dam breach analysis - Comité suisses des barrages

Schweizerisches Talsperrenkomitee
Comité suisse des barrages
Comitato svizzero delle dighe
Swiss Committee on Dams
Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau,
Hydrologie und Glaziologie
Laurent Mouvet
c/o Hydro Operation International SA
Place St-François 4, CH-1003 Lausanne
T: +41 21 324 23 23
M: +41 79 794 50 14
e-mail: [email protected]
Philippe Lazaro
c/o Lombardi AG
Winkelriedstrasse 37, CH-6003 Luzern
T: +41 41 226 40 99
e-mail: [email protected]
STK/VAW-Workshop, Wednesday 26th April 2017
Zeughausgasse 9, 3011 Bern
(close to railway station - www.hotelbern.ch)
Workshop program
13h30 Welcome address and opening remarks
Laurent Mouvet, STK President, and Annunziato Siviglia, VAW, ETH Zurich
13h40 An overview of dam breach modelling (approaches, challenges, uncertainties and future direction)
Mark Morris, HR Wallingford, UK
14h20 Dam breach in the context of dam safety legislation
Georges Darbre, Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Ittigen
14h40 Hydraulics of spatial dike breaches: Laboratory test findings
Pierre-Jacques Frank, Axpo Power AG, Baden, Switzerland (formerly VAW, ETH Zurich)
15h00 Coffee break
15h30 Erosion in dam materials
Sophie Messerklinger, Ostermiething, Austria
15h50 Dam Break analysis under uncertainty
Samuel Peter, VAW, ETH Zurich
16h10 Case studies of dam breach analyses for small dams
Barbara Schlegel, Pöyry, Zurich, Switzerland
16h30 Numerical simulation of embankment breaching due to overtopping
Christian Volz, Ingenieure Bart AG, St.Gallen (formerly VAW, ETH Zurich)
16h50 Closure
Robert Boes, VAW, ETH Zurich
Online registration until 20 April: www.swissdams.ch
Fee CHF 80.- / Student: CHF 40.-
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