i90~210¹ Sizej Code No. 11101081 (1 mL) 11701083 (5 mL) 11501084 (5 mL~5) For Genetic Research KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column is a prepacked column with KANEKA KanCapATM. KANEKA KanCapATM is composed of highly crosslinked cellulose beads and Alkaline Resistant Protein A ligand, which was designed to purify immunoglobulins and Fcchimeric proteins from biological sam ples and cell culture media. KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column can be used for screening work, initial stage process development, and small scale purification. Features 1. Alkaline Resistance and Long Life Cycle 2. Optimized Elution pH 3. High Binding Capacity 4. High Flow Rate Operation and Easy Scale Up from Pilot to largescale Process 5. Prepacked Column Type and Ready to Use kAbout Columnl E Components of Prepacked Column are made from biocom patible polymers, mainly highdensity polyethylene (column tube, Lock nut, filter adapter). Filter plates are made from porous polypropylene/polyethylene material. E KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column can be reused and are not designed to be repacked. E KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column can be connected directly to most liquid chromatography systems or worksta tions. The connection to earlier FPLCR system is simple with standard 1032 male/M6 female adapters. E KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column can also be oper ated with syringes or peristaltic pumps. kSafety Precautionsl E Keep away from fire. This product is shipped as prepacked in 20% ethanol solution. E Wear eye protection, protective gloves and lab coat. E Make sure to tighten the connector to prevent leakage. E During operation, make sure not to exceed pressure limit of the column and pump system. E Do not disassemble the product. kProduct Descriptionl Table 1 : Characteristics of KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column Column Type Inner Diameter~ Length (mm~mm) Column Cross Section (cm2) Column Volume (mL) Recommended Flow rate1) (mL/min/cm/h) Max. Flow rate (mL/min/cm/h) Outer Dimensions2) (mm~mm) Connectors Maximum Operating Pressure Chemical Stability3) Storage Condition4) 1) 2) 3) 4) Lock nut Column Information Column Tube Lock nut Outlet stopper Fig. 1 Parts of the KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column (Code No. 11101081, 1mL shown) | 1/8 | 5 mL (Code No. 11701083, 11501084) 8.0~100 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.170.25/2030 5.0 0.841.26/100150 0.84/100 4.19/500 10~84 10~164 Standard HPLC (1032 for 1/16 inch capillaries) 30 bar 30 bar Column are tolerant to aqueous buffers and salt solutions, 1M alkaline solutions, 1M nonoxidiz ing mineral acids, 8M urea, 6M guanidine hydrochloride, nonhalogenated organic solvents and detergents. They are not compatible with strong oxidants and halogenated solvents. 20% ethanol at 2`10ú Recommended residence time is 4`6 min. Including stoppers. The chemical stability refers to the column hardware parts only. For the chemical stability of KANEKA KanCapATM, please see ``Table 2 : Physical and chemical properties of KANEKA KanCapATM''. Prevent from freezing. Table 2 : Physical and chemical properties of KANEKA KanCapATM Base Matrix Inlet stopper 1 mL (Code No. 11101081) 8.0~20 Highly crosslinked cellulose Average Particle Size1') 6585Êm Ligand Recombinant Protein A (Alkaline Resistant) Coupling Chemistry Reductive amination Dynamic Binding 35 mg human polyclonal IgG/mL packed Capacity2') Chemical Stability3') Working pH Range3') resin Stable in commonly used solvents in affinity chromatography pH 2pH13 CIP (Cleaning In Place) 0.10.5 mol/L sodium hydroxide, 68 mol/L condition3') urea, 6 mol/L guanidine hydrochloride Operational Flow Rate Up to 500 cm/h (bed height : 20`25 cm) Residence Time Z3 min (4`6 min. is recommended) Storage Condition4') Slurry in 20% ethanol at 2`10ú | 2/8 | 1') Average particle size is medium particle size of the cumulative volume distribution. 2') 5% dynamic binding capacity is determined by frontal analysis at 3 minutes of residence time. 3') Alkaline conditions can be used as CIP but are unsuitable for long term exposure. 4') Prevent from freezing. kOperationl 1. Connecting Column 1) Loosen the Outlet stopper (Do not over loosen). 2) Remove the Inlet stopper and connect the column to the inlet line by droptodrop¦1 to avoid introducing air into the column. ¦ 1 c Droptodrop means that the column is connected to the inlet line as liquid and liquid are touching with the liquid accumulated in connection. 3) Immediately remove the Outlet stopper and connect the column to the outlet line. 2. Chromatographic Conditions An example of chromatographic condition is described below. The optimal condition depends on the characteristics of feed material. Flow rateÛ) : Equilibration : Load : WashÜ) : ElutionÝ) : Strip : NeutralizationÞ) : CIPß) : Reequilibration : Storageà) : 2030 cm/h (1 mL type), 100150 cm/h (5 mL type) PBS, pH 7.4 (5 column volumes (CV)) IgG solution pH neutralized PBS, pH 7.4 (5 CV) Acetate buffer or Citrate buffer, pH3.5 1M acetic acid (3 CV) PBS, pH 7.4 (3 CV) 0.1 M sodium hydroxide (contact time 15 min) PBS, pH 7.4 (5 CV) 20% ethanol (5 CV) Û) Recommended residence time is 4`6 min. The flow rate corresponding with 4`6 min. of residence time depends on column length. For 5 mL type, 100150 cm/h gives 4`6 minutes of residence time. Ü) Intermediate wash is conducted after washing step, if necessary. Ý) Low pH elution may leads to higher aggregate formation of sam ple. KANEKA KanCapATM can elute IgGs at mild acidic pH. The eluted fraction is neutralized by adding a small amount of neutralizing buffer (e.g. Tris buffer). Þ) Direct contact of acid solution and alkaline solution on column should be avoided. ß) 0.5 M sodium hydroxide can also be used (see, ``CleaningIn Place (CIP)''). Column should be neutralized after CIP. à) See ``Storage''. kCleaningInPlace (CIP)l During the purification process, some contaminants, which negatively affect the overall performance of the affinity chro matography, might be accumulated in the column. It may increase back pressure or reduce binding capacity. CIP can be | 3/8 | performed periodically to remove such contaminants and wash out the column. Recommended CIP solution is 0.1 to 0.5 M sodi um hydroxide. However, longer exposure time and higher con centration of sodium hydroxide should be avoided to minimize the loss of binding capacity. 68 M urea and 6 M guanidine hydrochloride can also be applied. 70% ethanol can be used to remove lipids. Different CIP protocols may have to be combined depending on the contaminants to be removed. kSanitizationl KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column can be sanitized by washing with 0.1 to 0.5 M sodium hydroxide. However, longer exposure time and higher concentration of sodium hydroxide should be avoided to minimize the loss of binding capacity. 70% ethanol also can be used. kStoragel To maintain a good column performance and prevent microbial growth, unused KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column should be stored at 2 ` 10 ú in 20% ethanol. DO NOT FREEZE. 2% benzyl alcohol could also be used as storage buffer at 4 ú. Remove KANEKA KanCapATM Prepacked Column from system and seal the column by tightening both Inlet stopper and Outlet stopper. Avoid introducing air into the column. Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd. 12, Doshomachi 3Chome, ChuoKu, Osaka 5408605, Japan Telephone : {81662033741 Facsimile : {81662015964 http://www.wakochem.co.jp Wako Chemicals USA, Inc. Wako Chemicals GmbH 1600 Bellwood Road Richmond, VA 23237 U.S.A. Telephone : {18042717677 Facsimile : {18042717791 http://www.wakousa.com Fuggerstrasse 12 D41468 Neuss Germany Telephone : {4921313110 Facsimile : {492131311100 http://www.wakochemicals.de | 4/8 | R[h No. 11101081i1 mLj 11701083i5 mLj 11501084i5 mL~5j â`q¤p KANEKA KanCapATM vpbNJ {iÍA KANEKA KanCapATM ª[U³ê½vpbNJ Å·B KANEKA KanCapATM ÍAË´Z[Xr[ YÆAJÏ«veC A Kh©ç\¬³êĨèA ¶Ì¿â×E|{ã´©çÆuOu¨æÑ Fc ZL ^pN¿ð¸»·é½ßÉfUC³ê½veC A AtBjeB[N}gOtB[WÅ·BXN[j OAúJvZXA¬XP[¸»ÉgpÅ«Ü·B Á ·F 1D AJÏ«yÑ·õ½ 2D no pH ðÅK» 3D z eÊ 4D ¬¬ìÖÌΨæѱ©ç»¢ÖÈPÈXP[ Abv 5D vpbN^Cv¨æÑ Ready to use kJÉ¢Äl EJAbNibgAtB^[A_v^[ÌvpbN JiÍA§x|G`ðåƵ½¶ÌK«| }[ÅìçêĢܷBܽAtB^[v[gÍA½ E«Ì|vs/|G`fÞ©çìçêÄ¢Ü ·B E{iÍÄpÅ«Ü·ÌÅAÄxWðlß¼³È¢Å ¾³¢B E{iÍAÙÆñÇÌtÌN}gOtB[VXeâ[ NXe[VɼÚڱūܷBÈOÌ FPLCR VXe ÉÚ±·éÛÍA standard 1032 male / M6 female adap ters ð²gpº³¢B E{iÍAVWâ¾®|vÉÚ±µÄàg¦Ü·B Inlet stopper kgpãÌÓ_l E 20 ÷G^m[ntðÜÞÌÅAÎÉßt¯È¢Å¾³¢B Eá¾AèÜAßðµÄ¾³¢B ERoðh®×ARlN^ð÷ßÄ¢é±ÆðmFµÄ ¾³¢B EìÍAJâ|v̳ͧÀð´¦È¢æ¤ÉµÄ ¾³¢B E{iðªðµÈ¢Å¾³¢B k»iTvl Table 1 : KANEKA KanCapATM vpbNJÌÁ¥ 1 mL (Code No. 5 mL (Code No. 11101081) 11701083, 11501084) 8.0~100 àa~·³(mm~mm) 8.0~20 0.5 0.5 JfÊ (cm2) 1.0 5.0 JeÊ (mL) 0.170.25/2030 0.841.26/100150 §¬¬1) (mL/min/cm/h) 0.84/100 4.19/500 Å嬬 (mL/min/cm/h) 10~164 O¡@2) (mm~mm) 10~84 Standard HPLC (1032 for 1/16 inch capillaries) RlN^[ 30 bar 30 bar Åå³Í »wÀè«3) ºLÌntÉεÄJiÍÀèÅ·B ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥ ¥ «ÉÕtAntA1 M AJntA1 M ñ_»«z_A8 MAfA6 M_OAjWA ñnQ»L@n}AEÊ«Ü ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥ ¥ _»ÜânQ»n}ÉÍsÀèÅ·B 20÷G^m[÷tC2`10ú Û¶ð4) J^Cv 1) دÔÍA4 ` 6 ªÅ·B 2) stoppersðÜÝÜ·B 3) JiÌ»wÀè«îñÅ·BKANEKA KanCapATM Ì»w Àè«É¢ÄÍATable 2 : KANEKA KanCapATM ̨IyÑ »wI«¿ð²Qƺ³¢B 4) µÈ¢Å¾³¢B Table 2 : KANEKA KanCapATM ̨IyÑ»wI«¿ }gbNX ½Ï±qa Lock nut Column Information Kh veCACg·¦ÌiAJÏ«j »wiÒ³IA~m»j ®IeÊ »wÀè« Column Tube Lock nut Outlet stopper } 1 KANEKA KanCapATM vpbNJÌp[c i8mm I.D.~20mm heightj | 5/8 | Ë´Z[X 6585Êm 1') pHÍÍ ÅÀè pH 213 3') 3') 0.10.5 mol/L _»igE 68 mol/LAfA6 mol/L_OAjW Åå500 cm/hiwF2025 cmj ¬ Ø¯Ô Û¶ð 35 mg qg|N[iIgG/mLSÌ AtBjeB[N}gOtB[Äpn} 3') èuôòð ¬ 2') Z3 ªi§F46ªÔj 4') 20%G^m[÷tC2`10ú | 6/8 | 1') ½Ï±qaÍAÝÏÌϪzÌÔ±aÅ·B 2') 5 ÷®IeÊÍO[ªÍiØ¯Ô 3 ªjŪèµÄ¢Ü·B 3') AJ«ðÅôòÅ«Ü·ªA·úÔÌôòìÍð¯Ä¾ ³¢B 4') µÈ¢Å¾³¢B kìTvl 1. JÌÚ± 1) Outlet stopper ðÉßéBiÉß·¬È¢Å¾³¢Bj 2) Inlet stopper ðOµÄAJÉóCªüéÌðð¯é ½ßÉA Drop to Drop¦1 ÅüCÉJðÚ± ·éB ¦ 1 cÚ±Étð½ßÄAtÆtðGêí¹éæ ¤ÉÚ±·éB 3) Ú±ã¼®É Outlet stopper ðOµÄoCÉÚ± ·éB 2. N}gOtð N}gOtðÌQláðºLɦµÜ·BÅKÈð ÍÞ¿Ì«¿É˶µÜ·ÌŲ¢º³¢B ¬¬Û) ½t» Tv ôòÜ) noÝ) Xgbv aÞ) CIPß) Ľt» ÛÇà) 2030 cm/h(1 mL^Cv)A100150 cm/h(5 mL ^Cv) PBS, pH 7.4(5 column volumes(CV)) pHðaµ½IgGnt PBS, pH 7.4(5 CV) |_obt@[ܽÍNG_obt@[, pH 3.5 1 M|_(3 CV) PBS, pH 7.4(3 CV) 0.1 M _»igE(ÚGÔ15ª) PBS, pH 7.4(5 CV) 20÷G^m[(5 CV) §·é CIP ntÍ 0.1 ©ç 0.5 mol/L _»igEÅ ·ªA·ÔÌ\IâZxÅ̲gpÍAeÊðẳ ¹é°êª é½ßð¯Ä¾³¢BܽA 68 mol/L Afâ 6 mol/L _OAjWà CIP ntƵÄgpÅ«A 70 ÷G^ m[Í¿ÉgpÅ«Ü·B±Ìæ¤ÈntðgÝí ¹é±ÆÉæÁÄlXȬü¨¿ÉÎÅ«Ü·B kEÛ@l KANEKA KanCapATM vpbNJÍA 0.1 ` 0.5 mol/L _»igEÅôò·é±ÆÅEÛÅ«Ü·Bµ© µÈªçA·ÔÌ\IâZxÅ̲gpÍAeÊðá º³¹é°êª é½ßð¯Ä¾³¢B 70 ÷G^m[àg pÅ«Ü·B kÛ ¶l J«\ðÛA÷¶¨Bðh®½ßA¢gpÌ KANEKA KanCapATM vpbNJÍA 20 ÷G^m[ A 2 ` 10 úÅÛ¶µÄº³¢B{iÍAsÂÅ·B 2 ÷ xWAR[à 4 úɨ¯éÛÇpÉÕtƵÄgpÅ «Ü·B VXe©çæèOµ½ KANEKA KanCapATM vpbN J̼[ð Inlet stopper Æ Outlet stopper Å÷ßÄÛÇ µÄº³¢B»ÌÛAóCªüçÈ¢æ¤ÉCð¯ľ³ ¢B Û) §Ø¯ÔÍA4 ` 6 ªÅ·B4 ` 6 ªÌدÔÉêv· 鬬ÍJÌ·³É˶ɵܷB5 mLÌJÌêA 100150 cm/h ̬¬Å 4 ` 6 ªÌدÔÅ·B Ü) KvɶÄôòXebvÌãÉÔôòðÀ{µÄ¾³ ¢B Ý) ápHÅÌnoÍAÃWÌ`¬ðø«N±·©àµêܹñB KANEKA KanCapATM Í}ChÈpHðÅIgGsðnoÅ «Ü·BnoãÍTrisobt@[ðnotNVÉYÁ µÄaìÆðsÁľ³¢B Þ) _ntâAJntÌJãÅ̼ÚIÚGÍð¯Ä¾ ³¢B ß) 0.5 M _»igEàgpÅ«Ü·B CleaninhInPlace (CIP)ð²Qƺ³¢BCIPãÍJðaµÄ¾³¢B à) Û¶ð²Qƺ³¢B kCleaningInPlace (CIP)l ¸»Höɨ¢ÄAAtBjeB[N}gOtB[«\ SÌÉ«e¿ðyÚ·æ¤È¬ü¨¿ªJÉ~Ï·é°ê ª èÜ·B»Ìæ¤È¨¿ÍAw³ð㸳¹A\ðá º³¹éÂ\«ª èÜ·B CIP Í»Ìæ¤È¬ü¨¿ðèú IÉæè«AJðôò·é½ßÉÀ{³êÜ·B STUVW XYZ[\ | 7/8 | | 8/8 | 1612K01
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