Ljubljana, July 2014 SLOVENIAN INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Železna cesta 14, PO Box 2512 SI-1000 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIA Telephone: (+386) 1 47 35 699 Telefax: (+386) 1 47 35 692 Website: www.zav-zdruzenje.si E-mail: [email protected] Published by: Responsible person: Drago Cotar, Director Statistical Insurance Bulletin SIA, Ljubljana 2014 Text, tables and graphs prepared by: Mateja Lamovšek Tanja Trampuž Danilo Antončič, Nuclear Insurance and Reinsurance Pool (Chapter 5.3.) Production: Design: Photographs: Printed by: Print run: Pegaz International d. o. o. Ljubljana Luka Mancini, MSc and Matic Leban 123 RF USA Tiskarna Littera picta d. o. o. 200 copies All rights reserved. The information contained herein may be used in full or in part only with an appropriate indication of the source. This publication is also available in Slovene. ISSN 1318-7295 CONTENTS Methodological note ........................................................................................................... 4 Development of the insurance market ................................................................................... 6 Foreword ........................................................................................................................... 9 1. Slovenian economy in 2013 ............................................................................................... 11 2. Slovenian Insurance Association in 2013 ........................................................................... 14 3. Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) ............................................................................ 17 Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d. ........................................................................ 22 Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch ............................................................................... 23 ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia ................................................... 24 ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji .......................................................................... 25 ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. ................................................................................... 26 GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. ........................................................................................... 27 GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. ............................................................................................... 28 Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. ............................................................................................... 29 Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. ................................................................................................ 30 NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. ............................................................................... 31 Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d. ................................................................................................ 32 Pozavarovalnica Triglav Re, d. d. ........................................................................................ 33 SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. ........................................................................... 34 Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov ........................................................................................... 35 Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. ............................................................................. 36 Vzajemna, d. v. z. ............................................................................................................. 37 Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office in Ljubljana ................................................... 38 Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. .............................................................................................. 39 Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. .................................................................................................. 40 Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. ................................................................................................ 41 4.Employees in 2013 .......................................................................................................... 43 5. Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 ..................................................................... 47 5.1. Insurance activities ..................................................................................................... 48 5.1.1. Types of insurance by class ........................................................................................ 53 5.1.2. Life insurance .......................................................................................................... 57 Pension insurance .................................................................................................. 59 5.1.3. Non-life insurance ................................................................................................... 60 Accident insurance ................................................................................................ 64 Health insurance ................................................................................................... 65 Land motor vehicle insurance ................................................................................ 66 Railway rolling stock insurance ............................................................................... 67 Aircraft insurance .................................................................................................. 68 Ship insurance ..................................................................................................... 69 Goods in transit insurance ..................................................................................... 70 Fire and natural forces insurance ............................................................................. 71 Other damage to property insurance ........................................................................ 72 Motor vehicle liability insurance ............................................................................. 73 Aircraft liability insurance ...................................................................................... 74 Liability for ship insurance ..................................................................................... 75 General liability insurance ..................................................................................... 76 Credit insurance .................................................................................................. 77 Suretyship insurance ............................................................................................. 78 Miscellaneous financial loss insurance .................................................................... 79 Legal expenses insurance ..................................................................................... 80 Assistance insurance ............................................................................................ 81 5.1.4. Distribution channels ............................................................................................... 82 5.2. Reinsurance activities ................................................................................................. 84 5.3. Nuclear Insurance and Reinsurance Pool ....................................................................... 87 6. International position of the Slovenian insurance industry ................................................. 89 7. Chronological overview of insurance activities in Slovenian ethnic territory ......................... 95 Methodological note The Statistical Insurance Bulletin is based on annual data that the SIA has obtained from its members. According to estimates, the aforementioned data accounts for 99% of the Slovenian insurance market. The chapter regarding pension insurance also takes into account data obtained from other companies involved in the pension insurance segment. The Slovenian pension insurance market is thus presented in full. If other data sources are used, this is stated separately in the text, tables and graphs. Data collection was completed on 13 June 2014. Unless otherwise stated, all data in this publication refer to Slovenia. The unit of currency used in this publication is the euro. The exchange rate 239,64 SIT = 1 EUR was used to convert the domestic currency to euros for the period prior to the introduction of the euro. The conversion is in accordance with the practice of SORS. Growth rates are calculated as the ratio of data for the selected year to data for the previous year, without taking into account inflation. Statistical indicators, units of measure, abbreviations ... not available – no occurrence of event *comment %percentage m million bnbillion c.century MTPL motor third party liability insurance GDP Gross domestic product EUReuro VSPI voluntary supplementary pension insurance NLI Non-life insurance USD US dollar ZPIZ-1 Pension and Disability Insurance Act BS ESS EIOPA EU Eurostat HIIS IE ISA SIA SORS 4 Bank of Slovenia Employment Service of Slovenia European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority European Union Statistical Office of the European Communities Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia Insurance Europe Insurance Supervision Agency Slovenian Insurance Association Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Methodological note Development of the insurance market Insurance Year PREMIUMS (in EUR) TOTAL Life 2003 1,244,376,773 2004 1,453,765,619 2005 2006 BENEFITS AND CLAIMS PAID (in EUR) Non-life TOTAL Life Non-life 297,653,614 946,723,160 771,808,968 111,356,426 660,452,541 428,093,732 1,025,671,887 929,940,886 188,598,335 741,342,551 1,549,167,096 464,833,571 1,084,333,525 874,789,651 136,243,782 738,545,869 1,725,303,964 540,654,519 1,184,649,445 949,341,016 149,353,126 799,987,890 2007 1,893,979,650 609,265,438 1,284,714,212 1,023,300,031 161,827,691 861,472,340 2008 2,018,959,895 642,652,700 1,376,307,195 1,204,208,190 177,589,378 1,026,618,812 2009 2,072,923,129 630,089,177 1,442,833,952 1,240,000,802 188,495,547 1,051,505,255 2010 2,094,342,801 656,013,340 1,438,329,461 1,242,833,061 245,624,195 997,208,866 2011 2,053,443,380 599,359,672 1,454,083,708 1,288,695,975 344,742,146 943,953,829 2012 2,053,996,610 596,964,885 1,457,031,725 1,388,221,416 433,363,866 954,857,550 2013 1,977,531,882 552,961,135 1,424,570,747 1,360,391,007 391,721,661 968,669,346 Reinsurance Year PREMIUMS (in EUR) BENEFITS AND CLAIMS PAID (in EUR) TOTAL Life Non-life TOTAL Life Non-life 2003 137,498,252 982,253 136,515,999 71,689,384 553,388 71,135,996 2004 148,585,357 950,547 147,634,811 81,629,866 240,782 81,389,084 2005 161,360,758 1,006,635 160,354,123 78,670,656 221,516 78,449,140 2006 180,619,058 641,738 179,977,320 101,766,784 252,153 101,514,630 2007 206,165,229 704,532 205,460,697 115,181,537 302,353 114,879,184 2008 241,737,838 724,041 241,013,797 200,375,022 162,440 200,212,582 2009 261,109,458 643,289 260,466,169 171,828,133 137,275 171,690,858 2010 263,029,025 793,774 262,235,251 139,930,258 179,043 139,751,215 2011 262,282,208 861,553 261,420,655 126,258,125 365,430 125,892,695 2012 269,180,708 1,693,484 267,487,224 131,808,884 276,044 131,532,840 2013 239,147,140 2,603,206 236,543,934 141,702,764 600,854 141,101,910 * In premium growth index the inflation is excluded. Including the inflation of 0.7% (December 2013/December 2012) the total insurance premiums would be 1,963,785,384 EUR and the premium growth index would be 95.61. Source: SIA, SORS 6 Development of the insurance market CLAIMS RATIO (in %) PREMIUM GROWTH INDEX* TOTAL Life Non-life TOTAL Life Non-life 62.0 37.4 69.8 111.7 117.8 109.9 64.0 44.1 72.3 116.8 143.8 108.3 56.5 29.3 68.1 106.6 108.6 105.7 55.0 27.6 67.5 111.4 116.3 109.3 54.0 26.6 67.1 109.8 112.7 108.4 59.6 27.6 74.6 106.6 105.5 107.1 59.8 29.9 72.9 102.7 98.0 104.8 59.3 37.4 69.3 101.0 104.1 99.7 62.8 57.5 64.9 98.0 91.4 101.1 67.6 72.6 65.5 100.0 99.6 100.2 68.8 70.8 68.0 96.3 92.6 97.8 CLAIMS RATIO (in %) PREMIUM GROWTH INDEX* TOTAL Life Non-life TOTAL Life Non-life 52.1 56.3 52.1 115.1 99.3 115.2 54.9 25.3 55.1 108.1 96.8 108.1 48.8 22.0 48.9 108.6 105.9 108.6 56.3 39.3 56.4 111.9 63.8 112.2 55.9 42.9 55.9 114.1 109.8 114.2 82.9 22.4 83.1 117.3 102.8 117.3 65.8 21.3 65.9 108.0 88.8 108.1 53.2 22.6 53.3 100.7 123.4 100.7 48.1 42.4 48.2 99.7 108.5 99.7 49.0 16.3 49.2 102.6 196.6 102.3 59.3 23.1 59.7 88.8 153.7 88.4 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 7 Foreword From the beginning of the 1990s until 2008, the Slovenian insurance sector recorded high growth, which exceeded general economic growth. Insurance companies disclosed deteriorating operating results with the outbreak of the financial crisis. Collected premiums, however, continued to rise due to the relatively small proportion of premiums accounted for by life insurance. The adverse economic conditions continued in 2013 and also affected the Slovenian insurance market. Increasing illiquidity, numerous corporate bankruptcies and rising unemployment have led to lower demand for several years. Insurance is a service that consumers forgo relatively quickly. Initially, this was only seen in the life insurance sector. Last year, however, that trend was more evident in the nonlife insurance sector. Total premiums collected by insurance companies were down 3.7% on the previous year. Nevertheless, members of the SIA have not reported any major problems in their operations. Competition continues to tighten across the entire insurance market. In the context of efforts to increase their market shares, primarily smaller insurance companies have recorded positive growth, although they continue to contribute little to reducing market concentration. The five largest insurance companies account for 77.5% of the market. Since Slovenia joined the EU and following the introduction of the euro, there has been a notable increase in interest on the part of EU insurance companies to establish business in Slovenia. After ten years as an EU Member State, the presence of EU insurance companies in Slovenia is not yet worthy of note, nor have the latter had a significant impact on domestic insurance companies. In recent years, insurance companies that provide services directly have only collected around 1% of the gross written premiums of the entire market, similar to the branches of foreign insurance companies. The Slovenian insurance market falls somewhere in the middle in terms of development relative to other European countries. However, this is not true for the life insurance sector, as this insurance class achieves a smaller proportion of total premiums in only a few EU countries. Contributing to this fact are both a decline in household disposable income and a low propensity for and lack of confidence in these forms of insurance on the part of the population. Nevertheless, it is in this segment where the greatest potential for the development of the Slovenian insurance market lies. Membership in the EU brings considerable obligations in all financial spheres, including the insurance sector. The Solvency II Directive is becoming an important link in the operations of insurance companies. Last year the EIOPA issued preparatory guidelines, which in the interim period until 2016 are meant to ensure that individual insurance companies and supervisory bodies are as well-prepared as possible for new rules governing the management, measurement and control of risks. This transition is a major task and requires a great deal of preliminary preparations and costs. The Slovenian insurance sector accounts for 5.6% of GDP and directly employs more than 6,000 workers. If we also take into account at least that many insurance agents and brokers, the role of the insurance sector and its social responsibility are that much greater. The insurance sector must therefore be perceived as an important link in society in the search for appropriate solutions for a welfare state that are tailored to its citizens and in line with European policies. Ljubljana, 13 June 2014 Drago Cotar, Director Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 9 1. Slovenian economy in 2013 The recession continued in Slovenia in 2013. GDP contracted by 1.1%, while unemployment and the poverty rate were up and the standard of living was down. Nevertheless, domestic demand is gradually stabilising. Companies have been forced to channel their sales abroad due to the domestic economic crisis, which is reflected in growth in merchandise exports. Once again last year numerous companies encountered liquidity problems, which had an adverse impact on banks as their largest creditors. The new government, which began functioning at the beginning of 2013, drew up a plan to strengthen the economy. However, the objectives of the plan were not met. The general government deficit rose sharply, as did general government debt. GDP continued to contract to stand at EUR 35bn expressed in current prices, down 1.1% on the previous year. GDP per capita measured in current prices was well below the average for EU Member States. It was down slightly to stand at EUR 17,128 or USD 22,748. The general government deficit had risen by a factor of 3.7 by the end of 2013 to stand at EUR 5.2bn or 14.7% of GDP, the highest since Slovenia’s independence. General government debt in the amount of EUR 25.3bn reached 71.7% of GDP. The sharp growth was primarily the result of measures to stabilise the banking system. Industrial production was down 0.7% on average in 2013 relative to the previous year. The first half of the year was characterised by a drop in production, while that trend came to a halt during the second half of the year. Sales revenue was down 1.5% relative to 2012, while inventories were down 3.5%. Merchandise exports and imports were up during the year. Exports in the amount of EUR 21.6bn reached their highest level in the last five years, while imports in the amount of EUR 22.2bn were up 0.6%. The merchandise trade deficit stood at EUR 541.1m for the period, while the coverage of imports by exports was 97.4%, up 2 percentage points on 2012. Three quarters of exports and imports were with EU Member States. Inflation was down 2 percentage points on the same period in 2012 to stand at 0.7% in December 2013, below the euro area average. The average gross wage was down EUR 2.3 last year to stand at EUR 1,523. The average net wage was up 0.6% to stand at EUR 997 or 65% of the gross wage. Despite a reduction in wages in recent years, the public sector continues to record a higher average gross wage (EUR 1,741 in 2013) than the private sector (EUR 1,404). The unemployment rate has risen constantly over the last five years to stand at 13.1% last year, translating to 119,827 unemployed persons. Despite an increase in the number of new hires, the registered unemployment rate was up 8.8% on the previous year. One half of job seekers are younger than 30 years of age. The majority of those unemployed have been out of work for more than one year, while 40% have a primary or secondary school education. Their education level is highly incompatible with the types of job vacancies. Under pressure from the continuing recession, the banking sector reduced its lending activity in 2013, when an increase was seen in income and interestrate risks. The process of rehabilitating certain banks and the transfer of non-performing claims to the Bank Asset Management Company in December resulted in a notable improvement in the situation in the banking sector. Year-on-year growth in total assets was negative for the fourth consecutive year (−12.3%), while total assets declined by EUR 5.7bn to stand at EUR 40.4bn. The Ljubljana Stock Exchange recorded moderate growth in 2013. The Slovenian SBI TOP rose for the second consecutive year, by 3.17%. Turnover on the stock exchange was up 8.7% to stand at EUR 392m, with trading in shares accounting for 76% of turnover. The market capitalisation of all shares on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange was up in 2013 to stand at EUR 5.2bn. Source: BS, Eurostat, Ljubljana Stock Exchange, SORS Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 11 Selected macroeconomic indicators Population* 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2,032,362 2,046,976 2,050,189 2,055,496 2,058,821 Men 1,003,945 1,014,107 1,014,563 1,016,731 1,019,061 Women 1,028,417 1,032,869 1,035,626 1,038,765 1,039,760 1,961,639 1,964,660 1,967,443 1,969,941 1,967,436 Foreign citizens Citizens of the Republic of Slovenia 70,723 82,316 82,746 85,555 91,385 Labour force** 944,525 935,543 934,659 920,184 913,424 Employed persons** 858,171 835,039 823,967 810,001 793,597 86,354 100,504 110,692 110,183 119,827 9.1 10.7 11.8 12.0 13.1 35,420.2 35,484.6 36,150.0 35,318.6 35,274.9 –7.9 1.3 0.7 –2.5 –1.1 Registered unemployed persons** Registered unemployment rate (in %) GDP (in EURm) GDP annual growth index (in %) GDP per capita (in EUR) 17,348.7 17,319.5 17,609.7 17,171.9 17,128.0 GDP per capita (in USD) 24,198.0 22,960.5 24,512.8 22,062.5 22,747.6 Annual inflation*** (in %) 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.7 0.7 Average monthly inflation (in %) 0.9 1.8 1.8 2.6 1.8 1,438.96 1,494.88 1,524.65 1,525.47 1,523.18 Average monthly net earnings (in EUR) Average monthly gross earnings (in EUR) 930.00 966.62 987.39 991.44 997.01 State budget deficit (in EURm) –2,247 –2,082 –2,306 –1,414 –5,188 –6.3 –5.9 –6.4 –4.0 –14.7 12,470 13,742 17,016 19,204 25,307 35.2 38.7 47.1 54.4 71.7 State budget deficit share in GDP (in %) Public debt (in EURm) Public debt share in GDP (in %) Exports of goods (in EURm) 16,269.3 18,639.3 20,999.3 21,060.7 21,627.6 Imports of goods (in EURm) 17,275.9 20,100.6 22,555.1 22,077.7 22,196.7 Exports as % of imports 94.2 92.7 93.1 95.4 97.4 Industrial production index 82.6 107.2 101.3 99.1 99.3 * as at 1 January ** average of all months *** according to consumer price indice in December Source: SORS 12 Slovenian economy in 2013 2. Slovenian Insurance Association in 2013 With 14 employees, the SIA had a challenging 2013 financial year. In addition to standard tasks, changing legislation and newly launched projects also affected the work of employees. As in several previous years, the introduction of pension legislation and healthcare reform were again at the forefront. The SIA worked with the competent ministries in both areas. The effort to preserve supplementary health insurance continues. The deadline for introducing the Solvency II Directive has been extended, but the EIOPA issued preparatory guidelines last year with which insurance companies and reinsurance companies will have to comply. Based on the ISA’s framework principles regarding the transposition of the aforementioned regulations into Slovenian law, the SIA focused on the introduction of key functions in the operations of insurance companies. New requirements and activities have also been imposed by a transnational agreement on the implementation of the provisions of the US’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). The deteriorating economic conditions also affected the attitude of users to insurance services. In particular, attention was brought to problems with the transparency of life insurance products and insufficient advice provided by insurance agents in the sales process. For this reason, the SIA launched a new website last year aimed at informing the general public about the importance of the insurance sector. In addition to statistical data and publications, the electronic periodical journal Zavarovalniški horizonti (Insurance Horizons) is now available to the professional public. Moreover, the SIA continues to educate insurance agents and brokers, and organise various seminars for its members. The SIA actively worked with international institutions such as Insurance Europe, the Council of Bureaux and with the insurance associations of other European countries with the aim of improving cooperation to the benefit of its members. 14 Slovenian Insurance Association in 2013 Organisational chart – graphic presentation of the SIA (situation as at 6 June 2014) ASSEMBLY COUNCIL DIRECTOR General and Organisational Affairs and Accounting Service Arbitration Court* Insurance Ombudsman* Mediation Centre* Green Card Bureau Guarantee Fund Compensation Body Information Centre Expert Committee of the GCB Guarantee Fund Commission Compliance Function Committee Legal Section Motor Insurance Personal Insurance Property Insurance, Statistics and Analysis Education Motor Insurance Committee Life & Accident Insurance Committee Property Insurance Committee Risk Management Committee Education Committee Transport and Credit Insurance Committee Health Insurance Committee Magazine Editorial Committee IT Committee Pension Insurance Committee Slovenian Insurance Days Organising Committee Liability Insurance Commission Statistical Bulletin Editorial Committee Property Claims Commission on Accounts and Tax Affairs Accounting and Tax Affairs Commission Prevention of Insurance Fraud Commission Burglary & Fire Insurance Commission Money Laundering Prevention Commission Insurance Legal affairs Commission Natural Disasters Commission Affairs Actuarial Section Supervision of SIA’s information system Commission Agricultural Insurance Section Internal Audit Section Exam Committee Public Relations and Consumer Awareness Committee Financial Section * SIA provides only material basis Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 15 3. Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) The SIA has 20 members: 17 insurance companies, two reinsurance companies and one other company that sells insurance. There was one member less than in 2012 due to the merger of the insurance companies Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d. and KD Življenje, zavarovalnica, d. d. A total of 14 insurance companies and two reinsurance companies with registered offices in Slovenia operate on the Slovenian insurance market, as well as six branches of foreign insurance companies and other entities that underwrite insurance and are under the supervision of the ISA. In addition to members of the SIA, the following insurance companies are also present on the market: Prva osebna zavarovalnica, d. d. and the Slovenian branches of Agro Zavarovalnica and Porsche Versicherung AG. Insurance services may also be provided directly by 684 insurance companies with registered offices abroad. Data from the aforementioned companies and other companies that are not members of the SIA are not included in this publication. Number of insurance companies with regard to various criteria Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 16 16 16 15 14 2 2 2 2 2 ACTIVE COMPANIES IN THE INSURANCE MARKET Insurance companies with their head office in Slovenia Reinsurance companies with their head office in Slovenia Pension companies with their head office in Slovenia 3 3 3 3 3 Other companies with their head office in Slovenia 2 2 2 2 2 Branches of foreign insurance companies TOTAL Of which SIA members F oreign insurance companies, authorised to directly perform operations Of which the active insurance companies 3 3 3 5 5 26 26 26 27 26 20 21 21 21 20 368 547 610 632 … … … 110 117 … SIA MEMBERS (WITHOUT REINSURANCE COMPANIES) WITH REGARD TO VARIOUS CRITERIA By legislation Operate under insurance act Do not operate under insurance act 16 17 18 18 17 2 2 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 By portfolio Composite Life 4 5 5 5 4 Non-life 5 5 5 5 5 16 17 17 17 16 By organisational form Joint-stock companies 8 9 9 9 9 Mutual companies Of which with the majority share of foreign capital 1 1 1 1 1 Other 1 1 1 1 1 Source: ISA, SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 17 SIA members with regard to type of company and written premiums in 2013 (in EUR) TOTAL Life Non-life 306,161,171 56,836,386 249,324,785 8,142,651 2,116,334 6,026,317 COMPOSITE INSURANCE COMPANIES: Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d.* ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. 85,176,250 22,717,349 62,458,901 GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. 32,530,946 19,157,477 13,373,469 Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. 46,379,892 38,956,035 7,423,857 Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana 24,436,974 15,865,017 8,571,957 252,001,041 75,500,697 176,500,344 86,154,423 9,286,982 76,867,441 603,779,233 179,199,515 424,579,718 Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES: 5,387,601 5,387,601 0 Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. 82,810,932 82,804,910 6,022 NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. 44,098,581 42,589,036 1,509,545 ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. NON-LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES: Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch 5,713,591 0 5,713,591 ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia 1,778,966 0 1,778,966 19,403,755 0 19,403,755 Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. 104,046,846 0 104,046,846 Vzajemna, d. v. z. 266,985,233 0 266,985,233 2,543,796 2,543,796 0 Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d. 134,131,528 2,207,226 131,924,302 Pozavarovalnica Trigav Re, d. d. 105,015,612 395,980 104,619,632 SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. OTHER COMPANIES: Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov REINSURANCE COMPANIES: * insurance company KD Življenje merged with insurance company Adriatic Slovenica on 1 October 2013 Source: SIA Market share of SIA members with regard to collected premiums in 2013 (in %) INSURANCE – TOTAL TOTAL Life Non-life 100 100 100 Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. 30.53 32.41 29.80 Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d.* 15.48 10.28 17.50 Vzajemna, d. v. z. 13.50 – 18.74 Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. 12.74 13.65 12.39 Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. 5.26 – 7.30 Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. 4.36 1.68 5.40 GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. 4.31 4.11 4.38 Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. 4.19 14.97 0.00 Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. 2.35 7.04 0.52 NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. 2.23 7.70 0.11 GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. 1.65 3.46 0.94 Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana 1.24 2.87 0.60 SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. 0.98 – 1.36 ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji 0.41 0.38 0.42 Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch 0.29 – 0.40 ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. 0.27 0.97 – Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov 0.13 0.46 – ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia 0.09 – 0.12 100 100 100 Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d. REINSURANCE – TOTAL 56.09 84.79 55.77 Pozavarovalnica Trigav Re, d. d. 43.91 15.21 44.23 * insurance company KD Življenje merged with insurance company Adriatic Slovenica on 1 October 2013 Source: SIA Premium growth index of SIA members in 2013 INSURANCE – TOTAL Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d.* TOTAL Life Non-life 96.3 92.6 97.8 93.5 93.4 93.6 113.9 460.3 97.2 Vzajemna, d. v. z. 98.6 – 98.6 Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. 95.5 98.1 94.4 Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. 113.8 – 113.8 Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. 104.4 93.1 105.9 GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. 96.6 102.9 94.5 Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. 73.7 73.7 558.6 Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana 98.3 97.5 102.8 118.8 119.6 101.4 96.5 93.8 100.8 105.1 101.6 112.4 SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. 95.1 – 95.1 ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji 178.2 85.5 287.9 Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch 115.1 – 115.1 ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. 168.4 168.4 – Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia 91.5 91.5 – 102.4 – 102.4 REINSURANCE – TOTAL 88.8 153.7 88.4 Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d. 87.8 173.8 87.0 Pozavarovalnica Trigav Re, d. d. 90.3 93.5 90.2 * insurance company KD Življenje merged with insurance company Adriatic Slovenica on 1 October 2013 Source: SIA SIA members with regard to life premiums (excluding VSPI) in 2013 VSPI (in EUR) Life premiums without VSPI (in EUR) Life premiums without VSPI market share (in %) Life premiums without VSPI growth index (2013/2012) TOTAL 84,579,994 468,381,141 100 98.4 Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. 14,700,068 164,499,447 35.12 96.6 0 75,500,697 16.12 98.1 652,933 56,183,453 12.00 481.8 Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d.* NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. 0 42,589,036 9.09 119.6 Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. 0 38,956,035 8.32 97.5 GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana 3,009,052 19,708,297 4.21 108.7 0 19,157,477 4.09 93.8 66,217,941 16,586,969 3.54 94.2 0 15,865,017 3.39 101.6 Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. 0 9,286,982 1.98 93.1 ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. 0 5,387,601 1.15 168.4 Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov 0 2,543,796 0.54 91.5 ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji 0 2,116,334 0.45 85.5 * insurance company KD Življenje merged with insurance company Adriatic Slovenica on 1 October 2013 Source: SIA 20 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) Operating efficiency of SIA members in 2013 Number of employees* Premiums per employee (in EUR) Premiums per employee growth index (2013/2012) 6,079 325,305 97.4 Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. 55 1,505,653 75.0 Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. 81 1,284,529 108.2 INSURANCE – TOTAL 40 1,102,465 112.9 295 905,035 92.2 Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana 29 842,654 97.9 Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch 12 476,133 76.7 NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. Vzajemna, d. v. z. ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d.** Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. 18 299,311 112.3 158 293,544 86.5 1,050 291,582 109.5 866 290,994 97.1 68 285,349 88.1 2,373 254,437 94.8 GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. 377 225,932 97.6 Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. 382 225,535 101.6 GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. 177 183,791 103.6 10 177,897 112.7 ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji 58 140,391 135.2 Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov 30 84,793 97.6 SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia REINSURANCE – TOTAL 116 2,061,613 90.4 Pozavarovalnica Trigav Re, d. d. 42 2,500,372 88.1 Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d. 74 1,812,588 91.3 * employees as at 31 December 2013 ** insurance company KD Življenje merged with insurance company Adriatic Slovenica on 1 October 2013 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 21 Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d. Address: Ljubljanska cesta 3a, SI–6503 Koper Website: www.as.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 5 66 43 100 Telefax: (+386) 5 66 43 109 Tax number: 63658011 Identification form: 5063361 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Matjaž GANTAR 1,050 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Gabrijel ŠKOF 185 Members of the board of management Number of top-level business units Willem Jacob WESTERLAKEN, Varja DOLENC, Matija ŠENK 9 branch offices Share of foreign capital 0% Type of company composite insurance company Biggest shareholders and their shares KD Group, d. d., Ljubljana 100% Organisational form joint-stock company Gross written premiums 2013 EUR 306,161,171 Date of registration 20 November 1990 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 5.23 Accident 5.44 Life 18.56 Health 36.78 Motor vehicle liability 13.66 Other damage to property 3.79 Fire and natural forces 4.99 22 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) Land motor vehicle 11.54 Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch Address: Dunajska cesta 167, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.allianz.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 58 09 480 Telefax: (+386) 1 58 09 481 Tax number: 64656187 Identification form: 2345722 Director of the branch Number of all-level business units Iztok CIMPERMAN 1 Type of company Number of top-level business units non-life insurance company 1 head office Organisational form Share of foreign capital branch of EU insurance company 100% Date of registration Biggest shareholders and their shares 22 November 2007 Allianz Hungária Biztósitó Zártkörüen Müködő Részvénytársaság, Budapest 100% Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) 12 Gross written premiums 2013 EUR 5,713,591 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Miscellaneous financial loss 3.64 Other 1.48 Fire and natural forces 22.75 General liability 45.15 Other damage to property 26.97 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 23 ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia Address: Železna cesta 14, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.arag.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 23 64 181 Telefax: (+386) 1 43 64 391 Tax number: 60153555 Identification form: 6186238 Director of the branch Number of all-level business units Marko VONČINA 1 Type of company Number of top-level business units legal protection insurance company 1 head office Organisational form Share of foreign capital branch of EU insurance company 100% Date of registration Biggest shareholders and their shares 4 July 2012 ARAG SE, Düsseldorf 100% Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Gross written premiums 2013 10 EUR 1,778,966 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Legal expenses 100.00 24 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji Address: Šlandrova ulica 4, SI–1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče Website: www.ergo.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 60 05 800 Telefax: (+386) 1 60 05 806 Tax number: 81287763 Identification form: 2118629 Director of the branch Number of all-level business units Andrej KOCIČ, MSc 1 Type of company Number of top-level business units composite insurance company 1 head office Organisational form Share of foreign capital branch of EU insurance company 100% Date of registration Biggest shareholders and their shares 25 May 2005 ERGO Austria International AG, Vienna 100% Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Gross written premiums 2013 58 EUR 8,142,651 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 5.40 Accident 8.94 Life 25.99 Land motor vehicle 32.48 Motor vehicle liability 27.18 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 25 ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. Address: Šlandrova ulica 4, SI–1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče Website: www.ergo.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 60 05 040 Telefax: (+386) 1 60 05 039 Tax number: 33416133 Identification form: 3356493 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Harald LONDER 18 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Andrej KOCIČ, MSc 1 Member of the board of management Number of top-level business units Andreja KOVAČIČ 1 head office Type of company Share of foreign capital life insurance company 100% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares joint-stock company ERGO Austria International AG, Vienna 100% Date of registration Gross written premiums 2013 1 July 2008 EUR 5,387,601 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Life 100.00 26 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. Address: Kržičeva ulica 3, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.generali.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 47 57 100 Telefax: (+386) 1 47 57 103 Tax number: 88725324 Identification form: 5186684 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Gregor PILGRAM 377 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Lorenzo KRAVINA 9 Member of the board of management Number of top-level business units Vanja HROVAT 1 head office Type of company Share of foreign capital composite insurance company 100% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares joint-stock company Generali PPF Holding B.V., Prague 100% Date of registration Gross written premiums 2013 18 March 1997 EUR 85,176,250 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 2.16 Life 26.67 General liability 3.38 Motor vehicle liability 22.63 Accident 7.61 Land motor vehicle 17.87 Fire and natural forces 11.36 Other damage to property 8.32 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 27 GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. Address: Gregorčičeva ulica 39, SI–2000 Maribor Website: www.grawe.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 2 22 85 500 Telefax: (+386) 2 22 85 526 Tax number: 59896469 Identification form: 5450900 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Othmar EDERER, PhD 177 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Božo EMERŠIČ, MSc, MBA 15 Members of the board of management Number of top-level business units Marko MIKIĆ, Helga RUDORFER, MSc, Simon HUSAR 1 branch office Share of foreign capital 100% Type of company composite insurance company Biggest shareholders and their shares Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG, Graz 100% Organisational form joint-stock company Gross written premiums 2013 EUR 32,530,946 Date of registration 23 January 1991 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 2.29 Accident 10.02 Land motor vehicle 5.47 Fire and natural forces 3.34 Other damage to property 12.10 Life 58.89 Motor vehicle liability 7.89 28 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. Address: Dunajska cesta 58, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.merkur-zav.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 30 05 450 Telefax: (+386) 1 43 61 092 Tax number: 74079778 Identification form: 5648246 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Christian KLADIVA 158 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Denis STROLIGO 2 Member of the board of management Number of top-level business units Terence J. TAYLOR, MSc 1 branch office Type of company Share of foreign capital composite insurance company 100% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares joint-stock company Merkur International Holding AG, Graz 100% Date of registration Gross written premiums 2013 18 November 1992 EUR 46,379,892 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 0.97 Accident 11.36 Fire and natural forces 1.61 Other damage to property 2.07 Life 83.99 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 29 Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. Address: Dunajska cesta 119, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.modra-zavarovalnica.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 47 46 800 Telefax: (+386) 1 47 46 754 Tax number: 21026912 Identification form: 6031226 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Aleš GROZNIK 55 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Borut JAMNIK 1 Member of the board of management Number of top-level business units Matija DEBELAK, MSc 1 head office Type of company Share of foreign capital pension insurance company 0% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares joint-stock company Kapitalska družba pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja, d. d., Ljubljana 100% Date of registration 3 October 2011 Gross written premiums 2013 EUR 82,810,932 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Accident 0.01 Life 99.99 30 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. Address: Trg republike 3, SI–1520 Ljubljana Website: www.nlbvita.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 47 65 800 Telefax: (+386) 1 47 65 818 Tax number: 70292825 Identification form: 1834665 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Johan B. P. DAEMEN 40 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Barbara SMOLNIKAR, MSc 1 Member of the board of management Number of top-level business units Irena PRELOG, MSc 1 head office Type of company Share of foreign capital life insurance company 50% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares joint-stock company KBC Insurance NV, Leuven 50% Nova Ljubljanska banka, d. d., Ljubljana 50% Date of registration 4 June 2003 Gross written premiums 2013 EUR 44,098,581 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Accident 3.42 Life 96.58 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 31 Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d. Address: Dunajska cesta 56, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.sava-re.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 47 50 200 Telefax: (+386) 1 47 50 264 Tax number: 17986141 Identification form: 5063825 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of all-level business units Branko TOMAŽIČ 1 Chairman of the board of management Number of top-level business units Zvonko IVANUŠIČ, MSc 1 head office Members of the board of management Share of foreign capital Srečko ČEBRON, Jošt DOLNIČAR, Mateja TREVEN, MSc 27.9% Biggest shareholders and their shares Slovenska odškodninska družba, d. d., Ljubljana 25.0% Societe Generale – Splitska banka, d. d., Split 9.8% European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London 6.2% Raiffeisen Bank Austria, d. d., Vienna 4.4% Modra zavarovalnica, d. d., Ljubljana 4.1% Type of company reinsurance company Organisational form joint-stock company Date of registration 28 December 1990 Gross written premiums 2013 EUR 134,131,528 Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) 74 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 3.47 Accident 6.07 General liability 3.97 Motor vehicle liability 10.77 Land motor vehicle 11.60 Ship 3.30 Goods and transit 1.91 Other damage to property 14.07 Fire and natural forces 44.84 32 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) Pozavarovalnica Triglav Re, d. d. Address: Miklošičeva cesta 19, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.triglavre.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 47 47 900 Telefax: (+386) 1 43 31 419 Tax number: 16465423 Identification form: 1362992 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Andrej SLAPAR 42 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Gregor STRAŽAR, MSc 1 Member of the board of management Number of top-level business units Tomaž ROTAR 1 head office Type of company Share of foreign capital reinsurance company 0% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares joint-stock company Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d., Ljubljana 100% Date of registration Gross written premiums 2013 31 December 1998 EUR 105,015,612 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 6.64 Land motor vehicle 10.97 Miscellaneous financial loss 2.11 Credit 2.55 General liability 3.60 Goods and transit 2.84 Motor vehicle liability 9.16 Other damage to property 22.16 Fire and natural forces 39.99 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 33 SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. Address: Davčna ulica 1, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.sid-pkz.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 20 05 800, 20 05 810 Telefax: (+386) 1 42 58 445 Tax number: 71824847 Identification form: 1903209 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Jožef BRADEŠKO 68 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Ladislav ARTNIK 1 Members of the board of management Number of top-level business units Barbara KUNC, Igor PIRNAT, MSc 1 head office Type of company Share of foreign capital credit insurance company 0% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares joint-stock company SID – Slovenska izvozna in razvojna banka, d. d., Ljubljana (SID banka) 100% Date of registration 31 December 2004 Gross written premiums 2013 EUR 19,403,755 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Credit 100.00 34 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov Address: Vošnjakova ulica 6, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.sop.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 30 03 611 Telefax: (+386) 1 43 18 303 Tax number: 39155790 Identification form: 5147344 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Jaka VADNJAL, PhD 30 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Bojan JEAN, MSc 1 Member of the board of management Number of top-level business units Božidar MAROT, MSc 1 head office Type of company Share of foreign capital pension company 0% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares fund not a joint-stock company Date of registration Gross written premiums 2013 23 August 1956 EUR 2,543,796 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Life 100.00 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 35 Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. Address: Pristaniška ulica 10, SI–6000 Koper Website: www.zdravstvena.net E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 5 66 22 000 Telefax: (+386) 5 66 22 002 Tax number: 50250957 Identification form: 5848091 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Tadej ČOROLI 81 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Meta BERK SKOK, MSc 14 Member of the board of management Number of top-level business units Simon VIDMAR, MSc 2 branch offices (central office in Koper, central office in Ljubljana) Type of company health insurance company Share of foreign capital 0% Organisational form joint-stock company Biggest shareholders and their shares Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d., Ljubljana 100% Date of registration 18 November 2002 Gross written premiums 2013 EUR 104,046,846 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Accident 0.23 Health 99.77 36 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) Vzajemna, d. v. z. Address: Vošnjakova ulica 2, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.vzajemna.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 47 18 700 Telefax: (+386) 1 47 18 850 Tax number: 87984385 Identification form: 1430521 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Aleksandra PODGORNIK, MSc 295 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Aleš MIKELN, MBA 52 Members of the board of management Number of top-level business units Neven CVITANOVIĆ, MSc, Katja JELERČIČ, MSc 1 head office + 9 branch offices Type of company Share of foreign capital health insurance company 0% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares mutual company not a joint-stock company Date of registration Gross written premiums 2013 1 November 1999 EUR 266,985,233 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Accident 0.66 Health 99.34 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 37 Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana Address: Masarykova cesta 14, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.wienerstaedtische.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 30 01 700 Telefax: (+386) 1 30 01 709 Tax number: 35452846 Identification form: 1983652 Directors of the branch Number of all-level business units Tomo MRĐEN, MSc, Thomas SCHMIDTMEIER, MSc 2 Type of company Number of top-level business units composite insurance company 1 head office Organisational form Share of foreign capital branch of EU insurance company 100% Date of registration Biggest shareholders and their shares 24 August 2004 Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group, Vienna 100% Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) 29 Gross written premiums 2013 EUR 24,436,974 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 2.23 Fire and natural forces 6.32 Other damage to property 12.18 General liability 12.04 Life 64.92 38 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) Miscellaneous financial loss 2.31 Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. Address: Cankarjeva ulica 3, SI–2507 Maribor Website: www.zavarovalnicamaribor.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 2 23 32 100 Telefax: (+386) 2 23 32 530 Tax number: 44814631 Identification form: 5063400 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Jošt DOLNIČAR 866 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units David KASTELIC, MSc 343 Members of the board of management Number of top-level business units Borut CELCER, MSc, Rok MOLJK 10 branch offices Type of company Share of foreign capital composite insurance company 0% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares joint-stock company Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d., Ljubljana 100% Date of registration Gross written premiums 2013 26 December 1990 EUR 252,001,041 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 4.36 Accident 7.60 Land motor vehicle 18.99 Life 29.96 Fire and natural forces 8.45 General liability 3.98 Other damage to property 5.88 Motor vehicle liability 20.77 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 39 Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. Address: Seidlova cesta 5, SI–8000 Novo mesto Website: www.zav-tilia.si E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 7 39 17 200 Telefax: (+386) 7 39 17 310 Tax number: 40090043 Identification form: 5063426 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Zvonko IVANUŠIČ, MSc 382 Chairman of the board of management Number of all-level business units Andrej KAVŠEK 38 Members of the board of management Number of top-level business units Tadej AVSEC, MSc, Jaka DOLENC 13 representative offices Type of company Share of foreign capital composite insurance company 0% Organisational form Biggest shareholders and their shares joint-stock company Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d., Ljubljana 100% Date of registration Gross written premiums 2013 27 December 1990 EUR 86,154,423 Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 3.19 Accident 10.31 Life 10.78 General liability 4.08 Land motor vehicle 28.60 Motor vehicle liability 28.01 Fire and natural forces 8.16 Other damage to property 6.87 40 Members of the SIA (as at 6 June 2014) Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. Address: Miklošičeva cesta 19, SI–1000 Ljubljana Website: www.triglav.eu E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (+386) 1 47 47 200 Telefax: (+386) 1 43 26 302 Tax number: 80040306 Identification form: 5063345 Chairman of the supervisory board Number of all-level business units Matej RUNJAK 140 Chairman of the board of management Number of top-level business units Andrej SLAPAR 12 regional offices Members of the board of management Share of foreign capital Stanislav VRTUNSKI, Benjamin JOŠAR, Marica MAKOTER 16.60% Biggest shareholders and their shares 28 December 1990 Zavod za pokojninsko in invalidsko zavarovanje Slovenije, Ljubljana 34.47% Slovenska odškodninska družba, d. d., Ljubljana 28.06% Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank, d. d., Zagreb 5% Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken S.A., Luxembourg 1.53% Hrvatska poštanska banka, d. d., Zagreb 1.53% Number of full-time employees (31 December 2013) Gross written premiums 2013 2,373 EUR 603,779,233 Type of company composite insurance company Organisational form joint-stock company Date of registration Breakdown of total insurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 3.44 Accident 5.26 Land motor vehicle 16.38 Life 29.68 Fire and natural forces 8.91 Credit 3.51 General liability 4.90 Other damage to property 11.37 Motor vehicle liability 16.55 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 41 4. Employees in 2013 Employment has fallen gradually in the insurance sector in recent years in the context of the general recession. Insurance companies that are members of the SIA employed 6,079 people in 2013, a decrease of 73 or 1.2% on the previous year and 4% less than in 2008, when the highest number of employees (6,331) was recorded. Reinsurance companies had 116 employees last year, a decrease of 1.7% relative to the previous year. We therefore assess that around 15,000 people work in the insurance sector, including the 6,888 insurance agents and 1,929 insurance brokers who have passed the SIA test to date. Women have accounted for the majority of employees at insurance companies since 2005, when this statistic was first monitored. At the end of 2013, there were 3,529 women (58%) and 2,550 men (42%). The educational structure of employees is improving, as the number of employees with at least a post-secondary education rises each year. The latter accounted for more than one half (53%) of employees during the financial year, the majority of them (2,103 or 35% of all employees) having achieved a higher education or university degree. Evidence of the improving educational structure is the constant rise in the number of employees holding a master’s degree relative to other formal levels of education, the number of such employees having risen by 16% in the last year. At 72%, the proportion of employees with at least a post-secondary education was even higher at reinsurance companies. However, that number is gradually declining. In 2013 a total of 3,218 or 53% of all employees were involved in selling insurance, the highest number in absolute terms to date, although the aforementioned proportion has fallen steadily in recent years, with the exception of 2012. Counter sales and sales via telephone and the internet are mostly made by women, while men account for the majority of insurance agents. The number of sales staff exceeded the number of other employees last year for the first time since such data has been monitored. However, that number fell for the second consecutive year to stand at 2,861. The majority of staff at insurance and reinsurance companies are employed on permanent contracts, and are loyal to their employers. Insurance companies released 560 workers or 9.3% of total employees in 2013, a decrease of 22.8% on the number of departures the previous year. There were 625 new hires, while the ratio of new hires to the average number of employees was 10.4%. The total number of hours worked by employees at insurance companies is declining in conjunction with the declining number of employees. Taking into account total hours lost due to illness and injury, the number of effective hours is even lower. A total of 437,000 hours were lost last year due to illness and injury, representing 3.62% of total hours worked. That proportion has fallen over the last two years, while the situation is exactly the opposite at reinsurance companies, where the total number of hours worked has risen. Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 43 Employees in 2012 and 2013 – insurance 2012 2013 TOTAL Men Women Number of employees 6,152 2,588 Average number of employees 6,167 … 297 Growth index 2013/2012 TOTAL Men Women 3,564 6,079 2,550 3,529 98.8 … 6,014 … … 97.5 198 99 311 203 108 104.7 Number of employees by level of formal education Primary or lower (I–IV) 2,722 1,131 1,591 2,566 1,064 1,502 94.3 Further (VI) 812 346 466 863 359 504 106.3 Higher (VII) Secondary (V) 2,115 806 1,309 2,103 809 1,294 99.4 Master's (VIII) 193 99 94 224 106 118 116.1 Doctorate (IX) 13 8 5 12 9 3 92.3 2,757 1,411 1,346 3,218 1,520 1,698 116.7 284 31 253 303 35 268 106.7 Number of employees by business function Sales employees – Employees on counter sales – Employees on telephone, internet sales – Internal agents 41 8 33 54 5 49 131.7 1,716 1,092 624 1,640 1,046 594 95.6 716 280 436 1,221 434 787 170.5 3,395 1,177 2,218 2,861 1,030 1,831 84.3 Full working time 5,903 2,533 3,370 5,792 2,484 3,308 98.1 Part working time 249 55 194 287 66 221 115.3 Permanent 5,462 2,304 3,158 5,574 2,340 3,234 102.1 Fixed-term 690 284 406 505 210 295 73.2 Number of new employees 792 … … 625 … … 78.9 Number of employees who left a company 725 … … 560 … … 77.2 – Other sales employees Other employees Number of employees in terms of working time Number of employees by type of employment contract Fluctuation Absenteeism 12,405,987 … … 12,078,951 … … 97.4 Share of lost hours owing to sickness, injury … in accordance with the laws (in %) 3.98 … … 3.62 … … 90.8 Share of lost hours owing to sickness, injury … in accordance with the laws of the burden of company (in %) 2.15 … … 2.17 … … 101.0 Share of lost hours owing to sickness, injury … in accordance with the laws of the burden of HIIS (in %) 1.83 … … 1.44 … … 78.7 Total number of working hours of all employees Source: SIA 44 Employees in 2013 Employees in 2012 and 2013 – reinsurance 2012 2013 TOTAL Men Women Number of employees 118 42 Average number of employees 111 … 0 Growth index 2013/2012 TOTAL Men Women 76 116 42 74 98.3 … 116 … … 104.5 0 0 0 0 0 – Number of employees by level of formal education Primary or lower (I–IV) 22 1 21 27 3 24 122.7 Further (VI) 5 4 1 4 3 1 80.0 Higher (VII) 69 26 43 64 24 40 92.8 Master's (VIII) 21 11 10 20 11 9 95.2 Doctorate (IX) 1 0 1 1 1 0 100.0 Full working time 106 38 68 103 37 66 97.2 Part working time 12 4 8 13 5 8 108.3 Permanent 112 40 72 112 40 72 100.0 Fixed-term 6 2 4 4 2 2 66.7 13 … … 7 … … 53.8 2 … … 6 … … 300.0 215,942 … … 224,416 … … 103.9 Share of lost hours owing to sickness, injury … in accordance with the laws (in %) 3.02 … … 3.23 … … 107.0 Share of lost hours owing to sickness, injury … in accordance with the laws of the burden of company (in %) 1.80 … … 1.97 … … 109.3 Share of lost hours owing to sickness, injury … in accordance with the laws of the burden of HIIS (in %) 1.22 … … 1.27 … … 103.7 Secondary (V) Number of employees in terms of working time Number of employees by type of employment contract Fluctuation Number of new employees Number of employees who left a company Absenteeism Total number of working hours of all employees Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 45 5. Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 The insurance and reinsurance activities of SIA members have contracted in recent years as a reflection of the general economic crisis in Slovenia. Social pressures increasingly result in a contraction first in life insurance and then non-life insurance classes. The decline in gross premiums collected over the last several years was followed by a drop in claims last year. The impact of the unfavourable economic environment is reflected indirectly in the reinsurance activity. Due to the contraction in insurance transactions, insurance companies have allocated fewer funds for the reinsurance of their own risks. As a result, the proportion of the insurance activity accounted for by reinsurance transactions fell to 10.8% in 2013, the level recorded in 2008. The presentation of the insurance and reinsurance activities of SIA members is based on the annual data provided by the latter. The data presented below may differ from cumulative data collected on a monthly and quarterly basis, but are the most complete and reliable because they were processed last. Data from insurance companies that are not members of the SIA are not included. Share of insurance and reinsurance premiums in 2013 (in %) Reinsurance 10.79 Source: SIA Insurance 89.21 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 47 5.1. Insurance activities The unfavourable economic conditions have had a delayed impact on the insurance activity. Given the declining number of active and solvent companies and diminishing consumer purchasing power, a gradual decline in gross premiums collected is expected. The latter totalled EUR 1,978m in 2013, down 3.7% on the previous year and below EUR 2bn for the first time since 2007. This result is primarily due to several years of negative growth in life insurance transactions. Life insurance premiums totalled EUR 553m in the context of a 7.4% decline. On the other hand, non-life insurance has recorded positive growth with the exception of 2010, while a decline of 2.2% was recorded last year. Gross non-life insurance premiums totalled EUR 1,425m. Life insurance accounted for 28% of total gross insurance premiums collected. Gross insurance premiums as a proportion of GDP totalled 5.6% last year, the lowest figure in the last five years. Slovenia spent an average of EUR 960 per capita on insurance last year or EUR 39 less than the previous year. Insurance density thus fell to the level recorded in 2007 and 2008. After rising for several years, claims paid were also down last year, by 2%, to stand at EUR 1,360m. The aforementioned decline was primarily the result of negative growth in life insurance benefits of 9.6%, while non-life insurance claims were up 1.6% to stand at EUR 970m. The claims ratio for the insurance activity deteriorated again in 2013, by 1.2 percentage points to stand at 68.8%, with the life insurance claims ratio falling to 70.8% and the non-life insurance claims ratio rising to 68%. The proportion of gross premiums accounted for by specific insurance class have remained virtually unchanged in recent years. Life insurance has placed first for several years. At 24% last year, health insurance ranked second in terms of insurance premiums collected, followed by two types of motor vehicle insurance, which ranked third and fourth (liability and casco at 12% and 11% respectively). The latter are then followed by fire, and other damage and accident insurance, while other insurance classes account for only a small proportion. Life insurance, including pension insurance, is prevalent among personal insurance classes, while health insurance accounts for one quarter less gross premiums collected. Nine insurance companies are under majority foreign ownership. The latter generated 12.8% of insurance premiums written and are strongest in the life insurance segment where they hold a 26.5% market share. Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d., continues to hold the highest market share at 30.5% of total insurance premiums written, followed by Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d., and Vzajemna, d. v. z. 48 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Insurance premiums, benefits and claims paid TOTAL Year Premiums (in EUR) Premium growth index Share in GDP (in %) Benefits and claims paid* (in EUR) Benefits and claims paid growth index 2009 2,072,923,129 102.7 5.85 1,240,000,802 103.0 2010 2,094,342,801 101.0 5.90 1,242,833,061 100.2 2011 2,053,443,380 98.0 5.68 1,288,695,975 103.7 2012 2,053,996,610 100.0 5.82 1,388,221,416 107.7 2013 1,977,531,882 96.3 5.61 1,360,391,007 98.0 Year Premiums (in EUR) Premium growth index Share in GDP (in %) Benefits paid* (in EUR) Benefits paid growth index 2009 630,089,177 98.0 1.78 188,495,547 106.1 2010 656,013,340 104.1 1.85 245,624,195 130.3 2011 599,359,672 91.4 1.66 344,742,146 140.4 LIFE 2012 596,964,885 99.6 1.69 433,363,866 125.7 2013 552,961,135 92.6 1.57 391,721,661 90.4 Premiums (in EUR) Premium growth index Share in GDP (in %) Claims paid* (in EUR) Claims paid growth index 2009 1,442,833,952 104.8 4.07 1,051,505,255 102.4 2010 1,438,329,461 99.7 4.05 997,208,866 94.8 NON-LIFE Year 2011 1,454,083,708 101.1 4.02 943,953,829 94.7 2012 1,457,031,725 100.2 4.13 954,857,550 101.2 2013 1,424,570,747 97.8 4.04 968,669,346 101.4 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA, SORS Share of life and non-life insurance (in %) Year SHARE IN TOTAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS TOTAL Life Non-life 2009 100 30.40 69.60 2010 100 31.32 68.68 2011 100 29.19 70.81 2012 100 29.06 70.94 2013 100 27.96 72.04 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 49 Insurance premiums, benefits and claims paid by insurance class in 2013 Insurance class PREMIUMS Amount (in EUR) BENEFITS AND CLAIMS PAID* Share in total premiums (in %) Growth index (2013/2012) Amount (in EUR) Share in total benefits and claims paid (in %) Growth index (2013/2012) Claims ratio (in %) TOTAL 1,977,531,882 100 96.3 1,360,391,007 100 98.0 68.8 NON-LIFE INSURANCE 1,424,570,747 72.04 97.8 968,669,346 71.21 101.4 68.0 Accident insurance 96,217,717 4.87 94.8 34,274,087 2.52 97.5 35.6 Health insurance 481,950,474 24.37 102.9 415,506,493 30.54 103.8 86.2 Land motor vehicle insurance 226,409,530 11.45 94.6 177,081,013 13.02 101.2 78.2 2,416,667 0.12 90.1 2,839,468 0.21 91.7 117.5 Railway rolling stock insurance Aircraft insurance Ship insurance Goods in transit insurance 839,875 0.04 123.7 403,616 0.03 345.9 48.1 1,227,512 0.06 88.2 1,307,671 0.10 97.2 106.5 7,908,961 0.40 90.0 1,519,112 0.11 61.1 19.2 Fire and natural forces insurance 111,932,518 5.66 100.8 54,561,636 4.01 117.0 48.7 Other damage to property insurance 117,787,869 5.96 93.9 65,010,809 4.78 86.0 55.2 Motor vehicle liability insurance 242,254,948 12.25 91.6 144,069,797 10.59 100.2 59.5 Aircraft liability insurance 920,006 0.05 82.1 418,418 0.03 63.4 45.5 Liability for ship insurance 1,155,016 0.06 94.1 200,327 0.01 96.3 17.3 General liability insurance 58,766,339 2.97 101.7 28,274,039 2.08 108.7 48.1 Credit insurance 43,092,724 2.18 100.8 29,784,621 2.19 93.9 69.1 Suretyship insurance 1,703,055 0.09 123.6 195,645 0.01 31.0 11.5 Miscellaneous financial loss insurance 6,199,316 0.31 104.9 2,563,164 0.19 105.0 41.3 Legal expenses insurance 3,581,235 0.18 96.6 405,645 0.03 114.7 11.3 20,206,985 1.02 104.7 10,253,785 0.75 110.7 50.7 LIFE INSURANCE 552,961,135 27.96 92.6 391,721,661 28.79 90.4 70.8 Life assurance 248,583,579 12.57 104.1 208,167,500 15.30 107.5 83.7 Assistance insurance Marriage assurance, birth assurance Unit-linked life insurance Tontine Capital redemption insurance Insurance of income loss due to accident or illness 398,973 0.02 86.8 705,821 0.05 87.8 176.9 288,625,582 14.60 86.0 161,117,273 11.84 76.9 55.8 0 0.00 – 0 0.00 – – 15,353,001 0.78 69.3 21,731,067 1.60 73.6 141.5 0 0.00 – 0 0.00 – – Pension insurance under ZPIZ-1** 84,579,994 4.28 70.0 72,094,738 5.30 47.6 85.2 Copayment health insurance*** 474,336,646 23.99 102.9 413,513,329 30.40 103.7 87.2 51,425,456 2.60 100.1 18,927,068 1.39 97.9 36.8 Supplementary insurance**** * assessment costs excluded ** included in life insurance group *** included in health insurance class **** included in life insurance class Source: SIA 50 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Insurance premiums by insurance class in 2013 in EURm Aircraft Aircraft liability Liability for ship Ship Suretyship Railway rolling stock Legal expenses Miscellaneous financial loss Goods and transit Assistance Credit General liability Accident Fire and natural forces Other damage to property Land motor vehicle Motor vehicle liability Health Life 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Source: SIA Personal insurance* Year Premiums (in EUR) Premium growth index Benefits and claims paid** (in EUR) Benefits and claims paid growth index Claims ratio (in %) 2009 1,155,048,190 101.0 572,080,137 105.2 49.5 2010 1,172,690,495 101.5 651,247,248 113.8 55.5 2011 1,131,489,734 96.5 757,868,132 116.4 67.0 2012 1,166,830,487 103.1 868,930,098 114.7 74.5 2013 1,131,129,326 96.9 841,502,241 96.8 74.4 * life, health and accident insurance included ** assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 51 Net insurance premiums, benefits and claims paid (in EUR) Year NET PREMIUMS TOTAL NET BENEFITS AND CLAIMS PAID* Life Non-life TOTAL Life Non-life 2009 1,853,478,707 612,239,514 1,241,239,193 1,089,249,242 184,740,445 904,508,797 2010 1,884,951,271 646,469,384 1,238,481,887 1,117,517,969 246,014,475 871,503,494 2011 1,842,043,700 588,572,004 1,253,471,696 1,189,869,357 340,142,270 849,727,087 2012 1,810,661,375 583,715,974 1,226,945,401 1,295,643,731 428,053,472 867,590,259 2013 1,753,396,301 539,954,614 1,213,441,687 1,252,258,670 385,277,490 866,981,180 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Insurance premiums per capita (insurance density) Year Population (as at 1 January) 2003 1,995,033 INSURANCE DENSITY (in EUR) INSURANCE DENSITY GROWTH INDEX TOTAL Life Non-life TOTAL Life Non-life 623.7 149.2 474.5 111.6 117.7 109.9 2004 1,996,433 728.2 214.4 513.8 116.7 143.7 108.3 2005 1,997,590 775.5 232.7 542.8 106.5 108.5 105.7 2006 2,003,358 861.2 269.9 591.3 111.0 116.0 108.9 2007 2,010,377 942.1 303.1 639.0 109.4 112.3 108.1 2008 2,025,866 996.6 317.2 679.4 105.8 104.7 106.3 2009 2,032,362 1,020.0 310.0 709.9 102.3 97.7 104.5 2010 2,046,976 1,023.1 320.5 702.7 100.3 103.4 99.0 2011 2,050,189 1,001.6 292.3 709.2 97.9 91.2 100.9 2012 2,055,496 999.3 290.4 708.8 99.8 99.3 99.9 2013 2,058,821 960.5 268.6 691.9 96.1 92.5 97.6 Source: SIA, SORS 52 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 5.1.1. Types of insurance by class Presented below are the insurance classes and types set out in the Regulation on the submission of insurance statistical data (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos. 125/2006, 118/2007, 120/2008, 8/2009, 37/2009, 104/2009, 4/2010 and 62/2013). Active insurance classes and types are shown for each member insurance company. These are those for which gross premiums written and/or claims have been presented for 2013. Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana Vzajemna, d. v. z. Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch Insurance types by class Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d Types of insurance by class and by SIA members in 2013 ACCIDENT INSURANCE (INCLUDING INDUSTRIAL INJURY AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) Personal accident insurance against accidents at and outside regular work Personal accident insurance against risks to passengers in motor vehicles and in performing special activities Children and schoolchildren accident insurance and other accident insurance of the youth Guests, visitors and tourist group accident insurance Consumer and customer group accident insurance Other special accident insurance Compulsory accident insurance of passengers in public transport Car owner and driver accident insurance All other accident insurance HEALTH INSURANCE Copayment health insurance Substitutional health insurance Supplementary health insurance on travel outside of Slovenia Other supplementary and parallel health insurance All other health insurance LAND MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE Self-propelled land motor vehicle casco, other then railway rolling stock Other land vehicle casco (non-self-propelled land vehicle) All other insurance of land motor vehicle RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK INSURANCE Railway rolling stock casco All other railway rolling stock insurance AIRCRAFT INSURANCE Aircraft casco All other aircraft insurance SHIP INSURANCE Sea vessels casco Lake and river vessels casco All other ship insurance Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 53 GOODS IN TRANSIT INSURANCE Goods insurance in international transport Goods insurance in domestic transport All other cargo insurance FIRE AND NATURAL FORCES INSURANCE Fire and certain other risks insurance outside industry and craft Fire and certain other risks insurance in industry and craft Electricity supply enterprises' property fire insurance All other fire insurance Nuclear risks insurance OTHER DAMAGE TO PROPERTY INSURANCE Machinery breakdown insurance Machinery breakdown insurance for electricity supply enterprises' equipment Civil construction projects insurance Civil installation projects insurance Film production insurance Computer insurance Food-in-freezer insurance Household insurance Ore and coal mines insurance Telecom and post office risks insurance Burglary and theft insurance Glass insurance Crops and fruit insurance Livestock insurance Home assistance insurance Equipment leasing insurance Combined property insurance Insurance of goods against mechanical damages Satellite and cable television distribution and reception equipment insurance Travel insurance All other property insurance MOTOR VEHICLE LIABILITY INSURANCE Road motor vehicle liability insurance for damage to third parties (MTPL) Carrier liability-for-freight insurance in land transport Railway third party liability insurance All other land motor vehicle liability insurance AIRCRAFT LIABILITY INSURANCE Aircraft owners' liability insurance for damage to third parties Carrier liability-for-freight insurance in air transport All other aircraft liability insurance LIABILITY FOR SHIP INSURANCE Maritime transport liability insurance Inland waterways transport liability insurance Ship-repairer liability insurance 54 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana Vzajemna, d. v. z. Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d Insurance types by class Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana Vzajemna, d. v. z. Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d Insurance types by class Marina liability insurance Carrier liability-for-freight insurance in maritime and inland waterways transport All other liability for ship insurance GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE General liability insurance Manufacturer liability-for-product insurance Building contractor contractual liability insurance Installation contractor contractual liability insurance Manufacturer, dealer and contractor guarantee insurance Forwarding agent liability in international transport Forwarding agent liability in domestic transport Management board and supervisory board liability insurance Real estate agent liability insurance Film producer liability insurance Compulsory professional liability insurance for accounting and audit companies Designer compulsory liability insurance Advocate compulsory liability insurance Physician compulsory liability insurance Notary compulsory liability insurance Medical products and devices manufacturers' compulsory liability insurance Insurance brokerage companies compulsory liability insurance Judicial enforcement officers compulsory liability insurance Verifiers of qualified certificates of electronic signature compulsory liability insurance Alpine guides compulsory liability insurance Geodesic companies compulsory liability insurance Certifying authorities for compliance of construction products verifications compulsory liability insurance Firing range managers compulsory liability insurance Guards liability insurance All other general liability insurance CREDIT INSURANCE International trade credit insurance Domestic trade credit insurance Consumers credit insurance Housing credit insurance Loan insurance (sole traders) Loan insurance (legal entities) Overdraft insurance (sole traders) Overdraft insurance (personal accounts) Lease agreement insurance Insurance of receivables from credit/debit cards All other credit insurance SURETYSHIP INSURANCE Customs debt insurance Tour operators' insolvency insurance Tender guarantee insurance Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 55 Performance insurance Advance repayment insurance Repair in warranty period insurance Guarantee for credit cards insurance Carnet insurance All other suretyship insurance MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL LOSS INSURANCE Business continuity insurance – fire Business continuity insurance – machinery breakdown Show and event insurance Insurance against purchasing counterfeit currency Insurance against risk of cancellation of tourist trips Business continuity insurance – services All other business continuity insurance LEGAL EXPENSES INSURANCE Legal expenses and costs of litigation insurance All other legal expenses insurance ASSISTANCE INSURANCE Car assistance insurance Medical assistance insurance All other assistance insurance LIFE ASSURANCE Death insurance Endowment insurance Mixed insurance Annuity insurance (other than payments under pension schemes referred to ZPIZ-1) Annuity insurance (payments under pension schemes referred to ZPIZ-1) Insurance with premium refund All other life insurance Additional insurance MARRIAGE ASSURANCE, BIRTH ASSURANCE Marriage assurance Birth assurance UNIT-LINKED LIFE INSURANCE Life assurance linked to units of investment funds with guarantee Life assurance linked to units of investment funds without guarantee Life assurance linked to the unit of internal fund with guarantee Life assurance linked to the unit of internal fund without guarantee TONTINE CAPITAL REDEMPTION INSURANCE Voluntary supplementary pension insurance in accordance with the ZPIZ-1 All other capital redemption insurance INSURANCE OF INCOME LOSS DUE TO ACCIDENT OR ILLNESS Source: SIA 56 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d. Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana Vzajemna, d. v. z. Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d Insurance types by class 5.1.2. Life insurance Life insurance is marketed by 13 members of the SIA. From their own data, it is evident that there has been a significant drop in life insurance in recent years, which is particularly noteworthy following high previous growth that even reached double digits. Life insurance types were the first to suffer a decline within the overall insurance sector. At EUR 553m, insurance premiums collected were down again on the previous year in 2013, by EUR 44m, and were comparable with the premiums collected in 2006. Life insurance accounted for 28% of total insurance premiums collected last year, down 1 percentage point on the previous year. Slovenia spent an average of EUR 269 per capita on this type of insurance or EUR 40 less than in 2012 and the lowest amount of the last five years. Life insurance as a proportion of GDP totalled 1.6%. More than one half of premiums, or EUR 258m, were generated by unit-linked life insurance, while slightly less was generated by standard life insurance. Other types of insurance account for only a small proportion of the total or less than 3% of life insurance premiums. Negative growth can been seen in all insurance types, with the exception of traditional forms of life insurance. There has been no occurrence of tontine insurance types or loss of income insurance due to accident or illness since the definition of the aforementioned insurance types under the Insurance Act of 2000 and 2004. Despite the decline in premium, gross benefits paid rose until 2013, when a decline (of 9.6%) was recorded for the first time. Insurance companies paid out EUR 392m in benefits to policyholders during the aforementioned year, the majority from traditional types of life insurance, where the amount paid out was actually up due to the expiration of long-term contracts. Other benefits paid were down. The overall claims ratio for life insurance stood at 70.8% in 2013, an improvement of 1.9 percentage points on the previous year. Life premiums and benefits paid (in EUR) in EURm 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Premiums 0 Benefits paid 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 57 Breakdown of life premiums in 2013 (in %) Capital redemption 2.78 Life 44.95 Unit-linked 52.20 Marriage, birth assurance 0.07 Source: SIA Life insurance in 2013* Insurance class, insurance type INSURANCE CONTRACTS Number of policies Number of insured BENEFITS Premiums (in EUR) Number of benefits paid Benefits paid** (in EUR) TOTAL 142,340 210,029 552,961,135 294,841 391,721,661 Life assurance** 101,252 168,165 257,836,012 226,738 207,666,584 Death insurance 59,086 123,051 40,006,034 5,113 9,748,541 Endowment insurance Mixed insurance 1,463 1,550 2,319,665 1,447 1,886,719 28,793 31,653 137,503,990 41,329 147,215,697 Annuity insurance (other than payments under pension schemes referred to ZPIZ-1) 1,993 1,993 12,703,178 104,180 14,708,082 Annuity insurance (payments under pension schemes referred to ZPIZ-1) 2,352 2,352 17,886,908 36,179 7,281,220 0 0 0 0 0 All other life insurance Insurance with premium refund 7,565 7,566 2,928,452 8,849 9,952,937 Additional insurance*** 58,497 78,295 44,487,785 29,641 16,873,388 0 0 398,973 146 705,821 Marriage assurance, birth assurance Marriage assurance 0 0 398,973 146 705,821 Birth assurance 0 0 0 0 0 39,500 40,165 279,373,149 63,103 161,614,050 8,497 8,500 35,857,002 7,804 15,403,813 Unit-linked life insurance Life assurance linked to units of investment funds with guarantee 25,318 25,965 163,835,063 53,710 97,852,953 Life assurance linked to the unit of internal fund with guarantee Life assurance linked to units of investment funds without guarantee 4,533 4,533 69,226,993 264 45,639,981 Life assurance linked to the unit of internal fund without guarantee 1,152 1,167 10,454,091 1,325 2,717,303 0 0 0 0 0 Capital redemption insurance 1,588 1,699 15,353,001 4,854 21,735,206 Voluntary supplementary pension insurance in accordance with the ZPIZ-1 1,588 1,699 15,353,001 4,854 21,735,206 Tontine All other capital redemption insurance 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance of income loss due to accident or illness 0 0 0 0 0 * premiums and benefits paid of each insurance class are different from those on page 50, but total amounts match, because of the differences between actuarial and accounting records one of the SIA members ** assessment costs excluded *** number of policies and number of insured of additional insurance are not included in life insurance class Source: SIA 58 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Pension insurance result, the average annual amount earmarked by a policyholder for the premium payments was down EUR 59 to stand at EUR 471. According to the law, pension insurance is divided into three pillars. Our statistical presentation includes the second and third pillars, i.e. supplementary pension insurance and voluntary pension insurance. The data have been obtained directly from all providers (including those that are not members of the SIA), and include both compulsory and voluntary supplementary pension insurance. Similar to the majority of other insurance types, the volume of pension insurance premiums has declined gradually in the context of the recession. Awareness about the falling amount of pensions from compulsory insurance and about the importance of supplementary pension insurance has increased. However, fewer people are prepared or able to pay supplementary premiums due to social pressures. The number of policyholders included in the second pillar was down by 4.4% in 2013 relative to the previous year, while premium was down 15%. As a The market share of SIA members that provide supplementary pension insurance fell by 5 percentage points to stand at 43.7%, while the market share of banks and pension companies rose by the corresponding amount. Worthy of note is the significant, 39.4% decline in benefits paid to stand at EUR 214m, which is likely in part linked to the decline of one half in the number of cancelled insurance contracts relative to the previous year. The volume of third-pillar voluntary pension insurance is significantly lower than second-pillar, but it also recorded negative growth in 2013. The number of policyholders fell by 9%. Collected premiums totalled EUR 8m, down 22.9% on 2012. At 9.4%, the decline in claims paid (totalling EUR 13,200m) was less severe. Pension insurance in 2013 Insurance companies and other contractors of pension insurance VOLUNTARY SUPPLEMENTARY PENSION INSURANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ZPIZ-1, 2. PILLAR Number of pension fund members Premiums (in EUR) TOTAL 528,855 249,145,461 100 SIA members (TOTAL) 276,736 96,531,491 Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. 234,926 78,169,437 Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d. PENSION INSURANCE, 3. PILLAR Premium Benefits paid, market surrenders share (in EUR) (in %) Number of pension fund members Premiums (in EUR) Premium market share (in %) Benefits paid (in EUR) 213,583,561 35,159 8,140,782 100 13,200,220 38.75 67,423,196 35,159 8,140,782 100.00 13,200,220 31.38 44,156,483 27,961 4,635,473 56.94 10,707,497 35,087 14,700,068 5.90 21,042,197 4,388 2,338,675 28.73 568,793 GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. 4,432 3,009,053 1.21 1,531,508 – – – – Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d.* 2,291 652,933 0.26 693,008 2,033 731,958 8.99 1,699,514 Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. – – – – 777 434,676 5.34 224,416 Other contractors (TOTAL) 252,119 152,613,970 61.25 146,160,365 – – – – Insurance, pension and other companies** 241,071 145,751,251 58.50 134,412,645 – – – – 11,048 6,862,719 2.75 11,747,720 – – – – Banks*** * insurance company KD Življenje merged with insurance company Adriatic Slovenica on 1 October 2013 ** Kapitalska družba pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja, d. d., Moja naložba pokojninska družba d. d., Pokojninska družba A, d. d., Prva osebna zavarovalnica, d. d., and Skupna pokojninska družba, d. d *** Abanka Vipa, d. d., Banka Koper, d. d., and Probanka, d. d. Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 59 5.1.3. Non-life insurance In the context of a decline in life insurance in recent years, growth in non-life insurance has contributed to the relatively stable operations of the insurance activity. Premiums of EUR 1,425m were collected for 18 types of insurance, representing 72% of total insurance premiums. Non-life insurance as a proportion of GDP totalled 4%. Slovenia spent an average of EUR 692 per capita on this type of insurance last year or EUR 17 less than the previous year. Non-life insurance recorded negative growth (of 2.2%) again in 2013 after several years, which had a significant impact on total insurance premiums collected. Only eight insurance types from this group recorded growth in the latter. The strongest type in terms of collected premiums is health insurance, which generated one third of total non-life insurance premiums. Following in second and third place were motor third party liability insurance which, despite a decline, accounted for 17%, and land motor vehicle casco insurance, which accounted for 16% of this insurance group. At 24%, aircraft and suretyship insurance recorded the highest growth, while aircraft liability insurance recorded the sharpest decline, of 18%. Gross claims paid in the amount of EUR 969m were up 1.4% on the previous year. Growth was by far the highest (245.9%) in the aircraft insurance segment due to certain major loss events. The largest decline was recorded in suretyship insurance, where loss events were down 69%. Due to their small scope, however, they had no impact on total non-life insurance claims. Because premiums recorded negative growth and claims recorded positive growth, the claims ratio for this particular type of insurance deteriorated by 3 percentage points relative to the previous year to stand at 68%. Numerous types of compulsory insurance are included in the non-life insurance segment. The scope of such transactions varies, with very few insurance policies concluded over the entire period for the majority of compulsory insurance types. Total premiums were down 8.2% in 2013 to stand at EUR 244m. Compulsory insurance in traffic accounted for 98% of the aforementioned amount, as well as the majority of claims paid. Of particular importance in the non-life insurance segment is natural disaster insurance. Natural disasters are typically large in scope. Claims are thus high and impact several types of insurance. Because natural disasters affect a larger portion of the population and the corporate sector, such data are particularly interesting. Claims statistics vary from year to year and are largely dependent on major loss events. The majority of claims are always handled in the scope of fire and housing insurance, land motor vehicle casco insurance, and crops and fruit insurance. 60 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Non-life premiums and claims paid in EUR 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 Premiums 0 Claims paid 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: SIA Non-life insurance in 2013 Insurance class TOTAL INSURANCE CONTRACTS CLAIMS Number* Premiums (in EUR) Number Claims paid** (in EUR) 968,669,346 11,910,211 1,424,570,747 28,899,457 Accident insurance 2,307,765 96,217,717 50,288 34,274,087 Health insurance 1,333,673 481,950,474 28,287,928 415,506,493 Land motor vehicle insurance 2,506,292 226,409,530 265,952 177,081,013 161 2,416,667 160 2,839,468 Railway rolling stock insurance Aircraft insurance Ship insurance Goods in transit insurance 264 839,875 16 403,616 4,625 1,227,512 367 1,307,671 13,597 7,908,961 4,758 1,519,112 Fire and natural forces insurance 1,140,882 111,932,518 44,547 54,561,636 Other damage to property insurance 1,228,406 117,787,869 109,195 65,010,809 Motor vehicle liability insurance 1,768,869 242,254,948 55,193 144,069,797 Aircraft liability insurance 1,007 920,006 3 418,418 Liability for ship insurance 11,665 1,155,016 136 200,327 General liability insurance 257,171 58,766,339 10,039 28,274,039 41,838 43,092,724 6,781 29,784,621 4,799 1,703,055 89 195,645 38,406 6,199,316 1,928 2,563,164 Credit insurance Suretyship insurance Miscellaneous financial loss insurance Legal expenses insurance 324,838 3,581,235 3,243 405,645 Assistance insurance 925,953 20,206,985 58,834 10,253,785 * accident and health insurance include number of policies ** assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 61 Breakdown of non-life premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 3.24 Credit 3.02 Accident 6.75 General liability 4.13 Motor vehicle liability 17.01 Health 33.83 Other damage to property 8.27 Fire and natural forces 7.86 Land motor vehicle 15.89 Source: SIA Compulsory insurance in 2013* Insurance type PREMIUMS Claims paid** (in EUR) Claims ratio (in %) Claim frequency*** (in %) 91.8 143,144,509 58.7 3.3 99,925 118.3 455,430 455.8 2.0 28,775 88.1 752 2.6 1.3 Medical products and devices manufacturers' compulsory liability insurance 3,163 608.3 0 0.0 – Compulsory professional liability insurance for accounting and audit companies 348,903 100.6 9,440 2.7 0.3 Amount (in EUR) Growth index (2013/2012) 243,930,843 Notary compulsory liability insurance Geodesic companies compulsory liability insurance TOTAL Judicial enforcement officers compulsory liability insurance Insurance brokerage companies compulsory liability insurance Advocate compulsory liability insurance Compulsory accident insurance of passengers in public transport 8,551 152.6 42 0.5 5.1 440,710 134.9 0 0.0 – 1,306,639 117.4 399,298 30.6 11.4 424,770 105.1 3,717 0.9 0.5 Designer compulsory liability insurance 1,154,518 113.5 236,461 20.5 0.6 Physician compulsory liability insurance 1,204,422 113.7 286,812 23.8 5.7 236,911,443 91.5 141,184,348 59.6 3.3 920,006 82.1 418,418 45.5 0.3 1,079,018 93.9 149,791 13.9 1.1 Road motor vehicle liability insurance for damage to third parties (MTPL) Aircraft owners' liability insurance for damage to third parties Maritime transport liability insurance * included are only types of compulsory insurance for which premiums were written and/or claims were paid in 2013 ** assessment costs excluded *** calculation of claim frequency by accident insurance is made with number of policies Source: SIA 62 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Claims paid from natural disasters in 2012 and 2013 Insured peril TOTAL 2012 2013 Number of claims Claims paid (in EUR) Number of claims Claims paid (in EUR) 55,720 64,342,342 53,299 60,606,887 3,031 18,876,311 3,223 23,942,077 Storm 21,602 12,912,400 25,123 14,137,230 Hail Fire 15,506 12,043,295 11,879 9,269,352 Flood 8,012 12,673,846 5,606 8,801,914 Lightning 7,100 3,391,336 7,254 3,403,694 69 200,467 177 974,470 Spring frost 386 4,227,794 19 71,612 Earthquake 14 16,893 18 6,538 0 0 0 0 Landslide, avalanche High or low air temperature Source: SIA Accident insurance The 13 SIA members that sell accident insurance wrote total premiums of EUR 96m in 2013, a decrease of 5% relative to the previous year. After declining for several years, the aforementioned amount is comparable with the figure from 2005. Accident insurance ranks seventh in the overall insurance portfolio, if the total value of the life insurance class is taken into account. Personal insurance against accidents at and outside regular work generates half of total accident insurance premiums, while insurance against bodily injury for vehicle owners and drivers also accounts for a significant proportion (32%). Similar to premiums, the value of claims paid was down EUR 1m on the previous year to stand at EUR 34m. The claims ratio for accident insurance deteriorated to 35.6%. Accident insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 110,280,637 7.64 98.8 42,109,869 4.00 95.5 38.2 2010 107,012,303 7.44 97.0 39,963,230 4.01 94.9 37.3 2011 103,608,161 7.13 96.8 37,690,284 3.99 94.3 36.4 2012 101,499,462 6.97 98.0 35,158,964 3.68 93.3 34.6 2013 96,217,717 6.75 94.8 34,274,087 3.54 97.5 35.6 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of accident premiums in 2013 (in %) Consumer and customer group 2.45 Other 4.19 Children and schoolchildren 3.94 Personal – risks to passengers 8.17 Personal – accident at and outside regular work 49.06 Driver and car owner 32.20 Source: SIA 64 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Health insurance At 24%, health insurance accounts for the second highest proportion of the entire insurance market. In the context of a 2.9% increase, five insurance companies generated premiums of EUR 482m in 2013, the highest total to date. This insurance class has recorded continuous positive growth, except in 2010 when a slight decline was recorded. Copayment health insurance plays a vital role, accounting for 98.4% of this insurance class. The importance of this insurance continues to rise in the context of a contraction in the coverage of healthcare costs by the state-owned insurance company. There was also a 3.8% rise in the value of benefits paid, which stood at EUR 415m last year. The claims ratio for health insurance deteriorated to 86.21% due to a more significant rise in benefits than in premiums. Health insurance Year PREMIUMS BENEFITS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 414,678,376 28.74 106.4 341,488,836 32.48 105.9 82.4 2010 409,664,852 28.48 98.8 365,659,823 36.67 107.1 89.3 2011 428,521,902 29.47 104.6 375,435,702 39.77 102.7 87.6 2012 468,366,140 32.15 109.3 400,407,268 41.93 106.7 85.5 2013 481,950,474 33.83 102.9 415,506,493 42.89 103.8 86.2 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of health premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 1.58 Copayment 98.42 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 65 Land motor vehicle insurance Motor vehicle insurance is one of the most important classes in the insurance sector. Land motor vehicle insurance ranks fourth in terms of insurance premium (market share of 11.4%). Seven members of the SIA underwrote this type of insurance in 2013, collecting total premiums of EUR 226m. Given the growth in the number of insurance policies underwritten over the last several years, it can be concluded that falling sales of new cars has had no impact on demand for casco insurance. Nevertheless, premiums were down for the second year in a row, by 5.4% in 2013. The average premium, which totalled EUR 90 last year, has also been in decline for several years. On the other hand, gross claims paid were up 1.2% in the context of an unchanged number of loss events. The claims ratio deteriorated as a result to stand at 78.2%. Land motor vehicle insurance Year PREMIUMS BENEFITS PAID* Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 242,419,202 16.80 110.9 215,476,317 20.49 113.9 88.9 2010 254,215,483 17.67 104.9 195,454,108 19.60 90.7 76.9 2011 254,494,781 17.50 100.1 167,728,998 17.77 85.8 65.9 2012 239,352,324 16.43 94.0 174,946,026 18.32 104.3 73.1 2013 226,409,530 15.89 94.6 177,081,013 18.28 101.2 78.2 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of land motor vehicle premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 0.10 Land motor vehicle casco 99.90 Source: SIA 66 Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Railway rolling stock insurance Only two insurance companies sold railway rolling stock insurance in 2013. This is one of the smaller insurance classes, with a small number of underwritten policies, which has generated insurance premiums of around EUR 2m for several years (except in 2010). Very few insurance policies are underwritten. Thus, the average insurance premium totalled EUR 15,010 last year. There are also very few loss events, which could otherwise be extremely large. The average claim paid last year was EUR 17,747. Total claims paid have totalled around EUR 1m for several years, while 2012 and 2013 (EUR 2.8m) stand out due to major railway accidents. The claims ratio (which last year deteriorated slightly to stand at 117.5%) and the claims frequency (99.4% last year) fluctuate significantly from year to year. Railway rolling stock insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 2,369,098 0.16 109.5 971,646 0.09 85.7 41.0 2010 262,428 0.02 11.1 872,107 0.09 89.8 332.3 2011 2,050,269 0.14 781.3 1,166,016 0.12 133.7 56.9 2012 2,681,636 0.18 130.8 3,095,373 0.32 265.5 115.4 2013 2,416,667 0.17 90.1 2,839,468 0.29 91.7 117.5 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of railway rolling stock premiums in 2013 (in %) Railway rolling stock casco 100.00 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 67 Aircraft insurance Aircraft insurance represented the smallest insurance class in the non-life insurance segment in 2013. Six insurance companies provide such insurance, and together generated insurance premiums of EUR 0.8m last year. That figure has fallen by one half in recent years, while the number of insurance policies underwritten has fallen by one third. The number of loss events has been very low over the years, while loss events resulting in high gross paid claims do occur on occasion. The latter totalled EUR 0.4m in 2013 and did not exceed the average of the last ten years by much. Due to the small amounts, a single loss event can contribute to a sharp increase in claims paid. That increase was 245.9% last year. In terms of the claims ratio, aircraft insurance has ranked as one of the best insurance types across all years (usually below 20%). Individual years stand out due to certain major loss events. Last year, the claims ratio deteriorated to 48%. Aircraft insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index 2009 1,657,332 0.11 2010 1,615,418 0.11 2011 1,272,799 2012 679,081 2013 839,875 Growth index Share in NLI claims paid (in %) 96.3 301,685 0.03 80.1 18.2 97.5 1,170,400 0.12 388.0 72.5 0.09 78.8 102,608 0.01 8.8 8.1 0.05 53.4 116,681 0.01 113.7 17.2 0.06 123.7 403,616 0.04 345.9 48.1 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of aircraft premiums in 2013 (in %) Aircraft casco 100.00 Source: SIA 68 Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Ship insurance Five insurance companies collected EUR 1.2m in ship insurance premiums in 2013, ranking this insurance class 16th on the entire insurance market. Despite its small size, this class is affected significantly by the economic situation. It recorded growth until 2009, when nearly EUR 2m in premiums were collected, but has been in decline ever since (last year by 11.8%). Claims are closely correlated with loss events, which also affect the claims ratio due to the frequently high amount of claims paid. The average premium was merely EUR 265 in 2013 compared with an average claim paid of EUR 3,563. There was a slight decline of 2.8% in the value of claims paid, while the claims ratio deteriorated to 106.5%. Ship insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 1,959,777 0.14 111.1 2,315,912 0.22 118.9 118.2 2010 1,733,397 0.12 88.4 1,425,263 0.14 61.5 82.2 2011 1,480,828 0.10 85.4 986,771 0.10 69.2 66.6 2012 1,391,256 0.10 94.0 1,345,314 0.14 136.3 96.7 2013 1,227,512 0.09 88.2 1,307,671 0.13 97.2 106.5 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of ship premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 1.51 Source: SIA Sea vessels casco 98.49 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 69 Goods in transit insurance Goods in transit insurance is sold by seven insurance companies, which through this type of insurance collected EUR 7.9m in 2013 in insurance premiums. This ranks this insurance class eleventh in the overall insurance portfolio. There have been occasional declines in insurance premiums collected in recent years, with sharp declines recorded in 2009 and again in 2013 (by 10%). The decline in 2009 was primarily the result of a contraction in the transport sector, while growth was recorded in goods transport last year in Slovenia. Thus, the reasons for the most recent decline must be sought elsewhere. Claims paid were down sharply last year (38.9%). This resulted in an improvement in the claims ratio, which at 19.2% was the fourth best result on the overall insurance market in 2013. However, goods in transit insurance records one of the worst claim frequencies in the non-life insurance segment. That indicator has improved considerably over the last two years, and stood at only 35% last year, one half of the figure recorded in 2009. Goods in transit insurance Year PREMIUMS Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) 2009 7,015,849 2010 7,559,405 2011 2012 2013 CLAIMS PAID* Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 0.49 86.0 3,395,608 0.32 131.1 48.4 0.53 107.7 1,987,519 0.20 58.5 26.3 8,229,602 0.57 108.9 2,554,395 0.27 128.5 31.0 8,783,242 0.60 106.7 2,485,548 0.26 97.3 28.3 7,908,961 0.56 90.0 1,519,112 0.16 61.1 19.2 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of goods in transit premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 6.51 Domestic transport 38.98 Source: SIA 70 Claims ratio (in %) Growth index Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 International transport 54.51 Fire and natural forces insurance As the sixth largest insurance type (5.7% market share), fire insurance ranks as one of the most important insurance types, generating more than EUR 100m every year. This insurance type is underwritten by nine insurance companies that generated EUR 112 in insurance premiums in 2013, fire insurance outside industry and crafts accounting for 66% of that amount. Positive growth has been recorded for several years, but was minimal last year at merely 0.8%. The number of loss events was up last year, while claims paid totalled EUR 54.6m in the context of a 17% increase. Because growth in claims exceeded growth in premiums, the claims ratio deteriorated by 6.8 percentage points to stand at 48.8%. When comparing the average premium of EUR 98 with the average claim paid of EUR 1,225, the benefit that this insurance type brings to the policyholder in the case of a loss event is obvious. Fire and natural forces insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 89,514,770 6.20 107.6 61,777,912 5.88 64.3 69.0 2010 94,700,663 6.58 105.8 51,971,056 5.21 84.1 54.9 2011 98,803,799 6.79 104.3 40,136,769 4.25 77.2 40.6 2012 111,094,345 7.62 112.4 46,619,406 4.88 116.2 42.0 2013 111,932,518 7.86 100.8 54,561,636 5.63 117.0 48.7 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of fire and natural forces premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 11.15 Electricity supply enterprises' property 4.08 Outside industry and craft 20.31 Outside industry and craft 64.46 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 71 Other damage to property insurance With a large number of insurance types that generate a 6% share of the entire insurance market, other damage to property insurance represents the fifth largest insurance class, which collected insurance premiums of EUR 118m, a decrease of 6.1% on the previous year. A negative growth trend was seen for the fourth consecutive year. With a share of 45%, household insurance is predominant in this insurance class and, in contrast to the majority of other insurance types, maintained premiums at the level recorded in 2012. The nine insurance companies that sell these types of insurance paid a total of EUR 65m in claims last year, a decrease of 14% relative to the previous year. The overall claims ratio for this insurance class improved to 55.2%, while home assistance insurance recorded the best claims ratio among all insurance types, at 4.9%. Other damage to property insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 139,520,725 9.67 121.7 119,586,243 11.37 100.7 85.7 2010 136,788,960 9.51 98.0 83,246,624 8.35 69.6 60.9 2011 142,776,407 9.82 104.4 72,644,965 7.70 87.3 50.9 2012 125,463,573 8.61 87.9 75,593,813 7.92 104.1 60.3 2013 117,787,869 8.27 93.9 65,010,809 6.71 86.0 55.2 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of other damage to property premiums in 2013 (in %) Travel 0.44 Combined property 8.16 Equipment leasing 0.66 Other 2.32 Home assistance 0.86 Machinery breakdown 24.35 Livestock 3.30 Crops and fruit 5.70 Glass 4.01 Civil construction 3.29 Civil installation 1.66 Burglary and theft 6.39 Computers 3.79 Source: SIA 72 Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Household 35.08 Motor vehicle liability insurance At EUR 242m or 12% of total collected premiums, motor vehicle liability insurance represents the third largest insurance class and is sold by seven insurance companies. Nearly all of the aforementioned amount, or EUR 237m, was generated by compulsory motor third party liability insurance, which represents the most important compulsory insurance type on the Slovenian insurance market, with insurance companies generating the equivalent of 0.7% of GDP. This insurance type has been characterised by a negative growth trend since 2008. Written premium was down 8.4% last year, while the average premium has fallen from EUR 198 in 2008 to EUR 137. Claims paid remained at the level recorded in 2012, while the average claim paid was down slightly to stand at EUR 2,610. After stagnating for several years, the claims ratio deteriorated by 5 percentage points to stand at 59.5%. Despite growth in the number of insurance policies, the number of loss events has fallen over the last five years, resulting in a notable improvement in the claims frequency, which last year stood at 3.12%. Motor vehicle liability insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 322,983,304 22.39 96.1 184,559,160 17.55 100.1 57.1 2010 302,868,100 21.06 93.8 169,048,385 16.95 91.6 55.8 2011 283,413,868 19.49 93.6 155,164,427 16.44 91.8 54.7 2012 264,528,097 18.16 93.3 143,814,503 15.06 92.7 54.4 2013 242,254,948 17.01 91.6 144,069,797 14.87 100.2 59.5 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of motor vehicle liability premiums in 2013 (in %) Carrier 1.94 Other 0.26 MTPL 97.79 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 73 Aircraft liability insurance With EUR 0.9m in collected premiums, aircraft liability insurance represents the second smallest insurance class and is sold by six insurance companies. All of the aforementioned premiums were collected from compulsory aircraft liability insurance in accordance with the Compulsory Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Act, as there were no carrier liability for freight insurance in air transport transactions recorded in 2013. There has been a notable drop in the premiums generated by these insurance types, including in 2013 when a 19.9% drop was recorded. Due to the small number of insurance policies, any loss event can have a significant impact on claims paid. The average claim amounted to EUR 139,473 last year, the highest amount in the last six years and five times the 2011 average. Total claims paid were down 36%, while the claims ratio improved by 12 percentage points to stand at 45.5%. Aircraft liability insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Growth index Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) 2009 1,511,128 0.10 97.4 302,819 0.03 60.6 20.0 2010 1,197,993 0.08 79.3 637,398 0.06 210.5 53.2 2011 1,174,311 0.08 98.0 271,030 0.03 42.5 23.1 2012 1,120,585 0.08 95.4 659,540 0.07 243.3 58.9 2013 920,006 0.06 82.1 418,418 0.04 63.4 45.5 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of aircraft liability premiums in 2013 (in %) Aircraft owners 100.00 Source: SIA 74 Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Liability for ship insurance The third smallest insurance class is marine liability insurance. Five insurance companies collected a total of EUR 1.1m in premiums in 2013, a decrease of 5.9% on the previous year. After several years of growth, this insurance class recorded its first decline last year. EUR 1m or 93% of total premiums was generated by compulsory third-party liability insurance for boat owners, while the majority of claims paid was also generated by this insurance type. There was a 3.7% drop in claims paid in 2013 relative to the previous year, while the average claim paid was down sharply on previous years, to stand at EUR 1,473 or four times less than the previous year, with a claim frequency of 1.2%. The claims ratio deteriorated slightly to stand at 17.3%, but it was nonetheless the third best ratio on the insurance market last year. Liability for ship insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 1,150,864 0.08 105.2 238,145 0.02 230.5 20.7 2010 1,181,786 0.08 102.7 281,996 0.03 118.4 23.9 2011 1,218,185 0.08 103.1 165,325 0.02 58.6 13.6 2012 1,227,418 0.08 100.8 208,095 0.02 125.9 17.0 2013 1,155,016 0.08 94.1 200,327 0.02 96.3 17.3 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of liability for ship premiums in 2013 (in %) Marina 5.93 Ship-repairer 0.09 Inland waterways transport 0.56 Source: SIA Maritime transport 93.42 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 75 General liability insurance Given the classification set out in the relevant implementing acts, general liability insurance is the class with the highest number of insurance types. At 3% of the premiums generated by entire insurance portfolio, this class ranks eighth and is sold by nine insurance companies. General liability insurance accounted for EUR 42m or 73% of the EUR 59m in insurance premiums collected in 2013 in this class, which has recorded slow growth for several years. Last year total collected premiums were up 1.7%. On the other hand, the average premium has declined to stand at EUR 229. There was a more notable rise in claims paid of 8.7%. Here it should be noted that claims paid fluctuate sharply from year to year, while the average claim paid has remained at nearly the same level over the entire period. Because growth in claims paid exceeded growth in premiums, the claims ratio deteriorated to stand at 48.1%. General liability insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 49,628,138 3.44 103.2 32,495,565 3.09 90.5 65.5 2010 50,044,066 3.48 100.8 26,624,420 2.67 81.9 53.2 2011 52,744,816 3.63 105.4 27,922,888 2.96 104.9 52.9 2012 57,783,544 3.97 109.6 26,015,088 2.72 93.2 45.0 2013 58,766,339 4.13 101.7 28,274,039 2.92 108.7 48.1 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of general liability premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 2.93 Guards 0.26 Geodesic companies 0.05 Brokerage companies 0.75 Notary 0.17 Physician 2.05 Advocate 2.22 Designer 1.96 Accounting and audit companies 0.59 Real estate agent 0.33 Management and supervisory board 2.57 Forwarding agent 0.30 Manufacturer, dealer and contractor guarantee 1.17 Installation contractor 0.14 Building contractor 0.20 Manufacturer (for product) 11.61 Source: SIA 76 Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 General 72.68 Credit insurance Five insurance companies generated credit insurance premiums of EUR 43m in 2013, similar to the level recorded the previous year, bringing an end to two years of negative growth. Consumer credit insurance accounts for the largest number of policies underwritten by far, and at EUR 15m, ranks just behind the international trade credit insurance (EUR 16m) in terms of written premiums. A similar trend can be seen in claims paid which, with the exception of 2010, are declining (by 6.1% last year). The average paid claim has also fallen since that time, by EUR 1,700, to stand at EUR 4,392. As a result, the claims ratio has improved to stand at 69.1% in 2013, compared with 99.4% in 2010. Such movement in claims paid in recent years is primarily the result of the economic crisis, the associated credit crunch in the banking sector, the collapse of numerous companies and rising unemployment. Credit insurance Year PREMIUMS Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) 2009 38,396,975 2010 46,157,019 2011 2012 2013 CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2.66 94.2 34,701,230 3.30 158.6 90.4 3.21 120.2 45,899,673 4.60 132.3 99.4 44,414,514 3.05 96.2 38,105,026 4.04 83.0 85.8 42,762,552 2.93 96.3 31,704,999 3.32 83.2 74.1 43,092,724 3.02 100.8 29,784,621 3.07 93.9 69.1 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of credit premiums in 2013 (in %) International trade credit 37.36 Other 1.71 Receivables from credit/debit cards 0.69 Overdraft – personal accounts 6.94 Overdraft – sole traders 1.01 Loan – legal entities 0.24 Loan – sole traders 1.14 Housing credit 1.67 Domestic trade credit 14.10 Consumers credit 35.15 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 77 Suretyship insurance Suretyship insurance, sold by four insurance companies, is one of the smallest classes of insurance. Those four insurance companies collected a total of EUR 1.7m in written insurance premiums in 2013, an increase of 23.6% on the previous year. Renewed growth in suretyship insurance has been recorded since 2010, although there is no clearly predominant insurance type within this class. The majority of insurance types enjoy a similar share of this insurance class, while performance bond and warranty bond insurances enjoy a slightly higher share. In contrast to previous years, claims paid were low, while the average claim paid was down sharply. Claim frequency fell from 13% in 2009 to 1.9% last year. There was thus a significant improvement in the claims ratio, which fluctuated at around or even above 100% until 2011. In 2013 suretyship insurance recorded one of the best claims ratios among all insurance classes: 11.5%. Suretyship insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 1,077,094 0.07 95.7 1,459,138 0.14 95.2 135.5 2010 934,817 0.06 86.8 989,234 0.10 67.8 105.8 2011 1,039,479 0.07 111.2 1,141,081 0.12 115.3 109.8 2012 1,378,278 0.09 132.6 630,569 0.07 55.3 45.8 2013 1,703,055 0.12 123.6 195,645 0.02 31.0 11.5 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of suretyship premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 1.33 Carnet 8.47 Customs debt 13.64 Guarantee for credit cards 7.62 Tour operators' insolvency 6.89 Tender guarantee 7.08 Repair in warranty period 27.88 Performance 26.55 Advance repayment 0.53 Source: SIA 78 Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Miscellaneous financial loss insurance Miscellaneous financial loss insurance, via which eight insurance companies generated total insurance premiums of EUR 6m in 2013, is also linked to financial risks. It ranks as one of the smallest insurance classes, accounting for merely 0.3% of the entire insurance portfolio. Premiums have fluctuated constantly in recent years and increased by 4.9% last year. Claims paid fluctuate even more. At 5%, growth in claims paid was low compared with previous years. Because growth in premiums and claims paid was similar in 2013, the claims ratio held fast relative to the previous year, at 41.3%, after several years of fluctuating. Nevertheless, the average premium and average claim paid declined slowly until last year, when growth was recorded. Claim frequency has also declined for a number of years. Miscellaneous financial loss insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 6,173,904 0.43 102.3 4,762,760 0.45 177.3 77.1 2010 5,995,284 0.42 97.1 4,919,298 0.49 103.3 82.1 2011 6,477,981 0.45 108.1 3,716,244 0.39 75.5 57.4 2012 5,912,069 0.41 91.3 2,441,515 0.26 65.7 41.3 2013 6,199,316 0.44 104.9 2,563,164 0.26 105.0 41.3 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of miscellaneous financial loss premiums in 2013 (in %) Business interruption – services 1.32 Other 3.43 Risk of cancellation of tourist trips 20.05 Purchasing counterfeit currency 1.02 Show and event 3.75 Business interruption – fire 57.79 Business interruption – machinery breakdown 12.64 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 79 Legal expenses insurance Legal expenses insurance is a new insurance class that is only slowly establishing itself on the Slovenian insurance market. Sales by a single insurance company in 1995 accounted for 0.01% of the entire insurance portfolio, while sales by six insurance companies accounted for 0.18% in 2013. A sharper contrast can be seen in the number of insurance policies underwritten: just 4,879 in 1995 compared with 324,838 in 2013. Attorney and other legal protection expenses insurance generated total collected premiums of EUR 3.6m in 2013. The number of loss events is growing at a slower pace than the number of insurance policies and remains low. Claims paid are therefore that much more significant. Claims frequency is constantly on the rise, albeit minimally. Growth in gross claims paid to policyholders of 14.7% was recorded last year, resulting in the deterioration of the claims ratio. Nevertheless, the claims ratio of 11.3% was the best among all insurance classes in 2013. Legal expenses insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 3,712,246 0.26 112.8 201,386 0.02 147.0 5.4 2010 3,896,501 0.27 105.0 233,982 0.02 116.2 6.0 2011 4,117,375 0.28 105.7 253,617 0.03 108.4 6.2 2012 3,705,908 0.25 90.0 353,668 0.04 139.4 9.5 2013 3,581,235 0.25 96.6 405,645 0.04 114.7 11.3 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of legal expenses premiums in 2013 (in %) Legal expenses and costs 100.00 Source: SIA 80 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Assistance insurance Similar to legal expenses insurance, travel assistance insurance is only now establishing itself on the Slovenian insurance market. This insurance class accounted for 0.02% of the entire insurance portfolio in 1995 and for 1.02% in 2013, and was sold by six insurance companies during both years. In contrast to other insurance classes, travel assistance insurance has recorded continuous growth over the entire period. Premiums were up 4.7% in 2013 to stand at EUR 20m. Claims paid are growing in parallel (by 10.7% last year). Because growth in claims paid exceeded growth in premiums, the claims ratio deteriorated by 2.8 percentage points to stand at 50.7%. Both the claims ratio and claims frequency have fluctuated significantly over the entire period. Automobile assistance insurance is predominant in this insurance class, accounting for 73% of premiums and 89% of claims paid. Assistance insurance Year PREMIUMS CLAIMS PAID* Claims ratio (in %) Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI premiums (in %) Growth index Amount (in EUR) Share in NLI claims paid (in %) Growth index 2009 9,594,379 0.66 133.7 4,823,631 0.46 180.2 50.3 2010 12,500,986 0.87 130.3 6,824,350 0.68 141.5 54.6 2011 18,205,946 1.25 145.6 6,968,680 0.74 102.1 38.3 2012 19,302,215 1.32 106.0 9,261,180 0.97 132.9 48.0 2013 20,206,985 1.42 104.7 10,253,785 1.06 110.7 50.7 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA Breakdown of assistance premiums in 2013 (in %) Other 6.11 Medical assistance 20.52 Car assistance 73.38 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 81 5.1.4. Distribution channels Members of the SIA market insurance products in various ways. The most well-known and established channel is sales via insurance agents. Other methods for selling insurance, which are considerably more established in more economically developed countries, have begun to develop with the transition to a market economy. Similar to previous years, the insurance agents of Slovenian insurance companies generated two thirds of total insurance premiums in 2013 via sales. That proportion is considerably higher in the life insurance segment. Sales over the counter have risen slightly, accounting for 20%. Brokers generated around 6% of insurance premiums for several years. That proportion was less than 5% last year. In contrast, the small, but constant proportion generated by the banking and postal network has risen. Sales via telephone and the internet are growing even more slowly. A comparison of insurance classes shows that all insurance is sold in a similar manner, for the most part via agents. Health insurance, which is primarily sold via counters, and railway rolling stock insurance, which is primarily sold by brokers, are exceptions. The latter also represent an important link in sales of goods in transit insurance, aircraft liability insurance, other liability insurance and miscellaneous financial loss insurance. Brokers generate the majority of premium via sales of fire and other damage to property insurance, and other liability insurance. Health insurance accounts for three quarters of collected premiums generated via counter sales, and also accounts for the majority in sales via telephone and the internet. Life insurance plays a leading role in terms of total insurance premiums collected in the postal and banking network, accounting for 88%. 82 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 Breakdown of premiums by insurance class with regard to distribution channels in 2013 (in %) Insurance class TOTAL Employed Counter sales Agents Telephone, internet Internal Brokers Bancassurance Other External TOTAL 100 22.04 1.04 35.80 31.41 4.68 3.46 1.57 NON-LIFE INSURANCE 100 28.84 1.37 34.55 26.08 6.39 0.59 2.18 Accident insurance 100 12.55 1.44 43.03 33.28 4.37 3.85 1.47 Health insurance 100 70.90 2.70 2.65 21.65 1.57 0.08 0.44 Land motor vehicle insurance 100 6.26 0.28 52.54 34.79 4.58 0.46 1.10 Railway rolling stock insurance 100 0.00 0.00 43.80 0.00 56.20 0.00 0.00 Aircraft insurance 100 3.51 0.32 79.10 1.37 15.71 0.00 0.00 Ship insurance 100 24.27 0.00 31.27 38.14 6.46 0.00 –0.14 Goods in transit insurance 100 19.98 0.13 41.06 1.23 37.60 0.00 0.00 Fire and natural forces insurance 100 6.98 0.54 57.67 18.33 15.71 0.72 0.04 Other damage to property insurance 100 7.12 0.63 60.97 12.59 17.94 0.73 0.02 Motor vehicle liability insurance 100 5.81 0.52 46.08 41.94 3.26 0.43 1.95 Aircraft liability insurance 100 7.19 0.64 54.69 1.95 35.54 0.00 0.00 Liability for ship insurance 100 22.83 0.00 30.24 41.56 5.29 0.02 0.05 General liability insurance 100 12.63 2.46 47.15 11.26 26.29 0.20 0.00 Credit insurance 100 0.15 0.00 54.65 0.15 0.16 0.03 44.87 Suretyship insurance 100 15.55 0.00 84.04 0.32 0.09 0.00 0.00 Miscellaneous financial loss insurance 100 18.46 1.66 35.41 11.03 25.74 3.26 4.43 Legal expenses insurance 100 2.34 0.07 28.17 53.21 2.75 0.05 13.42 Assistance insurance 100 7.06 1.16 44.65 45.12 0.62 0.70 0.70 LIFE INSURANCE 100 4.52 0.19 39.02 45.14 0.29 10.85 0.00 Life insurance 100 3.61 0.40 42.65 39.91 0.22 13.22 0.00 Marriage assurance or birth assurance 100 0.56 0.00 30.49 68.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 Unit-linked life insurance 100 2.04 0.01 37.77 50.84 0.06 9.27 0.00 Tontine Capital redemption insurance Insurance of loss of income due to accident or illness – – – – – – – – 100 66.25 0.01 7.33 26.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 – – – – – – – – Pension insurance under ZPIZ-1* 100 … … … … … … … Copayment health insurance 100 71.25 2.59 2.65 21.91 1.48 0.08 0.03 Supplementary insurance* 100 … … … … … … … * only total data is available by some SIA members, so the breakdown by distribution channels can not be made Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 83 5.2. Reinsurance activities The unfavourable economic conditions also have an indirect effect on the reinsurance sector. Due to a decline in the number of insurance transactions, insurance companies are allocating increasingly fewer funds for the reinsurance of their own risks. This is reflected in a decline in reinsurance premiums collected. Despite the high growth in reinsurance premiums in the life insurance segment (by 53.7%), reinsurance premiums were down by 11.2% last year, in the context of the small proportion of the latter accounted for by the aforementioned segment, to stand at EUR 239m, the lowest total since 2008. A similar decline was seen in reinsurance premiums in the non-life insurance segment, which generated 98.9% of total reinsurance premiums. Here we should take into account the fact that reinsurance premiums include the premiums received by reinsurance companies from foreign subsidiaries. The market shares of both reinsurance companies remained at the level recorded the previous year. There is no major difference between their shares of the overall non-life insurance market (Sava Reinsurance Company d. d. holds a 55% market share, while Triglav Re Ltd. holds a 45%), while Sava Reinsurance Company d. d. holds a massive edge with regard to reinsurance premiums in the life insurance segment, having collected 85% of the latter last year. Reinsurance premiums, benefits and claims paid TOTAL Year Premiums (in EUR) Premium growth index Share in GDP (in %) Benefits and claims paid* (in EUR) Benefits and claims paid growth index 2009 261,109,458 108.0 0.74 171,828,133 85.8 2010 263,029,025 100.7 0.74 139,930,258 81.4 2011 262,282,208 99.7 0.73 126,258,125 90.2 2012 269,180,708 102.6 0.76 131,808,884 104.4 2013 239,147,140 88.8 0.68 141,702,764 107.5 Year Premiums (in EUR) Premium growth index Share in GDP (in %) “Benefits paid* (in EUR)” Benefits paid growth index 2009 643,289 88.8 0.002 137,275 84.5 LIFE 2010 793,774 123.4 0.002 179,043 130.4 2011 861,553 108.5 0.002 365,430 204.1 2012 1,693,484 196.6 0.005 276,044 75.5 2013 2,603,206 153.7 0.007 600,854 217.7 Premiums (in EUR) Premium growth index Share in GDP (in %) Claims paid* (in EUR) Claims paid growth index NON-LIFE Year 2009 260,466,169 108.1 0.74 171,690,858 85.8 2010 262,235,251 100.7 0.74 139,751,215 81.4 2011 261,420,655 99.7 0.72 125,892,695 90.1 2012 267,487,224 102.3 0.76 131,532,840 104.5 2013 236,543,934 88.4 0.67 141,101,910 107.3 * assessment costs excluded Source: SIA, SORS 84 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 By far the largest proportion of reinsurance premiums in the non-life insurance segment (60%) were collected for fire insurance (EUR 117m) and other damage to property insurance (EUR 48m). A total of 21% or EUR 51m in premiums was generated via motor vehicle insurance (motor third party liability and casco), while the reinsurance business is weaker in other insurance types. The amount of claims paid by reinsurance companies has risen over the last two years. Total claims paid were up 7.5% last year to stand at EUR 141m. Because reinsurance premiums recorded negative growth and claims paid recorded positive growth, the claims ratio deteriorated by 10 percentage points relative to 2012 to stand at 59.3%. Reinsurance premiums by insurance class in 2013 in EURm Legal expenses Aircraft liability Assistance Liability for ship Railway rolling stock Aircraft Health Suretyship Life Miscellaneous financial loss Credit Goods and transit Ship General liability Accident Motor vehicle liability Land motor vehicle Other damage to property Fire and natural forces 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Source: SIA Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 85 Reinsurance premiums, benefits and claims paid by insurance class in 2013 Insurance class PREMIUMS Amount (in EUR) BENEFITS AND CLAIMS PAID* Share in total premiums (in %) Growth index (2013/2012) Amount (in EUR) Share in total benefits and claims paid (in %) Growth index (2013/2012) Claims ratio (in %) TOTAL 239,147,140 100 88.8 141,702,764 100 107.5 59.3 NON-LIFE INSURANCE 236,543,934 98.91 88.4 141,101,910 99.58 107.3 59.7 10,186,310 4.26 82.4 5,449,408 3.85 81.9 53.5 Accident insurance Health insurance 657,872 0.28 65.2 748,909 0.53 254.0 113.8 27,072,208 11.32 89.6 16,119,044 11.38 93.6 59.5 Railway rolling stock insurance 523,817 0.22 98.7 2,712 0.00 102.0 0.5 Aircraft insurance 591,526 0.25 19.9 521,933 0.37 201.5 88.2 Ship insurance 6,424,096 2.69 119.4 3,825,392 2.70 135.3 59.5 Goods in transit insurance 5,542,694 2.32 88.9 2,261,340 1.60 78.3 40.8 102,137,891 42.71 87.1 62,850,023 44.35 123.9 61.5 Other damage to property insurance 42,141,907 17.62 87.9 23,477,907 16.57 93.7 55.7 Motor vehicle liability insurance 24,066,265 10.06 85.3 15,388,210 10.86 86.2 63.9 Aircraft liability insurance 388,273 0.16 46.8 431,304 0.30 65.9 111.1 Liability for ship insurance 475,552 0.20 111.0 29,754 0.02 88.3 6.3 General liability insurance 9,102,993 3.81 133.6 6,622,254 4.67 181.0 72.7 Credit insurance 3,073,177 1.29 110.7 1,654,740 1.17 102.9 53.8 947,592 0.40 66.1 137,899 0.10 43.6 14.6 2,706,125 1.13 107.0 1,211,668 0.86 105.2 44.8 43,385 0.02 76.3 347 0.00 2,026.3 0.8 Land motor vehicle insurance Fire and natural forces insurance Suretyship insurance Miscellaneous financial loss insurance Legal expenses insurance Assistance insurance 462,251 0.19 94.4 369,066 0.26 113.2 79.8 LIFE INSURANCE 2,603,206 1.09 153.7 600,854 0.42 217.7 23.1 Life assurance 2,229,342 0.93 165.9 462,820 0.33 297.6 20.8 0 0.00 – 0 0.00 – – 373,864 0.16 106.9 138,034 0.10 114.5 36.9 Marriage assurance, birth assurance Unit-linked life insurance Tontine 0 0.00 – 0 0.00 – – Capital redemption insurance 0 0.00 – 0 0.00 – – Insurance of income loss due to accident or illness 0 0.00 – 0 0.00 – – Pension insurance under ZPIZ-1** 0 0.00 – 0 0.00 – – Copayment health insurance*** 0 0.00 – 0 0.00 – – Supplementary insurance**** 0 0.00 – 0 0.00 – – * assessment costs excluded ** included in life insurance group *** included in health insurance class **** included in life insurance class Source: SIA 86 Insurance and reinsurance activities in 2013 5.3. Nuclear Insurance and Reinsurance Pool In 2013 the Nuclear Insurance and Reinsurance Pool operated in similar economic conditions to those of the year before. The Nuclear Insurance and Reinsurance Pool has operated as a commercial interest association since 1994. Throughout its existence, it has brought together the capacities of Slovenia’s largest insurance and reinsurance companies for the purpose of insuring nuclear risks in Slovenia; via its reinsurance section, it has also participated in the insurance of nuclear threats linked to high-risk facilities located in other countries. The Nuclear Insurance and Reinsurance Pool was primarily set up in order to insure property and liabilities in relation to the operation of the sole nuclear power plant located in Slovenia. The written premiums associated with this account for around half of all the Nuclear Insurance and Reinsurance Pool written insurance premiums; the other half comes from foreign reinsurance transactions. The insurance premiums relate to fire insurance, machinery breakdown insurance and liability insurance. The intensive debate on the role of nuclear power stations in obtaining electricity continued in 2013. This debate was especially intense following the nuclear accident in Japan in March 2011. Within the EU, numerous activities were pursued in 2013 with the aim of ensuring of a higher degree of protection for potential victims of a nuclear accident. Working groups that primarily dealt with defining the liability of the nuclear power plant manager, the extent of that liability and a model for settling damage claims have completed their work. The aforementioned working groups included various stakeholders, including government representatives, academic institutions and the insurance industry. The findings of the working groups will represent the basis for measures and/or the drafting of normative legislation in the scope of the EU. The facts described above will have a significant impact on the insurance industry, which will have to provide the required coverage to insure the liabilities of the nuclear power plant manager as a compulsory form of insurance. Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 87 6. International position of the Slovenian insurance industry The European insurance market is the largest in the world, and has a significant impact on the entire activity. Certain European countries have recorded renewed economic growth for several years. This is also reflected in the successful performance of the insurance market, which in Europe is most developed in the most powerful economies. Numerous indicators point to positive growth in the European insurance industry. In contrast, a trend of decline persists in Slovenia. A total of 4,922 insurance companies operated on the European insurance market in 2012, a decrease of 124 on the previous year. Nevertheless, those insurance companies recorded a 9.4% increase in insurance premiums, which totalled EUR 1,093bn. The number of employees at European insurance companies was up by 12.5%, while the average number of employees at individual insurance companies was also up. In contrast, insurance density (premium per capita fell to EUR 1,843 in Europe) and insurance penetration (where premiums as a proportion of GDP were down 0.3 percentage points to stand at 7.6%) both deteriorated. The position of Slovenian insurance companies relative to other European countries deteriorated in 2012. A decrease in insurance premiums collected relative to the previous year was recorded on the Slovenian insurance market, excluding the branches of foreign insurance companies. There were also fewer insurance companies and fewer employees at those companies. As a result, the proportions accounted for by the aforementioned items were down relative to Europe overall. Slovenian insurance companies accounted for merely 0.33% of all insurance companies in Europe, and generated 0.18% of total European insurance premiums. The average collected premiums of a European insurance company totalled EUR 222m, while that figure was 43% lower in Slovenia. A similar ratio is seen in insurance premium per capita, which has been declining for several years in Slovenia, resulting in the gradual loss of its share of the international market. In this respect, it is evident that life insurance in Europe overall is significantly more developed, as life insurance premiums per capita are four times higher than in Slovenia, while premiums as a proportion of GDP are nearly three times higher. Non-life insurance premiums per capita in Slovenia were merely 8% lower than the European average in 2012. In contrast, non-life insurance premiums as a proportion of GDP of 4.1% were 1 percentage point or 31% higher than the European average. The average number of employees at Slovenian insurance companies has exceeded the European average by around 90% in recent years, while premiums per employee are 70% lower. When comparing the insurance business of certain European countries, Switzerland stands out with insurance premiums per capita that is 3.2 times higher than the European average and six times higher than Slovenia. By far the highest amount of premiums is collected in Germany and France, which together account for one third of the European insurance market. Premiums as a proportion of GDP are highest in the Netherlands, at 12.5%. At twice the European average, Italy ranks first in terms of insurance premiums per employee at insurance companies. Slovenia ranks the same as last year among selected countries in all of the aforementioned indicators. Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 89 Insurance business in Europe in 2012 and in Slovenia in 2012 and 2013* Indicators Europe 2012 Slovenia 2012 Slovenia 2013 Share of Slovenia 2012 (in %) Number of insurance companies 4,922 16 15 0.33 Number of insurance employees 971,881 6,062 5,970 0.62 197 379 398 191.88 1,093,390 2,019 1,937 0.18 Average number of insurance employees per company Total premiums (in EURm) Life premiums (in EURm) 642,721 579 535 0.09 Non-life premiums (in EURm) 450,669 1,440 1,402 0.32 Total premiums per capita (in EUR) 1,843 982 941 53.30 Life premiums per capita (in EUR) 1,083 282 260 26.00 Non-life premiums per capita (in EUR) 760 701 681 92.23 Share of total premiums in GDP (in %) 7.57 5.72 5.49 75.50 Share of life premiums in GDP (in %) 4.45 1.64 1.52 36.84 Share of non-life premiums in GDP (in %) 3.12 4.08 3.97 130.65 Total benefits and claims paid (in EURm) 948,290 1,381 1,350 0.15 Life benefits paid (in EURm) 646,760 430 388 0.07 Non-life claims paid (in EURm) 301,530 951 962 0.32 * data from members of IE and SIA without branches Source: IE, SIA, SORS Insurance business in selected countries in 2012* Country Number of insurnce companies Number of insurance employees PREMIUMS TOTAL (in EURm) Life (in EURm) Share of life (in %) INSURANCE DENSITY (in EUR) Non-life (in EURm) Share of non-life (in %) TOTAL Life Non-life Switzerland 146 48,400 47,310 25,824 54.58 21,486 45.42 5,947 3,246 2,701 Netherlands 210 54,000 75,146 18,985 25.26 56,161 74.74 4,492 1,135 3,357 Denmark 156 11,967 21,085 13,948 66.15 7,137 33.85 3,778 2,499 1,279 Belgium 146 23,861 32,290 21,360 66.15 10,930 33.85 2,910 1,925 985 France 405 147,600 180,700 112,900 62.48 67,800 37.52 2,766 1,728 1,038 Germany 570 214,100 181,586 87,339 48.10 94,247 51.90 2,219 1,067 1,152 Austria 70 26,094 16,284 6,503 39.93 9,781 60.07 1,929 770 1,158 Europe 4,922 971,881 1,093,390 642,721 58.78 450,669 41.22 1,843 1,083 760 239 47,712 105,120 69,713 66.32 35,407 33.68 1,728 1,146 582 Portugal 79 11,180 10,911 6,924 63.46 3,987 36.54 1,035 657 378 SIovenia (2012) 16 6,062 2,019 579 28.68 1,440 71.32 982 282 701 SIovenia (2013) 15 5,970 1,937 535 27.62 1,402 72.38 941 260 681 Greece 69 8,000 4,320 1,931 44.70 2,389 55.30 383 171 212 Croatia 27 11,652 1,201 327 27.23 874 72.77 273 74 199 Hungary 32 21,113 2,655 1,379 51.94 1,276 48.06 267 138 128 Turkey 66 17,314 8,572 1,172 13.67 7,400 86.33 115 16 99 Italy * branches are excluded Source: IE, SIA, SORS 90 International position of the Slovenian insurance industry Insurance density in selected countries in 2012 in EUR Turkey Hungary Portugal Croatia Greece SIovenia (2013) SIovenia (2012) Italy Europe Austria Germany France Belgium Denmark Netherlands Switzerland Life Non-life 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 Source: IE, SIA, SORS Share of total premiums in GDP (in %) Total premiums per insurance company (in EURm) Total premiums per insurance employee (in EUR) 9.63 324 977,479 12.54 358 1,391,593 8.60 135 1,761,929 8.58 221 1,353,254 8.89 446 1,224,255 6.81 319 848,136 5.30 233 624,052 7.57 222 1,125,025 6.71 440 2,203,219 6.61 138 975,939 5.72 126 333,058 5.49 129 324,456 2.23 63 540,000 2.74 44 103,072 2.72 83 125,752 1.40 130 495,091 Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 91 Share of total premiums in GDP in selected countries in 2012 in % Turkey Greece Hungary Croatia Austria SIovenia (2013) SIovenia (2012) Portugal Italy Germany Europe Belgium Denmark France Switzerland Netherlands 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Source: IE, SIA, SORS Premiums per insurance company in selected countries in 2012 in EURm Croatia Greece Hungary SIovenia (2012) SIovenia (2013) Turkey Denmark Portugal Belgium Europe Austria Germany Switzerland Netherlands Italy France 0 100 Source: IE, SIA 92 International position of the Slovenian insurance industry 200 300 400 500 Premiums per insurance employee in selected countries in 2012 in EUR Croatia Hungary SIovenia (2013) SIovenia (2012) Turkey Greece Austria Germany Portugal Switzerland Europe France Belgium Netherlands Denmark Italy 0 500.000 1.000.000 1.500.000 2.000.000 2.500.000 Source: IE, SIA Worldwide insurance premiums (in EURbn) 2008 TOTAL Europe Asia North America Other 3,032.3 1,224.2 671.5 965.8 170.8 2009 2,852.7 1,120.6 704.2 867.2 160.8 2010 3,244.8 1,208.8 877.2 954.8 203.9 2011 3,552.6 1,275.9 1,003.3 1,024.7 248.7 2012 3,495.9 1,163.5 1,020.3 1,056.1 255.9 Source: BS, IE Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 93 7. Chronological overview of insurance activities in Slovenian ethnic territory I. Period up to 1918 PRECURSORS TO INSURANCE COMPANIES (MARITIME LOANS, BROTHERHOODS, GUILDS) 1291 Maritime loans entered in notary records in Piran ....................................................................Piran 14th c. Brotherhood of St. Nicholas founded .....................................................................................Trieste 1370Furriers’ guild founded; one of the first whose statute prescribed members’ obligation of mutual assistance............................................................................................................Ljubljana 1452Slovenian Brotherhood of St. Hieronymus founded (reciprocity of members determined in statute) ..........................................................................................................................Udine THE FOUNDING OF THE FIRST INSURANCE COMPANIES 1766First insurance company founded on Slovenian ethnic territory under the Austro-Hungarian Empire – Compagnia di assicurazione ....................................................................................Trieste 1776 First initiative to establish an insurance company in Ljubljana ...................................................Ljubljana 1812 Founding of an insurance company for navigation on the Sava River ...........................................Ljubljana 1829Founding of Imperial-Royal privileged insurance company for fire damage in Styria, Carinthia and Carniola .......................................................................................................................Graz 1853Carnolian agriculture association proposes founding of insurance company for compulsory insurance against fire and other accidents ..............................................................................Ljubljana 1871 Initiative to establish Danica reinsurance company in Celje .......................................................Celje 1871Founding of the first general insurance bank, Slovenija (first modern Slovenian insurance company based in Ljubljana) ................................................................................................Ljubljana 1889 Founding of Workers’ Accident Insurance Company for Trieste, Littoral and Carniola ...................Trieste 1898–1910Founding of several associations (insurance companies) for insuring livestock in Littoral and certain other areas ........................................................................................................Trieste 1900 Founding of Mutual Insurance Company for fire damage and damage to church bells in Ljubljana .....Ljubljana II. Period of Yugoslavia (from 1918 to 1990) 1922 1927 1932 1939 KINGDOM OF SERBS, CROATS AND SLOVENES, AND KINGDOM OF YUGOSLAVIA (1918–1945) Founding of Slavija, Yugoslav insurance bank in Ljubljana .........................................................Ljubljana Founding of People’s Self-Assistance in Maribor ......................................................................Maribor Founding of Society of St. Florian insurance cooperative against fire damage ..............................Ljubljana Founding of Drava commercial insurance company ..................................................................Maribor DFRY, FPRY, SFR YUGOSLAVIA (1945–1990) 1946State Institute of Insurance and Reinsurance renamed State Insurance Institute ..........................Belgrade 1956Founding of Fund for Mutual Assistance of Independent Tradesmen of Slovenia, renamed Fund for Craftsmen and Entrepreneurs (Sklad obrtnikov in podjetnikov) in 2000 ............Ljubljana 1961 Founding of several municipal insurance companies and Insurance Community of Slovenia ..........Ljubljana 1967Merger of all Slovenian insurance companies, except Maribor insurance company, into Sava Insurance Company .............................................................................................................Ljubljana 1977 Merger of insurance companies Sava and Maribor into Triglav Insurance Community ...................Ljubljana 1976 Founding of Sava Reinsurance Community ..............................................................................Ljubljana 1990Transformation of Triglav Insurance Community and some of its regional units into joint-stock insurance companies – Zavarovalnica Triglav, d. d., Zavarovalnica Maribor, d. d., Adriatic zavarovalna družba, d. d. and Zavarovalnica Tilia, d. d. ................................................Ljubljana 1990Transformation of Sava Reinsurance Community into joint-stock reinsurance company Pozavarovalnica Sava, d. d. ...................................................................................................Ljubljana 1990Organisational unit of the Dunav Insurance Community transformes into the joint-stock insurance company Ljubljanska zavarovalnica, d. d. ................................................................Ljubljana Statistical Insurance Bulletin 2014 95 III. Period of independent Slovenia (since 1991) 1991Founding of joint-stock insurance company Prima, zavarovalna družba, d. d. (renamed GRAWE Zavarovalnica, d. d. in 2001) .................................................................................................Maribor 1991Founding of joint stock insurance company Zavarovalnica Mercator, d. d. (renamed Krekova zavarovalnica, d. d. in 1999; dissolved in 2006) .......................................................................Ljubljana 1991Founding of joint stock reinsurance company Pozavarovalnica Inter, d. d. (dissolved in 2001) .......Maribor 1992Founding of Slovenian Insurance Bureau (renamed SIA in 1997) .................................................Ljubljana 1992 Founding of joint-stock insurance company Merkur zavarovalnica, d. d. .....................................Ljubljana 1992Transformation of organisational unit of Zavarovalnica Croatia into joint-stock insurance company Slovenica, zavarovalniška hiša, d. d. ........................................................................Ljubljana 1992 Founding of Slovene Export Corporation .................................................................................Ljubljana 1994Founding of joint-stock pension insurance company Concordia, pokojninska zavarovalnica, d. d. (renamed Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, d. d. in 2002) .....................................................Ljubljana 1994 Founding of Slovenian Nuclear Insurance and Reinsurance Pool ................................................Ljubljana 1994Founding of Office of Insurance Supervision (renamed ISA in 2000) ...........................................Ljubljana 1996Founding of Capital Fund for Supplementary Pension and Disability Insurance (renamed Kapitalska družba pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja, d. d. in 2000) ..............................Ljubljana 1997 Founding of joint-stock insurance company GENERALI zavarovalnica, d. d. .................................Ljubljana 1998Founding of Supplementary Pension and Disability Insurance Fund (merged with Capital Fund for Supplementary Pension and Disability Insurance in 2000) ...................................................Ljubljana 1998 Founding of joint-stock reinsurance company Pozavarovalnica Triglav Re, d. d. ...........................Ljubljana 1999 Founding of mutual insurance company Vzajemna, d. v. z. ........................................................Ljubljana 2003 Founding of joint-stock insurance company NLB Vita življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. .....................Ljubljana 2004Founding of joint-stock insurance company ARAG, zavarovanje pravne zaščite, d. d. (transformed into ARAG SE – Zavarovalnica pravne zaščite branch in Slovenia in 2012) .................Ljubljana 2004 Founding of insurance company Wiener Städtische zavarovalnica, Branch Office Ljubljana ...........Ljubljana 2004 Founding of joint-stock company SID – First Credit Insurance Company Inc. ................................Ljubljana 2004Founding of joint-stock insurance company Slovenica, Življenje, d. d. (renamed KD Življenje, zavarovalnica, d. d. in 2007) .................................................................................................Ljubljana 2005Founding of insurance company Victoria-Volksbanken zavarovalniška d. d., Slovenia branch (renamed ERGO zavarovalnica, podružnica v Sloveniji in 2012) ..................................................Maribor 2005Merger of Adriatic, zavarovalna družba, d. d. and Slovenica, zavarovalniška hiša, d. d. into Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d. ...........................................................................Koper 2007Founding of insurance company Allianz Hungaria Zrt., Ljubljana branch (renamed Allianz zavarovalnica, Ljubljana branch in 2013) .................................................................................Ljubljana 2007Founding of joint-stock insurance company Prva osebna zavarovalnica, d. d. ..............................Ljubljana 2008Founding of joint-stock insurance company ERGO zavarovalnica, d. d. (renamed ERGO Življenjska zavarovalnica d. d. in 2012) ...................................................................................Ljubljana 2011 Founding of joint stock insurance company Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. ......................................Ljubljana 2012 Founding of insurance company Porsche Versicherung AG, Slovenia branch ................................Ljubljana 2013Merger of KD Življenje, zavarovalnica, d. d. with Adriatic Slovenica, Zavarovalna družba d. d. .......Koper 2014Founding of Österreichische Hagelversicherung VVaG, Agro Zavarovalnica, Slovenia branch .........Ljubljana Source: ISA, SIA, Škufca, F.: Zavarovalstvo na Slovenskem (Insurance in Slovenia), SIA, Ljubljana 2003 96 Chronological overview of insurance activities in Slovenian ethnic territory
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