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dh tkus okys “ks;jksa dk fooj.k viuh osclkbV http://www.talbros.com/investors/unclaimeddividends/ ij viyksM dj fn;k gSA
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Flipkart looks to raise $1 bn
in latest funding round
Mumbai, 8 March
ndia's top e-commerce
company Flipkart is holding talks with investors to
raise up to $1 billion in one of
its biggest funding rounds so
far, a source familiar with
The source declined to
name the potential investors
and the exact valuation
Flipkart was looking for, but
said it hoped the valuation
would be in the "double digits", referring to a valuation of
$10 billion or more.
Earlier on Wednesday,
Financial Express newspaper,
citing unidentified sources,
said the expected fundraising
could value Flipkart at up to $8
billion, far lower than the
roughly $15 billion in its last
Alibaba’s UCWeb plans big India
investment, to partner Paytm
Chinese internet major
Alibaba's mobile business
arm is forming a strategic
group that will explore
opportunities to increase
investments in India and has
set no ceiling for deployment
of funds.
The group's digital media
platform UCWeb is also
planning to collaborate with
Paytm and other
e-commerce firms to push its
content ecosystem.
"The first one may see a
collaboration between
funding round.
A Flipkart spokesman said
the company would not com-
UCWeb India and Paytm and
e-commerce platform in
which Alibaba has invested,"
Alibaba mobile business
group president He Xiaopeng
told PTI in an interview.
He is also co-founder of
UC Web, which on
Wednesday said it will pay
minimum ~50,000 per
month to top 1,000 content
creators or writers on its
We-Media platform. Besides
Paytm, the group also has
investments in Indian ecommerce firm Snapdeal. PTI
ment on market speculation.
Flipkart's latest fundraising comes amid intensifying
competition in the e-commerce space from the likes of
Amazon.com Inc and domestic rival Snapdeal, which is
backed by Japan's Softbank
The ensuing heavy losses
have hit valuations among
India's e-commerce players.
Some funds that have invested in Flipkart have recently
slashed the value of their holdings, media reports have said,
citing securities filings.
Launched by two former
Amazon employees in 2007,
Flipkart's biggest investor is
US hedge fund Tiger Global.
Others include Accel Partners,
DST Global, and Baillie
The company has so far
raised more than $3 billion in
funding, mostly from international investors.
Aadhaar made mandatory for crop insurance schemes
New Delhi, 8 March
In line with its current directives issued
for various schemes, the Centre on
Wednesday said Aadhaar would be
mandatory for all those who avail crop
insurance under the Pradhan Mantri
Fasal Bima Yojana or the revised weatherbased insurance scheme.
However, the government clarified
that if any grower or those who want to
avail insurance under PMFBY or other-
wise, do not have Aadhaar number, they
can still enrol by producing proof of
applying for Aadhaar and alternative
identification documents.
The government has also
directed Union and state agriculture ministries to open Aadhaarenrolment centres at various
locations to enable smooth and
quick enrolment. The Centre on
Tuesday clarified that no benefit would
be stopped for want of Aadhaar number
and citizens can avail all the benefits of
government schemes on producing other
means of identification till the time they
get their Aadhaar numbers.
It also said that for mid-day meal
scheme and the Integrated Child
Development Scheme, the
schools and anganwadis have
been asked to collect the Aadhaar
number of the children and in
case a child does not have Aadhaar.
Aadhaar has so far been given to
more than 1.12 billion people in the country.
HC rules in favour of India drug firms Natco, Alembic
Delhi High Court on Wednesday allowed
Indian firms Natco Pharma and Alembic
Pharmaceuticals to export Sorafinat and
Rivaroxaban, respectively, which are
copies of German firm Bayer’s cancer
and blood-thinning medicines.
Bayer had initiated proceedings to
stop them from exporting the drugs. The
Indian firms said they were being exported for experimentation and generation of
clinical trial data. Bayer had argued that
such exports did not qualify for exceptions to patent infringement provided
60.03% voting in final
phase of UP polls
PTI Q Lucknow
Over 60 per cent of the 14.1 million
voters on Wednesday exercised their
franchise in the seventh and last phase
of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls in
40 seats, bringing down the curtain on
a gruelling two-month process. The
turnout for these seats was 57.92 per
cent in the last Assembly polls in 2012.
The average turnout in the seven
phases of polling that began on
February 11 has been 60-61 per cent
compared to 59.48 per cent in 2012.
Difficult to move back to
old system: PFRDA
PTI Q New Delhi
The government might find it difficult
to move back to general provident fund
(GPF) pension system, which was
discontinued due to its huge fiscal
burden, Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority (PFRDA) said
on Wednesday. The comments came
against the backdrop of government
employee associations demanding
restoration of old pension system
which was replaced with contributionbased National Pension System in
under Section 107A of the Indian Patents
Act, 1970, as they violated conditions of
compulsory licences (Natco) and
exceeded reasonable quantities
Bayer had claimed that under
the compulsory licence provided
to Natco, the company could only
sell Sorafinat within India; and
Alembic could not qualify for exception
as it had exported over 90 kilogrammes
of Rivaroxaban, worth around ~3 crore.
The German drug maker had also sought
directions to Customs to seize and confiscate the consignments from being
exported outside the country.
High Court said the companies were allowed to export the
medicines. The court said the
exports were for data-gathering
purposes and in line with the
global agreement on Trade-Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(TRIPS) and were covered under the constitutional right under Article 19(1)(g) of
the Constitution. — SAYAN GHOSAL, New Delhi
Auto sector to roll out
BS-IV vehicles from Apr 1
Palakkad in view of severe drought.
PTI Q New Delhi
The automobile industry is fully
geared up to commence production of
vehicles compliant with Bharat StageIV (BS-IV) emission norms from April 1
across the country, Society of Indian
Automobile Manufacturers (Siam) said
on Wednesday. BS-IV norms will kick
in from April 1.
Mandatory for depts to
source from GeM
PTI Q New Delhi
The government has made it
mandatory for all departments and
ministries to source goods and services
from its e-market place. The commerce
ministry last year had launched the
government e-marketplace (GeM) for
online purchase of goods and services
by central ministries and departments.
Kerala plans to restrict
use of water by PepsiCo
PTI Q Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala government on Wednesday said
it plans to further restrict groundwater
use by soft drink major PepsiCo at
FinMin to ministries:
Stick to spend cap in Mar
PTI Q New Delhi
The Union finance ministry has asked
other ministries not to breach financial
propriety and restrict expenditure to 15
per cent ceiling in March to avoid
expenditure rush in the last month of
the financial year.
HDFC to raise ~2,000 cr
via debentures
PTI Q New Delhi
Home loan company HDFC will raise
~2,000 crore on private placement
basis by issuing non-convertible
debentures (NCDs) on March 14 to
shore up its long-term capital.
New rules for GPF
PTI Q New Delhi
In good news for five million central
government employees, the norms for
withdrawal of General Provident Fund
have been relaxed, which will enable
them to receive payments in 15 days.
MARINE DEPARTMENT, Panambur, Mangalore - 575 010.
Dated 09.03.2017
E-tenders are invited from experienced contractors for “Hiring of
Boats, Manpower for Operation & Maintenance of Pollution Response
Equipments at New Mangalore Port Trust for 5 years” through MSTC
NMPT Portal vide E-Tender Event No. NMPT/16-17/ET/111.
For more details visit www.newmangaloreport.gov.in,
http://tenders.gov.in and http://www.mstcecommerce.com/
Sd/- Deputy Conservator
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Notice is hereby given that the following NCD Certificates issued by
the Company are stated to have been lost/misplaced (With or without
transfer deeds) and the holder/bonafide thereof has applied to the
Company for the issue of Duplicate NCD Certificate.
The public is hereby warned against purchasing or dealing in any
way with the above NCD certificate. Any person who has any claim
in respect of the said NCD certificate should lodge such claim with the
Company at its registered office at the address given above within 7
days of publication of this notice, after which no claim will be entertained
and the Company will proceed to issue duplicate NCD Certificate in
favour of the registered holder.
PR No:158255(Drinking Water and Sanitation)/16-17
CIN: L29199HR1956PLC033107
Regd. Ofce: 14/1, Delhi Mathura Road, Faridabad-121003 (Haryana)
Website: www.talbros.com, E-mail: [email protected],
Phone No. 0129 2251482
Transfer of Equity Shares to Investor Education & Protection Fund
This Notice is published pursuant to the provisions of the Investor Education and
Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (''the
Rules'') notied by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs effective from 7th September,
2016 and amended on 28th February, 2017.
The Rules, interalia, provides for transfer of all shares in respect of which dividend has
not been paid or claimed by the shareholders for seven consecutive years to the Investor
Education and Protection Fund (IEPF). Accordingly the Company has sent individual
communication to those shareholders whose shares are liable to be transferred to IEPF
under the said Rules at their latest available address on 28th February, 2017. The
Company has uploaded the details of such shareholders and shares due for transfer to
IEPF on its website at http://www.talbros.com/investors/unclaimed-dividends/.
The concerned shareholders, holding shares in physical form and whose shares are liable
to be transferred to IEPF Suspense Account, may note that the Company would be
issuing duplicate share certicate(s) in lieu of the original share certicate(s) held by
them for the purpose of transfer of shares to IEPF Suspense Account as per the Rules and
upon such issue, the original share certicate (s) which stand registered in their name
will stand automatically cancelled and be deemed non- negotiable. In case of shares held
in demat mode, the shares shall be transferred directly to IEPF Suspense Account
through the Depository Participant as per the Rules. The shareholders may further note
that the details uploaded by the Company on its website should be regarded and shall be
deemed adequate notice in respect of issue of duplicate share certicate(s) by the
Company for the purpose of transfer of shares to IEPF Suspense Account pursuant to the
Notice is hereby given to all such shareholders to make an application to the Company/
Company's Registrar and Transfer Agent M/s. Karvy Computershare Private Limited
latest by 31st May, 2017, so that the shares are not transferred to IEPF Suspense
Account. In case Company does not receive any communication from the concerned
shareholders by 31st May, 2017 or such other date as may be extended, transfer the
shares to IEPF Suspense Account by the due date as per procedure stipulated in the
It may be noted that the shares transferred to IEPF including all benets accruing on such
shares, if any, can be claimed back from the IEPF Authority after following the
procedure prescribed under the Rules.
For any clarication on the matter, please contact the Company's Registrar and Transfer
Agent M/s. Karvy Computershare Private Limited Unit: Talbros Automotive
Components Limited, Karvy Selenium, Tower B, Plot number 31 & 32, Financial
District, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 032, Email: [email protected], Tel No.: +91
040 67161524.
Date– 8th March, 2017
Place- Faridabad
For Talbros Automotive Components Limited
Seema Narang
Company Secretary