news MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 毎々格別のお引き立てに預かり厚く御礼申し上げます。 ここに"news MATHEMATICA Extra Edition" をお届けいたします。 (2017 年 2 月 3 日発行) Contents General & Reference Algebra Geometry & Topology Analysis Logic, Foundations & Discrete Mathematics Probability & Statistics Applied Mathematics Computer Science Series List 1 2 4 6 11 12 16 20 21 営 業 の ご 案 内 1.記載の書籍は小社在庫又は近着予定のものでございます。 2.売切れの節は次回入荷次第ご納入申し上げます。 3.番号の次に*印のついておりますものは近着又は近刊予定のものでございます。 尚*印のものは頁数価格等が若干変更になることがございます。 4.原価の改訂及び為替相場の変動により価格が変更になることがございます。 5.本 News は税抜き価格で表示しております(別途消費税を頂戴いたします)。 私費は 10%割引、公費、科研費、個人研究費は各大学のご指定レートにより、 割引してご納入申し上げます。 6.営業時間: 午前 9.30~午後 5.30 7.休日: 土曜、日曜及び祝日 洋 書 輸 入 株式 会社 マテマティカ 〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷 3-4-5 (ハイムお茶の水 3A) URL e-mail TEL (03)3816-3724 FAX (03)3816-3717 [email protected] 取引銀行: みずほ銀行本郷支店 MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 General & Reference 1 Andreescu, T. et al: Pristine Landscapes in Elementary Mathematics. 2016. 280 pp. Hard. (XYZ Press) 2* Caminha Muniz Neto, A.: An Excursion through Elementary Mathematics, Volume I. Real Numbers and Functions. 618 pp. =Problem Books in Mathematics. Hard. (Springer) 3 Droujkova, M. et al: Avoid Hard Work! ... And Other Encouraging Mathematical Problem-Solving Tips for the Young, the Very Young and the Young at Heart. 2016. 96 pp. =Natural Math. Vol. 6. Paper. (Delta Stream Media) 4* Jerison, D. et al (Ed.): Current Developments in Mathematics, 2015. 192 pp. Paper. (International Press) 5 Matei, V. & Reiland, E.: 112 Combinatorial Problems from the AwesomeMath Summer Program. 2016. 196 pp. Hard. (XYZ Press) 6* Pappas, T.: The Mathematics Calendar 2018. 32 pp. Paper. (Wide World Publishing/Tetra) 9780996874571 10,430 9783319538709 10,170 9781945899010 2,610 9781571463319 13,920 9780996874526 10,430 2017 年 4 月出版予定 2017 年 1 月出版予定 2017 年 7 月出版予定 9781884550775 3,290 7* Rashed, R.: Ibn al-Haytham's Geometrical Methods and the Philosophy of Mathematics. A History of Arabic Sciences and Mathematics Volume 5. 352 pp. =Culture & Civilization in the Middle East. Hard. (Routledge) 8 Remmert, V. R. et al (Ed.): Historiography of Mathematics in the 19th and 20th Centuries. 2016. 276 pp. =Trends in the History of Science. Hard. (Birkhauser) 9 Rowe, D. E. & Horng, W.-S. (Ed.): A Delicate Balance. Global Perspectives on Innovation and Tradition in the History of Mathematics. A Festschrift in Honor of Joseph W. Dauben. 2015. 428 pp. =Trends in the History of Science. Paper. (Birkhauser) 10* Son, J. & Watanabe, T. (Ed.): What Matters? Research Trends in International Comparative Studies in Mathematics Education. 448 pp. =Research in Mathematics Education. Hard. (Springer) 2017 年 6 月出版予定 9780415582193 20,710 9783319396477 21,230 9783319365947 17,570 9783319511856 23,120 2017 年 3 月出版予定 -1- MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 11 Strickland, E.: The Ascent of Mary Somerville in 19th Century Society. 2016. 102 pp. =Springer Biographies. Hard. (Springer) 12* Wu, M. et al: Educational Measurement for Applied Researchers. Theory into Practice. 306 pp. Hard. (Springer) 13 秋山 仁 & 酒井 利訓: シュプリンガー数学コンテストから 学ぶ数学発想レクチャーズ. 2016. 338 pp. =数学リーディングス. Vol. 19. Paper. (丸善出版) 14 武田 暁: 脳はいかにして数学を生みだすのか. 2016. 296 pp. Paper. (丸善出版) 9783319491929 2017 年 1 月出版予定 9789811033001 13,010 20,340 9784621065037 2,800 9784621301029 3,200 Algebra 15* 16* 17* Aschenbrenner, M. et al: Asymptotic Differential Algebra and Model Theory of Transseries. 880 pp. =Annals of Mathematics Studies. Vol. 195. Hard. (Princeton UP) Hard. 2017 年 5 月出版予定 9780691175423 20,950 - do Paper. 2017 年 5 月出版予定 9780691175430 9,520 Beliakova, A. et al: Categorification and Higher Representation Theory. 363 pp. =Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 683. Paper. (A.M.S.) 2017 年 3 月出版予定 9781470424602 19,314 9781107129542 15,246 9781107174177 24,565 9781447148289 13,010 9781118390184 10,730 9781447144342 9,290 18 Bellamy, G. et al: Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry. 2016. 356 pp. =Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications. Vol. 64. Hard. (Cambridge UP) 19 Benson, D. J.: Representations of Elementary Abelian p-Groups and Vector Bundles. 2017. 328 pp. =Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics. Vol. 208. Hard. (Cambridge UP) 20 Bosch, S.: Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra. 2013. 504 pp. =Universitext. Paper. (Springer) 21 Cox, D. A.: Primes of the Form x2 + ny2. Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication. 2nd ed. 2013. 356 pp. =Pure & Applied Mathematics. Paper. (Wiley) 22 Deitmar, A.: Automorphic Forms. 2013. 252 pp. =Universitext. Paper. (Springer) -2- MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 23 Dobrev, V. (Ed.): Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics. Varna, Bulgaria, June 2015. 2016. 614 pp. =Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. Vol. 191. Hard. (Springer) 24* Droste, M. et al (Ed.): Groups, Modules, and Model Theory - Surveys and Recent Developments. In Memory of Rudiger Gobel. 456 pp. Hard. (Springer) 9789811026355 2017 年 4 月出版予定 25* 9783319517179 20,340 Fraczek, M. S.: Selberg Zeta Functions and Transfer Operators. An Experimental Approach to Singular Perturbations. 350 pp. =Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 2139. Paper. (Springer) 2017 年 3 月出版予定 26 29,200 9783319512945 12,940 Gorodentsev, A. L.: Algebra I. Textbook for Students of Mathematics. 2016. 564 pp. Hard. (Springer) 9783319452845 10,610 9783319369013 7,390 9781107177895 27,197 27 Grigorieva, E.: Methods of Solving Nonstandard Problems. 2015. 327 pp. Paper. (Birkhauser) 28 Jacobs, B.: Introduction to Coalgebra. Towards Mathematics of States and Observation. 2017. 477 pp. =Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 59. Hard. (Cambridge UP) 29 Jarvis, F.: Algebraic Number Theory. 2014. 292 pp. =Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series. Paper. (Springer) 30 Lakshmibai, V. & Brown, J.: The Grassmannian Variety. Geometric and Representation-Theoretic Aspects. 2015. 172 pp. =Developments in Mathematics. Vol. 42. Paper. (Springer) 31 Roman, S.: An Introduction to the Language of Category Theory. 2017. 169 pp. =Compact Textbooks in Mathematics. Paper. (Birkhauser) 32 Sander, J. et al (Ed.): From Arithmetic to Zeta-Functions. Number Theory in Memory of Wolfgang Schwarz. 2016. 538 pp. Hard. (Springer) 33 Serre, J.-P.: Lectures on N_X(p). 2012. 163 pp. =Research Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 11. Hard. (A K Peters/CRC Press) 9783319075440 6,500 9781493956081 12,940 9783319419169 7,430 9783319282022 20,450 9781466501928 7,130 -3- MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 34 Shimura, G.: Modular Forms. Basics and Beyond. 2012. 175 pp. =Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Hard. (Springer) 35 Shimura, Goro. Collected Papers, Vol. V. 2002 - 2012. 2016. 278 pp. Hard. (Springer) 36* Sills, A. V.: An Invitation to the Rogers-Ramanujan Identities. 400 pp. =Monographs & Research Notes in Mathematics. Hard. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 37 Steinberg, B.: Representation Theory of Finite Monoids. 2016. 317 pp. =Universitext. Paper. (Springer) 38 Steinberg, R.: Lectures on Chevalley Groups. 2016. 160 pp. =University Lecture Series. Vol. 66. Paper. (A.M.S.) 39 Tate, John.: Collected Works of John Tate. Part I (1951-1975). Ed. by Mazur, B. and Serre, J.-P. 2016. 716 pp. =Collected Works. Vol. 24, Part I. Hard. (A.M.S.) 40 Tate, John.: Collected Works of John Tate. Part II (1976-2006). Ed. by Mazur, B. & Serre. J.-P. 2016. 751 pp. =Collected Works. Vol. 24, Part II. Hard. (A.M.S.) 41 Tignol, J.-P. & Wadsworth, A. R.: Value Functions on Simple Algebras, and Associated Graded Rings. 2015. 643 pp. =Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Paper. (Springer) 42* Villarreal, R. H.: Monomial Algebras. 2nd ed. 686 pp. =Monographs & Research Notes in Mathematics. Paper. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 2017 年 12 月出版予定 2017 年 7 月出版予定 9781461421245 20,350 9783319325477 22,310 9781498745253 16,780 9783319439303 11,850 9781470431051 6,141 9780821890929 24,552 9780821890936 26,320 9783319355870 20,340 9781138894181 13,080 Geometry & Topology 43* Andersson, M. et al (Ed.): Analysis Meets Geometry. The Mikael Passare Memorial Volume. 350 pp. =Trends in Mathematics. Hard. (Birkhauser) 44* Beliakova, A. et al: Categorification in Geometry, Topology, and Physics. 268 pp. =Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 684. Paper. (A.M.S.) 2017 年 10 月出版予定 2017 年 3 月出版予定 -4- 9783319524696 9781470428211 22,190 19,314 MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 45 Costenoble, S. R. & Waner, S.: Equivariant Ordinary Homology and Cohomology. 2016. 294 pp. =Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 2178. Paper. (Springer) 46 Fortuna, E. et al: Projective Geometry. Solved Problems and Theory Review. 2016. 266 pp. =UNITEXT. Vol. 104. Paper. (Springer) 47 Goswami, D. & Bhowmick, J.: Quantum Isometry Groups. 2016. 235 pp. =Infosys Science Foundation Series. Hard. (Springer) 48 Gukov, S. et al (Ed.): Physics and Mathematics of Link Homology. 2016. 177 pp. =Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 680. Paper. (A.M.S.) 49 Haesen, S. & Verstraelen, L. (Ed.): Topics in Modern Differential Geometry. 2017. 284 pp. =Atlantis Transactions in Geometry. Vol. 1. Hard. (Atlantis Press) 50* Hang, K. H. & Wang, H.: Solving Problems in Geometry. Insights and Strategies. 350 pp. =Mathematical Olympiad Series. Vol. 10. (World Scientific) 51* - do Paper 2017 年 9 月出版予定 9789814583749 Hestenes, D.: Space-Time Algebra. 2nd ed. 2015. 102 pp. Paper. (Birkhauser) Hard 52 9783319504476 8,360 9783319428239 8,360 9788132236658 17,660 9781470414597 18,950 9789462392397 20,450 2017 年 9 月出版予定 9789814590723 9783319386881 10,090 5,910 12,940 53* Huber, A. et al: Periods and Nori Motives. 368 pp. =Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge. Vol. 65. Hard. (Springer) 54 Hvidsten, M.: Exploring Geometry. 2nd ed. 2017. 537 pp. =Textbooks in Mathematics. Hard. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 55 Ito, N.: Knot Projections. 2016. 200 pp. Hard. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 56 Ivey, T. A. & Landsberg, J. M.: Cartan for Beginners. Differential Geometry via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems. 2nd ed. 2016. 453 pp. =Graduate Studies in Mathematics. Vol. 175. Hard. (A.M.S.) 2017 年 2 月出版予定 9783319509259 9781498760805 9781498736756 9781470409869 -5- 20,340 16,970 10,350 15,616 MATHEMATICA 57 58 Extra Edition 2017.2 Kato, T.: Dynamical Scale Transform in Tropical Geometry. 2017. 257 pp. Hard. (World Scientific) 9789814635363 13,720 9783319387451 22,190 9789811026560 6,190 9781447173151 6,470 9789813146938 17,240 9783319369389 11,090 9781119107668 22,880 9780128043912 17,390 Kielanowski, P. et al (Ed.): Geometric Methods in Physics. XXXIII Workshop, Bialowieza, Poland, June-July 2014. 2015. 326 pp. =Trends in Mathematics. Hard. (Birkhauser) 59 Kobayashi, T. et al: Conformal Symmetry Breaking Operators for Differential Forms on Spheres. 2016. 192 pp. =Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 2170. Paper. (Springer) 60* Komornik, V.: Topology, Calculus and Approximation. 335 pp. =Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series. Paper. (Springer) 61 Mortad, M. H.: Introductory Topology. Exercises and Solutions. 2nd ed. 2017. 356 pp. Hard. (World Scientific) 62 Mukherjee, A.: Differential Topology. 2nd ed. 2015. 349 pp. Paper. (Birkhauser) 63 Petkov, V. M. & Stoyanov, L. N.: Geometry of the Generalized Geodesic Flow and Inverse Spectral Problems. 2nd ed. 2017. 410 pp. Hard. (Wiley) 64* Sahin, B.: Riemannian Submersions, Riemannian Maps in Hermitian Geometry, and Their Applications. 360 pp. Hard. (Academic Press) 2017 年 6 月出版予定 2017 年 2 月出版予定 Analysis 65 Abbott, S.: Understanding Analysis. 2nd ed. 2015. 312 pp. =U.T.M. Paper. (Springer) 66 Ahmad, B. et al: Quantum Calculus. New Concepts, Impulsive IVPs and BVPs, Inequalities. 2016. 276 pp. =Trends in Abstract & Applied Analysis. Vol. 4. Hard. (World Scientific) 67* Akhmet, M. & Kashkynbayev, A.: Bifurcation in Autonomous and Nonautonomous Differential Equations with Discontinuities. 166 pp. =Nonlinear Physical Science. Hard. (Springer) 2017 年 2 月出版予定 -6- 9781493950263 8,320 9789813141520 16,530 9789811031793 14,240 MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 68 Alpay, D. et al: Slice Hyperholomorphic Schur Analysis. 2016. 362 pp. =Operator Theory. Vol. 256. Hard. (Birkhauser) 69 Beneteau, C. et al (Ed.): Recent Progress on Operator Theory and Approximation in Spaces of Analytic Functions. 2016. 217 pp. =Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 679. Paper. (A.M.S.) 70 Brown, R. F.: A Topological Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis. 3rd ed. 2014. 240 pp. Paper. (Birkhauser) 71 Cavalieri, R. & Miles, E.: Riemann Surfaces and Algebraic Curves. A First Course in Hurwitz Theory. 2016. 183 pp. =London Mathematical Society Student Texts. Vol. 87. Hard. (Cambridge UP) 72* Chen, G.-Q. G. & Feldman, M.: The Mathematics of Shock Reflection-Diffraction and von Neumann' Conjectures. 776 pp. =Annals of Mathematics Studies. Vol. 197. (Princeton UP) Hard. 2017 年 6 月出版予定 9780691160542 20,950 - do Paper. 2017 年 6 月出版予定 9780691160559 9,520 Colombo, F. et al: Entire Slice Regular Functions. 2016. 118 pp. =Springer Briefs in Mathematics. Paper. (Springer) 73* 74 9783319425139 19,460 9781470423056 18,950 9783319117935 8,990 9781107149243 20,179 9783319492643 9,290 9783319502236 9,800 9783319323473 17,660 9783319433691 15,920 9781138894464 13,080 75* Constanda, C.: Differential Equations. A Primer for Scientists and Engineers. 303 pp. =Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics & Technology. Hard. (Springer) 76 Dales, H. G. et al: Banach Spaces of Continuous Functions as Dual Spaces. 2016. 277 pp. =CMS Books in Mathematics. Hard. (Springer) 77 Davis, J. H.: Methods of Applied Mathematics with a Software Overview. 2nd ed. 2016. 776 pp. =Applied & Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Hard. (Birkhauser) 78* Duffy, D. G.: Green's Functions with Applications. 2nd ed. 667 pp. =Applied Mathematics. Paper. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 2017 年 3 月出版予定 2017 年 7 月出版予定 -7- MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 79 Duplantier, B. & Rivasseau, V. (Ed.): Henri Poincare, 1912-2012. Poincare Seminar 2012. 2015. 233 pp. =Progress in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 67. Hard. (Birkhauser) 80* Filipuk, G. et al (Ed.): Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations. Bedlewo, Poland, September 2015. 350 pp. =Trends in Mathematics. Hard. (Birkhauser) 81* Fusco, N. & Pratelli, A. (Ed.): Free Discontinuity Problems. 225 pp. =CRM Series. Vol. 19. Paper. (Scuola Normale Superiore) 82 Gauthier, P. M.: Lectures on Several Complex Variables. 2014. 110 pp. Paper. (Birkhauser) 83* Griebel, M. et al (Ed.): Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VIII. 250 pp. =Lecture Notes in Computational Science & Engineering. Vol. 115. Hard. (Springer) 84 Grinberg, R.: The Real Analysis Lifesaver. All the Tools You Need to Understand Proofs. 2017. 193 pp. Hard. (Princeton UP) 85 Hytonen, T. et al: Analysis in Banach Spaces, Vol. I. Martingales and Littlewood-Paley Theory. 2016. 614 pp. =Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge. Vol. 63. Hard. (Springer) 86* Isakov, V.: Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations. 3rd ed. 414 pp. =Applied Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 127. Hard. (Springer) 87* Isett, P.: Holder Continuous Euler Flows in Three Dimensions with Compact Support in Time. 216 pp. =Annals of Mathematics Studies. Vol. 196. (Princeton UP) Hard. 2017 年 3 月出版予定 9780691174822 20,950 - do Paper. 2017 年 3 月出版予定 9780691174839 9,520 Jevtic, J. et al: Taylor Coefficients and Coefficent Multipliers of Hardy and Bergman-Type Spaces. 2016. 323 pp. =RSME Springer Series. Vol. 2. Hard. (Springer) 9783034808330 2017 年 6 月出版予定 2017 年 3 月出版予定 2017 年 5 月出版予定 9783319528410 15,290 22,190 9788876425929 5,180 9783319115108 12,940 9783319519531 22,190 9780691173870 9783319485195 2017 年 3 月出版予定 88* 89 9783319516578 9783319456430 -8- 9,680 24,170 20,340 17,660 MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 90 Krantz, S. G.: Foundations of Analysis. 2015. 301 pp. Hard. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 91 Krantz, S. G.: Real Analysis and Foundations. 4th ed. 2017. 408 pp. =Textbooks in Mathematics. Hard. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 92 Lanford, O. E. & Yampolsky, M.: Fixed Point of the Parabolic Renormalization Operator. 2014. 111 pp. =Springer Briefs in Mathematics. Paper. (Springer) 93 Liu, F.-C.: Real Analysis. 2016. 310 pp. =Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Vol. 26. Hard. (Oxford UP) 94* Lopez, S. C. & Muntaner-Batle, F. A.: Graceful, Harmonious and Magic Type Labelings. Relations and Techniques. 136 pp. =Springer Briefs in Mathematics. Paper. (Springer) 95 Lorenzo, C. F. & Hartley, T. T.: The Fractional Trigonometry. With Applications to Fractional Differential Equations and Science. 2017. 431 pp. Hard. (Wiley) 96* Madureira, A. L.: Numerical Methods and Analysis of Multiscale Problems. 116 pp. =Springer Briefs in Mathematics. Paper. (Springer) 97 Mariconda, C. & Tonolo, A.: Discrete Calculus. Methods for Counting. 2016. 659 pp. =UNITEXT. Vol. 103. Paper. (Springer) 98* Mickens, R. E.: Difference Equations. Theory, Applications and Advanced Topics. 533 pp. =Monographs & Research Notes in Mathematics. Paper. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 99* Mikusinski, P. & Mikusinski, J.: An Introduction to Analysis. 320 pp. Hard. (World Scientific) 100 Montesinos, V. et al: An Introduction to Modern Analysis. 2015. 863 pp. Paper. (Springer) 101 Naruse, H. et al: Schubert Calculus - Osaka 2012. 2016. 518 pp. =Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. Vol. 71. Hard. (M.S.J.) 9781482220742 9,800 9781498777681 17,170 9783319117065 9,240 9780198790426 12,700 9783319526560 9,240 9781119139409 23,760 9783319508641 7,390 9783319030371 14,150 2017 年 7 月出版予定 9781138894235 10,900 2017 年 4 月出版予定 9789813202610 14,790 9783319355498 14,790 9784864970389 15,371 2017 年 3 月出版予定 2017 年 3 月出版予定 -9- MATHEMATICA 102* Extra Edition 2017.2 Oberguggenberger, M. et al (Ed.): Generalized Functions and Fourier Analysis. 350 pp. =Operator Theory. Vol. 260. Hard. (Birkhauser) 2017 年 7 月出版予定 9783319519104 20,340 103* O'Reilly, O. M.: Modeling Nonlinear Problems in the Mechanics of Strings and Rods. The Role of the Balance Laws. 417 pp. =Interaction of Mechanics & Mathematics. Hard. (Springer) 104 Penot, J.-P.: Analysis. From Concepts to Applications. 2016. 669 pp. =Universitext. Paper. (Springer) 105* Poincare, H.: The Three-Body Problem and the Equations of Dynamics. A Translation of Poincare's Foundational Work on Dynamical Systems Theory. 269 pp. =Astrophysics & Space Science Library. Vol. 443. Hard. (Springer) 106 Prestini, E.: The Evolution of Applied Harmonic Analysis. Models of the Real World. 2nd ed. 2016. 356 pp. =Applied & Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Hard. (Birkhauser) 107* Ray, S. S. & Gupta, A. K.: Wavelet Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations and Fractional Differential Equations. Patterns in Nonlinear Dynamics and Applications. 300 pp. Hard. (CRC Press) 108 Sauloy, J.: Differential Galois Theory through Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence. An Elementary Introduction. 2016. 275 pp. =Graduate Studies in Mathematics. Vol. 177. Hard. (A.M.S.) 109 Shurman, J.: Calculus and Analysis in Euclidean Space. 2016. 507 pp. =U.T.M. Hard. (Springer) 110* Siddiqi, A. H.: Functional Analysis and Applications. 520 pp. =Industrial & Applied Mathematics. Hard. (Springer) 111 Simmons, G. F.: Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes. 3rd ed. 2017. 740 pp. =Textbooks in Mathematics. Hard. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 2017 年 3 月出版予定 2017 年 4 月出版予定 2017 年 8 月出版予定 9783319505961 9783319324098 14,870 9783319528984 20,340 9781489979872 19,460 9781138053816 20,710 9781470430955 14,567 9783319493121 2017 年 7 月出版予定 - 10 - 12,390 11,150 9789811037245 14,790 9781498702591 14,270 MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 112 Speck, J.: Shock Formation in Small-Data Solutions to 3D Quasilinear Wave Equations. 2016. 515 pp. =Mathematical Surveys & Monographs. Vol. 214. Hard. (A.M.S.) 113 Stein, E. M. & Shakarchi, R.: Functional Analysis. Introduction to Further Topics in Analysis. 2011. 423 pp. =Princeton Lectures in Analysis. Vol. 4. Hard. (Princeton UP) 114 Steuding, J. (Ed.): Diophantine Analysis. Course Notes from a Summer School. 2016. 232 pp. =Trends in Mathematics. Hard. (Birkhauser) 115* Wirkus, S. A. et al: A Course in Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems. 2nd ed. 768 pp. =Textbooks in Mathematics. Hard. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 116 Zhou, Y. et al: Basic Theory of Fractional Differential Equations. 2nd ed. 2017. 367 pp. Hard. (World Scientific) 117 Zuniga-Galindo, W. A.: Pseudodifferential Equations Over Non-Archimedean Spaces. 2016. 175 pp. =Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 2174. Paper. (Springer) 118 大岩 顕 et al: 基礎系 数学 ベクトル解析. 2016. 172 pp. =東京大学工学教程. Paper. (丸善出版) 2017 年 1 月出版予定 9781470428570 18,004 9780691113876 15,930 9783319488165 13,010 9781498736053 16,780 9789813148161 22,000 9783319467375 6,500 9784621301012 2,500 Logic, Foundations & Discrete Mathematics 119* Barvinok, A.: Combinatorics and Complexity of Partition Functions. 290 pp. =Algorithms & Combinatorics. Vol. 30. Hard. (Springer) 120 Beeler, R. A.: How to Count. An Introduction to Combinatorics and Its Applications. 2015. 361 pp. Paper. (Springer) 2017 年 3 月出版予定 121* 9783319518282 17,570 9783319355085 8,320 Bigatti, A. et al (Ed.): Computations and Combinatorics in Commutative Algebra. EACA School, Valladolid 2013. 432 pp. =Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 2176. Paper. (Springer) 2017 年 2 月出版予定 9783319513188 - 11 - 12,940 MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 122 Casari, E.: Bolzano's Logical Systems. 2016. 352 pp. =Oxford Logic Guides. Vol. 54. Hard. (Oxford UP) 123 Davis, E. & Davis, P. J. (Ed.): Mathematics, Substance and Surmise. Views on the Meaning and Ontology of Mathematics. 2015. 379 pp. Paper. (Springer) 124* Montagnini, L.: Harmonies of Disorder. Norbert Wiener: A Mathematician-Philosopher of Our Time. 300 pp. =Springer Biographies. Hard. (Springer) 125 Rigo, M.: Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorics. 2016. 268 pp. Hard. (Wiley) 126 Wallis, W. D. & George, J. C.: Introduction to Combinatorics. 2nd ed. 2017. 423 pp. =Discrete Mathematics & Its Applications. Hard. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 2017 年 8 月出版予定 9780198788294 12,670 9783319365305 17,570 9783319506562 12,940 9781848216167 25,520 9781498777605 18,290 Probability & Statistics 127* Antoch, J. et al (Ed.): Analytical Methods in Statistics. AMISTAT, Prague, November 2015. 207 pp. =Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. Vol. 193. Hard. (Springer) 128* Argiento, R. et al (Ed.): Bayesian Statistics in Action. BAYSM 2016, Florence, Italy, June 19-21. 350 pp. =Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. Vol. 194. Hard. (Springer) 129 Bishop, C. J. & Peres, Y.: Fractals in Probability and Analysis. 2017. 402 pp. =Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Vol. 162. Hard. (Cambridge UP) 130* Boucherie, R. & van Dijk, N. M. (Ed.): Markov Decision Processes in Practice. 565 pp. =International Series in Operations Research & Management Science. Vol. 248. Hard. (Springer) 131* Brezin, E. & Hikami, S.: Random Matrix Theory with an External Source. 120 pp. =Springer Briefs in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 19. Paper. (Springer) 2017 年 2 月出版予定 2017 年 5 月出版予定 2017 年 2 月出版予定 2017 年 2 月出版予定 - 12 - 9783319513126 9783319540832 20,340 20,340 9781107134119 14,035 9783319477640 36,990 9789811033155 9,240 MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 132* Burdick, R. K. et al: Statistical Applications for Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) in the Pharmaceutical Industry. 379 pp. =Statistics for Biology & Health. Hard. (Springer) 133* Carlton, M. A. & Devore, J. L.: Probability with Applications in Engineering, Science, and Technology. Revised and Updated. 2nd ed. 746 pp. =Springer Texts in Statistics. Hard. (Springer) 134 Carmona, R.: Lectures on BSDEs, Stochastic Control, and Stochastic Differential Games with Financial Applications. 2016. 265 pp. =Financial Mathematics. Vol. 1. Paper. (S.I.A.M.) 135* Chen, D.-G. & Dhen, J. D. (Ed.): Monte-Carlo Simulation-Based Statistical Modeling. 473 pp. =ICSA Book Series in Statistics. Hard. (Springer) 2017 年 1 月出版予定 2017 年 3 月出版予定 2017 年 2 月出版予定 9783319501840 16,640 9783319524009 12,940 9781611974232 13,749 9789811033063 20,340 136 Cherubini, U. et al: Convolution Copula Econometrics. 2016. 90 pp. =Springer Briefs in Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 137* Corazza, M. et al (Ed.): Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance. MAF 2016. 195 pp. Hard. (Springer) 138 Datta, S. & Mertens, B. J. A. (Ed.): Statistical Analysis of Proteomics, Metabolomics, and Lipidomics Data Using Mass Spectrometry. 2017. 295 pp. =Frontiers in Probability & the Statistical Sciences. Hard. (Springer) 139* Dean, A. et al: Design and Analysis of Experiments. 890 pp. =Springer Texts in Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 140 Del Moral, P. & Penev, S.: Stochastic Processes: From Applications to Theory. 2014. 866 pp. =Texts in Statistical Science. Book + eBook. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 141* Fabbri, G. et al: Stochastic Optimal Control in Infinite Dimensions. Dynamic Programming and HJB Equations. 650 pp. =Stochastic Modelling & Applied Probability. Vol. 82. Hard. (Springer) 2017 年 7 月出版予定 2017 年 3 月出版予定 9783319480145 8,840 9783319502335 14,240 9783319458076 20,450 9783319522487 9781498701839 2017 年 8 月出版予定 9783319530666 - 13 - 16,640 17,870 17,570 MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 142 Feller, William. Selected Papers I. Ed. by Shilling, R. L. et al 2015. 820 pp. Paper. (Springer) 143 Feller, William. Selected Papers II. Ed. by Shilling, R. L. et al 2015. 785 pp. Paper. (Springer) 144 Feray, V. et al: Mod-φ Convergence. Normality Zones and Precise Deviations. 2016. 152 pp. =Springer Briefs in Probability & Mathematical Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 145 Funaki, T.: Lectures on Random Interfaces. 2016. 138 pp. =Springer Briefs in Probability & Mathematical Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 146* Glaz, J. & Koutras, M. V. (Ed.): Handbook of Scan Statistics. 2 vols. 1400 pp. Hard. (Springer) 147 Grover, J.: The Manual of Strategic Economic Decision Making. Using Bayesian Belief Networks to Solve Complex Problems. 2016. 260 pp. Hard. (Springer) 148* Hida, T. & Si Si: White Noise. Functionals of Gaussian and Other Noises. 300 pp. Hard. (World Scientific) 2018 年 8 月出版予定 2017 年 7 月出版予定 9783319389547 25,890 9783319348124 25,890 9783319468211 8,840 9789811008481 9,290 9781461480327 92,310 9783319484136 14,870 9789814713580 19,830 149 Iksanov, A.: Renewal Theory for Perturbed Random Walks and Similar Processes. 2016. 250 pp. =Probability & Its Applications. Hard. (Birkhauser) 150* Kedem, B. et al: Statistical Data Fusion. 200 pp. Hard. (World Scientific) 9783319491110 2017 年 4 月出版予定 9789813200180 17,660 17,050 151* Kottemann, J. E.: Illuminating Statistical Analysis Using Scenarios and Simulations. 312 pp. Hard. (Wiley) 152 Li, W. K. et al (Ed.): Advances in Time Series Methods and Applications. The A. Ian McLeod Festschrift. 2016. 293 pp. =Fields Institute Communications. Vol. 78. Hard. (Springer) 153 Lindquist, A. & Picci, G.: Linear Stochastic Systems. A Geometric Approach to Modeling, Estimation and Identification. 2015. 781 pp. =Series in Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 1. Paper. (Springer) 154* Mingo, J. A. & Speicher, R.: Free Probability and Random Matrices. 352 pp. =Fields Institute Monographs. Vol. 35. Hard. (Springer) 2017 年 2 月出版予定 2017 年 4 月出版予定 - 14 - 9781119296331 20,010 9781493965670 16,810 9783662526187 25,890 9781493969418 20,340 MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 155 Mishura, Y. & Ragulina, O.: Ruin Probabilities. Smoothness, Bounds, Supermartingale Approach. 2016. 276 pp. Hard. (Elsevier) 156* Mitzenmacher, M. & Upfal, E.: Probability and Computing. Randomization and Probabilistic Techniques in Algorithms and Data Analysis. 2nd ed. 488 pp. Hard. (Cambridge UP) 157 Mori, Y. et al: Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis and Its Applications. 2016. 80 pp. =Springer Briefs in Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 158 Mytnik, L. & Wachtel, V.: Regularity and Irregularity of Superprocesses with (1 + β)-stable Branching Mechanism. 2016. 77 pp. =Springer Briefs in Probability & Mathematical Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 159* Obata, N.: Spectral Analysis of Growing Graphs. A Quantum Probability Point of View. 138 pp. =Springer Briefs in Mathematical Physics. Vol. 20. Paper. (Springer) 160 Pantsulaia, G.: Applications of Measure Theory to Statistics. 2016. 134 pp. Hard. (Springer) 161 Pereira, B. d. B. & Pereira, C. A. d. B.: Model Choice in Nonnested Families. 2016. 96 pp. =Springer Briefs in Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 162* Rio, E.: Asymptotic Theory of Weakly Dependent Random Processes. 200 pp. =Probability Theory & Stochastic Modelling. Vol. 80. Hard. (Springer) 163 Rubinstein, R. Y. & Kroese, D. P.: Simulation and the Monte Carlo Method. 3rd ed. 2017. 414 pp. =Wiley Series in Probability & Statistics. Hard. (Wiley) 164 Shinmura, S.: New Theory of Discriminant Analysis After R. Fisher. Advanced Research by the Feature Selection Method for Microarray. 2016. 208 pp. Hard. (Springer) 165* Shorack, G.: Probability for Statisticians. 528 pp. =Springer Texts in Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 9781785482182 2017 年 3 月出版予定 2017 年 2 月出版予定 2017 年 6 月出版予定 2017 年 5 月出版予定 9781107154889 30,450 12,178 9789811001574 8,840 9783319500843 9,290 9789811035050 9,240 9783319455778 14,320 9783662537350 9,290 9783662543221 10,540 9781118632161 22,880 9789811021633 14,320 9783319522067 14,790 - 15 - MATHEMATICA Extra Edition 2017.2 166* Shumway, R. H. & Stoffer, D.: Time Series Analysis and Its Applications. With R Examples. 550 pp. =Springer Texts in Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 167 Sowey, E. & Petocz, P.: A Panorama of Statistics. Perspectives, Puzzles and Paradoxes in Statistics. 2017. 313 pp. Paper. (Wiley) 168* Suarez, E. et al: Applications of Regression Models in Epidemiology. 272 pp. Hard. (Wiley) 169* Tanaka, K.: Time Series Analysis. Nonstationary and Noninvertible Distribution Theory. 2nd ed. 960 pp. =Wiley Series in Probability & Statistics. Hard. (Wiley) 170* Templ, M.: Statistical Disclosure Control for Microdata. Methods and Applications in R. 300 pp. Hard. (Springer) 171* Thomopoulos, N. T.: Probability Distributions. Truncated, Log and Bivariate Extensions. 100 pp. =Springer Briefs in Statistics. Paper. (Springer) 172 Upton, G. J. G.: Categorical Data Analysis by Example. 2017. 198 pp. Hard. (Wiley) 173 Varadhan, S. R. S.: Large Deviations. 2016. 104 pp. =Courant Lecture Notes. Vol. 27. Paper. (A.M.S.) 174 Zhang, Z.: Statistical Implications of Turing's Formula. 2017. 282 pp. Hard. 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Vol. 66. Hard. (Springer) 179 Borot, G. et al: Asymptotic Expansion of a Partition Function Related to the Sinh-model. 2016. 222 pp. =Mathematical Physics Studies. Hard. (Springer) 180* Botelho, L. C. L.: Lecture Notes in Topics in Path Integrals and String Representations. 250 pp. Hard. (World Scientific) 2017 年 3 月出版予定 2017 年 7 月出版予定 9783319511702 11,090 9783319333786 13,620 9789813143463 17,050 181 Calcagni, G.: Classical and Quantum Cosmology. 2017. 843 pp. =Graduate Texts in Physics. Hard. (Springer) 182 Daras, N. J. & Rassias, M. T. (Ed.): Computation, Cryptography, and Network Security. 2015. 756 pp. Paper. (Springer) 183* Daras, N. J. & Rassias, T. M. (Ed.): Operations Research, Engineering, and Cyber Security. Trends in Applied Mathematics and Technology. 418 pp. =Springer Optimization & Its Applications. Vol. 113. Hard. (Springer) 184 DeVos, M. & Kent, D. A.: Game Theory. 2016. 343 pp. =Student Mathematical Library. Vol. 80. Paper. (A.M.S.) 185 Fasano, G. & Pinter, J. D. 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(Chapman & Hall/CRC) 194 Jeschke, S. et al (Ed.): Automation, Communication and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering 2015/2016. 2016. 999 pp. Hard. (Springer) 195* Kar, S.: Non-Commutative Geometry. A Perspecive on String and Field Theories. 250 pp. Hard. (World Scientific) 196* Kiss, I. Z. et al: Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks. From Exact to Approximate Models. 402 pp. =Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics. Vol. 46. Hard. (Springer) 197 Kita, T.: Statistical Mechanics of Superconductivity. 2015. 289 pp. =Graduate Texts in Physics. Hard. (Springer) 198 Kusuoka, S. & Maruyama, T. (Ed.): Advances in Mathematical Economics, Vol. 19. 2015. 138 pp. Paper. (Springer) 199* Kutz, J. N. et al: Dynamic Mode Decomposition. Data-Driven Modeling of Complex Systems. 250 pp. Paper. (S.I.A.M.) 2017 年 3 月出版予定 9781611974492 価格未定 Lasaulce, S. et al (Ed.): Network Games, Control, and Optimization. Proceedings of NETGCOOP 2016, Avignon, France. 233 pp. =Static & Dynamic Game Theory. 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J.: Response of Complex Dynamical Systems to Complex Mechnanical Energy Sources. 90 pp. =Springer Briefs in Physics. Paper. (Springer) 205* Meyer, K. & Offin, D.: Introduction to Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and the N-Body Problem. 3rd ed. 386 pp. =Applied Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 90. Hard. (Springer) 206* Morris, J. R. & Daley, J. P.: Introduction to Financial Models for Management and Planning. 2nd ed. 648 pp. Hard. (Chapman & Hall/CRC) 207 Nath, P.: Supersymmetry, Supergravity, and Unification. 2017. 520 pp. =Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics. Hard. (Cambridge UP) 208* Quarteroni, A. et al: Calcolo Scientifico. Exercize problemi risolti con MATLAB e Octave. 6th ed. 480 pp. =UNITEXT. Paper. 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