Document and entity information Mar 2017 Dec 2016 Company information Company information FASF member mark true Document name 第3四半期決算短信 〔日本基準〕(連 結) Filing date 2017-02-03 Company name ICHINEN HOLDINGS CO.,LTD. Securities code 96190 URL Representative Title Name 代表取締役社長 黒田 雅史 Inquiries Title Name Tel 執行役員 総合企画部 長 井本 久子 06-6309-7890 Other Quarterly statement filing date (as planned) 2017-02-14 Supplemental material of quarterly results - Way of getting - Convening briefing of quarterly results - Target for briefing of quarterly results Note to fraction processing method (百万円未満切捨 て) Stock exchange listings Tokyo Tokyo 1st section true true Tokyo 2nd section - Tokyo Mothers - Tokyo JASDAQ - Tokyo PRO Market - Tokyo Others - Nagoya - Nagoya 1st section - Nagoya 2nd section - Nagoya Centrex - Nagoya Others - Sapporo - Sapporo - Sapporo Ambitious - Sapporo Others - Fukuoka - Fukuoka - Fukuoka Q-Board - Fukuoka Others - Green Sheet Japan Securities Dealers Association Business category[2017/02/03 9:19:53] - General Business true Specific Business - Fiscal Year End 2017-03-31 Quarterly period 3 Business Results-Quarterly operating results (in millions of yens) Dec 2016 Dec 2015 Quarterly operating results Quarterly operating results Consolidated operating results Consolidated income statements information Net sales Net sales 59,143 54,221 % change 9.1 2.5 4,086 3,852 6.1 -1.6 3,969 3,915 1.4 2.3 2,779 2,416 15.0 2.1 2,597 2,694 -3.6 1.8 Operating income Operating income % change Ordinary income Ordinary income % change Profit attributable to owners of parent Profit attributable to owners of parent % change Note to consolidated income statements information Comprehensive income Comprehensive income Change in comprehensive income Other consolidated operating results Basic earnings per share (Yen) 112.61 Diluted earnings per share (Yen) - 96.07 - Note to consolidated operating results Note to operating results - Business Results-Quarterly financial positions (in millions of yens) Dec 2016 Mar 2016 Quarterly financial positions Quarterly financial positions Consolidated financial positions Total assets Net assets 113,471 110,482 25,740 24,214 Capital adequacy ratio (%) 22.7 21.9 Net assets per share (Yen) 1,043.66 972.94 25,740 24,214 Note to consolidated financial positions Owner's equity Note to financial positions - Business Results-Note to quarterly business results Dec 2016 Quarterly note to business results Quarterly note to business results[2017/02/03 9:19:53] Note to consolidated financial results Note to consolidated financial results - Quarterly Dividends (in millions of yens) Mar 2017 Dec 2016 Mar 2016 Quarterly dividends Quarterly dividends Dividends Dividend per share (Yen) Dividend per share (Yen) First quarter Result - - Second quarter Result 17.00 17.00 Third quarter Result - - Year end Result 17.00 Forecast 19.00 Upper - Lower - Annual Result 34.00 Forecast 36.00 Upper - Lower - Correction of dividend forecast from the most recent dividend forecast Correction of dividend forecast from the most recent dividend forecast Annual true Note to dividends Note to dividends 配当予想の修正につ いては、本日(平 成29年2月3日)公 表いたしました「配 当予想の修正、株主 優待制度の変更並び に自己株式の消却に 関するお知らせ」を ご覧ください。 Annual Quarterly Forecasts (in millions of yens) Mar 2017 Quarterly forecasts Quarterly forecasts Title for forecasts 3.平成29年3月期 の連結業績予想(平 成28年4月1日~平 成29年3月31日) Preamble to consolidated forecasts Preamble to forecasts Main table of consolidated forecasts Net sales[2017/02/03 9:19:53] - Net sales Forecast 83,000 Upper - Lower - % change Forecast 10.9 Upper - Lower - Operating income Operating income Forecast 6,000 Upper - Lower - % change Forecast 8.8 Upper - Lower - Ordinary income Ordinary income Forecast 5,700 Upper - Lower - % change Forecast 3.1 Upper - Lower - Profit attributable to owners of parent Profit attributable to owners of parent Forecast 3,700 Upper - Lower - % change Forecast 0.5 Upper - Lower - Basic earnings per share (Yen) Basic earnings per share (Yen) Forecast 149.94 Upper - Lower - Note to consolidated forecasts Note to forecasts - Correction of financial forecast from the most recent financial forecast Correction of financial forecast from the most recent financial forecast Forecast - Notes, Quarterly-Material changes in subsidiaries during this period changes in scope of consolidations resulting from change in subsidiaries Dec 2016 Material changes in subsidiaries during this period (Changes in scope of consolidations resulting from change is subsidiaries) Material changes in subsidiaries during this period (Changes in scope of consolidations resulting from change is subsidiaries) Others Material changes in subsidiaries during this period (Changes in scope[2017/02/03 9:19:53] of consolidations resulting from change is subsidiaries) Material changes in subsidiaries during this period (Changes in scope of consolidations resulting from change is subsidiaries) - Note to material changes in subsidiaries during this period Note to material changes in subsidiaries during this period - Notes, Quarterly-Applying of specific accounting of the consolidated quarterly financial statements Dec 2016 Applying of specific accounting of the consolidated quarterly financial statements Applying of specific accounting of the consolidated quarterly financial statements Others Applying of specific accounting of the consolidated quarterly financial statements Applying of specific accounting of the consolidated quarterly financial statements - Note to applying of specific accounting of the consolidated quarterly financial statements Note to applying of specific accounting of the consolidated quarterly financial statements - Notes, Quarterly-Changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates retrospective restatement Dec 2016 Changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and retrospective restatement Changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and retrospective restatement Others Changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and retrospective restatement Changes in accounting policies based on revisions of accounting standard true Changes in accounting policies other than ones based on revisions of accounting standard - Changes in accounting estimates - Retrospective restatement - Note to changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and retrospective restatement (注)詳細は、添付 資料P.5「2.サ マリー情報(注記事 項)に関する事項 (1)会計方針の変 更・会計上の見積り の変更・修正再表 示」をご覧くださ い。 Note to changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and retrospective restatement Notes, Quarterly-Number of issued and outstanding shares common stock Dec 2016 Number of issued and outstanding shares (common stock) Number of issued and outstanding shares (common stock) Others[2017/02/03 9:19:53] Mar 2016 Dec 2015 Number of issued and outstanding shares (common stock) Number of issued and outstanding shares at the end of fiscal year (including treasury stock) 25,163,727 25,163,727 499,690 275,222 Number of treasury stock at the end of fiscal year Average number of shares 24,680,690 Note to number of issued and outstanding shares (common stock) Note to number of issued and outstanding shares (common stock) - This information is a summary of the earnings report. It does not contain all details included in the earnings report disclosed in Japanese.[2017/02/03 9:19:53] 25,151,908
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