5 Tips to Stop Harassment at Work

5 Tips to Stop Harassment at Work
The harassment cases involving employment are exploding in the media. As an
employer, what can you do to limit harassment in the workplace? As an employee,
what can you expect your company to do to protect yourself?
1. Be Watchful –
Monitor your workplace as much of what
happens between employees is visible to the
naked eye. Employers and managers should
walk the aisles, frequent local water holes, and
don’t be a stranger at company birthday
celebrations. Off hours may be more telling
that work hours.
2. Set A Strict Dating Policy In Writing –
Adopt a clear policy stating no dating between
employees (or one has to resign) or at the
minimum, no dating in the same department.
Dating among employees often makes other
staff feel uncomfortable.
3. Communicate The Policies To All EmployeesEnsure your employee manual addresses effective
policies and consistently enforces them. Make
attendance at employee meetings to discuss
company policies mandatory and post information
on employee bulletin boards.
4. Act Immediately To Investigate Complaints
Of Harassment –
When an employee complains to you, take it
seriously, write a written report and
investigate. It’s a good idea to file a report with
the police.
5. Do Computer Checks –
This can be difficult for employees as they feel their computer belongs to them.
Employers do have the right to review emails, but there are state by state limitations,
so consult your company’s legal counsel.
Thanks For Watch
Tellem Grody Public Relations, Inc
30745 Pacific Coast Highway, Ste. 243
Malibu, CA
Zip:- 90265
PH:- (310) 313-3444

Act Immediately To Investigate Complaints Of Harassment - When an employee complains to you, take it seriously, write a written report and investigate. It’s a good idea to file a report with the police. For More Details Log on http://tellemgrodypr.com/