The 7 names of the Ruach, The Fruits and The Gifts Teaching Notes by Stephen Pidgeon U na’tsah Aylev Ruach Yahuah, Ruach Chokmah u biynah, Ruach etsah, u gibburah, Ruach da’ath u yir’ah Yahuah ונחה עליו רוח יהוה רוח חכמה ובינה רוח עצה וגבורה רוח דעת ויראת יהוה׃ Yesha`yahu (Isaiah) 11:2 And the RUACH ַ חּורYAHUAH הָ יֹ הְיshall rest ַ חּורupon him, the spirit ַ חּורof wisdom חְ מָ כְ יand understanding הָ הְַי, the spirit ַ חּורof counsel הָצְ יand might הָ ר ְַי, the spirit ַ חּורof knowledge תּו הּודand of the fear הָ ַָרְ יof YAHUAH ;הָ יֹ הְי 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RUACH YAHUAH ַ חּור הָ יֹ הְי RUACH CHOKMAH ( ַ חּור יחְ מָ כְרwisdom) RUACH BIYNAH ( ַ חּור ָההְַיunderstanding) RUACH ETSAH ( ַ חּור הָצְ יcounsel) RUACH GIBBURAH ( ַ חּור הָ ר ְַיmight) RUACH DA’ATH ( ַ חּור תּו הּודknowledge) RUACH YIR’AH ( ַ חּור הָ ַָרְ יreverence) Galatiym (Galatians) 5:22 But the fruit ( יָ ַָהpuree) of the RUACH is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. love ( רְ יּו רahav), joy ( ָה ָכחְ יsimchah), peace ( םְ והֹ שshalom), longsuffering ( רּו א רְ ַָאaph arake), gentleness ( ָה ְַהְיanavah), goodness ( בֹורtov), faith ( ָרכ ְַיemunah) The Gifts ( הָ נַ תַמmattanah) of the Ruach 1 Qorintiym (Corinthians) 12:7-11 But the manifestation of the RUACH is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the RUACH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the word of wisdom (chokmah); to another the word of knowledge (da’ath) by the same RUACH; To another faith (emunah) by the same RUACH; to another the gifts of healing ( כּו ַָיָרmarpe') by the same RUACH; To another the working of miracles ( כֹופָדmowpheth); 6. to another prophecy ( ַָ ר רְ יnevu'ah); to another discerning of spirits; 7. to another divers kinds of tongues ( וְםֹולlashon); to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these works that one and the selfsame RUACH, dividing to every man severally as he will.
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