For people who want to know more! THE INFORMATION PACKAGES OF THE IMMOBILIEN ZEITUNG. Our business areas IMMOBILIEN ZEITUNG is one of the leading journals for the real estate industry in Germany. We cover developments on the real estate market on a weekly basis, providing background information, market data, people news and company news. An experienced team of editors based in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart and Wiesbaden guarantees quality and exclusiveness. Our publication is complemented by a continuously updated news portal IZ.DE, our daily newsletter IZ AKTUELL, available exclusively to our subscribers, and a weekly newsletter. Immobilien Zeitung hosts IZ-JOBS.DE, a job portal for experts and executives in the property sector. For companies and jobseekers alike, is the competent partner for jobs, recruitment and career planning. At Immobilien Zeitung’s initiative, a Council of Real Estate Experts sprang into life in 2002. Since 2003, the company has been a contact partner for the MIPIM AWARDS, the most prestigious international prizes in the real estate sector. Immobilien Zeitung also sponsors the award presented by the German project managers’ association DVP. Through its share in HEUER DIALOG, Immobilien Zeitung is also involved in the events industry. With around 50 events every year, Heuer Dialog is one of the leading service providers of meetings, seminars and congresses in the real estate industry. The IZ is part of the Frankfurt-based DFV MEDIA GROUP. With over 100 specialist journals and magazines, over 100 digital publications and around 500 reference books, dfv is one of the largest specialist publishing companies in Europe. Premium Package Basic Package € 306 From / year (€ 409 abroad) 50 editions per year, incl. daily newsletter “IZ aktuell” and the IZ app, limited usage of the databases, the news portal and the “IZ Profile” research tool. Research Package € 299 € 750 From / month (€ 317 abroad) 2 x 50 editions per year, incl. daily newsletter “IZ aktuell” and the IZ app, unlimited usage of all databases including the IZ TRANSACTION DATABASE, the news portal, the “IZ Profile” research tool and 10 housing market analyses per month. From / year (€ 853 abroad) 50 editions per year, incl. daily newsletter “IZ aktuell” and the IZ app, unlimited usage of the DATABASES (excluding transaction data), the news portal, the “IZ Profile” research tool and 3 housing market analyses per month. IZ PROFILE IZ TRANSAKTIONSDATENBANK Mensch Maschine Mensch Maschine IZ-Wohnmarktanalyse: Vergleichsobjekte haus-Wiederverkauf Baujahr 1900 (Baujahresklasse < 1919) Luisenstraße 24 65185 Wiesbaden-Mitte erstellt für: Privat Muster-Nachname Musterstraße 1 Musterstadt .PDF Ausgewählte Objekte Die folgende Darstellung enthält Vergleichsobjekte zu Ihrem Objekt. Verglichen werden die Objektmerkmale wie Baujahr, Wohnlage, Aktualität des Angebots (linke Spalte) sowie die Entfernung zum Objekt (rechte Spalte). Der Grad der Übereinstimmung zeigt sich über die Anzahl der Sterne – je mehr Sterne, desto größer die Übereinstimmung. Vergleichsobjekte nach Objektmerkmalen Treffer Wohnfläche 1* 307 m2 2 Vergleichsobjekte nach Objektnähe Angebotspreis /m2 949.000 € 1 2 754 m2 1.950.000 € 3 500 m2 1.150.000 € 3 4* 118 m2 295.000 € 4 Treffer Wohnfläche Angebotspreis /m2 108 m2 397.000 € 446.000 € 175 m2 135 m2 495.000 € 300 m2 749.000 € 798.000 € 5 6* 280 m2 900.000 € 6 340 m2 799.000 € 7 500 m2 1.290.000 € 7 340 m2 899.000 € 8 175 m2 399.000 € 8 170 m2 519.000 € 5* 300 m2 134 m2 449.000 € Die zu berücksichtigenden Objektmerkmale kommen aus der iib-Datenbank und den Eingaben des Auftraggebers. * © 2016 by © OpenStreetMap contributors / Lizenz: ODbL In Zusammenarbeit mit Flowfact und iib KNOWLEDGE FOR DECISION-MAKERS. IMMOBILIEN ZEITUNG. 01.06.16 | seite 4 Top points print and online 1 PRINT CIRCULATION IVW* 4/2016. ONLINE PERFORMANCE IVW 2016 average per month. Department heads Holders of power of attorney 1,456,809 11,840 23 % 607,885 page impressions copies 4 POSITION INSIDE COMPANIES. Half of Immobilien Zeitung’s readers are top decision-makers within their companies.** Project managers Heads of division White-collar, other 50 % visits 27 % 2 The following LONG-TERM COMPARISON among subscribers‘ bases shows the demand for individual titles by our readers (IVW* 04/06–04/16). 5 Owners Partners Board members MDs Branch office heads READERSHIP STRUCTURE**. 25 % of readers work in a company whose core business involves providing services for the real estate sector. Immobilien Zeitung subscribers 6 % Investment Immobilienwirtschaft 25 % 4 % Finance Services for the real estate sector 17 % Der Facility Manager Immobilien Manager Project developers Planners Construction firms Facility Management 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 201 1 201 2 2013 2014 10 % 2015 n/a 2016 25 % 13 % Agency business Property management 3 LOYALTY TO THE MEDIUM in the real estate press**. “How much would you miss this particular magazine if you no longer received it?“ RESULT: 86 % of the readers would miss or strongly miss reading the Immobilien Zeitung. 6 Approximately 50 EVENTS per year in Germany. Top events: QUO VADIS, Jahreskongress Immobilien-Frauen and others. 100 % 86 % 75 % IMMOBILIEN ZEITUNG Die Wohnungswirtschaft Immobilien Manager 50 % Immobilienwirtschaft AIZ 24 % 21 % 201 1 201 1 46 % * IVW = Informationsgemeinschaft zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern. The IVW records the distribution of advertising and provides reliable data for the media sector. ** According to the Subscribers Structure Analysis by Czaia Marktforschung GmbH, as per June 2011 32 % 25 % 201 1 201 1 201 1 An associate of CONTACTS HEUER DIALOG: CONTACTS IMMOBILIEN ZEITUNG: AD SALES DEPARTMENT SUBSCRIBER‘S SERVICE ADDRESS EVENTS Markus Schmidtke Tel. +49 61 1 973 26 – 24 [email protected] Stefanie Hammer Tel. +49 61 1 973 26 – 12 [email protected] Gitta Rometsch Tel. +49 61 1 973 26 – 80 [email protected] Thomas Buhlmann Tel. +49 61 1 973 26 – 26 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] IZ Immobilien Zeitung Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Postfach 3420, 65024 Wiesbaden, Germany Luisenstraße 24, 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany Tel. +49 61 1 973 26 – 0 Fax: +49 61 1 973 26 – 32 Karsten Franke Tel. +49 61 1 973 26 – 21 [email protected] Angela Rüter Tel. +49 21 1 46 905 – 18 [email protected]
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