, 569 George st. Sowell, James, 688 Georgo st. Walker, Christopher P., Botany rd., Redfern Whe 497 Michie; Thomas, 252 Castlereagh st. Pottie, John, 235 Castleroagh st. Rogers, Richard, 222 Pitt st. Warehousemen and Wholesale Drapers- Alcock, Brothers, 233 Pitt st. Biffin and Clarke, 147 Pittst Bradley, J. A., 143 Pitt st TurnersBraun, Benjamin, 349 George st. Baker, Benjamin, 116 Liverpool st. Crosby, R. S., 20 York st Baldook, L , 163 Devonshire st, Farmer and Co., 269 to 275 Pitt st. Buckland, James, 204 Pitt s t Gardiner, W. and S., 825 and 327 George st Ohristmas, Robert, Newtown rd, Gray, Robert, 18 and 15 Wynyard s t Ellis, William, Underwood st, Paddington Guild, Chapman and Co., 8 Barrack st Hagen, John, 287 George s t Hinsch, J. C. W., 147 Pitt st Imber, William, 315 Kent st Hurley, G. and Co., 85 Wynyard squaro Lee, Georgo, 348 Elizabeth s t Jones, David, and Co., Barrack s t Lee, James, 13 Chambers st Keep and Parsons, 393 and 395 George st— Milgrove, H. and Son, 550 Georgo st. See Advt. Quill, Thomas, 273 Liverpool s t Lemon, Moses, 115 York st. Stacey and Hudson, 569 Kent st. Morey and Price, 829 Georgo st. Moore, 0. K, 89 York st. Moore, G. and Co., 163 Pitt st Tweed Manufacturers. Muller, C. J. and Co., 805 George st Byrnes, 0. J. J. and Co., 181 Pitt st. McArthur, A., and Co., 127 ondl29 York s t Ebsworth, 0. B., Albert st, Circular Quay, McDonald, J. F., 66 King st and 251 Sussex st. Newton, G, Brother and Co., 440 Georgo st. Palmer, F. B. and Co., 25 Wynyard lane Type Founders. Perks, F. and Co., 150 Pitt st. Davis, John, Marian st, Redfern Perry, Brothers, Bank Court, King s t Wright, Archibald, Yurong s t Petorsen, Boeson and Co., 14 and 16 York st. Prince, Ogg and Co., 372 and 374 Georgo «t Standon, James, 352 Georgo st. Umbrella and Paraspl Makers. Thompson and Giles, 876 and 878 Georgo st. Coleman, Mrs. H., 117 King st. Thompson, S. nnd Co., 224 Pitt s t Nealings, Thomas, Crescent st., Balmain Tickle, Joseph B.', 811 Georgo s t Noillings, William, 59 Market st. Wallach, Brothers, 158 Georgo s t Powell, 0. G., 135 Parramatta st Whiting, W. G. and Co., 1 Wynyard st. Sullivan, John, 489 Georgo st. Woolnough, II. and Co., 2 Wynyard st. Walsh, William, 733 Georgo st. Young and Lark, 257 George st. Undertakers- Curtis, James, 55, 57 and 59 Hunter st. Dixon, Thomas, 21 South Head rd. Furlonger, John, Newtown rd. Earl, John A., Rose st, Darlington Hill,. Georgo, 86 William st. Hill, Thomas, 103 William st. Kinsela, 0. and Sons, 363 Sussex st, 787 George st, and 118 South Head rd. Mitchell, \V. H., Newtown rd. Shying, J. & G., 719 George St., & S. Head rd, Stewart, R.,'U7 Bathurst st. Switson, Richard, 2 Edward s t Thomas, Mrs. Jane, 141 York st. Wood, W. H., Darling st., Balmain Upholsterers—Seo Cabinetmakers. Veterinary Surgeons. Armstrong, Joseph, 289 Elizaboth st. Fenner, James, 390 Pitt st. Gribben, John, 76, 78 and 80 Elizaboth st. Watchmakers—Seo Jewellers. Wheelwrights- Adams, and Webbor, Newtown rd. Austin, John, 159 Parramatta st. Barrett, William, Cook's River rd., St. Peter's Brown and Sons, Parramatta rd., Petersham Bull, William, 701 Georgo st Cruicltshank, A., Parramatta rd., Campdn. Glasson, Stephen, 432 Pitt st. Goodwin, A, J., 85 Bathurst st. Harvey, J., 561 Georgo st Hughes, Thomas, Parramatta rd., Petersham Juleff, M. B. and Son, Botany rd., Redfern Melville, Hector, Newtown rd. Morrison, Alexander, 87 Goulburn s t McKone, Felix, 486 Harris st, Pyrmont Sampson, Brothers, 203 Sussex st. Sherroll, William, Liverpool rd., Ashfield Smith, J. and 0., Parker st Starr, J. and T., 579 George st. ' Triggs, George N., 205 Castlereagh st 498 WOO TEADES, (fee, Whitesmiths—See Blaoksmiths. Wool Washing Establishments. Whipmakers. Alderson and Sons, off Bourke St., WaterlooBell and Lindin, Alexandria Goldsbrough, Burt and Co., Alexandria Haigh and Co., Alexandria Hill and Clissold, Canterbury York Brothers, off Botany rd., Waterloo Olancy, Thomas, Mitchell St., Globe. Clarke, Henry S., 781 George st. Wine and Spirit Merchants. Bath, Charles, 2 Bridge st. Bennett Brothers, 482 Georgo St., Bird, H. S., 8 Pitt st. Blake, F. A. and Co., Mort's passage, Pitt st. Burrows and Barnard, 422 George st. Church, W., 27 Macquarie place Cooper, D. and Co., 464 George st. Cooper, Nathan and Co., 407 Sussex st. Oorkhill, Richard B., Exchange, Bridgo st. Ourcier, Hawko and Co., 27 Macquarie st. Donald, William, 54 Pitt st. Farrell, Michael, 758 Georgo st. Farroll, Thomas, 78 King st. Fesq and Birrcll, 887 George st. Hazeland and Co., Lime st.—See Advt. Hollander, Joseph, Cleveland st. Jones, James, 118 Bathurstst Lankester, J. D., jun., Exchange, Bridge st. Leothcs, Georgo Stanger, 13 Jamison st. Long, William, 510 Georgo st. Mitchell, David and Co., 426 Georgo st. Moss and Allt, 143£ Pitt st, Pcate & Harcourt, 251, 260 & 202 George st. Peters, J. C, Mort's passage, George st. Stewart and Co., 00 and 92 Clarenco st. Thompson, A. and Co., 19C Pitt st' Tucker and Co., 879 Georgo st. Tooth, 11. & F. & Co., 24 to 40 Parramatta st Walford and Sparke, 478.}- George st. Wine Merchants, Australian. Lankester, J. D., jun., Exchange, Bridge st. Leathcs, G. S., 13 Jamison st. Lindeman, H. J., Exchange, Bridgo st. Wyndham Brothers, 96 Pitt st.—See Advt. Wire Workers. Eastway and Sons, 425 Georgo st. Hubbard, James, 186;8ussex st. 'M'Carthy, Denis, 280 Sussex st. Murray, Michael, 386 Pitt s t Wool BrokerS-^Seo Brokers. x Mis - Wool Pressers. Marsden and Son, Circular Quay Mort and Co., 8 and 6 Phillip st Bead and Co., 10 to 14 Circular Quay Talbot and Son, 15 to 18 Circular Quay Miscellaneous. Chair Caners—Pickup, William, 8 Smith's buildings, Castlcreagh s t ; Thew, JTamos, Parramatta rd., Burwood Crinoline Maker—Locke, Thomas, 86 Riley st. Curiosity Dealer—Rice, C. F., 232 George s t Feather Cleaners—Herman, Mrs., 289 Castlereagh st.; Lawrence, Mrs., 806 Castlcreagh st. Manufacturer of Coffee Fining—Farrow, William G., Redfern st., Redfern Muslin Stamper—Graff, A., 568 Elizaboth st. Nail and Rivet Maker—Bern, John, 113 Liverpool st. Naturalist—Brazier, John, 11 Windmill st. Oar and Scull Maker—Stephenson, Mark, 13 Princes st. Oilskin Clothing Manufacturer—Rcddio Mrs., 28 Argyle st. Perambulator Maker—Midgloy, W.,Edgewaro rd., Newtown Phrenologist—Edwards, Charles, 6 Bridge st. Pianoforte Makers—Moncrieff, Laurence, 155 Crown s t ; Tost, O., 289 Castlereagh s t Plane Maker—Wood, Charles, 74 York st. Plate Glass Warehouse—Edens, Thomas, 255 Georgo st. Pomade Manufacturer—McCullagh, Mrs. J., 116 Phillip st. Soap Powder Manufacturers—Ward and Co., 53 Georgo st. Stained Olass Works—Falconer, J., 181 Pitt St. Stat/ and Corset Makers—Grocott, Mrs., 75 Market st.; Lees, Mrs. E., 74 Elizabeth st. Shaw, Mrs. G. B., 160 Castlereagh st. Tripe Dealers—Barter, Georgo, Market, Old, Shed C; Horsfiold, W., Redfern st, Redf. Vinegar Manufacturer—Monk, D. J., 64 Wattlo st Wax Modeller—Evans, F. C, 267 Pitt st. Waxwork Exhibition—Sohior, Madame, 267 Pitt st. Wool and Hay Press Makers— Bradley and Perry, 152 Sussex s t BANKS, INSURANCE, AND OTHER COIPANIES. 1870. General Manager—Shepherd Smith Accountant—R. E. A. \Yilkinson Secretary—O. M. Palmer AUSTRALIAN JOINT STOOK BANK. Solicitors—Allen, Bowden and Allen 873 Georgo st. Inspectors—J. Oswald Gilchrist, F. A. Walsh, Paid up Capital, £484,656, -with power to Alexander Archer, J. R. Hill increase to £1,000,000. Directors—William Moffitt, Chairman ; J. S. Discount Days—Tuesdays and Fridays Mitchell, Hon. John Blaxland, M.L.O. ; Hon. Sir Wiiliam M. Manning, _ Q.O., COMUEROIAL BANKING COMPANY OP SYDNEY. „ Established 1834. M.L.O.; His Honor Judge Josephson ; ,. 341 George st. J. B. Rundlo General Manager — Vincent Wanostrocht Suburban Branches — South Head Road, Haymarket, and Newtown. Giblin Capital, £400,000. Accountant—Edward Griffith Reserve Fund, £110,000. Auditors—G. Ferguson, Henry Ferris Directors—Edward Knox, Chairman j Walter Solicitors—M'Carthy, Son and Donovan Lamb, Deputy Chairman; John Brewster,. Discount Days—Tuesdays and Fridays G. W. Lord, Richard Jones Auditors—John Frazer, Charles Smith BANK OF AUSTRALASIA. Manager—T. A. Dibbs 262 Georgo st. Secretary—William Neill Paid up Capital, £1,200,000. Superintendent—David Ohartcris M'Arthur, Accountant—F. N. Burt Solicitors—Want, Son and Johnson Esq. General Inspeotor of Branches—Edmund S. Discount Days—Tuesdays andFridays Parkos, Esq. ft ENGLISH, SCOTTISH, AND AUSTRALIAN Manager—James Henderson CHARTERED BANK. Accountant—Joseph Black Dixon Discount Days—Mondays and Thursdays 865»,Georgo st. Paid up Capital, £600,000. Local Directors—Hon. S. D. Gordon, M.L.C.; BANK OP NEW SOUM WALES. Henry Prince, Joshua R. Young, John Established 1817. Young 837 Georgo st, Manager—F. A. Stratford Branch—Parramatta st. Accountant—Henry Craig „ William st. Solicitors—M'Carthy, Son and Donovan Capital, £1,000,000. Discount Days—Mondays and Thursdays Reserve Fund. £333,883. Directors — Thomas Wollcer, Prcsidont j Thomas Buokland, Francis Mitchell, LONDON CHARTERED BANK OP AUSTRALIA, Alexander Stuart, Hon. George Allen, 248 George st. M.L.O., Hon. E. O. Weekes, M.L.O. Paid up Capital, £1,000,000. Auditors—Hon. John Richardson, M.L.C.j Reserve Fund, £110,000. James Milson, jun, Colonial Inspeotor—-Edwin Brett 1A BAKES. (Sea also Advertisements.) 2 COMPANIES DIEEOTOEY. Local Directors—Hon. Henry Moore, M.L.C*, Beserve Fund, £400,000. George King, Esq, M.L.A. Inspector and General Manager — J. F. Manager—Malcolm 0. Maohardy McMullen, Melbourne. Accountant—Edward J. Webb Local Directors—Alex. McDonald, Frederick Solicitors—Boxburgh, Slade and Spain Fanning, John B. Watt Discount Days—Daily. Manager, pro. tern.—A. Sutherland Acting Accountant—J. A. Patorson . ORIENTAL BANK COBPOBATION. Discount Days—Tuesdays and Fridays Pitt St., North. Hend Office—Threadneedle St., London, E.C'•• INSURANCE COMPANIES, &o. Paid up Capital, £1,500,000. (Sea also Advertisements.) Reserve Fund, £444,000. ALLIANCE BRITISH AND FOREION LIFE AND Manager—Stewart Murray FIRE ASSURANCE COSIPANY OP LONDON. Sub Manager—P. W. Crozier Accountant—E. G. Towell Capital, £5,000,000. Discount Days—Daily Agents—Daniell, King and Co,, 10 O'Connell st. SAYINGS' BANK OP NEW SOUTH WALES, Established 1832. 18 Barrack st. Branch—St. George's buildings, George st., South. President—His Excellency the Governor in Ohief Vice President—The Hon. George Allan, M.L.C. Trustees — Captain M'Lerie, Christopher BolleBton, Bichard O'Connor, Charles Frith, Thomas Ware Smart, Henry Prince, Tho Hon. John Campbell, M.L.O.; William Bichman Piddington, Maurice Alexander, Tho Hon. E7 0. Weekes, M.L.O. j Alexander Stuart, Edward Flood, Francis Mitchell, George Hill Managing Trustee—G. 0. Allan Accountant—W. H. Cuff Accountant, Southern Branch—Geo. Wilson AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, £250,000. Agent—J. 0. Neild, jun., 227 George st. Head Office, Collins st., Melbourne. Agents, Montefioro & Montofiore, 8 Gresham St., next Exchange AUSTRALIAN GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY. 129 Pitt st. Directors—Alex. Stuart, Chairman j John Frfzor, W. 0. Gilchrist, Charles Parbury, J. Grafton Boss, Charles Smith Manager—Henry T. Fox AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT SOCIETY. Lifo Assurance, Annuity, and Endowment Office, 98 Pitt st. 410 George s t Directors—George King, Chairman; Professor Capital, £200,000. Smith, M.D., Deputy Chairman; S. Lyons, Directors—J. L. Montofiore, Chairman; E. E. T. Beilby, Boulton Molineaux, John Vickery, J. Alger, M. Alexander, M.L, A.; Fairfax. William Tucker Actuary—M. A. Blaok, F.I.A. Auditors—H. T. Fox, O. B. Ebsworth Bankers—Oriental Bank Corporation and Manager—J. Thos. Ford London Chartered Bank of Australia. Accountant—W. Woolley Ohief Medical Officer—Sprott Boyd, M.D. Solicitor—W. W. Billyard Secretary—Aloxunder J. Balston Discount Days—Tuesdays and Fridays 247 George st. £aid up Capital, £120,000. Directors'and Trustees—The Hon. Alexander Campbell, M.L.O.; The Hon. John Hay, ML.C. Auditor—Christopher Bollcston Manager—0. G. D'Albedyhll Solicitors—Boxburgh, Slade and Spain Discount Days—Tuesdays and Fridays Balance Days—80th June, and 81st December UNION BANK OP AUSTRALIA. 106 Pitt st. Paid up Capital, £1,250,000. Agents—G, A. Lloyd and Co., George st. EUROPEAN ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Local Director—John Alger Agent—W. H. Mackenzie, jun. NETHERLANDS-INDIA FIBE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF BATAVIA. Offices, 56 Pitt st,, North. For Lifo Assurance Annuities and Fidelity Agents—Edward Chapman and Co. Guarantee. Offices, 34 Hunter st. Directors—G. 0. Allan; C. Bolleston, Jo NEW SOUTH WALES MARINE ASSUBANOH Young, Hon. John Hay, M.L.C. COMPANY. Medical Beferee—Charles Nathan Capital, £150;000. Secretary—Frederick J, Jackson Unlimited liability. Solicitor—W. W. Billyard Incorporated by Act of Council, 1851. Offices, George st., Sydney. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OP Directors—Thomas Littlejohn, Chairman ; LONDON. Edwin T. Beilby, John Fairfax, Frederick Capital, £1,945,000. " Fanning,Tho Hon. S. D. Gordon, M.L.O.;., Beserve Fund, £240,000. Edward Knox Agents—Fanning, Griffith & Co., Spring st. Auditors—Boulton Molineaux, John Brewster Marino Surveyor—Captain James Malcolm LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE Secretary—Bobert Garrett INSURANCE COMPANY. AUSTRALIAN FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE CITY BANK. THE MERCANTILE BAAK OP SYDNEY. CORNWALL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. 3 BATAVIA SEA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Agent—W. H. Mackenzie, jun., 06 Pitt st. BRinsn AND FOREIGN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (Limited). Head Offices—Liverpool and London Agents—Loriraer, Marwood and Borne, 30 Hunter st. CANTON MARINE INSURANCE. HEAD OFFICE, HONQ KONO. 52 Margaret st. NEW ZEALAND FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE Directors—J. S. Willis, Chairman ; Hon. E. COMPANY. .: Deas Thomson, C. B., M.L.O.; G. K. 56 Pitt st. Holden, Hon. J. B. Watt, M.L.C.; B. Agents—Edward Chapman and Co. Buchanan, Edward Knox Auditors—Arch. Campbell, 0. B. Ebsworth NOBTH CHINA INSUBANOE COMPANY. • Besident Secretary—A. Stanger Leathes 96 Pitt st. Medical Referees—Hon. Jolin Macfarlane, Agent—W. H. Mackenzie, jun. M.D.,M.L.0.i Alfred Roberts Bankers—Tho Bank of Australasia > NOETHEBN LIFE ASSUBANOE COMPANY. Solicitors—Norton and Barker Surveyor—Francis H. Grundy, O.E. Head Office, London. Medical Beforee—Dr. Bedford LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE AND LIFE Agents for New South Wales and Queensland—Fanning, Griffith and Co. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Fire Capital, £1,000,000. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSUBANOE COMPANY. Lifo Capital, £100,000. 96 Pitt st. Paid up Capital, £550,000. Agent—W. H. Mackenzie, jun. Agent—B. n . Sempill, 235 Pitt st. METCALFE'S MARINE ASSURANCE OFFICE. 9 Bridge st. Manager—M. Metcalfo MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION OP AUSTRALASIA. Head Office, 91 Pitt st. Capital, £793,550. Unlimited Liability Directors—J. B. Young, Chairman ; H.FJ. A. Allan, J. L. Montofiore, G. W. Allen, E. Vickery .: Marine Surveyor—Captain Norie Manager—C. M. Smith Office—247 George st. Directors—Hon. S. D. Gordon, Chairman j G. W. Allen; J. B. Darvall, Q.C., O.M.G.j His Honor Judge Francis ; J. L. Montefioro ; J. Frazer ; B. G. Massie ; Hon. —~— -ic Sir James Martin, Q.C. ; M. B. Pell EOYAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (consulting actuary) OP LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. Managing Director—A. H. Bichardson Capital, £2,000,000. Actuary—B, Thomson, F.I.A. Lloyd's Chambers, 364 George st. Medical Officor—A. M. A'Beckett, F.R.O.S. Medical Beferee—B. O'Brien, M.D. Solioitor—W. W. Billyard Surveyor—J. J. Davey Bankers—Bank of Now South Wales Agents—Laidley, Ireland and Co. Agents—Daniell, King & Co., 10 O'Connell st. NATIONAL MARINE INSURANOE COMPANY OP SOUTH AUSTRALIA. COLONIAL SEA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMTANY. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, . 98 Pitt st. Agent—W, H. Mackenzie, jun., 96 Pitt st. PACIFIC F I B E AND MABINE INSURANCE COMPANY. SEA AND FIBE INSUBANOE COMPANY. THE OOSTEBLINO. Agent—W. H. Mackenzie, junr., 96 Pitt st, 4 DIRECTOEY. COMPANIES SECOND COLONIAL SEA. AND FIRE INSURAI COMPANY. Agent—W. H, Mackenzie, jun., 96 Pitt at. Paid up Capital, £250,000. Chief Office, 85 Oornhill, London. Office, 96 Pitt st. Agent—W. H. Mackenzie, jun. SOUTHERN INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED PORTS AND GENERAL INSURANCE <4; (Limited). COMPANY. Subscribed Capital, £1,000,000 Offices, 84 Hunter st. Paid-up Capital, £100,000 Chief Agent—Fred, J. Jackson. .4 .Reserve Fund, £40,000 Head Offices—35 Queen St., Melbourne Sydney Branch Offico—22 Bridgo st. VICTORIA INSURANCE COMPANIES—FIBE, LIFE AND MARINE. Directors—Georgo King, Chairman ; J. S. United Capitnl, £2,200,000. Mitchell, Robert G. Massie, J. S. Willis Marine Surveyor—Bobert F. Pockley Chief Offices for New South Wales and Secretary —G. H. Howell Queensland, New Pitt st, Sydney Local Directors—George Thorne, J. de Y. Lamb. STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. Eesident Secretary—William Jack Accumulated Funds, £4,095,000, Head Offices—London and Edinburgh. Branch Office—275 Georgo st., Sydney. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANIES. Board of Directors in Sydney—Riohard Jones, (See also Advertisements.) Chairman; E. Flood, Thomas Skinner, AUSTBALASIAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. J. do V. Lamb, H. Princo Paid up Capital, £820,000. Medical Adviser—J. 0. Cox, M.D. Offices and Wliarves, Sussex st. Solicitors—M'Carthy, Son and Donovan Directors—T. Walker, J. Milson, junr.; M. Agent—William Bao Metcalfe, W. B. Piddington, John Brewster, H. H, Beauchamp Swiss LLOYDS' MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Auditors—F. W. Mitchell, G. 0. Allan Agent—Jean" Te Kloot, 127 Pitt st. Manager—Frederick H. Trouton Traffic Manager—Wm. Westgarth SYDNEY INSURANCE COMPANY—FIRE ONLY. Secretary—Frederiok Phillips Capitnl, £250,000. Accountant—D. A. Davis Office, 36 Hunter st. Marine Superintendent—James Munro Dlreotors—B. Jones, Ohairman ; T . C. Breil- Superintending Engineer—Thomas Jaflrey lat, Vico Chairman j John Brewster, James B. Fairfax, Hon. S. D. Gordon, AUSTRIAN LLOYD'S STEAM NAVIGATION M.L.C.; His Honor Judge Josephson COMPANY. Surveyor—William Munro Agent—Jean To Kloot, 127 Pitt st. Seoretary—Alexander Thomson SYDNEY MARINE ASSURANCE COMPANY • (Unlimited Liability). Lyons' Buildings, 227 George st. Directors—Bichard Jones, Ohairman ; Henry Mort, James Laidley London Agont—W. Mort, 155 Fenchurch st. Brisbane—J. and G. Harris Newcastle—Captain Charles Robertson Marine Surveyor—Captain James Malcolm Manager—Samuel H. Smyth CLARENCE AND NEW ENGLAND STEAM NAVIOATION COMPANY'. Head Office, Grafton. Sydney Office, Commercial Wharf, Kingst. Directors— Thomas Fisher, Chairman ; • Norman Cowan, Samuel Cohen, Thomas Hewitt, William Layton Manager—Captain Wiseman Secretary—Thomas' Bowden CLARENCE AND BICHMOND RIVERS' STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Sussex st. ^ Capital, £500,000. Directors—Francis Mitchell, Ohairman; E. Head Office, 275 George st. D. Ogilvie, H. Brown, M. Metcalfe, T. Directors—Hon. E. C. Weekes, M.LC.; W. C. Breillat D. Stewart, B. T. Moodie, M. Alexander, Secretary and Manager—William Williams M.L.A. ; B. Hill. E. Flood Local Director, Grafton—A. Lardner Fire Surveyor—W. E. Kemp Marino Surveyor—Captain James Donald HUNTER RIVER NEW STEAM NAVIOATION London Office—21 Oornhill, E.O. COMPANY. Manager—William Bao Paid up Capital, £55,000. Office and Wharf, Sussex st. near Market st. UNIVERSAL MARINE INSUBANOE COMPANY. Directors—B.-Lee, jun., M:L.A.; Ohairman; (Limited). J. Campbell, M.L.A., P. O'Keeffe, J. B. Capital, £1,000,000. E, Robertson, G. Vindin, J, Scroggie UNITED INSURANCE COMPANY. Manager—F. J. Th6mas Superintending Engineer—John Fyfo, sen. Bankers—The* Commercial Bank GREAT WESTERN TRUNKEY GOLD MINING COMPANY (Limited). Office, Spring st. Directors—W. B. Wulford, Chairman; B. Kummerer, S. C. Burt, Walter R, Hall, ILLAWARRA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. C. C. Skarratt, Henry Rot ton, A. J. Sydney Office, Phoenix Wharf, Erskine st. Pcchoy Directors—Henry Brown, Chairman ; C. J. Stevens, David L. Waugh, M. Metcalfe, Legal Manager—A. H. J. Baass L. W. Hurford, James Byrnes HARTLEY KEROSENE OIL AND PARAFPINE CO. Manager—Edye Manning (Limited). Office, 3 Spring st. PARRAMATTA RIVER STEAM COMPANY. Direotors—J. do V. Lamb, R. 0. Want Offico and Wharf, King St., West Directors—H. P. Polser, Chairman ; James Secretary—W. H. Deloitte Devlin, Georgo Spurway, John Campbell, MANTON'S BUNGONIA QUARTZ MINING AND James Devlin, jun. CRUSHING COMPANY (Limited.) Manager—O.E. Jearineret Offices, 864 Georgo st. Directors—John A. Manton, Chairman; PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM Marshall Bayley ; Joseph Manton NAVIGATION COMPANY. Manager and Secretary—P. S. Solomon Head Office—Leadenball st., London Superintendent at Mine—Frederick Wherritt Agent—Hon. Henry Moore, Moore's Wharf Engineer—E. Bennett TASMANIAN STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Agents—Willis, Merry and Lloyd, 100 MITCHELL'S CHEEK QUARTZ MINING COMPANY (Limited). Offices, 227 Lyons' Buildings, George st. Direotors—Hon, S. D. Gordon, M.L.C., Chairman ; John Alger, C W. Roberts, J. B. MINING COMPANIES. Bundle, William Shaw, M.D. Bankers—Tho City Bank BULLI COAL MINING COMPANY. Solicitors—Messrs. Stephen and Stephen Head Offices, 1 and 8 Exchange, Sydney. Direotors—G. Wigram Allen, J.P., Chairman ; Legal Manager—J. C H. Baass A. H. 0. Macafee, Hon. George Allen, MOUNT COOHA GOLD MINING COMPANY M.L.O.; James R. Fairfax, E. T. Beilby (Limited). Secretary—James Shoobert Offices, 362 George st. Pitt st. BURROWA COPPER MINING COMPANY. NEW LAMDTON COLLIERY. Office—826 George st. Agont—S. L. Bensusan GUDGEGONG CINNABAR MINING Office, Exchange. Agent—T. G, Sawkins COMPANY NEWCASTLE MINMI COLLIERY. (Limited). Office, Exchange. Office, 3 Spring st. Agent—T. G. Sawkins . , Direotors—J. L. Montefiore, G. W. Allen, ' J. Alger, E. T. Spence, M. Bayley NEWCASTLE WALLSEND COAL COMPANY. Secretary—W. H. Deloitte Head Office, 2 Exchange, Bridge st. Directors—T. 0, Breillat, Ohairman; A. ENTERPRISE QUARTZ MINING COMPANY Garran, S. Lyons, H. 0. Dangar, R. (Limited). Rome. Office, Spring st. Secretary—F. W. Bihney Directors—The Hon. Sir James Martin, Q O , Accountant—J. P. Perry M.P., Ohairman; W. R. Piddington, Newcastle Local Manager—H. Bi Cross Henry Prince, Edward Flood, Archibald Colliery Manager—J. Y. Noilson Thompson Seoretary—A. H. J. Baass OSBORNE WALLSEND COAL COMPANY. Sydney Office, 8 Exchange. GLANMIBB GOLD MINING COMPANY Directors—W. Sp'eer, W . Robson, J. Nixon, (Limited). T. Jackson Office, Spring st.. Agent—T. Hale Direotors—J. de V. Lamb, J. L. Montefiore, G. W. Allen, T. C. Breillat, G. King, PEAK DOWNS COPPER MININO COMPANY. M.L.A. Capital, £100,000. Seoretary—W, Hi Deloitto Offices, Exchange Corner, Bridgo st. 6 DIRECTORY. COMPANIES Directors—T. W. Smart, Chairman j Benja- Municipality, and occupies an area of about min Buchanan, J. S. Mitchell, J. Alger, J. 7} aores. Brewster Auditors—W. Wolfen, Robert Garrett AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURAL COMPANY. Solicitors—Want, Son and Johnson Offices, Newcastle. Secretary—D. N. Joubert General Superintendent—E. C. Mcrewother London Agents—Wni. Mort and Co., 135Colliery Manager—J. B. Winship Fenchurch at. Accountant—J. Corletto Surveyor—Georgo Ogdon, Stroud PEEL RIVER LAND AND MINEBAL COMPANY, Superintendent of Stock and Stations—S. A. Office, Spring st. Craik, Wirrah via Murrurunai Agents—Fanning, Griffith and Co. Sydney Agent—Tho Hon. Henry Mooro, Moore's Wharf ROSEWOOD Corrsn MINING COMPANY. Bankers—Bank of Australasia (Limited). Officos, 202 George st. AUSTRALIAN GAS LIOIIT COMPANY. Established by Act of Council, 8 William IV. TBUNKEY CHEEK QUARTZ MINING COMPANY Directors—The Hon. George Allen, Chair(Limited). man i Jacob Levi Montefioro, Doputy Offices, 862 George st. Chairman j Richard Jones, Maurico AlexSecretary—A. Simpson. ander, M.P.; Hon. John Blaxland, William Perrjr, Hon. Samuel Dean Gordon, John Fairfax, Michael Metcalfe, Richard VICTOBIAN TBUNKEY GOLD MINING COMPANY Old, Frederick Holkham Dangar, Riohord (Limited). Grant Reading Office, Spring st. Directors — Georgo Thorne, Chairman ; Treasurer—The Bank of New South Wales Georgo King, Thomas Halo, Walter R. Secretary and Trustee—Rev. R. Mansfield Hall, David M. Parker, Charles 0. Engineor—John Nowlands Wark Auditors—A. Fairfax and J. Milson, jun. Skarratt Chief Clerk—William F. Nightingale Legal Manager—A. H. J. Baass Collectors—Benjamin Moms and Jas. Paton WABATAII COAL COMPANY. Offices, Exchange Corner, Bridge st. AUSTRALIAN MEAT COMPANY. Directors—Charles Smith, Chairman ; Alex. (Limited). Stuart, T. W. Smart, Charles Parbury, Ramornie, Grafton. Joseph S. Willis Agents—Rabone, Feez and Co,, Wynyard Colliery Manager—R. W. Moody Squaro Auditors—Richard Binnie, A. A. P, Tigho Secretary—D. N. Joubert AUSTRALIAN PAPER COMPANY. (Limited), WESTEBN KEBOBENE COMPANY. Capital, £25,000. Office, 307 Georgo st. Thoworksareleasedtothe LivorpoolPaper Co. Works, Botany rd. Directors—William Jolly, Chairman ; B. M. LIVERPOOL PAPER COMPANY. Mortimer, H. Burrows, H. 0. Dangar, Store, 21 Bridge st. James Laidley Manufacturer—R. W. Wccdon Secretary—John MacDonald, jun, Manager—Thomas Wcedon WOOLOABLO LEAD MININO COMPANY. Offices, 862 George St. Secretary—Georgo A. Russell VARIOUS COMPANIES. BALMAIN CEMETERY COMPANY. Office—179 Pitt st. Secretary—J. R, Treevo CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. Exchange, Bridge st. Committee—J. L. Montcfiore, Chairman; J. Capital, £1500 (Paid up) in 300 Shares of S. Willis, Doputy Chairman; Hon. Henry £5 each. Mooro, M.L.C., Treasurer; John Alger, Trustees—W. M. Alderson, J. M. Leigh Hon. Alexander Campbell, M.L.O. ; Directors—T. Alderson, G. Curtis, D. MolEdward Chapman, Hon. S. D. Gordon, • " — hado M.L.C. ; John Keep, Georgo King, Solicitors—Curtis and Gannon ..M.L.A. ; B. Molineaux, Jas. Powell, Honorary Secretary—P. C. Curtis Henry Prince, Robert Rome, George Bankers—English, Scottish and Australian Thorne, Hon. Robert Towns, M.L.O.j • Chartered Bank John B. Watt Tho ground is situated' in Elizabeth Street South, within the Surry Hills and Redforn Secretary—J, E, Ebswo'rth ALBERT CBIOKET GROUND COMPANY. 7 Solicitor—T. K. Bowdcn Secretary—J. R. Treeve Capitol, £8,000. Bankers—Tho City Bank Directors — Alexander Brown, Chairman ; James Johnson, Thos. M. Brown AUSTRALIAN PERMANENT BUILDING AND Manager—Thomas M. Brown INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Seorotary—G. E. Vailo COLONIAL SUGAR REPINING COMPANY. Offices, 24 Bridge st. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Chairman—Edward Knox Directors—Ohas. Parbury, Thomas Buckland, Trustees—John Williams, J.P.; T. 0. Breillat, J.P.; J. B. Tickle Walter Lamb, Frederick Fanning Directors—S, T. Leigh, P. N. Trebeclc, M. W. Manager—J. Grafton Ross S. Clarke, A. Leibius, R. D. Fitzgerald, Solicitors—Want, Son and Johnson W. AVoolley, A. J. Stopps Bankers—Oriental Bank Corporation Solicitors—M'Carthy, Son and Donovan Sugar Mills: Surveyor—F. H. Grundy, C.E. Southgate, Clarenco River Secretary—John Purkis Darkwater Creek, Macleay River Refining and Distilling—Parramatta street, Bankers—Tho City Bank Sydney MUTUAL BENEFIT, NO. 1. Agencies : Office, 805 George st. Brisbane—E. B. Forrest President—Georgo Wigram Allen London—F. Parbury and Co. Trustees—Hon. John Sutherland, M.L.A.; W. T. Pinhey, J.P.; M. B. Pell GREENDALE COMPANY. Directors—John Lucas, Michael Chapman, Office—179 Pitt st. J.P. Secretary—J. R. Treeve Steward—William Jarrott Bankers—Commercial Banking Company PYRMONT BRIDGE COMPANY. Secretary—Randolph Nott Offices, Eastern end of Bridge. Directors—Hon. Georgo Allen, Chairman j MUTUAL BENEFIT, NO. 2. John Fairfax, Yico Chairman; George Office, 805 George st. Wigram Allen, Dr. Smith, M. Young President—George Wigram Allen Auditors—E. 0. Moriarty, W. S. Friend Trustees—M. B.Pell, Hon. John Sutherland, Secretary—Thomas Smith M.L,A.;W.T. Pinhey, J.P. QUEENSLAND SHEEP INVESTMENT COMPANY Directors—John Lucas, Michael Chapman, J.P. (Limited). Bankers—Tho City Bank C Gresham st. Secretary—Randolph Nott Financial Agent—J. de V. Lamb CITY IRON WORKS, PYBMONT. SYDNEY CiiURcn OP ENGLAND CEMETERY COMPANY. 179 Pitt st. Secretary—J. R. Treevo SYDNEY EXCHANGE COMPANY. Bridge st. Chairman—Georgo Thorne Deputy Ohairman—J. S. Willis Direotors—John Alger, Edwin T. Beilby, T. 0. Breillat, Hon. Alexander Campbell, Frederick H. Dangar, Charles Frith, Edward Knox, M. Metcalfe, Hon. Saul Samuel, W. Spain Auditors—W. M. Church, Thomas Littlejohn Secretary—J, E, Ebsworth BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETIES. PERPETUAL BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Office, 8 Spring fit. Directors—M. Metcalfe, M. 0. Stephen, H. E. Allan, J. H. Miller Secretary—W. H. Deloitto PERMANENT MUTUAL BENEFIT BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Offices, 305 Georgo st. Directors—Georgo Wigram Allen, Ohairman; Professor Pell, W. T. Pinhey, J.P. Trustees—Georgo Wigram Allen, M.L.A.; John Lucas, Michael Chapman, J.P. Secretary—Randolph Nott Solicitor—T. K. Bowden Surveyor—William Bailey Bankers—Tho City Bank PnoiNix. 179 Pitt st. Trustees—G. W. Allen, W. Speer, John Sands 179 Pitt st. Trustees—G. W. Allen, W. Speer, G. Thorne Directors—G. J. Armitage, E. Raynes, Hon. Georgo Allon, M.L.C. Directors—0. S. Evans, E, Raynes, Hon, G, Solicitor—William Tealo Allon, M.L.C. ALLIANCE. 8 DIRECTORY. COMPANIES Secretary—J. R. Treovo Bankers—Tho City Bank Stowards—John Roseby, Ambrose Thornloy Solicitor—William Joseph Trickett Secretary—William Jarrett STARR-BOWKETT BUILDING SOCIETY, NO. 1. Office,282 Pitt st., opposito School of Arts. TRUST AND AOENOY COMPANY or Trustees—E. Hoydon, David M'Bcath, TV. U. AUSTRALASIA. Carpenter, P . P. Fletcher, Tait Pitkothly 322 George st. Directors—L. Irodale, H. Palmer, D. L. Agonts—Scott, Henderson and Co. Lloyd, J. Walker, B. Mountcastlo, "VV. Banlcs, E. R. Parker, "\V. Seamor, B. CLUBS. Hardakcr, J. G. Purves, E. Ramsay, H. AUSTRALIAN. Priestley Secretary—H. TV. Foster Bent st. Treasurei"—Joseph Holland Patron—His Excellency the Right Hon, tho Solicitor—George Evans Earl of Belmoro Bankers—Tho City Bank President—Hon. E. Deas Thomson, O.B. Trustees—Hon. Sir William Montagu Manning, Q.O., M.L.O.; Edward Broadhurst, STARR-BOWKETT BUILDING SOCIETY, NO. 2. Q.O.; Christopher Rolleston, Hon. T. Office, 282 Pitt st., opposito School of Arts. leely, M.L.O. ; Hon. Joseph Docker, Trustees—D. McBeatli, P. P. Fletcher, John M.L.O. Davies, T. Pitkothly, and U. TV. CarSecretary—C. P. Farnfleld penter Directors—William "Wright, John Osborne, Mombors of tho Coramitteo—Captain Burn, Captain Wray Finch, Major Christie, C. G. D. Ross, R. S. Sheldon, John Furness, Rolleston, R. G. Massie, A. MoDonald, J. P. Walker, G. Gordon, J. Fidden, A. 0. Moriarty, G. H. Howell, C. TV. S. Furness, TV. Seamor, A. L. ElphinLloyd, M. Young, Hon. John Hay, stono M.L.O. j Hon. J. Blaxland, M.L.C. Treasurer—Joseph Holland Arbitrators—Thomas Spence, James Oatloy, AUSTRALIAN JOCKEY. J. Sutton, L. Iredalo, and B. Dyer Bligh st. Solicitor—George Evans Patron—His Excellency the Right Hon. the Secretary—Thomas Miller Earl of Belmoro Bankers—City Bank. President—Hon. E. Deas Thomson, O.B. Vice President—His Honor Alfred Cheeke SYDNEY INVESTMENT COMPANY. Stewards—R. Jones, Hon. W. M. Arnold, J. 170 Pitt st. do V. Lamb, Alick Osborne, and Georgo Secretary—J. R. Treevo Rouse Judge—John Lackey THE INDUSTRIAL BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Handicappers—John Laokey, A. Thompson, Registered according to Act of Parliament. and S. C. Brown, M.L.A. Offices, 599 George st. Secrotary and Treasurer—Buchan Thomson President—Alderman Murphy, J.P. Auditors—Henry Prince and D. Melhado Trustees—Joseph Wearno, Alderman Murphy, J.P., and John Murphy CIVIL SERVICE. • Directors—Frederick Mfller.NicholasWeekes, Macquarie st. John Barnett, John Tucker, Archibald Patron—His Excellency tho Right Hon. the Fletcher Earl of Belmoro Surveyors—William Elphinstou, Alderman President—Hon. E. Deas Thomson, O.B., Hudson, Alderman Thornley Stewards—John Roseby, Ambrose Thornley, VicoM.L.C. President—Hon. Sir W. M. Manning, jun. Q.O., M.L.O. Secretary—William Jarrett Trustees—H. Lane, E. 0. Moriarty, Harold Maclean THE SECOND INDUSTRIAL BENEFIT BUILDING General Committee—P. F. Adams, James AND INVESTMENT SOOIETY. Barnott, M. Fitzpatriok, A. C. Fraser, Offices, 599 George st. Charles A. Goodohap, F. W. Hill, F. J. President—Alderman Macintosh, J.P. Jackson, T. Richards. Trustees—John Macintosh, Walter O'Reilly, Houso Committee—0. A. Goodchap, F. W. M.D. i James Henry Hill, A. 0. Fraser Directors—P. L. 0. Shepherd, J.P.; John Auditors—Critchctt Walker and William Cahill, W. H. Pigott, Richard Hardman, Thomas William Gary, James Wood Honorary Treasurer—TV. H. Quodling Surveyors—William Elphinston, Phillip 0. Honorary Secretary—0. A. Goodchap Williams, Wm. Curtis, Ambrose Thornley Bankers—Bank of Australasia ROYAL SYDNEY YAonr SQUADRON. Patrons—His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, His Excellency tho Right Hon. Somerset Richard, Earl of Belmoro Commodore—II. 0. Dangar Vice Commodore—Charles Parbury Committee—S. C. Burt, F. J. Jackson, A. Fairfax, J. Grafton Ross, P. F . Adams, William Farmer Treasurer—Lieutonant Colonel Richardson Auditors—G. S. Caird, TV. 0. Gilchrist Secrotary—Georgo H. Howell UNION. Bent st. Patron—His Royal Highness Prince Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh, E.G., &c, &c. President—William Henry Suttor, M.L.A. Vice President—Walter Lamb • Trustees — Benjamin Buchanan, Edward Knox, Charles Parbury Committee—Georgo S. Caird, William Chatfield, J. Johnson, J. Laidle'y, John Edye Manning, James Norton, LieutenantColonel John S. Richardson, Joseph Grafton Ross, William Duncan Stewart, William Teale, Houlton Harries Voss, P. L. 01oeto,W.P.M.; A. Stanger Leathos, Hon. Francis Lord Auditors—A. S. Webster, F. W. Crozier Secretary—Francis Henry Wilson Bankers—The Australian Joint Stock Bank 9 Central Engino Station, 97 Bathurst st. Superintendent—Charles Bown Foreman—James Murray Assistant Foreman—William South Chief Engineer—Edward Ashdown Second Engineer—John McKnight Third Engineer—John Cunningham Night Watchman—William Morris Firemen—Twelvo Members Plant—Two largo Steam Firo Engines, three Manual Power Engines, Hose Reels, Hydrants, Ladders, Chains, &c. Board of Management meet first Friday in every month Secretary—Oharles Bown SYDNEY VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, No, 2. Head Station, Phillip st., North. Branch Station, Pitt St., next School of Arts Trustees—George Lane, William Vial, Wm. Walker Superintendent—William Oamb Foreman—William Wyatt Assistant Foreman—William Hinchey Engine Keeper—Joseph Collins Treasurer—James Horan Secretary—Edwin Geo Engineer—John Harkness Number of Working Members—Fifty ROYAL ALFRED AUSTRALIAN VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY, NO. 1. Established, October 19,1851. Engine Station, Pitt st,, South. Superintendent—E, Oram 186 Castlereagh st. Foreman—J. Bird President—Hon. John Robortson, M.L.A. Vice President—Hon, Samuel Dean Gordon, First Assistant Foreman—A. Dent Second Assistant Foreman—W. Blunt M.L.C. Treasurer—A. Torning Trustees—J. B. Rundlo, S. C. Burt Committee—W. F. Cape, S. C. Burt, T. Hale, Engino Keeper—R. Kippax Corresponding Secretary—T. Harrison A. Thompson Financial Secretary—W. Stewart Secretary—W. H. Catlett Bankers—Tho Australian Joint Stock Bank VICTORIA. VOLUNTEER. VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS. Artistic, Benevolent, Literary and 181 Castlereagh st. Chairman—Hon. John Robertson, M.L.A, Scientific Hon. Secretary—0. A. Wilson, jun. ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY. Committee—J. Aaron, J. Dawson, W. G. President—His Excellency the Right Hon. Henfrey, TV. Jack, W. E. Kemp, W. E. tho Earl of Belmoro Langley, W. Neill, J. Paterson, Dr. Read, Vico President—Tho Hon. Sir William MacJ. A. Ternon, L. Windoyor arthur, M.L.O. Proprietor—W. Balham Council—Dr. G. Bennett, J. B. Bossley, James Byrnos, M.LA.; Charles Campbell, FIRE ESTABLISHMENTS. Thomas Charles, R. D. Fitzgerald, W. AUXILIARY FIRE AND SALVAGE COMPANY. Hemming, His Honor Judge Josephson, Dr. Moffitt, Charles Moore, Tho Hon, J. (Connected with Sydney Fire Brigade,) B. Wilson, M.L.A.} Rev. R, TV. Young Station, 97 Batnurst st. Honorary Secretary—Dr. George Bennett Foreman—John Pcarce Auditors—Georgo Thorno, Thomas Halo Assistant Foreman—David Dickman Treasurer—William Thomas Number of Members—Fourteen SYDNEY (INSURANCE OO.'S) FIRE BBIOADE, AGRICULTURAL SOOIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Established 1850. Offices, 227 Goorgo st, 10 INSTITUTIONS President—The Hon. Sir "William Macarthur, M.LO. Vice Presidents—N. P . Bayloy, Sloper Cox, W. J. Dangar, Hon. John Hay, B. L. Jenkins, Thomas S. Mort, J. Lackey, Hon. T. Holt, W. Eenny, Mayor; Hon.E. Dcas Thomson, O.B. Council—Earl of Bolmoro, A. Bruce, Hon W. Bushy, J. Barnett, Henry Beit, Hon. A. Campbell, E. K. Cox, Hon. J. Chisholm, , J. Chisholm, jun. j I. K. Cloove, J. J. Calvert, W. H. Catlett, T. Dawson, J. F. Downos, W. Dumaresq. A. Dight, J. B. Fairfax, J. Good, Hon, S. D. Gordon, E. S. Hill, J. Alger, F . W. Hill, W. E.. Jenkins, Joseph Thompson, M. Lowe, W. Keene, P. G. King, G. Lodor, C. W. Lloyd, J. D. McCansh, 0. Moore, A. H. McOulloch, jun.! W. Morris, LF.P.S.G.; J. Nowlan, J. N. Oxley, G. M. Pitt, H. H. Voss, Howard Eeed, J. Eussell, E. H. Eoberts, P. H. Osbonio, W. H. Suttor, H. Parkes, A. M. Thompson, Ph.D., E. Eouse, A. Town, B. Thompson, E. P. Eamsay, P. N. Trobeck, 0. Watt. Auditors—H. Freeman, E. I. Clarke, B. Molineaux. Secrotary—Jules Joubert DIRECTORY. President—E. W. Cameron Vice-President—Porcival Wilkinson Patrons-—H. Perdriau, John Booth, Eev. E, Mansfield Treasurer—Charles Mossmnu Hon, Secretary—Sydney Smith Auditors—Henry Catt, E. Hunt BENEVOLENT ASYLUM, Patron—His Excolloncy tho Bight Hon. tho Earl of Bolmoro Prcsidont—Tho Hon. E. Deas Thomson, O.B. Vico-President — Tho Hon. Gcorp-o Allen, M.L.C. Treasurer—Maurice Alexander, M.L.A. Secretary—Tho Hon. George Allen, M.L.C. Committee—Henry Edward Allan, J. J, Curran, Bov, M. J. Dwyer, Patrick Freehill, Eov. Dr. Fullorton, J. H. Goodlot, Hon. S. D. Gordon, Thomas Hogg, J.P.; James Henry, Eov. Dr. Lang, Eev. T. M'Carthy, J. J. Moore, James Oatley, J. G. Eaphael, T. P. Eeevo, Eev. Edward Bogors, Vory Eov. F. J. Sheridan, Captain D. C. F. Scott, Eov. Canon Stephen, M.A.; M. H. Stephen, Eov. Canon Yidal, B.A.; Joseph Wearne Clerk and Accountant—Mr. S. W. Mansfield Matron—Mrs. Drew AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM, Visiting Medical Officer—Dr. Eenwick Established 18S6. Incorporated 1853. Collector—E. Eamsay, 270 George street, Elective Trustees—Eev. W. B. Clarke, M.A., Sydney F.G.S.; Dr. Georgo Bennett, F.Z.S. j Dr. Fortescuo, Prof. Smith, M.D.; Dr. CAMDEN COLLEOE, James 0. Cox, F.L.S.; Alfred Eoberts, Newtown. Wm. Macleay, M.L.A., F.L.S.; Edward Chairman of Council—Eov. John West S. Hill, W. J. Stephens, M.A.; Hon. Sir Treasurer—John Fairfax William Macarthur, M.L.O.; A. W. Honorary Secretary—Josiah Mullens Scott, M.A. j Professor Thomson, D.Sc. Thomas Johnson, Eev. S. 0. Official Trustees—The Hon. Colonial Secre- Council—Eev. Kent, Eev. John Graham, Andrew tary, the Hon. Colonial Treasurer, the Garran, L.L.B.; Hon. Thomas Holt, David Hon. Attorney-General, the Hon, SoliJones, Joseph Thompson, Alfred Fairfax, citor-General, the Auditor General, the P. S. Jones, M.D. Colonial Architect, the Collector of Customs, the Surveyor General, His Honor Principal of tho School—Eev. S. 0. Kent the Chief Justice, the President of tho Tutors—Eev. John Graham, Eev. J. G. Frazer, M.A.; John Mackintosh, M.A.; Colonial Medical Board G. E, Long, M.A.; J. Tucker, P. Dutrio Grown Trustee—Tho Hon, E. Deas Thomson, C,B.,M.L.O. Cnuncn SOCIETY, Curator and Secretary—Gerard Krefft, F.L.S. Patron—His Excellency the Eight Hon, tho Assistant Curator—Georgo Masters Taxidermists—A. Thorpe, Henry Barnes, Earl of Belmore Eobert Barnes President—The Eight Eev. tho Lord Bishop Messenger and Office Keeper—M. O'Grady of Sydney Finance Committee—Tho Dean of Sydney, ' AUSTRALIAN UNION BENEFIT SOCIETY. Eov, Canon Allwood, C. Eolleston, T. W. President—Thomas Cowlishaw, sen, Smart, Edward Knox Trustees—Edward Bennett, Thomas Cowli- Secretaries—Tho Dean of Sydnoy and J. G. shaw, sen.; Henry Prescott Ewer Honorary Treasurer—John Carruthers Medical Officer—A. Eenwick, M.D. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP NEW SOUTH Secretary—Thomas Cowlishaw, jun, WALES. Meets on the first Monday in each month at BALIIAIN WORKING MEN'S INSTITUTE, Mr. G. Krefft's Booms, College st. Darling st,, Balmain, President-Alexander Walker Scott, M.A. 11 Hon. Secretary—'William Macleay, M.L.A., Superioress—M. S. Gibbons Honorary Medical Adviser—W. J. Williams, F.L.S. M.D. Hon. Treasurer—H. Burton Bradley FEMALE SCHOOL OF iNDUSTitY. HYDE PARK IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE. James Barnct, Edmund T. Blacket, tho Hon. Macquarie st., North, Daniel Egan, M.LA.; Bichard Jones, Patroness—Tho Countess of Belmoro Captain M'Lerie, Charles Moore, tho Hon. Treasurer—Mrs. Edward Aspinall Mayor of Sydney, Hon. E. 0. Woekes, Hon Secrotary—Mrs. E. Deas Thomson M.L.C. Committee—Mrs. Allwood, Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Billyard, Mrs. Breillat, Mrs. Hay, Secretary—W. H. Catlett Mrs. 0. Kemp, Lady Manning, Mrs. H. Eangcr—Keran Eyan Moore, Mrs. A. Eoborts, Lady Stephen, LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Miss Deas Thomson Office, 362 Georgo st. Matron—Mrs. Kendall Agent—Eov. J, P. Sunderland GERMAN ASSOCIATION. (Doutscher Kranken Verein.) Established, March 7, 1853. Enrolled in pursuance of tho Act of Council, 17 Victoria No. 20, November 19, 1866. Office, 176 Castlereagh st. Meets every Tuesday, at 8 o'clock p.m. President—J. Degotardi Secretary—Charles Lamy Treasurer—Georgo Frieoenwald Trustees—Christian Hafcr, Adolph Shadier GERMAN GLEE CLUD, "CONCOBDIA," NEW SouTn WALES AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. 256 Georgo st. Patron—His Excellency tho Bight Hon. the Earl of Belmoro VicoPatron—TheBightEev.Bishopof Sydney Prosident—Hon, Georgo Allen, ML.O. Vice Presidents—James Comrio, G. W. Allen, Bov. S. C. Kent Treasurer—G. W, Allen JointSecrotaries—Eev. E, Eogers, G. F. Wise, Depositary—John Mailer Office, 3 Bridge st. NEW SOUTH WALES BUSH MISSIONARY President—F. Hamburger SOCIETY. Secretary—0. B. Sussmilch Established 1856. Treasurer—John Gonder Treasurer—John Mills, 715 George st. Musical Director—0. B. Sussmilch Secretaries—Joseph Palmer, Edward G. W. Trustees—August Boekemann, John Hagen Palmer Committee—HertryBaigent, William Bradley, HOME VISITING AND BELIEF SOCIETY. N. Hollingworth, Arthur Hunt, Eobert Patron—His Excellency tho Eight Hon, tho F. Jay, W. A. Phillips, William Pratt, Earl of Belmore T. B. Eolin, David Walker, John Wells President—His Honor Sir Alfred Stephen, Bush Missionaries—James Druce, William O.B., Chief Justico Fincham Honorary Secretary—Georgo F. Wiso Committeo—Eev. Canon Allwood, H. Edward NEW SOUTH WALES DEAF, DUMB AND A . Allan, W. M. Alderson.T. 0. Breillat, BLIND INSTITUTION. Eev. G, 0. Bodo, Dr. Charles, James Ormond House, Paddington. Fairfax, Eev. Dr. Fullerton, W. J. Is open to parents and friends of the children, Foster, Alexander Gordon, Stephen between tho hours of 12 noon and 8 p.m., Greenhill, Robert Hills, Rov. Hulton S. onco a fortnight, and subscribers and other King, Henry Lumsdaino, Eev. Eugene visitors daily, Saturdays, Sundays, and holiLuckie, W. H. Mackenzie, jun.; M. E. days excepted, from 2 to 4 p.m. Murnin, 0. Myles, Arthur H. Macarthur, All communications to bo addressed to Mr. William Owen, Thomas Peato, John Ellis Eobinson, Honorary Secretary, at tho Richardson, Very Eov. J. F . Sheridan, Institution, or 486 Georgo St., Sydney. Joseph Thompson Patron—His Excellency tho Earl of Belmore Honorary Treasurer—Georgo F. Wiso President—The Eev. Georgo King, M.A. Honorary Medical Officer—Dr. Fortescuo Vice President—Eev. Dr. Lang Collector—E. Eamsay, 279 George st. Hon. Treasurer—William Love, J.P, Hon, Secretary—Ellis. Eobinson Hon. Surgeon—Arthur Eenwick, M.D. HOUSE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD, Committee—M. Alexander, M.L.A.; H. G. Pitt st. South. Alloyno, M.D.; E. T. Beilby, John For the reception of female penitents under Frazer, J. E, Fairfax, Eobert Hills, the oaro of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. James Honry, Rev. James Milne, M.A.; Washing and all kinds of needleworfi done Henry Phillips, William Rao, F, R. in tho Institution. 12 INSTITUTIONS Eobinson, Geo. F . Wise, Jas. Williams, E. D. Ward, M.D. Ladies Visiting Committee—Mrs. Baillie, Mrs. Breillat, Mrs. Balcombo.Mrs. Justice Dowling, Mrs. J. H. Goodlot, Miss Gaden, Mrs. John Hay, Mrs. Robort Hills, Mrs. George King, Mrs. W. Lovo, Miss McCarthy, Miss Mnokie, Mrs. Henry Mort, Mrs. I". R. Eobinson, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Goorgo F. Wise Master—S. A. Gilder Matron—Mrs. Ash ton Collector—B. Eamsay, 279 Georgo st. EAOOED AND INDUSTMAL ScnooLs, Sussex st. and Globe st., Glebe Patron—His Excellency the Earl of Belmore Treasurer—John Fairfax Secretary—J. S. Harrison BOYAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Tho object of this Society is to recoivo at its stated meetings original papers on subjects of Soienco, Art, Literature, and Philosophy. President—His Excollenoy the Eight Hon. the Earl of Belmoro Vice Presidents—Tho Eov. W. B. Olarko, G. N E W Sourn WALES EELIQIOUS TRACT AND E. Smalloy BOOK SOCIETY. Honorary Treasurer—Edward Bedford 256 Georgo st. Honorary Secretaries—Eov. William Scott, Presidont—Hon. Georgo Allen, M.L.C. Howard Eeed Vice Presidents—John Fairfax, J. Comrie Assistant Secretary—W. H. Catlott Treasurer—George Wigram Allen Ordinary Members of Council—Gerard Krefft, Secretaries—W. Crane, M. H. Stephen Charles Moore, Professor Pell, 0. EolDepositary—John Mailer leston, Professor Smith, Dr. Thomson NEW SOOTH WALES EIFLE ASSOCIATION. SCHOOL OP ARTS, BALMAIN. Patron—His Excellency the Eight Hon. tho Darling st. Earl of Belmoro Committee—M. Fitzpatrick, J. Shoobert, F. President—The Hon. Sir William Montagu H. Trouton, E. J. Webb, Wm. MacdonManning, M.L.O., Q.C., L.L.D. nell, J. Booth, Henry Perdriau, J. D. Vice Presidents—Lieutenant-OolonelRichardCronin, G. R. Elliott, T. J. Jaquos, F . son, Walter Lamb Hamburger, J. Watson • Treasurer—J. Grafton Boss Hon. Secretary—T. J. Jaques Auditors—John Williams, J. S. Harrison Hon. Treasurer—J. D. Oronin Honorary Secretaries—P. Campbell Brewer, Henry C. Dangar SCHOOL or ARTS, CAJTPEKDOWN. General Committee—Dr. Ward, V.B.; Captain Baynes, Staff; Ensign Strong, V.E.; F. President—S. C Brown, M.L.A. C. Brewer, Captain G. Phillips, V.B.; Vice Presidents—E. Fowler, T. A. Hinds Major Winde^er, V.B.; Captain Hixon, Treasurer—E. S. W. North N.B. j Captain Clarke, V.A.; Major Committeo of Management—J. McEae, J. Cahill, A. Bedford, 0. Sheehan, 0. OverJaqucs, V.E. ; Leibius Hordern, H. 0. ton Dangar, J. B. Fairfax, B. Jones, Major Goodlet, V.B,j W. Compton, V.E,; Cap- Trustees—S. 0. Brown, M.L.A.; B. Levi tain Cameron, V.E.; Henry Lane, Lieut. Auditors—J. Fowler, E. Tatham Hunt, V.E.; E. Brownlow, V.B.; Captain Hon. Secretary and Librarian—N. C. O'Neill Wells, V.B. SCHOOL OP ARTS, ST. LEONABD'S. NEW SOUTH WALES TEMPERANCE ALLIANCE. Trustees—H. P. Palser, J.P.; B. S. Mountcastle, J. Carruthers, J. Davies, J. Palser, Alderman Kippax Committee—A. B. Armstrong, Alderman -. Chapman; Samuel Callagnan, Georgo Lucas, George Palmer, John Osborne, John Mills, Alderman Macintosh, Bobt. Selby, David Smart Treasurers—The Trustees Secretaries—D. Smart, J. Osborne President—W. Tunics Trustees—W, Tunks, E. D. Ward, 0. H. Woolcott, G. H. Barney Committee—H. Edgoll, J. W. Guise, W. P. Woolcott, J. Jago, H, Munday. Treasurer—W. Heron Secretary—Wt J. Sugden SOCIETY FOB THE BELIEF OP DESTITUTE CHILDREN. Office—875 Georgo st. Patron—His Excellenoy the Eight Hon. the PRINCE ALFRED BAND OP HOPE. Earl of Belmore President—Tho Hon. George Allen President—Hon, E. Deas Thomson, O.B., Vice President—The Hon. John Bowie Wilson M.L.O. Treasurer—-N. J. Crocker Vice President—Hon. George Allen, M.L.O. Secretary—H. B. Lee Honorary Treasurer—G. F. Wise Meets on Friday evenings at Temperance Honorary Seoretary—Rev.CanonStephen,M.A. Hall, Pitt st, Honorary Physician—H, Q, Alleyne, M,D. DIRECTORY. 13 eighteen Fellows, six of whom must be in Visiting Surgeon—A. M. Brown, M.D. Direotors—W. M. Alderson, J.P, j M. Dutruo, Priest's Orders. Tho Fellows'with the WarJ. Birrell, Henry Clarke, John Dawson, den form tho Council in which tho governW. S. Friend, Charles Humphrey, Eev. ment of tho College is vested. George King, M.A.; Eov. Hulton S. King, Visitor—Tho Bishop of Sydney Eev. Dr. Lang, J. J. Moore, M. Metcalfe, Warden—Eev. William Scott, M.A. Eev. J. Milne, S. H. Pearco, James Vice Wardon—Rev. W. H. Roberts, B.A. Powell, M. J. Peden, J. G. Daphne], Very Bursar—Michael Metcalfe Bev. Archdeacon Eigney, Very Eev. J. F. Fellows—Eev. Canon Allwood, B,A.; Oharles Campbell, Rev. W. B . Clarke, M.A.; Sheridan, Joseph Thompson, Eev. T. E. B. Docker, M.A.; W. P. Faithfull, Wilson, Eev. H. N. Woolfroy M.A.; Alexander Gordon, A. Todd Superintendent of tho Asylum—J. M. May Holroyd, M.B.; Eichard Johnson, Eev. Matron—Miss Probort Georgo King, M.A.; Michael Metcalfo, Accountant—W. Wailes Charles Nathan, James Norton, Bev. J. Collector—M. Holroyd Pcndrill, M.A.j T. W. Smart, Sir Alfred Stephen, C.B.; Bev. Canon ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. Stephen, M.A.j Eev. Canon Vidal, Incorporated by the Act 21 Viotoria, in B.A.; B. C. Want, M.A. connexion with the Eoman Catholic Church In the terms of tho Act, the visitor is the ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL. Eoman Catholic Archbishop of Sydney. Tho Darlinghurst. Corporation consists of a Ecctor (who must Under the caro of the Sisters of Charity. bo a duly approved Priest) and eighteen Fel- Surgeons—Dr. Fortescue, Dr. Farrell lows, of whom six must bo duly approved Joint Treasurers—Mrs. M. J. O'Brien, Very Priests and twelve Laymen. Theso eighteen Bev. S. J. A. Sheehy, V. G.s Francis Fellows, with tho Ecctor, form tho Council Macnab '* in which tho government of tho College is Secretary—Eobert Coveny vested. Bankers—The Commercial Bank Visitor—The Eoman Catholic Archbishop of SYDNEY BETHEL UNION. Sydney Eector—The Very Bev. John Forrest, D.D. Trustees—Hon Georgo Allen, M.L.O.; Franois Mitchell, John Fairfax, J. Alexander (Gregorian University, Rome) Fellows—Hon. P. A. Jennings, M.L.C.; Edw. Minister—Bev. W. Leishman Butler, Rev. W. Stone, Wm. C. Curtis, Hon. Treasurer—William Love, J.P. M.A.j Eov. D. J. D'Arcy, John Donovan, Hon. Seoretary—Commander Eichard Sadleir, LL.D. i W. A. Duncan, E. G. Ellis, James E.N., J.P. C. Gilhooloy, P. J. Healy, B.A.; James General Committee—J. S. Adams, J. Busby, Hart, Eev. M. McAlroy, Eov. 0. McCarH. C. Burnell, J.P. j John Fairfax, H. T. thy, Thomas O.Maclcinson,B.A.; Eichard Fox, A. Howitt, W. Neill, W. Speer, ' O'Connor, Tho Very Rev. S.J.A. Sheehy, J.P.j E. Sadleir, E.N., J.P.; Hon. B. V.G.i The Very Bev. J. F. Sheridan, W. Towns, M.L.C.; J. Walker B. Dalloy SIDNEY CITY MISSION. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE. Lyndhurst. Founder and Patron—His Grace the Archbishop of Sydney President and Head Master—Very Eev. Dr. J. N. Quirk, O.S.B., LLD. Professor of Philosophy, Dogmatic and Moral Theology—Eov. P. Kenyon Prefect—Bev. D. P. Quirk, O.S.B., B.A. Sub Prefect—Eev. B. Farrell, O.S.B. Masters—Eev. B. Callachor, B.A.; E. Fitzgerald, B.A.; B. Downing, W. Hynes Procurator—Eev. G. H. Carr, O.S.B. Spiritual Director—Eev. M. J. Dwyer, O.S.B, ST. PAUL'S COLLEOE, Incorporated by tho Act 18 Victoria, in connexion with the Ohurch of England. In the terms of tho Act tho Visitor is the Bishop of Sydney. The Corporation consists of a Warden (who must bo in Priest's Orders) and Treasurer—J. Thompson Secretaries—Bevds. E. Eobinson, J. Voller SYDNEY DIOCESAN EDUCATIONAL AND BOOK SOCIETY. President—Tho Bight Bevorend the Bishop of Sydney Secretaries and Treasurers—Rev. T. O'Beilly, Christopher Eolleston Standing Committee—All Clergymen licensed in tlio Diocese, being Subscribers or Corresponding Members—Edmund Burton, J. Thos. Ford, Chas Campbell, Hon, John Campbell, H. E. A. Allan, Alexander Gordon, J. P. Mackenzie Librarian—J. G. Ewer The Secretary's office and Book Depositary, Church Society's House, Phillip st., are open from nine a.m. to fivo p.m. upon every week day. Subscriptions may bo paid to the Librarian. SYDNEY FEMALE REFUGE. ? DIRECTORY. INSTITUTIONS 14 Patron—His Excellenoy the Right Hon, the Earl of Belmoro President—His Honor Sir Alfred Stephen, Knight, O.B. Vice Presidents—The Hon. G. Allen, John Fairfax Treasurer—James Harrison Secretary—William Orano Medical Adviser—Dr. Nathan Committee—W. Crane, S. Oallaghan, J. H. Goodlett, Dr. Moon, G. W. Barker, W. Foster, Shepherd Smith, J. Mills, James Harrison, M. H. Stephen, J. Wcarno, T . B . Rolin, Alfred Fairfax, E. T. Penfold, W. Roa, R. G. Reading, E. Ronnie, and nil |Ministors of Religion who oro Members of the Society Patroness—The Countess of Belmore President—Mrs. E. Deas Thomson Secretary—Mrs, Goodlet Ladies' Committee—Mrs. Allen, Mrs. J. C. Raymond, Mrs. Joseph Thompson, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs, John Dawson, Mrs. Speer, Mrs. Breillat, Mrs. Thos. Smith, Mrs. Murnin, Mrs. W. M. Cowper, Mrs, R. Thome, Mrs. Hurst, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. G. F. Wise, Mrs. John Hay, Mrs. Threlkeld, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Maunder Jones, Mrs. J, Macerrceor, Mrs. Thomas Hill SYDNEY GBAMSIAB. SCHOOL. College st. Visitor—His Excellency the Governor in Chief Official Trustees—Hon. Colonial Secretary, Hon. Attorney General, Hon. Speaker of the House of Assembly, Provost of the University, Senior Professor of Classics, Senior Professor of Mathematics, Sir William Macnrthur, Hon. G. Allen, M. H. Stephen, N. D, Stenhouse, A. M A'Bcckett, W. C. Windeyer Head Master—A. B. Weigall, B.A. Mathematical Master—E. Pratt, B.A. Assistant Mastors—E. Whitfield, M.A.; C. 0. Holm, M.A.; H. S. Hawkins, M.A. Writing & Commercial Master—C. J. Fache Assistant Master—J. W. Vanes Drawing Master—-J. Fowles Writing Master—W. Norris F . Josephson, Mrs. Murnin, Mrs. H. Moore, Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. Norton, Lady Stephen, Mrs. H. Stephen, Mrs. 0. Stephen, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs, A. Stuart, Mrs. Wise Hon. Treasurer—Mrs. J. P. Mackenzie Hon. Secretary—Mrs. G. H. Moroton Hon. Medical Officer—Alfred Roberts Committee of Reference—Alexander Gordon, Hon. Georgo Allen Matron—Mrs. Stephen Clarke Hon. Consulting Surgeon—Charles Nathan, F.R.O.S. Physicians—II. G. Alloyne, M.D.j J. 0. Cox, M.D., F.R.O.S.; A. M. Brown, M.D.; A. Ronwick, M.D., L.R.O.S. Surgeons—Alfred Roberts, M.R.O.S.j P. S. Jones, M.D., F.R.O.S.; 0. McKay, M.D., L.R.C.S.; E. Bedford, F.RC.S. Resident Medical Officers—R, Schuetto, M.D., L.A.O.; J. Do Lcon,M.R.C.S. Directors—"W. M. Aldorson, M. Alexander, M.L.A., John Alger, E. W. Cameron, R. Coveny, J. Dawson, Rev. M. J. Dwyer, J. Flavolle, Hon. S. D. Gordon, M.L.C, Rev. J. Graham, Richard Jones, Edward Knox, John E. Manning, M. Metcalfe, Rev. James Milno, J. G. Raphael, Lieutenant-Colonel Richardson, J. Grafton Ross, Very Rev. J. F. Sheridan, M. H. Stephen, J. R. Street, J. Thomson, Rev. Adam Thomson, J. B. Watt District Surgeons — East, Myles Egan, M.R.O.S. ; South, 0. A. Becke, L.A.C.L.; North, J. Moon, L.R.O.S.E. ; West, Dr. Laurie ; Paddington, 0. F. Eichler, M.R.O.S. j Rcdfern and Glebe, B. Fyffe, M.R.O.S. Manager—J. Blackstono Clerk and Collector—H. D. Russell Lady Superintendent—Miss Osburn Dispensers—W. W. Park, S. Harris Dispensary Rooms open every lawful day from one to threo o'clock p.m. THE CITY NIGHT REFUOE AND SOUP KITOIIEN. 15 Professors—Classics and Logic—Charles Badham, D.D.; Mathematios and Natural Philosophy, M. B. Pell, B.A.; Chemistry, J. Smith, M.D.; Geology, A. M. Thomson, D. So.; Assistant Professor of Classics, H, Kennedy, B.A. Registrar—Hugh Kennedy, B.A. Esquire Bedell—J. Kinloch, M.A. Accountant—W. Clark Auditor—Tho Hon. Geoffroy Eagar Solicitor—G. W. Allen Curator of Museum—Edmund Reeve Examiners—Classics—Tho Professor, Assistant Professor and J. Paterson, LL.D. Mathematics, tho Professor and G. R, Smalley, M.A. Chemistry and Physics, tho Professors. Faculty of Medicine, (Dean), John Smith.M.D.; H.G. Alleyno, M.D.; Sprott Boyd, M.D.; John Foulis, M.D.; John Macfarlano, M.D.; Charles Nathan, F.R.CS.; Alfred Roberts, J. C. Cox, M.D.; E. Bedford, G. Bennett, M.D. 535 Kent st. Presidcnt-D. C. F. Scott, P.M. Treasurer—W. A. Oooko Secretary—W. Day Committee—H.Bell, W. Chatfield.Dr. Charles, N. J. Crocker, M. Charlton, J. G. Catloy, J. Campbell, M. Ohapman, J, Evans, R. Forster, G. Fox, S. Greenhill, J. G. Hanks, A. Hordern, S. H. Lewis, W. Love, J. Murphy, J. Oatloy, F. Parsons, MASONIC. II. P. Palsor, W. T. Pinhey, E. T. Penfold, W. Renny, E. F. Scott, R. Thorne, DISTRICT GRAND LODGE UNDER T H E ' C. W. Weekes CONSTITUTION OF THE GRAND Manager—H. B. Leo LODGE OF ENGLAND, Resident Superintendent—J. McDougall District Grand Master—R. W. Br. Arthur The Committco meets on the premises every Todd Holroyd alternate Wednesday, at 4 p.m. Deputy District Grand Master—V. W. Br. Ernest 0. Smith TRADE PIIOTECTION SOCIETY OF N. S. WALES. D. G. Senior Warden—W. Br. A. M. Brown Office, 275 George st. „ Junior Warden—W. Br. Adolph Shadier „ Chaplain—Rev. Br. Wuzir Beg Committee—J. Grafton Ross, Ohairman; F. „ Treasurer—W. Br. W. H. Simpson Parsons, E. Chapman, H. E. Tidswoll, J. „ Registrar—W. Br. A. Bradford Keep, R. Saddington, W. M. Alderson, E. Vickery, J. Sandy, William Price, A. D. G, Secretary—W. Br. John A. Mathews „ President of tho Board of General PurFairfax, II. E. A. Allen, S. Franck, W. poses—W. Br. T. T. Jones B. Walford „ Senior Deacon—W. Br. A. A. LewingAuditors—J. Moroy, W. M. Green ton Treasurer—E. Chapman „ Junior Deacon—W. Br. B. M. Mortimer Secretary—S. Douglas „ Supt. of Works—W. Br. G. Evans Bankers—The City Bank „ D. of Ceremonies—W. Br. W. Cassidy „ Assistant D. of Ceremonies—W. Br. E. UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY. J. Webb Campordown. „ Sword Bearer—W. Br. E. Bennett „ Pursuivant—W. Br. J. Taylor Visitor—His Excellency tho Right Honorable „ Tyler—W. Br. S. A. Do Lissa tho Earl of Belmore Senate—Hon. E. Deas Thomson, C.B., Chan- 1. W. Br. George Fox cellor; Rev. Canon Allwood, B.A., Vice 2. W. Br. J. J. Ryall District Chancellor; Hon. Georgo Allen, Hon. 8. W. Br. F. W. Elliott > Grand W. M. Arnold, His Honor Judge Peter 4. W. Br. T. T. Mathews I Stewards, Faucett, Sir William Macarthur, Hon. 5. W. Br. T. Drinkwater Sir William M. Manning, Q.O., LL.D.; 6. W. Br. H. Wcstcott Hon. Sir James Martin, Q.O.j O.Nathan, W. Br. W. Yeoman „ W. H. Simpson F.R.O.S.; Sir 0. Nicholson, Bart., Board „ W. Cassidy D.C.L., LL.D; M. B. Pell, B.A.j Most of „ W. Cooper Rov. Archbishop Polding, D.D.; Rev. W. Benevolence,. „ C. F. Eichler Purvos, John Smith, M.D.; N. D. Sten„ B. M. Mortimer house, M.A.; W. 0. Wontwortb, W. 0. „ J. A, Mathews , Windeyer, M.A, SYDNEY MEonANics' SCHOOL OF ABTS. Patron—His Excellency tho Right Hon. the Earl of Belmore President—N. D. Stenhouse, M.A. Vice Presidents — Hon. John Sutherland, M.L.A.; W. C. Windeyer, M.L.A.; J. S. Paterson, LL.D.; R. Stewart Treasurer—Joseph Thompson Committee of Management—W. M. Alderson, J.P. ; J. McRae, J. j . Moore, J. Moring, T. B. Rolin, W. H. Jones, E. Oram, J. 0. Fisher, W. Clark, J. Fowles, E. Dowling, Alderman Macintosh Trustees of tho aid granted by tho Colonial Govornment^-Thomas Barker, Thomas Walker, W. G. Pennington, H. H. Ingram Auditors—J. Calder, F. Ebsworth, J. Fowles SYDNEY INFIRMARY AND DISPENSARY. Secretary and Librarian—John Rogers Patron—His Excellency the Right Hon, tho Assistant Librarian—John Billerwoll Earl of Belmore President—Hon. E. Deas Thomson, C.B., SYDNEY SERVANTS' HOME. M.L.O. Elizabeth st., North. Vice Presidents—Hon. G. Allen, M.L.C., and (For Female Servants of good character temRev, Canon Stephen, M.A. porarily out of place.) Hon. Treasurer—John R, Street Patroness—The Countess of Belmoro Joint Hon.. Secretaries—John E. Manuincr, Committee—Mrs. Allen, Mrs. George Allen, M . H . Stephen Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Breillat, Mrs. Eldred, Hon. Consulting Physician—Hon. John MacMrs, Foucart, Mrs, Alexander Gordon, farlane, M.D., M.L.C. Mrs, Hugh Gordon, Mrs, Hay, Mrs. J. i 16 INSTITUTIONS W. Br. T. T. Jones, President ^ District Grand Master 1 » Deputy Grand Master n „ Warden „ Treasurer O r f a „ Seoretary it ii M. Israel S. Bennett G. Commins W. Cooper ii J. M. May J » R, Douglass 12. Yass Lodge Concord,-No. 980, Yass—not open 18. Mountain Lodge, No. 920, Bombala14. Humo Lodge, No. 909, Albury 15. Union Lodge, No. 981, Borrima 16. Queen's Lodgo, No. 982, Penrith 17. St. John's Lodgo, No. 1088, Singleton 18. Oooma Lodge, No. 1081, Cooma 19. Hope Lodge, No. 1121, Murrurundi 20. Palmerston Lodge, No. 1148, Grafton ROYAL Anon MASONRY, E.C. District Grand Superintendent of Boyal Arch TOWN LODGES. Chapters. 1, Lodgo of Australia, No. 390, W. Br. J. M.E. Com.—John Williams, J. P. Taylor, W.M., meets first Monday in every month Zetland It. A. Chapter (attached to the Lodgo 2, Lodgo of Harmony, No. 550, W. Brother of Australia, No. 390, Sydney.) G. Fox, AV.M., meets second Wednosday E,Z. Com.—T. S. Bullard, Z. in every month E. „ G. Morrott, H. 8. Sydney Samaritan Lodge, No. 578, W. Br. „ E. Bennett, J. Ohas. A . Goodchap, W.M., meets first „ R, Thompson, Treasurer Friday in every month „ Francis B. Davidson, scribe E. 4. Zetland Lodge, No. 655, W. Br. J. J. „ J. Henry, A.S. Kyall, W.M., meets second Tuesday in „ S. A. Do Lissa, Janitor every month „ W. F. CoUott, N. 5. Cambrian Lodge, No. 656, W. Br. T. T. „ W. Webster, P.S. Matthews, W.M., meets second Friday in „ J. J. Kyall, Organist and Director every month of Ceremonies 6. Robert Burns Lodge, No. 817, W. Br. F . Hunt, W.M., meets second Monday in Bobert Burns Chapter, No. 18 (attached to every month the Robert Burns Lodge, No. 817, Sydney). 7. Lodge of Germanio, No. 955, W. Br. A. First Principal M.E. Com.—R, Douglas E. Com.—W. Cassidy Shadier, W.M., meets first Thursday in E. „ J. Taylor every month O. Harper, Treasurer 8. Volunteer Artillery Lodge, No. 937, W. P.D. „ Br. T. Drinkwater, 'W.M., meets fourth „ T. T. Matthews Tuesday in every month S.E. „ J. S. Mooro 9. Unity Lodge of Sydney, No. 1169, W. Br. N. „ — Dawson BT. Westcott, W;M., meets third Tuesday J. „ S. A. Do Lissa, Janitor in every month Meets 8rd Wednesday in February and every 10. Balmain Lodge, N. 868, W. Br. F. W. alternate month Elliott, W.M., meets second Thursday in the month, at School of Arts, Balmain. SYDNEY LODGE OF MARK MASTERS, NO. 25, Lodge of instruction, attached to the Lodge B.C. of. Harmony, meets fourth Thursday in every W. Br. T. T. Jones, R.W.M.; W. Br. H. N. month Montagu, R.W.P.M. ; W. Br. W. G. Sedgwick, S.W.; Br. H. Westcott, J.W.j Office of D .G. Secretary, 65 New Pitt st. Br. W. Webster, M.O.; Br. J. Phelan, S.O.; Br. J. S. Paterson, D.O.L., J.O.j COUNTRY LODGES. Br. W. Walker, Chaplain; W. Br. G. Com1. Lodge Unity, No. 547, West Maitland mins, Treasurer; W. Br. B. Francis, 2. Goulburn Lodge of Australia, No. 577, Registrar ; W. Br. F. B. Davidson, Goulburn Secretary; Br. C. H. Senauer, S.D.; Br. 8. ArmidaleLodge of Unity, No 595, Armidale A. Kirschbaum, Steward; Br, R-Hcnder4. Unanimity nnd Concord, No. 620, Wolson, I.G. ; Br. J. J. Ryall, Organist; longong—not sitting W. Br. S. A. Do Lissa, O.G. 5. Lodge Concord, No. G90, Newcastle— Meets last Wednesday in every month closed 6. Wellington Lodge, No. 741, Mudgce— Secretary's Office—No. 1 Excnongo not at work *»* This being the only Lodgo of Mark 7. Independent Lodgo, No. 621, Bathurst Masters in the Province under the English 8. Ophir Lodge, No. 759, Orange Constitution, the R.W. Master for the time 9. Marine Lodge, No. 768, Newcastle being has full power from tho Grand Lodge 10. Southern Cross Lodge, No. 774, Caradon to grant Dispensations, for tho erection of Now Lodges. 11, Lodge Truth, No. 881, Braidwood 17 DIRECTORY. BuRitANQONG CHAPTER, NO. 96, B.C. Australian Freemasons' Orphan and Com. T. G. Weir, M.E.Z.; Mark Lodge Destitute Children's Society, E.C. President—R. W. Br. A. T. Holroyd, D.G.M. Vice Presidents—W. Br. E. O. Smith, D.D.G.M., W. Br. R, W. Moore, R. W. Br. J. Murphy, R.W. Br. J. Phelan Trustees—Br. Adolph Shadier, Br. William Yeoman Treasurer—W. Br. W. H. Simpson Secretary—Br. J. A. Mathews Auditors—Br. W. Cassidy, Br. E. Bennett Medical Officer—Br. Dr. 0. F. Eichler Meets second Thursday in January, April, July and October Secretary's Office—55 New Pitt st. attached, therefo, Br. R. Armstrong, R.W.M. ROYAL Anon MASONRY, S.O. Saint Andrew Chapter, No. 110, under the Supremo Grand Chapter of Scotland M.E. Com.—J. J. Ryall, Z. ME. „ J. Aird.H. M.E. „ N. Hopson, Z. M.E. „ A. Steol, Treasurer M.E. „ W. Higstrim, E. . „ J.Calder, N. „ J. Blomgren, P.S. „ F. Poppenhagen, XA.S. •• „ T. Grogan, 2.A.S. AUSTRALA8IAN FREEMASONS1 HALL COMPANY. „ G. L. Wilson, Organist and Directors—W. Br. J. Murphy, Ohairman ; M.E.Director of Ceremonies W. Brs. M. Baylcy, 267, J.C.; R. Meets every Fourth Tuesday in the Month Ooley, P.M., 817; W. Thurlow, 267, J.C.; and A. Shadier, P.M., 955; W. Br. J. A. MARK LODGE. Mathews, P.M., 390, Secretary; Joint (Attached to 110 Chapter.) Stock Banking Company, Bankers W. Br. N. Hopson, R.W.M. W. Br. J. Calder, S.S.W. PROVINCIAL GRAND LODOE. Under the Constitution of the Grand Lodgo W. Br. J. Blomgren, W.S.W. W. Br. J. J. Ryall, Organist of Scotland Br. Dr. Sedgwick, P.G., Acting P. G. Master W. Br. G. L. Wilson, Chaplain TOWN LODQES. 1. Lodgo St Andrew, No. 858—Br. W. Vial, R. W. M.; Br. W. Higstrim, Secretary. Meets at Freemasons' Hall, second WeaV noaday in every month 2. Lodge Sydney Tarbolton. No. 877—Br. T. Jamison, R. W. M . ; Br. H. N. Montagu, R.W.P.M. ; Br. R. Henderson, Secretary. Meets at Freemasons' Hall last Thursday in every month 8. Lodge Newtown Kilwinning, No. 878— Br. A. Rofo, R.W.M.; Br. W. J . Howe, Secretary. Meets at Newtown Thursday before full moon. 4. Lodgo Woolloomooloo, No. 386—Br. H. Priestly, R.W.M.; Br. W. Macarthy, Secretary. Meets at Freemasons' Hall last Monday in evory month COUNTRY LODQES, 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 18. CONCLAVE OP KNIGHTS' RED CROSS. (Attached to Chapter 110.) M.E. Com.—G. L, Wilson, President M.E.. „ J. J. Ryall, 1st Capt. M.E. „ J. Aird, 2nd Capt. Priory of tho Tomplo. Dispensation in the hands of Fras. J. H. Neale, S. Neale, George Lea Wilson, from the Grand Master of tho Order of tho Temple in Scotland PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE. Under the Constitution of the Grand Lodgo of Ireland Br. James Squire Farnell, R.W.P.G.M. (elect); Br. J. AV. Guise, R.W.D.P.G.M.; Br. Forgns McLean, V.W.P.G.W.; Br. James Williams, V.W.P.G.J.W.; Br. J . B. Jackson, V.W.P.G., Secretary Address—257 Macquario st., Sydney Hunter River Lodgo of Harmony, No. 881. TOWN AND SUBURBAN LODGES. Lodgo of St. John, Deniliquin, No. 882. Wagga WaggaLodgo of Harraony,No. 410. Australian Social Lodge, No. 260.1.O.—Br.— Smith, W.M.; Br. W. H. Wigley, Burrangong Lodge of St. John, No.— Secretary (U.D.) Meets first Monday in each month Araluen Lodgo of St. John, No. 452. Excelsior Lodge, Gundagai, No.—(U.D.) Leinstor Marino Lod^o, No. 266,1.C.—Br. T. G. Sawkins, W.M; Br. J. Paton, SecreSingleton United Lodgo of St. Andrew, tary No.—(U.D.) • Meets second Monday in each month Lodgo of St. Andrew, Grenfell, No.— Lodge of Fidelity, No. 267,1.Q.—Br, C'Lewis, (U.D.) Lodge St. James, Muswollbrook, No.— W.M.; Br. H. Ternouth, Secretary-7*" (U.D.) . ' . Meets first Thursday in each month *\ 2B INSTITUTIONS •18 COUNTRY LODGES. THE GRAND UNITED ORDER OF Widows' Son Lodge, Parraraatta, No. 278, ODDFELLOWS. I.O.—Br. It. L. J. Howling, W.M. SYDNEY DISTRICT. Br. T. P. M'Lerie, Secretary Officers—Thomas D. MacNab, Grand Master ; Meets Wednesday preceding each full William Evans, Deputy Grand Master ; moon, or when moon full on Wednesday, William Shaw, Grand Secretary then on that day No. 781 Travellers' Homo Lodge, Gardeners' Arms, York st. St. Leonard's Lodge, North Shore, No. 290, 10.—In abeyance 924 Princo Albort Lodge, Burrangong Hotel, George st, South 925 Mariners' Best Lodge, Wynyard INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDsquare Hotel, Olarenco st. FELLOWS—Manchester Unity. 927 Loyal Neptune Lodge, Hero of SYDNEY DISTRICT. Waterloo, Windmill st. G.M. George Bruco, 62 Palmer st., Sydney 985 Sons ofFriendship Lodge,Wosleyan D.G.M. A. W. Chapman, 822 Victoria st, Chapel, Botany rd. Sydney 986 United Brothers' Lodge, Oddfellows' C.S.—Thos. H. Eudd, Bennett St., Surry Hills Hall, Castlereagh st, South or Oddfellow's Hall, 843 Sussex st. 1058 Loyal Love of Liberty Lodge, Treasurer—P.D.P.G.M. W. Hinchy, Hyde ,WheatsheafInnJGoorgest.South Park Hotel, corner of Castlcreagh and 1087 St. Leonard's Lodge, Eoyal Hotel, Bathurst sts. North Shore Messenger—James Palmer, 871 Castlereogh st. 1170 Viotoria Lodge, Temperance Hall, 2438 Strangers' Eefuge Lodge, Odd Fellows' Newtown Hall, Sussex st. South, Monday 1178 Sons of Independence, Waverley, 3869 Fountain of Befugo Lodge, do. Wed. Family Hotel, Waverley 3592 United Brothers Lodge, do. Mon. The above Lodges meet once a fortnight at 2079 Wandering Minstrel Lodge do. Wed. their respective places of meeting 8891 St. John's Odd Fellows' Hall, Newtown, The Grand Patriarchal Chapter meets the Tuesday first Thursday in March, Juno, September, 3932 Victoria Odd Fellows' Hall, Sussex st., and December, at the Gardeners' Arms, York Tuesday st., Philip James Newland, Worshipful Grand 4024 Eose of Australia, Odd Fellows' Hall, Master. Sussex St., Thursday The Sub-committee of management meet 4329 Albert, Odd Fellows' Hall, Thursday the third Thursday in March, June, September, 4190 Balmain, Odd Fellows' Hall, Balmain, and December, at the Wynyard square Hotel, Wednesday Olarenco st, 4040 Princo of Wales, Odd Fellows' Hall, Windsor, Monday Tho Sydney District meet the second 4650 Happy Home, Odd Fellows' Hall, Thursday in March, June, September, and Quoanbeyan, Monday December, at tho Gardeners' Arms, York st. 4698 Sovereign, Odd Fellows' Hall, Mudgee, Tho Widow and Orphan Fund meet once a Monday quarter, at the Gardeners' Arms, York st. 4962 Faithful Friend, Odd Fellows' Hall, All communications to bo addressed to tho Gundaroo, Monday Grand Secretary, William Shaw, 871 Liver31 Golden Age, Odd Fellows' Hall, Ade< pool St., or Mr. Georgo Brown, 262 Kent st. long 39 Eose of Denmark, Studd's Woollahra ANCIENT ORDEROF FORESTERS. Hotel, Woollahra DISTRICT OFFICERS. 42 Star of the East, Mechanics' School of James K. King, D.C.R., Kingsgrovo Arts, Grafton 4650 Eydo United Friends, Odd Follows' Henry Turbit, D. T., 125 Bourko st., WoolHall, Kissing Point loomooloo Princo Alfred, Commercial Booms, Bega, William Owen Fox, D.S., Stanmoro Friday Grenfell, Masonic Hall, Grenfell, Wed. District Office, Swan with Two Necks, corner of Park and George sts. All communiJ. Gelding, Pro. O.S. Odd Follows' Hall, cations addressed D.S. Sussex st. * Lodges or Districts requiring urgent communication, please address private residence ofNAMES AND NUMBER OF COURT, WITH NIGHTS OF MEETING. the C.S;; and the Officers meet every Monday and Thursday evening, at the Board Room, Court Old England, No. 1634, Swan with from 7 to 9 o'clock, for the transaction of Two Necks, corner of Georgo and Park business. sts.; meets every alternate Wednesday 19 DIRECTORY. Court.City of Lincoln, No. 2000, Lady of tho Lako, Glebe; meets every alternate Tuesday Court Sydney, No, 2001, Wheat Sheaf Inn, Georgo st. South j moots every alternate Wednosday Court Morning Star, No. 2002, Foresters' Hall, Waterloo j meets every alternate1 Tuesday Court Robin Hood, No. 2023, Albion Hotel, Elizabeth st. South; meets every alternate Wednesday Court Bobin Hood, No. 2487, Australian Hotel, West Maitland ; meets every alternate Wednesday Court Prido of Australia, Wool Pack Hotel, Georgo st., Parramatta j meets every alternate Monday Court Fortitude, No. 2701, Castle Hotel, North Brisbane, Queensland ; meets every alternate Monday Court Star of tho North, No. 8120, School of Arts, Grafton; meets every alternate Monday Court Princo of Wales, No. 8126, Sussex Arms, Paddington} meets every alternate Monday Court Hunter, No. 4583, Ship Inn, Hunter st., Newcastle ; meets every alternate Monday Court Friendship, No. 4584, Platsburg, Newcastle j meets every alternate Saturday Court Boso, Shamrock and Thistle, No. 4585, Lord Clyde, Pyrmont ; meets every alternate Monday ORDER OF DRUIDS, N.S.W. SYDNEY DISTRICT. District Grand Master—J. T. King, 119 Crown st., Woolloomooloo Deputy District Grand Master—Josiah Mason, George st., Sydney District Corresponding Secretary—J. Cummings, 139 Gipps st, Surry Hills District Treasurer—E. Cohen, 556 George St., South Board moots once a month. LODGES IN TIIE DISTRICT. Tho Pioneer, Lodge Booms, Hyde Park Hotel, Bathurst st. Meetings, alternate Mondays from January The Prince Alfred, Lodge Booms, Host Davis, Bobin Hood Inn, South Head rd. Meetings, alternate Tuesdays from January 5th Tho Bclmore, Lodgo Booms, Host Jones, Crown Inn, corner of Botany rd. and Bank st. Mootings, alternate Mondays from January 4th Sanctuary of the Ancient Order of Royal Shepherds. OFFICERS. Boyal Pastor—Br. James Davis, Albion Wharf Sub Boyal Pastor—Br. William Spiller, Clarence st. Scribe—Br. Alfred H. Dover, Dixon st. Treasurer—Br. Thomas Hodges, South Sydnoy Meet first Thursday in each month nt Burrangong Hotel, George st. GOVEEMENT AID OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 1870. GOVERNMENT. Governor and Commander-in-Chief—His Excellency Somerset Bichard Lowry Corry, M.A. M.B.I.A., Fourth Earl, Viscount and Baron Belmoro in the Peerago of Ireland Aide-de-Camp—Captain H. M. Beresford, H.M. 9th Begiment of Foot Private Secretary—Arthur Henry Clerk to Private Secretary—G. W. Nowcombo " Tho Governor directs it to bo made known for general information, that he will receive publio officers, or other persons wishing to see him.on public business, on Tuesday and Thursday in each week, between tho hours of 11 o,m. and 2 p.m. 20 GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY. "At the same timo, his Excellency wishes it to be clearly understood that gentlemen from the country, or any other persons, wishing to communicate with him personally on business which will admit of no delay, will bo reoeived on any day, at any hour, that ho may happen to be at homo EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. President—The Right Hon. the Earl of Belmoro Premier and Colonial Secretary—The Hon. John Robertson Colonial Treasurer—Tho Hon. Saul Samuel Secretary for Lands—Tho Hon. William Forstcr Secretary for Public "Works—Tho Hon. John Sutherland Postmaster-General—The Hon. Daniel Egan Representative of Government in the Legislative Council—Tho Hon. Robert Owen Clerk of Executive Council—Alexander Campboll Budge 21 OFFICERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL AND ASSEMBLY. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Clerk of tho Council—Richard O'Connor Olerk Assistant—John J. Calvert First Olerk—Adolphus P. Olapin Second Clerk—Stewart M. Mowle Third Olerk—Leonard S. Cooper Copying Olerk—W. L. Edwards Usher of tho Black Rod—H. T. Shadforth Shorthand Writer—John A. Scarr Principal Mossenger—William Brophy Olerk of Select Committees—L. J. Harnett Clerk of Printing Branch—Richard A. Arnold Clerk in Chargo of Printed Papers—R. Windeyer Robertson Copying Clerk—-W. Montagu Arnold Extra Clerks—James Gill, and Frank Cory Principal Messenger—William May JOINT DEPARTMENT. PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY. Librarian— LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Assistant Librarian—Conrad Martens Clerk of Assembly—Stephen W. Jones Second „ Robert Rogers Clerk Assistant—John Conncry Second Olerk Assistant—Frederick W. Webb Messenger—John Riloy Sergeant at Arms—Charles W. Finch PARLIAMENTARY DRAFTSMEN. Shorthand Writer—James H. Palmer Alexander Oliver and W. H. Wilkinson . Clerk of Records^John A. Vivian PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES. CIVIL DEPARTMENTS. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. President Tho Hon. Sir Terence Aubrey Murray Chairman of Committees - - - The Hon. George Allen NAJIE. Allen, Tho Hon. George Blaxland, Tho Hon. John Busby, The Hon. 'William Byrnes, The Hon. William Campbell, The Hon. John Campbell, The Hon. Alexander Chisholm, The Hon James ADDRESS. DATE OP APPOINTMENT. Toxteth Park, Glebo 24th June, 1861 Tho Hermitage, Ryde 24th Nov., 1868 Cassilis and Australian Olub 1st July, 1867 Parramatta 24th June, 1861 Campbell's Wharf 24th June, 1861 Burwood and George st. 8rd June, 1864 Kippelaw, Goulburn, and Australian Club 17th Oct., 1864 Cox, Tho Hon. George Henry Mudgeo 17th June, 1864 Darley, The Hon. Frederick M. Elizabeth st. and Edgecliffe rd., 28th Sept., 1868 Woollahra Docker, Tho Hon. Joseph Scono and Australian Club 1st Dec, 1863 Gordon, Tho Hon. Samuel Dean Rose Bay and 64 New Pitt st. 2nd Sept., 1861 Hay, Tho Hon. John Woollahra and Australian Club 26th Juno, 1867 Holt, Tho Hon. Thomas Tho Warren, Cook's River 28th Sept., 1868 Icely, Tho Hon. Thomas Parramatta and Australian Club 3rd June, 1864 Lord, Tho Hon. Franois St. Leonard's, and Union Olub 17th Oct., 1864 Macarthur, The Hon. Sir William Camden and Australian Club 17th Oct., 1864 Macfarlano, Tho Hon. John, M.D. Phillip st.. 24th June, 1861 Manning, Tho Hon. Sir Wm. M,, Chambers, 121 Elizabeth St., and Knight, Q.C. Wallaroy, Edgecliffe rd. 24th June, 1861 Moore, The Hon. Henry Moore's Wharf and Barncleuth 28th Sept., 1868 Murray, Tho Hon. Sir Terence A. Glebe and Australian Club 14th Oct, 1862 Ogilvie, The Hon. Edward D. S. Yulgilbar, Clarenco River 24th Nov., 1863 Owen, The Hon. Robert 00 Elizabeth st Park, Tho Hon. Alexander Lowinsbrook, Paterson 28th Sept., 1868 Richardson, Tho Hon. John Macleay st. 28th Sept., 1868 Russell, The Hon. Bourn Maitland 24th Juno, 1861 Thomson, The Hon. E. Deas, C.B. Barham Hall, Bourke st. 24th June, 1861 Towns, The Hon. Robert Towns' Wharf, Miller's Point 17th June, 1863 Week.es, The Hon. E. 0. Burdekin terrace, College st. 10th July, ,1865 Chief Secretary and the Departments under his supervision. CHIEF SECRETARY. Bridge st. Colonial Secretary—The Hon John Robertson, M.L.A. Under Secretary—Henry Halloran Chief Olerk—William Goodman Clerks—Maxwell R. Allan, Critchott Walker, Henry J. Chisholm, Edwnrd Wiso M'Konny, Henry Kendall, Samuel Hunt, Vcro Hunt, J. J. M. Beatty, William Byrnes, jun.; J. G. Cohen, jun.; William Crane, jun. AGENT TO REPRESENT THE COLONY IN ENGLAND. Captain William Colborn Mayno AUDITOR GENERAL. Office, Bridge st Auditor General—Christopher Rolleston Chief Olerk and Inspector of Accounts— Edward A. Rennio Inspector of Customs and Revenue Accounts —Alexander Livingstono Corresponding Clerk—John S. Ryan Examiner of Expenditure Accounts—Richard T. Hall Clerks—Edward A. Macpherson, Harry . Maokonzio, James Pearson, Riohard Birkett, Drummond Gilchrist, John S. Whitney, J. A. Conipton, Jnmcs Macpherson, David W. Gregory, Charles Whittell, Charles S. Gregory, Ambrose Freeman CENTRAL POLICE OFFICE. George and York sts. Police Magistrate—D. C. F. Scott, who is also authorised to give consent to the marriages of Minors. Clerk of Potty Sessions—William Devenish Meares, Commissioner of tho Supreme Court for taking Affidavits, and deputed:. to administer oaths of allegiance to foreigners receiving certificates of nat'u-. ralisation Clerks—Wm. C. Armstrong, C. Delohery, T. A. M. White, W. Frazer, W. R. Stewart, Edward Baly COUNCIL OF EDUCATION. ,• , Hon. George Allen, Hon. William Munnings Arnold, Hon. Sir James Martin, Q.O.; Henry Parkes (President), John Smith, M.D., Professor of Chemistry and Experimental Physics in the University of Sydney Secretary—William Wilkins (absent on leave) Acting Secretary—R. E, Webster Examiner—John Gardiner Cashier—Andrew Fairfax Accountant—John Evans Architect—George Allen Mansfield Clerks—Georgo Miller, William Okas. Wills, Thomas W. Richards, William Embloton, John Booth, J. T. Caldwell, D. E. Cooper Inspectors—Edwin Johnson, John Sanders Jones, John HufFeiy Wm. Dwyer, Wm. Mclntyre, A. L. Forbes, J. McCredie, James W. Allpass, Isaac Coburn, E. H. Flannery 22 DIRECTORY. GOVERNMENT DARLINGHURST GAOL. Visiting Magistrate—William Ohatfield Governor—J. 0. Bead Chaplain—Church of England—Rev. Charles H. Rich „ Roman Catholic—Rev. J. A. Byrno „ Presbyterian—Rev. R. Stewart Visiting Surgeon—Dr. Isaac Aaron Principal Warder—Michael Burko Senior Warder—Thomas Leo Clerks—George Wickham, Jas. J. Taylor Schoolmastor—James Wilson Matron—Miss Grace Tinckam NAUTICAL SCHOOL SHIP « VERNON." Superintendent & Commander—J. S. V. Mein Chief Officer—George Martin Purser—E. N. Waller Schoolmaster—J, L. M'Skimming HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Gladesville. Superintendent—Fred. N. Manning, M.D. Assistant Medical Officer—Morrison Knight Assistant Superintendent—II. W. Statham Disponser—John McQoorgo Matron—Mrs. Manson Storekeeper-f-Samuol Long Chief Attendant—Thomas Folkard Manager—S. H. Pearce Officiating Clergyman—Rev. R, W. Young Sexton—T. Coldray INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE. 127. Phillip st. Inspector General of Police—John M'Lerie, J.P. Secretary and Superintendent of Police— Edmund Fosbory, J.P. Clerks—Finlay M'Martin, Thomas Ayrcs, R. L. Icely Rowling, Thomas Henry Gough, Thomas P. M'Lerie Inspector—George Road, Central Polico Offico Sub Inspector—James Ryeland, Polico Depot Detective Officer in charge of Detectives— Henry Wager INSPEOTOR OF PRISONS. Office, Supreme Court. G. F. Wiso (acting) NECROPOLIS. Offices—Bclmoro Ohambers, 247 George st. Secretary—J, Evelyn Liardet Clerk—Edmund Bell Messenger—A. M. Fisher Offico Keeper—Jane Bragg Cnoncn OP ENGLAND CEMETERY. ROMAN CATHOLIC CEMETERY. Officiating Clergyman—Rev. H. B. Curr Sexton—J. P. Hennessy PRESBYTERIAN CEMETERY. Officiating Clergyman—Rev. C. Atchison Sexton—Donald McNab WESLEYAN CEMETERY. Sexton—T. Pyd INDEPENDENT CEMETERY. Sexton—W. J. Fathers JEWS' CEMETERY. Sexton—E. Cahill GENERAL CEMETERY. Overseer—B, Nicholl (residing at the Lodge at tho Necropolis) OBSERVATORY. Upper Fort st. Latitude 83° 51' d l ' l Longitude 151° 11' 80" INSPEOTOR OF PUBLIC C H X R I T I E S . Magnetic Variation (1864) 10° 1' 88'' East Office, Colonial Secretary's building. Astronomer—G. R, Smalloy, B.A., F.R.A.S. F.King Computer—H. 0. Russell, B.A. Tho Timo Ball is dropped daily at 1 p.m., LUNATIC ASYLUMS. Sydney Mean Timo; or 14 h. 65 m. 14 s. Board oftVisitors—Dr. Bedford, Dr. Roberts, Greenwich Mean Time. ' William Owen, Barrister at Law LUNATIC ASSYLUM,. PARRAMATTA. PROTESTANT ORPHAN SCHOOL. Superintendent—Ed. Wardloy, M.R.O.S.L. Parramatta Assistant Superintendent—James R. Firth Master—E. M. Betts Medical Visitor—Dr. Brown Matron—Mrs. E. M, Betts Dispenser—T. E. Ranshaw Matron—Mrs. Burn REGISTRAR GENERAL. Master Attendant—Michael Prior Elizabeth st. . Clerk— — . Registrar General, Chairman of Lands' Titles Commissioners, and Registrar of Brands LUNATIC RECEPTION HOUSE, —Theodore James Jaques Darlinghurst. Superintendent—Frederick Fowler LANDS' TITLES BRANCH. Matron—Mrs. M. A. Fowler Doputy Rogistrar General—Edward Grant Medical Visitor—Isaac Aaron, M.R.C.S. Ward 23 Open every day except Sunday, from 10 Lands' Titles Commissioners—Richard Jones, a.m. to 10 p.m> Alexander W. Scott Examiners of Titles—George Kenyon Holden, VACCINE INSTITUTION, Edmund Burton King st. Clerk to Examiners—Jonas Lander Assistant Clerk toExaminers—Stephen Punch Superintendent, Sydney—Myles Egan, M.R. Clerk—F. C. W. Elyard O.S., Eng. Principal Draftsman—Robert Mead Pearson Assistant Draftsman—George Bishop WATER POLICE COURT, Junior Draftsmen—Wilfred Do C. Lewis, Circular Quay. John A. D. Campbell, Albert Nowcombe Polico Magistrate and Guardian to give consent to the marriages of Minors—P. DEEDS BRANCH. Lawrence Cloeto Clerk of Petty Sessions—W. Crane Clerk and Deputy Registrar—J. B. Duff Clerks—Joseph W. Lees, Josoph G. Thurlow, Receiving Clerk—William S. Muddle Percy 0. Lucas Clerks—John R. Yorke, H. W. Gillam Senior Sergeant—Thomas Ferris 1 Senior Sergeant, 8 Senior Constables, 10 GENERAL STATISTICAL BRAN0II. Constables Compilor of General Statistics—Henry Charles Edwin Newcombo RESIDENT CONSULS. Clerk—S. Iceton Bavaria—Rodolphe Kummcrer, 85 Hunter st. Belgium—S. Morhange, Consul General; J. VITAL STATISTICAL BRANCIT. L. Montefioro, Vice-Consul, O'Connell st. Examiner and Compiler of Vital Statistics— Brazil—R, P. Raymond, Vice Consul, Bligh st. W. L. DaM'es Clerks—0. H. Grant, A. J. Manton, S. C. J. Chili—V?. H. Eldred, Church Hill Denmark—Anton Tange, Jamison st. Evelyn, F. Newcombo France—L. F. Sentis, 284 Pitt st. Hawaiian Islands—Charles St, Julian, Consul BRANDS BRANCH. General; A. S. Webster, Vice Consul, Assistant Registrar — William Alexander Gresham st, Abbott Italy—George King, 10 O'Connell st.; N. Clerk—George Elliot Sims Foldi, Vice Consul DISTRICT BEQISTBARS 01' BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Netherlands—Francis M'Nab, Wynyard st., Consul; J. S. Wille, Vice Consul Metropolitan Police District—The Registrar North German Confederation—S. Franck, 121 General, Elizabeth st. Pitt st. Balmain—William Parker Portugal—H. 0. Smith, Vice Consul, GresNewtown—Charles A. Newman ham at Glebe—John T. Morgan Redfern and Botany—Christopher Warburton Russia—Edmund Monson Paul, Vice Consul, Faddington and Alexandria—Henry Gale 02 Margaret st. Concord—John Watts Spain—Don M. J. Quintana, Dowling St., St. George—T. H. Bolger Consul; F. M'Nab, Vice Consul, WynSt. Leonard's—Robert D. Ward, M.D. yard st. Sweedcn and Norway—William Wolfen, Vice Consul, Bridge st. ROMAN CATHOLIC ORPHAN SCHOOL, United States—H. H. Hall, Commercial Agent, Parramatta. Bridge st. Committee of Management—Very Ror. S. J. A. Sheohy, V.G.; F. Macnab, James Treasurer and Secretary for Finance Hart, R, O'Connor, J. Mullins Matron—Mrs. M. A. Adamson and Trade and the Departments Number of Children—884 under his supervision. TREASURY. SUPERANNUATION FUND. Macquarie St., North COMMISSIONERS. Treasurer—Hon. Saul Samuel, M.L.A. Christopher Rollcston, Auditor General Under Secretary—Henry Lane Edward Orpen Moriarty, Chief Engineer for Inspector of Public Revenue Collectors' Ac-Harbors and River Navigation count—James Thomson M. Fitzpatriok, Under Secretary for Lands ACCOUNT BRANCH. Accountant—rGeorge Layton THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Bookkeeper-^F. Kirkpatrick Librarian—R. C. Walker Clerks—Thomas Bronnan, C. A. Stewart, James N. Oatlcy, T. D. Mackenzie, E. Assistant Librarians — D. R. Hawley, E. Oatloy O'Brion 24 GOVERNMENT PAY BRANCH. Chief Olork—James D. Cronin . First Clerk—J. J. Eaton Clerks—James Hinohy, T. W. Nicholl Inspectors of Distilleries—Robert Blake, G. H. Barney, John W. Weeks Inspectors of Refineries—H. R. Smith,.Thos. C. Jamison - EXAMINING BRANCH. Examiner—William Muir Clerk—Charles Holt Roberts GOVERNMENT. PRINTING OFFIOE. Phillip st., North REVENUE BRANCH. Government Printer and Inspector of Stamps Chief Clerk—William Nowcombe —Thomas Richards Clerk—(Land Revenue)—W. H. Piatt Potter Clerks—J. H. Ffrench, Thomas Bain, C. H.T. Superintendent—Charles Overseer—Thomas Adams Pinhey, Victor Cohen, J. K. Staccy, F . J. Accountant—Edward J. Henry Eaton Clerks—G. Rollick, E. J. Hawksley, F. 0. CORRESPONDENCE BHANCn. Levinge Chief Clerk—G. H. Eoid Foreman of Binders—A. F. Furber Clerks-H. J. S. Bowdler, J. S. Walford Foreman of Stamp Branch—A. W. Chapman RECORDS BRANCH. Foreman of Press Room—G. S. Chapman Clerks—A. W. Monday, A. E. Evans Sub Overseers—W. D'Arriotta, G. Thrum, STORES. P. Buchanan, J. Waterman Clerk of Stores—L. I. Brennand Publisher—S. J. Lynch Clerks—A. M. Dick, George O'Donnell STAMr DUTIES OFFICE. HARBOR DEPARTMENT, Commissioners — Henry Lane (Honorary), Circular Quay. William Hemming Superintendent of Harbors, Pilots and LightAccountant and Receiving Clerk—Francis houses—Francis Ilixson, R.N. Spenco Accountant—A. Hinton Entry Clerk—David Hill Clerk—J. Lawrence Clerk—R, Johnson Harbor Master—J. R. Myhill Foreman of Stampers—Henry Martyn Assistant Harbor Masters—0. Harrold, A. Stamper—James White Bell GLEBE ISLAND ABATTOIRS. Sea Pilots—J. Jenkins, J. Fullarton, H. GibInspector—Fred. Oatley son, R. Cork, A. Coutts, D. Christison Keeper of Macquario Light—J. Siddins CUSTOMS. „ Hornby Light—A. Brooks Custom House, Circular Quay. „ Lightship "Bramble "—J. Robson Collector of Customs—W. A. Duncan Signal Master, Sydney—G. J. Moffit First Landing Surveyor and Inspector of „ South Head—J. Graham Warehouses—A. Berney Second Landing Surveyor—E. Jones BOARD FOR GRANTING CERTIFICATES OF Chief Clerk—W. N. Llewellin COMPETENCY. Second Clerk and Cashier—J. II. Maddocks F. Hixson, R.N.; J. Crook, C Harrold, J. R. Clerks—H. J. Rucker, Richard Kelly, J. W. Myhill, A. Bell Jenkins, Robert Small, M. McTaggart, Secretary—Alfred Hinton 0, C. Pope, L. Buchanan, M. D'Arcy Landing Waiters—A. J. Ormsby, W. R. Passmore, J. D. Lankester, Thomas Thompson, HEALTH AKD EMIGRATION OFFICE, Bent st. Samuel Levy, 0. G. Reid, George Lewis, J. N. Stubbin, J. Cunningham, A. Fraser, Medical Adviser to the Government—E. S. P. Charles Duberly, William Beck, William Bedford . Smyth, Henry Spinks Health and Emigration Officer—Haynes Tide'Inspector and First Tide Surveyor— Gibbes Allcyne, M.D. • Clerk—Michael Farrelly —R. M. Russell Overseer of Quarantine Station, Spring Cove Second Tido Surveyor—R, L. Eames —John Carroll Warehouse Keeper—Thomas Fancourt Lockers—T. B. Eldcrshaw, Robert Brock, MAGAZINES. Thomas M'Koy, Charles Kelly, Frederick Huntley, W. Robertson, Thomas Brooks, Goat Island. H, Charles St. Julian, Robert Christison, D. Foreman of Magazine— B. Duffy, H. W. Twine, N. Ncalo Assistant Foreman—Franois E. Richards. . .. . Clerk—T. J. Blanchardi* DISTILLERIESTA-ND SUGAR REFINERIES. Parramatla St. Chief Inspector—Henry Lurasdaine Spectacle Island. .: Superintendent 0. M. Stores—AloxandorS. Paton 25 DIRECTORY. - RECORD BRANCH. SHIPPING OFFICE. William Blackman (Olerk in charge), Gerard Albert St., Circular Quay. E. Herring, Thomas Godbce, Stephen Shipping Master—William E. Shorter Freeman, II. S. Harpur, E. Patterson, Chief Clerk and Deputy Shipping MasterFrank Williams James Flanagan Clerks—John Parker, Jamos Thorpe, Richard BOTANIC GARDENS. Crcagh Director—Charles Moore Overseer—John Duff STEAM NAVIGATION BOARD. Clerk—Andre Nilson Circular Quay. Bailiff—Charles Peters Edward 0. Moriarty, Chairman ; H. T. Fox, C. Smith, T. Watson, R. T. Moodio CATTLE AND SHEEP INSPECTORS. Engineer, Surveyor and Inspector—D. C. Chiof Inspector—Alexander Bruce Dalgleish Sydney Inspector—George S; Yeo Shipwright Surveyor—J. Donald Secretary—Alfred Hinton IMMIGRATION. Macquario st. . ROYAL MINT, SYDNEY BRANCH. Immigration Board—H. G. Alleyne, M.D.j Macquario st. G. F . Wise, Very Rev. J. F . Sheridan Deputy Master of the Royal Mint and Chief Agent for Immigration—Georgo F . Wise • Officer of the Sydney Branch—0. Elouis Matron of Immigration Depot, Hyde Park— Superintendent of Coining Department— Mrs. Applewhaite Joseph Trickett First Clerk of Bullion Offico—Robert Hunt SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE. Registrar and Accountant—W. F. Gibson Bridge st. Assayers—F. B. Miller, Dr. A. Leibius Surveyor General—P. F. Adams Draftsman—J. S. Adams Secretary for Lands and the Depart- Chief District Surveyors—P. H. Henderson, Cenments under his Supervision. tral District; E. Fisher, Western District ;• E. Twynam, South Western Bridge st. District; W. A. B. Greaves, Northern Secretary for Lands—Hon. William Forster, District; J, H. Wood, Albury District M.L.A. First Class Surveyors—A. Dowhurst, TaniUnder Secretary—Michael Fitzpatrick worth j F . S. Peppercorno, Orange ; T. Senior Chief Clerk—Sylvester B. Warburton Evans, Cooma; J. W. Deering, Five Junior Chief Clerk—G. J. Armitage Dock; 0. F. Bolton, Albury; R. J. MINISTERIAL BRANCH. Campbell, Dubbo H. L. 0. Rich (Clerk in charge), John Ritchie. Second Class Surveyors—E. H. Arnheim, Thomas Banks, A. Robertson Braidwood ; P. R. Donaldson, Grafton ; DEEDS BRANCH. E. J. H. Knapp, jun., Sydney; J. C. Frederick Underwood (Clerk in charge), C.A, Dalgleish, Goulburn; H. V. Evans, Thurlow, F. Croft Bourko ; A. O.'Betts, Wagga Wagga. Field Assistants—J. W. Allworth, A. J. ROADS BRANCH. Burnell, J. S. Chard, H. A. Crouch, J. Henry Freeman (Clerk in charge), Owen 1 F. Loxton, L. G. J. Bennett, J. Cook, • Carroll, Thomas Newman (Probationary G. A. Mudie, J, L. Spark, V. F. Tozer, Clerk) T. W. Conolly, J. McDonald, J. Balmain, ALIENATION AND LEASE BRANCH. A. Elliott, A. Scleicher W. W. Stephens (Clerk in charge), J. R. Licensed Surveyors Employed — J. Armi Chambers, C. E. Neate, Thomas H. strong, senr., Sydney ; J. Armstrong, Johnson, C. A. Brown, G. C. Thompson, jun., Kiangaroo, near Yass; W. H. E. Stratford, W. 0. Edwards, D. Anderson, Sofala; T. Berry, Albury j J. D'Arcy, Herbert Croft, H. P. Baly Berry, Albury.; H. Berry, Albury ;.W. (Probationary Clerk) D. Biden, Singleton; J. Barling, Casino; MISCELLANEOUS BRANOn. . W. H. Binstcad, Moss Vale; G. W. William Thomas (Olerk in charge), L. G. Commins, Wagga-Wagga; W. E. BurThompson, James V. Unwin, Edward . riett, Ten Mile Creek; W. H. Christie, Parr Narrabri; W. J. Conder, Coolah ; J. S. Clements, Dubbo ; J. F. Capper, West ENTRY BRANCH. Maitland ; J. B. Combes, Young j H. R. W. Newman (Clerk in charge), C. E. Charlton, Narrundera; F. W. Darby, Phillips, John Wiseman, Frederick Murrurundi; E..11. Deano,-Goulburn'; Williams, J. G. Blaxland, Horace Rich G. L. Dowe, Tamworth; W. Drummond, (Probationary Clerk) . 26. GOVERNMENT Merriwa j W. Edwards, Yass ; J. Evans, Scone j F. G. Finlay, Bowenfels j J. Hall, Wingham ; E. Hallon, Sydney; 0. A. Harper, Bombala; 0. Haylook, Cooma; J. Heady, Bega ; E, Herborn, Kcmpsoy; J. J. Higgins, Murrurundi; B. A. Hyndman, Lawrence; H. Gordon, Oarcoar j W. E. Larmer, Braidwood; J. B, Naughton, West Maitland j A. P. Linde, Moruya j J. F. Mann, Mudgeo ; E. P. Mann, Armidalo; J. M'Culloch, Deniliquin j D. M. Maitland, Maitland; D. M. Maitland, junior, Tumut j W. Mylecbarane, Goulburn ; A. M'Glashan, Hay j E. R, Maobattie, Bathurst j A. Macpherson, Tarcutta j H. 0. M'Cormack, Wontwortb ; J. Neil, Muswollbrook ; W. Orr, Wagga Wagga j G. M. Pitt, junior, Richmond') A. J. Pechoy, Bathurst; E. F. Kowe, Dcniliquin ; T. H. Smith, Goulburn j L. B. Rudder, Port Macquarie ; J. G. M. Sharpo, Bathurst; W. B. Simpson, •Wellington; J. M. Simpson, Armidale ; G. T. Seccombe, Lostock; E. Sawtell, Yass; J. B. Thompson, Queanbeyan; J. M. Tarves, Eorbes ; J. Vernon, Scone; E. B. W. Woolrych, Sydney; E. S. Wyndham, Murrurundi. M U I T I K O BRANCH—FIXED ESTABLISHMENT. Postmaster General and the Departments under his supervision* GENERAL POST OFFICE Wynyard Square. Postmaster General — Hon. Daniel Egan, M.L.A. Secretary—S. H. Lambton Accountant—0. Nightingale Superintendent Mail Branch—W. Buchanan Chiof Clerk of the Post Office —James Dalgarno Cashier—A. A. Day Postal Inspectors—G. Do Milhau, Viokers Moyso Clerks—A. H. Macarthur, W. A. Ring, E. W. Byrne, B. 0. Bradshaw, 0. H. Atkinson, C. B. Outtriss, T. L. R. Pierce, W. 0. Johnson, E. T. Savers, G. P. Unwin, J. McMahon, W. J.Davies, H. R. Smith, T. Y. Harlo, J. Thompson, W. G. Cunningham, A. 0. Button, G. Barnett, G. J. Ward, H. Galo, T. II. Balderstone, J. Clarke, R. II. Crakenthorp, W. E. Hope, H. Murdooh, F. Pegus, A. Porter, 0. T. Crouch, 0. Clark, W. Hunt, I. B. Bossley, L. M. M. Dennis ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH BRANCH. George st. Superintendent—E. C. Cracknell Assistant Superintendent—P. B. Walker < Accountant—J. Muston Olerks-J. R, Miles, A. Field, A. L. Catlett, A. M'Crackcn First Class Draftsmen—R. D. Fitzgerald, T. H. Lewis, J. W. Ellis, J. A. 0. Willis, J. Sangster Second Olass Draftsmen—A. Johnson, J. G. Mullen, J. Stack, 0. E. Einch, 0. E. Baly, H. Hall, W. A. Trengrouse, P. W. Rutter, W. S. Campbell, A. J. Stopps, J. Taylor, MONEY ORDER OFFICE. . . • T. Stevens, J. F. Goggin, G. Lewis, W. Temporary Office, Wynyard Square. D. Armstrong, G. Long Third Class Draftsmen—P. J. Hogan, W. Open.from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. . Freeman, T. Healy, E. Gerard, F. W. Watt, D. H. Chisholm, T. Elwin, T. Superintendent—F. W. Hill Callachor,. H. A. Allan, H. Wickham, Chief Clerk—H. Reeve W. Houston, N. Trengrouse, P. Drum- Clerks—A.J. Doak, A. R, Docker, W. Burnet, W. P. Simpson, W. H. Uhr. . raond, A, T. Jaques, A. Menzies, E. . M-Farlane, G. R. Paoker, S. S. Peyton, Secretary for Public Works, and the J. B, Donkin, E. J. King Lithographic Printers—J. Eccles, J. J. Slade, Departments under his . R. T. Smith, R, H. Lenthall . . supervision* Lithographic Engraver—G. W.Sharp Assistant. Draftsman—Leasing Branch—R. PUBLIC WORKS. . ,,Gv"S. Bransby Phillip st. Custodian of Plans—W. Mcintosh Secretary for Public Works—Hon. John Clerk in Charting Branch—E. Stack Sutherland, ML.A. Temporary Draftsman—W. Baker Under Secretary—John Rao Supernumerary Draftsmon—A. W. Love, F. Chief Clerk—Gerald Halligan , Gerard, B. Hudson, M. C. C. Blake, J. J. Clerks—Arthur Wickham, Henry De Boos .-• Walters' : RAILWAY BRANCH. Description Writers—H. W. Graham, R. G. . r: Underwood, 0. T. Rodd. Commissioner—Hon. JohnSutherland,M.L.A. Plan Mounter—W. H. Walker Accountant—A. Ashddwn . T OLBMOAI. BRANCH. Chief. Clerk—Okas. A. Goodchap Accountant—Allan Williams Bookkeeper—Albert Hall Clerks-^J. :F. Landers, J. Davidson, T. Evans, Olerk—H.W.G. Williams , H, Croft, F, E. Barnes • Land Valuator—Thomas Cowlishaw DIRECTORY. 27 DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS. TRAFFIC Traffic Manager, G.S. & W. Railways—Richard Lockhart, 0. G. N., Darling; Daniel, S. B., Wellington and Bligh; Harriott, T. W., Moody New England, South, and Macleay ; Traffic Manager, G.N. Railway—J. L. Beeston Moore, J. C , Albert; Dawson, R. B., New England, North, and Clarence; Orommelin, STOREKEEPERS. T. L.,Murrumbidgce; Byrne, D. A , WarGreat Southorn—E. Fiolding rego; Fritter, J. S., Lachlan; , Great Northern—H. Fligg Gwydir; Cooke, W. V. M., Monaro. LINES IN PROGRESS. Engineer in Chief—John Whitton, C.E. Assistant Engineer in Chief—William Mason Draftsmen—John W. Drewitt, E. II. Fearnsido, K. M'Kenzio, E. R. Thomas, W. II. Bayley, G. C. Clark Clerk—W. H. Quodling District Engineers—W. B. Wade, T. R. Firth, G. F. Mann, Henry Quodling, Kenneth M'Kenzio, W. B. Hull Superintendent of Permanent Way, G.N.R.— G. Bewick Inspector Permanent Way, G.S. and W.R.— J. Lewton Locomotive Foreman, G.N.R.—James Duffy Locomotive Foreman, G.S.R.—W. Scott DOMAIN. Overseer—Augustus Klostcr Bailiff—John Meads FITZROY DRY DOOK. Cockatoo Island. Office, 28, Pitt st. Engineer in Chief—Gothor K. Mann Assistant Engineer and Clerk of'Works— Henry Broderick HARBORS AND RIVERS. Engineer-in Chief—Edward Orpen Moriarty Chiof Clerk—E. Berthon Second Olerk—John M. Bato Chief Surveyor and Draftsman—Ottomar Rossbach COLONIAL ARCHITECT. Draftsmon—Francis Rose, John Skinner Office, Hyde Park. Clerk of Works—William Anderson Colonial Architect—James Barnct Clerk of Works—William Coles, W. M. Superintending Engineer, Hunter River— Cecil Darley . Lewis, jun., J. M'Cracken, Edward Ballast Master, Newcastle—Henry Bohll Martin FOR IMPROVEMENT TO NAVIGATION OF RIVERS Foreman of Works—J. Sharkey MaRRAY, MURRUMnlDQEE, AND DARUNQ. Draftsmen—Alfred Cook, Louis Robertson District Engineers—M. H. Moriarty, H; R. Chief Olerk—Henry Ohapman Labatt, Francis Napier Clerks—James M'Shano, J. T. Neale, G. B. Assistant Surveyors—Chas. Berthon, William Stack, A. G. Edwards Rae, H. Hardy CROWN LANDS' OFFICE. ROADS. Spring and Gresham sts. Office, Phillip st. Chief Commissioner.—A. Orpen Moriarty Commissioner and Engineer—W. 0. Bennett, Chief Olerk—Albert Owen Protious M.I„C.E. Clerks—E. Du Faur, G. Mansfield, T. J. Oliver, J. B. Graham, E. O'Dwyor, C. N. Assistant Engineer—G. A. Morroll Chief Clerk and Cashier—F. J. Wickham J. Oliver, F. W. Vincent Extra Clerks—Hi F. W. Crummer, G. Mor- Accountant—P. Flynn Clerks—G. C. Eames, J. W. Boydall gan • ) DIRECTORY. ECCLESIASTICAL DIKECTOEY. 1870. OHUBOH OF ENGLAND. CLERGY LIST. DIOOESE OF SYDNEY. J. Barnier, St. Barnabas'. J. 0. Corlette, M.A., St. John's, Ashfiold R. W. Young, St. Thomas', Enfield E. M. Salinicro, St. John's, Bishopthorpe Zachary Barry, LL.D., Paddington Thomas Wilson, B.A., Randwick S. Fox, Waterloo and Botany Thomas Unwin, St. Luke's, Sydney Chancellor—Alexander Gordon Registrar—W. Barker Secretary—W. Norton Sydnoy Diocesan Registry Office—91 Elizabeth st. West Bishop of Sydnoy and Metropolitan—Tho Eight Rev. Frederic Barker, D.D. Dean of Sydney—Tho Very Boy. William Macquario Cowper, M.A. Canons—Rev. Robert Allwood, B.A. ; Bev. W. Stack, B.A. ; Rev. G. Vidal, B.A. ; Bev. T. O'Reilly, Eov. R. L. King, B.A., Eev. A. H. Stephen, M. A. Minor Oanon—Eev. C. H. Rich. Precentor—Rev. J. C. Corlette, M.A. Chaplain—Rev. Robert L. King, B.A. - CLEEQY LICENSED WITHOUT CUBES. Examining Chaplains—Eev. Zachary Barry, W. J. M. Hillyar, B.A. .Sydney L.L.D.; Bev. W. J. Gunther, B. A. John Pcndrill, M.A.f Glebe Point, Sydney CLEBOY LICENSED TO CUBES. William Scott, M.A., Warden of St. Paul's William Macquario Cowper, M.A., St. CoUego Andrew's Cathedral W. Frederic Creeny, M.A., St. Leonard's William Stack, B.A., St. Mary's, Balmain W. H. Roberts, B.A., Vice Warden of St. Edward Rogers, Holy Trinity, Sydney Paul's College William B. Clarke, M.A., St. Thomas', WilElijah Smith, Woolloomooloo loughby Eobert Allwood, B.A., St. James', Sydney ROMAN CATHOLIC OHURCH. G. Vidal, B.A;, Christ Ohurch, Sydney 0. 0. Kemp, St. Stephen's, Newtown, (absent Archbishop of Sydney and Metropolitan— on leave,) His Graco tho Most Rev. John Bedo George King, M.A., St. .Peter's, Cook's Eiver Polding, D.D., O.S.B. (absent) Alfred Hewlett Stephen, M.A., St. Paul's, Yicars General—The Very Bev. S. J. A. Sydney Sheehy, O.S.B.; and the Venerable ArchH. H. A. Palmer, Canterbury and Peterdeacon Rigney, S t Mary's Cathedral, or sham, (acting) . Sacred Heart Presbytery, Sydnoy Hulton Smyth.King, M.A., St. Michael's, Chaplain—Rev. V. Colletti (absent on leave) Surry Hills Military Chaplain—Rev. J. J. Garvey Thomas Hayden, B.A., St. John's,. Darling- Gaol Chaplain—Rev. A. J. Byrne hurst Private Secretary to Archbishop—T. C. William Allworth, St. Bartholomew's, PyrMakinson, A.B. mont, and Sydney Infirmary DEANS. C. H. Rich, Chaplain, Darlinghurst Gaol, and Very Eov. M. Flanagan, Wollongong Pyrmont „ P. Hallinan, Windsor, D.D. Percy Jennings Smith, St. Paul's, Canterbury „ James Hanly, Penrith and Petersham (absent on leave.) „ D. V. M. O'Connoll, Appin George H. Moreton, St. Peter's, Bourko st. „ Edward O'Brien, Cooma Stanley Mitchell, St. Mary's, Wavorley „ C. B. Sumner W. Lumsdaine, St. Luke's, Burwood and Five „ Patrick White, Braidwood Dock OTIIEIt OLEBGY OP THE ABOnDIOOESE. Thomas O'Reilly, St Philip's, Sydney J. T. Schleicher, Hunter's Hill Rev. Angelo Ambrosoli, Subiaco Thomas Kommis, St. Mark's, Alexandria „ M. E. Athy, O.S.B., St. John's, Kent st. Robert Taylor, Curate, St. Stephen's, New„ J. G. Barrett, Hartley town . „ Patrick Birch, Moruva Thomas Smith, St. Barnabas', Sydnoy (absent „ P. Carroll, St. Benedict's on leave) „ H, Callachor, O.S.B., Lyndhurst Eev. J. Cunningham, Shoalhaven „ M. D'Arcy, Kiama „ G. F. Dillon, Camden „ 0. V. Dowling, Newcastle „ M. J. Dwyor, O.S.B., St. Benedict's " „ J. P. Fitzpatrick, O.S.B., Newtown „ A. J. Fordo, Parramatta Very Eov. J. Forrest, D.D., St. John's College Eev. J. M. Garavel (absent on leavo) „ 0, Hensso, St. Patrick's „ P. Hewitt, Cooma „ P. Healy, Tenterfield „ C. M. Joly, S.M., Villa Maria, Parramatta rivor „ John Kelly, Balmain „ John Kenny, St. Leonard's, N. Shore „ P. Kenyon, Newcastle „ Eugene Luckie, Woollahra „ J. McAucliffo, Queanboyan „ C. McCarthy, Manly Beach „ T. McCarthy, St. Mary's „ D. McGuinn, Berrima „ J. Mounicr, St. Patrick's „ P. Nowman, Concord „ Patrick F. O'Farrell, St Mary's „ Peter F. O'Farrell, Eedfern „ J. Pholan (absent on leave) „ F. McLoughlin, Inverell „ P. O'Reilly, Casino „ D. O'Eeilly, Brisbane Water Very Eev. Dr. Quirk, O.S.B., LL.D., Lyndhurst Rev. D. P. Quirk, O.S.B., Lyndhurst „ 0. B. Quinn, Bombala „ J. P. Eoche, O.S.B., Campbelltown „ W. Eiordan, Araluon Very Eov. J. F. Sheridan, O.S.B., St Francis, Sydnoy Rev. P. Slattery, Bega „ M. Walsh, Newcastle „ II. N. Woolfrey, O.C., Wavorley „ P. Young, Liverpool DIOOESE OF ARMIDALE. 29 MIESBYTEBY OF SYDNEY. Sydney Scots' Church—John Dunmore Lang, D.D., A. 0. Smith (colleague & successor) St. Andrew's—Robert Lowers Pitt st, South—James Fullerton, L.L.D.j' G. L. Nairn, (colleague and successor) St Stephen's—Robert Steel, Ph. D. Philip st—Adam Thomson Woolloomooloo—J. M'Gibbon, M.A., LL.B Chahnor's Church—Wuzir Beg, M.D., LL.D. Riley st—Samuel Humphreys Paddington—J. Milne, M.A. Balmain—Colin McCulloch Pyrmont—Robert Smith Paterson, Clerk North Shore—John A. Stewart Nowtown— Archibald Gilchrist, B.A. Ashfield—A. N. Mackray Port Macquarie—Vacant Richmond River—Daniel Blue Grafton—James Niven ORDAINED MINISTERS NOT IN CHIAUGES. Sydney (Chaplain to Gaol,)—Robert Stewart William Ridley, M.A. Barzillai Quaifo William Leishman LICENTIATE Sydney—Thomas Aitken, M.A. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF EASTERN AUSTRALIA. Moderator—Rev. William M'Intyre, A.M. Clerk—Rev. Duncan M'Innes Sydney, St. George's—Rev. W. M'Intyre,A.M. Raymond Terrace—Rev. J. M'Oulloch Clarence Town—Rev. William S. Donald Manning River—Rev. A. M'Intyre Bombala—Rev. 0. R. Greig Grafton—Vacant Rockymouth—Rev. D. M'Innes Hastings River—Rov. John M'Leod BAPTIST~CHUROH. MINISTEBS. Administrator—The Very Rev. S. J. A. William Hobbs, M.D., Kingston, Newtown John B. M'Cure, 377 Castlereagh St. Sheehy, O.S.B., V.G. Tho Very Eov. Doan Lynch, V.F. (absent on James Voller, Bathurst s t George Sheppard, Newtown loave) Allan Webb. Harris st. Eev. W. X. Johnson, Grafton A. Burdett, Woolhara „ C. D. Coghlan, Macleay rivor „ M. Kcogan, Tenterfield CONGREGATIONAL UNION OF N.S.W. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF NEW SOUTH WALES. The General Assembly is appointed to meet in tho Presbyterian Church, Phillip st, Sydnoy, on Tuesday, tho 1st day of November, 1870, at 7 o'clock, p.m. Moderator of Assembly—Rev. William Grant, M.A., Shoalhaven Clerk of Assembly—Tho Rev. J. B. Laugh• ton, B.A., Parramatta Agent of tho Church—Rev. Adam Thomson Treasurer—Robert Anderson MINISTERS. Chairman—Rev. Thomas Johnson Secretaries—Rev. G. G. Howden, and Mr. E. Nott Treasurer—R. G. Reading Committee—Rev. John Graham, Rev. T. S. Forsaith, Rov. S. C. Kent, Rev. T. Roseby, J. Fairfax, J. Mullens, A. Garran, L.L.B.; Joseph Thompson WESLEYAN METHODIST CHUROH. Ohairman of Sydney District—Rev. H. H. ' Gaud 80 LEGAL Secretary for Foreign Missions—Rev. Stophen Eev. Georgo H. Holmes, ABhfield Eabohe JCNISTEnS. MAEINEES' OHUEOH. Eev. James Watkin, Balmain George st., North . , „ • Stephen, Eabohe, Bourke st. Surry Hills Minister—Rev. W. Leishman „' H. H. Gaud, Princes st. „ Charles Creed, Pitt st., Eedforn HEBREW. „ W. Scliofield, Bondi House, Waverley Sydney Synagogue, York st, „ W. Kelynaok, Dowling St., Paddington Minister—Eev. Alexander B. Davis ,, W. J. K7 Piddington, Cleveland st. Reader—Eev. A, A. Levi „ B. Chapman, Newtown New Synagoguo, Macquarie St. . „ W. Clarko, Phillip st. Minister—Rev. S. Phillips '• „ George Woolnough, Waverley „ W. H. George, Crown st, Woolloomooloo UNITARIAN. „ ' E, W. Vanaerkisto, Liverpool st. „ D. J. Eigby, St. Leonard's Macquario st., North, „ Eichard Caldwell, Glebe Minister—Eev. J, Pillare LEGAL DIEECTOKY. 1870. SUPREME COURT. Chief Justice—His Honor Sir Alfred Stephen, Knight, C.B. Puisne Judges—Their Honors John Fletcher Hargrave; Alfred Cheeke; Peter Faucett Primary Judge in Equity — His Honor Justice Hargravo • Attorney General—Tho Hon. Sir William Montague Manning, Knt., Q.C. Solicitor General—The Hon. Julian E. Sala. mons ASSOCIATES AND CLEBKS OP ARRAIGNS. SHERIFF'S DEPAETMENT. Sheriff and Acting Inspector of PrisonsGeorge Foster Wise Under Sheriff—John Pholan Chief Clerk—W. C. Uhr Clerk in Charge of Prison Branch—W, G. Bovorley Second Clerk—E. Ennis Third—David S. Kennedy Fourth—G. F. Ackroyd Fifth—Aubrey Mowlo ' . Bailiff—William Thomas Assistants—Maurice 0 Connor, J, W. Delaney Clerk to Chief Justice—Cecil B. Stephen Clerk to Justice Hargravo—Ralph Hargravo INSOLVENCY JURISDICTION. Clerk to Justice Cheeke—George A. Cheeke Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates— Clerk to Justice Faucett — Thomas M. George Hibbert Deffell Callaghan Registrar—Archibald Campbell Chief Clerk—Francis G. Austen Second—H. J. Grevillo SUPREME COURT OFFIOE. Prothonotary and Curator of Intestate Third—Georgo Pepper Lowry Official Assignees—J. P. Mackenzie, R. H. Estates—David Bruce Hutchinson Sompill, F. T. Ilumphery Chief Clerk—F. H. Stephen Second—J. A. Read Third—G. J. Crouch VICE ADMIRALTY COURT. Judgo Commissary—His Honor Sir Alfred MASTER IN EQUITY'S DEPARTMENT. Stephen Master in Equity—Arthur Todd Holroyd Surrogates—Matthew Henry Stephen, W. H. First Clerk—James Anderson Wilkinson Second—Peter C. Curtis Registrar—D. B. Hutchinson Third—W. H. Hargraves Marshal—William Teale DIRECTORY. 31 CLAMS TO GRANTS OF LANDS. (Commissioners under 5 Wm, IV., No. 21.) President—Arthur Todd Holroyd Commissioners—William Owen, W. H. Wilkinson . Scoretary—W. G. Pennington LAW INSTITUTE. President— Vice Presidents—W. G. M'Carthy, John Williams Council—To bo elected Treasurer—William Teale Secretary—E. A. Mackechnie DISTRICT COURTS AND QUARTER SESSIONS. Barristers' Admission Board. (Under 11 Vict. No. 17.) SYDNEY DISTRICT COURT. Their Honors Tho Judges, and tho Attorney Registrars—A. 0. Maxwell General, with W. J. Foster and J. G. L. First Class—T. S. Bronnand Innos Second—James L. Laurcnoo Third—J. A..Lucas BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS. Fourth—W. J. Halloran Barristers on the Roll, resident in tho Colony, Head Bailiff—John Mackinlay and Attorneys whoso offices are registered Bailiffs-rDenis Oulhane, Henry Macdonald, under Rule of 1st March, 1856. James Mayhew DISTEIOT COURT JUDGES. Metropolitan and Coast District—James Sheen Dowling, George Bowen Simpson Southern District—Alfred M'Farland South Western District—Henry Ralph Francis Western District—Joshua Frey Josephson Northern District—Frederick William Meyniott The several District Court Judges are also Chairmen of the Courts of Quarter Sessions within their respective Districts. CROWN PROSECUTORS. Sydney— Metropolitan and Coast District—William John Foster Southern District—Francis E. Rogers South Western District—David G. Forbes Western District—Joseph Chambers Northern District— CLERKS O F T H E PEACE. Metropolitan and Coast District—Archibald C. Frazo'r Southern District—Temple F. S. Nathan South Westom District—Henry Sherman Elliott Western District—Louis Frederick Layard Metropolitan and Northern District—Augustus Frederick Denis Carter Northern Distriot—Robort Issoll Perrott CROWN LAW OFFICERS. Under Secretary to Law Department—W. E, Plunkett First Clerk—Alexander Greville Second „ T. E. MacNovin Crown Solicitor—John Williams First Clerk—J. B. Jackson Second „ C. A . W . L e t t Third „ J. J. Lee Fourth „ M. S. Harto Fifth „ S. G. Wilkinson Parliamentary Draftsmen—W. H, Wilkinson, Alexander Oliver BARRISTERS Tho Hon, Sir W. M. Manning, Attorney General The Hon. Julian Emanuel Salamons, Solicitor General Sir James Martin, Q.C. Edward Broadhurst, Q.C. Isidore John Blake Richard Davies Ireland Thomas John Fisher Alexander Gordon Robert M'Intosh Isaacs Frederick Leopold Smith Henry Wilfred Ellis Alfred Wyatt Georgo Milner Stephen James Frederick Martley Matthew Honry Stephen Frederick Matthew Darley Butler C. Aspinall Henry Gary Dangar Edward Butler William Bede Dalley William Charles Windeyer Charles Campbell William John Foster William Norton Charles Stuart Oansdoll David Scott Mitchell William Hattam Wilkinson Charles Alexander Smyth David Grant Forbes Marshall Burdekin William Owen " Joseph Georgo Long Innes Gatoward Coleridge Davis Robert Marsden Fitzgerald Georgo Bernard Barton Robert Wisdom Edward Leo William Alexander Dumaresq • James Dalrymple Cox William Alexander Long Aloxandor Oliver Morris Birkbeck Pell 32 LEGAL• Frederick Brown Thomas John O'Eegan Francis Edward Bogers Edward Mason Hunt John Oharles MacCormiok Charles James Manning Patrick Joseph Healy James Stewart Patorson Edward O'Donnell M'Dovitt Edward Bennett Oharles Edward Pilchcr Lucius O'Brien James Washington Flood Hugh Hart Lusk Earnest Brougham Docker Charles E. R. Murray George Fullerton Simon Belinfanto Alfred Brown Grantley Hyde Fitzhardinge John Thomas Dillon Christophor John Coveny. Andrew Bowman Edward Bowman David Buchanan William Percy Faithfull Joseph Hector Garrlck John Henry Want The District Court Judges, Master in Equity, and Chief Commissioner of Insolvent Estates, are omitted from this List. Fitzhardinge, W. G. A. (A), 117 King st. Fitzhardinge, J. F. (k), 117 King st Fawl, James McAlpin, 110 King st. Gurner, John (I), 283 George st. Greer, James, 1 Wentworth place Garland, James Robert, 69 Pitt st. Gannon, Frederick (b), Pitt st. Hourigan, Patriok J., 129 King st. Hardy, William (ntj, 49 Hunter St. Hart, James, 77 Elizabeth st. Hellyor, William, 129 King st. Holdsworth, Richard (c), 69 Now Pitt st. Holden, George M. (n), 179 Pitt St. Iceton, Thomas (o), 188 Pitt St. Iceton, G. C. T. (o), 188 Pitt st. Johnson, James William (p), 142 Pitt St. Johnson, Richard, 811 Georgo st. Jones, John Russell, 63 Elizabeth st. Jones, John Booth, New Pitt st. Jones, Charles Smith, 69 Now Pitt st. Kemp, Charles V., 179 Pitt st. Levy, David Lawrcnco (i), 173 Pitt st. Lee, John James, Macquarie St., North Leary, Joseph, 108 King st. Laurence, Charles A., New Pitt st. Lenthall, Edmund H., 120 Elizabeth si. Makechnic, Edmund Augustus, Belmoro Chambers, Georgo st. M'Culloch, Andrew Hardio, 165 Pitt st, M'Oullooh, A. H., jun., 165 Pitt st. M'Carthy, William Godfrey (A), New Pitt St. M'Oarthy, William F. (h), New Pitt st. MaGuiro, William, 4 Vickery's Chambers SYDNEY ATTORNEYS. Allen, George Wigram (a), 124 Elizabeth Bt. Martin, John, 811 George st. Allen, Arthur Mansfield (a), 121 Elizabeth St. Meredith, E. W., 59 Elizabeth st. Makinson, H, M. (j), 89 Elizabeth st. Adams, Thomas, 107 Elizabeth st. Bowden, Thos. Kendall («), 124 Elizabeth st. Moore, W. P., 95 Elizabeth st. M'Cormack, Thomas S., 199 York st. Billyard, William Whaloy, 82 Hunter st. Benbow, George Frederick, 114 Elizabeth st. Merriman, George, 175 Pittst. Brown, Stephen Campbell (c), 69 Now Pitt st. Manby, Edward, George st. Norton, James (d), 59 Elizabeth St. Barker, William (rf), 59 Elizabeth st. Pennington, W. G., 108 Elizabeth st. Bradley, Henry Burton (o), 04 Margaret at. Pigott, W. H. (t(), 129 King st. Bradley, II. Houghton (e), 64 Margaret st. Rodd, Brent Clement, 132 Pitt st. Bailey, Robert R., 110 King st. Russell, William (ti), 179 Pitt s t Colyer, Henry Cox, 97 Elizabeth st. Rolin, Thomas Bately (y), 219 Pitt st. Cory, Edward James, 207 York st. Robberds, Robert W., 159 Castlcrcagh st, Curtis, William Cyprian (&), Pitt s t Roberts, William, 201 York st. Carroll, James, York st. Roxburgh, John Pirio (r), Exchange Ohapman, Frederick (f), 101 Elizabeth st. Rodman, William, 199 York st. Croft, Frederick E. G., York st. Reynolds, Maurice, Belmoro Chambers, Curtiss, Frederick, 187 King st. Cape, Alfred John, 138 Pitt st. Georgo st. Davis, Charles, 188 Pitt st. Stephen, Montagu Consett (*), New Pitt st. Deane, William (g), 100 Elizabeth st. Stephen, Septimus Alfred (s), New Pitt St. Deane, Henry (g), 100 Elizabeth st. Spain, Staunton (»•), Exchange Dawson, John, 186 Pitt st. Stcnhouse, Nicol Drysdalo (pi), 49 Hunter st. Driver, Richard, 176 Pitt st. Slado, George Penkivil (r), Exchange Donovan, John Joseph (/iJ, Now Pitt st. Salter, Thomas («), 219 Pitt st. Smith, Robert Burdott, 189 King st. 101 Elizabeth st. Street, John Widgery, 142 Pitt st. , Sly, George J., 203 York st. Teale, William, 137 King st. Doak, A. W., 58 Wynyard squaro Thurlow, William, 175 Pitt st. Ellis, Eyre Goulbum (j), 89 Elizabeth st. Thompson, Edwin Samuel, 199 York s t Evans, George, 102 King st. Forster, Robert Henry Mariner, 208 York st. Trickott, William Joseph (M)> 129 King st DIRECTORY. 33 Toogood, W. W., 179 Pitt st. Want, Randolph Olmrlos, (/>), 142 Pitt st. Want,Sydney A., 142 Pittst. Williamson, John, 105 Elizabeth st. Wrftson, Thomas B., Lloyd's Chambers Williams, Thomas, 62 Pitt st., North Williams, John, 257 Macquarie st. Way, Richard H., 65 Pitt st. Way, Harmsworth R., 128 Elizabeth st. Yeoraans, Richard, (<), 267 George st. Yarnton, George S., 109 Elizabeth st. (a) Allen, Bowden and Allen, (b) Curtis and Gannon, (cJ Holdsworth and Brown. (d) Norton and Barker, fe) Bradley and Son. (f) Daintrcy and Ohapman. (g) Deano and Deane. (h) M'Carthy, Son, and Donovan, (i) Levy and Do Lissa. (j) Ellis and Makinson. (k) Fitzhardinge and Son. (I) Gurner and Robberds. (m) Stenhouse.and Hardy, (n) Russell and Holden. (o) Iceton and Son. (p) Want, Son, and Johnson, (q) Roxburgh, Spain, and Slade. (r) Stephen and Stephen, (s) Abbott and Yeomans. (t) Pigott and Trickett. (n) Rolin and Salter. William Haltam Wilkinson, Elizabeth st. Archibald Campbell, Insolvent Court and Waverloy Montagu Consctt Stephen, solicitor, Now Pitt st. Alexander Charles Maxwell, District Court William Alexander Abbott, Registry Office and Balmain 0. E. R. Murray, North Shore G. A. Checke, Judges' Chambers C. B. Stephen, Judges' Chambers W. G. Pennington, solicitor, 108 Elizabeth st., J. A. Read, Supremo Court and Burwood P. C. Curtis, Master's Office and Redfern A. 0, Eraser, Law Offices and Ashfleld Charles V. Kemp, 179 Pitt st. Thomas Dangar, St Leonards Alfred George Shadforth, J.P., Ashfleld William Edgar Shorter, Shipping Office Thomas M. Callaghan, Supreme Court and Burwood George J. Crouch, Supremo Court &Woollahra Thomas S, Brennand, District Court Notaries Public. Commissioners of other Colonial Courts for taking Affidavits in New South Wales. PHACTISINQ IN NEW SOUTH WALKS. Allen, George Wigram Bradley, Henry Burton Dawson, John Deane, William Gurner, John Hardy, William Hellyer, William Holdsworth, Richard Johnson, Richurd Leo, John James M'Carthy, W. G. Mullen,W. II. Norton, James Roxburgh, John P. Robertson, Thomas Spain, William Stephen, SeptimusA. Slade, G. P. Want, Randolph 0. Watson, Thomas B. Westmore, John Commissioners for Affidavits. SYDNEY. David Bruce Hutchinson, Supreme Court and Newtown Edwin Daintrcy, solicitor, 101 Margaret st. John Gurner, solicitor, 283 George st. Henry Burton Bradley.solicitor, 64 Elizabeth st Robert Hamilton Sempill, Wynyard st. Theodore James Jaques, Registry Office and Balmain Colin Mackenzie, Elizabeth st. Francis Henry Stephen, Supreme Court and Balmain James Anderson, Equity Office & Missonden rd. Georgo S. Yarnton, solicitor, Elizabeth st. Charles St. Julian, Enmoro, John Phelan, Sheriffs Office and Balmain rd. William Hellyer, solicitor, 129 King st. Francis George Austin, Insolvent Court and Balmain W. D. Meares, O.P.S., Central Police Office William Orane, C.P.S., Water Police Office William Cornelius Uhr, Sheriff's Office and Five Dock George Rogers Milford, Glebe SUPKEMB COURT OP YICTOBIA. John Gurnee, solicitor, Sydney Montagu Consett Stephen, solicitor, Sydney Augustus Carter, Maitland Robert Hamilton Sempill, Sydney Francis, Henry Stephen, Supreme Court Oharles Hamilton Walsh, solicitor, Goulbum Theodore James Jaques, Registry Office, Sydnoy W. F. Parker, C.P.S., Forbes W. H. Mullen, solicitor, Maitland R. R. Mitchell, J.P., Balranald Wood Rcadett, solicitor, Newcastle J. W. A. White, C.P.S., Inverell SUTREME COUTW OP QUEENSLAND. Francis Henry Stephen, Supreme Oourt William Hellyer, solicitor, bydney W. G. Pennington, solicitor, Sydney William, Teal, solicitor, Sydney George, Evans, solicitor, Sydney Montagu Consett Stephen, solicitor, Sydney W. H. Mullen, solicitor, Maitland Augustus Carter, District Court, Maitland Richard Driver, solicitor, Sydnoy R. W. Robberds, solicitor, Sydney Georgo do V. Pilcher, solicitor, Armidala Randolph C. Want, solicitor,.Sydney John, Dawson, solicitor, Sydney H. Omeagher, solicitor, Maitland Robort Payne, solicitor, Armidale J. B. Richards, J.P., Bathurst W. H. H. Becko, O.P.S., Grafton W. W. Billyard, solicitor, Sydney R. W. Thompson, solicitor, Maitland S. Spain, solicitor, Sydney James Buchanan, P.M., Tenterfied W. F. M'Carthy, solicitor, Sydney 3c LEGAL 34 John Cecil Bead, Darlinghurst William Crane, Water Police Office Daniel Carter, Maitland Wood Beadett, solicitor, Newcastle SUPREME COURT OP TASMANIA. Montagu Consott Stephen, solioitor, Sydney W. H. Mullen, solicitor, Maitland David Bruce Hutchinson, Supremo Court SUPREME COURT OP SOUTH AUSTRALIA, B. W. Eobberds, solioitor, Sydney Staunton, Spain, solicitor, Sydney Francis Henry Stephen, Supremo Court . Thos. Brerton Watson, solicitor, Sydney W. IL Mullen, solicitor, Maitland William Crane, Water Police Office Commissioner at Newcastle authorized to issue * Writs of "Capias ad Bespondendum," under the Act 24 Vict., No. Id—Helenus Scott, P.M. Magistrates of the City of Sydney. Alderson, W. M.; Allen, George W.; Alexander, Maurice ; Allen, Hon. George, M.L.O.; Alleyno, E. Joseph; Austin, Henryj Armitage, Henry; Beardmore, O.Oj Binney, John; Bird, John; Birrell, John; Breillat, T. Chaplin; Brewster, John; Broughton, Thomas j Burdekin, Bossley; Burt, S. C ; Burnell, Henry Clay j Bossley, J. B.; Bray, Thomas; Campbell, Hon. Alexander, M.L.C.; Campbell, Hon. John, M.L.O.; Cameron, E. W.; Campbell, W. B.; Cary, H . ; Caraher, 0. J.; Cheeke, Alfred; Oloete, P. L., W.P.M.; Clarke, Henry; Cuthbert, John; Chapman, Michael; Campbell, Edward; Church, Walter; Cohen, Mosely Moss; Campbell, James; Castray, Luke E.j Crane, William; Dalley, William Bede; Dibbs, G. B.j Dawson, Thomas; Dickenson, S.; Dowling, J. S.; Dumaresq, W.; Donovan,J.; Day, W.; Egan, Hon. Daniel; Eldred, William Henry; Elliott, George E.; Eagar, Hon. Geoffrey; Evans, John; Finch, C. W ; Fairfax, J.j Fitzgerald, B. M.; Francis, H. B.; Fisher, T. J.; Fitzpatrick, M.j Flood, E.j Flood, J. W; Fosbery, E.; Forbes, George; Gordon, Hugh; Gordon, Hon. S. D., M.L.O.; Hill, Eichard; Hixson,Francis; Hoydon, J. K.; Hale, Thomas; Hezlet, William; Hordern, Liebius; Hogg, T.j Hordern, Anthony; Hebden. G.; Hay, Hon. John, M.L.C.; Holroyd.A. T.; Holt, Hon. T., M.L.O.; Hughes, John; Hosking, J.; Hill, George; Hill, Edward S.; Hill, J; Hunt, B. A.; Joy, Edward; Jaques, T. J.; Jolly,William; Jones.David; Joseph, S. A.; Jackson, F. J.; Johnstone, Eobert; Josephspn, J. P.; Josophson, M. F.; Jones, Jamos; Kettle, John Icke; Knox, Edward; .Lamb, W.j.Leary, Joseph; Lovy, L. W.j Lcarmonth, A.; Litchfield, E.j Levy, Montague; Lord, G.; Love, William; Lyons, Samuel; Lucas, John; Levey, E. A.; Lumsdaine, Henry; Lloyd, Hon. E. H., M.L.O.; Lennon, William J. Loxton, T.j Macleay, William, M.L.A.; MacFarlane, Hon. John,M.L.C; Maclean, Harold; M'Lerie, John; McFarland, A.; Martin, Hon. Sir James, Q.C.; Mann, G. K.; Manning, Edye; Moymott, F. W.j Metcalfe, Michael; Murray, John; Murray, Hon. Sir T. A., M.L.O.; Middleton, Henry, B.A.; Mitchell, Francis; Morris, Augustus ; Murnin, M. Egan ; Moss, Moses; Murphy, James j Moore, Charles; Nealo, J. T.j Neale, James H.; North, E. J.; Oatley, J.j Pomell, James; Pemell, James, jun.; Pearce, S. Henry; Pinhey, William Townley; Pritchard, W.j Penfold, E. T.; Prince, Henry; Parnell, T.; Piddington, W. E., M.L.Aj Palser, Henry P.j Powell, J.j,Peek, B.; Eaper, E.j Eattray, G.; Bichardson, Hon. J., M.L.C.j Eaphael J. G.j Eobertson, Hon. John.M.L. AjEcnny, W.; Eaymond.E. P. j Bundle, J. B.j Eenwick, G.j Samuel, Hon. Saul, M.L. A; Shadforth, H. T. j Sadlier.E. j Scott, D. 0. F„ P.M.; Sheil, H.j Simpson, G. B.j Shepherd, P. L. C.: Skinner, Thomas j Smart, T. W.j Smithers, J. B.j Solomon, John; Spain, William; Speer, William; Spence, Thomas; Stenhouse, Nichol D.j Stuart, Aloxander; Sutherland, Hon. John, M.LA.; Smythe, Samuel H.j Tompson, Charles, jun.; Tunics, W.; Tucker, W.O.; Thompson, A.; Thomson, Buchan; Thome,G.j Thornton, George; Towns, Hon. Eobert, M.L.O.; Tighe, A. A. P.; Vindin.G.; Vickery, J.; Voss, H. H.j Walker, William; Weekes, Hon. E. C, M.L.O.; Williams, John (Pitt st.); Williams, John (Upper William St.); Wrench, Edward; Wilson, Hon. J. B.j Wilkinson, W. H.; Wisdom, Eobert, M.L.A.; Woods, J.j Williamson, James; Zouch, Henry, IEDICAL DIEECTOKY. 1870. MEDICAL BOARD OP NEW SOUTH WALESPresidont—Hon. John Maofarlano, M.D., M.L.C. Members—B. O'Brien, M.D.j H.- G. Alleyno, M.D.; Charles Nathan, F.B.O.S.; Charles McKay, M.D.; W. J. Williams, M.D.j E. S. P. Bedford. Secretary—J. C. Cox, M.D., 130 Phillip sk Committee Booms—Sydney Infirmary. Meet first Monday in eaoh quarter at 8 p.m. Aaron, Isaac, 169 William st. A'Beokett, Arthur M., 229 Maoquarie st. Aitken, J., Ashfield Alloyne, Haynes Gibbes, M.D., Health Officer, 8 Fort st. Upper Anderson, William John, Glebe rd, Beoke, C. A., 110 Stanley st. Bedford, E. S. P., 461 Oastlereagh st. Bell, William, 141 Pitt st. Bennett, George, M.D., 168 William st. Benson, B. J., Glebe rd. Boyd, Sprott, M.D., 187 Liverpool st. Brereton, John Lo Gay, M.D., 157 Macquarie st. Brown, Alex. M., M.D., 52 Wynyard sq. East Buchanan, Colin, M.D., 294 Forbes st. Carroll, Walter John, 157 Liverpool st. Catlett, William, M.D., 455 Pitt st. Charles, Thomas, 227 Macquarie st. Cox, James 0., M.D., 180 Phillip st. Dansey, G. F., 26 Wynyard square De Leon, Jacob, Sydney Infirmary Duigan, E. J., Oalingra, Woollahra Egan, Myles, 155 Phillip st. Eichler, diaries F., M.D., Bridge st. Elliott, George B., Figtree Point, Balmain Evans, Owen S., Darling st., Balmain Fortescue, George, M.D., 4 Hyde Park terrace, Liverpool st. Foucart, Louis, M.D., 75 Elizabeth st. Fyffe, B., Cleveland st. Gilder, Sherrington, Ocean st., Woollahra Gilhooley, James C, 7 South Head rd. Graham, Henry, M.D., City Health Officer, Milson's Point Grey, William, 08 Bank st. Hansard, James Thomas, M.D., 185 Botany rd. Haylock, F. B,, Five Dock Hogg, Thomas, Five Dock Irvine, F. W-, M.D., 579 Bourke st, Jones, Philip S., M.D., 2 Dynevor terrace, College st. Kempf, Joseph, M.D., Newtown Laure, Louis T., M.D., 131 Oastlereagh st. Low, John Eobert, 70 South Head rd. Macfarlane. Hon. J.,M,D.,M.L.C, 5 Gladstone terrace, Bligh st. Manning, F. N., M.D., Gladesvillo Macnish, Jame3, M.D., South Head rd., Old, Paddington McKay, Charles, M.D., 5 Church Hill MaoPhee, Duncan, 453 Pitt st. Mallon, P. W., 105 Parramatta st. Morryweather, J. W. 0., 78 William st. Milford, Frederick, M.D., Dynevor terrace Miller, A. E., 151 Phillip st. Moffit, Andrew, 135 Oastlereagh st.' Moon, John, 158 Castlereagh st. Muller, Charles, 102 Phillip st. Nathan, Charles, 187 Macquarie st. Nolan, James, M.D., 22 Burton st. Nott, Thomas, M.D., Paddington O'Brien, Bartholomew, M.D., Burwood O'Beilly, Walter, M.D., 9 Marlborough st. and Botany rd., Eedfern Quaife, F. H., M.D., Woollahra Eenwiok, Arthur, M.D., 295 Elizabeth st. Eoberts, Alfred, 117 Castlereagh st. Schuette, Eudolf, M.D., Sydney Infirmary Sedgwick, W. G., Newtown rd. Shaw, William, M.D., 88 George st. Sherwin, William, 838 Liverpool st. Smith, James, 468 Pitt st. Smithwick, Fetor, M.D., 68 Ann st. Tarrant, Bichard, 175 South Head rd. Walker, George, M.D., 170 Castlereagh st. Ward, Eobert D., Berry st., North Shore Warren, Charles H., 155 Elizabeth st. Williams, W. J., M.D., 249 Macquarie st. Wright, Horatio G. A., 67 Wynyard square, West 37 DIJIEOTOEY. MILITAKY, NAVAL AND VOLUNTEER DIRECTORY. 187 0. MILITARY. Garrison Office, Victoria Barracks.- . Captain—John E. Montgoraerie Lieutenants—A. H. Markham, L. A. Beaumont STAFF.' . Commandant—Brevet Lieut. Colonel E. J. Additional—A. B. Mansell Navigating Lieut.—J. Edwards Carthew, R.A. Staff Clerk and Garrison Librarian—Sergeant Surgeon—G. Molloy Paymaster—0. J.- Caird W; Holmes Sub Lieutenants—0. J. Norcock, L. S. Enson, A. J. M'Kenzie, F. C. C. B. Simpson, W. ROYAL ABTILLEBY. E. Speck Barracks, George St., North. Chief Engineer—J. Sncll 1st Captain—Brevet Lieut Colonel E. J. Car- Assistant Surgeon—J. 0. Bailey thew, commanding 2nd Captain—W. :H. Graham CHALLENGES—18 guns, 1462 tons, 400 horse Lieutenant—S. Hopkins, H. S. Ford, D. power North Commodore—Rowley Lambert, O.B. Assistant Surgeon—J. M. Fiddes, M.B. Secretary—F. W. S. Ponsonby Clerk to Secretary—0. C. Wilson 14TH REGIMENT (Buoica_), 2ND BATTALION. Commander—0. J. Brownrigg Victoria Barracks. Lieutenants—J. S. R. Hewitt; L. A. Bell, F. Captain—JVD. Bradley, Commanding H. Keyser, G. S.Lindeman, A. P. Williams Lieutenants—J. Daly, L. K. Howat, A. W. Navigating Lieut.—H.Y. Slader Noyes ' ' . . Lieut. Marines—G. J. Airey Ensign—W. M. G. Lapenotiere.Chaplain—Rev. G. H. W. MacDowal, B.A. Surgeon—D. Finucane ' ARMY CoNTBOL DEr-ABTJIENT. Assistant' Surgoons—H. M. MacLauringj Office, George St., Lower. M.D., M.A.; Isaac Waugh,B.A., M.B. Acting Controller—Deputy Assistant Com- Paymaster—M. G. Antey missary General H.. B. A. Middleton, J.P. Naval Instructor—R. A.- Fowler Aoting Commissary—Deputy Assistant Super- Chief Engineer—H. Brown intendent of Stores, M. J. P. Knight Sub Lieutenants^-J. H. Henderson, George Clerks—J. Tyre, H. C. Emmett, R. J. GoodiO'Connor, Henry Crawford son,J. Gibson • Navigating Sub Lieutenants—T. E. B. Cppe, Barrack Sergeant—M. Quinlan Munro Scott • Office Messenger—Thomas' Reilly Assistant Paymasters—B. H. E. Drayson, F. NOTE.—The Control Department now comB. Gilbert prises the departments hitherto known as the The following officors are borne as addiCommissariat, Military Stores, Barrack and tional for surveying duties Purveyors respectively. Navigating Lieutenants—E. P. Bedwoll, F. Howard, H. J. Stanley, J. T. Gowland, NAVAL. ' •'• E. II. Bray Commodore—Rowley Lambert, O.B. Navigating Sub Lieutenant—W. II. Goalen Secretary—Fred. W. S. Ponsonby Clerk to. Secretary—Colin O.Wilson ROSARIO—11 guns, 078 tons, 150 horse power Commander—George Palmer Snirs OF WAJI ON THE AUSTBALIAN.STATION. Lieutenants—0. F. M. Gordon, W. F. A. II. BLANCHE—0 guns, 12G8 tons, 850 horse power Russell : Naval Lieut.—B. S. Jackson Surgeon—T. Roche Paymaster—W. H. Wichelo Sub Lieut—G. H. Mooro Supernumerary—G, W. L. Adair Assistant Paymaster—C. G. Johnston VIRAGO—6 guns, 1059 tons, 220 horso power Commander—E. H. Murray Lieutenants—A. Little, A. Liardet Surgeon—A. Crosbio, M.D. Paymaster—V,' Spain Chief Engineer—J. Treliving Sub Lieutenants—A. 0. M. Coulson, F. S. Knowles Assistant Paymaster—W. Flood FKENCII MEN OF WAR ON THE AUSTRALIAN STATION. Coetlogon—Captain Didot Marceau—Captain Revault Gazelle—Captain Iloucand do Fourcroy Caledonienne—Cap tain Chambeyron Bonite—Captain Forestier La Jine—Oaptain Jugo Cyclope—Captain D'Artignave. VOLUNTEER. Officer -Commanding Volunteer Forces— Lieutenant Colonel John Richardson Brigade Adjutant and Paymaster—Oaptain • T. Baynes HONORARY STAFF, Quartermaster—Captain W. Tealc Surgeon—Isaac Aaron Musketry Instructor—Lieut. J. A. Compton Ohaplains—Revs. G. F. Macarthur, & Thomas Smith ' ARTILLERY. Major Commanding--P. L. 0. Shepherd Second Major—E. Blackmore Adjutant—0. A. W. Lett Surgeon—J. 0. Cox Assistant Surgeon—J. M. Nolan No. 1 Battery Captain—E. 0. Moriarty Lieutenant—Francis Fahey Second Lieutonant—J. R. Bailey No. 2 Battory Captain—W. Deane First Lieutenant—P. Talbot Second Lieutenant—F. Fahey No.'8 Battery (Newcastle) Captain—Samuel Holt First Lieutonant—T. W. Knight Second do— Surgeon—R. R. S. Bowker No. 4 Battory Captain—W. Cooper Lieutenant—Edward Masters Second Lieutenant—F. Wells No. 5 Battory Captain—W. Wilson First Lieutonant—M. Maclean Second Lieutenant—W. G. Boverley No. 0 Battery Captain—M. W. S. Clarke First Lieutenant—H. Deane Second Lieutenant—B. Frith No. 7 Battery Captain—C. H. Atkinson First Lieutenant—John Hill Second Lieutenant—D. Y. Syrae RIFLES—SVDNEY BATTALION. Major Commanding—R. P. Raymond Adjutant—Lieutenant W. Chatftold Surgeon—F. Milford Assistant Surgeon—G. F. Dansey No. 1 Company Captain—J. Wells Lieutenant—R. Hunt Ensign—John Cooper No. 2 Company Captain—W. C. Windoyer (Major) Lieutenant—0. A. Wilson, jun. Ensign- II. W. Strong No. 3 Company Captain—W. T. Farrcll Lieuntenant—Stephen Dicksou Ensign—J. Ferguson No. 4 Company Captain—J. J. Davoy Lieutenant—M. Golden Ensign—T. B. Wallcott No. 5 Company Captain—Thomas Richards Lieutenant—A. 0 . Moriarty Ensign—W. Johnston ' No. 6 Company Captain—G. Phillips Lieutenant—W. P. Faithful Ensign—R. 0. Hewitt SumntBAN BATTALION. Major Commanding—J. H. Goodlet Second Major—T. J. Jaques Adjutant—Oaptain E. W. Cameron Surgeon—R. D. Ward Assistant do—W. Getty Glebe Rifles. Captain—J. D. Lankester Lieutenant—J. Wcekes EnsignBalmain Rifles. Captain—E. W. Cameron Lieutenant—E. J. Webb Ensign—W. F. Lo'ngfield Paddington and Surry Hills Rifles. Captain—Henry Phillips Lieutenant—T. Field Ensign St. Leonard's Rifles, Oaptain—L. Solomon Lioutcnanl—J. W. Guise 38 MILITARY, NAVAL <fec. South Sydney lUflcs. Captain—J. Nowskain Lieutenant—J. B. Hillier Ensign—T. Hughes DUKE OP EDINBURGH' HIGHLAND . Kinma Rifle!. Captain—J. Black Lieutenant—J. 0. Vote Ensign—James King RIFLE Conrs. No. 1 Company. Captain—John Campbell Lieutenant—J. Wilson Ensign—W. Donald Hon. Assistant Surgcon~\V. J. Anderson Singleton Rifles. Captain—G. T. Loder Lieutenant—H. P. Stacoy Ensign— R. S. Hartigan Hon. Assistant Surgeon—H. Glonnie • Ulladalla Rifles. Captain—P. H. Sheoflb Lieutenant—William Millard Ensign—W. Allan No. 2 Company Captain—Buohan Thomson Lieutenant—H. J. Chisholra Ensign—F. McMartin Hon. Assistant Surgeon—James Smith Gerringong Rifles. Captain Lieutenant—J. B. Brown Ensign—A. Campbell LOCAL COBPS. Penrith Rifles. Captain—J. McCarthy Lieutenant—J. R. Lethbridge Ensign—P. J. C. Bobbins "Surgeon—T. Willmott Jamberoo Rifles. Captain Lieutenant—D. L. Dymock Ensign—S. Major Newcastle Rifles. Captain—C. Bolton Lieutenant—H. J. Brown Ensign- Richmond Rifles. Captain . Lieutenant—W. H. Holborow Ensign—T. A. Onus Parramatta Rifles. Captain—W. Brown Lieutenant—H. J. Byrnes Ensign . Greenup King's School Cadet Corps, Parramatta. Captain—W. Dalmas Camden Collego Cadet Corps, Newtown. Captain—J. Macintosh East Maitland Rifles. Captain—E. Cobcroft Lieutenant—T. M. Maokay Ensign—G. Middleton Newington College Cadet Corps. Captain . Coates West Maitland Rifles. Captain—A. Wilkinson Lieutenant—J. Tcgg Ensign—J. Sloan Surgeon—A. Liddle Hawkesbury Rifles. Captain—S. Edgerton Lieutenant . Dick Ensign . Linsloy Surgeon . Day Bathurst Rifles. Captain—P. B. Hales Lieutenant— G. R. Suttor Ensign—A. Paul Hon. Assistant Surgeon—0. W. Morgan , MUNICIPAL DIEECTOEY. 1870. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF SYDNEY. TnE RIGHT WoitsnirruL THE MAYOR. Walter Ronny. ALDEEMEN. Bourko Ward—William Andrews, Walter Renny Brisbane Ward—William Day, Alfred Bradford Cook Ward—William Kippax, Alexander Steel Dcnison Ward—James Murphy, John Woods FitzroyWard—James Green, James Oatley GippsWard—Owen J, Caraher, James Merriman Macquario Ward—John Macintosh, Michael Chapman Phillip Ward—Thomas John Bown, Anthony Hordern. Oity Treasurer—Edward Lord Town Clerk—Charles H. Woolcott Assistant Clerk—T. A. Butterfield City Engineer and Surveyor—Edward Bell Clerks of Works—H. Sraithers, G. Murphy Accountant—Charles H. Lines Paymaster—Joseph Deano Draftsman—T. H. Bradridgo Inspector of Public Vehicles—E. Oram Inspector of Nuisances—Richard-Seymour Assistant Inspector of Nuisances—William H. Watkins Auditors—T. M. Slattery and W. 0. Hayes ' Solicitor—Richard Driver, M.L.A. Health Officer—Dr. Graham Building Surveyor—Edward Bradridgo Water Collectors—John Allum, George Clayton City Rate Collectors—W. 0. Windeyer, J. R. Clayton VOLUNTEER NAVAL BRIGADE, SUBURBAN MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Port.Macquarie. Captain Commanding—Francis Hixson, R.N. Surgeon—Owen Spencer Evans Accountant—A. Hinton Gunnery Instructor—Joseph Reeve No. 1 Company. Lieutenant Commanding—Thomas D. Macnab Sub Lieutenant—Alfred Lowington No. 2 Company. Lieutenant Commanding—W. J. Wilshiro Sub Lieutenant—Staunton Spain No. 8 Company. Lieutenant Commanding—J. 0. Irwin Sub Lieutenant—Q. L. Deloitto _ No. 4 Company. Lieutenant Commanding—E, Jones Sub Lieutenant ~ An Annual Election of One-third of the Members of each Council takes place on the first Tuesday in February of each year. Council Olerk and Surveyor—Henry Catt ALEXANDRIA. Assistant Clerk—Frederick R. Ohilcott Mayor--Edward John Hawksley Aldermen—James Farr, Henry Bancroft, J. Inspector of Nuisances—Senior Constable, James Ward Marland, John Oates, James Blackley, Samuel Sparks, Benjamin Lewis, Thomas Poundkeeper and Bailiff--Alfred Olive Shirloy Council Clerk and Clerk of Works—D. BeatCAMPERDOWN. .. Mayor—George Davison son, F.R.G.S.Aldermen—Joseph Scale, Patrick O'Connor,, Auditors—Richard Parker, G. Bretnell Council Chambers—Raglan st. William O'Brien, John Culbert, P. Office hours from 1 till 2 and 6 till 7 SaturElakency days excepted Auditors—John Palmer, J. J. Leslie Council meets every altornato Friday Council Olerk—W. J. Howe BALMAIN. Mayor—F. R. Robinson Aldermen—J. Booth, G. R. Elliott, B. H. MaoBeath, W. Marshall, 0. Mossman, J. Mullens, H. Perdriau, F. Valo Auditors — West Gleadow, Matthowman Twentyman COOK. Mayor—James Bennett Aldermen—James Larkin, Michael M'Grath, T. A. Hinds, James Maloney, Robert Fowler Auditors—John Cahill, John M'Rao Council Clerk—W. J. Howe 40 MUNICIPAL DARLINGTON. Mayor—Robert Maze Aldermen—J. A. Earl, A. M'Donald, A. Loveridge, DanielMongan, James Harnett Treasurer—James Harnett Council Clerk—Samuel Partridge Auditors—Thomas S. Jones, John Hunter Council Chambers, Rose st. Office hours from 7'30 until 9 every Monday evening Clerk—Jesso Cowley Overseer—P. Murphy RANDWIOK. Mayor—M. J. Peden Aldermen—S. H. Pcarce, G. Moore, J, Pearce, G. Denning, P. A. Dutruo Treasurer—G. Moore Council Clerk—E. T. Sayers Auditors—H, Clark, A. Cook REDFERN. EAST S1\~LE0NARDS. Mayor—E. Lord Mayor—Georgo Renwick, J.P. Aldermen—W. Dind, E. Lord, P, Loxton, J. Aldermen—Peter Sutton, J. J. Parr, Albert Milson, jun., H. Edgell Allen, G. M. Bingham, R. Spenco, W. Auditors—J. Hunt, J. Taylor Williamson, G. Andrew, H. Hudson Council Clerk—Henry Oubitt Council Clerk and Treasurer—W. Wardrop Auditors — Frederick Hobbs, jun., Alfred GLEBE. Chandler Inspector of Nuisances—John Hales Mayor—G. Wigram Allen Aldermen—G. A. Mansfield, W. Munro, G. Council meets at the Chambers, Georgo st., every alternate Friday evening. Brown, T. S. Harwood, E. T. Blnckct, A. Thornley, M. Chapman, J.P., J. Simpson ST. LEONARDS. Treasurer—M. Chapman, J.P. Mayor—W. Tunks, M.L.A. Council Clerk—H. Colley Auditors—J. R, Young, William S. Clarke Aldermen—R, D. Ward, J. J. Cook, John Offices—Glebe rd., Glebe . , Blue, W. E. Davoy, W. Oharlton, jun., C. Honrs from 10 to 2 every lawful day, except H. Woolcott, W. S. Clarke, John Davies ; Saturday Treasurer—0. H. Woolcott Council Clerk—G. Pile, jun. MARRICKVILLE. Mayor—Charles St. Julian WATERLOO. Aldermen — Graham, Halligan, Kingsbury, Mayor—James Wilcox Moyes, Payten, Scott, Teeson and Aldermen—Thomas Moon, William Moon, Thomas T. B. Goldfinch, John Foulkes, Isaac Treasurer—G. 0. Tompson Peck Auditors—John Wells, Edward Curtis Treasurer and Council Clerk—T. M. Slattery Council Clerk—G. C. Tompson Auditors—H. 0. Mailoy, Valentine J. Ellery Office—Botany Road, Waterloo NEWTOWN. Office hours from 6 to 8 o'clock every evening Saturdays excepted Mayor—William Curtis Aldermen—William Curtis, James Conley, WAVERLEY. David Bedford, Richard W.. Cozens, William Bailey, Thomas Galvin, Joseph Mayor—Stephen Dickson . Kingsbury, William Hobos, Henry Aldermen—D, Fletcher, W. Cory, John MaoMunro pherson, Walter Smith, Robert Yeend, Treasurer and Council Clerk—Robert N. Lewellan Baglin, Thomas Gregan, WilBanks liam Henderson Solicitor—Stephen 0. Brown Treasurer—John Macpherson Auditors—Alfred W. Fallick, John D. Etvens Auditors—J. P. Perry, Edward O'Brien Overseer—Thomas Clarke Council Clerk—William Mortimer Office hours from 12 to 8 every day except Saturday WOOLLAHRA. Mayor—-M. Consett Stephen PADDINGTON. Aldermen—Joseph Trickett, Fred. Otttley, (Proclaimed 18th April, 18C0.) Daniel Bulman, Michael Guilfoylo, Thos.' Mayor—Wm. Taylor Ireland, James R. Fairfax, Randolph Aldermen—Oharles Artlett, Robert Steel, R. Nott, Samuel Thompson Westaway, W; S. Stone, Thomas Alston, Auditors—Samuel Goold, Francis Giles J. ,C. Humphrey, Robert Joyncr, John Foreman—George James Buchanan Council Clerk—H. S. Killick COLONIAL DIRECTORY. 1870. Surveyor General—A. C. Gregory Superintendent of Electric Telegraphs—W. J, Oracknell Governor—His Excollency Colonel Samuel Registrar General—F. Rawlins Wensley Blackall Collector of Customs—Tho Hon. William Private Secretary — Lieutenant T. R. F, Thornton, M.L.O. Terry Immigration Agent—John MacDonnell Aido de Camp—Lieutenant G. H. Verncy Chief Commissioner of Police—D. T. Seymour EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Manager of the Government Savings' Bank, His Excellency tho Governor. —. Unsworth The Hon. Colonial Secretary Port Master—Lieutenant Heath, R.N. Tho Hon. the Attorney General Shipping Master—Capt. Manson The Hon, Minister for Lands Government Printer—J. 0. Beal Tho Hon. Colonial Treasurer Emigration Agent, residing in England— The Hon. Postmaster General Hon. J. Douglas Tho Hon. Secretary for Works and Gold Fields VOLUNTEERS. Clerk—Albert Victor Drury Colonel Commanding—The Hon. Maurico PARLIAMENT. Ohos. O'Connell LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Adjutant—Lieutenant G. H. Verney, 42nd President — Tho Hon. Maurico Charles Regiment O'Connoll Chairman of Committees—The Hon. Daniel ECCLESIASTICAL. Foley Roberts Church of England—Bishop, The Right Rev. Clerk of Parliaments—Henry Johnson E. W. Tuffnell, D.D. Usher of tho Black Rod—F.R. 0. Master Church of Rome—Bishop, The Right Rev. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. James Quinn, D.D. (absent) Speaker—The Hon. Gilbert Elliott United Presbyterian—Moderator of S y n o d Chairman of Committees—J. M. Thomson Rev. A. Caldwell Clerk of Assembly—Lewis A. Bernays Wesloyan—Chairman. Rev. Isaac Harden Sergeant at Arms—E. B. Uhr Hebrow—Reader, J. M. Myers QUEENSLAND. OOVEnNUBNT. CIVIL. Colonial Secretary—The Hon. Oharles Lilley Principal Under Secretary—H. H. Massie Colonial Treasurer—The Hon.' T. B. Stephens Under Secretary—W. L. G. Drow Attorney General—The Hon, R. Pring Clerk—J. Keane Minister for Lands—The Hon. James Taylor -Under Secretary—W. A. Tully Postmaster General— Secretary of P. 0.—J. Gulland Minister, for Works and Gold Fields—The Hon. A. Maoalister Auditor General—F. 0. Darvall Inspector of Public Accounts—F. 0. Bryant Commissioner for Railways—A. 0. Herbert Chief Engineer for Railways—H. T. PIOAVS Colonial Architect-C. Tiffin LEGAL. Ohicf Justice—Sir James Cookie, Knight Puisno Judgo and Ohief Commissioner of Insolvency—The Hon. A. J. P. Lutwyche District Court Judge for the Metropolitan District—E. Shepp'ard Attorney General—The Hon. Oharles Lilley Crown Solicitor—Robert Little 'Master in Equity, Registrar of Supreme Court, and Prothonotary—W. L. Fowles Sheriff—Arthur Halloran Official Assignees—Alexander Raff, W. H. Miskin Curator' of Intestate Estates—Alexander Ruff DJEEOTOEY. COLONIAL 42 SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ECCLESIASTICAL. Church of England—Bishop of Adelaide, the GOVERNMENT. Eight Eev. Augustus Short, D.D. Governor and Commander-in-Chief, His Ex- Archdeacon, Ven. 0. Marryat • cellency the Eight Hon. Sir James Fer- Roman Catholio Bishop—Eight Eov. Laurence Shiel, D.D. gusson, Bart, Aido-de-Camp and Private Secretary—Cap- Vicar-General,Very Eev. J. Smyth tain the Hon. C. E. Edgecumbo (Grenadier Guards) LEOAL Prov. Aidc-de-Camp—M. W. Morris Ohief Justice—His Honor R. D. Hanson Puisne Judges—Their Honors E. 0. Gwynne, . EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. W. A. wearing President—His Excellency the Governor Attorney-General — Tho Hon. H. B. T. The Chief Secretary—Hon. J. T. Bagot Strangways The Attorney General —Hon. H. B. T. Secretary to do.—S. Decring Strangways Crown Solicitor—William Bakewell The Treasurer—Hon. H. Kent Hughes Master of Supreme Court—W. Hinde Tho Commissioner of Public Works—Hon. Insolvent Commissioner—H. E. Downer Wentworth Cavenagh Sheriff—TV. E, Boothby The Commissioner of Crown Lands—Hon. J. Prothonotary and Registrar—0. A. "Wilson Colton Police Magistrate—S. Bcddome Clerk—J. S. O'Halloran Stipendiary Magistrate, Port? Adelaide—G. "W. Hawkes PARLIAMENT. Commissioner of Supreme Court for taking President of the Legislative Council—The Affidavits in Viotoria—E, Klingender, Hon. John Morphett Bank Place, Collins st. West Clerk—Francis 0. Singleton Speaker of the House of Assembly, and TASMANIA. Chairman of Committees—The Hon. G. S. Kingston OOVEBNJIENT. Clerk—G. W. D. Beresford Governor, Commander in Chief, and Vice • * CIVIL. Admiral—His Excellency Charles Du Cane Ohief Secretary—The Hon. J. T. Bagot Private Secretary and Aide de Camp—0. M. Under Secretary—J. Boothby S. Chichester Treasurer—The Hon. H. Kent Hughes Under Treasurer—W. S. M. Hutton Commissioner of Crown Lands—The Hon. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. W. Cavenagh His Excellency the Governor Secretary to do.—J. N. Blackraoro The Hon. the Colonial Secretary and Premier Commissioner of Public "Works—Tho Hon. J. —James M. Wilson Colton The Hon. the Colonial Treasurer—Thomas D.. Secretary to do.—W. T. Sheppard Chapman' Auditor General—E. W. Hitohin The Hon. the Attorney General—William L. Surveyor General—G. W. Goyder Dobson Engineer in Ohief—Henry 0. Mais Tho Hon. Secretary for Lands and W o r k s Collector of Customs—B. Douglas Henry Butler Postmaster General—J. W. Lewis Tho Hon. Jumes Dunn Registrar General (Land Titles)—W. B. T. Clerk-E. 0. Nowell Andrews ' Deputy Registrar—W. B. Oartor PARLIAMENT. Registrar General Births, Deaths, and MarPresident of the Legislative Counoil—' riages—-J. F. Cleland The Hon. F. M. Innes Immigration and Health Officer—H. Duncan Chairman of Committees—The Hon. James Colonial Surgeon—B. W. Mooro Whyto Police Commissioner—George Hamilton Clerk—E. 0. Nowell MILITARY. Usher of the Black Eod—W. G. Elliott Senior Officer in Command of the Troops- Speaker of House of Assembly—The Hon. " Eobert Officer Major H. Vivian, 14th Regt. Deputy Assistant Commissary General — C. Chairman of Committees—John Swan Clerk of House of Assembly and Librarian— K. Christie H. M. Hull Volunteer Military Force—Colonel P . Egorton Sergcant-at-Arms—Hubert D. Church Warburton CIVIL. Colonial Secretary and Premier—Tho Hon. J. M. Wilson Colonial Treasurer and Postmastcr-Goneral— Tho Hon. Thos. Daniel Chapman Colonial Auditor—E. J. Manloy Surveyor-Gonoral and Commissioner of Crown Lands—J. E. Caldor Director-General of Works and TelegraphsFrancis Butler Collector of Customs, Hobart Town—T. T. Watt Collector of Customs, Launceston—R. II. Willis Assistant Colonial Socretary—B. T. Solly Assistant Colonial Treasurer—William Lovett Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands—E. W. Boothman Postmaster, Hobart Town, and Secretary to tho Post Office—A. C. Douglas Postmaster, Launceston—W. Windeatt Inspector of Police—John Porster, J;P. Inspectors of Schools—T. Stephens and M. Burgess 43 Clerk of tho Supremo Court and Marshal of Vice-Admiralty Court—George Browne Sheriff— John Forstcr, J.P. Under Sheriff, Hobart Town—J. Eothwoll Recorder, Launceston, and Commissioner of Insolvent Estates and Court of Requests —John Whitcfoord Clerk of the Peace, Hobart Town—Eobert P. Adams Clerk of tho Peace, Under Sheriff, and Registrar of Court of Requests and Insolvent Estates, Launceston—George Smith Recorder of Titles and Registrar of Deeds— W. Tarleton Deputy Recorder of Titles, Deputy Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Launceston—R. C. Gunn Lands' Titles Commissioners — William Tarleton, H. J. Buckland, Justin M'O. Browne Solicitor to Lauds' Titles' Commissioners—G. P. Adams IMMIGRATION COMMISSIONERS. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, President j tho Hon. the Colonial Treasurer, Henry Tho Officer Commanding the Forces—Major Butler, and Askin Morrison John G. Maycock, H.M. 14th regiment Secretary—B. T. Solly ' Commanding Eoyal Engineers—Captain E. Immigration Agents, Hobart Town—B. T. Warren Solly ; Launceston—Wm. G. Sams Inspecting Field Officer of Volunteers—Lieut. Colonel E. 0. D. Homo HEW ZEALAND^ Captain Commandant Hobart Town Volunteer Artillery—W. Tarleton GOVERNMENT. Captain Commanding Launceston Volunteer Governor and Commander-in-Chief—His ExArtillery—Alfred Harrap cellency, Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Artillery Instructor and Master Gunner— G.C.M.G. Sergeant R. H. Eccleston, E.A. Private Scoretary—Captain H. D. Pitt, R.A. Assistant Private Secretary and Extra Aidede-Camp—Captain A. M. Smith ECCLESIASTICAL. Church of England—Bishr; Eight Eev. 0. H. CABINET. Bromby, D.D. Archdeacon, Hobart Town—Ven, Eowland Premier and President of the Executivo Council—William Fox Robert Davjes, B.A. Archdeacon, Launceston—Ven. Thos. Reibey, Colonial Secretary—William Gisborno Colonial Treasurer, Postmaster-General, and; M.A. Commissioner for Stamps, Julius Vogel Roman Catholic Ohurch—Bishop, Tho Right Minister for Colonial Defence and Native Eev. Daniel Murphy, D.D. (absent) Affairs—Donald MoLean Vicar General—Tho very Eev. W. J. Dunno Commissioner of Customs—F. Dillon'Bell Archdeacon—Ven. E. 0. Marum Dean—A. Maguire MILITARY. PARLIAMENTARY. Legislature composed. of tho Governor, a LEGAL. Legislative Council of not less than Chief Justice and Judge of the Vice-Admiralty twenty members, appointed by tho Crown Court—His Honor Sir Val. Fleming, Knt. for life, and a House of Representatives Puisne Judge—His Honor Sir Francis Smith, of seventy-six members, elected for five Knt. years Registrar of Supremo Court, of tho ViceAdmiralty Court, of Births, Deaths, and Speaker Legislative Council—J. lift. 0. Marriages, and Curator of Intestate Richardson . Estates—Henry John Buckland Clerk—L. Stowo Attorney-General—Hon. W. L. Dobson Speaker House Representatives—Sir D. Monro Solicitor-General—Eobort P. Adams Clerk of Parliaments—F. E. Campbell 44 DIRECTORY. COLONIAL civit. Assistant Treasurer—J. Woodward Comptrollor-Genoral—J. E. Fitzgerald Attorney-General—J. Frendergast Secretary, General Post Office—G. E. Elliott Paymaster-General—0. T. Batkin Auditor of Public Accounts—0. Knight, M.D. Secretary for Crown Lands—A. Domett Registrar-Goneral—J. B. Bennett .Under Native Secretary—G. S. Cooper /Secretary of Customs—W. Seed Director of Geological Survey Department— Dr. Hector, F.R.S. Government Printer—G. Didsbury SuperintendontElectrioTelegraphs—CLemon LEGAL. Attorney General—The Hon. Morgan A. Macdonnell Minister of Justice—Vacant President of the Board of Lands and Works, and Commissioner of Crown Lands and Survey—The Hon. James McKcan Commissioner of Publio Works—The Hon. Isaac G. Reeves Minister of Mines—The Hon. John T. Smith Commissioner of Trade and Customs—The Hon, Edward Cohen Commissioner of Roads and Railways—Tho Hon. Francis Longmoro Postmaster General—vacant Olerk to the Executive Oouncil—Captain J. H. Kay, R.N. PARLIAMENT. Chief Justice—Sir G. A. Arney, Auckland LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Puisne Judges— President—The Hon. Sir James Frederick Wellington—A. J. Johnston Palmer, Knight Canterbury—H. B. Gresson Nelson and Wcstland—0. W.' Richmond Ohairman of Committees—Tho Hon. W. H. F . Mitchell Otago—H. S. Chapman (absent on leave), Olerk of tho Parliaments—George William 0. D. R. Ward, acting Rusden Usher—A. A. 0. Lo Souef PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENTS. Superintendents— LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Auckland—J.Williamson Speaker—Sir Francis Murphy V T#ranaki—F. A. Oarrington Chairman of Committees—Fred, Leopold Wellington—I. E. Featherston Smyth Hawkes Bay—J. D. Ormond Olerk of tho Assembly—John Barker Nelson-^O. .Curtis Sergeant at Arms—Wm. George Palmer Marlborough—W. H. Eyes Canterbury—W. Rolleston CIVIL. Otago—J. Macandrew Ohief Secretary—Hon. John A. Macpherson Southland—J. P. Taylor Under Seoretary—W. H, Odgers Treasurer—Hon. Robert Byrne ECCLESIASTICAL. Under Treasurer—E. S. Symonds Bishops—Ohurch of England. Commissioners of Audit—0. H. Symonds Auckland—G. B. CowiefD.D. Francis Jones, Alfred J. Agg Ohristchurch—H. J. 0. Harper, D.D. President of Board of Lands and Works— Wellington—0. J. Abrahamr. D.D. Hon. James McKean Nelson—A. B. Suter, D,D.' Commissioner of Crown Lands—Hon. Jame3 Waiapu—William Williams, D.O.L. McKean Otago—H. L. Jennor, D.D. Surveyor General—Alexander John Skene Melanesian Mission—-J. 0. Patterson, D.D. Commissioner of Public Works—Hon, Isaac • G. Reeves Minister of Mines—Hon. John T. Smith VICTORIACommissioner of Railways and Roads—Hon. GOVERNMENT. • Francis Longmore Governor in Chief and Vice Admiral of Vic- Commissioner of Trade and Customs—Hon. toria—His Excellency Sir John Honry Edward Cohen Thomas Manners-Sutton, K.O.B. Ohief Harbour Master and Chairman of Aide do Camp—John S. Rothwell, R.A. Steam Navigation Board—C. Ferguson Private Secretary—Henry Charles Manners- Superintendent Mercantile Marine—Lesley Suttonj B.A. A. Moody Ohief Inspector of Distilleries—L. A. Moody Postmaster Generol-.~Vacant EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Commander of Her Majesty's Forces in the Comptroller of Money Order and Savings' Australian Colonies—Major General Sir Bank Branch—W. Galbraith Trevor Chute, K.O.B. General Superintendent Elcctrio Telegraphs Ohief Secretary and Minister of Finance— —Wm. Turner The Hon. John A. Macpherson Registrar General—W. Henry Aroher, J.P. The Treasurer—The Hon. Robert Byrne Immigration Agent—Lesley A. Moody . • * . : . 45 Chairman of tho Board of Education—Sir J. Comptroller General Surveyor General F. Palmer Chief Medical Officer and President of the Attorney General Board of Health—Wm. McCrea, M.B. Colonial Treasurer Chief Commissioner of Police—F. C. Standish PARLIAMENT. Agent General in London—The Hon, G. F. The Legislative Council is composed of tho Verdon Executive Council (with tho Exception of tho Comptroller General) and the Hons. J. W. IIardey,and S. P. Phillips, J. MILITARY. G. 0. Carr, J. G. Leo Steere, W. L. Commander of H. M. Forces in the AustraBrocknuin lian Colonies—Major General Sir Trevor Chute, O.B. CIVIL. Lieutenant Colonel Commanding H.M. 14th Colonial Secretary—The Hon, F. P. Barleo Regiment—W. 0. Trevor, O.B. Assistant Commandant of Volunteers— Chief Clerk—G. Phillips Treasurer and Collector of Revenue—Hon. Colonel W. A, D. Anderson A. O. G. Lefroy Chief Clerk—H. Spencer ECCLESIASTICAL. Surveyor General—Hon. Capt. J. S. Roe, R.N. Church of England—Bishop of Melbourne, Auditor General—W. Knight Tho Right Rev. Charles Perry, D.D. Postmaster General—A. Helmich Roman Catholic—Bishop of Melbourne, Tho Chief Clerk—W. H. Knight Right Rev. J. A. Goold.D.D., O.S.A. Colonial Surgeon—J. Ferguson Comptroller General—H. Wakeford LEGAL. Registrar General—W. Knight Chief Justice, and Judge of Vice Admiralty Superintendent of Police, Perth—G. E, C Hare Court—His Honor Sir W. F. Stawell, Charge of Public Works—R. R. Jewell Knight Puisno Judges—Their Honors Sir R, Barry, Harbor Master—Lieut. Croke, R.N. Collector of Customs—L, W. Clifton , E. E. Williams, R. Molesworth Attorney General—Tho Hon. Morgan A. Superintendent of Water Police—J. F. Stone Police Magistrate—E. W. Landor Macdonnell Minister of Justice—Vaoant Curator of Intestate Estates — Theyre MILITARY. • Weigall Commandant—Colonel J. Bruce, Perth Prothonotary—J. A. Porter Staff Officer of Pensioners, Perth—Major Chief Commissioner of Insolvency—W. B. Crampton Noel Staff Officer of Pensioners, Freemantle—Capt, r Sheriff—C. Fario Finnerty Crown Solicitor—Henry F. Gurner Medical Officer—Surgeon-Major Lapsley.MD Assistant Commissary General—0. W. Eichbaum WESTERN AUSTRALIA. GOVERNMENT. ECCLESIASTICAL. Church of England—Bishop, Tho Right Rev, Governor, His Excellency Frederick Alovsius M. B. Hale, D.D. Weld ' Wesley an-- Rev. W. Lowe Private Secretary and Clerk of Councils—H. Congregational—Rev. J. Meadoworoft J. A. S. Weld Blundell ' EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. President—His Excellency the Governor The Hon. Commandant The Oolonial Secretary LEGAL. Chief Justice—His Hon. A. P. Burt Attorney General—George F. Stowe Crown Solicitor—G. W. Leake Sheriff—A. Hillman V I ' ,( 4,' .' - < . HA.a -liHOS: ADIEMiSilEITS. ^ i l l ' '•' .M'.0--..'•.. • l . i CI.Vi.vi' .; .fir T '". 5 ' # »- ' , / r ••! - N • r'.,- f .r ) V v / V ' ' -'• • ; '-V * tfiH'o Thu '•• ,^;.ih; ^ /? M o^r? ZVJA •• •7 Tfci .).$ j ' J\ Or": -&T V \ J I/! ' i --ft ^ : ; $ JOHN SANDS, Mimm, §rintev, $vtk\ahtt INDEX TO ADTEETISEMENTS, MACHINE RULER, AND PAGE >KSH< JOHN SANDS, Desires the attention of Bankers and the Mercantile Community generally to his large Stock of STATIONERY, ACCOUNT BOOKS, ETC., Of which an extensive assortment is always kept on hand. ACCOUNT BOOKS AND FORMS RULED AND PRINTED TO ANY PATTERN, Having Extensive STEAM PRINTING MACHINERY, THE ADVERTISER IS PREPARED TO EXECUTE printing Dtorft of m\% &mn$i\<m atflwItouwai 8fernt». 392 GEORGE STREET, SYDNEY. BANKS. Australian Joint Stock Bank Bank of Australasia ... .;. .'.. Bank of Now South Wales City Bank ... Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney... English, Scottish and Australian Chartered Bank London Chartered Bank of Australia Tho Mercantile Bank Oriontal Bank Corporation Union Bank of Australia 1 8 2 9 C 13 10 12 5 11 TAGE Pacific Firo and Marine Insuranco Company Royal Fire and Lifo Insurance Company Southern Insuranco Company Standard Life Assurance Company ... Sydnoy Marine Assuranco Office Sydney Insuranco Company United Fire and. Marine Insurance Company of Sydney Universal Marino Insurance Company Victoria Insuranco Companies 17 80 21 1G 16 15 23 22 24 STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANIES. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Australasian Steam Navigation ...' 26 Australasian Fire, Life and Marino Assurance Companies 21 Clarenco and New England Steam Navigation ... 29 Australian General Assuranco Company 13. Clarence and Richmond Rivers' Steam Navigation... ... 28 Australian Mutual Provident Society (Inside 27 front Cover) Hunter River New Steam Navigation Illawarra Steam Navigation 25 Batavia Sea and Firo Insurance) Com23 pany... ' — .- ••• Imperial Firo Insurance Company of ... ... 68 London 25 Adams and Webber ... Aldorson and Sons ... (Inside back cover) Liverpool and London and Globo In64 surance Company 24 Australian Ointment Australian Patent Tile Company ... 68 London and Lancashire Firo and Life Insurance Companies 22 B Mutual Life Association of Australasia 37 National Marine Insurance Company 22 Barton, Melhado and Co. (Inside back cover) Bennett, J. ... ... 60 New South Wales Marine'Assurance Company ... ... ... ... 14 Biggs and Abigail ... 54 North China Lisurance Company ... 23 Billyard.'s Bono and Saw Mills ... 48 ii. PAGE Bown, T. J. and Co Booth, John and.Co Bradley, Williain Brown, J. A Bubb, J. B. Burgis and Wliitley ;*. C Campbell, John and Co. Chapman and Co Cochran, W. ... Colonial Sugar Refining Company Conyber, James Cox, A. Crane, G. E Crocker,'N. J. and Co Cubitt, Arthur... ... . . ." . . .. ,. 49 68 56 41 53 65 Henderson, A. M. Homy, J. Holdsworith, J. B. Hollingdalo, E.... Hunt, J. H. * ... 68 69 31 62 67 Jacobs, J. and Co. 54 Jenner, C. 29 Jennings, S. A . . . / 67 Jordan, W. T. ... 29 54 K 61 Keep and Parsons 64 Kiss, George 68 Knaggs, R, C. and Co. 79 50 66 47 69 42 63 51 D ... 69 55 Lewis, Sharp H. London Loan and Discount Society (Insido back Cover) E M Ebsworth, P. 60 Eldr'edand Sponce 65 Macintosh, J. 67 Elliott, P. J. and Co ... . '68 Mackenzie, G. B. 44 MacMahon, P. ... . . . . 65 Mollwraith and Co. ... '" *;, F ... ... 45 Fitzgerald and Prendergast 67 McLean, John ... ... 61 Flack,'Alfred ... ... 63 Malcolm, James • 67 .., Forrester, J. 56 'Mansfield, G. A. ... ... 51 Fowler, E. ... ... (Inside back cover) Marshall, J. ... 68 Miller, J. H (Inside back cover) Miller and Harrison .. G 66 ... 46 Mitchell, W. H. Gard and Hemsley ... ... 63 Goulburn Herald ;.. 45 77 MortandCo Greville, E. and Co. ... (Opposite titlepago) Moulo's Earth Closots... "... ... 77 Munn, M. A ... ... 61 Murphy, Charles ... H ... 68 Hagen, John ... '.... , "..'.: ' 55 68 Muscutt, E Hoiley and Clyde ... ... 64 60 Muston, W. T. and Co Harrison and Jones 55 Myers, J. H. '..'. .67 Hawkcn and Vance 69 Hazeland and Co. N 63 Hebblewhite and Son 33 Newman, J. H. 62 111. PAGE PAGE PAGE B , De Josselin, Henri INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. S Owen Brothers ; 53 Stewart, Garrick and Co. Stubbs, R. F. and Co. Stutchbury, T. J. Palsor, H. P 53 Sydney Parcels Delivery Co. Parkinson and Monaghan 66 Patten, W. 62 T Penney and Hamilton 65 Perry Brothers 52 Taylor, William Pinhoy, W. T. 59 Taylor and Wearing ... Tester, James Thame, Walker and Oo. II Thompson and Giles ... Raynes, Treevo and Co. 30 Thome, James Reading, Son, and Steffanoni 48 Tracoy, T Richardson and Wrench (Insido back cover) Turkish Bath Rishworth, F. E. ... 61 Row, E. and Co 32 W Row, Thomas 53 Russell, P. N. and Co. (Inside front cover) Walker, W Want and Simpson Watorview Dry Dock Co. S Seamer and Robertson 46 Watson, Richard Sharwood and Co. 66 Wearne, Joseph Shearsby, W. 52 Welch, W. P. ... Shepherd and Co. ... ... 66 AVhiting, W. G. and Co. Sherriff, J. L 57 Wigger, Charles Smith, W. (shirtmaker). . (opposite Table of Williams, John Contents) Wyndham, Messrs. Spencer, J 47 Z 69 Stephenson, Mark 56 Zollner, S. Steward, W. 62 30 66 49 ./ .( 67 69 64 50 36 51 65 34 & 35 6!) 59 70 56 54 52 55 52 44 43 78 ENGLISH ADVERTISEMENTS. TAGE Brown, Dr. J. Collis (Chlorodyno) ' Bishop, Alfred Defries, J. and Sons Gillott, Joseph Keating, T. 71 74 73 76 76 PAGE Medlock and Bailey ... Morson, T. and Sons ... Rooney, R. A. and Son Rowland and Sons 72 70 75 75 «.v,.r,5. • . • . . _ . . . - . , « ~ ADVERTISEMENTS.' 1: THE ^Jtstraltatt *Mmt t.'..,., (Incorporated by Act of. Council, 1853J. ,, • PAID UP CAPITAL £484,656. With power to increase to .£1,000,000. p;.,-. p.i/-.,,f- Direotors: ,;,.,: WILLIAM MOFFITT, ESQ., CHAIRMAN., , • - r . - > HON. SIR W. M. MANNING, Q.C., M.L.C. I J. S. MITCHELL, ESQ. : -" J. F. JOSEPHSON, ESQ. . . I. . . /• »• RUNDLE, ESQ. HON. JOHN BLAXLAND,.ESQ., M.L.C. •,•'•. ..."Auditors.: /; ;-.r_\: <• , :\ GEORGE FERGUSON, -ESQ. >,!.]/ . ; .\ |. • ,.:•:'./::./- . ;; h > Solioitors : HENRY: FERRIS, ESQ., ' -, : " "'•• •:•'. :l .;,MESSRS. MCCARTHY, SON, & DONOVAN. , HEAD OPFIOE,, SYDITEY:....• VINCENT W A N O S T R O C H T G I B L I N , GENERAL MANAGER. EDWARD GRIFFITH, ACCOUNTANT. • xi'o asm o nsr' o i E r i o i i ,:-!';n:.v;;i - :-'i, :'.'.'-•.'•:.:.•' •.'•''' i Direotors: .- •': •< , -i:--./!: ) • ; f A <7;-<; .}. .JAMES HENDERSON; ESQ; JAMES MACGREGOR MACKAY, ESQ.. J PAUL FREDERICK MORGAN, ESQ. . J O H N CHRISTIE, MANAGER. >. ..'..'.•.•.).? BRANCHES IN N E W ^ S O U T H , W A L E S . .-.- FRANCIS ADAMS, BRANCH INSPECTOR. '•• ! '_' Araluen; Armidale, Bathurst, Braidwood,' Dcniliquin, Forbes, Goiilburn, Grafton, iGrenfell,' Hay, Mudgee, Murrurundi, Muswcllbrook, Newcastle, Singleton, Taree, Tenterfield, Wagga Wagga, West'Maitland, Yass, •' BRANCHES IN Q U E E N S L A N D . ,''V'r.r.''\ A"/< ''•: ; . i ":'-. ! i H r P.'ABBOTT,; BRANCH INSPECTOR, ',, . ' ' : r " O >i ,' ,'•'.[•', Ml Pi Brisbane, Bowen, Clermont, Gladstone, Gympio, Ipswich, Mackay, 'Maryborough, Rockhampton, Toowoomba, .Totynsville, Warwick. ./ .MTnrf.^';.: , ; r „..... The Agents of the Bank in the Colonies are-r- ,. : .: :f .un FOR MELBOURNE AND VICTORIA GENERALLY—The Bank.ofiVictoria: the English, Scottish,') and Australian Chartered Bank. .,,' HOBART, TOWN AND; LAUNCESTON, TASMANIA—The Bank of Van Diemen's Land. ADELAIDE—The Bank of South Australia. NEW ZEALAND—The Bank of New Zealand ; the Bank of Otago (Limited), Duncdin. For Great Britain and Ireland: v ; f ' f>' , ' j ' r i , LONDON—The Australian Joint Stock Bank; 18 King Wilfiam Street, E.C. • LONDON BANKERS AND AGENTS FOR ENGLAND GENERALLY—The National Provincial Bank of England. , .EDINBURGH AND SCOTLAND GENERALLY—The Royal Bank of Scotland. • ' : ' ' DUBLIN AND IRELAND GENERALLY—The Provincial Bank of Ireland. ,. % ;...;.; For New York and the United States of Amerioa: •''•"•'•'-. V -; Messrs. BROWN BROTHERS and CO. The Bank grants Drafts'nnd Credits on all its Agents and Branches at current rates; negotiates Produce >Bills with Documents ; discounts Commercial Paper; collects Dividends on Local Stocks for its Customers/ ' free of Commission ; and is open to transact every kind of Banking Business and Agency. , .'>"• '..-' - A2 ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. BANK OF NEW S O U T H iawftfljfjjp ESTABLISHED 1817. Incorporated by Act of Council in 1850, as a Bank of Issue, Discount, Deposit and Exchange, and Confirmed by Her Majesty in Council. EESERVE FUND, £333,333. CAPITAL, £1,000,000 DIRECTORS. THOMAS WALKER, ESQ., President. THOMAS BUCKLAND, ESQ. ALEXANDER STUART, ESQ. FRANCIS MITCHELL, ESQ. THE HON. GEORGE ALLEN, ESQ., M.L.C. THE HON. E. C. WEEKES, ESQ., M.L.C. AUDITORS. THE HON. JOHN RICHARDSON, ESQ., M.L.C. JAMES MILSON, JON., ESQ. SHEPHERD SMITH, General Manager. J. OSWALD GILCHRIST, F. A. WALSH, ALEXANDER ARCHER, JAS. R. HILL, Inspectors. ALLEN, BOWDEN & ALLEN, Solicitors. LONDON BOARD. DONALD LARNACH, ESQ., Managing Director. T. S. ATKINS, ESQ. SIR DANIEL COOPER, BART. WILLIAM WALKER, ESQ. LONDON BANKERS. THE BANK OF ENGLAND. THE LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK. i >Ci • This Bank allows interest upon Deposits, if lodged for fixed periods, at rates which may be ascertained at the Head Office; Collects Dividends on Shares in Public Companies, and Interest on Debentures, for Customers j Invests money on behalf of its Customers in Colonial Securities, and also in those of Great Britain; Undertakes the Agency of Banks either in the Colonies or in England on such terms as may be agreed upon ; Issues Letters of Credit on its Agents in London, New York, San Francisco, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Colombo, Shanghai, and Hongkong; Also on the principal Towns within the Colonies of Australia and New Zealand—and negotiates approved Bills drawn on the same places ; Grants Bills of Exchange payable on demand, or from 3 to 60 days sight, on the following Establishments and Agencies, of the Bank in England, Ireland, Scotland and the Australian Colonies. « WALES—Continued. Parramatta Street Branoh, Sydney, South. R. S. AUSTIN, Manager. William Street Branch, Sydney, East. WILLIAM DRUMMOND, Manager.. Maitland Branoh. JOHN M. SAUNDERS, Manager. Newcastle Branoh. H. B. COTTON,' Manager. Albury Branoh. J. WALKER JONES, Manager. Deniliquin Branoh. GEORGE MILLER, Manager. Bathurst Branoh. E. S. EBSWORTH, Manager. Sofala Branoh. E. C. LEWINGTON, Acting Manager. Mudgeo Branoh. R. H. D. WHITE, Manager. Windsor Branoh. NICHOLAS NUGENT, Manager. Rlohmond Branoh. CHAS. HOLE, Acting Manager. Tamworth Branoh. GEO. COCHRAN, Manager. Goulburn Branoh. Melbourne Branoh—Direotors. ALEX. ANDERSON, Manager. T.G.FRANCIS, Esq. DAVID MOORE, Esq. JOHN BADCOCK, Manager. Geelong Branoh. T. O'S. GREEN, Manager. Kyneton Branoh. HENRY B. STILES, Manager. Ballaarat Branoh. W. B. OCHILTREE, Manager. Oastlemolne Branoh. ' JOHN FARRAN, Manager. Maldon Branoh. C. T. COWLE, Manager. Beeohworth Branoh. T. C. BENTLEY, Manager. Sandhurst Branoh. JAMES STIRLING, Manager, Burrowa Branoh. C. E. SCRIVEN, Acting Manager. Penrith Branoh. W. ROBERTS, Manager. Orange Branoh. C. W. RUSSELL, Manager. Adelong Branoh. S. C. STEUART, Manager. Gundagai Branoh. S. C. STEUART, Manager. Wagga Wagga Branoh. A. J. HOOKE, Manager. Dubbo Branoh. WM. C. HILL, Acting Manager. Oamden Branoh. C. W. GARLING, Acting Manager. Grafton Branoh. E. D. DAY, Manager. Glen Innes Branoh. R. J. BLACK, Acting Manager. Armldalo Branoh. WILLOUGHBY HOWELL, Manager. Grenfell Agenoy. ROBERT SCOTT, Acting Agent. Araluen Agenoy. W. C. CORLETTE, Acting Agent. Trunkey Agenoy. Agent. Brisbane Branoh, ALEX. ARCHER, Manager. Ipswioh Branoh. JAMES GIBSON, Manager. Toowoomba Branoh. J. T. WALKER, Manager. Rookhampton Branoh. JAMES GILFILLAN, Manager. Bowen Branoh. H. WOODD, Manager. Townsvillo Branoh. J. V. BROWN, Acting Manager. Worwiok Branoh. WM. THOMPSON, Manager. Roma Branoh. J. K. CANNAN, Acting Manager. Maryborough Branoh. CHAS. POLS ON, Acting Manager. Gymplo Agenoy. C. J. BUCKLAND, Agent. in Wukip. Wangaratta Branoh. A. J. SMITH, Manager. Inglewood Branoh. T. K. JOHNSTON, Manager. Ararat Branoh. JAMES M. SAUNDERS, Manager. Ohiltern Agenoy. ARCHIBALD CAMERON, Agent. Oreswlok Agenoy. ALEXANDER LEWERS, Agent. Linton Agenoy. SAMUEL, LEWERS, Agent. Eohuoa Agenoy. THOS. LEWERS, Agent. ManBfleld Agenoy. ANDREW SMITH, Agent. DitanrttM iir gjtoiu gtyatawt. Auckland Branoh, JOHN WOODHOUSE, Manager. • Wellington Branoh. EDWARD MILLER, Manager. Ohristouurch Branoh. W. S. ROBISON, Manager. Dunedln Branoh. CHAS. STEWART, Manager. Inveroarglll Branoh. A. T. ADAMSON, Afanager. Wanganui Branoh. JOHN KIRKPATRICK, Manager. Nelson Branoh. HY. GOULSTONE, Acting Manager. Hokitika Branoh. GEO. PRESHAW, Manager. 3
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