Lrct it@ ALgEBRA Va, Name f-r t-_(-,1 I Date r f\w tt+ J r !-*F,^,-.-^-!^rEvr polynomial Expressions ilrt"r"lr'2, Multiplying and Factoring Hxit Tieket L. Factor complelelY; 2az { 6a * *"ACv 18 = 2- 2(a'+ 3a- tQ) =6 &Jtsusr A*: lea've*1*' ka.n X RoU kre ,ff:nqt"nar1. Vcr* 2(a'+ lnrq 2. Factor completely: 5x2 -5 )k CtC ' F: 5 5(x"- l) S ( Cx+rX" 3. Factorcompletely: 3t3 +Lut|-+er )k Ggr = 3| at(t'+ct-\t) 3t((t 4. -D) +s) Factor comple telv: 4n (t - D) - n3 X C-1CF = n n) n(11 X Fado- aut a- t - ) - Xn(- q +n) ?'8-u){'- I €. -n(n'*''l) * n ((n+ ey Cn ggtuuloN I rj,T,"t' CORE' -z)) MultiprvingandFactorinsPolvnomialExpressions engageny I o 2014 common co*, rnc some rishts ree*d. @mmmreors lK'4EGlEEEtrl :l:'"X;J::J';;;:ti;il";L".N""c","."r.i"r.sha,"Arik" 3.0 u""",t d 1r""",". t*ssn*-,g NYS COMfvtO.N-.C{RE MATH$MAT},€$ CURnrc,Utultll @| ALGEBRA I Date +tltA HW t-esibri'g: Graphing Quadratic Functions from Factorsd Form, h(x) = - 3(x-2)( x* e) f (x) - a{x * m)(x * n) xMe,q -cli Xl=;$*-:-"o*" ./-Lrv kxtt t$exet h(x) = -3(x Graph the following function and identify the key features of the graph: - 2)(x + 2). - C;i?. Pu-T :LU { x cAue" '# X i-a*'* -)-zf5t-+ l'Z J "l--e tc. !) l_ 3(-Ou +12 o 4L-\? + lZ q -3@)- +- l2 , z), - -3(r)' +-! Z q -g (z)' tlL o -: ( a)' + lZ -15 3 J Lnbe\ lle'-ro Arraua tF L he*lcrer't\.un ib n*:b Lct"bcl {hc vrrlP'' i ltven7 'V SrlrfirYld}'q '{*"'utr* 1 .,,/ {*,rt* fr "i,.{ Lo,be\ the &ris ef J*n t ,/ J / J Lc.t\:e COMmON -a6ii:--------------8"- [l-.e y-'neree6x* 7 - I I 1 t ne Lesson 9: o.,u, fl{-re'ia' ';r dc'lc(o'' \ ; \, Graphing Quadratic Functions from Factored Form, m)(x - n) tt:)";^' - lffi ffi ffi I :ij:i;J::ffi ;:'^i,liff engagrenv J fill,'+ ury ru;@ ., ALGEBRA I ,^," Name ]la+ll1 Hw +14' 10: lnterpreting Quadratic Functions from Graphs and Lesson Tables Hxit Ticket 1. profit. The toy company is manufacturing a new toy and trying to decide on a price that will result in a maximum graph of graph below represents profit (P) generated by each price of a toy (x). Answer the questions based on the A the quadratic function model' -- ffloxrp1w iv i{'*l i ,..:.,.......1 "t "T 'E il : i: ;...' t. I -......i,." t -- I iI i '- -';"" It? i 'lgEjg a. lf the company wants to make a maximum profit, what should the price of a new toy be?- -a{ Lhe ccryLpanq -^n;i; o- ffigfbc' 6 rnaite *J ShoJi-8 proft{, ti-en lne- prrd€. Gf & fis-*: b, what ilhat +t is the minimum price of in -6ilE @ companv/ Fql",l,vo.r{ forthe the comp,any? th-at will produce profit tor toy that tov tp,oigug" pruce 4 n^ flil !,oo" -COmmON --- a - O* OeQ:tf.iv€. Vf-lir;C I usson r0: i oate: .igffiigt*fl?"n, t t-r-ri\\' {esutf lc)\,r-r-;r p;'t; H' ' n1 louf'r tha+ *]lt o[ ct br1JAnu becaule r'\ beuote -Ih,q -lnra cs fttr" lhn l,rs{r.t (rr i I L i,: lnterpreting Quadratic Functions from Graphs and Tables zt3it4 2014common corc,lnc. som. righG [email protected] tffi *V'UO' t\r- ffii :i::ffJ::,ffi :'^llil:li {lt*R? iS #fii:r'6F6* il leit: ffi i$,1?:,/::L:::::::::*r$*1\:.:::; =E i#"':::::::::::::-4{g,Z engagenv iissan l,n t{Y$ C0rrililtON CORE MAT,HEMATIe5'tURFlCUtUM @| ALGEBRA I c. Estimate the value of P(0) and explain what the value means in the problem and how this may be possible. he prt. € oF G- tou at tlie' *0. -Thrs rneonb tha.t Luhen t' pf ;;ll"a x)'- l. - rqZ. SoJ \ s A , |r-re.n the pro{''+ X vCr\ue.pc;i rlposcnts proFr {.' * I c\ L, 5A i s o* ne 3o-hve pro$i} (r G'B*"ri!* Pro{rhi5 li incil'ce fit &- fo--1 rS ,O, {,hcn"'irra 6;-pru(,t' 'v44 v' l- rq 2,5n. "fte e6lb+ lo "rno-Y\e -fine-.' \ot\S it lrl2..60 d. lf the company wants to make a profit of $137, for how much should the tpy be sold? ppsFr-L x. I4r'd x lphcn P( x) = $ ; 3? R x) = X- $?.5rr ,"*,kfft P/x) ='Sl? 1 fl-'',' P{O) X- \,:,2. -ffi rcwx€ prolt t aq fl t31", 4"he e. Find the ao#",n that will o.Ulyl@ slplit %Ati6 for the company and find uu;th hit) *hould" +ay i-ts corresponding be ,#" Solcl 'W of profit. Pc^) fes..;cL c",^. prcr'crL furoqlg : Z4X*rc F:gr$e; g >o f. Choose the interval where the profit is increasing the fastest: @n,sl, ts.s, 6.s1,16,71 tzffir*;c@=** ( t, zl,rgqtr, \lr , z-d ---+ t5 *'-fl't,t> ft'|-(("|l> q,nA 'the. t\xnraqA- f?'L"'' cP 1w''*1t ' ^ -Trr.s ci blre {crglesr' Gt.t <- rJ"5g1*f-3*15- s e-?, 5 rcr-Le oQ c-l"nni {teii,ifl :"J.ffi iT*:J,*ik-#".1*,fr,r"";,;,I,?*":,pr.f ,Expan,.,he owner how selling the toy at a higher price will affect the profit. :-: :.t:r COIMON coRE- @ 2014 Conrmon Corc, lnc. Some , Lessonio: | Date; ight lnterpreting Quadratic Functions from Graphs and Tables 2/3114 resrved. @[email protected] tffi@tlHH::,*J::iili:li engagenv A
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