Institute of Theoretical Physics University of Cologne PD Dr. T. Quella Dr. D. Bagrets, Dr. V. Osipov Quantum Field Theory II Exercise sheet 10 22.01.2014 17. Kubo formula for the Hall conductivity σxy This exercise is devoted to the derivation of the the Smrˇcka-Stˇreda formula for the off-diagonal conductivity σxy (ω = 0). We consider a two-dimensional gas of non-interacting electrons in the presence of the perpendicular magnetic field. The system is described by the Hamiltonian ˆ = 1 (−i∇ − A)2 + Vˆ , where Vˆ is a one-particle potential (disorder and/or boundary potential) H 2m and A = B2 r × e3 is the vector potential of the external field. To evaluate the off-diagonal conductivity, we start from the real-space expression 1 σxy (ω) = − ωm L2 Z 2 2 0 Z d xd x 0 β dτ eiωm τ hˆjx (x, τ )ˆjy (x0 , 0)i iωm →ω+i0 , where ˆji is the i-th component of the current operator. a) Using the Wick’s theorem to compute the expectation value of the current operators and making the analytical continuation from the Matsubara to real frequency, reduce σxy (ω) to the form e2 σxy (ω) = − ω where vˆi = Z e m (−i∇i dE R A A R R A f (E)Tr v ˆ (G − G )ˆ v G + v ˆ G v ˆ (G − G ) , (1) x y x y E E E−ω E+ω E E 2πL2 − Ai ) denotes the velocity operator. b) Our next task is to evaluate the zero-frequency limit of Eq. (1). To start with, prove that Tr vˆx GR ˆy GR ˆx GA ˆy GA (2) Ev E = Tr v Ev E = 0, with the use of the following commutation relations vˆi = −i[ˆ xi , H0 ] = i[ˆ xi , GR −1 ] = i[ˆ xi , GA −1 ], (3) which can be easily checked. I and σ II , where the 1st contribution includes R − A c) Decompose Eq. (1) in two terms, σxy xy terms, while the 2nd one comprises R − R and A − A terms. Show that in the limit I comes from the electron states concentrated ω → 0 and T = 0 the contribution to σxy on the Fermi surface only and reads I σxy = e2 A Tr vˆx GR v ˆ G y E E 2π E=µ where µ is the chemical potential. 1 (4) II in the limit ω → 0. Show that d) Let us now analyse the 2nd term, σxy Z n o dE II 2 R A 0 σxy = e f (E) Tr i(ˆ y v ˆ − x ˆ v ˆ ) (G − G ) . x y E E 4πL2 (5) where 0 denotes the derivative with respect to energy E. To derive this representation II you can once again employ the commutation relations (??) together with the for σxy relation 0 2 GR,A = −(GR,A (6) E E ) . e) Show that in the symmetric gauge, Ai = −Bij xj /2, the following relation holds ∂H0 −e = ij x ˆi vˆj , ∂B 2c (7) II in the form where ij the antisymmetric unity tensor. Using this relation rewrite σxy II σxy = −ec ∂n ∂B (8) µ Here n(B) is a concentration of the electron gas at fixed chemical potential. Think of the physical meaning of this result. 2
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