Poster No P1 P2 P3 Name Organisation Paper Title Roland Teissier Adam Gilbertson Abderrahmane Kadri InAs Quantum Hot Electron Transistor Low Temperature Schottky Barrier Tunnelling in InSb/InAlSb 20nm QW Heterostructures Performance Evaluation of Conventional Sb-Based Multiquantum Well Lasers operating above 3μm at Room Temperature P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 Tony Krier Geoff Nash Elvis Mujagic Ferdinand Felder Igor Bejenari Elena Condrea IES, Université Montpellier 2 / CNRS Imperial College Laboratoire d’Etude des Matériaux Optoélectronique & Polymères Lancaster University QinetiQ Technische Universitaet Wien Thin Film Physics Group, ETH Zü Academy of Sciences of Moldova IIETI of Academy of Sciences, Moldova P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 Hiroyuki Yokoi Roman Leitsmann Erich Kaufmann Olga Lyublinskaya Victor Solov'ev Tatiana Komissarova Aleksey Andreev Asta Storeboe Villanger New Type of Combined Resonance in p-type PbTe Free-standing III-V nanorods: An ab initio investigation of the structural and electronic properties Mid-infrared emission from PbTe/CdTe precipitates fabricated by ion implantation Type-II InSb/InAs quantum dot heterostructures: manifestation of the state filling effects InSb/InAs nanostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy using Sb2 and As2 fluxes Impedance spectra of nanocrystalline PbTe(In) films with variable grain size Theory of third-order optical susceptibility of the single-wall carbon nanotubes in the presence of the coulomb interaction Modelling of photon absorption and carrier dynamics in HgCdTe under mid-IR laser irradiation P18 P19 P20 P21 Aurelien Godenir Tony Krier Tony Krier Nadezhda Netesova P22 P23 P24 P27 Alexander Dobrovolsky Evgenii Skipetrov A Dmitriev Virt Igor Stepanovich P28 P29 P30 P31 P32 P33 P34 P35 P36 P37 P38 P39 P40 P41 P42 Viktor Osinniy Stanislav Vitanov Jose Galzerani Sergey Rybchenko Mesude Saglam Fridrik Magnus Fridrik Magnus Mike Fearn Mustafa Eginligil Hiro Munekata Lida Nikzad Steven Clowes M. Kovalenko G. Slavcheva Dmitry Donetsky Kumamoto University Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena Universitaet Linz Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute Lancaster University Moscow State University University of Surrey FFI (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment) Lancaster University Lancaster University Lancaster University M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow State University Moscow State University Moscow State University Pedagogical University Rzeszow University Polish Academy of Sciences TU Vienna Universidade Federal de São Carlos University of Hull Ankara University Imperial College Imperial College QinetiQ SUNY, University at Buffalo Tokyo Institute of Technology University of Surrey University of Surrey University of Linz University of Surrey State University of New York Mid-infrared Light Emitting Diodes Based on Pentenary GaInAsPSb Alloys Grown by Liquid Phase Epitaxy InSb/AlxIn1-xSb Quantum Well Light Emitting Diodes Impact of doping density in short-wavelength InP-based strain compensated quantum-cascade lasers Wavelength tunable Resonant Cavity Enhanced Photodetectors based on lead-salts grown by MBE Noninteger magnetoquantum oscillations in Bi nanowires High-field magnetotransport properties of strained bismuth nan Long Wavelength Mid-infrared Photoluminescence and Rapid Thermal Annealing of Bulk InAsN Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of InAsSb Quantum Wells by Liquid Phase Epitaxy Room Temperature Mid-infrared Photoluminescence and Nitrogen Incorporation in MBE grown InAsN Halcohenide Lead Optical Electron Parameters Magnetic and transport properties of Pb1-xMnxTe solid solutions doped with V Chromium impurity level in diluted magnetic semiconductors Pb1-x-yGexCryTe Electron interband breakdown in a Kane semiconductor with a degenerate hole distribution Structure and photoconductivity of HgCdTe films, obtained by PLD Epitaxial growth, structural and electrical characterization of PbGeEuTe layers Monte Carlo Study of Transport Properties of InN InMnAs quantum dots: a Raman spectroscopy analysis Role of L-band for interband transitions in compressively-strained InSb/GaSb quantum dots Investigation of the Spin-Flip Rates in the 1s-2p and 2p -3d Excitonic Transitions in Terms of Photonic Transitions in Dirac Hydrogen Atom Optimisation of interface properties in Pb/InAs planar Andreev structures for detection of spin accumulation Electrical characterisation of Co/MgO/InAs tunnel junctions for efficient spin injection and detection Electrical Spin Manipulation in Narrow Gap Lateral Quantum Dots Temperature Dependence Of Anomalous Hall Coefficient In Gamnsb Random Alloys* Dependence of layer thicknesses on magnetism and electrical conduction in ferromagnetic (In,Mn)As/GaSb heterostructures The effects of surface accumulation layers on the spin lifetime in thin InSb and InAs films Electrical spin injection and detection in ferromagnetic metal – narrow gap hybrids: A review of the prospects and current progress Shrinking the band gap energy of colloidal quantum dots to the mid-infrared: size-tuning and alloying of SnTe/PbSnTe nanocrystals Coherent Optical Manipulation of a Single Confined Spin in a Semiconductor Quantum Dot: Theory and Modeling 2.3-2.4mm GaSb-based diode lasers with improved continuous wave output power and power conversion efficiency
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