v Seminar Participants Pr. Mohammed Arkoun His Highness the Aga Khan Her Highness the Begum Aga Khan Mr. J. Abandy Historian NIGERIA clo Tropical Architecture 26, Adeboye Solanke Avenue Ike Ja, Lagos Managing Editor of the loU/nat of the Nigel ian Institute of Architects, and of Tlopicat Architecture, independant and business magazine. Historian ALGERIAI FRANCE Mr. Alimana Bathili Boulevard de l'Est Immeuble Urbain et la Seine Apt 7 Dakar 3, place de l'Etoile 91210 Draveil, France ProfessOi of Arabic and Alabic Literature, The Sorbonne Author of numerous books and articles on Islamic histOlY and thought, including Peferillage a fa Mecque, 1977 Membel, Awald Steering Committee Dilector, Research Program for Improved Parcels Project, Bureau d'Evaluation, Banque nationale de Dakar Mr. Mamadou Lamine Bop Dr. Daniel Edo Awani Plannel SENEGAL Architect NIGERIA Planner SENEGAL B P 401 Dakar Mr. Armand Agbogba Architect SENEGAL Ecole d'Architecture et d'Ulbanisme PO Box3111 Dakar Architect in private practice and Professor at Ecole d'Alchitecture, Dakar 1-5 James Robertson Street 2nd Floor Leventis Building Surelere, Lagos Member, Institute of Architects in Nigeria Associate architect to Executive Committee for Development of Lagos (1964-68) Member "Caletaker Committee of Lagos City Council" (1969-72); Member, Technical Committee for "Federal Capital Development Authority" Administrator, Nigerian Institute of Architects; Former Chairman of Nigerian Institute of Architects Director, Improved Parcels of Land PlOject in Dakar Seminar Participants vi Mr. Jan De Bosch Kemper Architect NETHERLANDS c/o UNESCO/BREDA 12, avenue Roume B P 3311 Dakar Architect/ Editor UNITED KINGDOM Royal Fine Arts Commission 2, Carlton Gardens London SWI Y 5AA Head of UNESCO/BREDA team of architects, Dakar Former advisor to UNESCO, in the Sudan, Cameroon and Rwanda Mr. Jacques Bugnicourt Mr. Sherban Cantacuzino Secretary, Royal Fine Art Commission Former executive editor, Alchitectural Review Author and lecturer. Has published New Uses for Old Buildings, 1975 Member, Award Master Jury, 1980 and Award Steering Committee Economist/ Planner FRANCE SENEGAL ENDA B P 3370 Dakar Executive Secretary of ENDA (Environnement et Developpement du Tiers monde); Co-editor of Environnement africain/African Environment (published in French and English) Mr. Turgut Cansever Mr. RiCat Chadirji House 7 9 Khansa Street Hai Maghrib 302 Baghdad Architect TURKEY Consultant to Baghdad City administration and central government. Director, Housing Department, ministry of Planning (1958-65) Head, Planning Committee, Ministry of Housing (1959-63). Member , Award Master Jury 1983 Acisu Sokak 23/4 Besiktas Istanbul Former lecturer Fine Art School at Middle East Technical University Member, Turkish delegation to European Committee (1974-77) Former consultant to local administrations and central government; consultant to Istanbul Municipality (1975-80) Winner, Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1980, two projects. Member, Award Master Jury, 1983. Architect IRAQ Mr. Giancarlo de Carlo Architect ITALY Via Mascheroni 18 20145 Milano Lecturer, Architecture Institute of Venice University Editor of journal Spazio e Societa. Visiting critic, MIT and Art and Architecture School, Yale University (USA) Currently involved in research work building and restoration at Urbino Mr. Abdel-Wedoud Ould Cheikh Sociologist MAURITANIA African Institute for Scientific Research Nouakchott Researcher, African Institut for Scientific Research at Nouakchott Specialist, African traditional towns of the Western Sahel Seminar Participants Mr. Baba Cisse Architect MALI Mr. Roland Depret Architect SENEGAL Bureau d'Etudes d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme Rue Briere de I'Isle B P 2001 Bamako BEHC Senegal 23, Avenue Roume B P. 1759 Dakar Assistant Secretary General, Association pour Ie Developpement d'une Architecture et d'un Urbanisme africains (ADAUA), 1977 Head, ADAUA projects at Ouagadougou, 1978 Director, Bureau d'etudes d'architecture et d'urbanisme at Bamako Responsible for several projects of tourist and urban development, and building of schools and private houses in Senegal, Ivory Coast, Gabon and Cape Verde Islands Mr. Charles Correa Architect INDIA 9 Matthew Road Bombay 400 004 Architect in private practice. He has pioneered in low-income housing and has been a consulting architect to the Government of New Bombay and Bangalore Currently Consultant to the Hyderabad Development Authority for conservation of the old city. Chairman of the Housing Board, Bombay Metropolitan Authority. Member, Award Steering Committee Mr. Akin Craig Architect NIGERIA 53 Lawson Street PO Box7818 Lagos Pro Jean Devisse Historian FRANCE Founding member, ADAUA (Association pour Ie Developpement d'une Architecture et d'un Urbanisme africains). Responsible for the ADAUA project at Rosso, Mauritania for five years Mr. Habib Fida Ali Architect PAKISTAN 4, ch Khaliquzzaman Road (Gizri Road) Karachi 4 Professor of African history at Paris I University. Head, scientific committee (UNESCO) for a general history on Africa Participant in archeological excavations in the Sahel Currently Vice-President, Institute of Architects of Pakistan In private practice since 1965. Member, Award Master Jury, 1983. Mrs. Henriette Flottes de Pouzols Mr. Blondin Diop Anthropologist SENEGAL Administrator UPPERVOLTA c/oADAUA 10, route de Ferney 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Office des Habitations 11 Loyer Modere Dakar Coordinator, ADAUA projects. Secretary General, Office des Habitations 11 Loyer Modere du Senegal. Former Head, Department for Community Affairs of an Improved Parcels of Land Project Mr. Simon-NchindaFobi Architect CAMEROON B.P.2608 Messa-Yaounde Mr. Michael Curtis Ecole d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme B P 3111 Dakar Architect SENEGAL Professor, School of Architecture in Dakar Executive Aide to His Highness the Aga Khan for Education, Health and Housing. Architect SPAIN Centre de Recherches africaines 9, rue Mahler F-75004 Paris Mr. Patrick Dujarric Secretariat of H H the Aga Khan Aiglemont F-60270 Gouvieux Mr. Jose Esteve c/oADAUA B P 55 Rosso Founder, Akin Craig & Partners. Former Planner-in-Chief of Lagos. Chairman, Union of Nigerian Architects Journalist UNITED KINGDOM Vll Architect in private practice Vice-President, National Order of Cameroon Architects Seminar Participants viii Mr. Pierre Goudiaby Atepa Architect SENEGAL POBox 1759 Dakar Chairman, Society of Senegalese, Architects Vice-President, African Union of Architects Pro Oleg Grabar Architectural Historian USA Mr. Mamadou Keita Planner FRANCE EDNA Naciones Unidas Apdo aereo 091369 Bogota, Colombia Director, Planning and Building Office, Ministry of Transport and Public Works in Bamako Professor and Director, Institute of the History of Architecture and Restoration, Istanbul Technical University Director, International Research Center on Islamic history, art and culture, Istanbul Author of numerous books, articles. Member, Award Steering Committee Mr. Mohamed Jalo-Jamboria Architect SIERRA LEONE Architect/ Planner PAKISTAN Jalan Teluk Betung n° 16 Menteng Jakarta, Indonesia Editor in chief, Mimar. In private practice until 1976, working on public buildings and low-income settlement Second Award Convenor Research affiliate on the Aga Khan Program, MIT Member, Award Steering Committee. Pro S. Miibeccel Kiray Former lecturer, African Institute of Economic Development and Planning (IDEP) at Dakar Coordinator for several END A seminars in West Africa and Maghreb, in association with UNESCO and UNICEF Currently coordinator of ENDA-Latin America at Bogota. Architectural Historian TURKEY Faculty of Architecture and Restoration Istanbul Technical University Istanbul Mr. Hasan-Uddin Khan Mr. Jean-Jacques Guibbert Pro Dogan Kuban National Board for Planning and Building Ministry of Transport and Public Works Bamako Fogg Museum of Art Harvard University Cambridge, Mass 02138 Chairman, Department of Fine Arts, Harvard University Works include FOImation of Islamic Art (1973), and The Alhambra (1978) Member, Award Steering Committee Sociologist/ Planner MALI Sociologist TURKEY Keremetli Sokak 2017 Istinye Istanbul Former lecturer and chairwoman, Sociology Department, Middle East Technical University Involved in teaching sociology at the Planning Department, Istanbul Technical University Author of numerous publications in English and Turkish Member, Award Master Jury, 1983 Mr. Philip Langley Architect/ Planner UNITED KINGDOM Ministry of Works New England POBox 1466 Freetown PAID B P 133 Buea, CameIOon Has done research on development of prefabricated structure for school and low-income housing building Architect in chief to the Sierra Leone Government, 1972-81 Partner in TUIma Associates Currently, Assistant Director, Ministry of Works Former director, Land Planning Development College (Dakar). From 1974 to I'n8, involved at ENDA in a training programme for the environment and development in several African countries Research worker and professor, Pan-african Institute for Development, Buea Seminar Participants Pro Luo Xiao-Wei IX Architectural Historian PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA School of Architecture Tong-ji University Shanghai Professor of the history of architecture at Tong-ji University Chairman, Board of Directors, The Architectural Society of China Former lecturer abroad, including MIT, Cambridge, Mass, and Harvard Arbotetum Dr. Mohamed S. Makiya Architect IRAQ Makiya Associates 250, Kings Road London SW3 Principal, Makiya Associates Many planning schemes and public and private projects in the Middle East Former Chairman of Depat tment of Atchitecture, Baghdad Univetsity Authot of The A,chitectUle at Baghdad HistOlical Swvey (1969) Member, Award Steeling Committee Mrs. Annette Mbaye d 'Erneville Journalist SENEGAL Mr. Antoine Mbengue Geographet SENEGAL Mr. Emmanuel Ndione 11, avenue Bt iere de !'Isle B P 6184 Dakar Etoile MUHE B P 512 Dakat Assistant Director, Land Planning and Development (MUHE). Deputy Head of Chodak Project fot rehabilitation of shanty-towns near Dakar Mr. Moussa N'Doye Mr. Kamil Khan Mumtaz Villa 2744 Kieppeul III SICAP Dakar Director-Founder of A WA, La Revue de fa Femme Noire Chairwoman, Federation of Women's Associations Mr. Boubacar Messaoud Architect MAURITANIA Ministry of H ydt aulics and Housing PO Box306 Nouakchott Technical Consultant to the Ministry of Hydraulics and Housing Sociologist SENEGAL Architect/ Planner PAKISTAN BKM Associates 25 Zamam Park Sundetdass Road Lahore Former professor in architecture and Head of Department of Architect, National College of Art, Lahore University Urban design and planning, professor of the history of architecture in Pakistan, and conservation of historical buildings and envitonment Member, Award Steering Committee Research worker SENEGAL Ecole d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme B P 3111 Dakar CUirently prepating a degree (D Sc ) at Dakar ArchitectUie School and a thesis on the architectUie in Touba Mr. Tiecouta Ngom Architect SENEGAL Ministere de l'Urbanisme Dakar Directot, Research Center on Housing, Planning and Land Development, Ministry of Planning x Mrs. Annik Osmont Seminar Participants Sociologist FRANCE 17/19 rue de la Tombe Issoire F-7S014 Paris Lecturer, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris, Planning Department and Planning Institute, Paris University Pr. Labelle Prussin Architect/ Historian USA University of Washington Department of Architecture College of Architecture and Urban Planning Seattle, Washington 9810S Author of numerous publications on West African architectur e Dr. Suba Ozkan Mr. MakiSali Professor and former Dean of Architecture at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara Vice- PI esident of METU In plivate practice Currently consultant to the Aga Khan Award for Architecture Architect BRAZIL UNESCO/BREDA 112, avenue Roume Dakm UNESCO architect, Regional Office for Education in Aflica Former consultant to Minislly of Building and Housing, Angola and Member, National Department of technical studies for development, Abidjan Pr. William Porter Architect NETHERLANDS 13, rue Woro B P 6217 Dakar, Senegal Consultant to several governmental and non-governmental organisations on social housing and low-cost construction Architect TURKEY c/o Aga Khan Award for Architecture 32, Chemin des Crets 1218 Grand-Saconnex Switzerland Mr. Fabricio Pedrosa Mr. Raoul Sneider Architect/ Planner USA Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Architecture and Planning 77, Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Mas. 02139 Professor and former Dean, School of Architecture and Planning President, National Architecture Accredeting Board, 1979 Member, Award Steering Committee Planner SENEGAL Ministere de l'Urbanisme Dakar Head, Regional Department for Planning, Ministry of Planning Responsible for the Urban development of Dakar Mr. Landing Sane Mr. Mohammed Soumare Architect SENEGAL Ecole d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme B P 3111 Dakar Professol, School of Architecture, Dakar Consultant on planning Architect/ Engineer SENEGAL Ministere de l'Urbanisme, de l'Habitat et de l'Environnement direction de l'urbanisme et de l'architecture Avenue Flanklin Roosevelt Dakar Director, Planning and Architecture Department in the Ministry Responsible fOl urban development of towns in Senegal Mrs. Mildred Schmertz Architect/ Journalist USA A rchitectwal RecOld 1221 Avenue of the Americas New YOlk lO020 NY Executive Editor, Alchitectural Record 1977 lecipient of National Magazine Award of Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism ContributOl to several books on architecture Visiting lecturer, School of Alchitecture, Yale University Mrs. Fatou Sow-Diagne Sociologist SENEGAL Institut Fondamental d'AfIique Noire Universite de Dakar Dakar Researcher, Psycho-sociologic Research Center, Dakar University Author of several surveys on the condition of women in Africa and on urban housing problems Seminar Participants Mr. Giovani Spalieviero Sociologist SENEGAL Mr. Serge Theunynck Architect MAURITANIA Xl Mr. Parid Wardi Sudin Architect MALAYSIA MUHE-Dakar B P 512 Dakat PNUD PO Box620 Nouakchott Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Jalan Gurney Kuala Lumpur 15-01 Reseatcher, Planning technical Unit, MUHE-Dakar UNCHS Delegate, Mauritania Member, ADAUA Technical consultant to the Ministry 01 Hydraulics and Housing Dean, Faculty of Built Environment, UTM Currently responsible for programs involving construction materials and techniques, low-cost housing and community development Malaysia representative to several regional and international conferences Member, Award Master JUly, 1983 Mr. Henry Ssentoogo Architect/ Planner UGANDA Africa Union of Atchitects PO Box4941 Kampala Seniot Partnet, Messrs Ssentoogo and Partnet s Consultant to the Govetnment fot various projects, including rebuilding of sevet al U gandese towns Formet President, Commonwealth Architects Association Currently President, Uganda Architects Association and African Union of Atchitects Mr. Mamadou Sylla Architect/ Planner SENEGAL Mr. Saikoll Thiam Architect/ Engineer SENEGAL c/oADAUA B P 648 Ouagadougou Upper-Volta Mr. Oumar Welle Head, ADAUA plOject at Rosso Mr. Jack Vautherin Architect FRANCE ADAUA 10, lOute de Ferney 1202 Geneve, Switzerland 38, rue St-Sabin F-75011 Paris Member, 1980 Technical Review Professor of atchitectural history, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris Former editor, L'ArchitecfUJe d'aujowd'hui Consultant to the Award Office Editor, Mimar, Architecture in Development Mr. Gerry Wilkinson Journalist REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Former Secretary General, ADAUA Mr. Fodie Waglle Head, Information and Press Department, Secretariat of His Highness the Aga Khan Architect-planner, Ministry of Planning Archi tectural Historiall Editot USA Ministere de l'Urbanisme, de I'Habitat et de l'Environnement Dakar Secretariat of H H the Aga Khan Aiglemont 60270 Gouvieux, France Ministere de l'Urbanisme Dakar Dr. Brian Brace Taylor Ministte de I'Utbanisme SENEGAL Architect MAURITANIA ADAUA PO Box55 Rosso Head Assistant, ADAUA project at Rosso Mr. Said Zulficar Administrator EGYPT Aga Khan Award for Architecture 32, Chemin des Crets 1218 Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland Formerly with UNESCO, responsible for the preservation of historic monuments and sites and the development of museums in Arab states Coordinator of projects Currently Secretary General of the Aga Khan Award, Geneva
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