DEPARTEMENT CHEMIE UNIVERSITÄT BASEL PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE VORTRÄGE IM FRÜHJAHRSEMESTER 2017 Klingelbergstr. 80, kleiner Hörsaal, Raum 4.04 im 2. Stock Mittwoch 22. Februar 2017 16.30 Uhr PROF. DR. N. MARZARI (EPFL, School of Engineering, Lausanne, Switzerland) "Adventures in Flatland: Novel 2D Materials, Hydrodynamic Transport, and Wire Engineering" Mittwoch 1. März 2017 16.30 Uhr DR. H.L. BETHLEM (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Netherlands) "Toying with Molecules; Ammonia Molecules in a Synchrotron and Fountain" Mittwoch 15. März 2017 16.30 Uhr PROF. DR. J.F. LUQUE (University of Barcelona, Spain) "Mechanisms of Ligand Binding Through Metadynamics Calculations: M2 Channel Inhibitors and Retinol-binding Proteins" Mittwoch 29. März 2017 16.30 Uhr PROF. DR. R. JELINEK (Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel) "Carbon Quantum Dots: New Adventures in Carbon Nanotechnology" Mittwoch 5. April 2017 16.30 Uhr PROF. DR. J.O. RICHARDSON (ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Switzerland) "A Unified Theory of Tunnelling and Electron-transfer Reactions" Mittwoch 12. April 2017 16.30 Uhr DR. P. LEVKIN (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Toxicology and Genetics, Germany) "Biofunctional Polymer Interfaces with Special Wettability for Stem Cell Research" DEPARTEMENT CHEMIE UNIVERSITÄT BASEL PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE VORTRÄGE IM FRÜHJAHRSEMESTER 2016 Klingelbergstr. 80, kleiner Hörsaal, Raum 4.04 im 2. Stock 2. Teil Mittwoch 26. April 2017 16.30 Uhr PROF. DR. W. RICHTERING (RWTH Aachen University, Department of Chemistry, Germany) "Microgels: Special or Strange?" Mittwoch 3. Mai 2017 16.30 Uhr PROF. DR. D. WALES (University of Cambridge, Department of Chemistry, UK) "Multifunctional Energy Landscapes" Mittwoch 10. Mai 2017 16.30 Uhr PROF. DR. J.-P. WOLF (University of Geneva, Department of Physics, Switzerland) "Use of Ultrashort High-Intensity Lasers for Atmospheric Control" Mittwoch 17. Mai 2017 16.30 Uhr PROF. DR. P. CASAVECCHIA (University of Perugia, Department of Chemistry, Italy) "Reaction Dynamics of Oxygen Atoms with Unsaturated Hydrocarbons in Crossed Beams: Primary Products, Branching Ratios and Role of Intersystem Crossing" Mittwoch 31. Mai 2017 16.30 Uhr PROF. DR. M. PARRINELLO Werner Kuhn Seminar (ETH Zurich, Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, Switzerland) "Fluctuations, Entropy and Rare Events" Achtung: Dieser Vortrag findet im grossen Hörsaal 3.10, statt.
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