Chapter 7 - Penn Math - University of Pennsylvania

Chapter 7: Systems of Linear Differential
Philip Gressman
University of Pennsylvania
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The Beginning
Every vector function (with values in Rn ) which is k-times
continuously differentiable on an interval I is said to belong to
C k (I , Rn ).
Basic Fact
The space C k (I , Rn ) is a vector space over the reals under
pointwise addition and scalar multiplication. This vector space is
Important Transformations
Differentiation maps C k (I , Rn ) to C k−1 (I , Rn ) for k > 0 and maps
C ∞ (I , Rn ) to itself. If A(t) is a k-times differentiable
matrix-valued function, then multiplication by A on the left also
maps C k (I , Rn ) to itself.
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Linear Independence
Vector functions x1 , . . . , x` are, as always, called linearly
independent when there are no constants c1 , . . . , c` for which
c1 x1 + · · · c` x` = 0
except c1 = · · · = c` = 0.
IMPORTANT: Remember that when we say that a vector
function equals zero, that means it equals the old-fashioned zero
vector at every single point.
Linear DEPENDENCE is hard: if x1 , . . . , x` are linearly
independent at even a single point, then as vector functions they
are linearly independent. The converse is not true: they might
even be linearly dependent at every point and still be linearly
independent as vector functions.
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Linear Independence
Linear Independence
~ 1, . . . , X
~ n are linearly
We say that time-dependent vectors X
independent on an interval I when the only constants c1 , . . . , cn
such that
~ 1 (t) + c2 X
~ 2 (t) + · · · + cn X
~ n (t) ≡ 0
c1 X
on the entire interval are all zeros.
cos2 t
sin t
sin2 t
cos t
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The Wronskian
~ 1, . . . , X
~ n each of length n,
Given time-dependent column vectors X
we form the Wronskian to be the determinant of the matrix whose
~ 1, . . . , X
~ n , i.e.,
columns are exactly X
~ 1, . . . , X
~ n ) = det(X
~ 1, . . . , X
~ n ).
W (X
FACT: If the Wronskian is nonzero even at a single point, then
~ 1, . . . , X
~ n must be linearly independent. In fact, they might even
be linearly independent when the Wronskian is always zero, but for
solutions to first-order systems of ODEs this pathology does not
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Linear ODE Systems: §7.1–7.2
First-Order Linear Systems
A first-order linear system may be written in the form
d ~
~ +G
~ (t).
X = A(t)X
Here A is an n × n matrix whose entries may or may not depend
~ (t) is a column vector of length n which is fully described
on t. G
~ (t) is an unknown column vector of
in the problem itself, and X
length n whose entries may depend on t.
General Solutions
The general solution is a complete listing of all solution vectors.
Initial Value Problem
This is the specific solution for which X (0) is prescribed.
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Important General Facts about First-Order Systems
• Higher-order systems of ODEs can always be recast as a
system of first-order ODEs with more unknown functions.
• Systems of ODEs can always be solved by elimination; this is,
however, a labor-intensive way to do it since unknown
constants will be related and you’ll have to do a lot of linear
equation solving.
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Homogeneous Equations
d ~
~ is called homogeneous. If your
X = A(t)X
The equation dt
d ~
~ +G
~ (t) for some nonzero G
~ (t),
equation is given as dt X = A(t)X
d ~
~ is called the associated
then the equation dt X = A(t)X
homogeneous first-order system.
Superposition Principle
~ 1 (t) and X
~ 2 (t) are solutions of the homogeneous ODE
If X
d ~
dt X = A(t)X , then c1 X1 + c2 X2 will also be a solution. The same
can be said for any linear combination of any number of solutions
(i.e., more than two solutions).
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7.3: Theory of First-order Systems
Theorem: Existence and Uniqueness
The IVP x(t0 ) = x0 , x 0 = A(t)x(t) + b(t) for x, b vector-valued
functions of time and A a matrix-valued function of time, has a
unique C 1 solution on any interval I containing x0 when A and b
are continuous.
Theorem: When x(t) is a time-dependent vector in Rn , the
general solution of x 0 (t) = A(t)x(t) on any interval is an
n-dimensional vector space.
Theorem: Solutions x1 , . . . , xn are linearly independent if and only
if the Wronskian is never zero.
Theorem: If xp is any solution to x 0 = Ax + b, then the general
solution to this ODE is given by x = xc + xp where xc ranges over
all solutions of the associated homogeneous equation.
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Inhomogeneous Systems
Finding the general solution of an inhomogeneous system is only
slightly more difficult than solving a homogeneous one.
~ p . It is called a particular
1 You must first find some solution X
The general solution of the inhomogeneous system will always
be of the form
~ = c1 X
~ 1 + · · · + cn X
~n + X
~ 1, . . . , X
~ n are a fundamental set of solutions (i.e., a
Where X
complete set) for the associated homogeneous system.
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Homogeneous Linear Systems: §7.4
We consider a system of ODEs with the form
d ~
X = AX
~ is a column vector of length n and A is an n × n matrix
where X
with constant entries. We begin by looking for very simple
solutions, then use the superposition principle to describe the more
complicated ones.
The Simplest Case
An example of a very simple solution is one whose direction does
not change (only the magnitude). It would be expressible in the
~ (t) = f (t)E
~ is a constant vector and f is some unknown function of t.
where E
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When you assume that a solution has some special form, it is
known as an ansatz. It’s a completely reasonable question to ask
and mathematically rigorous because you might end up learning
that no such solutions exist. For us, we plug our ansatz
Our Ansatz
~ (t) = f (t)E
into the equation and get
~ = f (t)AE
~ ⇒ AE
~ =
f 0 (t)E
f 0 (t) ~
f (t)
must be
If the equation must be true at all times, then ff (t)
constant. Call the constant λ. We arrive at the eigenvector
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The Conclusion
~ is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue λ, then
If E
~ (t) = Ce λt E
solves the first-order system
d ~
X = AX
Moreover, linearly independent eigenvectors give linearly
independent solutions of the system.
~ 1, . . . , E
If A is n × n and has n linearly independent eigenvectors E
with eigenvalues λ1 , . . . , λn , then the general solution of the
system will be
~ (t) = C1 e λ1 t E
~ 1 + · · · + C n e λn t E
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Complex Eigenvalues
If A is a real matrix with complex eigenvalue λ = α + iβ and
~ =E
~ re + i E
~ im , Then
eigenvector E
~ (t) = e αt+iβt (E
~ re + i E
~ im )
will be a solution. This can only happen if the real parts and
imaginary parts are each solutions by themselves. We conclude
~ re (t) = e αt (cos βt)E
~ re − e αt (sin βt)E
~ im
~ im (t) = e αt (sin βt)E
~ re + e αt (cos βt)E
~ im
are linearly independent real solutions of the system of ODEs.
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“Missing” Eigenvectors
If A does not have n eigenvectors, the ansatz gives only a partial
answer and we end up missing some solutions. We fix this by
making a better ansatz (with increasing complexity depending on
how bad the situation is). For example:
New Ansatz
~ (t) = e λt E
~ 2 + te λt E
~ , and we get
= AX
~ 2 + (1 + λt)E
~ = e λt AE
~ 2 + tAE
~ .
e λt λE
Plug it into
d ~
dt X
~ = λE
~ and (A − λI ) E
~2 = E
We must have AE
~ to be an eigenvector, but E
~ 2 satisfies a different
We must take E
equality and is called a generalized eigenvector.
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“Missing” Eigenvectors in General
General Ansatz
λt t ~
X (t) = e
En + · · · + t E1 + E0
Generalized Eigenvectors
The general ansatz will solve the system when
~ n = 0,
(A − λI )E
~ n−1 = E
(A − λI )E
~0 = E
~ 1.
(A − λI )E
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§7.8: Solution by diagonalization
Given the first-order system
d ~
X = AX
one useful technique you should be able to use is solution by
diagonalization. Here the idea is like substitution: you assume
~ = PY
~ for some matrix P and then try to solve for Y instead of
d ~
~)⇒ d Y
~ = P −1 AP Y
P Y = A(P Y
So if A is diagonalizable, you can do the following:
Solve the system
d ~
Y = DY
where D is the diagonalization of A.
~ = PY
To solve the original system, simply set X
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§7.8: Solution by exponentiation
Matrix exponentiation
e At := I + tA +
t2 2 t3 3
A + A + ···
Solution of the IVP
There is exactly one solution to the IVP
d ~
~ (t), X
~ (0) = V
X (t) = AX
~ (t) = e At V
and it equals X
There are several tricks that you might use to carry out the infinite
sum and write down a simple formula that equals e At .
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§7.8: Solution by exponentiation
Use diagonalization to find a pattern for the powers
A, A2 , A3 , A4 , . . .. The exponential of a diagonal matrix is
simply the exponential of each of the diagonal entries.
Solve it like a system of equations: You can write
e At = b0 (t)I + b1 (t)A + · · · + bn−1 (t)An−1 for unknown
functions b0 , . . . , bn−1 . Often you can solve for these
functions using the fact that
e λt = b0 (t) + b1 (t)λ + · · · + bn−1 (t)λn−1
for each of the eigenvalues λ (note that you will be able to
solve when you have n distinct eigenvalues).
For 2 × 2: if there is only one eigenvalue and only one
eigenvector, then the matrix exponential will take the form
e At = e λt [I + t(A − λI )] .
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Phase Portraits
A phase portrait is a simultaneous plotting of several solutions of
an ODE. The axes are the coordinates of the vector and the time
variable is suppressed.
Two Eigenvals. < 0
Two Eigenvals. > 0
Mixed Signs
Pictures from Paul’s Online Math Notes
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Phase Portraits for Complex Eigenvalues
When eigenvalue λ = α + iβ:
Pictures from Paul’s Online Math Notes
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Phase Portraits for “Missing” Eigenvectors
Pictures from Paul’s Online Math Notes
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Inhomogeneous Systems/Undetermined Coefficients
Just like for single inhomogeneous ODEs, one can often make an
educated guess about the form of the particular solution:
d ~
2 −1 ~
1 + e −t
~p = V
~1 + V
~ 2 e −t
X =
0 3
The structure of the method is still the same:
Expand the inhomogeneous terms to look like vectors times
constants, exponentials, powers of t, and/or sines and cosines.
Use the tables from undetermined coeffs and/or your intuition
to guess the form of the particular solution.
~ p by unknown constants,
Instead of multiplying the terms in X
multiply by unknown vectors.
Try to solve for the unknown vectors. If it doesn’t work, try
including more terms in your guess with higher powers of t
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