ARCHAEOLOGICAL TEXTILES NEWSLETTER ATN, 10, 1990 EDITORIAL begin We second of Dr the lOth obituary the Department Geijer was issue this of a of time A TN with our of Agnes Textiles great in pioneer GelJer miss Stockholm. whose work set a standard of excellence for the rest of us to for Margareta follow her well As for only remember played who knew describes her life and achievements A TN. Geijer Nockert through w1 th her in those of her honour establishing textiles as discipline Leaving a who knew publications for the the role study of respectable aside current issue of us this Dr we she early research sadder note the A TN contains much to inform and entertain through the summer months As usual the articles reflect the broad range of interest burials from We of in our readers Denmark Dynastic to Egypt especially from 17th to welcome Bronze century a note on Age Germany Merovingian vast collection of textile fragments emerging from Mons Claudianus which whets future One breadth occur in our Roman appetite of the strengths of <is there is readership usually has designs one issued of a some century French tomb The increasing contributors fruitful for of With call more taster in the A TN is this problem pieces our m..moer who this in aund for help braids number of proving is a or is it Coptic?) amongst silk - the When it Scandinavian can shed some light Boyer Egypt with from most And the organised by Frances Text1les Study September press the also science-based particularly contribution delighted to have this subject - from - aft-er all the confusion of the media hype surrounding the Shroud Meetings regular calender part and of It s conferences the a textile pleasure are now a researcher s to see for their We wish some to European Textiles them good see will fourth a spring Copenhagen York was publishers Press has is about to bedevilled the now has scheduled the it by appear early Inst1tute of volume well in to appear in the For further news of the publication The success of conferences such as these shows just how popular and important the A TN field of archaeological textiles is becoming All this enthusiasm structuring and does how perhaps need direction The and structures time some is now ripe to organise ourselves and begin to think about tra1ning this respect career the arrival of a course 1n new course MA archaeological but good Finally cartoon at we spot welcome them. out any we the of vogue has for car any Surely return our stickers just of readers Dr A TN s have I wonder 1f anyone thoughts on and the T-shirt appropriate to one s profession has do 11 be glad to hear from In a similar vein there can Wild s note on the Manchester> If In post-graduate textiles <see Dr further offerings which the horse s mouth am North as well as the increasing circulation of the some real information on one With Archaeology friend for in this problems provides an intelligible account for the non I which meeting and in the volume of papers from the 1ast Although summer and Geijer would have approved on the radiocarbon dating of the Turin Shrud scientist With Meanwhile hand together meeting weather and the Early Manchester Archaeological conference convivial Don t Textiles As this issue of A TN goes to joining triennial NESAT in members�the on be attended East ern Pritchard Group 1990 Symposium are Far 7th The work of the UMIST team on the enlightening on nothing spinning of fine linen yarn in Dynastic Egypt is these one Dr the a the watch this space' France the enthusiastically handed me current slogans An American a sticker Archaeologists will date any old thing set me researchers Any more? P thinking will spin How you about any old Textile yarn? ? Walton 1 ATN 10, 1990 Colophon NOTES TO CONTRIBUTORS The Archaeological Text iles Newslet t er Published 1n Leiaen 1SSN The Ne t herlands 0 1 69-73 3 1 aims The to Archaeologi cal Texti les Newsletter a source of information for provide t hose who are s t u dying t e x t iles primarily as EDITORIAL BOARD � L Bender J 0rgensen Vogelsang-Eastwood P Walt on G and p J Wila Cont ributions to t he archaeological object s are Newsletter welcome and should be in accordance wi t h t his concept PUBLICATION DATES Twice-yearly May and November Cont ribut ions or French will DEADLINES Oct ober FOR 1 st CONTRIBUTIONS for t he May April and 1st November and G � NL-2334 Vogelsang-East wood EA Leiden The Net herlands CHARGES Dfl 15 00 equivalent in pounds s t e rling> <or t ne payment s Vogelsang-East wood oe at art 1cles exnibit 1ons again M G using to to t he following Vogelsang-Eastwood t he lectures be contact address given above to books fort hcoming special 1nformation concerning work in progress <see note 3 > any queries 3 Work concerning in Progress archaeological excavations sec t io n available) in t he t he s1te found and wh o of t he is a showing maximum t he of a general work on f rom recent l. t ems 1n t his informa t ion follow1ng <if where relevant when who range responsible ana t he dat es t he text iles are t o be published exceed is museums founa t he cat aloguing t his ana study for example contain about t ex t iles were t extiles t he text iles or snoul.d excavat ed SUBSCRIPTIONS (1) short puol.ished etc <in above German Russian will conferences adaress t he t hese and sem1nars cat egory which includes sent in include � be t ransferred Dutch Giro Account 2567328 journals may G can English it ems recently arcnaeolog1cal t ext iles t he form of bank cheques or pos t al orders) or may to per annum < t wo issues > Subscription in but Cont ributions cou rses SUBSCRIPTION money accept ed references 4-5 ADDRESS be t ranslated into English 2 Van Swie t enst raat be can necessary issues respect ively CONTACT If for where of t he t hey These notes should not of position 7 50 of per t he i t e m. Maps relevant sites would be great ly appreciated l.t is again time to pay subscript ions''' 4 Various problems have to payment arisen wit h regard Line arawings 5 The edit ors reserve t he alt er a t ions We can only t ake cheques or pos t al orders out in st erling 2 be considered but so could subscribers please note t he following made will pho t ograpns cannot be accept ed at present Dutch Cheques guilders made out or in right 1n t he word1ng of to suggest 1tems sent for public at ion pounds American 6 The deadline for contributions is t he 1 s t dollars will be ret urned and subscript ion April held in limbo' November edit ions respectively The Dutch Girobank is now charging fl and The 12 t he 1st views October e xpressed for by t he t he May and various for every cheque drawn o n a bank out side aut hors are not necessarily t hose held by t he of editors out The Net herlands in result Dutch whet her guilders or it could t herefore made As a subscribers out side Net herlands The Eurocheques Internat ional where or legal not es is not please Pos t al in send Orders a hard currency 3 If you send a Eurocheque could you please remember to put your number on t he back of t he cheque. o t herwis� we will have t o send it back which will cause administrative delays 4 Cheques from British banks should be made out to the Newslet ter Eastwood and Archaeological not to G � Textiles LOGO Vogelsang The depict ion It may subscription be necessary charges or even to s t op increase producing t he A TN if members ignore t hese poin t s (' ) ( 2 logo is on a Odenburg/Soporn illust r a t ion t aken Halls t a t t Hungary shows spinning and weaving t hree t he f ro m urn The women f amou s found at original who are ATN 10, 1990 AGNES GEIJER 1898-1989 Dr 1 989 of Agnes 90 Geijer years what old lat er Department of died on From 1 9 30 bec ame t he known Cent ral t ex t ile years finds from t hesis Bi rks III archaeological such an t ex t iles and Textile of Nat ional She was an t han worked on and was in t he and t he 60 t he 1 938 her sus t he first were ext ensive investigation t he Texti lfunde Tnts July was head more she Birka Die appeared Gr/Jbern for 1 930 s t extile as Sweden researcher During t ne 1 7t h she Board Antiquities in St ockholm active t he den t ime subject of comprehensive book can now be regaraed as a classic At of a n early t he dat e Agnes Geijer was aware int ernational research Centre import ance of t ex t ile She was one of t he founders of t he Int ernational a E t u de des Text iles Anciens <CIETA> in Lyon and from t he s t art < 1 954) she was one of t he vice presiaent s She was involved in t he work concerning t ex t ile t erminologies in different languages In 1 967 t he Terminology first was Scandinavian published as Textile well as t he Scandinavian languages also included Engltsh German and Frencn Aft er she had retired she published her magnum opus A Hi story of Texti le Art It contains revised a n d amended versions o f her earlier writ ings as well as a considerable amount of new ma t erial The published 1928- 1 978 cont ain writings of Agnes Geijer 1 75 t i t les covering a wide field of t ex t ile research For her 90t h birthday in present e d With a Fest schrift Wit h essays on various 1988 she was Opera Texti li s subj e c t s wit hin t he t ex t ile field Agnes t hrown Geij er light Scandinavian art Her on has t hrough import ant European and ambition was to her research fields wit hin Oriental t ex t ile obtain credit Agnes Geijer < 1898-1989> for t ex t ile research as a subj e c t Agnes Geij er was a colourful a n d dynamic person and import ant to all of us working TWO LECTURES ON CHINESE TEXTILES wit h t ex t iles M. Between Chtnese Nockert S t a t ens Hist oriska Museer St ocKholm Sweaen <Text ilge Sec t ion) reaa Sept ember t ex t tle t wo L e c t ures respecttvely ttolland at L ns t t t u t e at Dr t he Non-West ern 17th n1st or1an and Baa Leiaen Baa ana M1ngxin 1nv1 t a t 1on St ud1es 2 1st of and t ne Mlngxtn Rot t erdam w1ll t he t he Wl L l v1sit Cen t r e of StnoLog1cal bo t h of Leiden Univers1ty and t he Museum Boymans-van Beuntngen Rot t erdam Bao Mlngxtn orotessor and 1s direc tor of Centre He assoctat e t he Tex t i e Ch1na 1s found an a in Letden Texttle soecialist wes t ern pat t erned orocades In Sept ember t ex t tle on Researcn Shanghai earLy h1s Wlll t ex t i L e s Lecture deal wtt n at wef t Defore a n d during t he han Ro t t erdam, 20t h t he China Universtt y period htstory Un1verst t y he on Thursaay w1ll collec t ton of t he t alk eventng aoout Forbtdden C1 t y t he <in conjunc t ion wit h t he spec1al exhtb l t ion about t he 1mpenal palaces van Beun1ngen> informat1on 1n t he Museum Boymans For mor e det ails and fur t her p ease cont act Wtllem Vogelsang Centre of Non-West ern S t uates 2300 R A Letden Tne Net herlanas P 0 Box 95 1 5 <07 1-2 722 10) 3 ATN 10 1990 THE BRONZE AGE BELT FROM BREDH0J An exhibition of excavat ion of BredhGj a t Holst ebro Museum, For t he occasion it ems has West t he f rom recently t he been J ut land held DenmarK Na t i onal Museum A in �� � Copenhagen t emporarily ret urned t he t r easures belonging t o BredhGj Among t he grave goods � was an int eresting piece of t ex t ile Breahej f our B C ) of was Only aescri bed one as Age oak a being made and much a of report wool Over half a belt 1t in was several P r ov1ded t hat t he t ot al lengt h is em ana it was probably knit t ed proauced cof fln rest 1ng clot hing brown not hing was lacking 1 800 t runk woman s excava t ion held <c The preserved of It 1 88 5 an been i t em t he narrow p1eces was have In in Bronze badly to f ouna t he which and supposed place excava t ed from one compressed is was t ombs cent ury an account of ago Dr t he belt in M. 105 Hald her book Costumes of the Bronze Age in Denmark <Danish vers1on 1 935 wro t e English version 1 940) The ma t erial is fine S-spun wool but t oo fragile f or a close examinat io n and t he t echnique plait ed worked fashion up The belt regularly carried apart a has an out s or t shows plain across t he has been worked Before She from which band where f ound it end t he belt B o t h ends are f ringed t he Nat ional Museum dared t o lend fragile replace whole one end weaving impossible t o decide of f!l open-work pat t ern from a piece of 5 em at analysis t he in �r.,.. She t he t ex t ile mount it a was glas s necessary to sandwich wit h a We cardboard of acid- free passe-par t out t hen discovered t he construction o f t he belt � s and named i t Weaving in tabby with individual crossing weft thread& Tablet s seem t he most appropriat e weaving implement s as the work progresses in t wo s t ages a> moving t he tablet s <each t ablet holding two t hreads> in order t o make t he shed b) c working t he wef t t hreads across while t he table t s are released Each s t age requires bot h hands for progressing J.n well t he known history f or its Weaving in several variations combination belt A plain of of t he man y weave is Denmark Age finds braiding unusual we see A is but in � wi t h t he � t he from BredhGj is a surprise N0rgaard and E 0st ergaard Bevaringssekt ionen DK-2800 Lyngby Denmark 4 not Bronze and t echniques Nat ionalmuseet Brede t ex t iles Fig 1 The Bredhej belt Jl.. y, r� , tfi � ATN Fig 2 Reweaving the Bredhej belt Fig 3 Structure of the Bredhej belt 10, 1990 Fleece-types of the Bredh•J belt The samples were examined at x400 magnificat ion and t he aiamet ers of 100 fibres recorded ob tained The f ollowing measurement s were (figures in microns> Warp range 9-30J.L mode 19J.L � 17 9 4 2 Pearson c oe f f of skew +0 5 7J.L posit ivel y skewed 1' medulla t ed 1� pigment ed <Fine > Warp range 12-26 80J.L � 19J.L mean 20 1 8 6 Pears on c oe f f of skew +0 45J.L posit ively skewe d 2� medulla t ed <1� k emp> 1� pigment ed <Hair y Medi um> This indicat es t hat and wef t was very t he wool o f bot h warp fine alt hough t he wef t included one o f t he very coarse fibres called kemp P Walt on DraWings I Skals of wool and t est N � for dye Brede P Examina t ion Walt on York .J s 5 ( ATN, 10 1990 Um den Inhalt analysieren Das des wurde R6ntgenbild zu zeig t e geleg t e una a1e BUndel von e1n BUndels es optisch n!chst mehr fach zusammengepreBt e ca 36 t i erische Res t e vor em L!nge allem Wurzeln- durchzogen das jeder Behandlung wurden wei t eren Text ilrest e und TechniK spielt der erm1 t t elt zahlreiche Vor im Chemie aullerordent liche Rolle PH aer Inneren in 4 8 = cnemische chemische em und BUndel PH-Wert e1ne 22 Pflanzliche Pilzgeflechte aer zusammen Textilfl!chen Bre1 t e und 9 - 1 0 em H6he ergaben und zu ger6 u t gt oeeinfluB t <Er Vorg!nge insbesondere aller Gleichgewic htsreakt ionen Ar t ) Die t eKt ilen schwer BUndel liellen auseinanderfalten reinigen Es organische war n6tig Mat erial Schimmelbef all und gegen zu aozut 6t en Denn groBe mit beginnende Konidienblldung f!rbt zur waren zuvor G a t t ung gesamt e bzw e1ner s t arken berei t s blaugrUn Proben von entnommen Penicillium und aiese Pilzmyzel wurden beobacht et St ellen das Bakt erien- Partien weiBem sehr bedingt behandeln V erpilzung sicn nur und ver diesen als geh6rig Pilz bestimmt Nun er f olg t e eine grUndliche Desin fekt ion und TEXTILRESTE DES 16 JAHRHUNDERTS AUS DUISBURG AM NIDERRHEIH Diese wurde m1 t Thymol Fungizidbehandlung <Thymiachamper 2-Isopropyl-5-Methylphenol 3-p-Cymenol> sauer Seit 1980 Museum fUhrt das Ni ederrheinische arch!ologische umfangreiche Unt ersuchungen durch in Sie der Duisburger bracht en Siedlungsfolge vom eine 5 Alt s t ad t unun t erbrochene Jahrhundert bis in unsere Zeit organiscne der Funde Altst adt Bereich Erhalt ungsbedingungen wurden eines der besteht und um 1m 8 westlichen Sie Jahrhundert Auf wohl diesen herum die der Teil 1m verlandet en 9 alt en Jahrhundert Marktschichten Wohnquart iere frUhen Neuzeit grol!e der Uberaus Mengen organischen Funde zusammengedrUckt wie in Aqua dest auf abgepinselt entnommen des konservieren und zu wissenschaf t lich einem schwierigen Fundmat erial aas h!ufig noch vernachl!ssigt wird Ein Beispiel werden Res t e Zwei groBe kamen gemauert en zu der soll einem amorphe 1984 in BUrgerhaus Klumpen einer aer frUhen am Alt en Fundzusammenhang Keramik- und Glas f unde Mit t e vorgest ellt Be1 wurden enemaligen winklig lagen aem bis zweit en Ziegeln Sie geh6rt N e uzei t MarKt Aus kommen des Zwei grolle Gewebe war mit t ext iler R es t e also 6 ohne n ur noch der ein andere war nur mit erkennbaren t o t al noch aall welches rec h t Fadenverkreuzung nebenelnDurch und Teil parallelliegenden Faden konn t e die vergangene als Gewebebild optisch erhalt en Die Oberfl!cne eben falls m1 t Polyacrylat Aqua D dieses dest 312 Gewebes gereiningt getr!nkt wurae und Es Dies gelang nicht TeK til einlagig gelegt aie gefest igt e konn t e nicht werden Die wurden des noch Gewebelangen abzul6sen die ein Lbsen Block das auseinander den fest Verlust Bindungsbildes so mull t e das BUndel 1m ozw nachfolgenden Schichten waren so dall Uberlie f er t en bedeut e t h!t t e 12 Sit e m1 t wurae analog z u behandeln Erde und pflanzlichen und damit best immt werden um 16 aie zum auseinanderzufal t en reiche Es vergangen Einzel faden Lage vom Fadensyst em versucht Rest en vermischt und f est zusammengeprellt zur Konservierung Ubergeben einen verzicnt et festgest ellt Das zusammengeprellt BUndel auf von Jahrhunaerts in nassem Zustand muBt e dem Sie st ammen aus der H!l f t e Teil wurde kreuz t e Bindung t ext 11 er aus Kloake zum Vorschein Schwanenst ral!e gleichen nier desolat en p flanzliche Res t e ander bei vorher den un d mi tkonserv1ert zusammengepreB t e Ergebnissen Durch s o dall Erdpar t ikel fUhrt e z u Uberraschenden get r!n k t 1 m Bunael verblieben bearbei t en erwies sich als sehr hilfreich und bereits 312 syn waren ReinigungsprozeB vorhanden aus Analyse FadenbUndels den TeKt ilien D eines Acryls!urebasis) woraen 1nt ensiven werden Polyacrylat Dispersion zur Gewebeb1ndung ThUringens fest ger einigt Oberfl!che mit < weichmacherfreie das und D uisburger Grabungen in seinen Werks t ! t t en zu Teil und recht deutlich eine Beide Teile w uraen der und allein nicht 16sen kann Angebo t des Museums FrUhgeschicht e andere Lagen vorsicntig voneinander gel6st und e 1 nzeln wel t erbearoeit et Das Faaengew1rr wurde m 1 t u a wurde Ur- Der zusammengeprellt lieB Gewebebinaung erkennen Leder Knochen P flanzenres t e und TeKtilien brachten Problema die ein st !dt isches Museum So fUr e t was die in vielen Schichten mehreren t he t ischen Harzes Holz leicht BUndel waren Fadenproben darun t er Mat erials t eKt ilen geschlungenen F!den Zus t and h!ufigen gel6st auseinanderge f altet bestand durcheinander unoeorduet mit angeschnit t en werden Die Spirit us durchgefUhrt des Abf allgruben und Kloaken fUr liegt zen t r alen dem zahlreiche und zahlreichen dem seit konn t en Mit t elalt ers im anget rof f en Rheinverlaufes Markt Eines gelockert und aus recht ebenfalls Besonders g ut e in pH-Wert 6 ca 1 0- konserviert Map 1 The old city of Ouisburg shoW1ng the medieval courses of the Rhine and Ruhr r1 vers j einem zwei t e gangen bil det e Eiweil! fasern gut e Erh a l t ungsbedingungen z B Wol l e von Weil dem zweiten Fadensyst em nicht mehr die geringst en 1st sind finden zu Spuren Zel lul ose f a sern aus F l achs> zeigt deut liche Einarbeitung aas gel egen Wahrscheinlichkei t mit 1st das Fadenmat erial vorliegende schliel!en Gewebe im gespannt Sie Dies wiederum Fadensy s t em zwei t e straff mull Schul!garn Mischung e1ne Gewebes eines l angst apeligen Woll- und Grannenhaaren und ohne lich Die und volumin8s f l auschig zugfest und gesponnen scharf aus mit ursprUng vie l l eicht hingegen Ket t fl:lden Fl achsfasern war aus geareht sind vergangen Rotlstoffaateml Sctlafwolle ut kreuz Wall Schu8 6rannen und Shctleltllare Ste und separat aufberettet und beshaat worden 30 Kerne von Fzcus c�rzd, Fetgen 17 Kerne von Wun Vztzs rznzferl 10 Kerne von Fr�guu vescd, Erdbeere 1& Kerne von Sullkusclle Prun/JS lVl/11 2 Kerne und etntge Stucke van Pf1�1111 Prunus doustzc.J 1 Kern von Apfel lfl/111 dollstu1 2 Kerne von Broabeere Rubus uesz/JS 11 Kerne von Htabeere Rubus ullew 2 Fhegentonnctlen Inuttente1le <Fllege?l w1e Flugelstuctctlen und Fuhler 1 Knoctlenstuct von Vogel l'l Phll1nx przH verautllctl Zellulo;efasern 22 5 Auszatllprobe & Schu8fiden J ahrhundert 1 u werden konnten datiert angesetzt 16 das in prl:lzise recht und wuraen Das Ergebnis der Das 1st die ergl:lnzt •• vetch gecreht starke 5 Kettfaden <rechnermh erattteltl und Zeit vorliegt so als 1st Dat 1erung ein Beleg es fUr Kenntnisse gebrl:lu chlichen Funds t Uck noch nur neuzeit lichen bisherigen d1eser zu die Wenn das Text ilien zerst8rt t e xt i l t echnischen frUhen dieses flber Rest u x Mit t el a l t ers des Erforschung zur bewul!t in wurden die Text i l obj ekt e Umso wicht iger werden nun die zu Zeit gesichert Grabungen auf Duisburg l e t z t er in die Funden geh8rt Beispiel vorge l egt e Das bedeut enden Unt ersuchungen 8 aas AS ca Fadenbundel Dei archl:lol ogischen Textilien nicht immer der Etnarbettung x x Bet aer Aufberettung des Fadenaateruls tonnten hermhe Fal l Le 1 nwandb1ndung S Oraht 6arn ut welche und querltegenden Faden Gewebes Kette �7 ca eheaaltge Btndungsbtld ernalten tst Faaenbundel durch Faden und der frUhen Neuzeit dieser S t adt langstapellg ut und anne ftarkkanal Bl ndung welches Markkanalrest en gesponnen dal! <Baumwool Das vorhandene Fadenma t erial das au f welches anzunehmen best and diese Hanf haben aehrlagtgu ca 18 x zuuaaenhangenaen saurer Gerbsl:luren und Humus- Mat erial s organischen des Fundumgebung Bereich ll:l l! t ca parallelltegenden und pflanzltche Rests uchergestellt werden Die fUr AO 6enatgro9e ver t ot al 1st Gewebes dieses Fadensyst em Sie zu Das leinwandbindigen Gewebe geh8rt e gut grebe gesponnen welches Fadensyst em, ein bil det en l ocker und weich Wol lgarne relativ sind R es t e t ex t i l en erhal t enen und vorliegenden Die werden 1990 10, ATN, auch s t ark unvo l l s t l:lndiger docn aufgrund der die untersch1edliche Verarbeitung der Woll- und Z e l l u l osef asern in aieser Ze1 t Aul!erdem 1st die GrBI!e aes 7 ATN, 1990 10, fUr nyg i e n i scne neraus der Rest e Sc i ent i f ique C R A wuraen oder beschr i ebene Gruppe d i eser t echnologischen haben gehanaelt Dat en t echntschen Die -drehung FaaenstHrke GewebestUck gr6Beres ein um s i ch es und stna Gewebe d i c ht e wol l iger we icner Rohs t o f f mat e r i a l Das d i cker volum1n6ser aadurch und und physi k a l i sch st ark abgebaut Eine Walke aes ign> Text 1 1 �rt ein Plaid Hhn l i ch der aus aen zusammenge f a l t e t e Z i egelkloaKe Vorhang oder Bet t - Tepp i c hen e i ne geborgen Tepp i c h aUnner der M5nche des M1 t t e l a l t ers Museum f Ur- und FrUhgesch 1cht e ThUri ngens G \ geome t r i c and pat t erns t he f or anima! t ext i l e s oraids Byzant i ne Near have <we f or on soumak t he on or some and 2 2 on bra i d f rom et c p a i nt i ngs East ern 1 nos Cop t i c document s par a l l e l s any Do you Know o f t he to para l l e ls braids pat t erns al ready ScandinaVla> The blue 1 to 5 red f or t�e ground search1ng are We Krause s t y l izea are f or (alt ernat ing) green separat ive pat t ern N i ede rheini sches Museum der S t adt Duisburg geomet r i c yel l ow f or pa t t erns c o l ours are or Wei mar 5 t echnique weaving the of f o llowi ng pat t erns t he course Wlld t he <soumak > separat ive design 6 because a n i mal horned � ani mal hump 3 b i rd 2 f ac i ng mou t h open w1 t n beast water a 2 arrangement <dromeaary ?) backed animal pa t t ernea of jet big a liKe t he shows pat t ern Farke < t wo geomet r i c one s oumak a by separat ea looKing Of H Doub le-faced mm. and animal one or 2 Fig �0 Widt h Series of groups o f t wo pat t erns design das war 2 B r a i d no weave a n i ma l s war n i cht nachzuwei sen V i e l l e i cht t he of colours is d i f f erent arrangement chem1sch 1st 1) but braid t he on tWice repeat ea are (fig Several pat t erns blue yel l ow red Colours pat t erns geome t r i c t omb Doub l e- f aced 1 8 mm Wi d t h B r a i d no weave N 1 ne Merov1ngian royal a woven b r a i ds from (about 680 A D ) u r sprUngl i c h Gewebe das war is France) <Draguignan s t u dy i ng f r agment s o f polychrome s i l k t ab l e t Mit von dem vor l i egenden Zust and abgenommen Si cherhelt conservat1on- de Laborato1re t ext11en Merkma l e und der v i e len gef a l t e t en S c h i c h t e n muB The Cent re Nat i onal de la Recherche aus der Aufgrund ON PATTERNS restaurat1on Das s i nd fHl l t aber WITH PARALLELS me i s t Zwecke verwendet Schne 1 dere i ab f a l l e Text i l bUndel K l e i nen die aaB angenommen Of SEARCH Wird So m6g1 i ch verwendung IN MEROVINGIAN TABLET-WOVEN BRAIDS f rUheren zur Angaben kaum st ark und Ernalt ungszu st anaes f ragment i ert en Erna l t ungsgr5Be me i s t e den Jewe i l s des wegen stnd Objekt en Bei au f fg l l i g Text i l fundes f rom paral l e l s a 1f poss i o l e <wi t h t he i r aat e and o r i g i n) ? design or a phot ograph wou l d be most we l come P l ease Laborat o i r e Mlreur 1�1 1%:31 ���� J B R R 83300 D ragu1gnan We are cooperat i on Dr N very rue 19 S Boyer R Dr to wr i t e C Fr�d� r i c France grat e f u l to you for your Boyer A 1�11�11�1 'I Q 3 1�1 1�11:®?1 K 8 il Fig 1 The geometric patterns from Bra1d 1 Fig 2 The animal and geometric patterns from Braid 2 A.TN, THE SPINNING OF FINE ROYAL OR BYSSOS LINEN The examples survive in of museums linen byssos which in ( 21 w e re broken a o wn to bundle at t he bunales u l t ima t e fo r m the not survive t he 1843 aislocat ion pat t ern crosses t he yarn t hen t he samp l es were t hin and t ransparent yarn was assembled from bund l e s joined end t o commented ( ll and o f a very delicat e nature dissect ed measured a number t he yarn sys t e m as pound> or 5 9 t e x 280 of t hese count l eas in in f abrics t he <84 000 Thomson and finest yards yarn to <grams/1000 metres> t he Such in t he t he last finest Two Brotners a n d SEM pat t erns finest in at UMIST have only 7-12 t ne yarn has shown t ha t f l ax fibres cross-section t he <u l t imat es > Assessment s of o f t en run t he cross-sect ion involved t he t Wist ing and t hem f ree hairs Hasan or on models mode l f rom Bahari t he In arop-spind l e prefered of cases spinning wou l d seem even t hree sp1ndles at at t ractive t hat yarns of such t he fineness research resul t s t he at proposition very doub t ful Whi l s t Dynastic spinners achieved such high recent be a t ime conclude f luency 1n t he 1 r w o r k t hat of to or spinners operat ing two or mas t e r t he Deir�-ei Meket-Re method wit h some to I as suspended-spind le it is Be rli at of workshops such t omb bot h Khety levels of drop- spinning was possib l e UMIST make such a i f not impossib l e Fol l owing t he t he fibres involves c l eaning and t he process of t wo main processes a t t enua t ion of t he fibre separation hand of spinning a r a f t 1ng arrangement or t he down to of Work t hat in provided by Tut mosis ill f rom made-up of single across f l ax a t he al l dis l ocat ion t he fibres in ribbons stalk of wit h t he f rom s t a l ks t he helping consequence and bun d l es wet t ed t he t he and pec t 1 nous spllcing yarns resu l t ant were fabrics were t ransparent Wit h a c l ean sur fa c e W D Cooke Dept and A Brennan of Text 1 l es UMIST Manchest er England ( 11 J Thomson c l ot hs London Magazine, 5 ( 21 The Problem. t he are t ogether As of t omb probably process t omb t he Spinning in t his situat ion s t ripping broken gums in t he t hose t ogether and pa1ntings as confi rmed as t he yarns t n e methods used t o s p 1 n such yarns i n t he Dynastic period are based mainly on t omb such if ana by Manches t e r Museum f rom t he t omb of t he bundles spl 1 c ed examination such Bol t on Museum f rom t he spin d l e <charka) Conversely mont h nas yarns Dacca o r w 1 t h t he u s e o f a w h e e l yarn end by a process o f adhesive splicing auring yarns are c l ose in count t o t he finest Indian mu slins spun using a support ed dis l oc a t ions wou l d t ex t i l e Thomson t hese a If surprise and admirat ion in t he l ayman and t he James generat e u l t imat es of alike c o l l e c t ions of t he same point 1990 arrangement expert and majority precisely 10, M. M. <1843 ) M. flbres of j u t e Examination and Edinburgh Agri cul tural mummy 355 Rahman Morphol ogy of t he f l ax and hemp as seen unaer a scanning e l e c t ron microscope of of Phi l osophi cal Science, 49 Indian Journal 6 (1979) no 483-487 a t hickness c l ose t o t he final yarn diame t er f o l l owed against t he by tWist t wist spinn1ng 7-12 insertion to t he final of and count u l t ra-fine draf t 1ng Wit h c ot t on yarns Wit h fibres in t he yarn crosq-sect ion no t echnical development probl ems of o t her t he necessary only poses t han skil l s t he because t he fibres are separat e and d r a f t f reely down to such t he low numbers fibres In occur u l t imates and t he in t he case bundles normal hackling process does not were would only to be 1-3 cross-sect ion and i t 3-20 and break t hese bun d l e s spun cont ain linen ret t ing If u l t ra-fine aown t o individual f i b r e f or� yarns of of f rom bundles bundles in is dif ficu l t t hey t he yarn t o imagine drop-spind l e spinning under t hose condit ions Consequent l y either have f or� or Dynast i c reduced fibre t he preparation flax to must u l t imat e t he u l t ra-fine yarns were assemb l ed in some ot her way t han by d r a f t ing and t Wist ) insertion SEM photographs of 'byssos' linen Some Answers Whi l s t our at t e mp t s t o reduce modern t ank ret t ed s t alks instructive saturat ed subst i t u t e act ion to u l timat e requiring sodium f or m hours c arbonat e f o l l owed such 5 by have as int ensive experiment s and been boiling a in nat ron mechani c a l t he a t t endant conject ures on Dynastic chemi s t ry have proved unnecessary samples The t hemselves examina t ion answer and is lies F l a x u l t i ma t es in dislocat ions known as nodes t heir These in t he revealed show fibrilar noaes byssos Wit h SEM t ransverse s t ruc t u re cross t he 9 1990 10, ATN, Clysma (C leopa t rls) 0 50 100 .____...__--..J K lometa SINAl uke Kome(?) Mons Nechesia( Map 2 Map of Egypt shoW1ng the posit1ons of Mons Claudianus and Quseir al-Qadim J«>NS CLAUDIANUS a excavating of collect ion first the one bet ween a samp l e Only groups but examined been one form Text i l es already been found of is group �8 o f t hey are vege t ab l e t abbies No so-cal l ed About group o f out made s/s form Coptic t apestries f abrics are of from z/z-spun yarn t ex t i l e s are t wi l l s t hese are z/z 2/2 mos t o f ()ne spln-pat t erned t wi l l a 2/ 1 211 aamask <supposedly oand only recorded earlier Qadim, t he n e arby at t wi l l wool on t wi l l aiamond 3/1 f abrics rare O t her earliest t he dyed resist polychrome of Quseir samp l e o f a al shaded crx\�Ta\ mentioned t�va\ i t he a Peripl us of t he Eri t hraean Sea 2�) and an a l most comp l e t e knit t e a cheni l l e rug child s sock The Mons C l audianus t extiles fit wel l into a pat t ern est ablished by a cont emporary but mu ch smal l er t ex t i l e c o l l e c t ion excavated at Quseir a l -Qadim [2] L Bender J0rgensen one t he lat t er wit h a repeat [ 11 Bender t ext iler i J Forhi st oriske Copenhagen Skaninavi en Bender L (1986> European J0rgensen Text i l es J0rgensen un t i l A D Nor t h 1000 < fort hcoming> or few s/s or z/s and exsample supposedly is one s/s are resi s t - dyed woo l int erest special wef t - f aced o f t en t he 20� of Of t abbies fibres one similar weaves 10 Three hundred and eigh t y red notched t wi l l z/s e s t imat e conservative Virring and Odry t he types c lo t h types respectively [1] as yet t apestry bands in purp l e were found A sma l l 500 has c Two o f t he l a t t er are L-shaped have and many or blue t he find major t he of of Woo l l en hair c l o t h main a wool pieces were o f t he to a minimum o f 25 000 pieces have suggest s t hat 2� aates midden second t he narrow 1 38- 1 6 1 ) <A D Ant on1ne perioa a a t hat or sabakh 1 17 and 1 10 A D and - and provide pot sherds on framework chrono logical l arge l e t t ers i e ost raca, writ t en accoun t s A Desert East ern Egypt s in C l audianus Mons at fort Roman of been have archaeologi s t s and group int ernat ional an 1987 Since philologist s Nort n can oe 1den t ified wit h t wo dist1nc t ive European diamond of 20/ 1 8 D in Text i l es East wood M. [21 G Qusei r al -Qadi m Johnson Whit comb and J 1980 Prel i mi nary Report M alibou ATN, A BRONZE AGE OAK COFFIN FROM NYB0L DENMARK RADIOCARBON DATING OF NATURAL 10, 1990 FABRICS THE TURIN SHROUD In 1888 skeleton an oak c o f fin wit h a ext ensive t ext i l e remains ma l e and some art efac t s dat ing t o t he Bronze Age was f ound at Nyb e l near t he t own of A benrA Denmark Alt hough t he exhibi t s of Nyb0l AbenrA Man The Nyb0l at selvedges l arge t ex t i l e s l east and c omprise crochet fragment s of a a t hick wool l en and sugges t ing t hat st ar enough 5 been dif f erent woo d en a : wit h holl ow f inishing finer cloth s t raight t he never of l ong m regular s t arting border bot h have remains 2 04. a of s t range ly grave ext ensive b l anket one Museum, t he t extiles of t he examined in det ail fabrics is border c l ot h wit h a end simp l e selvedges wit h simp l e curved selvedges t he la t t er t he fabric was from a c l assic During recent months t here supposedly old fabrics using Ac c e l erat or Mass Spectrometer raaiocarbon dating il l-ln f ormed content e xp l ain end l abel l ed a fragment s belt which wnereas a l l and were ot her all four edges fin a l l y t wo s ma l l made of z/z yarn f abrics were s/z as normal in t ne Danish Bronze Age The wnich most Al l living c arbon t hey organisms dioxide die ref l ec t Wlth t heir and p l an t s t he is unique Bronze Age simi l ar It to be t l ed but t on course perhaps be hung a of t he around t he can may rad1 ocarbon waist a pal lium be Catholic t he exc e l l ence end observed Christ ian neck no pin or bet t er not of pallium, but same f unc t ion as a a t mosphere Benaer J0rgensen wi l l at t hat t lme There are however complicat ions When a a) plant l aid aown t he t here may be various present depend1ng in of t he p l ant was rn t he ext reme case of o l d t rees out er several dies c on t en t s and inner hundred rings e g may dif f er However f lex by wit h short t h1 s wil l not cause years symbol b) Unf or t unat ely a t mosphere ray s > <by varies t he 4C produc tion of bombardment from year to 4N year in by by t he cosmic a s ma l l percentage a n d so t he equilibrium content t he at mosphere at t he v ary This means t hat to curve of t he 4C of dist urbed and has original t heory t 1 me of deat h versus wiggles of of work has t hese been using aat ing wood are obt ained we l l -dated rings Pine in Arizona particular t hese of trees and Irish been used) measurement s c a l c u l a t ing In dat es curve is t he 14C t his now way to calibrat e dendro t his method from individual < t he bog and Brist l econe oaks t he provide a content at have in resul t s of means of particular t he correct wel l was deal t he In s amp l e s o f is t he a great accomplished t ec hnique age Since rad1 ocerbon divergences chronological in wil l t he t heore t ical smoot h content published by Libby 4.0 years ago L when cont ent Danish any t hing A and any problems as is t oo short be somet hing wit h t h e around f amous c omprise cannot be a bel t marks exp l anation none cost umes belt exchange b 1 osphere t he proportion o f radiocarbon i n t he lived p l an t s interesting piece is t he scientific t his method of dat ing whic h year a particurar part on 1n It is t he intention of t his not e t o what can and cannot b e done using em, selvedges new method of t hese have been lacking raaioc arbon simple appeared t he <AMS > Some of and Bronze Age semic 1rcular c l oak woven to shape a complet ely preservea piece 9 7 x 9 5 wit h have a n umber of comment s concerning t he dat ing of radiocarbon est ab l ished from t he present day back t o several mil l ennia B C c> In spi t e e f f or t s uneven rat e of t hese success f ul o t her nat ure whic h prob l ems of make t he arise calibration due radiocarbon accuracy t he of to t he production t he dat ing procedure depend on t he period involved As an i l l us trat ion Fig 1 shows t he period c overing seen t he Turin t he wiggle dat e bracket Shroud where it may be t he curve increases t he of During t he past 300 years t he radioc arbon flat (aue c urve has oeen very calibration to t he excessive 17th a t mospheric cent ury > radiocarbon dating in uns a t i s f a c t ory of t he fabrics wit h method made 4C t he t his I woul d not f or from product i on consequence period is most ly advocat e t he use dif ferent iating 1 650 in t hat to t he bet ween present rlowever t his does not prec l ud e AMS a s a means of iaen t i fying modern t ex t i l e fakes which purport t o nave been maae prior t o 1 650 11 ATN, 10 1990 Cont amJ.nat ion A Shroud was probably involved in a fire in t he recent f or Archbishop t he of of Turin have J.aborat ories £2l emphasised and of It a t he quential tne al t ered The some t he in t he is dat ing c ould t rue can be organic proviae is an deal of t ime t rouble which had been but 1n 1350 where t he massive object is hJ.s t orians cont amination part icular t he fabric originally dat Moreover exercised of cleaning by a t he great t h ree of da t es and we of und e r t aken in organic mild to remove grease e t c collect ors have are a to or The involved In a long series region) wit hout More aet ermine origins AMS prior t o 1650 recent t heir di f ficult carpets providea sat isf act ory t hey originat e from periods Archaeological t e xtiles up t o undert ook we 5th dat ing c ent ury in a t o t he Turin Shroud episode t he laborat ories Moreover were dat es very r ange of did not alt er t he fabrics found in wood bone which were The Some dat es to wide were were wit h obt ained t hese oot ained p rocesses series of obt ained f or same o t he r t he we t he various believe t hat any such cont aminat ion would have been less t han 0 1% J.t should be not ed t hat t he f a c t t hat t he <over � s 'v 'vlv- ,. V 1 " Date bracket for Turin Shroud 1\ wit h of Our t ex t iles why such materials should not give valid dat es It would seem a pit y if ill-inf ormed sceptics cont rived r--.. h h to denigra t e t he some valid evidence �"""' � ' A .../ [\ 500 500 CALENDAR YEARS (AD) 12 as t here is no reason I\_,� w (!) 1500 c( z 0 m a: c( u 0 0 1000 c( a: 720 660 samples) apparently experiment without � 120 have t ypes experience t hat were dat es d a t ed in parallel was aissolved f rom t he sur f a c e t o ensure t hat has shown own con t e xt mat e rial matched each o t h e r as expect ed We our our comparat ively severe and some 204 of t he mass present was by p r e t r ea t ments t he of This similar examined and a collaborat ion t he Cleaning in acid and of fabrics 5) was f rom have used cont amination < many Some o f o t he rwise would be Cleaning in mild alkali modern large AMS f rom t he Far East moaern aut hent icity c ollabora t o rs t hese by undert aken 4) no t he f rom 6 000 years old have also been aated w a t e r wit h solvent dat ing f rom t he Tibet undert aken of dat e t nese dat e f r o m t he T ang o r Sung periods and some Egyptian Some t he large in beyond possibilJ.ty has fabrics we believe various det ergent in t he indic at ed shi f t J.S t ext ile As a prelude Cleani'ng case resuJ.ts have been largely accepted oy t he art manually any visible foreign mat t er 3) area chosen was any to laboratory resul t s provided Ult ra-sonic t he In necessary 30 to A D be t hose charred had oeen chosen f act cont amination appendix if moaern Inspect ion under t he mic roscope t o remove 2) doubts by laborat ories in t he cleaning process 1) t hese undamaged This Tnere might con t en t in cont aminat ed Christ was and inc onse programme The appendix shows t hat a of carbon subst ance percent age A D neated t ot ally since t his t reat ment wouJ.d not have t he dat ing qui t e been is 10 000 t he Shroud would be necessary t o give t he for have <> a a dat e of 1350 t o a f rom areas would wat er/st eam old However young very cont aminat ion amounting t o 65% of mass of by t hree and with by answered by century dowsed was 1988 t his fabric been would be required modern given perhaps object has mat erial Oct ober t hat This could in part icular be an comparat ively Shroud announced part ially further where suggest ed participat ed but cont aminat ion years) in been erroneous d a t e t rue dat e det ails who has Turin lat e scient ific process t he t he suggest ions [ 1l article cont amination reason 16t h 1000 1500 Shroud 10 ATN, <March Text i le Hori zons Fake? a rea l ly it Is Tyrer J ( 1) 1990 FIFTH MANCHESTER TEXTILE MEETING 5 1 -52 1989> Far Eastern Textiles P of t he 6208 Damon E ( 2l Tur i n of Shroud is t he and Text iles Eas t ern Far at from The t heme for t he 1 990 1 4 t h- 1 6 t h Sept ember conference Appena1x t he held be will Group Univers i t y of Manchester Ashburne ka l l 6 1 1-6 15 ( 1 989) of conference biennial St udy Text i l es Early no 337 Nat ure f i ft h The Radi ocarbon dat ing et al l ectures w i l l incluae lf No C content at age t C context ana N(tl or1g1nu Log � 1. Rel iquary tlead N(t) K Bao o The nalf hfe(5730 yeml gms K �OW If 1 craft of t he Warr i ng J iangllng and X fmhon of carbon or1g1nahng fro• 30 A 0 X fract1on of aoaern contaa1nahon present C of present 1n saaple a No(l si!ks Sakamot o lazuko 0211xl of uount unconta11nated suple aahng fro• A 0 C Univers1ty Kokushikan with Silk t wa dragons aes i gn of within t he t he opposed aiamet r i ca l ly the calculate also can We Dynasty Han of s t ructure The Univers i t y Purdue Pet ersen Lee L i sa Tokyo N(t1l kni t t ing of weaving and needl ecra f t !ndi ana We can calcuate the aaount contu1natea u th aoaern carbon in Perioa S t a t es ori g i n the kni t t ea s i lk t he of The coras 19 035 Univers i t y Text i l e China M i ngxin Shanghai in a Basel t he in Text i l es r e l i quary west ern s i lks Far East ern Hero Granger-Tay l or years meda l l i ons of T ang Dynasty an 1n present t ext i l es Chinese London Spinks S i mcox Jacque l i ne 1350 from Song to early M i ng - s t y1es of decora t i on George No(0 926) N(t2l t he 0211xl No(1 So Bri t i sh Museu� Shelagh Va1nker 261 No(0 0 Chi nese on Dyes Tay l or t ext i les of lOt h century and l a t er t ext i les of col l ec t i ons t he in Far East ern Bri t i sh the Museum 0 35 0 65 0 35 London 30 to appear Museu� of col l ect i on Stein Aurel The Albert and V i c t oria Ward Mandy Hence the aodern conhllnahon would have to be 1 or 651 1n order to uke a saaple dahng fro• A 0 t ext i les i n t he V i c t oria a n d Albert Museum to be 1350 The Prof E Research Ha l l T P l ease and for Laborat ory Archaeology and t he special to t he 6 Kebl e Road Oxford be sent Great Br i t a i n Archaeol ogy Early to Frances London t he Early Museum of issue 9 of 1n some Ant werp London Unfortuna t ely f ound at <ATN f orgot i l lust rat ion of t he obj ec t s now been rect i f i ed of Urban London Wa l l EC2Y 5HN i ncluded a not e t he A TN we we Group St udy e loomwei gh t s Belgium shou l d Dept MISSING ILLUSTRATION about payab l e Group Text i l es Pri t chard ot her Cheques St udy Text i l es £55 be or diet s vegetarian i nc l ude to wil l board fu l l are required needs H i s t ory of Art c/o if state conf erence t he of cost accommoda t i on Our Kont i c h near to 0 6) <1989) 9 inc lude an The mistake has apol ogi es to t he aut hors 5<M< ----==--=::11 -- 0 Fig 1 K 89 1 The Kontich loomweight 13 ATN, 10, 1990 RECENT THESES K Inneml!e Ecclesi as t i cal Vestmen t s i n Nubi a East Ph D thesis Leiden Universit y and t h e Chri s t i an Near Dept of Art Hist ory (1990) A s t u dy of wall paint ings from Nubia depicting sources t he ecclesiastical c oncerning Near East figures religious It is and writ t en vest ment s from t ha t work hoped t his will be published by Brill in t he near future as part of t heir new series on t ext iles D Browning Ti mnah The Text 11 e Industry of Iron Age and i ts Regi onal Contexts A Li t erary Analysi s Ph D t hesis Theolog1cal Seminary and Soci oeconomi c and Artefactual <1988 > SW Bapt1st <NGL88- 2 7 967 > BIBLIOGRAPHY Recent Publications C Alfaro vannerie Le dans cl!ramique region du ae t i s sage les premier In t ernat 1onales M.A. POSTGRADUATE COURSE IH ARCHAEOLOGICAL L in TEXTILES R Cowie The Manchester Ancient <MATU> direct ed by <archaeolog1st > and Dr t echnologist > new 1-year t extiles of course to and subject pract ical based archaeological archaeological on 3 t ext ile course facili t ies of aepart men t s It t hree 4 t he in will t he be to an t he elemen t s 1 hist oncal/ I 2 subsidiary and seminar papers degree int roauct ion t ec hnical a archaeolog1cal MA t extiles approaches II methods t he in Manchester academic t extiles Unit J P Wild Cooke < t extile is launching in Oct ober 1990 a t aught leaaing Universit y Textile Dr W D archaeological and analy t i c al archaeological or a 15 000 word disser t at ion St uden t s will enjoy t he archaeology ou t st anding and t ext ile universit y library noldings and some excellent local collections of study mat erial There are no special entry qualificat ions apart from or Nor t h or its Wild equivalent MATU Universi t y Brit ain good first aegree from a European American Dept un1versit y Enquiries of Manchest er or polyt echnic to Dr Archaeology M13 9PL J P The Great J0rgensen D E la T�ssage IXe <1989) The Welander Rencontres et d Hi s t oire 103-112 t extile C la Bat ey rema1ns and A Viking Burial from Kneep T Uig G Is!e of Lewis Proceedings o f the Soci ety of A n t i quari es of Scot land 117 <1987) 165-68 R Boyer J-P G Riche Laport e Vial Bat hilde Reymondon v�t emen t s de Neustrie Reine Ti ssage A Deux Corder1e Vanneri e J a a t t ribues <+680-681) IXe Rencont res Int erna t i onales d Arch�ologi e et d Hist oire A n t i bes Oct obre 1988 (1989) 229-247 Cast ro Z cualit at ivo rela<:i6n Et nologi a Curel Ponder a de 47 el t elar con Examen espacial cuan t i t a t ivo con Revi s t a t pesas y su Empuri es Arquelogi a Prehi s t or�ri a 230-253 1 (1985) P Earnshaw Threads of Lace from Source t o Si n k Tunbridge Wells <1989> ISBN 09513891-1-4 Price £10 Fen t z En h0rskjort e fra � Viborg Kuml 1987 (1989) 2 3-46 A R Mi nerva I HHgg neuen George Royal 1 29-31 (1990) Hist orische t ombs 19 1000-Arenes on Nimrud Textilf orschung Wegen Korrespondenzblat t 14 la aans d Arch�ologi e Oct obre 1988 Bender et ae <Espagn e > Vanneri e A n t i bes coraerie al!corat i f s nl!o!it hique Valence Corderi e la mot i f s <198 9 > auf Arch�olog1sches 431 f f 10, ATN G tlanyu <275 Soieries c o l our de plates Paris Chine depict ing silk from t he Warring S t a t es Period to t he Qing aoo1tion Dynasty t here woo! and Asia etc are cot t on guil d in t1 ( 1 982) 1988 < 1 989) Bao Ant ibes 15 6 On Nockert of < 1 989) Chinese siik G Text ile 50- 5 6 Sort eper and of pA ( 1 989) Possnert Dr!k t hist orisk l evde och Kol- 1 4 Vsrbergs Museum-Arsbok < t he cost ume i s f rom 1 300- 1 350 av fyndet 55-74 Grenander Nyberg oet Textil r edskap av t r! i tyska Elisenhof fyndet 1n Laborativ L SchWlnden nach Treverer land D 3 Arkeologisks St ockholms Univer aus Text i l gewerbe Trier und dem 52 Zeitschrift Trierer 2 7 9- 3 1 8 J Spencer Knit t ing Technology 2nd ed Pergamon Press ( 1 989) K-H S t mrmose som b l ev ( 1 989) D J en Bronzea l derdragterne vmrd ( 1 988 > Memph is 56-59 under en voor 1 4 1 1- 1 4 � spinning ( 1 987- 1 988) � OUd en in T 78-88 Worch Konservierung Grabes Trier 4 Res t suro ( 1 98 9 > in ( 1 989) St 50 eines Maximin zu 2 5 9-266 Ancient woolen a r t i c l es Wu Zhen Text iel A not e on t he so Ex Orien t e Lux 30 bowls frUhchrist lichen Connect ion Belgie Vlssmse Hedendssgs Vogel sang-East wood ca l l ed profusely and including f r om The of Pnce post age and in <US packing tlough t on and £36 OO > Availab l e L ondon School St reet L ondon WC2A England Crowfoot � A Romano-Egyptian dress of Flury-Lemberg A Mut hesius Reconst ruction From seed t omb a to samit e Aspec t s 1 3 5- 1 50 The Ear t h and O c ean sil k G ranger-Taylor t he of 1 2 9- 1 34 o f Byzantine silk product 1on" f rom t he 123- 1 2 8 Persian silk f rom Ant 1noij H c o l ou r £ 1 8 00 Pasold Research Fund Economics 2AE i l lust ra t ed whit e of St Cuthbert at Durham 1 5 1 - 1 66 L The von Wilckens s t o l e at Quedlinburg A E Wardwe l l woven in t he before A D E E Chins Reconst ruc t s The Greek XXXVIII Recen t ly oiscovered t ex t i l e s west ern 1 220 GudJ6nsson C Two Prit chard Cen t ra l 9 L 1 85- 1 98 royal seal bags f rom An unknown t ercen t o 245-248 Mayer Thurman of Recent t hirt een t h acquisitions and Wool ley Two panel s Cant erbury A f ourt eenth 249-264 f rom an snowing scenes from t he l i f e of St K Asia 225-234 Br8nwoldt C of Jarnvardr Y l lir West mins t er Abbey R part 1 75 - 1 84 century woven fabrics in Chicago Onderzoeksnota s t extie lvervaardiging Veren iging G Minder the Pt olemf es van -prehist orie t ot de mido e l eeuwen ( 1 990) pp col l ect ion Vandemeul ebroeke Textiel 335 emoroidery Thompson I Fynske 3 1 -6 6 Prince t on IN Text ile Hist ory 20 2 ( 1 98 9 > Monnas and � Granger-Taylor F Nie l sen messe STUDIES 1 67- 1 74 Ga l l o-r8misches Denkm! lern < 1 989) f rAn Vikinga tiden Arkeol ogi Forskningslsborst oriet sit e t e t ( 1 988) 7 7-96 TEXTILES first century B C ? 42-47 N!r MEDIEVAL Edited b y L E afvej e gives 1 250- 1 350) 4 G c ra f t Warring S t a t es period in Journ al BocKs t ensmanen? C Oct obre AND HONOUR OF DONALD K ING black Nst ionslmuseets Arbejdsmsrk < 1 98 9 > des Corderie Int ernst ionsles d Hist oire Munksgaard dat ering 1 �t ude pour Rencon tres cords of University � ANC IENT Tisssge and Lu XuJig Jiangling E Cen t ra l 1 65- 1 80 Mingxin kni t t 1ng in 1 2 1 - 1 26 prot ohist onques vsnnerie IXe d Archeologie et various s t uppst ores and t heir Journal American of Met hodologie Masurel t issus f ound In of about £ 1 00 The 86 (48 1-256 B C > il lust rations <>st 1a Archaeology ( 1 987 > t extiles 1 644- 1 9 1 2 > t extiles Price Hermansen G <A D 1990 orphrey Thomas of 265-274 S t aniland The Great Wa rdrobe accoun t s a s a source f or hist orians o f f ourt een t h-century c l o t hing and t extiles L Monnas Silk 275-282 cloth purchased f or Great Wardrobe of t he Kings of England 283-308 1462 E a A Renaissance de Unger Phoenix Museum G t he t he 1 325- design at silk velvet wit h t he Vic t o ria and Albert 309-320 Text and Image Delmarcel Tit uli tapest ries of F lemish Some not es on Triumphs of Pet rarch 32 1-330 15 ATN 1990 10, EXTENDED BIBLIOGRAPHY 3c The Caracallus 532- ( 1 964) XXIII Lat omus 536 t erm t extile The 263-266 Textilproben Zwei aus 1 6 5 ( 1 965> Mantus Archaeologi a Xan t en Brit ain ( 1 967) XVli 1 33- 1 35 t apestry- Roman by t erms used weavers fUr Zei t schri ft Phi lologus 151- 155 Klassi sche Alt ert u� l l i < 1 96 7) The <ed ) XXIV < 1 967> f l ax-hack l e Roman The ( 1 968) 25 Helve t i cu� Frauent racht Die Saalburgmuseum im Text ilrest e Saalburg-Jahrbuch 7 7 - 78 < aena) Germani a Prov1nces of t he < 1 968) 168 Bonner JahrbUcher 46 1 66-240 Not e the of Transac t i ons Lombard from t ex t i l e Not e 1 963-4 Albans Ant hony Fie l d s Hi l l Veru l am in E I in t ex t i l e s on Excavations 42 ( 1 968) 22 Mi ddlesex and London Archaeologi cal Society London St St Hert fordshi re Archaeologi st 9-50 ( 1 968> in Not e on t ex t i l e esgyrn E Dan-yr-ogof excavations 1 938-50 CXVII Cambrensis ( 1 968) J Ogof-yr Mason Brecknock caves Archaeologi a 52 t i t ulum Archaeologi a Cambrensi � 1 33- 1 34 CXVIII < 1 969> on Not e a Springhead 382 ( 1 969) Not e on Pachten Alpen geni us cucullat us A n t i quari es Journal in from XLIX object s 73-74 silver ( 1 974) Text i l es Companion Der !i l t est e <300 n R P in Baumwo l l f un d Chr ) The t arsikari os a Roman Lat omnus Revue <1969) 8 10-819 Egy pt der Saarland 1m linen weaver in Lat i nes d Et udes I I H Osborne Oxford Arts 7 6 9-77 1 S t rong and P E D London Roman Cra f t � in Tex t i l e s The Oxford <ed Decorat i ve the 4 1 8-4 1 9 ( 1 97 5 ) <eds > C D ( 1 976) 1 6 7- 1 7 7 Th e The Moel l er in The Wool 8 1 80 ( 1 9 77> LII A n t i qui ty l oom 59 in and trade Cross-Channel J Roman Shippi ng and Trade t extiles t ext i l e t he du P l a t Ty l or and H the Rhi n e Provi nces 79- 8 1 ( 1 978) The Trade of Anci en t Text i le Hi st ory warp-weigh t ed ( 1 978) <eds > 19 73- 1975 < 1 977) Hal t whi s t l e Pompeii Epigraphi k Vi ndolanda from Text i les Edict Prices und Zei t schri ft fur Papyrologi e 1 25- 1 5 1 2 6 ( 1 977) 33- ( 1 9 7 7) 4 IV t he of copy Aezani The Nymphaeum from Text i l es Greek C l assical The Text i le Museum Journal 34 Excavations 16 I_ nBrdlich Bericht 16 Denkmalpflege st aatlichen 1 6 1- 1 63 ( 1 969) Franke 138- 1 4 3 in to <London> Walbrook t he from ( 1 975) XIV Chroni cle Numismat i c Text i l es Roman indust ry t ex t i l e The and Rhodes J in t ex t i l e on Not e O l dcroft ( 1 97 1-2> hoard o f bronze coins Review o f A not e on der ( 1 973> 140 Brown on 49 Brunnen aus XXX Saalburg-Jahrbuch Text ilres t e Germani a 53 Ubier der Clot hing in t h e Nort h-West Roman Empire Museum 1 39- 1 42 67-73 ( 1 968) c ont ext its Zwei 3- 1 8 ( 1 972> London G In CJustry i n Text 1 1 e Wool J in t ex t i l e s Rom4n The Grea t Bri t ai n Saalburg 648- 6 7 6 XXVI ( 1 967) R!Smische and Vent a at gynaeceum Lat omu� das 230f < 1 97 1) and Prehi s t oric Archaeologi a heddle Shields XLIX Roman < 1 970) Cambridge South 1 37- 1 5 5 Nor thern the in Roman t he in < 1 97 0 > I Manufact ure Aeli ana 2 6 7 - 2 70 fast eners Bri t anni a Provi nces J enkins Two t ecnnical der provinces The Roman in NS Quart erly Classi cal Roman ( 1 970) Bonner JahrbUcher Tex t i le 247f t ex t i l e s Sof t - finished Bonner verglei chende fur < 1 966> 80 Price of Journal 126ff ( 1 970> Bu t t on-and- l oop 275-277 Zei tschri ft Sprach forschung Dioc l e t ian s Text i l funde aus der Memoria II K in Xan t en A Roman damask si lk from Ken t 246-250 Can t i ana LXXX < 1 965) JahrbUcher worn? 610-613 XXI V <1965> of Aphrodisias LX St udi es 1 2 5- 1 30 ( 1 970) fragment s from t hings? borrowed for names XLIV on Not es Edi c t brooches provincial-Roman were How Lat omus Classi cal scut ulat us ( 1 964) NS xiv Quart erly I Borrowed An t i qui ty sl/XIII 49-50 < 1 970> XXVII Saalburg-Jahrbuch Nr Zi egel dem auf GewebeabdrUcke JOHN PETER WILD in 1 972- 1 974 Cl eere Bri t ai n and CBA Research Report G 1-7 Dennis St 24 Sout hwark Thomas St reet Surrey and Mi ddlesex and London 1 Archaeologi cal Soci e t i es Joi n t PUbli cat i on 405-407 ( 1 978) A 'f14 to t he rlassa l l (ed ) ( 1 979) 1 05- 1 1 0 special w1th underwear Fourt h-century reference M. in t h oracomachus, w c S63 BAR De Rebus Belli cis I C Burnham In vasion and and H B 73 Johnson 0 97 9 > The t ex t i les from t he Mummy David <ed > The Roman t e xtiles England The ( 1 979) < 1 97 9 ) 1n R Mummy 1 33- 1 36 Museum Tex t i le A Museum Hexham Vindolanda from Roman 18 Journal 1 9-24 Not e on t extile impression o n Roman sherd An t i quari es Journal LIX in 413 Dunstable Text i l e <25 1 9 7 9) Magazine The Jan Aezani copy Corbridge> 74f VII < 1 9 7 9) Archaeologi a Aeliana The House Red ( from Text i l e of Mansh ead The 13 t he Prices Zei t schri f t fiJr Papyrologi e 1 63-2 1 0 ( 1979> und Edict Epigraphi k Schlabow Tex t i lfunde der Ei senzei t in Norddeut schland 179 ( 1 979) London mother wa l l and Bonner goddesses c omment s Middlesex 3 Speci al Paper Text i l e in from ( 1 978-80) with H from t he Roman dress K1rk Michael VIII of An t i quaries Crimea An t i quaries Journal light Jergensen and symposi um Text i 1 fun de ( 1 98 2 > Review in The Roman in ( 1 983) 32-36 silk finds in ( 1 980 > 8 1 10 o f Scot land 61 ancient British ( 1 98 1 > silk Museum 302-306 on Roman t ex t i l e s K Tiaow <eas > NeumiJnster 6 5 -8 5 198 1 Northwest 23 The t extiles Brogan and from D Set t lemen t J in Camu l odunum Review 1 ana of Antiquity The Roman Peri od 29 1-308 t he Silk Wool Four <June oone McWhirr Ga l lia in A ufst i eg 12 H < 1 985 > 362-422 Brit a 1 n Roman weaving tablet s in in Roman III Ci rences t er Excavat i ons impression ( 1 986> Ein 84 East pl ( 1 986) tile D 1 14 of t he 352-353 from Hockwold 33 1 A rchaeology XV rBmischer Val lis on Angli an A Ci rences t er and iaent ificat ion t he Ba t h caracalls' Bri t anni a XVII ( 1 986 > Text i l e Ark 205-209 Houses cum-Wi l t on Belgica Temporini and und Ni edergang der 3 in 1 986 > in Man and Bri t annia proau c t ion 8 Current 1 42 and Germania Inf erior II Li byan Road Sheep ( 1 984) of Li byan 44-48 Ryder c l o t hing 0 in A ( 1 984 > < 1 984 > LVII! 32 Ghi rza 1 7-24 Buil ding S mi t h the 93 Archaeology Europe ( 1 984) Seidens t of f Poenina auf aus der 70 Helvet i a Archaeologi ca aem ( 1 98 7 > 5 9- 7 3 in G The dress o f t he figures The Roman Villa at Lullingst on e Text i l e in L B Text i 1 - Archaologi sche NeumUns t er 10-24 of Geijer Hi st ory of Text i le Art Medi eval A rchaeology XXVI ( 1 982) 249 and Wa L lis Se1denstrasse? W Mea t e s II Ken t Maidstone Ameri can Journal The Roman horizon t a l l oom o f Archaeology 91 ( 1 9 8 7 > 459-47 1 Proceedi ngs of Some t he Small 1971-9 Hoard Wool production Roman Britain in D M1 l es (ed ) The Romano-Bri t i sh Coun t rysi de BAR 103 ( 1 98 2 > 109- 1 2 2 Some new II Some early impressions Finds in C Going The Mansi o and Other Si t es in t h e SE Sec t or of Caesaromagus The Roman Pot t ery CBA Research Report Granger-Tay l or Road Society 273 t he But t Colches t er The Wallpai n t i ngs ( 1 987) 40- 4 1 1 93- 1 94 from Rougn Cast l e the Society the Archaeologi cal < 1 980 > t he from on Journal of the Manx Museu� Text i l es Jahrbucher 748 riverside 2 The Text i le Museum Journal XIII The t riangular loom weigh t s from t he Cat s Wat er and St orey s Bar Road subsi t es in F M. M Pryor Exca vat i on s at Fengat e Pet erborough England t h e Four th Repo rt Nort h an t s Arch aeologi cal Soci ety Monograp h 2 Toro n t o < 1 984) 1 68 f our Later (ed) Early finds of Chinese si l k in NW Europe Associ a t i on pour 1 Et ude des Tex t i les d Asi e Hase < ed s > r�mi schen Welt The Text i l es in P Crummy <ed ) Excavat i ons at Li on Walk Balkerne Lane and Mi ddleboro ugh Colches t er Essex Colches t er Archaeologi cal Rep ort 3 < 1 984 ) 44-47 The Report W 34 Review of t he Crummy An t i qui t i es Seri es from Mucking ( 1 979) from N Archaeologi cal <Act a> 1 7 70 Manchest er Manchest er Project in in <eds > of The Case 1 2 3- 1 3 1 Response BAR Bri t ai n fragment s Finds from Excavat i ons in Colches t er Colchest er ( 1 983 > 147- 148 Roman and nat ive in t ex t i L e t echnol ogy B Text i l e Cemet ery 199 0 10, 62 < 1 987 > 90 Review Forhist oriske B Jergensen of L in Tex t i ler Journal LXVII Antiquaries ( 1 987) 1 52- 1 5 3 Review Review Becker of An t i qui ty 1 8/2 62 ( 1 988) Tex t i le s A t las <map of 220 ( 1 987 > Pat t ern in Loo� and 8 1 6-8 1 8 Tex t i les i n Archaeology Ti mes 40-4 1 in Earth Fuller s Roberst on of Text i le Hi st ory sprea d > Ay L esbury Past A rchaeologv < 1 989) Worlds London The < 1 988 > 17 ATN, 10, 1990 C l ot hes f rom and Romans ana E t he 1n Roman L B Munksgaara Text i l es Report Emp i r e < eas) Text i l es in at Text i l e i mpres s 1 ons Park Roman 2599 M. and Corbri dge 86-93 Bri t annia 2 Skri f t er A l l ason-Jones L HBMC Lonaon < 1988 > Beauport Magnus from the 2nd NESA T Symposi um Exca va t l ons Hoard B Archaeol ogical 1 -4 V 1984 Arkaeol ogi ske Copenhagen ( 1 988> 65-98 B i shop Baroari ans J ergensen C The 107- 108 3366 on t i l e f rom XIX ( 1988) 2 6 9- 270 Tile of i mpression a Gloucest ershire < 1988 ) 32 Wl t h H G to in D Romano-Bri t i sh Cyprus Fourt h Taylor and I r i ches Two in V Wi l son Vi l l a Exca va t i on at Wor t l ey Int erim Jenk i ns t ext i l e Report From rags f r agment s Ta t t on-Brown f rom <ed ) Cyprus and t h e East Medi t erranean in the Iron Age Proceedings o f the Seven t h Bri t i sh MuseUIIJ Classi cal Coll oqui um Apri l 1988 ( 1 98 9 > 14-6- 152 F IN ISHE-D DARN I NG MY Mft\IL SHI�T YE.T ? 18
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