SYLLABUS 2014-15 Std X Biology 1st class test: ch 2 Cell division 2nd class test: ch 3 Fundamentals of genetics rd 3 class test: ch 4 Absorption by roots Semester 1 Ch 5 transpiration Ch 6 photosynthesis Ch 7 circulation Ch 8 excretion Ch 9 aids to health (Class test chapters included) Class test 4: ch 10 nervous system Class test 5: ch 11 endocrine system Class test 6 : ch 12 reproduction in man Pre-mock – full book Mock – full book History & civics Semester 1 History: Ch 1 the first war of independence, 1857 Ch 2 growth of nationalism Ch 3 programme and achievements of the early nationalist Ch 4 the rise of assertive nationalism Ch 5 the partion of bengal Ch 6 the muslim league Ch 7 Lukhnow pact, Home rule league and August declaration Ch 8 Mahatma Gandhi and The National Movement Ch 9 Quit india movement Ch 10 Forward block and the INA Ch 11 independence and partition of India Civics: Ch 1 the union parliament Ch 2 the president and the Vice president Ch 3 Prime minister and council of minister st 1 class test: Civics ch 1 2nd class test: history ch 3 & ch 4 rd 3 class test: history ch 6 & ch 7 Project – Reconstruct the Life of a Girl Child living In The 19th Century India. Semester-2 History: Ch 12 The first world war Ch 13 rise of dictatorships Ch 14 the 2nd world war Ch 15 united nations Ch 16 major agencies of the united nations Ch 17 universal declaration of human rights Ch 18 non aligned movement Civics: Ch 4 the supreme court Ch 5 the high courts and sub-ordinate courts Geography: 1st class test: ch 7 the climate of India 2nd class test : ch 8 soils in India 3rd class test: ch 9 natural vegetation of India 1st semester Ch 1 interpretation of topographical maps i. identification of simple land forms 1 ii. scales and direction iii. map reading practice and interpretation ch 10 water resources ch 11 minerals in India ch 12 agriculture in India – (I) ch 13 agriculture in India – (II) / food crops ch 14 agriculture in India – (III) – cash crops (I) ch 15 agricultute in India – (IV) – cash crops (II) ch 16 agro based industries (class test included) Map – map of India Project – wild life conservation efforts in India 4th class test: ch 16 agro based industries 5th class test: ch 17 industries in India Pre – mock ch 18 transport ch 19 sources of waste ch 20 need for management of waste ch 21 impact of waste accumulation ch 22 safe disposal of waste ch 23 reduce – reuse – recycle portion of 1st semester also included Map: Map of india Economic application 1st semester ch 1 elementary theory of demand ch 2 elasticity of demand ch 3 theory of supply ch 4 factors of production ch 5 nature and structure of markets pre – mock full syllabus of ICSE board mock full syllabus of ICSE board project – factors of production, banking English language Semester – I Essay Descriptive, narrative, argumentative Letter Formal / informal Comprehension Specimen paper 1 to 10 Grammar Uses of tenses, prepositions, transformation of sentences Test-1 Test-2 Test-3 Letter (formal) Grammar (transformation) Comprehension (question - answer) project Aural / oral Semester – II Essay Letter Comprehension Grammar Descriptive, narrative, arguementative, short story Formal / informal Specimen paper 11 to 15 Uses of tenses, prepositions, transformation of sentences Test-4 Test-5 Summary writing Letter (informal) project Aural / oral Pre – mock full syllabus Pre – ICSE full syllabus English literature Semester 1 2 Drama – The merchant of Venice (act IV) Poetry 1 Stopping by woods on a snowy evening 2 A doctors journal for august 6, 1945 3 If thou must love me…….. sonnet XIV Prose 1 The last leaf 2. The kabuliwala 3.The bet Class test 1: The kabuli wala Class test 2: act IV – Sc I Class test 3: Stopping by woods on a snowy evening (to include the entire syllabus of class 9) Semester 2 Drama Poetry Prose: The merchant of venice (act – V) 1. I believe 1. the tiger in the tunnel 2. A psalm of life 2. Princess September class test 1: the tiger in the tunnel class test 2: psalm of life class test 3: act – V Sc – I (to include the entire syllabus of semester 1) 1st semester Compound interest Linear inequation Ratio and proportion Sales tax and value added tax Quadratic equations Factorization Matrices Reflection Distance and section formula Symmetry Similarity Loci Mathematics Area and perimeter of a circle Trigonometric identities Trigonometric ratios of complementry angles Graphical representation 1st class test: 2nd class test: 3rd class test: Compound interest , factorisation sales tax and Vat , linear inequation quardratic equations Project 1. graphical representation 2. distance and section formula 2nd semester Banking Shares and dividends Equation of a straight line Circles Properties of ark and chordes Cyclic properties of a circle Properties of tengents Construction Three dimensional solid hieghts and distances mesures of central tendency 3 probability Plus 1st semester 1st class test shares and dividends 2nd class test equation of a straight line Project – 1. three dimensional figures 2. heights and distances Chemistry 1st semester Ch 3 acids , bases, salts (1st class test) Ch 1 periodic table (2nd class test) Ch 2 chemical bonding (3rd class test) Ch 4 analytical chemistry Ch 5 mole concept and stoichimetry Ch 8 hydrogen chloride Ch 9 ammonia Ch 10 nitric acid Ch 11 sulphuric acid Ch 6 electrolysis 2nd semester: Ch 12 organic chemistry (1st class test) Ch 7 metellurgy (2nd class test) Pre – mock full book Mock full book Physics 1st semester Ch 1 force Ch 2 work, power, and energy Ch 3 machines Ch 4 refraction of light at plane surface Ch 5 refraction through a lens Ch 6 spectrum Ch 7 sound Ch 8 current electricity 1st class test: work power and energy nd 2 class test: machines 3rd class test: refraction of lights at plane surface nd 2 semester Ch 9 electric power and house hold circuit Ch 10 elctromagnitism Ch 11 calorimetry Ch 12 thermionic emmission and radio activity th 4 class test: electric power 5th class test: electromagnitism th 6 class test: calorimetry Selection test - whole book HINDI Section A ds fy, Nk=ksa ls de ls de pkj fuca/k] pkj i=] rhu vifBr xn~;ka’k] ¼çR;sd vkof/kd ds fy,½ rS;kj djok,¡ tk,¡A fuca/k% o.kZukRed] jpukRed] vkRedFkk] mn~cks/kukRed] O;ogkjA i=% O;ogkfjd] vkSipkfjd] O;lkf;dA O;kdj.k% ’kCnkFkZ] foykse ’kCn] i;kZ;okph ’kCn] rRle] rn~Hko] eqgkojs ,oa funsZ’kkuqlkj okD; ifjorZuA ,dkadh lweu% Madhuban Publication Xkn~; ladyu% Evergreeen Publication dkO; pfUnzdk% Oxford University Press 1st Semester: 1½ lhek js[kk 1½ feBkbZokyk 1½ thou dk >juk 4 2½ esjs ekLVj lkgc 2½ deZohj 3½ eSa vkSj esjk ns’k 3½ uohu dYiuk djks 4½ lPph ohjrk 4½ ekuork 1st Class Test xn~; ladyu 2nd Class Test fuca/k 3rd Class Test O;kdj.k Section B ls vkof/kd ijh{kk ds ikB;Øe ds vUrZxr] ,dkadh lqeu ,oa dkO; pfUnzdk rhuksa iqLrdks ls pkj ç’u djus gSa fgUgh nks iqLrdksa ls ,d ç’u djuk vfuok;Z gSaA % uoe~ d{kk ds lEiw.kZ ikB~;Øe ls dqy pkj ç’u ,oa n’ke~ d{kk ds çFke vkof/kd ijh{kk ds ikB~;Øe ls dqy ik¡p ç’u nsus gksxsA Suggested Topics for Project: 1½ vk/kqfud f’k{kk ç.kkyh &nks"k ,oa xq.k 2½ [ksy txr & euilan [ksyA 2nd Semester: 1½ y{eh dk Loxr~ 1½ Je dh çfr"Bk 1½ fuekZ.k 2½ HkhM+ esa [kks;k vkneh 2½ lfEefyr 4th Class Test dkO; pfUnzdk 5th Class Test i= ys[ku 6th Class Test O;kdj.k LOYOLA SCHOOL TALDANGA SYLLABUS FOR THE SESSION 2014 -- 15 CLASS - 10 -: BENGALI :Book 1. 2. 3. Name :Bangla Galpa Sanchyan by Mahasweta Devi and Ajay Gupta, Oxford University Press Srikanta ( Part - 1) Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay Kavita Sankalan (Inter University Press) -:First Semester :Section A (Language) 40 Marks j) u) ƒ) ¹) ÅI°*ÅR &-- ÍDÇX@×µ*@AÅR¾*, ÃÀ" ÃAÅRžJÂ, ª°*°*¿@ÈR Ãx°*@Ë ÅRµ*Â@ &-- A¾*ÂA¼]F] ÊAɱ &-- A¾*ÂA¼]F] DÅ@Á] ÃÅRBc* &-- ÀLA¼]F] Ð Ch-8 ªÅR ÅI°*ÅR ÃLÂJÆ*I@Í Ð Section B (Literature) 40 Marks j) u) ƒ) ²è*í Ím?ÈR &-- °*) ¥@ÎE"Âûˆ]"@ÎE" ¬ ÎE"áÀ"XLÅ@É@ ±) ÍIÇ"ø]Có°* ²) ³) ÍÇLD_"ÅR ú]8C@À" Ð °*Až*@ Í%°*É &--- °*) ·"BÅ Íh]B¾* ±) °*@ü*@ÅRB ýAËÈR@ÅR ²) "ËxB°*@"ø]Có ( Ãx¿Ç ÃÅJ ) Í{Ç D¿D°* ÂÅÇ ÃAÅRD׶]"À" Ð 1st UNIT TEST:- ¥@Ý]<"ÃÅR, »*@°* Î"ÅR°*ÅR@, "ËxB°*@"ø]Có ( œ ªÅR % L ) 2nd UNIT TEST:- "ËxB°*@"ø]Có ( Í{Ç "Ãx¿Ç ÃAÅR׶]"À )", ¥@ÎE"Âë*@ÎE" ¬ ÎE"áÀLÅ@É@ Ð 3rd UNIT TEST :- ·"BÅ Íh]B¾*, "ËxB°*@"ø]Có ( ¥ûˆ]"Ç ÃAÅR׶]"À ) ÍIÇ"ø]Có°* Ð »*@°*@D¾*ÅR Ç@ Class 9 ªÅR °*Až*@ revision . -:Second Semester :Section A (Language) 40 Marks ÅI°*ÅR &-- Revision from 8,9 and 10 ÅRµ*Â@ &-- A¾*ÂA¼]F] ÊAɱ &-- A¾*ÂA¼]F] 5 DÅ@Á] ÃÅRBc* &-- ÀLA¼]F] Ð Section B (Literature) 40 Marks j) Å@%É@ ²è*í Ím?ÈR &-- °*) ³) »*@°* Î"ÅR°*ÅR@ Î"@ÅRZ? Í@DÉDÇÅR Ç@AÍ Ð ±) ¸]"»*S ÅNAûˆ]" AÅÀ"IL¾* ? ²) É@ÉD³@»*S@ u) ƒ) °*Až*@ Í%°*É &--°*) ¦E"é*8ÅRµ*áÀU" AÅÀ"I@Í@²ÅR ±) ÇÎ"ÅRÇ Ð "ËxB°*@"ø]Có ( Ãx¿Ç ÃÅJ ) À"ËÇ D¿D°* ”"@À"Ë ÃAÅRD׶]"À" Ð 1st UNIT TEST:»*@°* Î"ÅR°*ÅR@, ÇÎ"ÅRÇ 2nd UNIT TEST:"ËxB°*@"ø]Có - À"ËÇ ÃAÅRD×C ¶]"À" ¸]"»*S ÅNAûˆ]" AÅÀ"ILNÏ, É@ÉDC³@»*S@ 3rd UNIT TEST:¦E"é*8ÅRµ*áÀU" AÅÀ"I@Í@²Å,Î"@ÅRZ? Í@DÉDÇÅR Ç@AÍ,"ËxB°*@"ø]Có - ª°*@À"Ë ÃAÅRDC׶]"À" Project no. 1:ª ÈLD²ÅR ÈLÅËAs"Y? AÅÿ ²@ÇB project no. 2:¥@Á]LA°* ·"BÅDC Èø]C÷ÎE" ËAs"Y?Ð *** END *** 6
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