Title Author Publisher Jtitle Abstract Genre URL Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 音楽購買における新しい消費者行動モデルのシステムデザイン : ベイジアンネットワークを用いた有償購買確率向上モデル 安田, 照(Yasuda, Akira) 当麻, 哲哉(Toma, Tetsuya) 慶應義塾大学大学院システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科 修士論文 (2013. 3) Thesis or Dissertation http://koara.lib.keio.ac.jp/xoonips/modules/xoonips/detail.php?koara_id=KO40002001-00002012 -0057 2013 3 1 Master's Dissertation 2012 Designing of Novel Consumer Behavior Model of Music Purchase -The Model for Enhancing Purchase Probability by Bayesian Network - Akira Yasuda (Student ID Number : 81133614) Supervisor Tetsuya Toma March 2013 Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University Major in System Design and Management 2 81133614 1998 IT Shapiro & Varian, 1999 Robert Ioanna(2011) 420 400 20 Greedy Search 5 SUMMARY OF MASTER’S DISSERTATION Student Identification Number 81133614 Name Akira Yasuda Title Designing of Novel Consumer Behavior Model of Music Purchase -The Model for Enhancing Purchase Probability by Bayesian Network Abstract The music software market in Japan has been decreasing since 1998 mainly due to the illegal music download. As a background, music today has become free downloadable information goods rather than purchased material goods due to digitization of sound sources and diffusion of broadband internet (Shapiro & Varian, 1999). On the other hand, some consumer is still willing to purchase music with specific intentions. We highlighted Japanese music consumer behavior of purchasing music software rather than acquiring it through internet without payment. The purpose of the research is to analyze the purchase intentions of Japanese music consumers using Bayesian network modeling so as to understand the essential causes for the payment. First of all, we conducted the multiple interviews with Japanese music consumers and identified the five major purchase intentions: 1) appreciation intention, 2) collection intention, 3) value-added intention, 4) support intention, and 5) communication intention. Our hypothesis is that “Music” influences to “Appreciation intention”, “Looks” and “Humanity” influence to “Collection intention” and “Value-added intention”, and “Activity” influence to “Support intention” and “Communication intention”. The scrutiny of these purchase intentions is the originality of the research. Robert and Ioanna (2011) analyzed both legal and illegal acquisition of music software but they did not consider the purchase intentions of consumers and therefore their model could not answer why consumer tempted to pay for the music even when they could acquire it without payment. Second, we conducted an online questionnaire on a sample of 420 people. We asked their "purchase method", "purchase intention", "attitude", "confidence", "awareness of illegal downloading", "music purchase amount", and "consumers attribute". Third, we build the Bayesian network model using 400 samples and validated the model with the other 20 samples. The structure of the model was defined by structural learning method using greedy search algorithms. The results showed that different purchase intentions be made from the differences of consumer’s attitude and confidence. Among the five purchase intentions, appreciation intention was influenced by every confidence and attitude factors and therefore would be a common driver for every purchase. Collection intention was influenced by “looks” and “activity”, value-added intention was influenced by “humanity”, “live shows”, and “animation”, and support intention was influenced by “background” and “plan”. This means that we are able to estimate consumer’s purchase method on the basis of their attitude and confidence on music. Finally, we examined estimation accuracy of the model concerning each consumer’s music purchase behavior. We compared the model estimation results and the answers from the marketing managers of music industry in Japan. The result showed that the model could provide the right answer with around 60% of probability and the managers with only around 20% of probability. Key Word(5 words) Music purchase, Consumer behavior model, Bayesian Network, Information goods, Purchase intention. ................................................................................... 9 ............................................................................. 10 .......................................................... 10 ................................................................... 11 ............................................................................................ 11 P2P ................................................................. 12 ................................................................ 13 ............................................................. 13 ............................................................... 13 ........................................... 14 ............................................. 14 ...................................................................... 17 ................................................................................... 17 ................................................................... 17 ................................................... 17 ................................................................. 18 .................................... 19 ............................................................................ 20 ........................................................... 21 ............................................................................... 21 .................................................................................. 22 ............................................................................ 22 .................................................................. 24 ....................................................................... 24 ....................................................... 24 ........................................................... 24 ................................................................. 25 ......................................................................... 25 .......................................................................... 26 ................................................................. 26 3 ....................................................................... 28 ................................................................................ 29 ......................................................................... 31 ....................................................... 31 ............................................. 32 ............................................. 33 ....................................................................... 35 .......................................................... 36 ......................................................................... 37 ..................................................................... 40 .............................................................. 40 ............................................................................... 40 ............................................................................ 41 ......................................................................... 42 .......................................................................... 43 ............................................................................. 46 ............................................................................ 46 ............................................................................ 47 ................................................................................... 49 ................................................................. 50 ................................................................................. 52 ......................................................................................... 52 ......................... 52 ......................................................................................... 52 ....................................................................... 52 60 ............................................................................. 53 ................................................................ 53 F F-measure .................................................. 53 ............................................................................................ 54 ............................................................................ 54 ................................................................................ 55 ................................................................... 56 ....................................................... 57 ......................................................................................... 59 4 ................................................................................. 62 ...................................................................................... 62 ................................................................................ 63 ....................................................................................... 66 5 6 7 8 • 9 10 11 P2P 1 P2P 12 • 13 14 Fig. 2 1992 . Anderson 5 http://radiohead.com/ 3 15 Fig. Fig. 4 . . Radiohead Pay-what-you-want Prince 1978 16 17 Fig. 5 . Lacher http://magnatune.com/ 18 Fig. . Magnatune 19 Fig. 6 . Robert Ioanna http://www.saulwilliams.com/ 20 7 5 21 • 8 INCOSE The International Council on Systems Engineering 22 9 (IF) 23 24 Fig. . Howard Howard • 25 10 1989 26 Table. . Nine Inch Nails The Ghost - 11 27 28 Table. . 2001 12 29 Fig. Fig. 13 . . M.A.F Jamendo http://www.jamendo.com/en/ 30 31 32 33 Table. . 34 Table. . • 35 Table. . • 36 Table. . • 37 38 Fig. . 39 X Y x Y X Y Y y X X X Y X1 Xn X1 Xn X1 Y1 n Xn Pa X1 X1,…,Xn 40 X2 X3 X4 X3 X1 X2 Table. Fig. . . 41 Xi Pa(X1) P(Xi | PaXi) Xi = Xi1,…,Xik θi1,,,,θik Pa(X1) Y=Y1,,,Yj Y X1 θi1 Y ,,,θik Y Pa(Xi) 42 Fig. . CPT 43 44 45 Table. . 14 46 400 Bayonet Greedy Search AIC Greedy Search AIC 0.01 • Table. . 47 Fig. . 48 3 49 Table. . 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