Yao Li Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Department of Mathematics 720 WWH 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY, 10003 Phone: Fax: Email: Homepage: (212) 998-3215 NA [email protected] http://www.cims.nyu.edu/ yaoli/ Research Interests Stochastic Dynamical Systems, Stochastic Processes, Stochastic differential equations – Applications to mathematical physics and complex biological networks – Numerical Analysis, Monte Carlo simulations Employment Courant Instructor, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 2012 – present Teaching Assistant, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007–2012 Research Assistant, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009 summer and 2012 summer Education Ph.D in Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012 Advisor: Yingfei Yi B.S. in Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 2007. Grants NSF grant DMS-1517205 Asymptotic behavior of dynamical systems with random forcing, total of $112,643.00, 2015-2018, sole PI, Pending Publications and Preprints 1. Polynomial convergence to equilibrium for a system of interacing particles (with Lai-Sang Young), Preprint 2014 2. Local thermodynamic equilibrium for some multidimensional stochastic models (with Peter Nandori and Lai-Sang Young), Under Review 3. On the stochastic modification of locally confined particle systems, Under Review 4. Systematic measures of biological networks, part I: Invariant measures and entropy (with Yingfei Yi), Under Review Yao Li 2 5. Systematic measures of biological networks, part II: Degeneracy, complexity and robustness. (with Yingfei Yi), Under Review 6. Convergence to global equilibrium for Fokker-Planck equations on a graph and talagrand-type inequalities (with Rui Che, Wen Huang and Prasad Tetali), Under Review 7. A limiting strategy for the back and forth error compensation and correction method for solving advection equations (with Lili Hu, Yingjie Liu), Under Review 8. Nonequilibrium steady states for a class of particle systems (with Lai-Sang Young), Nonlinearity 27(3), 607, 2014 9. Existence of nonequilibrium steady state for a simple model of heat conduction (with Lai-Sang Young), Journal of Statistical Physics, pp. 1170-1193, 2013 10. Quantifying degeneracy, complexity and robustness in biological systems (with Gaurav Dwivedi, Wen Huang, Melissa L. Kemp and Yingfei Yi), Journal of Theoretical Biology, 302:2938, 2012 11. Fokker-Planck equation for a free energy functional or markov process on a graph (with Shui-Nee Chow, Wen Huang, Hao-min Zhou), Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Volume 205, pp. 9691008, 2011 12. A free energy based mathematical study for molecular motors (with Shui-Nee Chow, Wen Huang, Hao-min Zhou), Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Volume 16, Issue 1-2, pp. 117-127, 2010 Selected Presentations Mixing Rates of Interacting Particle Systems (Nov. 6th, 2014), Math Physics Seminar, Georgia Tech Nonequilibrium Steady States for Particle Systems (Jul. 10th, 2014), The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Madrid, Spain Nonequilibrium Steady States for Particle Systems (May 13th, 2014), 111th Statistical Mechanics Conference, Rutgers University Nonequilibrium Steady States for a class of Particle Systems (Jan. 5th, 2014), Dynamics Days, Georgia Tech Asymptotic Effects of Small Random Perturbation (Mar. 20, 2013), First International Conference on Dynamics of Differential Equations, Georgia Tech Small Random Perturbation in Dynamical Systems - Theory and Application (Sep. 28, 2012), Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University Fokker-Planck equation and 2-Wasserstein space on a graph ( Jan. 14 2011), Workshop on Functional Inequalities and Discrete Spaces, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée Mathematical Modeling in Industry XIV - 1st CIMAT-IMA-PIMS Workshop, (Aug. 1-11, 2010), Guanajuato, Mexico The Fokker-Planck Equation on Discrete Space (Apr.13 2010), PDE seminar, Georgia Tech Yao Li 3 Student Supervision Mr. Haipeng Gao - Master’s thesis: A numerical investigation of some stochastic thermal conduction models, Since May 2014 Mr. Ye Wang - Master’s thesis: A comparison of GARCH and stochastic volatility option pricing models, Since May 2014 Teaching 2015 Spring: Ordinary Differential Equations 2014 Fall: Analysis I 2014 Spring: Linear Algebra 2013 Fall: Calculus I 2013 Spring: Linear Algebra 2012 Fall: Discrete Mathematics 2011 Summer: Classical Mathematical Methods in Engineering 2010 Summer: Linear Algebra Recitation Class TA : Calculus I-III, Differential Equations (2008 – 2012) Programming Skills Proficient in C/C++, Matlab, Mathematica; Familiar with Python, SAS, R Proficient in high performance computing (MPI, OpenMP, CUDA .etc) Last updated: November 2014 http://www.cims.nyu.edu/ yaoli
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