Institutskolloquium Sozialanthropologie Frühlingssemester 2017 Jeden Dienstag 18:15 bis 19:45 Uhr Im Raum S221 am Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Unitobler, Lerchenweg 36, 2. OG (wenn nicht anders im Programm angegeben) Alle Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen! 28. Februar Nationalists without borders? The transnational and the local in the study of the European far right Agnieska Pasieka, Dr., Marie Sklodowska – Curie Fellow, Institute for East European History, University of Vienna 7. März Urbanisation and Appropriation of Place and Water among the Rural-Urban Migrants in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Jaka Repič, Dr., Associate Professor, Dept. of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Ljubljana 14. März Vacillating between Empathy and Contempt: The Indian judiciary and LGBT rights Arvind Narrain, Director, ARC International, Genf 21. März Imagining the Nation on Social Media: Facts, Play and Politics Sahana Udupa, Dr., Associate Professor, School of Public Policy, Center for Media, Data and Society, Central European University 28. März Labour Rights from Labour Wrongs?: Compensation and Justice After the Rana Plaza Garment Factory Collapse. Rebecca Prentice, Dr., Senior Lecturer, School of Global Studies, Anthropology, University of Sussex 4. April Ethnography of Smallholder Engagement in Food Systems in the Mount Kenya Region Fabian Käser, M.A., Doktorand, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern 11. April Co-creative audiovisual ethnography Darcy Alexandra, Dr., Assistentin, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern 25. April 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie (s. Informationen 2. Mai Towards Convivial Conservation: Radical ideas for saving nature in the Anthropocene? Robert Fletcher, Dr., Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Sociology of Development and Change Group, Wageningen University 9. Mai The metamorphosis of power. The strongmen jawara of Banten in Indonesia Gabriel Facal, Dr., Postdoctoral researcher, Institut de recherches Asiatiques (IrAsia), Aix-Marseille Université. 16. Mai Audimax (Hauptgebäude) Anthropology Talks (s. Informationen Violence of and Against the Everyday: Learning to See What is Before Our Eyes Veena Das, Prof., Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University 23.Mai Navigating Precarity – Highly Educated Young Adults in Barcelona Between Imagined Lives and Lived Realities Corinne Schwaller, M.A., Doktorandin, Assistentin, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern 30.Mai Labour, Sickness and the State: inside the productive work of failing kidneys in Mexico Ciara Kierans, Dr., Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychology, Health and Society, University of Liverpool
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