SONOR Marching Preisliste 2017 GÜLTIG AB 01.03.17 model no. description description 2 UVP CHF Professional Line Snare Drums 52115001 52115101 MP 454 MP 456 Stahlkessel, 14'' x 5 3/4'' Stahlkessel, 14'' x 6 1/2'' 695.00 745.00 Parade Snare Drum Steel 52113001 MP 1412 XM Stahlkessel, verchromt 1'355.00 Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 10'’, CW-white, weight 4,7 kg Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 12'’, CW-white, weight 4,9 kg Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 12'’, CW-white, X-Snare strainer, weight 6,0 kg 965.00 1'015.00 1'185.00 Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 10'’, CB-black, weight 4,7 kg Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 12'’, CB-black, weight 4,9 kg Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 12'’, CB-black, X-Snare strainer, weight 6,0 kg 965.00 1'015.00 1'185.00 Parade Snare Drums White 52110154 52110254 52112254 MP 1410 CW MP 1412 CW MP 1412 X CW Parade Snare Drums Black 52110153 52110253 52112253 MP 1410 CB MP 1412 CB MP 1412 X CB Bass Drums White - Auch mit SONOR Logo erhältlich 52130254 52131254 MP 2612 CW OL MP 2614 CW OL Bass Drum, 26'’ x 12'’, CW-white, with white heads, weight 8,2 kg Bass Drum, 26'’ x 14'’, CW-white, with white heads, weight 8,9 kg 1'480.00 1'640.00 Bass Drums Black - Auch mit SONOR Logo erhältlich 52126353 52126553 MP 2612 B CB OL MP 2614 B CB OL Bass Drum, 26" x 12", CB black, black MC heads, weight 8,2 kg Bass Drum, 26" x 14", CB-black, black MC heads, weight 8,9 kg 1'555.00 1'665.00 B- Line Snare Drums 57100001 57100101 MB 205 M MB 455 M Snare Drum, 12'’ x 5'’, metal chrome shell, weight 2,65 kg Snare Drum, 14'’ x 5 1/2'’, metal chrome shell, weight 3,65 kg 395.00 455.00 Parade Snare Drum, 12'’ x 10'’, CW-white, weight 3,5 kg Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 10'’, CW-white, weight 4,1 kg Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 12'’, CW-white, weight 4,4 kg 585.00 645.00 675.00 Parade Snare Drum, 12'’ x 10'’, CB-black, weight 3,6 kg Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 10'’, CB-black, weight 4,1 kg Parade Snare Drum, 14'’ x 12'’, CB-black, weight 4,4 kg 585.00 645.00 675.00 Parade Snare Drums White 57110054 57110154 57111154 MB 1210 CW MB 1410 CW MB 1412 CW Parade Snare Drums Black 57110053 57110153 57111153 MB 1210 CB MB 1410 CB MB 1412 CB Bass Drums White - Auch mit SONOR Logo erhältlich 57119854 57130054 57131154 57131254 MB 2010 CW MB 2410 CW OL MB 2612 CW OL MB 2614 CW OL UVP = unverbindliche Preisempfehlung Änderungen vorbehalten Bass Drum, 20'’ x 10'’, CW-white, weight 4,98 kg, with white heads/Logo Bass Drum, 24'’ x 10'’, CW-white, weight 7,75 kg, with white heads Bass Drum, 26'’ x 12'’, CW-white, weight 7,75 kg, with white heads Bass Drum, 26'’ x 14'’, CW-white, weight 7,75 kg, with white heads Hohner-Sonor AG 895.00 930.00 1'125.00 1'175.00 1/6 model no. description description 2 UVP CHF Bass Drums Eiche Elegance - Auch mit SONOR Logo erhältlich 57129962 57130062 57131162 57131262 MB 2010 EE MB 2410 EE OL MB 2612 EE OL MB 2614 EE OL Bass Drum, 20" x 10", EE-oak elegance, weight 4,98 kg, white heads/Logo Bass Drum, 24" x 10", EE-oak elegance, weight 5,75 kg, white heads Bass Drum, 26" x 12", EE-oak elegance, weight 7,6 kg, white heads Bass Drum, 26" x 14", EE-oak elegance, weight 7,75 kg, white heads 945.00 935.00 1'125.00 1'165.00 Bass Drums Black - Auch mit SONOR Logo erhältlich 57129853 57124153 57126353 57126553 MB 2010 B CB MB 2410 B CB OL MB 2612 B CB OL MB 2614 B CB OL Bass Drum, 20“ x 10“, CB-black, weight 4,98 kg, with black heads/Logo Bass Drum, 24'’ x 10'’, CB-black, weight 5,75 kg, with black heads Bass Drum, 26'’ x 12'’, CB-black, weight 7,6 kg, with black heads Bass Drum, 26'’ x 14'’, CB-black, weight 7,75 kg, with black heads 940.00 1'125.00 1'235.00 1'285.00 Comfort-Line Bass Drums White - Auch mit SONOR Logo erhältlich 57141154 57141354 57141554 MC 2410 CW OL MC 2612 CW OL MC 2614 CW OL Bass Drum, 24" x 10", CW white, weight 4,2 kg, white heads Bass Drum, 26" x 12", CW white, weight 4,7 kg, white heads Bass Drum, 26" x 14", CW white, weight 4,9 kg, white heads 1'025.00 1'115.00 1'135.00 Bass Drums Eiche Elegance Auch mit SONOR Logo erhältlich 57141162 57141362 57141562 MC 2410 EE OL MC 2612 EE OL MC 2614 EE OL Bass Drum, 24" x 10", EE oak elegance, weight 4,2 kg, white heads Bass Drum, 26" x 12", EE oak elegance, weight 4,7 kg, white heads Bass Drum, 26" x 14", EE oak elegance, weight 4,9 kg, white heads 1'025.00 1'115.00 1'135.00 Bass Drums Black - Auch mit SONOR Logo erhältlich 57141053 57141253 57141453 MC 2410 B CB OL MC 2612 B CB OL MC 2614 B CB OL Bass Drum, 24" x 10", CB black, weight 4,2 kg, MC black heads Bass Drum, 26" x 12", CB black, weight 4,7 kg, MC black heads Bass Drum, 26" x 12", CB black, weight 4,9 kg, MC black heads 1'025.00 1'165.00 1'195.00 Bass Drum, 26'’ x 14'’, Walnut high gloss lacquered Bass Drum, 28'’ x 14'’, Walnut high gloss lacquered 1'865.00 2'095.00 Concert Line Bass Drums 54121159 54121359 CO 2614 WA CO 2814 WA Prolite Snare Drums 15810801 15810901 15811001 PL 12 1405 SDB PL 12 1405 SDBD PL 12 1406 SDBD 14" x 5" Brass 14" x 5" die-cast hoops, Brass 14" x 5" die-cast hoops, Brass 735.00 985.00 995.00 Glockenspiele Concert Glockenspiele 21100901 50165101 22700501 KGL 30 KGL 100 ST UVP = unverbindliche Preisempfehlung Änderungen vorbehalten Conert Glockenspiel g2-c5, 1 Paar SCH 109 Conert Glockenspiel g2-c5, 1 Paar SCH 109 mit Pedaldämpfung Leg, for attaching to screw plates on KGL 30 (per piece) Hohner-Sonor AG 2'110.00 2'660.00 33.50 2/6 model no. description description 2 UVP CHF Percussion Tambourines 90613400 90613500 90613600 90613700 90613800 TBBJ TWBJ TBSJ TWSJ TH Tambourine Black - Brass Jingles Tambourine White - Brass Jingles Tambourine Black - Steel Jingles Tambourine White - Steel Jingles Tambourine Holder 51.00 51.00 48.00 48.00 21.50 CCB 55 BM CB 4 CCB 55 MB 8 HB 8 ChaCha Bell 5,5'' Black matt Charanga Bell 4'' Brass Cha Cha Bell 5 1/2'' Brass Mambo Bell, 8'' Brass Hand Bell 8'' Brass 28.00 42.00 44.50 56.50 54.00 LTR 10 LTR 15 LTR 18 Triangel, Silberstahl, mit Schlägel Triangel, Silberstahl, mit Schlägel Triangel, Silberstahl, mit Schlägel 24.00 28.00 34.50 Agogo Bells, Metall Agogo Bell Brass, Handheld Agogo Bell Brass, Mountable 86.00 68.00 77.50 Cowbells 90614500 90614000 90614200 90614300 90614700 Triangel 20602201 20602301 20602401 Agogo Bells 20604901 90618000 90618100 LAG AGH AGM Bar Chimes 90617700 90623400 90623300 BC 32 BC 16 CBH Bar Chimes 32 bars m. Dämpfungssystem Bar Chimes 16 bars m. Dämpfungssystem Chime Bar Holder for BC 16 and BC 32 177.00 120.00 25.00 TT5 Table Templeblocks w/o beater 325.00 LWB 2 Wood Block 65.50 FGSN FGSB FGLN FGLB Fiberglas Guiro Small, Natural Fiberglas Guiro Small, Soft-Black Fiberglas Guiro Large, Natural Fiberglas Guiro Large, Soft-Black 63.00 63.00 67.00 67.00 FSN FSB Fiberglas Shekere, Natural Fiberglas Shekere, Soft-Black LVS Quijada 64.50 GMW S GMW M GMP Maracas Holz, Paar, small, Global Maracas Holz, Paar, medium, Global Maracas Kunststoff, Paar, black, Global 41.00 49.50 16.00 Tempelblocks 90617800 Woodblock 20601001 Guiros 90616431 90616433 90616531 90616533 Shekere 90616331 90616333 179.00 179.00 Vibra Slap 20604601 Maracas 90840700 90840800 90840600 UVP = unverbindliche Preisempfehlung Änderungen vorbehalten Hohner-Sonor AG 3/6 model no. description description 2 UVP CHF 90617933 90617941 MMBR MMR Mini Maracas, Paar, Brown Mini Maracas, Paar, Red 33.00 33.00 LCAF Cabasa Catena 94.00 LCA Stielkastagnette 62.00 AS S AS M AS L LRMS S LRMS M LRMS L LSMS M LSMS L Acrylic Shaker 5" small Acrylic Shaker 8" Medium Acrylic Shaker,10" Large Round Metal Shaker, small Round Metal Shaker, medium Round Metal Shaker, large Square Metal Shaker, medium Square Metal Shaker, large 34.50 43.50 52.00 29.00 34.00 39.50 34.00 42.00 Percussion Table mountable (37x30cm) 69.50 Power Strap, black, for Snare Drum for Children Power Strap, black, for Snare Drum, size S - M Power Strap, black, for Snare Drum, size L - XL Side Belt for PG 6560 S - XL, piece Seitenriemen für PG 6560, S-XL, Kids Erweiterung für PG 6560, S-XL, Kids 99.00 99.00 99.00 11.00 11.00 33.00 Power Strap, black, for Bass Drum, size S - M Power Strap, black, for Bass Drum, size L - XL Extension Belt for PG 6561 L - XL, pair 99.00 99.00 11.00 Sling white for Snare Drums, not illustrated Sling black for Snare Drums and Parade Snare Drums Sling white for Parade Snare Drums, not illustrated Sling black for Parade Snare Drums 95.00 95.00 98.00 98.00 Cabasa 20604501 Stielkastagnetten 20602001 Shaker 90619000 90619100 90619200 90616000 90616100 90616200 90615800 90615900 Ablage für Zubehör 90611300 PT12 Power Straps Snare Drums 90456003 90456001 90456002 90456300 90456400 90456500 PG 6560 PG 6560 S-M PG 6560 L-XL PG SR PG SR 14 PG XXL Bass Drums 90456101 90456102 90456200 PG 6561 S-M PG 6561 L-XL PG VER Textile Straps 90442700 90442800 90443200 90443300 ZM 6527 ZM 6528 ZM 6532 ZM 6533 Leather Straps 90442200 90442300 90443400 90443500 ZM 6522 ZM 6523 ZM 6534 ZM 6535 Leather Sling white for Bass Drums, not illustrated Leather Sling black for Bass Drums Leather Sling black for Snare Drums and Parade Snare Drums Leather Sling black for Parade Snare Drums 129.00 129.00 115.00 119.00 Basic Carrier white Basic Carrier black Carrying Adapter for Parade Snare Drums Adapter for Bass Drums white Adapter for Bass Drums black 249.00 249.00 149.00 59.00 59.00 Carriers and Accessories 50176001 50176101 50170501 50174901 50176201 ZM 6600 ZM 6600/1 ZM 6505 ZM 6548 ZM 6548/1 UVP = unverbindliche Preisempfehlung Änderungen vorbehalten Hohner-Sonor AG 4/6 model no. description description 2 UVP CHF Knee Rest and Vario Mounts 50171401 50171501 50171601 ZM 6514 ZM 6515 ZM 6516 Snare Drum Leg Rest, stainless steal, plastic covering Parade Snare Drum Leg Rest, padded, aluminium, incl. mount Multi Angle Carrying Bar for Snares (8 and 10 tension rods) 39.00 59.00 36.00 Bass Drum Foot (per piece) 36.00 ZM 6550 ZM 6552 ZM 6553 ZM 6554 ZM 6555 ZM 6556 ZM 6547 ZM 6518 Universal Accessory Mount and Bongo Holder, incl. Mount Two-Tone Block Holder for ZM 6550 Cow Bell Holder for ZM 6550 Wood Block Holder for ZM 6550 Hi Hat Holder for Parade Snare Drums, without Cymbals Cymbal holder compl. For Parade Snare Drum, without Cymbals Cymbal Rest, bottom, for Bass Drum assembly Support feet for Parade Snare Drums (1 piece) 49.00 26.00 14.00 24.00 72.00 59.00 89.00 5.00 THM 205 THM 456 THM 1210 THM 1410 THM 1412 THM 1512 THM 2010 THM 2410 THM 2612 THM 2614 THM 2812 THM 2814 for MB 205 for MP 456, MP 454, MB 455 for MB 120 for MP 1410, MB 1410 for MP 1412, ML 1412, MB 1412 for MP 1412 X, MP 1412 XG, MP 1412 XM for MB 2010 for MB 2410, COB 2410, MC 2410 for MP 2612, ML 2612, CO 2612, MB 2612, MC 2612 for MP 2614, CO 2614, MB 2614, COB 2614, MC 2614 for MP 2812, CO 2812 for MP 2814, CO 2814 95.00 95.00 95.00 105.00 125.00 125.00 345.00 375.00 385.00 405.00 415.00 435.00 ZM 7165 MSH 4000 MSL 4000 ZM 7150 Stand for Concert Cymbals, complete Marching Snare Ständer, High Marching Snare Ständer, Low Kreuzständer für Marching Bass Drum 239.00 169.00 169.00 158.00 Bass Drum Protectors 50174601 ZM 6546 Accessories Holders & Clamps 50175001 50175201 50175301 50175401 50175501 50175601 50174701 50171801 Bags 90103900 90104000 90104500 90104100 90104200 90104400 90100700 90100500 90100200 90101200 90100300 90101300 Hardware 50176501 14517501 14517601 50177001 Bass Drum Mallets 50190001 50190101 50190201 S BD M 50 SBDM 60 SBDM 70 Bass Drum beater,hard felt, piece, head 46 mm Ø Bass Drum beater,hard felt, piece, head 53 mm Ø Bass Drum beater,hard felt, piece, head 60 mm Ø 52.00 59.00 69.00 Timpani Mallet for timpani, drums, cymbals, felt head, hard Timpani Mallet for timpani, drums, cymbals, felt head, medium hard Timpani Mallet for timpani, drums, cymbals, felt head, medium soft Timpani Mallet for timpani, drums, cymbals, felt head, soft Timpani Mallet for timpani, drums, cymbals, felt head, soft Timpani Mallet for timpani, drums, cymbals, flannel head, hard Timpani Mallet, for timani, professional use, felt head/ wood core, hard Timpani Mallet, for timani, professional use, felt head/ cork core, hard 56.00 49.00 46.00 46.00 76.00 76.00 78.00 79.00 Timpani Mallets 50188001 50188101 50188201 50188301 50188601 50188401 50186701 50185201 STI 20 STI 21 STI 22 STI 23 STI 26 STI F 24 STI H 7 STI K 2 UVP = unverbindliche Preisempfehlung Änderungen vorbehalten Hohner-Sonor AG 5/6 model no. description description 2 UVP CHF Xylophone Mallets 50196001 50196101 50196301 50196401 SXY G 1 SXY H 2 SXY H 3 SXY H 4 Exercising Xylophone Mallet, rubber head, soft, unit: 1 pair Xylophone Mallet, rosewood head, hard, unit: 1 pair Xylophone Mallet, rosewood head, hard, unit: 1 pair Xylophone Mallet, wood head with leather cover, hard, unit: 1 pair 39.00 39.00 55.00 55.00 Concert Mallet for bass/deep bass instruments Mallet with thread head, for Tubular Chimes 62.00 62.00 Marimba Mallets 21601801 21601901 SCH 15 SCH 16 SONOR Bass Drum Heads White 90974000 91067000 90927400 90927600 90977400 90978400 90977600 90978600 90977800 90978800 PWS 20 B/L PB 20 B/L BD 24 10 H BD 26 10 H BD 24 12 H BD 24-12 H OL BD 26 12 H BD 26-12 H OL BD 28 12 H BD 28-12 H OL 20" SONOR white, with SONOR Logo, single ply, medium 20" SONOR black, with SONOR Logo, single ply, medium 24'’ SONOR smooth white, double ply, heavy 26'’ SONOR smooth white, double ply, heavy 24'’ SONOR smooth white, double ply, heavy, Control Center, 24'’ SONOR smooth white, double ply, heavy, Control Center, ohne Logo 26'’ SONOR smooth white, double ply, heavy, Control Center, 26'’ SONOR smooth white, double ply, heavy, Control Center, ohne Logo 28'’ SONOR smooth white, double ply, heavy, Control Center, 28'’ SONOR smooth white, double ply, heavy, Control Center, ohne Logo 52.00 46.00 59.00 62.00 66.00 66.00 82.00 82.00 85.00 85.00 SONOR Bass Drum Heads Black 90967400 90968400 90967600 90968600 90967800 90968800 BD 24 4 MC BD 24-4 MC OL BD 26 4 MC BD 26-4 MC OL BD 28 4 MC BD 28-4 MC OL 24'’ SONOR smooth black, single ply, medium, Control Center, 24'’ SONOR smooth black, single ply, medium, Control Center, ohne Logo 26'’ SONOR smooth black, single ply, medium, Control Center, 26'’ SONOR smooth black, single ply, medium, Control Center, ohne Logo 28'’ SONOR smooth black, single ply, medium, Control Center, 28'’ SONOR smooth black, single ply, medium, Control Center, ohne Logo 72.00 72.00 90.00 90.00 94.00 94.00 SONOR Drum Sticks - ”Handfinished in U.S.A.“ 90270000 90270600 90270800 90271000 90271100 90271400 Z 5640 Z 5640 Z 5640 Z 5640 Z 5640 Z 5640 Maple 3A Maple 6 Maple 8 Maple 10 / SD1 Maple Concert Maple Funk 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 90431000 90431100 Z 5644 Z 5644 Allegro - Hornbeam oval shaped tip Presto - Hornbeam round shaped tip 14.50 14.50 90262000 90263000 Z 5720 Z 5730 Metal Brushes, retractable, Rubber grip Rute Brushes 42.00 35.00 Sonor Stick Bag Professional 22.50 SONOR Stickbag 90400100 SSB UVP = unverbindliche Preisempfehlung Änderungen vorbehalten Hohner-Sonor AG 6/6
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