Vizerektorat Qualität, Fachstelle Lehrevaluation, Hochschulstrasse 6, 3012 Bern Persönlich/Vertraulich Mr. Prof. Dr. Oscar Marius Nierstrasz Institut für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik Neubrückstr. 10 3012 Bern Vizerektorat Qualität Fachstelle Lehrevaluation Auswertungsbericht Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation an die Lehrenden Sehr geehrter Herr Prof. Dr. Nierstrasz Sie erhalten hier die automatisierte Auswertung der Evaluation zur Veranstaltung Introduction to Software Engineering (KSL 2420). Fragebogen Typ VORLeV5. Es gilt Folgendes: Zuerst werden unter dem Titel Globalwerte die Mittelwerte der folgenden Skalen aufgeführt. Planning and Presentation (Skalenbreite: 4) Manners with Students (Skalenbreite: 4) Interest and Relevance (Skalenbreite: 4) Complexity and Scope (Skalenbreite: 5) Overall Assessment (Skalenbreite: 6) Planning and Presentation (Skalenbreite: 4) Manners with Students (Skalenbreite: 4) Interest and Relevance (Skalenbreite: 4) Complexity and Scope (Skalenbreite: 5) Overall Assessment (Skalenbreite: 6) Im zweiten Teil des Auswertungsberichts werden die Ergebnisse zu den einzelnen Fragen und allenfalls Mittelwerte dazu aufgelistet. Der Wert 1 kennzeichnet aus Sicht der Studierenden eine minimale Veranstaltungsgüte, der Wert 4 oder mehr eine maximale Veranstaltungsgüte. Bei invertierten Fragen sind die Werte für die Veranstaltungsgüte gerade umgekehrt. Bei der Skala 'Schwierigkeit und Umfang' in den Standardfragebögen bezeichnet der Wert 3 (genau richtig) die optimale Veranstaltungsgüte. Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen der Bericht von Nutzen ist. Bitte besprechen Sie das Ergebnis vor Semesterende kurz mit Ihren Studierenden. Gerne besprechen die Mitarbeitenden der Gruppe Hochschuldidaktik (Kontakt: [email protected]) mit Ihnen Ihre Evaluationsergebnisse. Bringen Sie die ausgedruckten Berichte bitte zum Gespräch mit, da diese für die Hochschuldidaktik nicht zugänglich sind. Falls Sie Verständnisfragen betreffend den Richtlinien und Abläufen haben, finden Sie Antworten unter dex_ger.html. Sie können uns auch per Mail kontaktieren, sollten Sie weitere Auskünfte benötigen. Mit freundlichen Grüssen Daniela Wuillemin Vizerektorat Qualität, Fachstelle Lehrevaluation Daniela Wuillemin Vizerektorat Qualität Evaluationsstelle Hochschulstrasse 6 3012 Bern Tel. +41 31 631 51 07 [email protected] Prof. Dr. Oscar Marius Nierstrasz HS16 Introduction to Software Engineering (2420) Erfasste Fragebögen = 42 Globalwerte 1 Planning and Presentation (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.56) - Manners with Students (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.49) - Interest and Relevance (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.73) - Complexity and Scope (Skalenbreite: 5) (α = 0.65) - Overall Assessment (Skalenbreite: 6) (α = 0.46) - Planning and Presentation (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.56) - Manners with Students (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.49) - Interest and Relevance (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.73) - Complexity and Scope (Skalenbreite: 5) (α = 0.65) - Overall Assessment (Skalenbreite: 6) (α = 0.46) - 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 Fragetext Std.-Abw. 0 0% 3 3 Median 25 25% + mw=3,46 s=0,65 + mw=3,17 s=0,51 + mw=5,39 s=0,52 + mw=3,54 s=0,54 + mw=3,9 s=0,24 + mw=3,46 s=0,65 + mw=3,17 s=0,51 + mw=5,39 s=0,52 4 4 4 4 4 mw=3,9 s=0,24 6 3 2 Mittelwert 25 50 25% 50% 5 3 2 + 5 3 2 1 Absolute Häufigkeiten der Antworten Relative Häufigkeiten der Antworten 4 2 mw=3,54 s=0,54 4 4 2 + 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Legende 3 5 5 6 Quantil 0 0% Linker Pol n=Anzahl mw=Mittelwert md=Median s=Std.-Abw. E.=Enthaltung Rechter Pol 1 2 Skala 3 4 5 Histogramm Planning and Presentation 1 The course follows a coherent structure. 2 The wider context of the subject matter is sufficiently elucidated. 3 The lecturer expresses him-/herself clearly and comprehensibly. 4 The course provides an adequate overview of the subject matter treated. 0 0% 19 51,4% 18 48,6% true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 1 2,7% 16 43,2% 20 54,1% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 1 2,6% 10 25,6% 28 71,8% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 1 2,7% 17 45,9% 19 51,4% not true true 1 26.01.2017 0 0% not true EvaSys Auswertung 2 3 n=37 mw=3,49 md=3 s=0,51 E.=1 n=37 mw=3,51 md=4 s=0,56 E.=1 n=39 mw=3,69 md=4 s=0,52 E.=1 n=37 mw=3,49 md=4 s=0,56 E.=2 4 Seite 1 5 The design of the course contributes to an understanding of the subject matter. 6 There is overall enough material provided to assist the learning process (slides, course material, hand-outs, etc.). 7 The course materials (slides, course manuals, handouts, etc.) are overall of sufficient quality. 0 0% 3 7,7% 20 51,3% 16 41% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 1 2,7% 14 37,8% 22 59,5% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 0 0% 13 33,3% 26 66,7% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 0 0% 2 5,1% 37 94,9% n=39 mw=3,33 md=3 s=0,62 E.=1 n=37 mw=3,57 md=4 s=0,55 E.=1 n=39 mw=3,67 md=4 s=0,48 E.=1 Manners with Students 8 The lecturer takes students seriously. 9 The lecturer is friendly and respectful towards students. 10 The lecturer addresses questions and suggestions from students adequately. 11 The lecturer seems to care about his/her students' progress. not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 39 100% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 0 0% 3 8,1% 34 91,9% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 0 0% 10 26,3% 28 73,7% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 4 10,5% 14 36,8% 20 52,6% n=39 mw=3,95 md=4 s=0,22 E.=1 n=39 mw=4 md=4 s=0 E.=1 n=37 mw=3,92 md=4 s=0,28 E.=2 n=38 mw=3,74 md=4 s=0,45 E.=2 Interest and Relevance 12 The lecturer succeeds in making the course interesting. 13 The course is probably very useful for my future professional life. 14 The applicability and relevance of the subject matter is sufficiently clarified by the lecturer. 15 The lecturer fosters my interest in the subject. not true true 1 2 3 4 1 2,6% 3 7,7% 13 33,3% 22 56,4% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 0 0% 13 33,3% 26 66,7% not true true 1 2 3 4 0 0% 5 13,2% 16 42,1% 17 44,7% not true true 1 2 3 n=38 mw=3,42 md=4 s=0,68 E.=1 n=39 mw=3,44 md=4 s=0,75 E.=1 n=39 mw=3,67 md=4 s=0,48 E.=1 n=38 mw=3,32 md=3 s=0,7 E.=1 4 Complexity and Scope 16 The degree of complexity of the course is: 0 0% 29 76,3% 8 21,1% 0 0% far too high/wide 1 26.01.2017 1 2,6% far too low/narrow EvaSys Auswertung 2 3 4 n=38 mw=3,18 md=3 s=0,46 5 Seite 2 17 The scope of the course is: 18 The pace of the course is: 19 The amount of knowledge presupposed by the course is: 0 0% 2 5,1% 28 71,8% 8 20,5% 1 2,6% far too low/narrow 1 2 3 4 5 0 0% 2 5,1% 32 82,1% 5 12,8% 0 0% far too low/narrow 1 2 3 4 5 0 0% 1 2,6% 30 76,9% 6 15,4% 2 5,1% far too low/narrow 1 2 3 4 far too high/wide n=39 mw=3,21 md=3 s=0,57 far too high/wide n=39 mw=3,08 md=3 s=0,42 far too high/wide n=39 mw=3,23 md=3 s=0,58 6 n=40 mw=4,98 md=5 s=0,58 6 n=39 mw=5,82 md=6 s=0,39 6 n=40 mw=5,4 md=5 s=0,59 5 Overall Assessment 0 0% 20 How would you grade the course as a whole? 0 0% 0 0% 7 27 17,5% 67,5% 6 15% 1 21 How would you grade the lecturer with regard to subject expertise? 1 2 3 4 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 5 6 7 32 17,9% 82,1% 1 22 How would you grade the lecturer with regard to teaching methods? 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 5% 20 50% 18 45% 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 23 The course has taught me very little 0 little 1 this or that 10 a lot 27 an awful lot n=41 mw=3,78 s=0,61 3 Socio-demographic Data and Background Variables 24 How many hours per week did you invest in preparation and revision for the course (on average)? 0h 3 less than 2h 1 2 to 4h 13 4 to 6h 13 more than 6h 11 n=41 25 Was the topic of interest to you? 26.01.2017 not at all 1 slightly 2 fairly 20 quite a lot 18 EvaSys Auswertung n=41 Seite 3 26 How many lectures did you miss? none 7 1-2 15 3-4 9 more than 4 n=41 10 27 If you missed more than 2 lectures, please give one reason: lack of interest 4 course overlap 5 illness etc. 1 course manual/required reading suffices for exam preparation 3 other reasons 9 n=22 28 Allocation of the course in your study programme:? mono subject/Major/Hauptfach 29 Minor/Nebenfach 9 complemetary or specialization course 3 1 0 2 1 3 26 4 0 5 7 6 0 7 5 8 0 9 0 10 2 higher than 10 0 female 4 n=41 29 Your current number of semesters? n=41 30 Sex male n/a n=27 22 1 Open Questions What did you like about the course? 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 4 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 5 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 6 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 7 What did you not like about the course? 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 8 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 9 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 10 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 11 Suggestions for improvements? 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 12 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 13 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 14 Assessment of Individual Lectures 1. Introduction: The Software Lifecycle 2. Requirements Collection 3. Responsibility-Driven Design 4. Agile Practices in Industry 5. Modeling Objects and Classes 0 0% 30 75% 4 10% 1 2 3 4 0 0% 2 5% 28 70% 10 25% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 0 0% 5 13,9% 25 69,4% 6 16,7% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 1 2,7% 12 32,4% 18 48,6% 6 16,2% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 1 2,6% 10 26,3% 18 47,4% 9 23,7% strongly disagree 1 26.01.2017 6 15% strongly disagree EvaSys Auswertung 2 3 strongly agree n=40 mw=2,95 md=3 s=0,5 strongly agree n=40 mw=3,2 md=3 s=0,52 strongly agree n=36 mw=3,03 md=3 s=0,56 strongly agree n=37 mw=2,78 md=3 s=0,75 strongly agree n=38 mw=2,92 md=3 s=0,78 4 Seite 15 6. Modeling Behaviour 7. Software Testing 8. User Interface Design 9. Software Quality 10. Software Security 11. Software Metrics 12. Project Management 13. Software Architecture 14. SE in practice 2 5% 23 57,5% 9 22,5% 1 2 3 4 1 2,6% 8 20,5% 23 59% 7 17,9% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 1 2,7% 12 32,4% 19 51,4% 5 13,5% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 0 0% 9 23,7% 25 65,8% 4 10,5% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 5 13,2% 16 42,1% 16 42,1% 1 2,6% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 0 0% 6 16,2% 25 67,6% 6 16,2% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 2 5,4% 7 18,9% 22 59,5% 6 16,2% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 0 0% 6 15,4% 25 64,1% 8 20,5% strongly disagree 1 2 3 4 1 2,8% 9 25% 21 58,3% 5 13,9% strongly disagree 1 26.01.2017 6 15% strongly disagree EvaSys Auswertung 2 3 strongly agree n=40 mw=2,98 md=3 s=0,77 strongly agree n=39 mw=2,92 md=3 s=0,7 strongly agree n=37 mw=2,76 md=3 s=0,72 strongly agree n=38 mw=2,87 md=3 s=0,58 strongly agree n=38 mw=2,34 md=2 s=0,75 strongly agree n=37 mw=3 md=3 s=0,58 strongly agree n=37 mw=2,86 md=3 s=0,75 strongly agree n=39 mw=3,05 md=3 s=0,6 strongly agree n=36 mw=2,83 md=3 s=0,7 4 Seite 16 Profillinie Teilbereich: Phil.-nat. Fakultät Name der/des Lehrenden: Prof. Dr. Oscar Marius Nierstrasz Titel der Lehrveranstaltung: Introduction to Software Engineering (Name der Umfrage) Verwendete Werte in der Profillinie: Mittelwert Planning and Presentation 1 The course follows a coherent structure. not true true 2 The wider context of the subject matter is sufficiently elucidated. not true true 3 The lecturer expresses him-/herself clearly and comprehensibly. not true true 4 The course provides an adequate overview of the subject matter treated. not true true 5 The design of the course contributes to an understanding of the subject matter. not true true 6 There is overall enough material provided to assist the learning process (slides, course material, hand-outs, etc.). 7 The course materials (slides, course manuals, hand-outs, etc.) are overall of sufficient quality. not true true not true true 8 The lecturer takes students seriously. not true true 9 The lecturer is friendly and respectful towards students. not true true 10 The lecturer addresses questions and suggestions from students adequately. not true true 11 The lecturer seems to care about his/her students' progress. not true true 12 The lecturer succeeds in making the course interesting. not true true 13 The course is probably very useful for my future professional life. not true true 14 The applicability and relevance of the subject matter is sufficiently clarified by the lecturer. not true true 15 The lecturer fosters my interest in the subject. not true true n=37 mw=3,49 md=3,00 s=0,51 n=37 mw=3,51 md=4,00 s=0,56 n=39 mw=3,69 md=4,00 s=0,52 n=37 mw=3,49 md=4,00 s=0,56 n=39 mw=3,33 md=3,00 s=0,62 n=37 mw=3,57 md=4,00 s=0,55 n=39 mw=3,67 md=4,00 s=0,48 n=39 mw=3,95 md=4,00 s=0,22 n=39 mw=4,00 md=4,00 s=0,00 n=37 mw=3,92 md=4,00 s=0,28 n=38 mw=3,74 md=4,00 s=0,45 n=38 mw=3,42 md=4,00 s=0,68 n=39 mw=3,44 md=4,00 s=0,75 n=39 mw=3,67 md=4,00 s=0,48 n=38 mw=3,32 md=3,00 s=0,70 Manners with Students Interest and Relevance Complexity and Scope 16 The degree of complexity of the course is: far too low/ narrow far too high/ wide n=38 mw=3,18 md=3,00 s=0,46 17 The scope of the course is: far too low/ narrow far too high/ wide n=39 mw=3,21 md=3,00 s=0,57 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 17 18 The pace of the course is: far too low/ narrow far too high/ wide n=39 mw=3,08 md=3,00 s=0,42 19 The amount of knowledge presupposed by the course is: far too low/ narrow far too high/ wide n=39 mw=3,23 md=3,00 s=0,58 n=40 mw=4,98 md=5,00 s=0,58 n=39 mw=5,82 md=6,00 s=0,39 n=40 mw=5,40 md=5,00 s=0,59 n=40 mw=2,95 md=3,00 s=0,50 n=40 mw=3,20 md=3,00 s=0,52 n=36 mw=3,03 md=3,00 s=0,56 n=37 mw=2,78 md=3,00 s=0,75 n=38 mw=2,92 md=3,00 s=0,78 n=40 mw=2,98 md=3,00 s=0,77 n=39 mw=2,92 md=3,00 s=0,70 n=37 mw=2,76 md=3,00 s=0,72 n=38 mw=2,87 md=3,00 s=0,58 n=38 mw=2,34 md=2,00 s=0,75 n=37 mw=3,00 md=3,00 s=0,58 n=37 mw=2,86 md=3,00 s=0,75 n=39 mw=3,05 md=3,00 s=0,60 n=36 mw=2,83 md=3,00 s=0,70 Overall Assessment 20 How would you grade the course as a whole? 1 6 21 How would you grade the lecturer with regard to subject expertise? 1 6 22 How would you grade the lecturer with regard to teaching methods? 1 6 Assessment of Individual Lectures 1. Introduction: The Software Lifecycle strongly disagree strongly agree 2. Requirements Collection strongly disagree strongly agree 3. Responsibility-Driven Design strongly disagree strongly agree 4. Agile Practices in Industry strongly disagree strongly agree 5. Modeling Objects and Classes strongly disagree strongly agree 6. Modeling Behaviour strongly disagree strongly agree 7. Software Testing strongly disagree strongly agree 8. User Interface Design strongly disagree strongly agree 9. Software Quality strongly disagree strongly agree 10. Software Security strongly disagree strongly agree 11. Software Metrics strongly disagree strongly agree 12. Project Management strongly disagree strongly agree 13. Software Architecture strongly disagree strongly agree 14. SE in practice strongly disagree strongly agree 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 18 Profillinie Teilbereich: Phil.-nat. Fakultät Name der/des Lehrenden: Prof. Dr. Oscar Marius Nierstrasz Titel der Lehrveranstaltung: Introduction to Software Engineering (Name der Umfrage) Planning and Presentation (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.56) - + Manners with Students (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.49) - + Interest and Relevance (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.73) - + Complexity and Scope (Skalenbreite: 5) (α = 0.65) - + Overall Assessment (Skalenbreite: 6) (α = 0.46) - + Planning and Presentation (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.56) - + Manners with Students (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.49) - + Interest and Relevance (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.73) - + Complexity and Scope (Skalenbreite: 5) (α = 0.65) - + Overall Assessment (Skalenbreite: 6) (α = 0.46) - + 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung mw=3,54 s=0,54 mw=3,90 s=0,24 mw=3,46 s=0,65 mw=3,17 s=0,51 mw=5,39 s=0,52 mw=3,54 s=0,54 mw=3,90 s=0,24 mw=3,46 s=0,65 mw=3,17 s=0,51 mw=5,39 s=0,52 Seite 19 Präsentationsvorlage Introduction to Software Engineering Prof. Dr. Oscar Marius Nierstrasz Erfasste Fragebögen = 42 Planning and Presentation (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.56) 1 2 3 4 - + mw=3,54 Manners with Students (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.49) 1 2 3 4 - + mw=3,9 Interest and Relevance (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.73) 1 2 3 4 - + mw=3,46 Complexity and Scope (Skalenbreite: 5) (α = 0.65) 1 2 3 4 5 - + mw=3,17 Overall Assessment (Skalenbreite: 6) (α = 0.46) 1 2 3 4 5 6 - + mw=5,39 Planning and Presentation (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.56) 1 2 3 4 - + mw=3,54 Manners with Students (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.49) 1 2 3 4 - + mw=3,9 Interest and Relevance (Skalenbreite: 4) (α = 0.73) 1 - 2 3 4 + mw=3,46 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 20 Complexity and Scope (Skalenbreite: 5) (α = 0.65) 1 2 3 4 5 - + mw=3,17 Overall Assessment (Skalenbreite: 6) (α = 0.46) 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 + mw=5,39 26.01.2017 EvaSys Auswertung Seite 21
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