RIEC Café(通研カフェ)開催のお知らせ

第 12 回
RIEC Café (通研カフェ)
3 月 3 日(金)16:15 17:15
通研本館 1 階談話交流スペース
曽 加蕙氏(高次視覚情報システム研究室)
Prof. Chia-Huei Tseng (Visual Cognition and Systems)
「アジアのトップ大学 ー私の経験ー」
My Top Asian University Experiences
Higher education has profoundly changed in the past two decades. To address the challenges imposed by modern technology and demography, academic
institutions worldwide need to reconsider their educational and social roles. What
have others do to respond to these opportunities?
I will share my observations from top universities in Hong Kong and Taiwan in
this talk, with a demonstration of how to engage students in a community project
to promote the literature of Brain Science.
主催:談話交流会検討 WG