afullochilo CURRICULUM VITAE: AUGUSTINE T O AFULLO 1. PROFESSIONAL STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT: To be a role model and leader in capacity building, training, consultancy and action research in the fields of Environment, natural resources management, Water resources management and supply, Sanitation (solid and liquid waste), Hygiene, Air pollution, Occupational Safety and health (OSH), Food & nutritional security, Environmental quality, Waste Management and Education (Including ESD). 2. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (6) Qualifica Field tion specialization of University / Institution Duration 1. Post-Doc Global and public North Central College, courtesy of the Council for August Health International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), Institute of 2012-June [email protected] International Education (IIE), Government of the 2013 United States of America 2. PhD Environmental Commonwealth Open University, BVI Sciences (SLF, Env and Occup Health) 2001-2004 3. MSc Water and WEDC@ Loughborough University, UK Environmental Management (WEM) 2003-2007 4. MPhil Environmental Moi University @ SES, Kenya Studies (Environmental Healthpollution studies) 1991-1993 5. BSc Agriculture University of Nairobi, Kenya 1987-1990 6. PGD Education Indian Management Training and Research institute 1996-98 (IMTRI), India 7. PGD Health Education Institute of Health Care Administration (IHCA), India 1998-2000 8. PGD Environmental Science Institute of Health Care Administration (IHCA), India 1998-2000 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS (6) CERTIFICATE: HOUSEHOLD AIR POLLUTION: ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY. CERTIFICATE: RESPIRATORY EPIDEMIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, USA. CERTIFICATE (GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS); MOI UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATE (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT); MOI UNIVERSITY CERTIFICATE (TRAINING OF TRAINERS); KENYA EPISCOPAL CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS / KCCB; (FORMERLY KENYA CATHOLIC SECRETARIAT) 6. CERTIFICATE (STATISTICAL METHODS IN RESEARCH); UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU NATAL, SOUTH AFRICA. 7. CERTIFICATE (OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY); CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF 1 afullochilo ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, UK 8. CERTIFICATE (LANDSCAPING, ORNAMENTALS AND LAWN MANAGEMENT); BOTSWANA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE @ UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA. 9. CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION TO CONDUCT RESEARCH IN HUMAN SUBJECTS, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH (NIH), USA. 4. OTHER QUALIFICATIONS: a. PhD Thesis topic: Environmental and Occupational health aspects of waste management in Maun, Botswana (2004) b. MSc Thesis topic: The role of Households in Solid waste management in Nairobi, Kenya (2006/7). c. MPhil Thesis topic: Pollution of Lake Victoria by inorganic fertilizers used in the West Kano Rice Irrigation Scheme, Kisumu, Kenya (1995). d. Basic Education i: KACE 3principals In MCB/GP (With A In Maths, and 1 Subsidiary (Distinction 1) In General Paper; e. Basic Education ii: KCE Division 1 Of 18 Points With Distinction One (1) In Mathematics and General paper. f. Basic Education iii: CPE 32 Points. S N 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. WORK EXPERIENCE Position National Project Director Institution Special responsibility City, Country Hub Nairobi GEOHealth Eastern Leadership of the African Hub -Kenya activities in Kenya Associate Professor University of Kabianga Academic leader of Environmental health Programs; Acting Chair of department a number of occasions; Write the curriculum for MSc WASH; Appointed leader of curriculum for MSc WASH; Visiting Research Scholar University of Southern National project Director, California Kenya Senior Lecturer: Maasai Mara Dean: School of natural University resources; Chair: Dept. of Environmental studies and Agriculture; School exam Coordinator Elected Senate (COD) representative in the post graduate board; Adjunct Senior Lecturer: Kenyatta University From To Kericho, Kenya March Date 2014 May Jan 2015 2018 Los Angeles Narok, Kenya April 2016 April 2014 May 2016 May 2015 Nairobi 2013 2014 2 afullochilo Disability Management; Environmental Inspection & Hazardous Waste management 6. Adjunct Senior Lecturer: Integrated Solid Waste Management (MSc) 7. Adjunct Senior Lecturer: Integrated Solid Waste Management 8. Adjunct Senior Lecturer: Environmental Science 9. Principal Investigator (PI), Global Environmental & Occupational health (GEOHealth) Hub for East Africa 10. Assistant Professor And Fulbright Scholar In Residence; Illinois, USA City Campus South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) City Campus 2014 2014 SEKU Wote Campus 2014 2014 Technical University of Kenya (TUK) University of Kabianga and Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK) Main Campus Kenya 2014 2014 2013 date Keynote address tin various Naperville, 2012 gatherings in and out of Chicago, NCC USA 2013 Acting Chair of department; Departmental examination coordinator; Departmental examination coordinator (Public Health) Deputy Partnerships coordinator; Siaya District Partnership point person; North Central College (NCC), with sponsorship of the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES), Institute of International Education (IIE), Government of the USA 11. Senior Lecturer: Kenya Methodist (Environmental and University (KEMU) Occupational Health) 12. Lecturer in Kenyatta University Environmental Health (KU) 13. Lecturer: (Environmental GLUK Health and food security) 14. Adjunct Lecturer 16. Lecturer Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK) Maun Senior Class teacher 2001/2 Kisumu Polytechnic 17. Assistant teacher Kapsowar Boys 15. Tutor / Lecturer 2000 Nairobi Campus June 2011 2012 Main Campus Kisumu, Kenya Sept 2005 April 2004 2011 1997 2000 2000 2003 1997 2000 1993 1996 Main Campus and Botswana Main Campus Marakwet, 2005 3 afullochilo 18. Assistant teacher 19. Volunteer Maths Biology teacher Ribe Girls and Kawere secondary Bondo Class Teacher 1990/1 Mixed Class teacher; school, Patron of science club; Eld Kilifi, Kenya Siaya County 1990 1991 1986 1987 6. DETAILS OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE WITH SPECIFIC COURSES OFFERED: Serial Position Courses taught Number 1. Associate Professor: University of BSc level: Kabianga Integrated Environmental Assessment (EIA, EA, SEA, 2015 to date ASEA); Environmental Health Impact Assessment ; Occupational Health and safety; Solid waste management; Liquid waste management; Water supply and quality control; Ecology; Research Methods; Environmental Pollution Control; Conservancy and Drainage; 2. Senior Lecturer: PhD and MSc Level: Maasai Mara University Integrated Environmental Assessment (EIA, EA, SEA, 2014/15 ASEA); Qualitative approach; BSc Level: Occupational Health and safety; Waste management; Water supply and quality control; Research Methods; Environmental Pollution Control; Conservancy and Drainage; 3. Adjunct Senior Lecturer: MSc Level: OSH Kenyatta University Disability Management; Sept 2013 / January 2014 BSc Level Environmental Inspection Hazardous Waste management 4. Adjunct Senior Lecturer: MSc level: South Eastern Kenya University Integrated Solid Waste Management (Nairobi Campus); (SEKU): 2014 Jan-April Integrated Solid Waste Management (Wote Campus) 5. Adjunct Senior Lecturer: BSc Level Technical University of Kenya Environmental Science (TUK) 2014 6. Assistant Professor And Fulbright MSc and PhD Level: 4 afullochilo Scholar In Residence: North Central College 2012/13 7. Senior Lecturer: Kenya Methodist (KEMU) 2011/12 (NCC), University 8. Lecturer in Environmental Health: Kenyatta University (KU) 2005-2011 9. Lecturer: Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK) 2004-2005 10. Adjunct Lecturer Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK) Nairobi campus: 2006-2015 11. Tutor / Lecturer Maun Senior 12. Lecturer Kisumu Polytechnic Guest lecturer in at least 8 different classes; Undergraduate classes: Environmental Science; Global Studies; Representations of Africa MSc Level: Research methods (Qualitative and quantitative) Thesis Supervision BSc Level: Foundations of Environmental and Occupational Health MSc Level: Occupational Health and safety; Research |Methods; Thesis Supervision BSc Level: Foundations of environmental health; Liquid Waste management; Solid Waste management; Water supply and quality control; Research Methods; Environmental Pollution Control; Conservancy and Drainage; Integrated Environmental Assessment (EIA, EA, SEA, ASEA); Environmental health Impact Assessment; MSc Level: Water supply and sanitation (WATSAN) Food & nutritional security; Environmental Assessment; Environmental health; MSc Level: Water supply and sanitation (WATSAN) Food & nutritional security; Environmental Assessment; Environmental health; Thesis Supervision Senior School: Form 4-5 Agriculture; Environmental And social studies Diploma level: Applied chemistry, research methods, Student research project, Analytical chemistry; Physical chemistry; 5 afullochilo 13. Assistant teacher Kapsowar Boys 14. Assistant teacher Ribe Girls 15. Volunteer Kawere Mixed secondary school, Bondo Form 1-4 Maths, Chemistry Agriculture Form 1-4 Maths Agriculture Form 1-4 Maths, Chemistry and Biology 7. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE LANDMARKS Position Instituti City, From To Key achievements on Country National Univers Kericho, 2015 Dat Publish SANA report; Project ity of Kenya e Institutional e-registration for SAM, eRa, Director & Kabiang ENCAGE, DUNS, FWA, Principal a (NIH Establish IRB for UoK; Investigator, USA GEOHealth and Grant Project, IDRCKenya Canada) 2. Dean Maasai Narok, Jan May Start the PhD program in the School (PhD of school of Mara Kenya 2015 201 Env Sc); Tourism and Univers 5 Admit first cohort of PhD (Env Science) natural ity students (7, but 5 report) for the School; resources Conduct full coursework for 1st PhD class; management Establish an Adopt a tree program for the (STNRM); school; Chair: Graduate the first ever MSc Env Sc in the department of school; Environmental Personally supervise within a record 1 year, studies, 2 MSc students to graduation; Forestry and Unanimously elected senate representative Agriculture to the board of post graduate studies; get 2/3 of total (DESFA); senate votes; Chair the curriculum workshop sponsored by OSSREA; Appointed an OSSREA CIRCLE Research, Thesis and publication supervisor for a postgraduate student in Ethiopia; Regularize the external examination of MSc and PhD thesis examination with each thesis assigned to a specialist professor, a move from all school theses examined by one professor regardless of their specialization; N o 1. 6 afullochilo 3. 4. 5. Chair of Kenya Department Method (Acting, 6 ist months) Univers ity (KEMU) Departmental Kenyatt Coordinator of a Examinations Univers ity (KU) Deputy GLUK partnerships Coordinator & Siaya District Team leader Initiate a program of regular mentorship meeting with students of the school; Bring in external mentorship speakers such as the permanent representative of the US to UNEP; Break a record by issuing all current and backlog student transcripts (2015 March); Spearhead curriculum review to allow for 5 specializations in BSc Env Sc. Push for faster graduation by students; Graduate an MSc student in a record 1 year of supervision (Emma Mutetu) Dept of 2011 Health Sept Service Managem ent 201 2 Mar ch Dept of 2006 Public Health, ( Now Sch. of Public Health Kisumu, 2004 Kenya 201 1 Streamline examination system; Organized exam results until the First cohort of MPH students graduate; Organize exams and enabled First cohort of BSc (EVH) graduate 200 5 Successful completion of the 2004/5 cohort of MCHD students who were assigned to Siaya as partnership site 7. PUBLICATIONS (68) 1. PUBLICATIONS IN REFEREED JOURNALS Journal Articles: 1. Anne Thitu, Margaret Kaseje, Afullo Augustine (2016). Factors Influencing Latrine Coverage among the Maasai of Ildamat Location Kajiado District. Developing Country Studies. Vol 6, No 11, p22-27 (2016). 2. Elisha O. Dickson, Samuel C. J. Otor and Afullo A (2015). Access to Safe Water and Household WaterUser Preference in Obunga Slums of Kisumu Municipality, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS) Vol. 2 (6), 45-50: 2015. June 2015. ISSN: 2394-4404 3. Elisha O. Dickson, Samuel C. J. Otor and Augustine Afullo (2015). Effect of Household Water-User Preference on the Sustainable Supply of Safe Water in Obunga Slums of Kisumu County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development. Vol 4 (5), 313-321: 2015. May 2015. 4. Ndubi D, Oyaro N, Githae E and Afullo A (2015) Determination of Physico-Chemical Properties of Sources Of Water In Narok North Sub-County, Kenya. International Research journal of Environmental Sciences. Int. Res. J. Environment Sci. Vol. 4 (1), 47-51, January (2015). 5. Afullo Augustine; Danga, Benjamin O and Odhiambo, F (2014). Implications of time to water source on water use in the Arid and semi-arid land counties of Kenya. Int. J. Water, Vol.8, No. 4, 2014: 381-400. DOI: 10.1504/IJW.2014.065794 7 afullochilo 6. A Afullo and B Danga (2013): Sanitation access and progress towards achieving MDG7 by Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid lands. Journal of applied sciences in environmental sanitation (JASES). JASES:VOL 8, NO 2,2013 7. A Afullo and B Danga (2013): Are the water trips in Dry land Kenya for sustainable Development, journey in vain or trips to oblivion? Ethiopian Journal Of Environmental Studies And Management (EJESM) EJESM:VOL.6.NO.3 2013:232-241. 8. Augustine Afullo, Christopher Onyango, George Ngatiri, Abera Kumie, Kiros Berhane, Jonathan Samet, Nuvjote Hundal, Francis Inganga, James Mwitari , Titus Oyoo and Zablon Owiti (2015). Situation Analysis and Needs Assessment of Air Pollution, Occupational Safety and Health, and Climate Change Findings, Research Needs, and Policy Implications In Kenya. Conducted Towards Establishing a GEOHealth Hub Platform for Eastern Africa. Jointly Published Great Lakes University of Kisumu (GLUK), University of Southern California (USC), Addis Ababa University (AAU) and University Of Kabianga (UoK). 9. Odhiambo O, Afullo A, Eunice G. Maghenda M (2015). Heavy Metal Concentration and pH Levels in Soils of the Main Dumpsite of Narok Central Sub-County. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR) Vol. 3(8):899-904. August 2015. 10. Afullo, A. (2015). The Applicability of NIMBY and NIMTO Syndromes, Willingness and Ability to Pay for Improved Solid Waste Management among Nairobi Households. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management. Vol. 41 (2), 121-135; MAY 2015. 11. K. Berhane , A. Kumie, A. Afullo , W. Bazeyo , E. Rugigana , J. Samet. (2015) Establishing an environmental and occupational health hub for research and training in Eastern Africa: Lessons learned and next steps. Annals of Global Health, Volume 81 (1), 216 - 217: 2015. DOI: 12. Njagi, J.M., Ireri, A.M., Njagi, E.N.M., Akunga, D.,1, Afullo, A.T.O., Ngugi, M.P., Mwanzo, I. and Njagi I. K. (2013) Knowledge, attitude and perceptions of village residents on the health Risks posed by Kadhodeki dumpsite in Nairobi, Kenya. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management EJESM: Vol.6.No.4 2013:427-434. 13. Njagi, J.M., Ireri, A.M., Njagi, E.N.M., Akunga D, Afullo A.T.O., Ngugi, M.P., Mwanzo I, and Karugu N I (Dec 2013). Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Perceptions of Village Residents on the Health Risks Posed by Kadhodeki Dumpsite in Nairobi, Kenya. World Environment 2013, 3(5): 155-160 DOI: 10.5923/j.env.20130305.02 14. S.B.Otieno, F.Were, A.Afullo, K.Waza (2013). Selenium Levels in Foods in A High HIV Prevalence Community, A Case Of Pala In Bondo District Kenya. East African Journal of Public Health. EAJPH, Vol.10, No. 3, 2013: 516-520. 15. Anino, J O, Afullo A And Otieno F. (2010). Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (Nihl) Among Workers At Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi. East African Medical Journal. EAMJ VOL.87 NO.2.2010 16. Afullo A (2009) Irrigation Suitability Assessment of Effluents from West Kano Rice Irrigation Scheme, Kisumu, Kenya. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. EJESM:VOL.2.NO.2 2009:111 17. Afullo A O and Odhiambo F (2009) The Primary Solid Waste Storage Gaps Experienced By Nairobi Households. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management. EJESM VOL.2.NO.3 2009:3443. 18. Oyunga-Ogubi Ma, Waudo Nj, Afullo A And Oiye S. O. (2009) Potential Role Of Street Foods As Micronutrients Source Among Low Income Groups In Nairobi, Kenya. African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development. BIOLINE International, online 8 afullochilo 19. Oyunga-Ogubi MA, Waudo Nj, Afullo A And Oiye S. O. (2009). Potential Role of Street Foods as Micronutrients Source among Low Income Groups in Nairobi, Kenya. African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development. AJFAND Vol. 9 NO.5 2009: 1130-1145. 2. BOOK CHAPTERS 20. A Afullo and S Afubwa (2014). Chapter 4: Sanitation and Health, pages 91-144: IN: Samwel Afubwa and Mutuku Mwanthi (2014): Environmental health and occupational health and safety. Acrodile Publishing Ltd, Nairobi. 978-9966-007-32-2 21. S Afubwa and A Afullo (2014). Chapter 6: Environmental pollution, pages 157-172: IN: Samwel Afubwa and Mutuku Mwanthi (2014): Environmental health and occupational health and safety. Acrodile Publishing Ltd, Nairobi. 978-9966-007-32-2 22. S Afubwa and A Afullo (2014). Chapter 9: Environmental health Impact Assessment, pages 219-254: IN: Samwel Afubwa and Mutuku Mwanthi (2014): Environmental health and occupational health and safety Acrodile Publishing Ltd, Nairobi. 978-9966-007-32-2 23. Afullo A (2006) The Environment: Some Concepts, Issues and Concerns (2nd edition). Sustainable Futures, Maun, Botswana. ISBN 99912-0-461-X. Chapter 5: Health and Environment Pages 24-30; 24. Afullo A (2006) The Environment: Some Concepts, Issues and Concerns (2nd edition). Sustainable Futures, Maun, Botswana. ISBN 99912-0-461-X. ISBN 99912-0-461-X. Chapter 10: Environmental Assessment; Pages 52-57 25. Afullo A (2006) The Environment: Some Concepts, Issues and Concerns (2nd edition). Sustainable Futures, Maun, Botswana. ISBN 99912-0-461-X. ISBN 99912-0-461-X. Chapter 13: Environmental Performance and Policy- Pages 71-77. 3. UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE LEVEL FULL TEXTBOOKS 1. Solid Waste Management in Nairobi’s Residential Areas: A Mirror of African Cities? OCT 2016. 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm); lack & White on White paper; 180 pages; ISBN-13: 978-1539917274 (CreateSpaceAssigned) ; ISBN-10: 1539917274; BISAC: Technology & Engineering / Environmental / Waste Management 2. Sanitary Landfill: Third World Preparedness for a Fully Engineered SWM Technology: A Case of Maun, Botswana. SEPT 2016; Authored by Prof Augustine Otieno Afullo; 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) ; Black & White on White paper; 562 pages; ISBN-13: 978-1537590363 (CreateSpace-Assigned) ; ISBN10: 1537590367 ; BISAC: Technology & Engineering / Environmental / Waste Management 3. Air pollution, occupational safety and Health, and climate change for Health: Kenya SANA Findings, research needs and policy implications. Augustine Otieno Afullo, Zablon Owiti, Abera Kumie, Christopher Orao, Dr George Ngatiri, Prof Kiros Berhane, Prof Jon Samet, Nuvjote Hundal, Francis Inganga, Dr James Mwitari and Titus Oyoo. NOV 2015. 6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) ; Black & White on White paper; 108 pages. Wamra Technoprises. ISBN-13: 978-9966720597 ; ISBN-10: 9966720596 . BISAC: Science / Global Warming & Climate Change 4. Augustine Afullo (2015). Water, Environmental and Livelihood Challenges in the Lake Victoria Basin. Amazon (USA) and Wamra Technoprises (Nairobi). Number of pages: 82 | Publication Date: 2015-09-09 | ISBN-13: 9781517284978 5. Augustine Afullo (2015). Practical Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Audit and Social Impact Assessment. Amazon (USA) and Wamra Technoprises (Nairobi). Number of pages: 328 | Publication Date: 2015-07-09 | ISBN-13: 9781515010579 9 afullochilo 6. Augustine Afullo (2015). Practical Manual for Senior Secondary and College level Agriculture. Amazon (USA) and Wamra Technoprises (Nairobi). Number of pages: 140 | Publication Date: 2015-07-10 | ISBN-13: 9789966720573 7. Augustine Otieno Afullo and Benjamin Oginga Danga (2014). Comprehensive Agriculture Resource Book (Full colour version). Amazon (USA) and Wamra Technoprises (Nairobi). Number of pages: 500 | Publication Date: 2014-05-01 | ISBN-13: 9789966720566; ISBN 10: 9966720561. 8. Augustine Afullo and Benjamin Danga (2014) Comprehensive Agriculture Resource Book. Wamra Technoprises , Nairobi. ISBN/EAN13: 9966-7205-0-2. 499 pgs. 9. Augustine Afullo (2014). Integrated Solid Waste Management Handbook. Amazon (USA) and Wamra Technoprises (Nairobi). Number of pages: 218 | Publication Date: 2014-01-21 | ISBN-13: 9789966720535; ISBN/EAN10: 9966720537. 10. Augustine Afullo (2014) Advances In Water Supply, Sanitation And Environmental Management, A Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Perspective For Developing Countries, Wamra Technoprises , Nairobi, ISBN/EAN13: 9966720510 / 9789966720511, 300 pgs 11. M Muiruri, I Mwanzo and A Afullo (2012): HIV and Food security In Kenya: The effects of HIV / AIDS on food security in Makuyu Division, Muranga County, Kenya. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-19275-3. 12. S Simiyu and A Afullo (2011). Effects of interventions on childhood diarrheal morbidity Kenya: water, sanitation and health education interventions on diarrheal morbidity in children under five years in Mandera, Kenya. VDM publisher, Lexington, Kentucky. ISBN: 978-3-639-32524-9 13. Afullo A (2006) The Environment: Some Concepts, Issues and Concerns (2nd edition). Sustainable Futures, Maun, Botswana. ISBN 99912-0-461-X. 14. Afullo A (2003) The Environment: Some Concepts, Issues and Concerns (1st edition). Sustainable Futures, Maun, Botswana. ISBN 99912-0-461-X. 10 Chapters. 4. PUBLICATIONS IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS/ BOOKLETS: 15. A Afullo (Nov 2016): Assessing the effects of air pollution and heat stress on health in Nairobi city- A GeoHealth project (Kenya). Ist University of Kabianga book of Abstracts and conference proceedings. Kericho Tea Hotel, Kericho town, Kericho County, Kenya. 16. A Afullo (Nov 2014): Analysis Of Individual Water Footprint Habits And Behavior Among Citizens Of Kenya And The USA. Ist Maasai mara University book of Abstracts and conference proceedings. Maasai Mara University, Narok, Kenya. 17. Odhiambo D, A Afullo, M Maghenda and E Githae (Nov 2014): Composition of Solid Waste in Narok Town and the Surrounding Estate. Ist Maasai mara University book of Abstracts and conference proceedings. Maasai Mara University, Narok, Kenya. 18. Odhiambo D, A Afullo, M Maghenda and E Githae (Nov 2014): Levels of Heavy Metals in Solid Waste Generated by Residents of Narok Town and Its Environs. Ist Maasai mara University book of Abstracts and conference proceedings. Maasai Mara University, Narok, Kenya. 19. Ronny P O and A Afullo (2014) Potential of Rainwater as a strategy for water security in Kiambiu slums, Nairobi. Climate change, disaster and social protection curriculum workshop. Maasai Mara University and OSSREA, Narok, Kenya. 20. A Afullo and B Danga (2013). The mythical nature of MDGs to Kenya’s Arid and semi-arid lands. 36th international WEDC conference proceedings, Loughborough University. July 2013. Abstract Refereed paper 1621, page 4. 10 afullochilo 21. Afullo A and Danga B. (2009). Water Use Efficiency in West Kenya Irrigation Schemes. Programs and Abstracts. Theme: Climate Change, Environment and Health. 25th -27th March 2009, KICC, Nairobi, Kenya. Article No. 108, Page 72. 3rd East African Health and Scientific Conference Proceedings. Programs and Abstracts. 22. Afullo A and Odhiambo F. (2009). The Difficulties in Solid Waste Management Faced By Domestic Waste Generators in Nairobi Estates. Kenya. Programs and Abstracts. Theme: Climate Change, Environment and Health. 25th -27th March 2009. Article No. 43, Page 37. 3rd East African Health and Scientific Conference proceedings, KICC, Nairobi 8. COMPLETED SUPERVISION OF POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS (32) SN NAME OF STUDENT Level THESIS TITLE 23. OYOO, OTIENO TITUS ( I57/OL/1063/03) MPH, KU MPH 24. Ronny Ouma, GLUK, MCHD MCHD 25. Doryce Ndubi, 2015 MSc Dept of environment, School of Tourism and Natural Resources management, Maasai Mara University 26. David Otieno, 2015 MSc Dept of environment, School of Tourism and Natural Resources management, Maasai Mara University. 27. Joan Murugi Njagi PhD P97/12738/2009; PhD, Dept Of Environmental Health, Kenyatta University 28. Samuel Boaz Otieno KU, Public Health PhD 29. Elisha O. Dickson MSc (N50/CE/11322/2007); School of Environmental Studies, Dept of Community Development, Kenyatta University 30. Ndungu David Wachirah MPH I57/12687/2005 MPH Kenyatta University STATUS OF PROJECT An Assessment Of Patients’ Graduated 2015 Satisfaction At The Comprehensive Care Centers (CCC) Points-Of-Care In Level 5 Public Health Facilities In Kenya Assessing the potential of Water Graduated 2016 harvesting in Nairobi’s Kiambui Slum, Nairobi County, Kenya. Microbial water quality in Narok Graduated Dec 2015 Solid waste management in Narok Graduated 2015 Dec Impacts Of Kadhodeki Dumpsite On Graduated The Mean Concentration Of Heavy 2013 Metals In The Environment And Their Associated Health Effects On The Community Selenium as a nutritional factor in Graduated HIV/ AIDS management among 2015 HIV prevalent populations in Kisumu and Bondo sub counties. The Effects Of Water-User Graduated Preference On Water Security 2014 Among Households In Obunga Slums, Kisumu, Kenya Dec Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia Graduated coli Infections And Antibiotic 2013 Susceptibility Patterns Among July Dec June 11 afullochilo 31. Emma Mutetu MSc (HSM-3-3562-3/2009) Kenya Methodist University 32. Mukui, Salome MCHD/ Masters In Community Health And MSc Development, Great Lakes University Of Kisumu (GLUK). 33. Ngara Jared Ochieng MPH (I57/Ol/3769/2004); Masters Public Health (Mph) , Kenyatta University 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Children Attending Out-Patient Clinic At Embu Provincial General Hospital-Kenya. Factors Influencing Access To Oral Graduated 2012 Health Care Among School Going Children In Embu Municipality Factors Influencing Household Solid Graduated 2012, Waste Management In Urban Nyeri GLUK Municipality. The Role Of Health Education And Graduated 2012 Hygiene Interventions On Blood KU Lead Levels Among Factory Workers At Associated Battery Manufacturers Company, Nairobi. Agnes K. Mwatu (I57/Ol/3450/04); MPH Assessment Of Health Hazards Graduated 2012 Masters Public Health (Mph) , Associated With Spray Painting KU Kenyatta University Among Workers In Small Scale Auto Garages In Embakasi Division, Nairobi, Kenya Dickson Aduwo (I57/11277/2004); MPH Environmental And Human Health Graduated 2012 Masters Public Health (Mph) , Impacts Of Artisanal Gold Mining KU Kenyatta University With Mercury In Transmara District. Wafula Kenedy S (I57/12634/05); MPH Factors Contributing To Injury Graduated 2012 Masters Public Health (MPH) , Risks By Health Care Sharps Among KU Kenyatta University Health Workers At Kenyatta National Hospital. Farah M A: Masters In Community MCHD / Factors Affecting Sustainability Of Graduated 2011 Health And Development (MCHD), MSC Community Managed Rural Water / GLUK Great Lakes University Of Kisumu Supplies In Sankuri, Garisa. (GLUK). Mutemi Philis Muli (I57/13049/2005) MPH Factors Influencing Utilization Of Graduated 2012 Kenyatta University Insecticide Treated Nets In Malaria Control Among Pregnant Women In Msambweni District, Coast Province, Kenya. Fayo Galgalo MPH Prospects Of Indigenous Knowledge GRADUATED (I57/11043/2004 ); Kenyatta Systems To Predict And Mitigate 2010 University Disasters In Isiolo, Kenya. Ann Thitu- Supervised For A Degree MCHD / Factors Influencing Latrine GRADUATED In Masters In Community Health And MSC Coverage Among The Maasai Of 2010. Development (GLUK). Ildamat Location Kajiado District 41. Abel orone, Supervised For A Degree MCHD / Factors affecting utilization of GRADUATED 12 afullochilo In Masters In Community Health And MSC borehole water: the case of Kamolo 2010. Development (MCHD), (GLUK). location, Teso District, Kenya 42. Paul Gichia MCHD / Determinants Of Drinking Water GRADUATED Masters In Community Health And MSC Hygiene Practices Among 2010. Development (MCHD), (GLUK). Households In Karuri Sublocation Of Kiambu District. 43. Dominic Muasya MCHD / Occupational Health And Safety GRADUATED Masters In Community Health And MSC Among Workers In Kikuyu Metal 2010. Development (MCHD), (GLUK). Factories. 44. Helen Muigai (I57/Cm/0300/04) MPH Quality Assessment Of Bottled GRADUATED Kenyatta University Water In Ruiru, Kenya, Nairobi. 2010 45. George Kimathi (I57/Ol/4398/04); MPH Determinants Of Insecticide GRADUATED Kenyatta University Treated Nets (Itns) Use By Women 2009 For Malaria Control In Kinango Division, Kwale. 46. Mururi Susan. (I57/0261/2004); MPH An Investigation Into The GRADUATED Kenyatta University Preparedness For Disasters In 2009 Secondary Schools In Ruiru Division, Thika District, Kenya. 47. Muiruri Mary Goret Wangui MPH Effects Of Hiv / Aids On Household GRADUATED (I57/12649/05) Food Security: A Comparative Study 2009 In Makuyu Division, Muranga South District, Kenya. 48. Shirley Segecha MPH Etiology Of Diarhoea In Children GRADUATED (I57/11040/04); Kenyatta University Under Five Years In Mbagathi 2009 District Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. 49. Sheila Simiyu N E (I57/12672/2005); MPH Effects Of Water, Sanitation And GRADUATED Kenyatta University Health Education Interventions On 2009 Diarhoea Morbidity Among Children In Mandera District, Kenya. 50. Evans Gichana MSc Incorporating Plastic Water (Pg/Msc/60/2005). Maseno University, Recovery Operations Into Solid GRADUATED Msc (Urban Environmental Planning Waste Management Planning In 2009 & Management). Kisumu Municipality, 51. Anino Omondi Joshua MPH Occurrence Of Occupational Noise GRADUATED (I57/Cm/0241/04); Kenyatta Induced Hearing Loss Among 2008 University Workers At Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi, Kenya. 52. Richard Kibet Korir (I57/6029/03); MPH Effects Of Community Perceptions GRADATED Kenyatta University And Involvement On Malaria 2008 Control Using Indoor Residual Spraying With Lambda-Cyhalothrin In Sigor, Bomet District, Kenya. 13 afullochilo Graduated In Dec 2008 53. Oirere Nyakoboke (I57/11272/2004); MPH Kenyatta University Perceptions, Beliefs And Practices GRADUATED In The Health Benefits Associated 2008 With Consumption Of African Leafy Vegetables In Western Kenya. Graduated In June 2008 54. Ogubi Mary MPH The Role Of Street Foods In The GRADUATED (I57/0266/04); Kenyatta University Alleviation Of Micronutrient 2008 Deficiencies In Nairobi. 55. Mukuhi Veronica (I57/0131/04); MPH Investigation Of Water And GRADATED Kenyatta University Sanitation Risk Factors Associated 2008 With Childhood Diarrhoea Morbidity In Kibera, Nairobi. 56. Koros B Kipsengeret. Masters In MCHD / Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Community Health And MSC And It Influence On Prevention Of GRADUATED Development, Great Lakes University Occupational Health Hazards 2007 Of Kisumu (GLUK). Among Tea Workers In Kericho, Kenya 9. INITIATION AND COMPLETION OF NEW ACADEMIC PROGRAMS IN VARIOUS UNIVERSITIES (14): KU-DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-4: BSC OCCUP HEALTH & SAFETY; MSC OCCUP HEALTH & SAFETY; MSC WATSAN; AND MSC ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH; KEMU (3): MPH (2) AND BSC ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH; MAASAI MARA UNIV-7 (MPH-2; ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 5 SPECIALISATIONS-5. 10. SERVICE IN UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES: AT LEAST 20: INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH AND ETHICS COMMITTEE; POST GRADUATE POLICY; EXAMINATION RULES FOR UNDERGRADUATES; LINKAGES; REVISION OF 4-YEAR ACADEMIC CALENDAR (MMU); 1ST INT CONFERENCE FOR MMU; WAY FORWARD FOR WORKERS WITH D AND BELOW; CLIMATE CHANGE AND DISASTER WORKSHOP CHAIR; 11. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION ASSIGNMENTS AND SERVICES TO OTHER UNIVERSITIES AND EQUIVALENT INSTITUTIONS (8) 1. Year 2017- 2. 2017- 3. 2017 INSTITUTION Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology University of Nairobi, CASELAP KIND OF TASK TITLE OF WORK External Examiner, School 1000 Plus student script of Health Sciences examination and result assessment MPH thesis assessment / MPH thesis external examination External Examination, School of Health Sciences MA thesis assessment / MA thesis external examination External Examination, CASELAP 14 afullochilo 4. Feb 2017 5. Dec 2016 6. Oct 2016 7. June 2016 8. March 2016 9. 2014/15 10. 2013 11. 2012 12. 13. National Research Fund Reviewer of National Research proposals; Chair of Environmental studies review Team. National Research Fund Reviewer of National Research proposals; Chair of Environmental studies review Team. Board of Postgraduate MA Thesis External studies, University of Examination Nairobi Z50/70226/2011 Okoth Akinyi Ruby Review of Institutional Infrastructure proposals for possible funding by the National Research Fund Review of Multi-disciplinary, PhD and MSc proposals for possible funding by the National Research Fund Factors Influencing The Participation Of The Informal Sector In The Management Of Solid Waste In Nairobi City County, KENYA’ Board of Graduate MSc Thesis External Assessment of environmental Studies, South Eastern Examination management practices amongst Kenya University, Kitui, 1501/NRB/20150/2012 tobacco farmers in Kuria west subKenya county, Migori county. Lydia Boke Marwa Graduate School, MSc Thesis External Suitability Assessment Of Effluents Kenyatta University, Examination From Mwea Irrigation Scheme For Nairobi, Kenya. Onderi J A147/OL/25246/11 Reuse For Rice Production, Nyabonyi Kirinyaga County, Kenya Department for International Development (DFID) in collaboration with AAS, ACU and OSSREA MENTOR in the Climate Impact Research capacity and leadership enhancement program for sub-0saharan Africa (CIRCLE) Fellowship program 2014-2018 Jomo Kenyatta MSc In Occupational Safety University Of And Health (OSH)- Thesis Agriculture And IEET32-0150/2009 Technology , Kenya, Doctorate (PhD) Thesis In Occupational Safety And Health (Osh): In Occupational Safety And Health (Osh)Thesis Bps/Eet41-1843/2010 Maseno University, Master Of Arts In Kenya Geography Thesis Jomo Mentoring and supervising CIRCLE visiting fellow. a Assessment Of Safety Management Status In The National Youth Service, Basic Training College, Gilgil, Nakuru County, Kenya Analysis Of Safety Management In High Schools And Potential Liabilities From Accidents Among High School Students In Kenya Assessing The Achievements Of Integrated Watershed Management Tool For Sustainable Management Of Water Resources In Kuywa River, Western Kenya. Kenyatta Msc Thesis In Occupational Evaluating The Management Of 15 afullochilo 14. 2010 15. 16. 2009 17. University Of Safety And Health (OSH) Agriculture And Technology , Kenya, Mount Kenya University PhD Proposal Evaluation Maseno University, Master Of Arts (MA) Kenya PhD Proposal Evaluation Implications Of Overcrowding In Management Of Public Health Facilities In Kisumu Municipality, Kenya Maseno University, Msc Thesis In Assessment Of Community Kenya. Environmental Planning Involvement In Household Solid And Management Waste Management In The Informal Settlements Of Kisumu Municipality, Kenya Commission For Higher Bsc Curriculum Evaluation Of The Proposed Bsc Education (CHE), Evaluation Environmental Health Curriculum Nairobi, Kenya. 12. ONGOING SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS S/N NAME OF STUDENT THESIS TITLE O 1 Walter otieno Agingu GLUK 13. Health And Safety Information In Nairobi Province, Kenya. STATUS PROJECT PhD, Ongoing OF CONFERENCE, WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS PRESENTED (42) S/No Authors / TITLE OF PAPER THEME AND CITY/COUNTRY Presenters PRESENTED 1. A Afullo (2016) 2. A Afullo (2016) 3. A Afullo (2015) 4. A Afullo (2015) 5. A Afullo (2015) ORGANIZATION / SPONSOR/ PARTNER / HOST Assessing The Effect Of Air Ist International Conference, University of Kabianga Pollution And Heat Stress On University of Kabianga, Kericho, Health In Nairobi City- A Kenya Geohealth Project (Kenya) Status of GEOHealth project GEOHealth Hub for Eastern National Institutes of in Kenya Africa: Presentations by country health (NIH), principal Investigators, USC International Institute for Global Health, 2001 Development research N Soto Street, California centre (IDRC), and USC Quality Assurance and Training of Research Assistants: African Migration and Ethical issues in Research Perceptions of mixed migration in Development Policy Narok Town; Qaribu Hotel, Centre (AMADPOC) Loresho, Nairobi Baseline status of Narok Perceptions of mixed migration in African Migration and town Narok Town; Pride in Hotel, Development Policy Nairobi Centre (AMADPOC) Sustainability of the CFP and Sustainability of the CFP and SIS, East African Bureaus LCA frameworks: Research LCA frameworks: Research of Standards, Eka Hotel, Agenda and Role of Agenda and Role of Universities Nairobi 16 afullochilo 6. 7. 8. Universities A Afullo Comparison of water Nov 2014 footprints among students of Kenya and those of the United States A Afullo Training and research st (31 July 2014) Situation analysis and needs assessment in climate change, air pollution and policy for health in Kenya A Afullo and Potential of rain water Ronny Ouma harvesting as a mechanism July 2014 for water scarcity in Kiambiu Slums, Nairobi Narok, Kenya Maasai Mara University: 1st International conference Global environmental and Addis-Ababa University Occupational health (AAU), University of (GEOHealth) hub for East Africa Southern California as regional workshop partners in GEOHealth Curriculum workshop in climate Maasai Mara University change, disaster risk reduction (MMU) and Organization and social protection for social research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) Community-NEMA- MMU joint MMU, RCE South Rift, Regional centre of Expertise NEMA and the (RCE) for Education for community Sustainable development (ESD) 9. A Afullo (May 2014) 10. A Afullo 2013 11. A Afullo and B The mythical nature of Danga; July 2013 MDGs to Kenya’s Arid and semi-arid lands 12. A Afullo and B The Applicability Of NIMBY Danga And NIMTO Syndromes, March 2013 Willingness And Ability To Pay For Improved Solid Waste Management Among Nairobi Households’ The global burden of disease Office of International programs, Keynote speech on the North central College environmental health as a component of the global and environmental health human rights theme The environmental burden of Office of International programs, Keynote presentation disease North central College made as a component of the global and A Afullo environmental health human rights theme Fulbright and role in society Naperville Fulbright Office, Rotary club, Naperville 13. 14. 15. ESD concept and policy for South Rift RCE and local interpretations of ESD by communities in Eastern Africa. Environmental Sustainability Inter-Faith Forum, Nairobi Environmental Mother Earth Network, and the Interfaith forum on environmental sustainability Water and sanitation for 36th international WEDC uncertain environments, Egerton conference proceedings, university, Kenya Loughborough University; July 2013 Radisson Plaza Hotel, Downtown The 28th International Philadelphia Conference on Solid Waste Technology & Management 17 afullochilo Naperville Growing up and schooling in Brokesdale elementary school, Africa- a case of Kenya Naperville Research progress and Marriot Hotel, Downtown Scholar in Residence Philadelphia experience so far: 16. 17. A Afullo 18. 19. A Afullo 20. A Afullo 21. A Afullo And P M Odira 22. A Afullo And O Orodi 23. Afullo A 24. Afullo A Danga B 25. Oyunga-Ogubi Ma, Waudo Nj, Afullo A and Oiye S. O. Afullo A And Danga B 26. 27. and Afullo Ao and Odhiambo F meeting. Brokesdale elementary school, Naperville Bureau of educational and cultural affairs, US department of state and 55th African Studies Association annual conference Comparisons between the Office of International programs, Keynote speech on the man eat man society, Kenya North central College SICKO documentary and dog eat dog, USA: A case of health care Water supply and sanitation Education for sustainable KOEE and partners in Kenyan schools: case development in Africa (ESDA) studies Food security challenges in Kenya ILRI, Ministry of livestock; IPRA Water Supply And Sanitation Education For Sustainable United Nations University Basics Development In Africa (ESDA), Nairobi, Kenya Sustainable Community Education For Sustainable United Nations University Innovations In Water Supply Development In Africa (Esda), And Sanitation Nairobi, Kenya Highlighting The Different Expert Speaker In: Industrial Marcus Evans, RSA Components Of Waste Waste Management And Collection And Minimisation Conference, Transportation Systems For Crowne Plaza, Upper Hill, An Ongoing Process Of Nairobi Improvements To Waste Practices Baseline Survey Feedback Pwani University College, Kilifi World Vision, Bamba. Workshop/Seminar For The Bamba Integrated Program Area (Ipa), Kilifi Potential Role Of Street Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, kenya All Africa Horticulture Foods As Micronutrients Congress and Global Source Among Low Income Horticulture initiative Groups In Nairobi, Kenya. Baseline Survey Feedback Matete Urafiki Cbo Centre World Vision, Matete. Workshop/Seminar For The Matete Integrated Program Area (Ipa), Webuye The Difficulties In Solid 3rd East African Health And Self-Sponsored Waste Management Faced By Scientific Conference, Theme: 18 afullochilo 28. Afullo A O and Odhiambo F 29. Afullo A Danga B 30. Afullo A And Danga B 31. Afullo Ao And Danga B 32. Afullo Augustine and 33. 34. 35. A Afullo 36. Aduwo D, Afullo A and Anyango S 37. 38. Afullo A Domestic Waste Generators Climate Change, Environment In Nairobi Estates And Health. At KICC, Nairobi, Kenya The Nairobi Households’ 3rd East African Health And Willingness To Pay For Scientific Conference, Theme: Improved Solid Waste Climate Change, Environment Management Service And Health. At KICC, Nairobi, Kenya End-Term Evaluation Acacia Hotel, Wote Town Feedback Workshop/Seminar For The Makueni Area Development Program (ADP), Baseline Survey Feedback Marich Pass, Pokot Workshop/Seminar For The Orwa Integrated Program Area (IPA), Turkwel Water Use Efficiency In 3rd East African Health And West Kenya Irrigation Scientific Conference, Theme: Schemes Climate Change, Environment And Health. At KICC, Nairobi, Kenya End-Term Evaluation Voi Town Feedback Workshop/Seminar For The Voi Area Development Program (ADP), World Vision. 2009: Water Supply Challenges In Kenya Live televised Kenya Broadcasting 2009: Environmental Health Organization (KBC) program And Its Role In Preventive Health Care In Kenya 2010: Water Resources In Kenya And Environmental Pollution Challenges GIS in Rainwater Harvesting Nairobi, Kenya Potential Estimation, An Environmental Health Perspective Environmental Assessment 1st All African Environmental In Practice: The Kenyan Health Conference, (APHOK), At Experience. KICC, Nairobi, Kenya. Mid-Term Evaluation Chambai Hotel, Narok Town Feedback Workshop/Seminar Self Sponsored World Vision, Wote. World Vision, Orwa Ipa. Self Sponsored World Vision, Voi ADP Eco-Show Program Live Televised Conference The Society for Conservation GIS (SCGIS Self Sponsored World Vision 19 afullochilo 39. 40. 41. For The Olenton Area Development Program (ADP), World Vision, Narok Teambuilding And Team Work: A Case Of Nyamonye Girls High School. Afullo A And The International Anyango S O Standardization Organisation As A Guide For Improved Service Delivery And Management Tool In A Public University Afullo A Food Related Health And Safety Issues In Kisumu City, Kenya. 42. Afullo A, Ariga TICH Appropriate Food And E and Ngode L Income Security Venture: Indigenous Poultry Project. 43. The Role Of Environmental Audit And Its Current Position In Kenya: Stakeholder Analysis: A Tool For Management Of Sustainable Community Projects Pime”. Water Supply Management Challenges In The Kalahari Desert Environment: A Case Of Botswana. The Role Of Training In Meeting Botswana’s Vision 2016 Goals. Health And Safety At School: The Role Of Leaders”. 44. A Afullo 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. St Anne’s Guest House, Milimani, Nyamonye Girls School Kisumu BOM and PTA A Paper Presented At The VIP Lounge, To The School Of Health Sciences, Ku 3rd Regional UNISOL Congress And The 4th TICH Annual Scientific Conference (TASC) At TICH / GLUK, Kisumu, Kenya 3rd Regional UNISOL Congress And The 4th TICH Annual Scientific Conference (TASK) At Tich / Gluk, Kisumu, Kenya Tich / Gluk Campus, Kisumu, SELF SPONSORED Kenya Tich / Gluk Campus, Kisumu, Kenya 2nd Unisol And 3rd Tasc Scientific Conference. At Tich / Gluk Campus, Kisumu, Kenya Primary School Head Teachers’ Vision 2016 National Gathering. At Rileys Hotel, Maun, Botswana. Annual Maun Senior Secondary School’s Prefects’ Leadership Training Workshop At Maun Senior Secondary School, Maun. Farm Records Irrigation Water Management Training Workshop At Ahero Multi-Purpose Development Centre, Ahero, Kisumu, Kenya: Afullo A And Linear Programming As A Annual Kenya National Students’ Kenya Science Teachers Olumbe Ogajo Planning Tool As An ‘A’- Science Congress; Kenya Science Association And Kenya 20 afullochilo Level Item. 50. 51. Mathematics Talk Teachers Association At Kenya National Academy For Science Teachers College, Nairobi Advancement Of Arts And Science Afullo A And Linear Programming As A Annual Western Provincial Western Province Science Olumbe Ogajo Planning Tool As An ‘A’- Secondary School Students’ Teachers Association And Level Mathematics Talk Science Congress At Kakamega Amukura High School Item. High School, Kenya Afullo A And Linear Programming As A Annual Busia District Secondary St Paul’s Amukura High Olumbe Ogajo Planning Tool As An ‘A’- Schools Students’ Science School Level Mathematics Talk Congress At St Paul’s Amukura Item. High School, Busia, Kenya 14. CONFERENCE, WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS ATTENDED (12) S/N Year TITLE OF PAPER / VENUE/ DATE OF ORGANIZATION / WORKSHOP CITY/COUNTRY CONFERENCE SPONSOR/ PARTNER / HOST 1. 2017 ODF: 2nd national Safari park hotel, 7th-9th Feb 2017 Ministry of health sanitation and hygiene Nairobi conference. 2. 2016 Household Indoor Addis Ababa, Ethiopia July 2016 GEOHealth pollution 3. 2015 Standardization and EKA Hotel, Nairobi, August 2015 East African Bureaus of ISO in Life cycle Kenya Standards and Swedish assessment and Carbon Institute of Standardization footprint of products (SIS) 4. 2015 Training of research Qaribu inn, Loresho, August 2015 African migration and Assistants for a Nairobi, Kenya development policy centre research on (AMADPOC) perceptions of mixed migration in Narok and Kajiado Counties, Kenya 5. 2015 Briefing workshop Pride Inn, Westlands, July 2015 African migration and about a proposed Nairobi, Kenya development policy centre research on (AMADPOC) perceptions of mixed migration in Narok and Kajiado Counties, Kenya 6. 2015 Standardization in Life Waterbuck Hotel, 11-12th June 2015 Kenya Bureau of Standards cycle assessment and Nakuru, Kenya (KEBS) and Swedish Institute Carbon footprint of of Standardization (SIS) products 7. 2015 Global Environmental Raddison Hotel, April 2015 National Institutes of Health and occupational Kampala, Uganda. and GEOHealth Hub for health Hub for Eastern Eastern Africa 21 afullochilo 8. 2014 9. 2014 10. 2014 11. 2013 12. 2013 13. 14. 15. 16. 2012 17. 18. 2011 Africa Quality education Maasai Mara 27th-28th August, University, Narok, 2014 Kenya Climate Change, Maasai Mara 6th-11th July, 2014 Disaster Risk University, Narok, Reduction and Social Kenya protection Carbon footprint Dar-Es-Salaam, May/June 2014 standardization in East Tanzania Africa and its application in Universities Carbon footprint of Nakuru, Kenya Oct 2014 Products Residential Recycling conference- corporate recycling and waste conference, The 28th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology & Management 2013 Fulbright Visiting scholar enrichment Seminar: Public health-Global health issues Naperville cultural: manning the Kenya / Fulbright table at The International Festival Research progress in Public health among Fulbright Scholars taking their research in African continent Launching the national environmental research Agenda, Kenya Food security Maasai Mara University Maasai Mara University and OSSREA East African Bureau of Standards and Swedish Institute of standardization (SIS) The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and the Swedish Institute of standardization (SIS) Hyatt Regency Hotel, 19th-21st March, 2013 The Curotto-Can Tm Rosemont, O’Hare Int Republic services Airport environs, Chicago. Radisson Plaza Hotel, 9th -13th March 2013 The Journal of International Downtown Conference on Philadelphia Solid Waste Technology & Management, Widener University Hyatt Regency Hotel, 27th Feb/ 2nd March Bureau of educational and Atlanta, Georgia cultural affairs, US department of state and Georgia Council for International Visitors Manor house, North February 2013 central College, Naperville, USA Office of International programs and the office of the Mayor, Naperville Marriot Downtown Philadelphia Bureau of educational and cultural affairs, US department of state and 55th African Studies Association annual conference National environment management authority (NEMA), Kenya Hotel, Nov / Dec 2012 Utalii Hotel, Nairobi 2012 680 Hotel, Nairobi Nov 2011 Ministry of livestock, Nairobi 22 afullochilo 19. 20. 2010 21. 22. 2008 23. Regional centers of expertise (RCEs) as tools for meeting the education for sustainable development (ESD) decade Education For Sustainable Development In Africa (ESDA) Monitoring And Evaluation Skills Building Workshop SUSTAINABLE HEALTH THEMATIC WORKSHOP, EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Statistical Methods And Applications (Research Methods And Analysis Workshop For Policy Analysis Of Food Security And HIV/ Aids Interaction) IFPRI KICC, Nairobi, Kenya Nov 2011 RCE greater Nairobi and the United nations University Silver Springs Hotel 1st – 2nd March, 2010 And The United Nations Conference Hall, Nairobi Merica Hotel, Nakuru 29th March – 1st April, 2010 Kenya organization for environmental education and United nations University Health Campus, May 2008 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. University Of Kwazulu Oct 2008 Natal, Pietermaritzburg RSA United Nations University (International Institute Of Global Health (UNU-IIGH) And Institute Of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), USM. IFPRI , Renewal, African Centre For Food Security, (University Of Kwazulu Natal) , USAID/Tulane University / APHIA Ii Evaluation 15. CAPACITY BUILDING SESSIONS CONDUCTED ON INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS (18) S/ NO YEAR Nature of capacity building TITLE DONOR assignment 1. 0 2014 Curriculum workshop Climate change, Disaster Risk Reduction and OSSREA & Social Protection- Committee Chair Maasai Mara University 2. 2014 Midterm evaluation Evaluation of the Education for sustainable World Wide development in the eastern African region: Fund for Nature lake Victoria catchment environmental (WWF) education 3. 2013 End of phase evaluation Changamwe ADP (Mombasa county, Coast World Visionprovince, Kenya) Korea 4. End of phase evaluation Katito ADP (Kisumu County, Kenya) World VisionUSA 5. 2012 End of emergency program Dadaab emergency WASH intervention World Visionevaluation program, Northern Kenya) 23 afullochilo 6. Baseline Survey 7. Terminal / end of program Voi ADP, Taita Taveta County evaluation End of program Golbanti ADP (Garsen, Tana Delta county, Coast province, Kenya) End of phase evaluation Soweto ADP (Embakasi, Nairobi County, Kenya) Baseline Survey Kenyenya district, Rongo District and North Rachuonyo district, Nyanza province, Kenya 8. 9. 2011 10. 11. End of phase 12. 2010 13. 14. 15. 2009 16. 17. 18. 2008 19. 20. 2008 Rusinga Island and Kuria, Nyanza province, Childfund Kenya) international World Vision World VisionUSA World VisionUSA Childfund international Mutomo IPA (Kitui, eastern province, Kenya) World VisionUSA End of phase Integrated mid-term evaluation For The World World VisionVisions’ Karemo IPA (Siaya district, Kenya) Germany Baseline Survey Integrated Baseline Survey For The World World Vision Visions’ Matete IPA (Lugari / Webuye, Western Province) Baseline Survey Bamba Ipa (Kilifi, Coast Province) World Vision Baseline Survey Orwa IPA (West Pokot County ) World Vision Baseline Survey Mogotio IPA, Baringo County World VisionFinland End of program (Terminal) Makueni ADP, Kathonzweni World Vision evaluation Mid term Ndabibi ADP, Naivasha , Nakuru County World Vision Mid term Voi ADP, Taita Taveta County World Vision Mid term Integrated Terminal Evaluation For The World World Vision Visions’ Olenton ADP, Narok 16. SPECIAL 2-WEEK INTEGRATED MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) ACTION RESEARCH ASSIGNMENTS (2008-2013) (18) S/ NO YEAR Nature of M&E TITLE DONOR assignment 1. 2017 Baseline survey Baseline survey for commercialization of European Union / Self cassava and cassava value chain in 7 counties of Help Africa Kenya 2. 2016 Midterm Evaluation Evaluating progress in Family planning among DSW mother s of children under 5 years in Garissa and Machakos counties 3. 2015 Midterm Evaluation Baseline survey for water, sanitation and Millennium water hygiene in 5 Arid and semi=Arid (ASAL) Alliance project counties of Kenya (MWA) / World vision/ Care 24 afullochilo 6. 7. 4. 2014 5. 2013 2012 8. 9. 10. 11. 2011 12. 13. 14. 2010 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2009 2008 2008 Midterm evaluation for Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania End of phase evaluation Lake Victoria Catchment Environmental Education program (LVCEEP)/ Education for Sustainable development (ESD Project) Changamwe ADP (Mombasa county, Coast province, Kenya) End of phase evaluation Katito ADP (Kisumu County, Kenya) End of emergency Dadaab emergency WASH intervention program evaluation program, Northern Kenya) Baseline Survey Rusinga Island and Kuria, Nyanza province, Kenya) WWF / SIDA Terminal / end program evaluation End of program World Vision of Voi ADP, Taita Taveta County Golbanti ADP (Garsen, Tana Delta county, Coast province, Kenya) End of phase evaluation Soweto ADP (Embakasi, Nairobi County, Kenya) Baseline Survey Kenyenya district, Rongo District and North Rachuonyo district, Nyanza province, Kenya End of phase Mutomo IPA (Kitui, eastern province, Kenya) End of phase Integrated mid-term evaluation For The World Visions’ Karemo IPA (Siaya district, Kenya) Baseline Survey Integrated Baseline Survey For The World Visions’ Matete IPA (Lugari / Webuye, Western Province) Baseline Survey Bamba Ipa (Kilifi, Coast Province) Baseline Survey Orwa IPA (West Pokot County ) Baseline Survey Mogotio IPA, Baringo County End of program Makueni ADP, Kathonzweni (Terminal) evaluation Mid term Ndabibi ADP, Naivasha , Nakuru County Mid term Voi ADP, Taita Taveta County Mid term Integrated Terminal Evaluation For The World Visions’ Olenton ADP, Narok World Vision-Korea World Vision-USA World VisionChildfund international World Vision-USA World Vision-USA Childfund international World Vision-USA World VisionGermany World Vision World Vision World Vision World Vision-Finland World Vision World Vision World Vision World Vision 17. SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL ACTION RESEARCH ASSIGNMENTS CONDUCTED FOR KENYA’S AND INTERNATIONAL PROFESIONAL AND ACCREDITATION BODIES (13) S/NO Nature of Assignment Year Name of Assignment Client 1. Msc (SUD) 2009 Baseline Survey For Water, Sanitation, And United Nations University (MSc in sustainable Energy In Kenyan Informal Settlements: A Case (UNU) urban development) Of Kibera; Led To Development Of The KUCurriculum Technical UoN-Stellenboch-UNU ESDA (SUD) Curriculum MSc (SUD) now fully Team, KU mounted in KU 2. National State of 2011 State of environment Review, (SOER) , Reviewer United Nations Environment Review, of the Environmental health chapter, Kenya Environment programme 25 afullochilo for UNEP Kenya / NEMA 3. Bid Proposal Writing 2009 4. Curriculum Evaluation 2009 5. School performance (CSR) 2008 6. Afullo A , Mwanzo I , 2007 Oyore J P , Sheila S And Ndungu J Funder research MSc WEM Research 2006 7. 8. Planning, monitoring 2005 and evaluation (PIME) 9. Planning, monitoring 2005 and evaluation (PIME) 10. Planning, monitoring 2004 and evaluation (PIME) 11. Planning, monitoring 2004 and evaluation (PIME) 12. Community building 13. PhD Thesis Research capacity 2004 2004 Establishment Of An Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) Facility, With A Sanitary Landfill For Nakuru Municipal Council. Proposed Bsc Environmental Health Curriculum For Daystar University. Reasons And Solutions For Poor Performance In Kcse By Students Of Nyamonye Girls Secondary School, Bondo District. Integrated Terminal Evaluation and research done towards supporting 2 MPH students get their degree in WASH and Nutrition. The Role Of Households In Improved Solid Waste Management In Nairobi Planning, Implementation, Monitoring And Evaluation (PIME) Of Sare Anglican Church Of Kenya (ACK) Parishes In Homabay Diocese, Southern Nyanza, Kenya Planning, Implementation, Monitoring And Evaluation (PIME) Of Ndhiwa Anglican Church Of Kenya (ACK) Parishes In Homabay Diocese, Southern Nyanza, Kenya Led A Team Of Researchers Conducting Of Situation Analysis And Baseline Survey In Randago And Ojwando B Sub Locations, Siaya District, Kenya. Also Did A Health Facility Assessment Of Ogande Health Facility With A View To Guiding The Homabay Diocese How To Revive It. Poverty Eradication In Tich Partnership Communities Through The Local Poultry Intervention. Environmental And Occupational Health Aspects Of Waste Management In Maun, Okavango Delta, Botswana (UNEP) and National Environment management Authority (NEMA) African Institute For Capacity Development (AICAD) Commission For Higher Education (CHE), Nairobi, Kenya. Board of Governors, Nyamonye Girls High School Action Against Hunger (AAH) And European Commission Humanitarian Organization (ECHO). WEDC / Loughborough University Homabay Diocese ACK / TICH / GLUK Homabay Diocese ACK / TICH / GLUK TICH / GLUK Homabay Diocese ACK / TICH / GLUK Community Service CSR PhD Thesis 18. KEY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTS AND AUDIT TASKS CONDUCTED 2004 TO DATE (14) When Name of task Client done 1. 2014 Social and Environmental Impact assessment of the Ethanol plant for South Nyanza (SONY) Sugar SONY sugar company, Awendo, Kenya company. 26 afullochilo 2. 2010 3. 2009 4. 2009 5. 2009 6. 2006 7. 2006 8. 2005 9. 2005 10. 2005 11. 2004 12. 2004 13. 14. 15. 2004 2004 2004 date Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) For Sustainable Urban Environment Development Programme Under The Same Sky Project Proposed Bio-Sanitation Facility In Mashimoni, School, Kibera, Nairobi. Client: Kenya Organization For Environmental Education And The Mashimoni Primary School. Project Issued With A License In October 2010. Part Of The Team Of Consultants Conducting An Environmental Audit For Kenya Airways (KQ). Environmental Impact Assessment For The Migori Marindi Municipal Market, Migori Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study Research For Kinden Water Supply, Kipsitet, Kericho District. Environmental Impact Assessment Study Research For Naro Moru Resort, Naro Moru, Nyeri District. Environmental Impact Assessment Study Research For The Pala Water Supply, Awasi, Kisumu, Environmental Impact Assessment Study Research For The Proposed Great Lakes University Of Kisumu (Gluk), Kisumu, Kenya. Kenya Organization For Environmental Education (KOEE) And Danish Organization For Sustainable Energy (OVE) Kenya Airways Migori Municipal Council. Kenya Power And Company (Kplc) Narom Consultants Lighting Pala Aic Church Own Contribution To The Gluk University As One Of Its Founder Members And Sponsor Initial Environmental Audit Study For The Kisumu Water And Environment, Health And Safety Sewerage Company (Kiwasco), Kisumu, Kenya. (Ehs) Management Consultants And Kiwasco Initial Environmental Audit Study For The Tropical Institute Of Tich / Gluk Community Health And Development (Tich) In Africa, Kisumu, Kenya. Initial Environmental Audit Study For Sae Petroleum Products, Sae Petroleum Products Milimani, Kisumu. Initial Environmental Audit Study For Ramogi Petroleum Stores, Ramogi Petroleum Stores Kisumu. Initial Environmental Audit Study For United Millers, Kisumu. United Millers Initial Environmental Audit For Kisumu Yacht Club, Kisumu City. Yatch Club to Various, at least 30 as part of AWEMAC various 19. FUNDED PROJECTS S/ NO RESEARCHER 1. Augustine Afullo with University of Adisababa, University of Southern California and Makerere University. 2. Prof A Afullo 3. A Afullo YEAR 2013/15 TITLE GRANTING BODY FUNDING (US$) Global Environmental The National Institute 150,000 USD and Occupational health of Health (NIH), USA (GEOHEALTH) Hub for Eastern Africa 2012/13 2008/9 Fulbright Grant Kenyatta University Academic staff Research grant Fulbright 35,000 USD Kenyatta University 1,000 USD Academic staff Research grant 27 afullochilo 4. 20. Dr Afullo Augustine, Dr 2007 Mwanzo Isaac, And Mr John Paul Oyore An Evaluation Of Water, Sanitation, Health Education, Food And Nutritional Security of under fives In Mandera, Northern Kenya. Action Against Hunger 25,000 (AAH) And European Commision Humanitarian Organisation (ECHO) AFFILIATION TO PROFESSIONAL BODIES S/NO NAME OF PROFESSIONAL BODY 1. Regional Centre Of Expertise (RCE)- South Rift Region Which Promotes The EESD Agenda.: 2014 to date 2. African Studies Association, USA: 2011-2012 3. Fulbrighter: 2012-2013 4. Commonwealth Scholars Association : 2002- to date 5. Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University, UK 2002-data 6. Regional Centre Of Expertise (RCE)- Greater Nairobi Region Which Promotes The ESD (And ESDA) Agenda. 7. Associate Member, African Waste & Environment Management Center (AWEMAC) Nairobi, Kenya. 8. Approved Trainer In Environmental And Occupational Health By The Chartered In Statute Of Environmental Health (CIEH), Uk. 9. Member, Chartered Institute For Water And Environmental Management (CIWEM), UK. 10. Approved Private Consultant, Community Development / Environmental Trust Fund, Ministry Of Environment. 11. The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) - Kenya Registered, Licensed And Practicing Lead Expert In Environmental Audit And Impact Assessment. 12. Member Of The President’s Club Of Soil And Water Conservation Society (SWCS), Ankeny USA 13. Member Of Friends Of The Earth International 14. Founder Member No 024 Of The Tropical Institute Of Community Health And Development (TICH) In Africa, Kisumu, Kenya, Now GLUK 15. Sponsor Of The Tropical Institute Of Community Health And Development (TICH) In Africa, Kisumu, Kenya, Now Gluk 16. Member Of Somarelang Tikologo (Environment Watch, Botswana), Gaborone, Botswana. 17. Member Of Kalahari Conservation Society, Gaborone, Botswana 21. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Year NAME OF AWARD OR RECOGNITION AWARDING ORGANIZATION/BODY 2013 Honorary citizen of the city of Naperville, Illinois, USA Office of the mayor, city of Naperrville 2013 Nominated as a member of the team of experts and the Kenya Episcopal conference, Kenya catholic coordinator of the technical committee to oversee the secretariat mainstreaming of Environment into the interfaith activities. 2013 Nominated as a member of the WEDC International Water, Engineering and development centre 28 afullochilo Conference Scientific committee for the 36 WEDC Conference, Egerton University, Kenya Honorary Citizen of the city of Naperville, Illinois, USA Fulbright Grant Scholar In Residence (SIR) Award (WEDC) @ Loughborough University, Leicestershire, United Kingdom 2013 Office of the mayor, Naperville city, Illinois, USA Bureau of educational and cultural affairs, US 2012department of state 2013 Assistant professorship Award Office of International programs, North central College, Naperville, Illinois, USA 2011 to Nominated as a Reviewer, African Journal Of Agricultural African Journal of Agricultural Research Board of date research Editors Elected Chairman, Board Of Governors (Bog), Nyamonye Board of Governors membership (BOG), Girls Secondary School Nyamonye Girls Secondary School Appointed as member of Board Of Governors (Governor), Minister For Education 2010 Nyamonye Girls Secondary School Nominated by the District educational Board to be a District Education Board member of Board Of Governors, Nyamonye Girls Secondary School Member, ESDA (SUD) Technical Working Team (In United Nations University (UNU) And Kenyatta Charge Of WATSAN) University KU Education for Sustainable 2008 development in Africa (ESDA) Office A Member Of The Technical Committee To Oversee The Kenyatta University Formation Of The School Of Public Health. Approved by Kenyatta University to write 4 New Kenyatta University Environmental And Occupational Health Programs, ( Msc OSH, Bsc OHS, Msc EH And Msc WATSAN) All Were Approved By The Kenyatta University Senate in 2009, and now being mounted by the department of environmental health. Member, International Technical Team Of Experts On KEBS And ISO Iso/Tc 223 (Societal Security) 2007 Elected Chairman, Board Of Governors (Bog), Nyamonye Bog, Nyamonye Girls Secondary School Girls Secondary School Appointed as Governor (member of Board Of Governors), Minister For Education Nyamonye Girls Secondary School Nominated by the District educational Board to be a District Education Board member of Board Of Governors, Nyamonye Girls Secondary School Recognized As One Of The Top 50 Researchers (Number Director, University Advancement, Vice 20) between 2004 and 2007 in Kenyatta University Chancellors Office, Kenyatta University 2002Awarded A Commonwealth Commission Grant For An Commonwealth Scholarship Commission 2006 Msc In Water And Environmental Management (WEM) 1991Government of Kenya Scholarship For a Master of Kenya Government / Moi University 1993 Philosophy (Mphil) Degree Studies, Moi University, Kenya. 1985 Number 2 Position In national Advanced Level Kenya National Science Teachers Association And Mathematics Talk African Academy Of Sciences (AAS) th 29 afullochilo Number 2 Position In Western province Advanced Level Kenya National Science Teachers Association And (A’ Level) Mathematics Talk African Academy Of Sciences (AAS)- Western province Chapter Number 2 Position In Busia District Advanced Level (A’ Kenya National Science Teachers Association And Level) Mathematics Talk African Academy Of Sciences (AAS)- Busia District Chapter 22. Service in University committees POST GRADUATE POLICY; EXAMINATION RULES FOR UNDERGRADUATES; LINKAGES; REVISION OF 4-YEAR ACADEMIC CALENDAR; 1ST INT CONFERENCE FOR MMU; WAY FORWARD FOR WORKERS WITH D AND BELOW; OSSREA CLIMATE CHANGE AND DISASTER WORKSHOP; ALTERNATIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR LOW KCSE GRADE WORKERS; CHAIR, RCE/ ESD WORKSHOP ORGANIZING. 23. PROFESIONAL AND ACADEMIC REFEREES: 1. Prof Jack Shindler, Director, International Programs, North Central College, 30 N. Brainard St. Naperville, IL 60540 USA. +1630-637-5287; [email protected] 2. Dr Benjamin Danga, Kenyatta University (KU) Department of Agricultural Resource Management P.O.Box 43844-00100, NAIROBI - Kenya Mobile +254738556747; +254722497456 3. Prof. A.B.Gidamis, Executive Director African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD), P.O. Box 46179, GPO 00100, Nairobi, Kenya; Tel: 254067-52221/2, 52059; Mobile:0721409906, Fax:254-067-52360 , Email:[email protected] or [email protected], 30
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