International results Z-horses th th week 18 ( 28 April - 4 May 2014) horse birth name sire sire of dam breeder rider winsum CSIO5*/CSI2*/CSI1* Lummen (Belgium) - website and all results: Wednesday 30/4 Class 1 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 9th Caluna's Cacharel Z 16th Taura Dingeshof Z Caida H Z Chuck Z Tornedo Andiamo Z Perhaps vd Molenvondel H. Kolen, Berkel-Enschot (NED) Liliane Vermeulen-Van Es, Meeuwen-Gruitrode (BEL) Petronella Andersson (SWE) Kevin Vermeulen (BEL) € € 30,00 15,00 Class 2A (CSI2*, Competition with jump-off, 1.40 m): 10th Best of Opus Dei Z Balou du Rouet Jus de Pomme Monique Henkes, Sart-Lez-Spa (BEL) Dominique Joassin (BEL) € 25,00 Class A (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.10 m): 3rd Balanda Z 8th Coeur d'Amour vh Roelhof Z 14th Chi Chi Z Baloubet du Rouet Coriano Z Chin Chin Calando V Grandeur Cento Dirk Slootmaeckers, Westerlo (BEL) Gaston Thiry, Zoutleeuw (BEL) Stoeterij Zangersheide, Lanaken (BEL) Marijke Gabriels (BEL) Eline Peeters (BEL) Amandine Poli (FRA) € € € 75,00 15,00 - Class B (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 5th Cointreau Z 15th Calamity Jane Z Centauer Z Cumano Fleuri du Manoir Cor de la Bryère Vester, Son en Breugel (NED) Remans, Meeuwen (BEL) Maverick Van Lent (BEL) Gert Bloemen (BEL) € € 35,00 10,00 Class C (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 2nd Cheltto Z 4th Chanel Z 11th Ilancia Z 16th Herakles Z Chelltago Z Cadence van 't Gelutt Z Indian Gold Cadence van 't Gelutt Z Lauriston Chellano Z Ernest Elton Paul Janssen, Genk (BEL) P. van Cruchten, Roermond (NED) Heinz Mertens, Büllingen (NEL) Peter Postelmans, Lummen (BEL) Fabienne Lange (BEL) Stefan Corten (BEL) Kim Vandecraen (BEL) Stefan Corten (BEL € € € € 100,00 50,00 12,50 - Class N1 - 1st round Belgian Championships for 7 year old horses (Competition not against the clock): 1st e.a. Arno vh Scheefkasteel Z Air Jordan Z 1st e.a. Chanel d'Ysenbeeck Z Calvaro Z st 1 e.a. Cloë vh Kapelhof Z Chippendale Z 1st e.a. Verdine SZ Verdi st 1 e.a. Quilina Z Quidam de Revel Laurin Holstein Kannan Quicksilver Heartbreaker Chin Chin Johan Hubrechts, Peer (BEL) De Coninck, Asse (BEL) Johan Saelmans, Dilsen (BEL) Sylvain De Wreede, Hamme (BEL) Rob Santermans, Zepperen (BEL) Marit H. Skollerud (NOR) Pieter Devos (BEL) Penelope Leprevost (FRA) Virginie Thonon (BEL) Nico Baerts (BEL) Thursday 1/5 Class NCO1 (CSIO5*, Competition against the clock, 1.40 m): 5th Queretaro Z Quattro 2000 Z Quidam de Revel Feinschnitt II vd Richter Corthouts & Foriers, Halen (BEL) Manuel Fernandez Saro (ESP) € 350,00 Class NCO3 (CSIO5*, Competition against the clock, 1.50 m): 8th Challenge vd Begijnakker Chellano Z Palestro van de Begijnakker Bart Keisse, Oosteeklo (BEL) Ludo Philippaerts (BEL) € 150,00 Class 3A (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 4th Cas de Liberté Cas de Liberté Kelfshof Z Cracky Z Chellano Z Stoeterij 't Kelfshof, Haacht (BEL) Chaouki Rijnders (BEL) € 75,00 Class 3B (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 2nd Cigane Z 12th Ceres Z Contact vd Heffinck Cento Parco Nabab de Reve Roger Maes, Beveren (BEL) Veronique Vandaele, Nokere (BEL) Bart Clarys (BEL) Gilles Detry (BEL) € € 150,00 18,75 Class D (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.10 m): 1st Coeur d'Amour vh Roelhof Z 7th Cenci van de Smis 11th Coeur de la Vie Z Coriano Z Canabis Z Crown Z Grandeur Skippy II Calvin Z Gaston Thiry, Zoutleeuw (BEL) Myriam Neckebroek, Leefdaal (BEL) Haras de la Vie, Koewacht (BEL) Eline Peeters (BEL) Caroline Piens (BEL) Jan Vermeiren (BEL) € € € 125,00 20,00 12,50 Class E (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 3rd Armani van Turbeek Z 12th Champagne Z 14th Gentle Z Argentinus Eurocommerce Washington Griseldi Concorde Quinar Z Winningmood vd Arenberg Marc Pirard, Zoutleeuw (BEL) Duofarm BV, Rutten (NED) Chatho NV, Haacht (BEL) Jeroen Schepers (BEL) Thibaut Huyvaert (BEL) Axelle Windels (BEL) € € € 75,00 12,50 10,00 Class F (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 3rd Cheltto Z 6th Torado Dingeshof Z 9th Chanel Z 11th Mona Lisa IMM Z 14th Herakles Z Chelltago Z Tornado Cadence van 't Gelutt Z Moujik de Sohan Cadence van 't Gelutt Z Lauriston Lambada van Berkenbroeck Chellano Z Ahorn Z Elton Paul Janssen, Genk (BEL) Vermeulen, Meeuwen (BEL) P. van Cruchten, Roermond (NED) Scheymans, Geetbets (BEL) Peter Postelmans, Lummen (BEL) Fabienne Lange (BEL) Kevin Vermeulen (BEL) Stefan Corten (BEL) Nick Hermys (BEL) Stefan Corten (BEL € € € € € 75,00 27,50 15,00 12,50 10,00 Quick Star Ogano Sitte Codex Nimmerdor Tijistables, Kapelle-Op-Den-Bos (BEL) Willy Maris, Halen (BEL) De Dwerse Hagen BVBA, Sint-Katelijne-Waver (BEL) Andre Pieraets, Geetbets (BEL) Gudrun Patteet (BEL) Manuel Fernandez Saro (ESP) Patrik Spits (BEL) Michael Korompis (NED) C-Herakles Z C-Herakles Z Class N2A - 2nd round 1st part Belgian Championships for 7 year old horses (Competition against the clock): 2nd Sea Coast Diamant Z Diamant Star de Tiji Z Diamant de Semilly th 4 Comtesse vt Ertsenhof Z Calvaro Z 5th Veneto DH Z Va-Vite th 10 Izmir PP Z Indoctro 12th Valence DH Z 14th Hanan Z Va-Vite Lord Z Toulon Kannan De Dwerse Hagen BVBA, Sint-Katelijne-Waver (BEL) Elke Raes, Zandhoven (BEL) Patrik Spits (BEL) Yanick Beirens (BEL) Picasso Z Picasso Z Quidam de Revel Zeppelin Flamenco de Semilly Feinschnitt II vd Richter G. Bongaerts, Echt (NED) Yves Clercx, Hoesselt (BEL) Corthouts & Foriers, Halen (BEL) Carlos Eduardo Mota Ribas (BRA) Gudrun Patteet (BEL) Manuel Fernandez Saro (ESP) Class N2B - 2nd round 2nd part Belgian Championships for 7 year old horses (Competition against the clock): 1st Verdine SZ Verdi th 7 Bon Aventura Odth Z Baloubet du Rouet 9th Cloë vh Kapelhof Z Chippendale Z Heartbreaker Caesar van de Helle Quicksilver Sylvain De Wreede, Hamme (BEL) Odth, Rumst (BEL) Johan Saelmans, Dilsen (BEL) Virginie Thonon (BEL) Isidoor Van Rompaey (BEL) Penelope Leprevost (FRA) Class 4 (CSI2*, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 2nd Cas de Liberté Cracky Z Chellano Z Stoeterij 't Kelfshof, Haacht (BEL) Class 5A (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 11th Andiamo vh Kapelhof Z Andiamo Z Darco Class 5B (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 4th Asoka de Regor Z 13th Cigane Z Andiamo Z Contact vd Heffinck Class 6B (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.40 m): 11th Caluna's Cacharel Z Caida H Z th 14 French Kiss Carthagena Z Friday 2/5 Class NCO4 (CSIO5*, Competition with jump-off, 1.50 m): 5th Pelvin Z 9th Sea Coast Pebles Z Pebbles vd Wijngaardh Z th 14 Queretaro Z Quattro 2000 Z € € € 1.750,00 750,00 200,00 Chaouki Rijnders (BEL) € 150,00 Gert Nicolaï, St. Truiden (BEL) Kim Colaers (BEL) € 25,00 Ramiro Z Parco Fam. Veldeman, Oudegem (BEL) Roger Maes, Beveren (BEL) Thomas De Wit (BEL) Bart Clarys (BEL) € € 100,00 - Chuck Z Carthago Z Andiamo Z Papillon Rouge H. Kolen, Berkel-Enschot (NED) Leyn, Kuurne (BEL) Petronella Andersson (SWE) Rob Eras (NED) € € 25,00 20,00 Saturday 3/5 Class NCO7 (CSIO5* - Derby van Vlaanderen, Competition with jump-off, max. 1.60 m): 7th Caritiar Z Cartier Z Chellano Z Concorde Wim van der Steen, Gemonde (NED) Phillip Miller (GBR) € 1.000,00 Class NCO8 (CSIO5* - Six Bar): 2nd e.a. Pelvin Z 5th e.a. Ceres Z 10th Cupido van de Hoefslag Z Picasso Z Cento Cartani Zeppelin Nabab de Reve Nabab de Reve G. Bongaerts, Echt (NED) Veronique Vandaele, Nokere (BEL) Peter Simons, Lanaken (BEL) Carlos Eduardo Mota Ribas (BRA) Gilles Detry (BEL) Jan Vermeiren (BEL) € € € 1.500,00 450,00 250,00 Class G (CSI1*, Competition with jump-off, 1.10 m): 5th Cenci van de Smis 9th Chi Chi Z 12th Chieftain of the Lowlands Z Canabis Z Chin Chin Colman Skippy II Cento Cascavelle Myriam Neckebroek, Leefdaal (BEL) Stoeterij Zangersheide, Lanaken (BEL) Lowlands BVBA, Peer (BEL) Caroline Piens (BEL) Amandine Poli (FRA) Sus Dirickx (BEL) € € € 35,00 15,00 12,50 Class H (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 3rd Champagne Z 15th Beach Girl vh Koekoekshof Z Eurocommerce Washington Bamako de Muze Quinar Z Toulon Duofarm BV, Rutten (NED) Steven Polfliet, Stekene (BEL) Thibaut Huyvaert (BEL) Thibaut Huyvaert (BEL) € € 75,00 10,00 Class I (CSI1* - Grand Prix, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 5th Cheltto Z 7th Torado Dingeshof Z 9th Cointreau Z 12th Mona Lisa IMM Z 14th Ilancia Z Chelltago Z Tornado Centauer Z Moujik de Sohan Indian Gold Lauriston Lambada van Berkenbroeck Fleuri du Manoir Ahorn Z Ernest Paul Janssen, Genk (BEL) Vermeulen, Meeuwen (BEL) Vester, Son en Breugel (NED) Scheymans, Geetbets (BEL) Heinz Mertens, Büllingen (NEL) Fabienne Lange (BEL) Kevin Vermeulen (BEL) Maverick Van Lent (BEL) Nick Hermys (BEL) Kim Vandecraen (BEL) € € € € € 175,00 100,00 75,00 62,50 - Sunday 4/5 Class NCO9 (CSIO5* - Grand Prix, Competition in two rounds with jump-off, 1.60 m): 15th Challenge vd Begijnakker Chellano Z Palestro van de Begijnakker Bart Keisse, Oosteeklo (BEL) Ludo Philippaerts (BEL) € 250,00 Class 7 (CSI2*, Competition with jump-off, 1.30 m): 12th Treasure Z 13th Che Diamant Z Tlaloc la Silla (Dollar de la Pierre) Chin Chin Ramiro Z Garitchou Stoeterij Zangersheide, Lanaken (BEL) Yves Vanhassel, Ninove-Lieferinge (BEL) Wael Mahgary (EGY) Stefan Corten (BEL) € € 37,50 - Chuck Z Tornedo Andiamo Z Perhaps vd Molenvondel H. Kolen, Berkel-Enschot (NED) Liliane Vermeulen-Van Es, Meeuwen-Gruitrode (BEL) Petronella Andersson (SWE) Kevin Vermeulen (BEL) € € 500,00 35,00 Class 10 (CSI2* - Grand Prix, Competition with jump-off, 1.45 m): 5th Papillon Z 9th Best of Opus Dei Z Perhaps van het Molenvondel Balou du Rouet Cassini I Jus de Pomme Helga Guisson, Hasselt (BEL) Monique Henkes, Sart-Lez-Spa (BEL) Gregory Wathelet (BEL) Dominique Joassin (BEL) € € 1.680,00 720,00 Class N4 - Final Belgian Championships for 7 year old horses (Competition with jump-off): 1st Cloë vh Kapelhof Z 13th Bon Aventura Odth Z 15th Verdine SZ Chippendale Z Baloubet du Rouet Verdi Quicksilver Caesar van de Helle Heartbreaker Johan Saelmans, Dilsen (BEL) Odth, Rumst (BEL) Sylvain De Wreede, Hamme (BEL) Penelope Leprevost (FRA) Isidoor Van Rompaey (BEL) Virginie Thonon (BEL) Class 9 (CSI2*, Competition with jump-off, 1.40 m): 2nd Caluna's Cacharel Z 14th Taura Dingeshof Z Cas de Liberté Kelfshof Z Caida H Z CSI5* GCT/CSI2* Madrid (Spain) - website and all results: Friday 2/5 Class 1 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.15 m): 7th Dulana Z 10th Apriamo Z Dutch Capitol Andiamo Z Chellano Z Carthago Z Bocken, Weert (NED) Staes, Dessel (BEL) Marta Gras Lorente (ESP) Alejandro Entrecanales Marsans (ESP) € € 60,00 40,00 Class 3 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.40 m): 14th Cupido Z Caridor Z Lord Z Anne Marie Dekkers, Lommel (BEL) Flaminia Straumann (SUI) € 20,00 Andiamo Z Flamenco Desemilly Yves Clercx, Hoesselt (BEL) Ben Maher (GBR) € 1.000,00 Class 5 (CSI5*, Competition against the clock, 1.50 m): 2nd Regina Z 5th Citizenguard Cadjanine Z 13th Air Chin Z Rex Z Canabis Z Air Jordan Z Savoy Hanover Feinschnitt I Z Chin Chin J. Wilms & Th. Koopmans, Holthees (NED) Pol Brison, Sint Niklaas (BEL) Stal de Krochten, Rijsbergen (NED) Harrie Smolders (NED) Constant Van Paesschen (BEL) Katharina Offel (UKR) € € € 4.800,00 1.440,00 94,00 Saturday 3/5 Class 6 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.15 m): 8th Apriamo Z 13th Dulana Z Andiamo Z Dutch Capitol Carthago Z Chellano Z Staes, Dessel (BEL) Bocken, Weert (NED) Alejandro Entrecanales Marsans (ESP) Marta Gras Lorente (ESP) € € 50,00 - Andiamo Z Air Jordan Z Flamenco Desemilly Chin Chin Yves Clercx, Hoesselt (BEL) Stal de Krochten, Rijsbergen (NED) Ben Maher (GBR) Katharina Offel (UKR) € € 1.440,00 - Sunday 4/5 Class 11 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.15 m): 2nd Apriamo Z 6th Dulana Z Andiamo Z Dutch Capitol Carthago Z Chellano Z Staes, Dessel (BEL) Bocken, Weert (NED) Alejandro Entrecanales Marsans (ESP) Marta Gras Lorente (ESP) € € 400,00 90,00 Class 13 (CSI5*, Competition Speed & Handiness, 1.45 m): 5th Q Royal Palm Z 10th Regina Z Quidam de Revel Rex Z Rincon As Savoy Hanover Eras-van Wien, Helvoirt (NED) J. Wilms & Th. Koopmans, Holthees (NED) Eiken Sato (JPN) Harrie Smolders (NED) € € 1.440,00 480,00 Class 15 (CSI5*, Competition in two rounds, 1.55 m): 6th Zekina Z 7th Citizenguard Cadjanine Z 14th Air Chin Z Zandor Z Canabis Z Air Jordan Z Carthago Z Feinschnitt I Z Chin Chin L.G. Morsink, De Lutte (NED) Pol Brison, Sint Niklaas (BEL) Stal de Krochten, Rijsbergen (NED) Jane Richard Philips (SUI) Constant Van Paesschen (BEL) Katharina Offel (UKR) € € € 2.745,00 1.830,00 - Class 4 (CSI5*, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 4th Aristo Z Class 9 (CSI5*, Competition in two phases, 1.45 m): 5th Aristo Z 13th Air Chin Z Aristo Wijngaardh Z Aristo Wijngaardh Z CSI3*/CSIYH1* Ebreichsdorf (Austria) - website and all results: Wednesday 30/4 Class 32 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 5 year old horses, 1.15 m): 3rd Carlitho 2 Calvados Z Air Jordan Z Stijn Snellinx, Hoesselt (BEL) Ann-Christin Klaas (GER) ?? Class 33 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 year old horses, 1.25 m): 5th Diamanty di Magico Z Diamant de Semilly Lys de Darmen Daniel Smet, Moerbeke-Waas (BEL) Marc Bettinger (GER) ?? Class 34 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 7 year old horses, 1.35 m): 3rd Alisto ZBK Z 12th Cassian 10 Accardi Chellano Z Cor de la Bryère Narew xx Bijloos, Alken (BEL) Stall Geiss GbR, Mieste (GER) Juraj Hanulay (SVK) Alexandra Spenlenhauer (FRA) ?? ?? Thursday 1/5 Class 35 (CSI3* Bronze Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 11th Caritania Z Caritano Z Cento Stall Geiss GbR, Mieste (GER) Alexandra Spenlenhauer (FRA) ?? Class 36 (CSI3* Silver Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 1st Zegreanne Z Zandor Z Jus de Pomme Van Osch, Son en Breugel (NED) Keith Shore (GBR) ?? Class 38 (CSI3* Gold Tour, Competition in two phases, 1.40 m): 2nd Zeus de Buisson Z Zandor Z Kodarco A. van de Mortel, Zetten (NED) Santiago Lambre (MEX) ?? Class 40 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 5 year old horses, 1.15 m): 7th Carlitho 2 Calvados Z Air Jordan Z Stijn Snellinx, Hoesselt (BEL) Ann-Christin Klaas (GER) ?? Class 41 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 year old horses, 1.25 m): 3rd Vaillero 13th Diamanty di Magico Z Vaillant Diamant de Semilly Hornet Rose Lys de Darmen Wolfgang Stolte, Overath (GER) Daniel Smet, Moerbeke-Waas (BEL) Karl Schneider (GER) Marc Bettinger (GER) ?? ?? Class 42 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 7 year old horses, 1.35 m): 13th Cassian 10 15th Quasibobo Z Chellano Z Quasimodo Z Narew xx Centauer Z Stall Geiss GbR, Mieste (GER) S. Looijen-Vaes, Nederweert (NED) Alexandra Spenlenhauer (FRA) Sascha Kainz (AUT) ?? ?? Friday 2/5 Class 44 (CSI3* Gold Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 1st Zegreanne Z 3rd Zeus de Buisson Z Zandor Z Zandor Z Jus de Pomme Kodarco Van Osch, Son en Breugel (NED) A. van de Mortel, Zetten (NED) Keith Shore (GBR) Santiago Lambre (MEX) ?? ?? Class 46 (CSI3* Silver Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 3rd Nicolien Z Nelson Z Orthos A.F.T. Beeren, Weert (NED) Laura Lehner (AUT) ?? Class 37 (CSI3* Bronze Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 9th Caritania Z Caritano Z Cento Stall Geiss GbR, Mieste (GER) Alexandra Spenlenhauer (FRA) ?? Saturday 3/5 Class 47 (CSI3* Final Bronze Tour, Competition in two phases, 1.25 m): 9th Caritania Z Caritano Z Cento Stall Geiss GbR, Mieste (GER) Alexandra Spenlenhauer (FRA) ?? Class 50 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off, Final for 5 year old horses, 1.20 m): 8th Carlitho 2 Calvados Z Air Jordan Z Stijn Snellinx, Hoesselt (BEL) Ann-Christin Klaas (GER) ?? Class 51 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off, Final for 6 year old horses, 1.30 m): 4th Diamanty di Magico Z 8th Vaillero Diamant de Semilly Vaillant Lys de Darmen Hornet Rose Daniel Smet, Moerbeke-Waas (BEL) Wolfgang Stolte, Overath (GER) Marc Bettinger (GER) Karl Schneider (GER) ?? ?? Class 52 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off, Final for 7 year old horses, 1.40 m): 4th Quasibobo Z 13th Alisto ZBK Z Quasimodo Z Accardi Centauer Z Cor de la Bryère S. Looijen-Vaes, Nederweert (NED) Bijloos, Alken (BEL) Sascha Kainz (AUT) Juraj Hanulay (SVK) ?? ?? Class 56 (CSI3* Gold Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 4th Chanelle Z Conan Z Carthago Z R. Slooff & J. Timmermans, Grave (NED) Morten Alexander Djupvik (NOR) ?? Sunday 4/5 Class 57 (CSI3* Final A Silver Tour, Competition with jump-off, 1.35 m): 3rd Zegreanne Z 11th Nicolien Z Zandor Z Nelson Z Jus de Pomme Orthos Van Osch, Son en Breugel (NED) A.F.T. Beeren, Weert (NED) Keith Shore (GBR) Laura Lehner (AUT) ?? ?? Class 58 (CSI3* Final Gold Tour, Competition with jump-off, 1.45 m): 14th Chelsea Z Chellano Z Amulet Ann-Christin Klaas (GER) ?? CSI3*/CSIAm-A/CSIAm-B/CSIYH1* Mannheim (Germany) - website and all results: Friday 2/5 Class 12 (CSIAm, Competition against the clock, 1.25 m): 9th SIEC Lion King Z 14th Caribou du Seigneur Z Livello Caridor Z Corlando Ksar Sitte Sevil Sabanci, Yenikoy-Istanbul (TUR) La Ferme du Seigneur S.A., Honneles (BEL) Annabel Joost (USA) Ahmed El Naggar (EGY) € € 24,00 - Saturday 3/5 Class 5 (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.40 m): 6th Leonie 111 Z Lord Z Cassini I Harrie & Victor Theeuwes, Zandhoven (BEL) Abdel Saïd (EGY) € 275,00 Class 16 (CSIAm, Competition accumulator, 1.40 m): 12th SIEC Lion King Z Livello Corlando Sevil Sabanci, Yenikoy-Istanbul (TUR) Annabel Joost (USA) € 25,00 Class 1 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 7 & 8 year old horses, 1.35 m): 4th VDL Groep C Tara Z Cedrie Z Crown Z Cash Stoeterij Duyselshof, Hoogeloon (NED) Leopold van Asten (NED) € 100,00 Sunday 4/5 Class 17 (CSIAm, Competition in two phases, 1.40 m): 13th SIEC Lion King Z 14th Caribou du Seigneur Z Livello Caridor Z Corlando Ksar Sitte Sevil Sabanci, Yenikoy-Istanbul (TUR) La Ferme du Seigneur S.A., Honneles (BEL) Annabel Joost (USA) Ahmed El Naggar (EGY) € € - Class 6 (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.55 m): 4th Carmena Z 6th Sterrehof’s Cayetano Z Carthago Z Caretano Z Irco Mena Cor de la Bryère Carmel Ryan (IRL) Romo (MEX) Saer Coulter (USA) Julia Kayser (AUT) € € 3.000,00 1.650,00 Monday 5/5 Class 2 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 7 & 8 year old horses, 1.40 m): 3rd VDL Groep C Tara Z Cedrie Z Crown Z Cash Stoeterij Duyselshof, Hoogeloon (NED) Leopold van Asten (NED) € 300,00 Class 8 (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.50 m): 9th Catwalk Z Carthago Z Quick Star Stal Van Decraen BVBA, Sint-Pieters-Woluwe (BEL) Piergorgio Bucci (ITA) € 720,00 Tuesday 6/5 Class 3 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock, Final for 7 & 8 year old horses, 1.45 m): 4th VDL Groep C Tara Z Cedrie Z Crown Z Cash Stoeterij Duyselshof, Hoogeloon (NED) Leopold van Asten (NED) € 500,00 CSI3*/CSIYH1* Maubeuge (France) - website and all results: Thursday 1/5 Class 1 (CSIYH1*, Competition not against the clock for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 1st e.a. Chat Botte du Ruisseau Z 1st e.a. Don Fernantes Z Casall Douglas Darco Corrado II Andre Vandepapeliere, Mourcourt-Tournai (BEL) D. De Vidts & K. Hamelinck, Roosdaal (BEL) José Thiry (BEL) Gilles Dunon (BEL) € € 107,00 107,00 Class 2 (CSIYH1*, Competition not against the clock for 7 year old horses, 1.25 m): 1st e.a. Famoso d'Ive For Pleasure Chin Chin Isabelle Van Eeckhout, Outer-Ninove (BEL) Christophe Vanderhasselt (BEL) € 48,00 Friday 2/5 Class 4 (CSIYH1*, Competition in two phases for 6 year old horses, 1.25 m): 5th Chat Botte du Ruisseau Z 10th Cannabis Comme d'Api Z 13th Don Fernantes Z Casall Comme d'Api Z Douglas Darco Vigo d'Arsouilles Corrado II Andre Vandepapeliere, Mourcourt-Tournai (BEL) Wittouck, Torhout (BEL) D. De Vidts & K. Hamelinck, Roosdaal (BEL) José Thiry (BEL) Olivier Seynhaeve (BEL) Gilles Dunon (BEL) € € € 105,00 37,50 - Class 5 (CSIYH1*, Competition in two phases for 7 year old horses, 1.30 m): 7th Famoso d'Ive For Pleasure Chin Chin Isabelle Van Eeckhout, Outer-Ninove (BEL) Christophe Vanderhasselt (BEL) € 80,00 Class 7 (CSI3*, Competition with jump-off, 1.50 m): 2nd Haertthago Heartbreaker Carthago Z J.L.M. Smits, Esch (NED) Leon Thijssen (NED) € 4.800,00 Saturday 3/5 Class 8 (CSI3*, Competition speed and handiness, 1.40 m): 8th Dallas du Domaine Z Darco Calido I L. De Brauwer, Bever (BEL) Wesley Heijdens (NED) € 100,00 Class 9 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off for 6 year old horses, 1.30 m): 8th Chat Botte du Ruisseau Z 14th Don Fernantes Z 16th Cannabis Comme d'Api Z Casall Douglas Comme d'Api Z Darco Corrado II Vigo d'Arsouilles Andre Vandepapeliere, Mourcourt-Tournai (BEL) D. De Vidts & K. Hamelinck, Roosdaal (BEL) Wittouck, Torhout (BEL) José Thiry (BEL) Gilles Dunon (BEL) Olivier Seynhaeve (BEL) € € € 75,00 - Class 11 (CSI3*, Competition six bar): 6th Ace Z 14th Talou Contender K Z Air Jordan Z Taloubet Z Lacros Contender Ronald Joosen, Brecht (BEL) C.T. Klaver, Schoorl (NED) Celine Schoonbroodt (BEL) Gilles Dunon (BEL) € € 334,00 - Sunday 4/5 Class 12 (CSI3*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 8th Dallas du Domaine Z Darco Calido I L. De Brauwer, Bever (BEL) Wesley Heijdens (NED) € 175,00 Class 13 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off for 7 year old horses, 1.35 m): 3rd Famoso d'Ive For Pleasure Chin Chin Isabelle Van Eeckhout, Outer-Ninove (BEL) Christophe Vanderhasselt (BEL) € 525,00 CSIO3*-W/CSICh-A/CSIJ-A/CSIY-A/CSIYH1* Celje (Slovenia) - website and all results: Friday 2/5 Class 5 (CSICh-A, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 5th Cascade Z Calvaro Z Caletto I Willy Wilms, Meerhout (BEL) Eva Golubicek (CRO) € - Class 7 (CSIO3*-W Silver Tour, Competition in two phases, 1.40 m): 16th Caramouche Z Caretano Z Coronado PGMBH Hammes, Recht (BEL) Ales Opatrny (CZE) € - Saturday 3/5 Class 9 (CSICh-A, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 5th Cascade Z Calvaro Z Caletto I Willy Wilms, Meerhout (BEL) Eva Golubicek (CRO) € - Class 13 (CSIO3*-W Silver Tour, Competition with jump-off, 1.45 m): 2nd Caramouche Z Caretano Z Coronado PGMBH Hammes, Recht (BEL) Ales Opatrny (CZE) € Sunday 4/5 Class 15 (CSICh-A, Competition with jump-off, 1.25 m): 6th Cascade Z Calvaro Z Caletto I Willy Wilms, Meerhout (BEL) Eva Golubicek (CRO) € - 4.800,00 CSI2*/CSICh-A/CSIJ-A/CSIY-A/CSIYH1* Linz-Ebelsberg (Austria) - website and all results: Thursday 1/5 Class 2 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 5 year old horses, 1.15 m): 10th Cosinni Z Corsini Levantos I Stefan Vitko, Spisska Nova Ves (SVK) Oliver Ketter (AUT) € 20,00 Class 3 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 and 7 year old horses, 1.25/1.35 m): 16th Alena 52 Alena VZ Asca Z Indoctro J. Veltmans, Meyel (NED) Patrick Afflerbach (GER) € - Class 6 (CSI2* VIP Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.15 m): 7th Canebiss Z 8th Cid Z Canabis Z Champion du Lys Kimbal Carthago Z Kathy Vaes, Lummen (BEL) Axel Schlicher, Enkenbach-Alsenborn (GER) Celina Wannas (AUT) Stephanie Billharz (GER) € € 28,00 21,00 Friday 2/5 Class 7 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 5 year old horses, 1.15 m): 8th Cosinni Z Corsini Levantos I Stefan Vitko, Spisska Nova Ves (SVK) Oliver Ketter (AUT) € 25,00 Class 8 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 and 7 year old horses, 1.25/1.35 m): 13th Alena 52 Alena VZ Asca Z Indoctro J. Veltmans, Meyel (NED) Patrick Afflerbach (GER) € - Class 9 (CSI2* Bronze Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 12th Amadeus U Antony U Le Grand I Alois Url, Hauzenberg (GER) Wilhelm Haberl (GER) € 25,00 Class 11 (CSI2* VIP Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.10 m): 3rd Canebiss Z 15th Cid Z Canabis Z Champio du Lys Kimbal Carthago Z Kathy Vaes, Lummen (BEL) Axel Schlicher, Enkenbach-Alsenborn (GER) Celina Wannas (AUT) Stephanie Billharz (GER) € € 100,00 - Class 12 (CSICh-A, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 6th Copilot Chendo Z Chellano Z Lys de Darmen Stal 't Klein Broek, Tielt-Winge (BEL) Merel Ott (SUI) € - Class 13 (CSIJ-A/CSIY-A, Competition against the clock, 1.30/1.40 m): 2nd Lanton Z 7th Chatanooga Z Landlord Chellano Z Quinar Z Fantastique Grootenhuis, Olst (NED) Erik Wuyts, Bocholt (BEL) Aleksandra Pushkarskaya (RUS) Lisa Maria Rudigier (AUT) € € 200,00 40,00 Saturday 3/5 Class 14 (CSICh-A, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 4th Copilot Chendo Z Chellano Z Lys de Darmen Stal 't Klein Broek, Tielt-Winge (BEL) Merel Ott (SUI) € - Class 17 (CSI2* VIP Tour, Competition with jump-off, 1.15 m): 4th Cid Z Champio du Lys Carthago Z Axel Schlicher, Enkenbach-Alsenborn (GER) Stephanie Billharz (GER) € 100,00 Class 18 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off for 5 year old horses, 1.15 m): 7th Cosinni Z Corsini Levantos I Stefan Vitko, Spisska Nova Ves (SVK) Oliver Ketter (AUT) € 40,00 Class 19 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off for 6 and 7 year old horses, 1.25/1.35 m): 10th Alena 52 Alena VZ Asca Z Indoctro J. Veltmans, Meyel (NED) Patrick Afflerbach (GER) € 40,00 Class 20 (CSI2* Gold Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 5th Qualino Z Quinar Accord II F. Hoogenboom, Lemelerveld (NED) Fritz Kogelnig Jr. (AUT) € 350,00 Sunday 4/5 Class 22 (CSIJ-A/CSIY-A Championat, Competition with jump-off, 1.40/1.45 m): 16th Lanton Z Landlord Quinar Z Grootenhuis, Olst (NED) Aleksandra Pushkarskaya (RUS) € - Class 23 (CSI2* Silver Tour, Competition with jump-off, 1.35 m): 6th Qualino Z Quinar Accord II F. Hoogenboom, Lemelerveld (NED) Fritz Kogelnig Jr. (AUT) € 121,00 CSI2*/CSIJ-A/CSIYH1* Drammen (Norway) - website and all results: Thursday 1/5 Class 34 (CSI2* Silver Small Tour, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 10th Winnie the Pooh Z Winner E Burggraaf Stal Eikelbos, Overpelt (BEL) Stine Susanne Nesbekk (NOR) € 24,00 (NOK) 200,00 Class 35 (CSI2* Gold Small Tour, Competition in two phases, 1.35 m): 2nd Zahr Alfarvad Z Zandor Z Landaris Jensen Alfarvad A/S, Dronniglund (DEN) Christian Petersen (DEN) € 240,00 (NOK) 2000,00 Class 36 (CSI2* Gold Big Tour, Competition in two phases, 1.40 m): 12th Quecia Alfarvad Z Quinar Z Centauer Z Jensen Alfarvad A/S, Dronniglund (DEN) Christian Petersen (DEN) € 45,00 (NOK) 375,00 Class 37 (CSIYH1*, Competition in two phases for 5 and 6 year old horses, 1.15/1.25 m): 12th TJ Ultra van Overis Ultra van Overis Z Udarco van Overis Rubinstein I Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Gemma Johnsey Plumley (GBR) € 36,00 (NOK) 300,00 Friday 2/5 Class 42 (CSI2* Silver Big Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 3rd Zahr Alfarvad Z Zandor Z Landaris Jensen Alfarvad A/S, Dronniglund (DEN) Christian Petersen (DEN) € 240,00 (NOK) 2000,00 Saturday 3/5 Class 46 (CSIYH1*, Competition in two phases for 5 and 6 year old horses, 1.15/1.25 m): 7th TJ Ultra van Overis Ultra van Overis Z th 8 Candessina Z Udarco van Overis Candillo Z Rubinstein I Quidam's Rubin Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Ilbertz, Geldern (GER) Gemma Johnsey Plumley (GBR) Amalie Steen Hegre (NOR) € € 42,00 42,00 (NOK) (NOK) 350,00 350,00 Class 48 (CSIJ-A Junior Big Tour, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 7th Capoeira Z Caretano Z Lord Calando Van Meeteren, Abcoude (NED) Kine Salomon Knutsvik (NOR) € 38,00 (NOK) 320,00 Class 52 (CSI2* Gold Small Tour Final, Competition with jump-off, 1.40 m): 8th Balizo Z Baloubet du Rouet Libero H Paul Blomme, De Haan (BEL) Rebekka Lie Andersen (NOR) € 90,00 (NOK) 750,00 Class 53 (CSI2* Silver Big Tour Final, Competition with jump-off, 1.35 m): 5th Lucca van 't Gelutt Z 10th Zahr Alfarvad Z Lux Z Zandor Z Cento Landaris Lutgarde Demeer, Assent BEL) Jensen Alfarvad A/S, Dronniglund (DEN) Linn Byman (SWE) Christian Petersen (DEN) € € 210,00 75,00 (NOK) (NOK) 1750,00 625,00 Sunday 4/5 Class 62 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off, Final for 5 and 6 year old horses, 1.20/1.30 m): 5th Candessina Z 12th TJ Ultra van Overis Ultra van Overis Z Candillo Z Udarco van Overis Quidam's Rubin Rubinstein I Ilbertz, Geldern (GER) Gerald Lenaerts, Peer (BEL) Amalie Steen Hegre (NOR) Gemma Johnsey Plumley (GBR) € € 85,00 60,00 (NOK) (NOK) 700,00 500,00 CSI2*/CSI1*/CSIYH1* San Giovanni in Marignano (Italy) - website and all results: Thursday 1/5 Class 2 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 4th Della Jojo P.Z. 10th Balboa Z Douglas Balou du Rouet Cento Hinault R. van der Poel-Stieber, Sliedrecht (NED) Annick Engisch, Gampelen (SUI) Niall Talbot (IRL) Niall Talbot (IRL) € € 70,00 17,50 Class 3 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 7 year old horses, 1.30 m): 8th Arena Z Amoroso van de Helle Oklund H.J. Faassen, Herkenbosch (NED) Niall Talbot (IRL) € 27,00 Class 4 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.45 m): 2nd Tarliena Z 10th Zora VHP Z 13th Diablo Z Treasure Z Zandor Z Dutch Capitol Artos Z Voltaire Rex Z E. Schep, Tull en 't Waal (NED) Guy De Schuymer, Diest (BEL) Stoeterij Bonsel, Baarlo (NED) Fabio d'Aquila (ITA) Roberto Nocerino (ITA) Elisa Baldazzi (ITA) € € € 800,00 100,00 - Friday 2/5 Class 6 (CSIYH1*, Competition in two phases for 6 year old horses, 1.20 m): 1st Della Jojo P.Z. 6th Balboa Z Douglas Balou du Rouet Cento Hinault R. van der Poel-Stieber, Sliedrecht (NED) Annick Engisch, Gampelen (SUI) Niall Talbot (IRL) Niall Talbot (IRL) € € 175,00 38,50 Class 7 (CSIYH1*, Competition in two phases for 7 year old horses, 1.30 m): 6th Arena Z 15th Dariete Z Amoroso van de Helle Douglas Oklund Grannus H.J. Faassen, Herkenbosch (NED) Veltmans, Meyel (NED) Niall Talbot (IRL) Julia Zawada (POL) € € 49,50 - Class 8 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.15 m): 5th Cassina Z 9th Alibi DB Z Caretano Z Andiamo Z Carte d'Or Cassini I Jackie Sergeys, Meerhout (BEL) Nicole Bouilliart/Haras Hazoy, Brussel (BEL) Frank de Loos (NED) Emilie Raverdino (SUI) € € 35,00 15,00 Class 9 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 11th Taloubet Grandeur Taloubet Z Grandeur C.T. Klaver, Schoorl (NED) Mohammed Islam Kheddache (ALG) € 12,50 Class 11 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 5th Chocolade Z Chellano Z Goodwill Dohmen, Susteren (NED) Elisa Baldazzi (ITA) € 70,00 Class 12 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 9th Cash de Laubry Z Coriano Z Renville Haras de Laubry, Asse (BEL) Gianluca Senese (ITA) € 60,00 Class 13 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.40 m): 4th Tarliena Z Treasure Z Artos Z E. Schep, Tull en 't Waal (NED) Fabio d'Aquila (ITA) € 300,00 Class 14 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.45 m): 4th Caribo Z Chellano Z Weinberg P.Vergeylen-Wouters, Tienen (BEL) Luca Marziani (ITA) € 400,00 Saturday 3/5 Class 16 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off for 6 year old horses, 1.20/1.25 m): 1st Della Jojo P.Z. 2nd Balboa Z Douglas Balou du Rouet Cento Hinault R. van der Poel-Stieber, Sliedrecht (NED) Annick Engisch, Gampelen (SUI) Niall Talbot (IRL) Niall Talbot (IRL) € € 225,00 180,00 Class 17 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off for 7 year old horses, 1.30/1.35 m): 6th Dariete Z Douglas Grannus Veltmans, Meyel (NED) Julia Zawada (POL) € 66,00 Class 18 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.15 m): 7th Cassina Z Caretano Z Carte d'Or Jackie Sergeys, Meerhout (BEL) Frank de Loos (NED) € 20,00 Class 19 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 4th Alibi DB Z 10th Taloubet Grandeur Andiamo Z Taloubet Z Cassini I Grandeur Nicole Bouilliart/Haras Hazoy, Brussel (BEL) C.T. Klaver, Schoorl (NED) Emilie Raverdino (SUI) Mohammed Islam Kheddache (ALG) € € 50,00 12,50 Class 21 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.30 m): 12th Chaplin Z 15th Chocolade Z Canabis Z Chellano Z Silvio II Goodwill Johan Jonker, Hattem (NED) Dohmen, Susteren (NED) Francesco Giulio Franzoni (ITA) Elisa Baldazzi (ITA) € € 25,00 - Class 23 (CSI2*, Competition with jump-off, 1.40 m): 4th Uzo van het Hobos Z 16th Cash de Laubry Z Up To Date Miltoo Coriano Z Chellano Z Renville Frank Goossens, Overpelt (BEL) Haras de Laubry, Asse (BEL) Gianluca Agustoni (SUI) Gianluca Senese (ITA) € € 400,00 - Sunday 4/5 Class 25 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 13th Taloubet Grandeur Taloubet Z Grandeur C.T. Klaver, Schoorl (NED) Mohammed Islam Kheddache (ALG) € - Class 28 (CSI1*, Competition accumulator, 1.35 m): 13th Chocolade Z Chellano Z Goodwill Dohmen, Susteren (NED) Elisa Baldazzi (ITA) € - CSI2*/CSI1*/CSIAm-B/CSICh-A/CSIYH1* Fontainebleau (France) - website and all results: Friday 2/5 Class 1 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.30 m): 9th Cordano Sitte Z Carthago Major de la Cour Horse of Belgium, Pipaix (BEL) Abdelkebir Ouaddar (MAR) € 45,00 Class 2 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 11th Alice Mury Marais Z Air Jordan Z Calvin Z Catherine De Buyl Insurance S.A., Peruwelz (BEL) Patrick McEntee (AZE) € 50,00 Class 3 (CSI2*, Competition with jump-off, 1.40 m): 14th Crocus Mury Marais Z Crown Z Clavecimble Catherine De Buyl Insurance S.A., Peruwelz (BEL) Patrick McEntee (AZE) € 20,00 Class 4 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 8th Ramsexy Z Rex Z Caridor Z Stoeterij Zangersheide, Lanaken (BEL) Guillaume Canet (FRA) € 18,00 Class 5 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.25 m): 14th Elegast Withoeve Z Enrico vd Withoeve Cumano W. De Beck, Leest (BEL) Arnaud Doem (BEL) € 5,00 Class 6 2nd group (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 11th Queen S Z Quasimodo Z Elanville Peter Simons, Lanaken (BEL) Chloe Van Hove (BEL) € 25,00 Class 8 (CSIAm-B, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 11th Cipline vd Helle ET Z Caesar van de Helle Corofino Stoeterij van de Helle, Putte-Peulis (BEL) Pascale Trenker (BEL) € 7,50 Class 9 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 and 7 year old horses, 1.20/1.30 m): 5th April Mury Marais 7th Caddy Z 8th Apollo de la Bonnette Z Air Jordan Z Cassandiamo Asca Z Quinar Z Remondo Le Tot de Semilly Catherine De Buyl Insurance S.A., Peruwelz (BEL) Nico Philippaerts, Westerlo (BEL) Michael Dorigo, Biercee (BEL) Patrick McEntee (AZE) Laetitia Du Couedic (SUI) Caio Sergio José de Carvalho Filho (BRA) € € € 70,00 40,00 30,00 Saturday 3/5 Class 13 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 13th Atome Z Amadeus Z Toulon Haras de Brimbelles, Gaillon (FRA) Titouan Schumacher (FRA) € - Class 14 (CSI2*, Competition in two phases, 1.35 m): 13th Quick Z Quasimodo Z Indoctro Jan Segers & Kelly Van Wesenbeeck, Loenhout (BEL) Patrick Nisbett (BER) € 20,00 Class 13 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 13th Atome Z Amadeus Z Toulon Haras de Brimbelles, Gaillon (FRA) Titouan Schumacher (FRA) € 37,50 Class 18 (CSI1*, Competition in two phases, 1.35 m): 7th Queen S Z Quasimodo Z Elanville Peter Simons, Lanaken (BEL) Chloe Van Hove (BEL) € 80,00 Class 20 (CSIAm-B, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 16th Cipline vd Helle ET Z Caesar van de Helle Corofino Stoeterij van de Helle, Putte-Peulis (BEL) Pascale Trenker (BEL) € - Class 21 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off, Final for 6 year old horses, 1.25 m): 11th April Mury Marais Air Jordan Z Quinar Z Catherine De Buyl Insurance S.A., Peruwelz (BEL) Patrick McEntee (AZE) € 25,00 Class 22 (CSIYH1*, Competition with jump-off, Final for 7 year old horses, 1.35 m): 6th Caneo de Fuyssieux Z Cassini II Grannus Ass Zumkehr, Interlaken (SUI) Frederic Lagrange (FRA) € 82,50 Sunday 4/5 Class 26 (CSI2*, Competition against the clock, 1.30 m): 12th Atome Z Kimberly van Spalbeek Z 13th Audi's Kimberly Amadeus Z Kannan Toulon Catango Z Haras de Brimbelles, Gaillon (FRA) Frans Liefsoens, Hasselt (BEL) Titouan Schumacher (FRA) Maxime Harmegnies (BEL) Balou du Rouet Argus Speetjens & Possen, Brunssum (NED) Espen Wielunski (NOR) € € € 37,50 - Carthago Air Jordan Z Major de la Cour Calvin Z Horse of Belgium, Pipaix (BEL) Catherine De Buyl Insurance S.A., Peruwelz (BEL) Abdelkebir Ouaddar (MAR) Patrick McEntee (AZE) € € 1.000,00 600,00 14th Bulls Eye Z Class 27 (CSI2* - Petit Grand Prix, Competition in two phases, 1.40 m): 1st Cordano Sitte Z 3rd Alice Mury Marais Z Class 28 (CSI2* - Grand Prix, Competition with jump-off, 1.45 m): 11th Crocus Mury Marais Z Crown Z Clavecimble Catherine De Buyl Insurance S.A., Peruwelz (BEL) Patrick McEntee (AZE) € 600,00 Class 29 (CSI1*, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 11th Ramsexy Z Rex Z Caridor Z Stoeterij Zangersheide, Lanaken (BEL) Guillaume Canet (FRA) € 15,00 Class 31 (CSI1* - Grand Prix, Competition with jump-off, 1.40 m): 7th Cunegonde d'Herock Z Carre d'As Z Lys de Darmen Hostellerie d'Herock, Houyet (BEL) Louis Mahieu (BEL) € 160,00 Class 33 (CSIAm-B, Competition with jump-off, 1.20 m): 5th Cipline vd Helle ET Z Caesar van de Helle Corofino Stoeterij van de Helle, Putte-Peulis (BEL) Pascale Trenker (BEL) € 35,00 Class 34 (CSIYH1*, Competition against the clock for 6 and 7 year old horses, 1.20/1.30 m): 6th Vesper Lynn DH Z Va-Vite Padinus De Dwerse Hagen BVBA, Sint-Katelijne-Waver (BEL) Joëlle Cairaschi-Dagut (FRA) € 55,00 CSI2*-W Beijing, Chaoyang Park (China) results not available yet CSI2*/CSI1*/CSIYH1* Chepstow (Great Britain) - website and all results: results not available yet CSI1*/CSIAm-B Uzés (France) Competitors CSI1*: Uncle AD W Z Java van Vlieringen Z Untouchable Z Jouyeux Ardent Artos Z Lys de Darmen W. van Stam, Willige-Langerak (NED) Sofie Moerman, Lettelingen (BEL) Joffrey Buard (FRA) Maxime Perez (FRA) Competitors CSIAm-B: Noelis de Ste Anne Z Triptronic Z Caintus Z Unarosa van Erpekom Z Actros Z Nelson Z Tornado Chablis I Z Utah van Erpekom Andiamo Z Avontuur Lugano van la Roche Corradino Feinschnitt I vd Richeter Tornado Van Glabeeke, Moustier (BEL) Nico Philippaerts, Westerlo (BEL) Willy Ulenaers, Peer (BEL) Joel Huysegems, Westerlo (BEL) Clemence Damigny (FRA) Astrid Miramand (FRA) Marion de Luca (FRA) Coline Wagner (FRA) Pierre Alexandr Ingenito (FRA) Thursday 1/5 Class 2 (Competition in two phases, 1.30 m): 4th Pegasus Bridge Z 8th Queen Lady Z Papillon Rouge Quinar Landgraf I Grannus Willy Bekaert, Anzegem (BEL) Paul Heyer, Cloppenburg (GER) Mathilde Nødskov Aguirre (DEN) Christine Thirup Christensen (DEN) € € 45,00 14,00 (DKK) (DKK) 340,00 102,00 Saturday 3/5 Class 7 (Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 4th Queen Lady Z Quinar Grannus Paul Heyer, Cloppenburg (GER) Christine Thirup Christensen (DEN) € 53,00 (DKK) 400,00 Class 9 (Grand Prix, Competition with jump-off, 1.35/1.40 m): 8th Pegasus Bridge Z Papillon Rouge Landgraf I Willy Bekaert, Anzegem (BEL) Mathilde Nødskov Aguirre (DEN) € 30,00 (DKK) 225,00 Casper Colman Comme d'Api vd Hacienda Z Calvaro Z Ragazzo Quick Star Adieu Z Quick Star Rudi Vereecke, Izenberge (BEL) Herman Beazar, Geraardsbergen (BEL) Hars des Bruyere, Knesselare (BEL) Dirk Slootmaeckers, Westerlo (BEL) Thibaut Behaegel (BEL) Arnaud Gaublomme (BEL) Gauthier Soete (BEL) Brent Gaublomme (BEL) € € € € 125,00 50,00 35,00 12,50 Class 2 (CSIU25-A, Competition in two phases, 1.30 m): 5th Hunter St Anna Z 13th Quatar B Z Baron Cento Heldenlaan Quidam de Revel Skippy II Cruising Armand Belien, Zolder (BEL) Evarist Maeseele, Haasrode (BEL) Vicky Van de Poel (BEL) Maxime Tips (BEL) € € 52,50 - Class 6 (CSIU25-A, Competition with jump-off, 1.35 m): 7th Coberlina Z Caretano Z Ramiro Eric-Alain Paridaens, Pepingen (BEL) Christophe Meirsschaert (BEL) € 30,00 Class 8 (CSICh-A, Competition against the clock, 1.20 m): 6th Cocinelle Z Carthago Z Prince Royal Van Kerckhove, Zele (BEL) Vanina Lombard (BEL) results not available yet CSIJ-A Herlufmagle (Denmark) - website and all results: CSICh-A/CSIJ-A/CSIU25-A Lier (Belgium) - website and all results: Friday 2/5 Class 1 (CSIJ-A, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 1st Chester Z 4th Corale van ’t Glemhof 5th Cesar des Bruyeres Z 10th Catch Me van 't Glemhof Z Catch Me JH Z Saturday 3/5 Class 11 (CSIJ-A, Competition against the clock, 1.25 m): 2nd Cesar des Bruyeres Z 3rd Catch Me van 't Glemhof Z Catch Me JH Z th 9 Chester Z 10th Corale van ’t Glemhof Comme d'Api vd Hacienda Z Calvaro Z Casper Colman Adieu Z Quick Star Ragazzo Quick Star Hars des Bruyere, Knesselare (BEL) Dirk Slootmaeckers, Westerlo (BEL) Rudi Vereecke, Izenberge (BEL) Herman Beazar, Geraardsbergen (BEL) Gauthier Soete (BEL) Brent Gaublomme (BEL) Thibaut Behaegel (BEL) Arnaud Gaublomme (BEL) € € € € 100,00 75,00 15,00 12,50 Class 12 (CSIU25-A, Competition against the clock, 1.35 m): 12th Quatar B Z 13th Hunter St Anna Z Quidam de Revel Baron Cento Heldenlaan Cruising Skippy II Evarist Maeseele, Haasrode (BEL) Armand Belien, Zolder (BEL) Maxime Tips (BEL) Vicky Van de Poel (BEL) € € 18,75 - Class 14 (CSICh-A, Competition in two phases, 1.20 m): 2nd Cocinelle Z Carthago Z Prince Royal Van Kerckhove, Zele (BEL) Vanina Lombard (BEL) Class 15 (CSIJ-A, Competition in two phases, 1.35 m): 13th Quess Z Quintero Z Carthago Z Van Soest, Laren (NED) Savyana Verstappen (BEL) € - Colman Calvaro Z Balougran Z Quick Star Quick Star Thurin Herman Beazar, Geraardsbergen (BEL) Dirk Slootmaeckers, Westerlo (BEL) J. Camerlynck, Diksmuide (BEL) Arnaud Gaublomme (BEL) Brent Gaublomme (BEL) Emma Gilgemyn (BEL) € € € 50,00 12,50 - Class 20 (CSIU25-A, Competition in two phases, 1.35 m): 11th Quatar B Z Quidam de Revel Cruising Evarist Maeseele, Haasrode (BEL) Maxime Tips (BEL) € 18,75 Class 21 (CSICh-A, Competition with jump-off, 1.25 m): 3rd Cocinelle Z Carthago Z Prince Royal Van Kerckhove, Zele (BEL) Vanina Lombard (BEL) Sunday 4/5 Class 19 (CSIJ-A, Competition in two phases, 1.25 m): 4th Corale van ’t Glemhof 12th Catch Me van 't Glemhof Z 16th Bijou d'Or Z Catch Me JH Z CSIAm-B/CSICh-A/CSIJ-B Moscow region, NEP 'RUS' (Russia) - website and all results: results not available yet CSICh-B Cali (Colombia) - website and all results: results not available yet International results Z-riders week 18 (28thApril - 4thMay 2014) horse birth name sire of dam sire breeder winsum rider CSI5* GCT/CSI2* Madrid (Spain) - website and all results: Sunday 4/5 Class 15 (CSI5*, Competition in two rounds, 1.55 m): 11th Cornado II Cornet Obolensky On most of the names of the horses you can click for more information, like results, pedigree, progeny etc. Do you want to go deeper in the database? Then you have to login with your emailaddress and password. Are you for the first time visiting please click on 'new user', fill in your name and emailadress and you will receive within a few minutes by email your password to be able to enter the database. Visiting and browsing the database is free of charge for one month with no obligation what so ever! When you have not received you password within a few minutes please check your spamfolder. Attention: for members of Studbook Zangersheide the use of Equestrian-database is always free of charge! Please register for a free account by sending an e-mail to [email protected] mentioning your full name and your Zangersheide-membership number. If you have any questions, remarks and/or additions don’t hesitate to ask and please send an email to: [email protected] Acobat I Antonius Schulze-Averdiek, Rosendahl (GER) Christian Ahlmann (GER) € 610,00
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