Curriculum Vitae Name Kristina Svels Home address Vöråvägen 50, 66600 Vörå Jobb address Åbo Akademi University, Rural Studies Strandgatan 2, 65100 Vasa Phone (cell) +358-50-5650029 Phone work +358-6-324 7103 E-mail [email protected] Date of birth 050967 Research profile Rural Sociology, World Heritage studies, Regional development (tourism), Environmental Sociology, Nature resource management. Started rural sociology PhD studies in 2009 and obtained licentiate degree in 2011. Working title for thesis: Contested ambitions – Nature Protection, New Rural Goods and Services and multiple stakeholders in the World Heritage Kvarken Archipelago. Education Academic degrees 2011 2008 2006 2007 Licentiate’s degree of Social Sciences, Åbo Akademi University (Rural Studies). Title: World Heritage, rural transformation and tourism – Stones as Rural Capital. Credentials: Magna Cum Laude Approbatur. Master’s degree of Social Science, Åbo Akademi University (sociology and rural development). Title: The World Heritage Kvarken Archipelago - a socially constructed space. Credentials: Magna Cum Laude Approbatur. Bachelor’s degree of Social Science at Åbo Akademi University (Sociology, International law and French). Teacher’s degree in special education/tourism (2004-2007) at Åbo Akademi University (DACO), Vasa. Other degrees 2008 2001–2002 1991– 1992 World Heritage for World Citizens. Teachers’ training by OPEKO, Finland En-Tré, Executive Hospitality Management Program. IFL Service Academy. Stockholm School of Economics. Stockholm, Sweden. Qualified Vocational Education degree in Hospitality Management, Gothenburg International Hospitality College, Gothenburg. New Opportunities for Women (EU Program), Project management. Centre for lifelong learning at Åbo Akademi University, Åbo. ERASMUS exchange, Université Rennes 1, Rennes, France. 1986 EU studies, International law and French. Advanced A-level, Vörå Samgymnasium, Vörå 1997–1999 1994-1995 1(7) Publications Articles in international journals (Peer reviewed) Svels, K. (2011). Svels, K. (2010). MacCannell revisited in Kvarken Archipelago, Finland, Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change volume 9, Number 3, September 2011. ISSN: 1476-6825. Governance of the world heritage Kvarken archipelago, environmental protection and tourism impact in Sites du patrimoine et tourisme, Québec, Canada, 2‐4 juin 2010 / World Heritage and Tourism: Managing the Global and the Local, June 2‐4, 2010, Quebec City, Canada ISBN PDF: 9782763794389. Book chapter (Peer reviewed) George, E.W and Svels, K. (2013). Learning Transnational Learning: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective in Mariussen and Virkkala (eds) Learning by Transnational Learning (Routledge). ISBN 978-0-41553989-0 Svels, K. (2011). I en slow-boat på världsarvsvatten i Andersson K. och Brandt N. (red.) in En bondepraktika för det senmoderna. Texter tillägnade Erland Eklund. Åbo Akademi, Vasa. ISBN 978-951-765-630-6. Other research related publications Åberg, K and Svels, K. (2013). Developing Destinations in Botnia-Atlantica institute Newsletter 3/2013. Svels, K. (2012) ’Om mångsyssleri i skärgård’ (2012) i Skärgård nr 2 årgång 35. Brendeahug, E., Daugstadt, K., Lange Vik, M., Svels, K., Sande, A. (2011). ‘World Heritage Status Generates Local Involvement’ i BA newsletter 2/2011. Svels, K. (2011). Forskare samlas i Vasa för att analysera världsarven i Nyhetsbrev inom landsbygdsutveckling nr 41/vecka 48, Svensk byaservice. Svels, K. (2011). Connected by World Heritage and Rural Development’ i Maaseutu Plus/Landsbygd Plus (Special Issue 2011). Svels, K. (2010). Världsarv i samverkan? Förvaltningsutredning 2010. Världsarvet HögaKusten /Kvarkens skärgård. in Working papers in Demography and Rural Studies. ISBN: 978-952-12-2528-4. Svels, K. (2009) Världsarvet Kvarkens skärgård – en social konstruktion’ i Maaseutu Plus/Landsbygd Plus nr 6/2009. Thesis Svels, K. (2011). Svels, K. (2008). Världsarv, landsbygdsomvandling och turism – stenar som ruralt kapital. Licentiate’s thesis at Åbo Akademi University in Working papers in Demography and Rural Studies. ISBN 978-952-12-2638-0. Världsarvet Kvarkens skärgård – ett social skapat rum. Master’s thesis at Åbo Akademi University in Working papers in Demography and Rural Studies. ISBN (pdf): 978-952-12-2512-3. 2(7) Presentation of own research (academic conferences, not ÅA related) 14-15.11 2013 Between Dream and Reality: Debating the impact of World Heritage Listing, Oslo University, Oslo, Norway. Presentation: Single-handed or common governance of a World Heritage site. 24-27.9 2013 The 22nd Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bodö University, Norway. Presentation: World Heritage designation as a stimulating factor for development of new Rural Tourism Services in Kvarken Archipelago. 10-11.9 2013 Community Tourism Conference 2013, Ruralia Institute at Helsinki University and Comcot project, Kotka, Finland. Presentation: Local residents’ perception of World Heritage designation and tourism in the World Heritage High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago (Sweden/Finland) 29.7-1.8 2013 XXVth European Society for Rural Sociology Congress in Florence, Italy. Presentation: World Heritage designation as a stimulating factor for development of New Rural Goods and Services. 9-10.11 2012 Developing Tourism – Sustaining Regions. The 21st Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, Umeå Univeristy, Umeå. Presentation: Locals’ and second home owners’ perception of New Rural Goods and Services in the World Heritage Kvarken Archipelago. 29.7-3.8 2012 XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology. International Rural Sociology Association (IRSA), Lissabon, Portugal. Presentation : Locals’ perception of World Heritage tourism in rural settings. 13-15.6 2012 The International Conference Tourism, Roads and Cultural Itineraries: Meaning, Memory and Development that will take place. Quebec City, Canada. Presentation : Locals' perception of World Heritage tourism in a transatlantic comparison. 21-23.5 2012 Rural at the Edge, 2nd Nordic Rural Conference. Joensuu, Finland. Presentation: 2nd home owners as producers and consumers of New Rural Goods and Services in the World Heritage Kvarken Archipelago. 16.12 2011 Future of the World Heritage Convention – a Nordic perspective, WHILDVasa 2011, 2nd International World Heritage Conference. 2nd International WHILD Conference. Vasa, Finland. Presentation (George & Svels): Lunenburg, Kvarken Archipelago and High Coast Comparison of Results from a Survey of Residents Perception regarding UNESCO World Heritage Designation. 28.6-2.7.2011 Encounters of Sea and Land, the Sixth ESEH Conference of the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH). Åbo, Finland. Presentation: Transformation of a traditional rural archipelago landscape into a World Heritage – case Kvarken Archipelago. 24–25.3 2011 Yllätysten sociologia, Sosiologipäivät – Sociologidagarna, Tamerfors. Presentation: Plötsligt har vi ett världsarv, någonting unikt! 18–20.2 2011 Tourism Imaginaries/Imaginaires Touristiques. The Tourism Studies Working Group. UC Berkley, Berkley, CA, USA. Presentation: Can a ‘blur’ image constitute a unique attraction? 8–10.12 2010 The Significance of World Heritage: Origins, Management, Consequences. WHILD Världsarvets världar, 1st International WHILD Conference. University of Dalarna, Falun, Sweden. 3(7) Presentation: Who Are the “Locals’? Case Kvarken Archipelago: How Do Local People Relate to the World Heritage which They Inhabit? 2–4.6 2010 World Heritage and tourism: Managing for the global and the local. Quebec City, Canada. Presentation: Governance of the World Heritage Kvarken Archipelago, environmental protection and tourism impact. 3–5.5 2010 Nordic Rural Futures: Pressures and Possibilities, 1st Nordic Rural Conference. Uppsala, Sweden. Presentation: The role of nature based tourism in a World Heritage based on geological values – How do Finland and Sweden manage to develop a common tourism site? 18–20.8 2009 Re-inventing the Rural between the Social and the Natural, the XXIII European Society for Rural Sociology congress, European Society of Rural Sociology (ESRS). Vasa, Finland. Presentation: The world natural heritage site Kvarken Archipelago – a socially constructed space’. Conferences and seminars (invited speaker) 25.10 2012 The 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. High Coast, Sweden. Presentation: Community and World Heritage. 5.10 2012 Nordic World Heritage Conference in Helsinki, Finland. Presentation: Local involvement. 14.9 2012 Kvarken World Heritage delegation, Vasa, Finland. Presentation: Current World Heritage Research. 10-12.6 2012 Summerschool at Preservation Institute University of Florida. Nuntacket, USA. Presentation: World Heritage and Community. Presentation: World Heritage in a Nordic perspective 14-16.5 2012 Living with World Heritage – How to secure local benefit from World Heritage? Interregional UNESCO Conference Europe/Africa, Røros, Norway. Presentation: How to secure local benefit from World Heritage? Case High Coast and Kvarken Archipelago. 25.4 2012 Constituting meeting for the Organization A Living Archipelago, Korsholm, Finland. Presentation: Locals’ position in the World Heritage. 13.4 2012 Forum for Archipelago Research, Korpoström, Finland. Presentation: Is pluri-activity the key to a successful World Heritage establishment in the High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago? 9.2.2012 Re-governance project High Coast. High Coast hotel, Kramfors, Sweden. Presentation: The High Coast – results from empirical study of locals’ perception of World Heritage and Tourism. 8.11 2011 Re-governance project High Coast. Swedish University of Agriculture, Unit Stad och Land and County Administrative Council of Västernorrland. High Coast Hotel, Kramfors, Sweden. Presentation: To govern a World Heritage – case High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago. 30.11 2010 The World Heritage High Coast 10 year’s celebration. High Coast, Sweden. Presentation: Our common future, World Heritage High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago. 12.10 2010 Co-management organization for the World Heritage High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago. Björkö, Finland. 4(7) 8.10 2010 1.10.2010 24.9 2010 15.9 2010 21.1 2010 11.11.2009 Presentation: Results from governance study 2010. Regional Administrative Council of Västernorrland. Naturum High Coast, Sweden. Presentation: Governance study 2010 – future projects. Nordic World Heritage Conference (29.9-1.10). Visby, Sweden. Presentation: A transnational World Heritage – Who is responsible? Kvarken seminar - Kvarken and World Heritage research. History, present and future. Organizer: Åbo Akademi University. Vasa, Finland. Presentation: Society in World Heritage. Kvarken Council, Vasa, Finland. Presentation: World Heritage governance - focus on transnational cooperation. Culture- and nature tourism forum. Abisko Royal research institute, Sweden. Presentation: The Northern tourism of Finland. Nordic Law, Governance and Science Network, NELN+. Koli, Finland. Presentation: Kvarken Archipelago, a locus for ecosystem services. PhD courses 7-8.11 2012 12.12 2011 25-27.5.2011 23-25.8 2010 5-7.5 2010 16-19.3 2010 1-4.2 2010 11–13.11 2009 25 – 27.8 2008 Tourism and Regional Development. The 21st Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research. Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden. Paper: Sustainable Tourism development in a World Heritage site Case High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago. Future of the World Heritage Convention in a Nordic perspective. World Heritage conference WHILD Vasa 2011. Vasa, Finland. Paper: The locals’ perspective in the Kvarken Archipelago (Finland) and the High Coast (Sweden). Nordic World Heritage Research Group. West Norwegian Research Institute, Sogndal, Norway. Paper: Can a ‘blur’ image constitute an unique attraction? Modernity: Living with Uncertainty. Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, Finland. With Dr. Siobhan Kattago, Tallinn University. Nordic Rural Futures II. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. Nordic Rural Futures I. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala. An institutional approach to the analysis of systems, systems change and transition in natural resources. Organizer: The Flemish research institute ILVO (Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research), the Dutch LEI (Agricultural Economics Research Institute), Ghent University and Wageningen University and Research Centre. Leuven, Belgium. Paper: Governing natural resources - a case of a socially constructed World Heritage. NELN+ Workshop 3/2009 PhD seminar, Koli. An ecosystem Service approach in environmental regualtions. NELN Workshop PhD seminar, Koli. Making Sense of Ecosystem Services; Ecosocial and Institutional Perspectives. Other seminars (research related) 1.11 2012 7.5 2012 The Future Archipelago of Vaasa, concluding seminar, Vasa. The Future Archipelago of Vaasa, Finland. Organizer: City of Vasa. 5(7) 24.4 2012 Rural Future in Finland. Organizer: Sitra, YTR, landsbygdsnätverket and Närings-, trafik- och miljöcentralen. 15-16.9 2011 Demografinen muutoksenhallinta - miten kehittää alueita kiinnostavaksi? Organizer: DEMO-verkoston koulutustapaaminen, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa. 1.12 2010 När bläcket torkat. Vad gör vi då? Organizer: Swedish UNESCO commission, Stockholm, Sweden. 10-11.12 2009 What to do with World Heritages? Research network meeting WHILD at the University of Dalarna, Falun, Sweden. Employment Employment (academic) 1.1 2013 – 31.12 2015 YHTYMÄ - Doctoral school of Environmental Policy at Tampere University, Finland. 1.7 – 31.12 2012 Scholar at Åbo Akademi University, Unit for Rural Studies, Vasa, Finland. 1.10 2010 – 30.6 2012 Doctoral studies in Rural sociology at Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, Finland. 1.9 2009–31.9 2010 Scholar at Åbo Akademi University, Unit for Rural Studies, Vasa, Finland. Employment (other) 2011 WHILD/Vasa2011. Secretary General for World Heritage Conference and PhD Course (12-16.12) at Åbo Akademi University, Vasa. 2009-2010, 2007 Project: VIS (Världsarv i samverkan 63°N); World Heritage management and governance (2009 – 2010); World Heritage education (2007). Kvarken Council, Vasa, Finland. 2006– 2008 Maternity leave. 2004 – 2006 Tourism teacher. Vasa Vocational Institute, Vasa. 2003 – 2004 Restaurant service and hospitality teacher. Arcada University of Applied Life, Helsinki. Teaching Experience (academic) 2013 2012 9.6.2011 22.3 2011 4.2 2011 2011 18.2 2010 30.10 2007 Environmental studies, Åbo Akademi University and SOCKOM at Helsinki University Travel and Tourism sociology, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa. Swedish Speaking Finns from a water perspective. Åbo Akademi University, Vasa. Lecture: Swedish Speaking Finns & ‘their’ World Heritage case Kvarken Archielago. Miljöblocket. Social och kommunalhögskolan at Helsinki University, Helsinki. Lecture: Förvaltning av ett världsarv. Videoconference School of Applied Sciences at Bournemouth University Master’s program ‘Landscape and Heritage management’. Lecture: A World Heritage based on geological values; the case of High Coast/Kvarken Archipelago (Sweden/Finland). Travel and Tourism sociology, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa. Videoconference School of Applied Sciences at Bournemouth University Master’s program ‘Landscape and Heritage management’. Lecture: World Heritage Management. Introduction to rural studies, Åbo Akademi University Vasa; 6(7) Lecture: Kvarken som världsarv: bakgrund, processer och konsekvenser. Language knowledge Excellent (mother tongue) Swedish Finnish English French Excellent Excellent Good Good Basic knowledge Basic knowledge German Spanish Italian Grants (personal) o o o o o o o o o o Högskolestiftelsen i Österbotten (2012) Svenska kulturfonden (2012) Ellen, Hjalmar och Saga Waselius stipendiefond landsbygdsforskning vid Åbo Akademi (2012) Svensk-Österbottniska Samfundet r.f. (2011) Högskolestiftelsen i Österbotten (2011) Stiftelsen för Åbo Akademis forskningsinstitut (2010) Svenska Kulturfonden (2010) Nordenskiöld samfundet i Finland (2010) Kommerserådet Otto A Malms donationsfond (2010) Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland (2009) för forskarstudier inom Community Involvement and expert assignments (academic and academic related) 2013 2013 2013 2013-2014 2012 2012–2013 20112011–2012 2011– 2011 Advisory Group member for the Nordic World Heritage Foundation in their work for the draft inception report of the project Towards a Nordic-Baltic pilot region for World Heritage & Sustainable Tourism. Consultancy for the County Council of Västernorrland and their work for developing a WH management plan. Reference group for the Finnish World Heritage Periodic Reporting to UNESCO. Deputy member of the Department of Social science, Åbo Akademi University. Member of the Visiongroup of future academics at the Department of Social Science, Åbo Akademi University. Member of reference group member for WHILD – World Heritage Research, University of Dalarna, Sweden. Secretary of European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS). Consultancy for SLU/Unit Stad och Land (Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences). Governance of the High Coast region. (’Förvaltning av Höga Kusten’). Member of the Swedish speaking rural expert group appointed by the rural policy committee of Finland (YTR). Reference group member for Culture- and nature guides at the Polytechnic University in the Åland Islands, Finland. 7(7) Research projects 1.1 2011–31.12 2013 Learning in Botnia Atlantica region (LUBAT), Destination development (4). Ongoing research projects and networks 1.1.20131.9.2011- ’Second home owners in the Kvarken Archipelago’. Local residents perception of World Heritage and Tourism. Empirical collaboration with professor Wanda George, Mount Saint University, NS, Canada, Assistant Professor, Elisabeth Halpenny, University of Alberta, Canada, Professor Alberto Martorell, University of San Martín de Porres, Lima, Peru. World Heritage Tourism Research Network (Canada). 8(7)
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