LIZ Bulletin Week 6 DFS Situation and Information Centre 6 FEB 2017 - 12 FEB 2017 Version 16.02.2017 IFR flights in the Federal Republic of Germany IFR movements (entries, exits, overflights and domestics) in all control sectors with a German designator. 2017 Week 6 Cumulated Weeks 2016 Trend 52.822 50.620 4,4% 307.197 296.559 3,6% Please note: This count covers the traffic in the area build by all control sectors with a German designator ³ED¦regardless of the service provider, including civil and military traffic in sectors controlled by DFS and Maastricht UAC (Maastricht-Hannover sectors). The area counted is composed of modular control sectors designed for ATC purposes with partly cross border structures and is therefore not identical to the political border of the Federal Republic of Germany or the national Flight Information Region (FIR). Published by: DFS Situation and Information Centre (LIZ) +49 6103 707 1707 [email protected] Page 1 of 9 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung LIZ Bulletin 2017 Week 6 IFR flights controlled by DFS IFR movements (entries, exits, overflights and domestics) in control sectors controlled by DFS. 2017 Week 6 Cumulated Weeks 2016 Trend 49.276 46.758 5,4% 286.509 273.656 4,7% Please note: This count covers the traffic in the area build by control sectors of DFS control centres, including civil and military traffic. Traffic in Maastricht UAC (Maastricht-Hannover sectors) is not counted. IFR flights controlled by DFS - trend Trend in the number of IFR movements (entries, exits, overflights and domestics) in control sectors controlled by DFS. Please note: No trend available for 2015/2016. Published by: DFS Situation and Information Centre (LIZ) +49 6103 707 1707 [email protected] Page 2 of 9 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung LIZ Bulletin 2017 Week 6 IFR flights controlled by DFS - in detail IFR movements (entries, exits, overflights and domestics) controlled by DFS at the different control centres. NORTH Week 6 Trend Cumulated Weeks Trend CENTER SOUTH UPPER 11.680 21.305 19.067 29.824 6,5% 5,2% 4,6% 3,8% 65.894 122.053 109.092 175.902 3,9% 2,1% 3,5% 4,7% Please note: The trend numbers compare counts of the airspaces in their current configuration to the count of the same airspace in 2016. Published by: DFS Situation and Information Centre (LIZ) +49 6103 707 1707 [email protected] Page 3 of 9 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung LIZ Bulletin 2017 Week 6 IFR flights at international German airports IFR events (take-offs and landings) at the international DFS towers in the Federal Republic of Germany. 2017 Week 6 Cumulated Weeks 2016 Trend 35.466 34.096 4,0% 203.945 198.353 2,8% IFR flights at international German airports - trend Trend in the number of IFR events (take-offs and landings) at the international DFS towers in the Federal Republic of Germany. IFR flights at international German airports - airport category IFR events (take-offs and landings) at the international DFS towers in the Federal Republic of Germany differentiated by Hub Gateways (HUB), International Access Airports 1 (IAA1) and International Access Airports 2 (IAA2). HUB Week 6 Trend Cumulated Weeks Trend IAA1 IAA2 19.164 14.875 1.427 3,8% 4,1% 5,9% 110.287 85.797 7.861 3,2% 3,0% -3,4% Published by: DFS Situation and Information Centre (LIZ) +49 6103 707 1707 [email protected] Page 4 of 9 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung LIZ Bulletin 2017 Week 6 IFR flights at international German airports - in detail IFR events (take-offs and landings) at the different international DFS towers in the Federal Republic of Germany. Week 6 Trend Week 1 - 6 Trend HUB EDDF Frankfurt/Main 8.112 0,1% 46.903 -1,5% EDDL 'VVHOGRUI 3.835 13,2% 22.273 10,8% EDDM 0QFKHQ 7.217 3,5% 41.111 4,9% EDDB %HUOLQ6FK|QHIHOG 1.940 23,2% 10.649 17,4% EDDH Hamburg 2.635 5,1% 15.451 7,1% EDDK .|OQ%RQQ 2.275 3,6% 13.432 1,4% EDDN 1UQEHUJ 890 12,2% 4.932 6,4% EDDP Leipzig/Halle 1.148 5,5% 6.529 1,8% EDDS Stuttgart 1.823 -4,4% 10.620 -5,1% EDDT Berlin-Tegel 3.197 -0,5% 18.553 -0,1% EDDV Hannover 967 -4,2% 5.631 -2,3% EDDC Dresden 426 13,3% 2.289 2,6% EDDE Erfurt/Weimar 67 4,7% 378 4,4% EDDG 0QVWHU2VQDEUFN 284 12,7% 1.530 4,3% EDDR 6DDUEUFNHQ 131 3,1% 806 -2,8% EDDW Bremen 519 -1,9% 2.858 -12,0% IAA1 IAA2 Published by: DFS Situation and Information Centre (LIZ) +49 6103 707 1707 [email protected] Page 5 of 9 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung LIZ Bulletin 2017 Week 6 IFR/VFR flights in control zones of DFS towers IFR/VFR movements (entries, exits, overflights and domestics) at the different control zones of international DFS towers. Week 6 Trend Week 1 - 6 Trend %HUOLQ6FK|QHIHOG 2.206 16,9% 11.688 11,4% Berlin-Tegel 3.335 -0,9% 19.082 -1,3% Bremen 717 7,2% 3.859 -6,3% Dresden 557 2,0% 2.969 -0,7% 3.931 14,4% 22.910 12,1% Erfurt/Weimar 97 -38,2% 738 -4,0% Frankfurt Main 8.165 0,0% 47.248 -1,6% Hamburg 2.983 5,7% 17.259 7,1% Hannover 1.167 -8,1% 7.011 -3,3% .|OQ%RQQ 2.483 3,2% 14.722 1,4% Leipzig/Halle 1.270 -0,4% 7.281 0,4% 0QFKHQ 7.299 2,9% 41.581 4,6% 402 -5,4% 2.707 18,7% 1.099 18,2% 6.014 12,0% 203 12,2% 1.253 2,1% 2.061 -4,6% 11.907 -4,9% 'VVHOGRUI 0QVWHU2VQDEUFN 1UQEHUJ 6DDUEUFNHQ Stuttgart Additional information: 0QVWHUUHSRUWHGQRJOLGHUPRYHPHQWVIRUWKHFXUUHQWZHHNLH4 glider movements for the cumulated year. Published by: DFS Situation and Information Centre (LIZ) +49 6103 707 1707 [email protected] Page 6 of 9 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung LIZ Bulletin 2017 Week 6 IFR flights at regional German airports - in detail IFR events (take-offs and landings) at the different regional towers in the Federal Republic of Germany with control zone and barely any PPR. 2017 Week 6 Cumulated Weeks Heringsdorf EDBC Magdeburg/Cochstedt EDFH Trend 2.563 2.336 9,7% 13.882 13.627 1,9% Week 6 EDAH 2016 Trend Week 1 - 6 Trend 14 N/A 21 5,0% 0 -100,0% 0 -100,0% Frankfurt-Hahn 314 -1,9% 1.968 -0,5% EDFM Mannheim City 145 23,9% 630 0,2% EDHL /EHFN%ODQNHQVHH 23 -46,5% 122 -57,5% EDJA Memmingen 173 26,3% 1.010 25,0% EDLN 0|QFKHQJODGEDFK 80 -18,4% 529 5,2% EDLP Paderborn/Lippstadt 165 7,1% 975 3,1% EDLV Niederrhein 143 -3,4% 865 -1,3% EDLW Dortmund 308 -7,5% 1.885 4,5% EDMA Augsburg 141 110,4% 563 5,4% EDNY Friedrichshafen 177 25,5% 1.011 18,8% EDOP Schwerin-Parchim 13 -35,0% 37 -58,0% EDQM Hof-Plauen 19 26,7% 120 -13,0% EDSB Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden 225 20,3% 1.199 1,4% EDTL Lahr 24 100,0% 136 7,1% EDVE Braunschweig-Wolfsburg 223 12,1% 996 -4,4% EDVK Kassel-Calden 54 -26,0% 316 -2,8% EDXW Sylt 51 -1,9% 304 23,6% ETNL Laage 155 61,5% 716 26,7% ETSI Ingolstadt/Manching 116 1,8% 479 -22,9% *The value is of limited conclusiveness (OLC). Please note: The airport Magdeburg-Cochstedt (EDBC) is currently closed. Published by: DFS Situation and Information Centre (LIZ) +49 6103 707 1707 [email protected] Page 7 of 9 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung LIZ Bulletin 2017 Week 6 IFR flights at regional German airports - in detail IFR events (take-offs and landings) at the different regional towers in the Federal Republic of Germany with control zone and barely any PPR. IFR flights at regional German airports - air traffic service providers Percentage of IFR events (take-offs and landings) at the regional towers in the Federal Republic of Germany differentiated between The Tower Company, Austro Control and other providers. The Tower Company: Dortmund (EDLW), Frankfurt-Hahn (EDFH), Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden (EDSB), Lahr (EDTL), 0DJGHEXUJ&RFKVWHGW('%&0HPPLQJHQ('-$0|QFKHQJODGEDFK('/11LHGHUUKHLQ('/9 Paderborn/Lippstadt (EDLP) Austro Control: Augsburg (EDMA), Braunschweig-Wolfsburg (EDVE), Friedrichshafen (EDNY), Heringsdorf (EDAH), Hof-Plauen ('40.DVVHO&DOGHQ('9./EHFN%ODQNHQVHH('+/6FKZHULQ3DUFKLP('23 Others: Ingolstadt/Manching (ETSI), Laage (ETNL), Mannheim City (EDFM), Sylt (EDXW) Published by: DFS Situation and Information Centre (LIZ) +49 6103 707 1707 [email protected] Page 8 of 9 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung LIZ Bulletin 2017 Week 6 ATFM Arrival Delay (Data Source: NM statistics, DFS LIZ) ATFM Arrival Delay with reference to the relevant airport, in minutes per IFR arrival. ATFM Arrival Delay: sum of all arrival ATFM delay divided by the sum of all inbound flights for the particular traffic volume [min/arrival] non ATC Delay All Airports 0,1515 0,4079 EDDT Berlin-Tegel 0 3,0357 EDDF Frankfurt/Main 0,6623 0,5334 EDDH Hamburg 0 0,1676 Airports ATC Delay [min/arrival] Please note: The ATFM delay data are provided by NM statistics. Due to internal distribution of the ATFM delay, data are modified by CC/FC and TWR/M. The inbound flight information is based on LIZ statistics. All Airports means all international German airports: %HUOLQ6FK|QHIHOG(''%%HUOLQ7HJHO(''7%UHPHQ('':'UHVGHQ(''& 'VVHOGRUI(''/(UIXUW:HLPDU(''()UDQNIXUW0DLQ('')+DPEXUJ(''++DQQRYHU(''9.|OQ%RQQ(''./HLS]LJ+DOOH (''30QFKHQ(''00QVWHU2VQDEUFN(''*1UQEHUJ(''16DDUEUFNHQ(''56WXWWJDUW(''6 Published by: DFS Situation and Information Centre (LIZ) +49 6103 707 1707 [email protected] Page 9 of 9
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