CURRICULUM VITAE Young Yun Kim , Ph.D., Professor Department of Communication, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 Phone: 405/325-1587. Fax: 405/325-7625. E-mail: [email protected]. Web: EDUCATION 1976 Ph. D., Communication, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. Dissertation: Communication patterns of foreign immigrants in the process of acculturation 1972 M.A., Speech Communication, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. In conjunction with East-West Communication Institute. Thesis: Comparative content analysis of the Voice of America and CBS radio news coverage of the Lt. Calley Case from March to April 7, 1971 1969 B.A., English, Seoul National University, South Korea EMPLOYMENT 1989- Professor of Communication, University of Oklahoma, Tenured 1989 1988-89 Visiting Professor of Communication, University of Oklahoma 1977-88 University Professor of Communication, Governors State University, Tenured 1983 1975-77 Research Associate with Professor Doris A. Graber, University of Illinois at Chicago. Projects: Media portrayal and public perception of crime; Cognitive processing of Presidential campaign messages on media 1974-76 Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication Studies, Northwestern University 1972-74 Research Assistant, Communication Research Center, Northwestern University 1968-70 Program Director, Documentary Programs, Hankook Munwha Broadcasting Co. (MBC-TV), Seoul, Korea 1 COURSES DEVELOPED & TAUGHT at the University of Oklahoma Graduate (G) & Undergraduate (U) Courses: Introduction to Graduate Studies (G) History of Communication Theory (G) Intercultural Communication (G, U) Cross-Cultural Communication (G, U) Interethnic Communication (G, U) International Communication (G, U) Off-Campus Continuing Education Courses: Introduction to Graduate Study (G) Intercultural Communication (G) Interethnic Communication (G) International Communication (G) Cross-Cultural Communication (G) Small Group Processes (G) On-Campus Training Workshop: International Teaching Assistant One-Week Training Workshop (1990-1994) SERVICE ACTIVITIES at the University of Oklahoma Department of Communication Executive Committee ("Committee A") (1994-96, 1996-98, 1999-01, 2003-04) Graduate Committee (1990-93; 2002-05; 2010-12) Chair, Search Committee for Department Chair (2009-10) Chair, Faculty Search Committees (four times during 1992-12) Chair, Michael Pfau Memorial Service (Spring 2009) Coordinator, Annual Ralph Cooley Awards (1995-2012) Respondent, Sooner Communication Conference (2010) Graduate Enrollment Ad Hoc Committee (2010-11) Intercultural Communication Area Coordinator (1994-02) College & University College of Arts & Sciences Scholarship Committee (2013-14) University Faculty Development Awards Committee (2010-12) College of Arts & Sciences Tenure/Promotion Advisory Committee (1989-91; 2010-12) International and Area Studies Affiliate Faculty (since 1996 ) Honors College Coordinator, Dept. of Communication (since 2005) Honors College: Advisory Council (1999-02) University Publications Board (2006-08) University Academic Programs Council (1996-98) University Campus Departmental Review Panel (1994-95) University Research Council (1989-92) University Ph.D. Dissertation Award Committee (1992) Chair, University Ad Hoc Committee on Intercultural Curriculum Review (1992) Chair, University Ad Hoc Committee on International Graduate Students (1989) 2 ON-GOING RESEARCH PROJECTS Cross-Cultural Adaptation Project (since 2005) An on-going investigation of the role of computer-mediated interpersonal communication activities in nonnatives’ adaptation in the United States Interethnic Communication Project (since 2003) An on-going investigation of environmental, ideological, and psychological factors influencing associative and dissociative communication activities involving ethnically dissimilar individuals HONORS/AWARDS 01 2013 Ralph Cooley Award for outstanding research & scholarship in intercultural communication. Awarded by the Division of International and Intercultural Communication, National Communication Association. Washington, DC (November, 2013). 02 Top faculty paper coauthored with K. McKay-Semmler and S. Semmler, Local media cultivation of host community attitudes in Plainstown, USA. Awarded by the Division of International and Intercultural Communication, National Communication Association, Washington, DC (November, 2013). 03. Incoming President’s keynote address: Who we are: Building a community of excellence in interdisciplinary intercultural research. Delivered to the 8th biennial conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research. Reno, Nevada (June, 2013). 04 Keynote speaker at the 7th Biennial Conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research: Weaving the fabric of diversity: A communication perspective. Singapore (July, 2011). 05 Elected to serve as Vice-President (2011-13) and President (2013-15) of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (December 2010). 06 Keynote speaker at the Shanghai International Conference on Intercultural Communication: From Ascription to Achievement: The Case for Identity Adaptation and Transformation in the Globalizing World. Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai (December, 2010). 07 Academic Keys Who’s Who in Social Sciences Higher Education (February, 2009). 08 Keynote speaker at the Shizuoka Asia-Pacific Forum: The centrality of intercultural communication competence in globalizing Japan and Asia. Shizuoka, Japan (December, 2007). 09 Founding Fellow of the International Academy for Intercultural Relations at the 5th Biennial Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands (July, 2007). 10 Top Scholar Award for Lifetime Achievement awarded by the Division of Intercultural and Development Communication, International Communication Association (June, 2006). 11 Keynote speaker at the 10th International Conference of the Language and Social Psychology. William B. Gudykunst Inaugural Memorial Lecture: Becoming Intercultural: Communication, Adaptation, and Personal Transformation. Bonn, Germany (May, 2006). 12 The 2006 Cowperthwaite Lecturer and Summer Visiting Scholar, School of Communication Studies, Kent State University: From ethnic to interethnic: The case for identity adaptation and transformation. Kent, Ohio (May, 2006). 3 13 ICA Fellow. Elected by the Board of Directors of the International Communication Association "for outstanding contribution to the Association and to the study of human communication" (July, 2002). 14 Certificate of Recognition for Excellence in Teaching. Awarded by the Delta Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega at the University of Oklahoma (November, 1999). 15 Top-2 paper (May, 1999). Unum and pluribus: Ideological underpinnings of interethnic communication in the United States. Awarded by Division of Intercultural and Development Communication Division of the International Communication Association, San Francisco. 16 Top Paper (November, 1998). Patterns of intraethnic and interethnic communication: A study of American Indians in Oklahoma. Awarded by Division of International & Intercultural Communication, National Communication Association. 17 IAIR Founding Fellow. Named by the Board of Directors of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (Fall, 1997). 18 Top Paper (May, 1996). I can walk both ways: Identity integration of Oklahoma Indians. Awarded by Division of Intercultural and Development Communication, International Communication Association. 19 Top 2 Paper (November, 1994). Intercultural communication between American and Japanese coworkers: A replication study. Awarded by Division of International and Intercultural Communication, National Communication Association. 20 Top Paper (November, 1993). Interethnic communication: The context and the behavior. Awarded by International & Intercultural Communication Division, National Communication Association. 21 Professional Service Recognition (Spring 1991). An open letter by Dan Landis, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Intercultural Relations, published in Vol. 16, No. 1, p. ii, in recognition of work during 1981-1991 as Book Review Editor. 22 Top 2 Paper. Explaining interethnic conflict: An interdisciplinary overview. Awarded by International & Intercultural Communication Division, National Communication Association (November, 1990) 23 Professional Service Recognition (May, 1990). For service as Division Chair (1988-90) and Vice Chair (1986-1988) of the Intercultural & Development Communication Division, International Communication Association. 24 Top 2 Paper (November, 1989). Communication and adaptation: The case of Asian Pacific refugees in the United States. Awarded by the International & Intercultural Communication Division, National Communication Association. 25 Outstanding Book Award (November, 1986). Communicating with strangers: An approach to intercultural communication (co-authored with William B. Gudykunst). Awarded by the International & Intercultural Communication Division, National Communication Association. 26 Top 2 Paper (May, 1986). Personal network, host communication competence, and immigrant adaptation. Awarded by the Intercultural & Development Communication Division, International Communication Association. 27 Faculty Merit Award (May, 1980). Awarded by Governors State University for outstanding research & scholarship. 28 Educational Grant Award (July-August, 1979). Awarded by the National Academy of Education and the National Institute of Education, Washington, DC, for a three-week workshop, Educational Research Management. 4 29 Top Paper (May, 1979). Toward an interactive theory of communication-acculturation. Awarded by the Intercultural & Development Communication Division, International Communication Association. 30 Top 3 Paper (May, 1978). Why John Q. Voter did not learn much from the 1976 Presidential debates? (1st author: Doris A. Graber). Awarded by the Political Communication Division, International Communication Association. 31 Outstanding Young Women of America (1978). 32 Best Dissertation Award (May, 1976). Awarded by the School of Speech, Northwestern University. 33 Top Student Paper (November, 1976). Communication patterns of foreign immigrants in the process of acculturation. Awarded by the International & Intercultural Communication Division, National Communication Association. 34 East-West Center Full Scholarship Grant (August, 1970-June, 1972). Full scholarship awarded by the East-West Center Communication Institute throughout the M.A. degree program at the University of Hawaii. 35 United Nations Summer Internship (July-August, 1971). Full scholarship awarded by the United Nations for a summer internship at the United Nations Office of Public Relations, UN-TV, New York. RESEARCH GRANTS 01 University of Oklahoma Travel Grants (1998-2014) awarded jointly by the College of Arts & Sciences and the Office of Vice President for Research ($1444-$2400). 02 University of Oklahoma Honors College Research Grants (2000-2004, 2006, 2009, 2010). A total of 10 grants, with each grant ($6,000) awarded in the form of an undergraduate honors student research for one of the on-going research projects. 03 University of Oklahoma Research Grant (1992). Project: “Intercultural communication in a Japaneseowned subsidiary in Oklahoma: A follow-up study” ($1,685). 04 University of Oklahoma Research Grant (1991). Project: “Intercultural communication in a Japaneseowned subsidiary in Oklahoma” ($1,500). 05 Department of Communication Research Grant (1989). Awarded for data analysis for a research project: “Adaptation and communication of American Indians in Oklahoma” ($1,680). 06 University of Oklahoma Research Grant (1988). Project: “Adaptation and communication of American Indians in Oklahoma” ($1,750). 07 Governors State University Research Grant (1987). Project: “Successful immigrants: A pilot study to develop a psychological, social, and cultural profile” ($1,800). 08 Governors State University Research Grant (1981-1982). Project: “Adjustment patterns of Indochinese refugees: A follow-up survey” ($2,600). 09 Governors State University Research Grant (1980-1981). Project: “Cross-cultural adaptation: Toward development of a general theory” ($800). 10 United States Department of Health, Education & Welfare Grant (1978-1980). Project: “Indochinese refugee resettlement and adjustment in the State of Illinois.” Channeled through the Illinois Department of Public Aid to the Travelers Aid Society Metropolitan Chicago under PL95-549 ($130,500). 5 11 Governors State University Research Grant (1977-1979). Project: “Inter-ethnic perception, attitude, and communication among teenagers in five public schools in the Chicago area” ($800). 12 Governors State University Research Grant (1977-1978). Project: “Communication and acculturation of Japanese-Americans in the Chicago area” ($1,200). POST-DOCTORAL TRAINING & EDUCATION 01 Half-day workshop at ICA03 on evolutionary communication theories at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA (May, 2003). 03 One-day workshop on research support systems and grant application procedures at the University of Oklahoma (February, 2002). 04 Creative Training Techniques. Two-day training seminar sponsored by Resources for Organizations, Washington, DC (June, 1988). 05 Counseling and Coaching Skills. One-day training seminar by Padgett-Thompson, Aurora, IL (June, 1988). 06 Cybernetics: New Implications. One-day short course by Kris Krippendorff & Frederick Steier at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, New Orleans (May, 1988). 07 Social Structure and Network Analysis. Graduate course taught by Professor Edward Laumann, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago (Spring, 1983). 08 Grantsmanship writing and management seminar. A two-day training program sponsored by the Governors State University Office of Research (December, 1981). 09 Communicating with non-native speakers of English (November, 1979). Half-day workshop at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX (November, 1979). 10 Educational research management. Three-week workshop on research grant proposal writing and project management, sponsored by the National Academy of Education and the National Institute of Education. Georgetown University, Washington, DC (July, 1979). 11 Metric multidimensional scaling technique of data analysis. One-day workshop at the annual conference of the International Communication Association, Philadelphia (May, 1979). 12 Human communication from the interactional view. A three-day post-doctoral seminar sponsored by the National Communication Association and the International Communication Association, Asilomar, CA (February, 1979). 13 Multivariate data analysis in communication. A one-day workshop at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Minneapolis (November, 1978). 14 The design of cross-cultural training. A half-day workshop at the annual conference of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, Phoenix (February, 1978). 15 B/W Photography Courses and Workshops. Completed five graduate courses at Governors State University: Basic Photography; Advanced B/W Photographic Techniques; Zone System; Independent Study “A Portfolio: Hidden Messages”; Media Field Trip "A Portfolio: Antiquity" (1985-1988). Have taken six eight-week B/W photography courses offered by Firehouse Art Center, Norman, OK (Fall 2002 through Spring 2011). 6 PUBLICATIONS I. Books in Progress 01. Kim, Y. (Ed.). (in progress). International encyclopedia of intercultural communication (3 Volumes). An official publication of the International Communication Association. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. 02. Kim, Y. (in progress). Interethnic communication (working title). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. II. Books 01 Gudykunst, W. & Kim, Y. (2003). Communicating with strangers: An approach to intercultural communication (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Re-published in 2007 in China with a preface and an overview added in Chinese language by Steve Kulich. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 02 Kim, Y. (2001). Becoming intercultural: An integrative theory of communication and cross-cultural adaptation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 03 Gudykunst, W., & Kim, Y. (1997). Communicating with strangers: An approach to intercultural communication (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 04 Gudykunst, W., & Kim, Y. (Eds.). (1992). Readings on communicating with strangers. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 05 Gudykunst, W., & Kim, Y. (1992). Communicating with strangers: An approach to intercultural communication (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. 06 Kim, Y. (1988). Communication and cross-cultural adaptation: An integrative theory. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters. 07 Kim, Y., & Gudykunst, W. (Eds.). (1988). Theories in intercultural communication. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 08 Kim, Y., & Gudykunst, W. (Eds.). (1987). Cross-cultural adaptation: Current approaches. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 09 Kim, Y. (Ed.). (1986). Interethnic communication. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 10 Gudykunst, W., & Kim, Y. (1984). Communication with strangers: An approach to intercultural communication. New York: Random House. 11 Kim, Y. (1980). Indochinese refugees in Illinois (5-volume research monograph). Published under contract to Travelers Aid Society-Metropolitan Chicago, based on a grant from the Department of Health, Education & Welfare Region V, PL95-549. II. Articles in Refereed Journals/Periodicals 01 McKay-Semmler, K., & Kim, Y. (2014). Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Hispanic Youth: A Study of Communication Patterns, Functional Fitness, and Psychological Health. Communication Monograph, 81(2), 133-156. 02 McKay-Semmler, K., Semmler, S., & Kim, Y. (2014). Local News Media Cultivation of Host Receptivity in Plainstown. Human Communication Research, 40(2), 188-208. 7 03 Kim, Y., & McKay-Semmler, K. (2013). Social engagement and cross-cultural adaptation: An examination of direct- and mediated interpersonal communication activities of educated non-natives in the United States. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37(1), 99-112. 04 Kim, Y. (2008). Intercultural personhood: Globalization and a way of being. In Y. Kim & D. Bhawuk (Eds.), Globalization and diversity: Theoretical and applied perspectives [Special Issue]. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32(4), 359-368. 05 Kim, Y., & Bhawuk, D. (2008). Globalization and diversity: Contributions from intercultural research. Globalization and diversity: Theoretical and applied perspectives [Special Issue]. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32(4), 301-304. 06 Kim, Y. (2007, December). Ideology, identity, and intercultural communication: An analysis of differing academic conceptions of cultural identity. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 36(3), 237-253. 07 Kim, Y. S., & Kim, Y. (2007). Communication and psychological health in the process of cross-cultural adaptation: A study of American and Korean expatriate workers. International and Intercultural Communication Annual, Vol. 30. Communicating within/across organizations (pp. 229-258). Washington, DC: National Communication Association. 08 Kim, Y. (2006). From ethnic to interethnic: The case for identity adaptation and transformation. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 25(3), 283-300. 09 Kim, Y. (2005, September). Intercultural and development communication: An overview. Journal of Communication. Special Issue on the State of the Art in Communication Theory and Research, 55(3), 554577. 10 Kim, Y., & Kim, Y. S. (2004, March). The role of the host environment in cross-cultural adaptation: A comparative analysis of Korean expatriates in the United States and their American counterparts in South Korea. Asian Communication Research, 1(1), 5-25. 11 Kim, Y. (2003). Unum vs. Pluribus: Ideology and differing academic conceptions of ethnic identity. In W. Gudykunst (Ed.), Communication yearbook 26 (pp. 298-325). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 12 Kim, Y. (2001). Mapping the domain of intercultural communication: An overview. In W. Gudykunst (Ed.), Communication yearbook 24 (pp. 139-157). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 13 Kim, Y. (1999). Unum and Pluribus: Ideological underpinnings of interethnic communication in the United States. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 23(4), 591-611. 14 Kim, Y., Lujan, P., & Dixon, L. (1998). Patterns of communication and identity integration: A study of American Indians in Oklahoma. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 22(1), 120-137. 15 Kim, Y., Lujan, P., & Dixon, L. (1998). "I can walk both ways": Identity integration of American Indians in Oklahoma. Human Communication Research, 25(2), 252-274. 16 Kim, Y. (1995). Identity development: From cultural to intercultural. In H. Mokros (Ed.) Information and behavior, Vol. 6. Interaction and identity (pp. 347-369). New Brunswick, NJ: Transactions. 17 Kim, Y. (1995). Cross-cultural adaptation: An integrative theory. In R. Wiseman (Ed.), International and intercultural communication annual, 19. Intercultural communication theory (pp. 170-193). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 18 Kim, Y. (1994). Beyond cultural identity. Intercultural Communication Studies, IV(1), 1-23. 8 19 Kim, Y., & Paulk, S. (1994). Intercultural challenges and personal adjustments: A qualitative analysis of the communication experiences of American and Japanese coworkers. In R. Wiseman & R. Shuter (Eds.), International and intercultural communication annual 18. Communication in the multinational organization (pp. 117-140). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 20 Kim, Y. (1994). Interethnic communication: The context and the behavior. In S. Deetz (Ed.), Communication yearbook 17 (pp. 511-538). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 21 Kim, Y. (1991). Intercultural communication competence: A systems view. In S. Ting-Toomey & F. Korzenny (Eds.), International and intercultural communication annual 17. Cross-cultural interpersonal communication (pp. 259-275). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 22 Kim, Y. (1990). Communication and adaptation of Asian Pacific refugees in the United States. Pacific Rim Communication, 1, 191-207. 23 Kim, Y. (1989). Explaining interethnic conflict: An interdisciplinary overview. In J. Gittler (Ed.). Annual Review of Conflict Knowledge and Conflict Resolution, 1, 101-125. 24 Kim, Y., & Ruben, B. (1988). Intercultural transformation: A systems theory. In Y. Kim & W. Gudykunst (Eds.), International and intercultural communication annual 12. Theories in intercultural communication (pp. 299-321). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 25 Kim, Y. (1986). A communication approach to interethnic relations. In Y. Kim (Ed.), International and intercultural communication annual 10. Interethnic communication (pp. 9-18). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 26 Kim, Y. (1985). Communication, information, and adaptation. In B. Ruben (Ed.), Information and behavior, 1, 324-342. 27 Kim, Y. (1984). Searching for creative integration. In W. Gudykunst & Y. Kim (Eds.), International and intercultural communication annual 8. Methods for intercultural communication research (pp. 13-30). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. 28 Kim, Y. (1982). Communication and adaptation to a new culture. Shin-Moon-Hak-Bo (Journal of Mass Communication Studies), 15, 161-179. (Published in Seoul by Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies) 29 Kim, Y. (1979). Toward an interactive theory of communication-acculturation. In B. Ruben (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 3, 435-453. 30 Kim, Y., & Graber, D. (1979). Media coverage and voter learning during presidential primary season. Georgia Political Science Association Journal, 4(1), 19-48. 31 Graber, D., & Kim, Y. (1978). Why John Q. Voter did not learn much from the 1976 presidential debate? Communication Yearbook 2, 407-421. 32 Kim, Y. (1978). Toward a communication approach to acculturation processes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 5(1), 197-224. 33 Kim, Y. (1978). Inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic communication. International and Intercultural Communication Annual, 4(1), 53-68. 34 Kim, Y. (1978). Dynamics of communications technology and interpersonal communication: A crosscultural perspective. Shin-Moon-Hak-Bo (Journal of Mass Communication Studies), 11, 117-129. Published in Seoul by the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies. 35 Kim, Y. (1977). Communication patterns of foreign immigrants in the process of acculturation. Human Communication Research, 4(1), 66-77. 9 III. Book Chapters 01 Kim, Y. (in press). Sojourner relationships. In C. Berger and M. Roloff (Eds.), International encyclopedia of Interpersonal communication. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. 02 Kim, Y. (in press). Acculturation processes and communication. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The Concise encyclopedia of communication. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. 03 Kim, Y. (in press). Beyond cultural differences: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In M. Hinner (Ed.), Freiberger Beitraege, Volume 8: Interacting with the Chinese. New York: Peter Lang. 04 Kim, Y. (in press). Integrative communication theory. In J. Bennett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of intercultural competence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 05 Kim, Y. (in press). Theory of acculturation. In J. Bennett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of intercultural competence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 06 Kim, Y. (2014). Interpersonal communication in intercultural encounters. In P. J. Schultz and P. Cobley (Series Eds.) & C. R. Berger (Vol. Ed.), Handbooks of communication science: Vol. 6. Interpersonal communication (pp. 517-540). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 07 Kim, Y. (2013). The identity factor in intercultural conflict. In J. Oetzel & S. Ting-Toomey (Eds.), The handbook of conflict communication: Integrating theory, research, and practice (2nd ed., pp. 639-660). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 08 Kim, Y. (2013). From culture to interculture: Communication, adaptation, and identity transformation in the globalizing world. In L. Samovar, R. Porter, E. McDowell, & C. Roy (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (40th anniversary ed. & 14th ed., pp. 430-437). Plymouth, MA: Wadsworth. 09 Kim, Y. (2013). Intercultural personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In L. Samovar, R. Porter, & E. McDowell (Eds.). Intercultural communication: A reader (40th anniversary ed. & 14th ed., pp. 405-417). Plymouth, MA: Cengage Learning/Wadsworth. [Re-issued] 10 Kim, Y. (2013). Adapting to a new culture. In L. Samovar, R. Porter, & E. McDowell (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (40th anniversary ed. & 14th ed., pp. 385-397). Plymouth, MA: Cengage Learning/Wadsworth. [Re-issued] 11 Kim, Y. (2012). From ascription to achievement: The case for identity adaptation and transformation in the globalizing world. In X. Dai and S. Kulich (Eds.), Intercultural adaptation: Theoretical explorations and empirical studies (pp.31-49). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 12 Kim, Y. (2012). Inquiry in intercultural and development communication. In L. Chen (Ed.), Culture, cultures and intercultural communication (pp. 355-385). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 13 Kim, Y. (2012). Cross-cultural adaptation. In V. S. Ramachandran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human behavior, Vol. 1 (pp. 623-630). Burlington, MA: Academic Press. 14 Kim, Y. (2012). Being in concert: An explication of synchrony in intercultural communication. In T. J. Socha & M. Pitts (Eds.), The positive side of interpersonal communication (pp. 39-56). New York: Peter Lang. 15 Kim, Y. (2012). Globalization and intercultural personhood. In L. Samovar, R. Porter, & R. McDaniel (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (13th ed., 83-94). Boston, MA: Wadsworth. 10 16 Kim, Y. (2012). Unum and pluribus: Ideological underpinnings of interethnic communication in the United States. In L. Samovar, R. Porter, & R. McDaniel (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (13th ed., pp. 208-222). Boston, MA: Wadsworth. 17 Kim, Y. (2012). Beyond categories: Communication, adaptation, and Transformation. In J. Jackson (Ed.), Handbook of language and intercultural communication (pp. 229-243). New York: Routledge. 18 Kim, Y. (2011). Comparative research in intercultural communication. In F. Esser (Ed.), Handbook of Comparative Communication Research (pp. 119-133). New York: Routledge 19 Kim, Y. (2010). Cross-cultural adaptation theory: Theory description and Theory reflections. The Intercultural Communication & Training Network (ICT). NAFSA: Association of International Educators. On-line resource for teachers and trainers. Access: 20 Kim, Y. (2010). Intercultural personhood: Globalization and a way of being. In M. B. Hinner (Ed.), The interface of business and culture (pp. 563-587). New York: Peter Lang. [Reprint of 2008 article published in International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32(4), 359-368] 21 Kim, Y. (2010). Intercultural communication. In C. R. Berger, M. E. Roloff, & D. Roskos- Ewolsen (Eds.), Handbook of Communication Science (2nd ed., pp. 453-470). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 22 Kim, Y. (2009). The identity factor in intercultural competence. In Deardorff, D. K. (Ed.), The Sage Handbook of Intercultural Competence (pp. 53-65). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 23 Kim, Y. (2009). Beyond cultural identity. In B. Hoffer & N. Honna (Eds.), Intercultural communication: Beyond the canon (pp. 120-148). Tokyo: Sanshusha. (Re-issued in 2009 in G. M. Chen & R. Heisey (Eds.), Intercultural communication research (Vol. 1, pp. 136-153). Beijing, China: Higher Education Press. 24 Kim, Y. (2009). Contextual theory of interethnic communication. In S. Littlejohn & K. Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of communication theory (pp. 184-188). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ) 25 Kim, Y. (2009). Cross-cultural adaptation theory. In S. Littlejohn & K. Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of communication theory (pp. 243-247). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 26 Kim, Y. (2009). Unum and pluribus: Ideological underpinnings of interethnic communication in the United States. In L. Samovar, R. Porter, & E. McDaniel (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (12th ed., pp. 185-197). Boston, MA: Wadsworth. 27 Kim, Y. (2009). Toward intercultural personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In L. Samovar, R. Porter, & E. McDaniel (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (12th ed., pp. 435-446). Boston, MA: Wadsworth. 28 Kim, Y. (2008). Acculturation processes and communication. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of communication (Vol. 1, pp. 21-25). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. 29 Kim, Y. (2007). Adapting to a new culture: An integrative communication theory. In M. B. Hinner (Ed.), The influence of culture in the world of business (pp. 117-155). New York: Peter Lang. (Re-issued in 2012 by the Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press) 30 Kim, Y. (2007). The centrality of communication and adaptation in a multicultural environment. The proceedings of the 12th Shizuoka Asia-Pacific Forum: The Coming Era of Large-Scale Interaction in Asia (pp. 94-104). Shizuoka, Japan: Shizuoka Research Institute. 31 Kim, Y. (2006). On becoming intercultural. In M. Rustig & J. Koester (Eds.), Among us: Essays on identity, belonging, and intercultural competence (2nd ed., pp. 249-257). Boston: Pearson. 32 Kim, Y. (2006). Unum and pluribus: Ideological underpinnings of interethnic communication. In L. 11 Samovar, R. Porter, & E. McDaniel (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (11th ed., pp. 153-164). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 33 Kim, Y. (2006). Intercultural personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In L. Samovar, R. Porter, & E. McDaniel (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (11th ed., pp. 408-420). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 34 Kim, Y. (2005). Adapting to an unfamiliar culture: An interdisciplinary overview. In M. B. Hinner (Ed.), Introduction to Business Communication: A forum for general and intercultural business communication (pp. 343-361). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Peter Lang. 35 Kim, Y. (2005). Adapting to a new culture: An integrative communication theory. In W. Gudykunst (Ed.), Theorizing about intercultural communication (pp. 375-400). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 36 Kim, Y. (2005). Association and dissociation: A contextual theory of interethnic communication. In W. Gudykunst (Ed.), Theorizing about intercultural communication (pp. 323-349). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 37 Kim, Y. (2004). Long-term cross-cultural adaptation: Training implications of an integrative theory. In D. Landis, M. Bennett, & J. Bennett (Eds.), Handbook of intercultural training (3rd ed., pp. 337-362). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 38 Kim, Y. (2003). Intercultural adaptation: An interdisciplinary overview. In W. Gudykunst (Ed.), CrossCultural & Intercultural Communication (pp. 243-257). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 39 Kim, Y. (2002). Unum and Pluribus: Ideological underpinnings of interethnic communication. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (10th ed., pp. 108-119). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 40 Kim, Y. (2002). Intercultural personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (10th ed., pp. 436-448). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 41 Kim, Y. (2002). Cross-cultural adaptation: An integrative theory. In J. Martin, T. Nakayama, & Flores, L. (Eds.), Readings in intercultural communication experiences and Contexts (2nd ed., pp. 237-245). New York: McGraw-Hill. 42 Kim, Y. (2002). Adaptation and intercultural communication. In J. R. Schement (Ed.), Encyclopedia of communication and information (Vol. 2, pp. 452-459). New York: Macmillan Reference USA. 43 Kim, Y. (2002). Interethnic relations and intercultural communication. In J. R. Schement (Ed.), Encyclopedia of communication and information (Vol. 2. pp. 459-464). New York: Macmillan. 44 Kim, Y. (2001). Intercultural adaptation: An interdisciplinary overview. In W. Gudykunst & B. Mody (Eds.), Handbook of international & intercultural communication (pp. 259-273). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 45 Kim, Y. (2000). Intercultural personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (9th ed., pp. 431-443). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 46 Kim, Y. (2000). On becoming intercultural. In M. Rustig & J. Koester (Eds.), Among us: Essays in intercultural communication (1st ed., pp. 59-67). New York: Longman. 47 Kim, Y., & Gudykunst, W. (1999). Teaching intercultural communication. In A. Vangelisti, J. Daly, & G. Friedrich (Eds.), Teaching communication: Theory, research, and methods (2nd ed., pp. 171-180). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 12 48 Kim, Y. (1997). Cross-cultural adaptation: An integrative theory. In J. Martin, T. Nakayama, L. Flores, & R. Spellers (Eds.), Readings in cultural contexts (pp. 295-304). Mountain View, CA: Mayfield. 49 Kim, Y. (1997). The context-behavior interface in interethnic communication. In J. Owen (Ed.), Context and communication behavior (pp. 261-291). Reno, NV: Context Press. 50 Kim, Y. (1997). Adapting to a new culture. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (8th ed., pp. 404-417). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 51 Kim, Y. (1997). Intercultural personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (8th ed., pp. 434-447). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. A 52 Kim, Y. (1994). Cross-cultural adaptation. In V. S. Ramachandran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human behavior (Vol. 2, pp. 31-42). San Diego: Academic Press. 53 Kim, Y. (1994). Adapting to a new culture. In L. Samovar & W. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (7th ed., pp. 392-405). Belmont, CA: Sage. 54 Kim, Y. (1994). Intercultural personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (7th ed., pp. 415-425). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 55 Kim, Y. (1992). Synchrony and intercultural communication. In D. Crookall & K. Arai (Eds.), Global interdependence (pp. 99-105). New York: Springer-Verlag. 56 Kim, Y. (1991). Communication and cross-cultural adaptation. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (6th ed., pp. 383-391). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 57 Kim, Y. (1991). Intercultural personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (6th ed., pp. 401-411). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 58 Kim, Y., & Gudykunst, W. (1990). Teaching intercultural communication. In J. Daly, G. Friedrich, & A. Vangelisti (Eds.), Teaching communication: Theory, research, and methods (pp. 145-155). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 59 Kim, Y. (1989). Intercultural adaptation. In M. Asante & W. Gudykunst (Eds.), Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication (pp. 275-294). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 60 Kim, Y. (1989). Psychological, social, and economic adaptation: The case of 1975-1979 arrivals in Illinois. In D. Haines (Ed.), Refugees as immigrants: Survey research on Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese America (pp. 86-104). Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield. 61 Kim, Y. (1988). Theorizing intercultural communication. In Y. Kim & W. Gudykunst (Eds.), International and Intercultural Communication Annual, 12. Theories in intercultural communication (pp. 11-21). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 62 Kim, Y. (1988). Communication and acculturation. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (5th ed., pp. 344-354). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 63 Kim, Y. (1988). Intercultural personhood: An integration of Eastern and Western perspectives. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (5th ed., pp. 363-373). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. 64 Kim, Y. (1987). Facilitating immigrant adaptation: The role of communication. In T. Albrecht & M. Adelman (Eds.), Communicating social support (pp. 192-211). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 13 65 Kim, Y. (1986). Understanding the social context of intergroup communication: A personal network approach. In W. Gudykunst (Ed.), Intergroup communication (pp. 86-95). London: Edward Arnold. 66 Kim, Y. (1985). Communication and acculturation. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (4th ed., pp. 316-326). Belmont, CA: Sage. 67 Kim, Y. (1982). Communication and acculturation. In L. Samovar & R. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (3rd ed., pp. 359-369). Belmont, CA: Sage. 68 Kim, Y. (1979). Communication and acculturation: The Korean immigrants in the United States. In K. Kim (Ed.), 20 years of communication research in Korea. Seoul, South Korea: Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies. 69 Kim, Y. (1978). How do Asian students communicate and why? In Proceedings of the Second Annual Asian Forum: Transcultural Adaptation (pp. 9-10). Chicago: Office of Education, State of Illinois. IV. Book Reviews 01 Kim, Y. (1998). Review of R. Young's book Intercultural communication: Pragmatics, deconstruction and genealogy. Journal of Language & Social Psychology, September, 395-400. 02 Kim, Y. (1993). Review of the book edited by J. Blommaert & J. Verschueren, The pragmatics of international and intercultural communication. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 17(3), 370373. 03 Kim, Y. (1992). Review of E. Krau's book, The contradictory immigrant problem: A sociopsychological analysis. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 16(3), 337-341. 04 Kim, Y. (1991). Review of A. Renteln's book, International human rights: Universalism versus relativism. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 15(2), 257-258. 05 Kim, Y. (1991). Review of C. Storti's book The art of crossing cultures. Communication Education, 40(3), 303-304. 06 Kim, Y., & M. Wawrzyniak (1990). Review of the book by E. Hall & E. Hall, Understanding cultural differences: Germans, French and Americans. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 14, 379-381. 07 Kim, Y. (1985). Review of the book by D. Biegel, E. McCardle, & S. Mendelsen, Social networks and mental health: An annotated bibliography. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 9, 440-441. 08 Kim, Y. (1984). Review of D. Elgin's book, Voluntary simplicity. The Creative Woman, 1, 32-33. JOURNAL/PERIODIAL EDITING Communication Research Editorial board member (since 1993) Journal of Communication Editorial board member (since 2004) Journal of Intercultural Communication Research Editorial board member (since 2005) 14 International Journal of Intercultural Relations Guest Editor: Kim, Y., & D. Bhawuk (Eds.). (2008, July). Globalization and diversity: Theoretical and applied perspectives [Special Issue]. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 32(4). Editorial board member (since 1981) Book review editor (1981-91) Member, Best IJIR Article Award Committee (since 2010) Human Communication Research Editorial board member (1983-91) Associate editor (1991-94) Editorial board member (1994-98) Guest reviewer (since 1998) International and Intercultural Communication Annual Associate editor (1982-85) Editor (1986-88) Guest reviewer (1989-01) Communication Theory Editorial board member (1989-93, 2002-03) Guest reviewer (since 2003) Asian J of Communication Editorial board member (since 2010) Applied Communication Research Editorial board member (1996-99) Information and Behavior Editorial board member (1983-92) The Creative Woman Editorial board member (1979-88) Other journals: occasional guest reviewer Communication Monograph Communication Yearbook International Journal of Communication Journal of Language & Social Psychology Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Journal of Language & Social Interaction Journal of Personal Relationship Language Teaching Multilingual Matters Public Opinion Quarterly Southern Speech Communication Journal Western Journal of Communication 15 ORGANIZATIONAL AFFILIATION & SERVICE ACTIVITIES International Communication Association (ICA) ICA Life Member (1976-present) ICA Fellows Selection Committee (since 2002) ICA Fellows Book Award Committee Member (2005-06) Chair (2006-07) ICA Outstanding Book Award Committee Member (2003-04; 2009-10) Chair (2010-11; 2011-12) ICA Nomination Committee (2000-01; 2005-06; 2010-11) ICA Internationalization Committee (1992-93) ICA Vice President and a member of the Board of Directors (1987-92) ICA Liaison Committee (1995-96) ICA Intercultural Communication Division: Division Chair (1989-91) Vice Division Chair (1987-89) Division conference paper reviewer (1991-95, 2000-03) At-Large Member, Division Executive Committee (2010-12) Chair, Outstanding Scholarship Awards Committee (2010-12) International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR) IAIR Elected Vice President (2011-13) and President (2013-15) IAIR Chair of The William B. Gudykunst Outstanding Book Award Committee (2013- ) IAIR Member of the Scientific Committee (2012- ) IAIR Elected Founding Fellow (since 2007) IAIR Chair and Convener of Pre-Conference Fellows Day Workshop (2006-07) IAIR Board of Directors (since 1999) IAIR Member (since 1997) IAIR Charter Fellow (since 1997 ) National Communication Association (NCA) NCA International & Intercultural Communication Division Vice Chair (1981-83) Chair (1983-85) Conference paper reviewer (1998-99, 2001-02) Nominating Committee (2004-05, 2007-08) NCA Liaison Committee (1995-1996) NCA Nominating Committee (1994-95) NCA Task Committee on Professional Development-Minorities (1987-88) NCA Task Committee on Minority Concerns (1986-87) NCA Task Committee on Structures/Procedures (1986-87) NCA Nominating Committee (1986-87) NCA Governing Board (1983-86) NCA Life Member (since 1976) Center for Intercultural New Media Research: Senior Research Associate (since 2010) International Behavior Association, Japan: Charter Member & member of the Board of Directors (since 2003) International Association of Language and Social Psychology: Active member (since 1997) International Network for Social Network Analysis: Member (1979-02) 16 KEYNOTE ADDRESSES & UNIVERSITY COLLOQUIA 2013 Incoming President’s keynote address: Who we are: Building a community of excellence in interdisciplinary intercultural research. Delivered at the 8th biennial conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, Reno, Nevada, July. 2012 Colloquium lecture: From Ascription to Achievement: The Case for Identity Adaptation and Transformation in the Globalizing World. Delivered to the faculty and graduate students, Department of Communication, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, April. 2011 Keynote address: Weaving the fabric of diversity: A communication perspective. Delivered at the 7th biennial conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research. Singapore, July. 2010 Keynote address: From ascription to achievement: The case for identity adaptation and transformation in the globalizing world. Delivered at the 2nd Shanghai International Conference on Intercultural Communication. Shanghai Normal University, People’s Republic of China, December. 2010 Visiting scholar lecture, Intercultural Communication, Adaptation, and Identity Transformation. Delivered for the faculty and graduate students, School of Foreign Languages, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, December. 2007 Keynote address: The centrality of intercultural communication competence in globalizing Japan and Asia. Delivered at the 12th Shizuoka Asia-Pacific Forum, Shizuoka, Japan, December. 2007 Public lecture: Globalization and intercultural personhood. Public lecture delivered to the faculty, graduate students, and members of the community. Department of Psychology, University of Shizuoka, Japan, December. 2007 Organized, chaired, and presented in a one-day inaugural Fellows Workshop, Globalization and Cultural Diversity: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives, at the biennial conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, July, Groningen, Netherlands. 2006 Keynote lecture: Becoming intercultural: Communication, adaptation, and personal transformation. William B. Gudykunst Inaugural Memorial Lecture. Delivered at the 10th International Conference on Language and Social Psychology, Bonn, Germany, May. 2006 Colloquium lecture: From ethnic to interethnic: The case for identity adaptation and transformation. The Cowperthwaite Lecture delivered to the faculty and graduate students, School of Communication Studies, Kent State University, Kent, OH. May. 2001 Colloquium lecture: Politics and interethnic communication. Delivered for the faculty and graduate students in the Department of Communication, DePaul University, Chicago, May. 1995 Public lecture: The Dark side of multiculturalism. Campus-wide lecture and guest lectures in undergraduate and graduate classes. Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL. March. 1993 Keynote address: Beyond cultural identity. Delivered at the 4th International Conference on CrossCultural Communication. San Antonio, March. 1992 Colloquium lecture: Communication experiences of American and Japanese coworkers in a Japanese subsidiary. With Sheryl Paulk. Department of Communication, University of Oklahoma, April. 17 1991 Colloquium lecture: Intercultural communication competence. Presented to the faculty of Health Science Center, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, May. 1990 Three guest lectures to Professor Jesse Delia's graduate seminar, Issues in communication research. University of Illinois Dept. of Communication. May: Theorizing about cross cultural adaptation; Intercultural communication theory: An overview; and Intercultural communication Research, an overview. 1990 Three guest lectures. Department of Communication, University of Tulsa, March: Building an intercultural community; Communicating with strangers; Intercultural transformation. 1990 Distinguished lecturer series. California State University, Chico, February: Becoming intercultural; On differences, Change and adaptation; Interethnic conflict. 1989 Colloquium. Department of Communication, University of Oklahoma, March: Interethnic conflict. 1989 Keynote address. Conference on the Impact of Technology and Biology in 2099. Pittsburg State University, Kansas, May: Becoming intercultural: An emerging personhood of tomorrow. 1988 Guest lecture. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Oklahoma, June: Psychic evolution of cultural strangers. 1988 Colloquium. Department of Communication, University of Oklahoma, September: From culture to inter-culture: A theory of psychic transformation. 1988 Guest lecture. Department of Journalism, University of Oklahoma, October: Cultural hybrids in the intercultural world. 1988 Colloquium. Department of Communication, Rutgers University, November: Cross cultural adaptation. 1987 Keynote address at Whole World Festival, Principia College, Elsah, IL. September: Communicating with strangers. 1986 Keynote address at the International Week, Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA, April: Intercultural world: Its challenges and promises. 1985 Guest lecture. Department of Communication, Northwestern University, Evanston, September: Crosscultural adaptation. 1982 Guest lecture. Department of Communication, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March: Crossing cultural boundaries in studying human communication. 1982 Keynote address at Illinois Foreign Language Teachers Association conference, Chicago, IL, May: Developing intercultural communication skills. 1981 Keynote address. Asian Education Conference, Palatine, IL, October: Communication and adaptation of Indochinese refugees. 1980 Keynote address. Statewide Conference on Cooperative Efforts for Successful Indochinese Refugee Adjustment, Chicago, April: Refugee needs and accomplishments. 1978 Keynote address. Southern Region Indochina Adult Refugee Conference, Elgin, IL, May: Communication in cross-cultural counseling. 1978 Keynote address delivered at Asian Forum, Trans-cultural Education: Asian Students in American Classrooms, sponsored by the Illinois Board of Education, Chicago, IL, March: How do Asian students communicate and why? 18 ACADEMIC CONFERENCE PAPERS (*Awarded Top faculty paper) In the interest of space, the following list includes about half of the conference papers presented at academic conferences prior to 1990. This list also excludes all of the 80+ panel sessions I have organized and chaired, as well as 90+ panel sessions in which I have served as discussant. APA: CSCA: ECA: IAIR: ICA: ICLASP: ICCC: ISAGA: MAPO : MPSA: NCA/SCA: SIETAR: SSCN: TWC: WSCA: American Psychological Association Central Speech Communication Association Eastern Communication Association International Academy for Intercultural Research International Communication Association International Conference on Language and Social Psychology International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication International Simulations and Gaming Association Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research Midwest Political Science Association National Communication Association/formerly Speech Communication Association Society for Intercultural Education, Training & Research Sunbelt Social Network Conference Third World Conference Western Speech Communication Association 2014 Kim, Y. The identity factor in interethnic conflict and cooperation: An interdisciplinary overview. ICLASP. Honolulu, June. 2014 Kim, Y. Ideology and contested identities: Public discourse on interethnic relations in the United States. ICA. Seattle, May. 2013 Kim, Y. The nature of intercultural communication: An interdisciplinary overview. NCA, Washington, DC, November 2013* McKay-Semmler, K., Semmler, S., & Kim, Y. Local media cultivation of host community attitudes in Plainstown, USA. NCA. Washington, DC, November. 2013 Incoming President’s keynote address: Who we are: Building a community of excellence in interdisciplinary intercultural research. Delivered to the 8th biennial conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research. 2013 Kim, Y. Cross-cultural adaptation as a basic and natural human tendency. A response to Panel Session: Young Yun Kim’s integrative theory of communication and cross-cultural adaptation. IAIR, Reno, Nevada, June. 2013 Kim, Y. Identity and intercultural conflict: An overview. ICA, London, UK, June. 2013 Kim, Y. Finding a “home” beyond culture: The emergence of intercultural personhood in the globalizing world. ICA, London, UK, June. 2012 McKay-Semmler, K. & Kim, Y. Interethnic conflict: A theoretical integration of findings from qualitative case studies. NCA, Orlando, Florida, November. 19 2012. McKay-Semmler, K., Semmler, S., & Kim, Y. Cultivating host conformity pressure and host receptivity: Exploring the relationship between media use and host community members’ attitudes toward immigrants. NCA, Orlando, Florida, November. 2012 Kim, Y. Approaches to interdisciplinary integration. ICA, Phoenix, AZ. May. 2012 McKay-Semmler, K., & Kim, Y. Cross-cultural adaptation among Hispanic youth: A theoretical thematic analysis. ICA, Phoenix, AZ. May. 2012 Kim, Y. Comparative research in intercultural communication. ICA, Phoenix, AZ. May. 2011 Kim, Y. Speaking in one voice: An explication of synchrony for intercultural communication. NCA, New Orleans, November. 2011 McKay-Semmler, K. & Kim, Y. Hispanic voices on the Northern Plains: A thematic analysis of adaptation among Hispanic Youth in Siouxland. NCA, New Orleans, November. 2011 McKay-Semmler, K. & Kim, Y. Cross-cultural adaptation of Hispanic youth (2): A study of communication patterns, ethnic group strength, and intercultural transformation. IAIR, Singapore, July. 2011 McKay-Semmler, K. & Kim, Y. Cross-cultural adaptation of Hispanic youth (1): A Study of communication Patterns, Functional Fitness, and Psychological Health. ICA, Boston, May. 2011 Kim, Y. Culture, identity, and intercultural identity development. In a roundtable session, Identity and Communication. ICA, Boston, May. 2010 Kim, Y. Weaving the fabric of a multiethnic community: A perspective from the contextual theory of interethnic communication. NCA, San Francisco, November. 2010 Kim, Y., & McKay-Semmler, K. Interethnic Communication among adult Americans: An empirical test of the context-behavior interface. NCA, San Francisco, November 2010 Kim, Y., & McKay-Semmler, K. The context-behavior interface in interethnic communication: An empirical test among college students. ICA, Singapore, June. 2010 Kim, Y. Relative ingroup strength, personal network structure, and interethnic behavior: A study of interethnic communication among American college students. ICLASP, Brisbane, Australia, June. 2010 Kim, Y. Intercultural personhood as an adaptive response to globalization: Some reflections. ICLASP, Brisbane, Australia, June. 2009 Kim, Y., Izumi, S., & McKay-Semmler, K. The role of direct- and mediated interpersonal communication in cross-cultural adaptation: A study of educated and long-term non-native residents in the United States. NCA, Chicago, November. 2009 Kim, Y., Izumi, S., & McKay-Semmler, K. Social engagement and cross-cultural adaptation of foreignborn individuals: An exploratory study. IAIR, Honolulu, August. 2009 May. Kim, Y. The identity factor in crossing the boundaries of language, culture, and ethnicity. ICA, Chicago, 2009 Kim, Y., & McKay-Semmler, Interethnic communication among college students: An examination of behavioral and contextual factors. ICA, Chicago, May. 2008 Kim, Y. Intercultural identity: Globalization and a way of being. Paper presented at the ICLASP. Tucson, Arizona, July. 20 2008 Kelly-Semmler, K., & Kim, Y. Case studies on interethnic conflict: An interdisciplinary review and synthesis. ICLASP. Tucson, AZ, July. 2008 Kim, Y., Izumi, S., & McKay-Semmler, K. Face-to-face and computer-mediated interpersonal communication in the context of cross-cultural adaptation: A study of educated foreign-born residents in the United States. ICA. Montreal, May. 2007 Kim, Y. Unum and pluribus: Ideological underpinnings of interethnic communication in the United States. NCA. Chicago, November. 2007 Kim, Y. On teaching well: Reflections on American culture and university education. NCA. Chicago, November. 2007 Kim, Y. Globalization and cultural diversity: Theoretical and applied perspectives. IAIR, Groningen, Netherlands. 2007 Kim, Y. Intercultural personhood: Globalization and a way of being. ICA, San Francisco, May. 2007 Kim, Y. Richard Wiseman’s Gift: An inspired life of service. A tributary essay presented in the special memorial session. ICA, San Francisco, May. 2006 Kim, Y. From ethnic to interethnic: The case for identity adaptation and transformation. NCA, San Antonio, TX, November. 2006 Kim, Y. Weaving the fabric of interethnic community: Factors of the communicator, the situation, and the environment. Presented in a panel session: For a More Perfect Union: Perspectives on Communication and Multiethnic Community Building. NCA, San Antonio, TX, November. 2006 Kim, Y. Communication at the interface of cultures and Ethnicities: A Search for big pictures. Presented in Special Session: Advancing the Field: Research Contributions of Recent ICA Fellows. ICA, Dresden, Germany, June. 2006 Kim, Y. Association and Dissociation: A Contextual Theory of Interethnic Communication. Presented in a panel, Theorizing about Intercultural Communication. ICA, Dresden, Germany, June. 2006 Kim, Y. A Theoretical Integration of Key Terms and Perspectives in Cross-Cultural Adaptation Research. Presented in a symposium: Approaches to Acculturation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation. ICLASP, Bonn, Germany, June. 2005 Kim, Y. A contextual-theory perspective on interethnic communication in organizations. NCA, Boston, November. 2005 Maruyama, M., & Kim, Y. Host Communication competence, host interpersonal communication, and psychological health: A Study of cross-cultural adaptation among international students in Japan. NCA, Boston, November. 2005 Kim, Y. S., & Kim, Y. Communication patterns and psychological health in the process of crosscultural adaptation: A study of Korean and American expatriate workers. NCA, Boston, November. 2005 Kim, Y. A flourishing life: In memoriam of William B. Gudykunst. ICA, New York, May. 2005 Kim, Y. Interethnic association and dissociation: An interdisciplinary perspective. IAIR, Kent State University, April. 2005 April. Kim, Y. Striving for excellence: In memoriam of William B. Gudykunst. IAIR, Kent State University, 21 2004 Kim, Y. & Kim, Y. S. The role of host environment in cross-cultural adaptation: A comparison of American expatriates in South Korea and their Korean counterparts in the United States. NCA, Chicago, November. 2004 Kim, Y. Philosophical and ideological underpinnings of inquiry into cultural identity. ICLASP, Penn State University, State College, PA. 2004 Kim, Y. From ascription to achievement: A dynamic conception of cultural identity. IAIR, Taipei, Taiwan, May (presented in absentia). 2003 Kim, Y., Ogawa, N., McClure, R., & Kim, Y.S. Interethnic communication among adult Americans: An examination of contextual and behavioral factors. NCA, Miami, FL, November. 2003 Kim, Y. Ideological divergence in intercultural communication theory and research: A clarification of differing perspectives. NCA, Miami, FL, November. 2003 Kim, Y. From ascription to achievement: A dynamic conception of cultural identity. Presented in Forum: Cultural Identity in Intercultural Communication Theory/Research. ICA, San Diego, May. 2003 Kim, Y., McClure, R. R., Ogawa, N., & Kim, Y. S. Patterns of interethnic communication among adult Americans: A triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data. ICA, San Diego, May. 2002 Kim, Y. , Kim, Y.S., Duty, D., & Yoshitake, M. Patterns of interethnic communication among university students: A survey. NCA, New Orleans, November. 2002 Kim, Y.S., & Kim, Y. An island of Koreanness in the sea of Americanness: An ethnographic study of interethnic communication within a Tae-Kwon Do school. NCA, New Orleans, November. 2002 Kim, Y. In search of a big picture: A commentary. Presented in the panel, Communication and Acculturation: 25 Years Later. ICA, Seoul, Korea, July. 2002 Kim, Y., & Braun, V. Host communication competence and psychological health: A study of Turkish workers adaptation in an American-German host environment. ICA, Seoul, Korea, July. 2002 Kim, Y. Unum vs. Pluribus: Ideology and differing academic conceptions of cultural identity. ICLASP, Hong Kong, July. 2001 Kim, Y. Teaching advanced-level intercultural communication courses. NCA, Atlanta, GA, November. 2001 Kim, Y. Cross-cultural adaptation training: A theory-based approach. IAIR, Oxford, MS, April. 2001 Kim, Y. Intercultural identity: A dynamic and developmental perspective. IAIR, Oxford, MS, April. 2000 Kim, Y. Practical implications of an integrative theory of cross-cultural adaptation. NCA, Seattle, WA, November. 2000 July. Kim, Y. Ideology and the study of intercultural/intergroup communication. ICLASP. Cardiff, Wales, 1999 Kim, Y.S., & Kim, Y. Host communication competence and psychological health: A study of Korean students' cross-cultural adaptation to an American campus. NCA, Chicago, November. 1999 Maruyama, M., & Kim, Y. Host communication competence, host interpersonal communication, and cross-cultural adaptation: A study of international students in Japan. NCA, Chicago, November. 1999 Kim, Y. Organized, chaired, and participated in an interactive program, Roundtable: Ideology and the study of cultural identity in intercultural communication. NCA, Chicago, November. 22 1999* Kim, Y. Unum and pluribus: Ideological underpinnings of interethnic communication in the United States. ICA, San Francisco, May. 1999 Kim, Y. Organized, chaired, and participated in an interactive symposium, Ideology and the study of intercultural relations. IAIR, Kent State University, April 30-May 1. 1998* Kim, Y., Lujan, P., & Dixon, L. Patterns of intraethnic and interethnic communication among American Indians in Oklahoma. NCA, New York, November. 1998 Kim, Y. Cultural identity: Some reflections on identity, conflict, and community building. NCA, New York, November. 1998 Kim, Y. On separating ideology from the process of scientific investigation. A position paper presented in a roundtable session, The Field of Intercultural Communication: Where It Has Been, Where It Is Going. NCA, New York, November. 1998 Kim, Y. Ideology and interethnic communication in the United States. IAIR, Fullerton, March. 1997 Maruyama, M., & Kim, Y. Cross-cultural adaptation of international students in Japan: An exploratory study. ICA, Montreal, May. 1997 Kim, Y. Communication patterns of American Indians in Oklahoma. ICLSP, Ottawa, May. 1997 Kim, Y., & Paulk, S. Intercultural communication and adaptation in business organizations: A study of Japanese-owned subsidiaries in the United States. ICLSP, Ottawa, May. 1996* Kim, Y., Lujan, P., & Dixon, L. “I can walk both ways”: Identity integration of American Indians in Oklahoma. ICA, Chicago, May. 1995 Kim, Y. Interfacing research and teaching in intercultural communication. NCA, San Antonio, November. 1994* Kim, Y., & Paulk, S. Intercultural communication between American and Japanese coworkers: A replication study. NCA, New Orleans, November. 1994 Kim, Y. Communication and identity: A study of American Indians in Oklahoma. ICLSP, Brisbane, Australia, July. 1994 Kim, Y. Identity development: From cultural to intercultural. ICA, Sydney, Australia, July. 1993 Kim, Y. Internationalizing the communication curriculum. NCA, Miami, November. 1993* Kim, Y. Interethnic communication: The context and the behavior. NCA, Miami, November. 1993 Kim, Y. Synchrony and intercultural communication competence. ICA, Washington, DC, May. 1992 Kim, Y., & Paulk, S. Communication experiences of Japanese and American coworkers in a Japanese subsidiary. NCA, Chicago, November. 1992 Kim, Y. Development of Intercultural Identity. ICA, Miami, May. 1991 Kim, Y., Lujan, P., & Dixon, L. Subjective experiences of ethnic identity among American Indians in Oklahoma. NCA, Chicago, November. 1991 Kim, Y. Interethnic communication: The context and the meaning. ICLSP, Santa Barbara, August. 23 1991 Kim, Y. Intercultural synchrony. ISAGA, Kyoto, Japan, July. 1991 Kim, Y. Intercultural theory and research: An open-systems perspective. ICA, Chicago, May. 1991 Kim, Y. Understanding the context of interethnic communication. WSCA, Phoenix, February. 1990* Kim, Y. Explaining interethnic conflict: An interdisciplinary overview. NCA, Chicago, November. 1990 Kim, Y. Language, thought and communication: A cross-cultural perspective. WSCA, Sacramento, February. 1989 Kim, Y. Toward a general theory of communication competence. NCA, San Francisco, November. 1989* Kim, Y. Communication and adaptation: The case of Asian Pacific refugees in the United States. NCA, New Orleans, November. 1988 Kim, Y. Conceptualizing intercultural communication competence. NCA, New Orleans, November. 1988 Kim, Y., & Ruben, B. Intercultural transformation: A systems theory. ICA, New Orleans, May. 1988 Kim, Y. Theoretical perspectives, grounded concepts, and future revisions for textbooks on intercultural communication. WSCA, San Diego, February. 1986 Kim, Y. Cross-cultural adaptation: An integration of research on immigrants and sojourners. NCA, Chicago, November. 1986* Kim, Y. Personal network, host communication competence, and immigrant adaptation. ICA, Chicago, May. 1985 Kim, Y. Patterns of conflict and conflict resolution in Korea. ICA, Honolulu, May. 1984 Kim, Y. Communication competence: A systems perspective. NCA, Chicago, November. 1984 Kim, Y. A short course on teaching intercultural communication. NCA, Chicago, November. 1984 Kim, Y. Communication networks and interethnic relations. SSNC, Phoenix, February. 1983 Kim, Y. Communication, information and adaptation. NCA, Washington DC, November. 1982 Kim, Y. Intercultural human development. ICA, Boston, May. 1981 Kim, Y. On differing and complementary possibilities of the quantitative and the qualitative approaches. NCA, Anaheim, CA, November. 1980 Kim, Y. Communication competence and immigrant acculturation: An outline for designing a communication training program. SIETAR, Mt. Pocono, PA, March. 1980 Kim, Y. Intercultural communication from a general systems perspective. NCA, New York, November. 1980 Kim, Y. Empirical research in intercultural communication in the '80s. NCA, New York, November. 1979 Kim, Y. Toward convergence of research in intercultural and interpersonal communication. NCA, San Antonio, November. 1979 Kim, Y. Dynamics of intrapersonal and interpersonal communication: A study of Indochinese refugees in the initial phase of acculturation. NCA, San Antonio, November. 24 1979 Kim, Y. Need for a unified theory of acculturation: A critical review and synthesis. APA, New York, September. 1979 Kim, Y. Dynamics of communications technology and human communication. ICA, Philadelphia, May. 1979 Kim, Y. Mass media and acculturation: Toward development of an interactive theory. ECA, Philadelphia, May. 1979* Kim, Y. Toward an interactive theory of communication-acculturation. ICA, Philadelphia, May. 1979 Kim, Y. Cross-cultural development of Asian adolescents. TWC, Chicago, March. 1978 Kim, Y. Acculturation and patterns of interpersonal communication relationships: A study of Japanese, Mexican, and Korean communities in the Chicago area. NCA, Minneapolis, November. 1978 Kim, Y. Women in the Far East Asia: Cultural norms and communication patterns. ICA, Chicago, April. 1977 Kim, Y. Communication patterns of Mexican-Americans in the Chicago area. TWC, Chicago, March. 1976* Kim, Y. Communication patterns of foreign immigrants in the process of acculturation. Top student paper. International & Intercultural Communication Division, NCA, San Francisco, November. 1971 Kim, Y. Cultural considerations in development communication activities in Asia. ICA, Phoenix, May. COMMUNITY LECTURES, WORKSHOPS, SYMPOSIA 2011 Lecture and seminar, Intercultural community building in organizations. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. June. 1998 Co-facilitator of a day-long symposium, Facilitating intercultural communication across the boundaries: The voices of Middle Eastern practitioners. A community reach program of the International Communication Association. Jerusalem, Israel. July. 1991 Oklahoma City University Center for English as a Second Language. Designed and implemented a program evaluation based on focus groups with the Center students. September. 1989 Workshop for teachers at Multicultural Education Conference, Edmond, OK: Promoting a multicultural climate in the classroom. April. 1989 Community lecture to members of U.S. Naval Reserve, Forest Park, IL: Intercultural communication with Koreans. May. 1988 Two-day workshop for employees of Thrall Car Manufacturing Co., Chicago Heights, I: Nonverbal skills for interpersonal effectiveness. January. 1987 Community lecture to members of South Suburban Accountants Association, Kankakee, IL: Effective interpersonal communication. March. 1983-87 Served as reviewer of grant proposals for National Science Foundation, National Institute of Mental Health, and National Institute of Education. 1986 Governors State University, Civil Service Employees Seminar: Developing intercultural communication skills. October. 25 1986 Workshop at the National Seminar on Future Directions for the Peace Corps, Fort Collins, CO: Cultural understanding: How to make it work? May. 1986 Community lecture for Parents without Partners Suburban Chapter, Lansing, IL: Dealing with differences. April. 1986 Community lecture for School District No. 170 Teachers Institute Day, South Chicago Heights, IL: Managing interpersonal conflicts. May. 1985 June. Community lecture for Parents without Partners South Suburban Chapter, Harvey, IL: Being in sync. 1985 Community lecture for School District No. 170 Teachers Institute Day, South Chicago Heights, IL: Parent-teacher communication. March. 1985 Community lecture for Regional Employment Network Assessment Program, Governors State University: Dealing with socioeconomic and ethnic differences. March. 1985 Training workshops for Chicago Board of Education. Designed and implemented: multicultural education, education of immigrant children, and communication effectiveness. January-February. 1984-85 Training workshops for Midwest National Origin Desegregation Assistance Center, Milwaukee. Designed and implemented: multicultural education, communication, and issues of interethnic integration. 1984 Community lecture for Pi Omicron National Sorority Mu Chapter meeting, Steger, IL: Communicating interpersonally. October. 1984 Academy for Contemporary Problems, Columbus, OH. Designed and implemented a two-day workshop for social workers dealing with Indochinese refugees and other immigrant groups. June. 1984 Thrall Car Manufacturing Co., Chicago Heights, IL. Designed and implemented three one-day workshops for over 300 Thrall employees on interpersonal skills. February. 1982-83 Systran Co. (Systems for International Training), Chicago. Designed and implemented a one-day training workshops for employees of multinational corporations on cross-cultural adaptation and communication. April. 1980-83 Illinois State Board of Education, Chicago. Designed and conducted training programs for elementary and high school teachers on intercultural sensitivity, communication skills, and Asian students. 1982 Community lecture at the United Methodist Church, Park Forest, IL: Helping Indochinese refugees in Illinois. November. 1980-82 Midwest Educational Cooperative, Chicago. Designed and conducted training programs for teachers and counselors of multicultural schools on intercultural sensitivity and communication effectiveness. 1978-82 Travelers Aid Society of Metropolitan Chicago. Consulted on research design to assess the service the needs of Indochinese refugees and evaluate the effectiveness of service delivery practices. 1981 June. Community lecture at St. Jude's Council of Catholic Women, Joliet, IL: Power of unspoken messages. 1981 Community lecture at Flossmoor Public Library, Flossmoor, IL: The nature of prejudice. May. 1981 Community lecture at Asian Education Conference, Palatine, IL: Culture, perception, and communication. March. 26 1981 Community lecture at St. Andrew's United Methodist Church, Homewood, IL: Communication for interpersonal growth. March. 1981 Community lecture for Delta Kappa Gamma Sorority, South Chicago Heights, IL: On stereotyping. January. 1980 Community lecture at Unitarian Universalist Community Church, Park Forest, IL: Indochinese refugees: Past and present. December. 1980 Community lecture for American Business Women's Association, South Chicago Heights, IL: Power of nonverbal actions. September. 1979 Workshop on Culture and Mental Health sponsored by the Academy of Contemporary Problems, Columbus, OH: Cross-cultural communication in mental health service delivery. May. 1979 Workshop on Culture, Language, and Behavior, Governors State University: Nonverbal language and cross-cultural understanding. April. Updated: June, 2014 27
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