Complete Guide about Liposuction and its health benefits

Complete Guide about Liposuction
and its health benefits:
The Liposuction Houston or liposculpture (fat modeling) is a simple concept, surgically fat
between the skin and muscle is removed to improve body shape and size. Surgeons use a
stainless steel instrument similar to a tube called a cannula, which is connected to a strong
suction pump, that cannula is interposed in small incisions in the skin, specifically in the areas
where the fat can be removed surgically as the abdomen , arms, thighs, knees, chin, cheeks, jaw,
neck, hips, waist, back, breasts and buttocks .
Advantages of liposuction:
With Liposuction Houston TX, it is obvious that you will see results faster than with the simple
realization of a diet; In addition, the healing time is no more than 2 weeks and the body looks
well formed and thin afterwards. Liposuction is the easiest way to get loses stomach fat which is
the most time taken to eliminate naturally. So from an aesthetic point of view, liposuction has
great advantages.
Liposuction of the abdomen in men:
The abdomen is the area of the body in which, in the case of men, there is a greater accumulation
of fat, which even if a slimming diet is carried out accompanied by physical exercise, it is not
eliminated. And it is for this reason that it is increasingly common for men to undergo a
liposuction of the abdomen to eliminate the unsightly belly.
It is a simple intervention, which lasts between one and two hours, depending on the amount of
fat to be extracted and which has hardly any complications. A small incision is made through
which a cannula connected to a suction apparatus is inserted and through which the fat is sucked
and extracted. Between three and six months later the final results will be seen. Yes, you will
have to maintain a balanced diet and exercise to avoid fattening again, even when it is unlikely
that abdominal fat will regenerate.
Abdominal Liposuction:
The intervention is performed under general anesthesia. First the fat of the abdomen and the
flanks is extracted with the cannula. Before entering the operating room, the surgeon will have
the patient contract the abdominal muscles and draw on the skin the outline of the same. This
maneuver will allow you, after extracting the excess fat, to mark with the cannula the outline of
the muscles, eliminating the adipose tissue from the grooves that separate them and preventing
them from being appreciated externally.
After the surgery, the patient must permanently wear a compressive girdle for about a month and
then only day or night for 7-15 more days. In this way, in addition to limiting the inflammation
that general intervention, it is achieved that the skin adapts to the new physical contour.
The result of the intervention will begin to be appreciated after one month, but it will not be fully
visible until 3-6 months have elapsed. In some cases this period can be extended to 18 months.
The eliminated fat will not regenerate again. However, you must bear in mind that it is possible
that after abdominal liposuction some fat cells remain in the treated area and these can increase
its volume and deform the area. You can search the best surgeons on Google for Liposuction
Near Me.