西眼科病院学会活動 国内外 論文・著書 一覧(2005 年~) 2015 年 • Nishi Y, Ikeda T, Nishi K, Mimura O. Epidemiological evaluation of YAG capsulotomy incidence for posterior capsule opacification in various intraocular lenses in Japanese eyes. Clin Ophthalmol. 2015 Sep 1;9:1613-7. • Findl O, Hirnschall N, Nishi Y, Maurino V, Crnej A. Capsular bag performance of a hydrophobic acrylic 1-piece intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015 Jan;41(1):90-7. 2014 年 • Nishi O, Nishi Y, Chang S, Nishi K. Accommodation amplitudes after an accommodating intraocular lens refilling procedure: in vivo update. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014 Feb;40(2):295-305. 2013 年 • Hirnschall N, Nishi Y, Crnej A, Koshy J, Gangwani V, Maurino V, Findl O. Capsular bag stability and posterior capsule opacification of a plate-haptic design microincision cataract surgery intraocular lens: 3-year results of a randomised trial. Br J Ophthalmol. 2013 Dec;97(12):1565-8. • Iwase T, Oveson BC, Nishi Y. Inherent possibility of refraction error for phacovitrectomy. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2013 Apr;41(3):302-3. • Norrby S, Hirnschall N, Nishi Y, Findl O. Fluctuations in corneal curvature limit predictability of intraocular lens power calculations. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2013 Feb;39(2):174-9. 2012 年 • Iwase T, Oveson BC, Nishi Y. Posterior capsule opacification following 20- and 23-gauge phacovitrectomy (posterior capsule opacification following phacovitrectomy). Eye (Lond). 2012 Nov;26(11):1459-64. 2011 年 • Gangwani V, Hirnschall N, Koshy J, Crnej A, Nishi Y, Maurino V, Findl O. Posterior capsule opacification and capsular bag performance of a microincision intraocular lens. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011 Nov;37(11):1988-92. • Crnej A, Hirnschall N, Nishi Y, Gangwani V, Tabernero J, Artal P, Findl O. Impact of intraocular lens haptic design and orientation on decentration and tilt. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011 Oct;37(10):1768-74. • Iwase T, Nishi Y, Oveson BC, Jo YJ. Hydrophobic versus double-square-edged hydrophilic foldable acrylic intraocular lens: effect on posterior capsule opacification. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2011 Jun;37(6):1060-8. 2010 年 • 人工物質注入による水晶体再生と調節復元の研究 西 興史(起史)(大阪市医学会雑誌 59(1&2)1-10, 2010) • Lens refilling to restore accommodation. Yutaro Nishi, et al. IOL&RS 24: 2010 • Reproducibility of intraocular lens decentration and tilt measurement using a clinical purkinje meter. Yutaro Nishi, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 36:1529-1535, 2010 • Capsular bag refilling using capsulotomy-capturing intraocular lens. pp396-373 Okihiro Nishi, et al. 著 Surgical Technique in Ophthalmology. CATARACT SURGERY. Jaypee-Highlights, 2010 2009 年 • Lens refilling to restore accommodation Yutaro Nishi, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 35:374-382, 2009 • V 白内障 3. レーザー前嚢切開 西 起史、他 pp322-326 著 眼科プラクティス 26 眼科レーザー治療 • 文光堂 2009 Capsular bag refilling using capsulotomy: Capturing intraocular lens. pp313-373 Okihiro Nishi, et al. 著 Instant Clinical Diagnosis in Ophthalmology Lens Diseases. Jaypee, 2009 2008 年 • Capsular bag refilling using a new accommodating intraocular lens Okihiro Nishi, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 34:302-309, 2008 2007 年 • Contact inhibition of migrating lens epithelial cells at the capsular bend created by a sharp-edged intraocular lens after cataract surgery. Okihiro Nishi, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 33:1065-1070, 2007 • Influence of 360-degree enhanced optic edge design of a hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens on posterior capsule opacification. Yutaro Nishi, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 33:227-231, 2007 • Pain reduction after epi-LASIK with a simple surgical procedure Yutaro Nishi, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 33:555-557, 2007 • Vergleich der einstuckigen hydrophilen Acrylatfaltlinse C-Flex mit der einstuckigen hydrophoben Acrylatfaltlinse. pp 115-119 Yutaro Nishi 著 21. Kongress der DGII 2007 • Restoration of accommodation by capsular bag refilling. pp 471-476 Okihiro Nishi, et al. 著 Mastering the techniques of advanced phaco surgery. Yaypee, 2007 • Capsular beg refilling using capsulotomy: Capturing intraocular lens. pp 253-262 Okihiro Nishi, et al. 著 Mastering the Presbyopic Surgery, Lenses & Phakic IOLs. Yaypee, 2007 2006 年 • Capsular bag refilling using capsulotomy-capturing intraocular lens Okihiro Nishi, et al. Mastering Intraocular Lenses pp447-452, 2006 • Letters: Capsular bend and PCO prevention Okihiro Nishi. J Cataract Refract Surg 32:1242-1244, 2006 • Evaluation of posterior capsule opacification using a new posterior view method in rabbits. Single-piece acrylic versus 3-piece acrylic intraocular lens. Okihiro Nishi, et al. J Cataract Refract Surg 31:2369-2374, 2006 • Pathology, evaluation, and prevention. Yutaro Nishi, et al. IOL&RS 20:377-382, 2006 • グレアによりソフトアクリル製眼内レンズ摘出が必要となった 2 例 有本佐知子、他(IOL&RS 20:253-257, 2006) • A 型ボツリヌス毒素治療に併用したリドカインテープの効果 渡部暁也、他(臨眼 60:516-619, 2006 • 眼内レンズを科学する 西 起史 著 メディカル葵出版 2006 • Funktionelle Ergebnisse und Nachstaraus-pragung einer hydrophilen Acrylatfaltlinse 2 Jahre nach Kataraktchirurgie. pp 95-98 • Detektion und Differenzierung von Linsentrubungen mittels der Oculus Pentacam Scheimflugkamera. Yutaro Nishi 著 20. Kongress der DGII 2006 • Capsular bag refilling using capsulotomy-capturing intraocular lens. pp447-452 Okihiro Nishi, et al. 著 Mastering Intraocular Lenses (IOLs) Principles, Techniques and Innovations. Yaypee, 2006 2005 年 • Letters: Does a sharp edge compress the posterior capsule in vivo? Okihiro Nishi. J Cataract Refract Surg 31:250-252, 2005 • Einfluss von intraokularlinsen-material und-design auf die nachstarentwicklung. Okihiro Nishi. Ophthalmologe 102:572-578, 2005 • 無水晶体眼に対する Artisan Intraocular Lens の使用経験 岩西宏樹、他(IOL&RS 19:80-85, 2005 • Management of Cataract Surgery in Uveitis Patients. pp121-128 • Nachstar-Pravention und Wiederherstellung der Akkommoation-Eine neue Lens refilling Prozedur. pp 247-250 Okihiro Nishi 著 19. Kongress der DGII 2005 • Anwendung de Oculus Pentacam Scheimpflug Systems zur Messung der Kataraktdischte. pp275-278 • Vergleich der Rayner Linsen C-Flex und Centerflex 570H. pp 393-396 Yutaro Nishi 著 19. Kongress der DGII 2005 さらに以前のもの • Effect of intraocular lenses on preventing posterior capsule opacification: Design versus material Okihiro Nishi, MD, et al (J Cataract Refract Surg 30:2170-2176, 2004) • 老視 西 佳代(眼科ケア 21:72-77, 2001) • 後発白内障 西 起史他(眼科学大系 2B 水晶体 pp193-206, 1998 中山書店)
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