Know about Bursitis, Spinal Stenosis and Spondylolisthesis

Know about Bursitis, Spinal Stenosis and
1. Bursitis
Bursitis is swelling and inflammation of a bursa which is a fluid-filled sac
formed under the skin, normally over the joints, and works as a cushion
among the bones and tendons. The main Bursitis Symptoms of bursitis
aretenderness, swelling, and pain in the affected part.
Any bursa can develop into inflamed, but bursitis most usually happens in the:
 knee
 elbow
 shoulder
Causes of bursitis
A bursa can develop into inflamed via repetitive movement or injury. The
possibility of developing this condition is increased if you frequently
participate in physical activities that contain loads of repetitive movement, for
instance playing darts or running. People who spend too much time kneeling,
like gardeners and carpet fitters also have increased possibility of occurring
bursitis in their knee. Some other Bursitis Causes includes risk of certain
problems like rheumatoid arthritis or gout.
2. Spinal Stenosis
This is contraction of the spaces inside your spine, which can put stress on the
nerves that move through the spine. This condition takes place most
frequently in the neck and the lower back. A few people with spinal stenosis
might not possess Spinal Stenosis Symptoms. While some other may feel
muscle weakness, numbness, tingling, and pain. These symptoms and signs
can get worsen eventually. Symptoms usually develop after a while, because
nerves become more compacted. You might feel 
balance problems
numbness in your buttocks or legs
lower back pain while walking or standing
arm or leg weakness
One of the common Spinal Stenosis Causes is aging. Degenerative processes
take place into your body. Your spine tissues may begin thickening, and bones
may get larger. Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis may
also add to this condition.
3. Spondylolisthesis
In Spondylolisthesis, a bone within the vertebra or spine slips out of its place,
either backwards or forwards. This condition is common in lumbar spine or
lower back; however it can also take place in the upper or mid back or the
neck. This condition is different from the slipped disc. Several people may not
know that they are suffering from spondylolisthesis as it does not always
show Spondylolisthesis Symptoms.
However some mild symptoms are  extreme curvature of the kyphosis (spine)
 tenderness or stiffness in your back
 tight hamstring muscles
Spondylolisthesis Causes differ based on lifestyle, heredity and age. Kids
may suffer from Spondylolisthesis caused by an injury or a birth defect. But,
people of any age group are vulnerable if there is medical history of this
condition. Quick development puberty may also be a causal factor. Playing
some kind of sport may also make your strain to overextend and put pressure
on your lower back. Below-mentioned sports are expected to lead this
condition 
track and field
Spondylolysis is frequently an originator to to spondylolisthesis. This
condition takes place when there is a crack in a vertebra, however it has not
fallen onto your spine’s lower bone.

Know about Bursitis, Spinal Stenosis and Spondylolisthesis