Contacts for EDI message types Stand 07022017

Contacts for EDI message types at REWE Headquarters, Cologne
INVOIC: Invoice
REMADV: Remittance advice
Frau Marilies Sonntag
Abteilung Z BZE
Domstr. 20
50668 Köln
Tel.: 0221/149-2220
Email: [email protected]
EDI process control for the message types/preparation/article master data quality, among others
(in national warehousing and third-party business transactions)
ORDERS: Orders
DESADV: Despatch advice message
PRICAT: Price/sales catalogue
INVRPT: Inventory Report
SLSRPT: Sales Report
Supply Chain Management -Operationssupport
Abteilung H R LSO
Stolberger Straße 76
50933 Köln
Tel.: 0221/149-5781
Tel.: 0221/149-5791
Email: [email protected]
Regional EDI contacts for, inter alia, RZF members and cooperation partners
Transgourmet Deutschland GmbH & Co. OHG
REWE Dortmund:
Herr Arnd Schöngarth (formerly for Fegro/Selgros)
Email: [email protected]
Tel. 06158/180-1908
Herr Jürgen Seide
Asselner Hellweg 1-3
44319 Dortmund
Herr Philipp Böhm (formerly for Foodservice)
Email: [email protected]
Tel. 06131/ 502319
Tel.: 0231/2500-281
Email: [email protected]
toom BauMarkt:
WASGAU, Pirmasens
Herr Claudius Milu
Humboldtstr. 138 - 144
51149 Köln
Tel.: 0221/149-6409
Email: [email protected]
Herr Jörg Zimmermann
Tel. 06331 / 558-905
Mail: [email protected]
Herr Lutz Fronmueller
Tel. 06331 / 558-304
Email: [email protected]
HIT Handelsgruppe GmbH & Co. KG:
Supermärkte Nord Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG
Dohle Handelsgruppe Service GmbH & Co. KG
Herr Markus Smylla
Herr Daniel Kordes
Jean-Dohle-Str. 1
53721 Siegburg
Tel. 02241 / 122-511
Tel. 02241 / 122-510
Fax: -8511
Fax: -8510
Email: [email protected] + [email protected]
Frau Margret Hulsch
Benzstr. 10
24148 Kiel
Tel.: 0431 / 7250-638
Email: [email protected]
Stand: Februar 2017