0試験問題(英語の音声は2回流れます。) これからりスニングテストを始めます。 この試験では,聞き取る英語は2回流します。質問文と選択肢は音声ではなくすべて問題冊子 に印刷されています。 , では,始めます。 4ページを開いてください。 第1問第1問は問1から問6までの6問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,答えとし て最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずつ選ぴなさい。 Question NO.1 M: Here'S 血e donn北OTy noorP1肌 W: rd like aroom with a ba仕lroom. M: Then, howaboutthis one? 1t'S 血r則0 $tudents,thoU帥 W:1 don't mind that.1'11 仏ke it. Question NO.2 W:研小at did youdo with your $50, Bobby? M: W'eⅡ, Mom,1boU部tshoes for35 a11d spent lo on saⅡy's pre$ent, W: And血erest? M:1 Used it fbr bミ1S fare. Question NO.3 W:1t's too hotto stay home. Let's go t0 仕le m0如tains. M: S0山dS 即'eat, but Jim'S C且Ⅱed in sick. W: SO? M:1've 宮ott0 套o to the 0缶Ce 雛ld 丘11in for hhn. Question NO.4 M: That was ageat movie! W; Yeah,the $pecialeH'ect$ were co01. M:1 rea11y liked 杜le story al】d 廿le actil,g. W: Me,too. But 廿le movie could've been a bitshorter. Question NO.5 W: How m価ly emaⅡS d0γOU 山Ua11y 套etaday? M: Ar0山ld 90, W: T11丑t m抑y? M: Yeah, but a廿lird of血em arejunk mail. Question NO.6 M: Y011r1如Ch loob aood W: Ye丑11, butyours looks better.1t has S加Wberrie$. M; Doyou W帥t one?1'Ⅱ伽de aS加Wbeny fbrone ofyoursausages. W: That would be nice. ーれで第1問は終わりです次の問題に進みます ( 央 = ^ 吾リ ニンク 艇鶴[ヨ・[ヨ) 第 1 問 価e点 12) 第1問は問1から問6までの6問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,答 えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① @)のうちからっずっ選びなさ い。 問 I which room doesthe woman decide to take?[二1^ 問 2 How much did the boy spend on transportation?[1^ Φ$5 ②$10 ③$15 ④$25 問 3 Whatwi11 the mandotoday?[1^ ①②③@ Go to Jim's house Co to the dodor Go to the mountains. Go to work 問 4 What is the one thin宮 the woman did NOT like about the movie? [ヨ ① Thelength ② Thepedormances ③ The speciale丘ects @ Thestory 5 How many junk man messa套es does the man usua11y 雪et a day? [ヨ ①②③@ About 30 About 60 About 90 About 120 (2620-5) 問 6 Which isthe woman's lunch? [Ξ ② ① 弓@ 0倉勺で 'ー 'ー ." ^ i' 』ー ゞ▲ 戸 r 「 ゛ 一、 一﹃ ゛ ゛ 、 i ^ ^ の0亀 0命や ..ψ ゛゛ '゛ '. '゛ ノ' i- i- ^ ^ r 一、 C ゛、 t f ^ ^ これで第1問は終わりです。 6 化620-6) (下書き用紙) ングの試験問題は次に続く。 (2620-フ) 第2問第2問は問7から問13までの7問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き,最後の発 言に対する相手の応答として最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずつ選び なさい。 では,始めます QⅡestionNO.フ W:1'm looking 血rward toyourd知Ce perfom1雛Icetomonow ni811t.1tS始r6 at70'clock, doesn't 北? M: Act始11y,itswts at 5. W: oh,1 didn't hloW 血at. QuestionNO.8 W: Didyou urlderS仇11d whatt11at couple was saying in sparlish? M; W'eH, ahnost aⅡ ofit. W:1'm impressed! Y0山Sparlish seems quite adV飢Ced. Question NO.9 W:1Nisted m), neck in p.E. dass,如d it NaⅡy h11rts. M: oh, no. Maybe ),0Ⅱ Should leave schoolearly to see a doctor. W: W'ould you dothat? Question NO.10 M: oh! what a S山Pdse!1t'SS080odto see you. How have you been? W: Ah, heⅡ0_.. M: Don'tyou rememberme? 1'm joe,丘om chica80. Question NO.11 W: DO),ou keeP 知y廿1血呂ready 血remergencies? M: Let me 小ink.1 have a aashli帥t, gloves, a11d 111n-., some towels in my baCゆack. W;研小at ab0Ⅱt water? Question NO.12 訊1: Ma仙ew, you wa11tedto ask me someⅡli113? M: Yes, profes$otJones.1'm applyin宮 to this U11iversiり,in New zea1釦ld, W: wonder負11! HOW C雛11help you wiⅡ1廿lat? QuestionNO.13 M: Look! This advertisementsaysthatmore廿1即 98% ofusers like廿lis newproduct. W: To be honest,1'm geneNⅡy skeP廿Cal about adslike 血at. M: why? 1t's based on a survey. ーれで第2問は終わりです歌の問題に進みます 第2問 晒三点 14) 第2問は問7から問13までの7問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き, 最後の発言に対する相手の応答として最も適切なものを.四っの選択肢(① @)の うちからーつずつ選びなさい。 問71^ @②③@ Can l go lnstead 0壬 you? Can't you colne? Sha111 go for 託? Would you like t010ok? 問8 [ヨ ①②③@ Are most couples like that? Do you think so? Don't mention it. rm not surprised, either 問9 [ヨ ①②③@ For sure. I feⅡ down. It wiⅡ be. Too bad. (2620-8) 問10 区ヨ ① Haven't you seen him before? ② How did you forget about me? ③ lthink you may be mistaken. @ You have the wrong number. 問11[1^ ① l don't, but l kn0圦,1 Should. ② No thanks.1'm notthirsty. ③、ve ought to seⅡ two liters a day. ④ Yes. my backpack is waterproof. 問12 区ヨ @ could you please apply on your own? ② I was hoping you could recommend me. ③ W'ould you mind signing up for my class? @ You had better complete your application. 問13 区三ヨ ①、veⅡ, the latest ad can be trusted. ② We11, the product se11S we11 Worldwide. ③ WeⅡ, the questions may be biased. @ W'eⅡ, the research seems accurate. これで第2問は終わりです。 (2620-9) 第3問第3問はAとBの二つの部分に分かれています。 第3問A 第3問Aは問14から問16までの3問です。それぞれの問いについて対話を聞き, として最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずつ選びなさい。 では,始めます。 Question NO.14 W:1C肌't believe it! M:訊小at, Mom? W: That hole 耻lyourneW Ⅱ'0山ers! M:1S1φPed帥d feⅡ atthe S桧tion. W: Howm抑ythnes have ltold you notto r如 theN? M: Butldidn't、V飢tto missthe 加in 飢dbe late 血rscho01. W: Anyway,1'm not bUγ血旦you arl0血er pair. Question NO.15 M: Happy Tee血 Dentalcli11ic. HO、剛 may lhelp you? W:1'd like to get my teeth checked. M: OK. T11e earliest available time is tomorrow a貴emoon at 20'clock. W: Howabout廿le daya丑ertomonowat3? M: W'e're closedon nursdaya丑emoons, rm a6'aid. W: oh_.,then, what about Th11rsdaymom註18? QuestionNO.16 W; He110? M: Hi, Je血ie. rve gotthe milk arld yogurt 註lmy shoppi118 Cart. what else do we need? W: H如gon. Letme look in 由e kitchen. M: OK. W: um__ wiⅡ yoU 8etsomeC脚ots? kld make$ure 出ey're or宮抑ic. M: or套卸ic? Aren't廿ley moTe expen$ive? W: A li廿le bit, but 詫'S WOHh it. これで第3問Aは終わりです次の問題1一進みます 第3問 価三点 12) 第3問はAとBの二つの部分に分かれています。 囚 第3問Aは問14から問16までの3問です。それぞれの問いにっいて対話を 聞き,答えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① @)のうちからーつず つ選びなさい。 問14 Why did the woman 套et an套ry with h田'son?[1^ ① ② ③ ④ He felHn a hole. He missed the train He tore his pants He was late for scho01, 問15 0n what day doesthis conversation t丑ke place?に三コ ① ② ③ ④ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 問16 Where is each person now? 区ヨ ① At a health food store and at a supermarket ② At a health food store and at an organic farm ③ At home and at a supermarket @ At home and at an organic restaurant これで第3問Aは終わりです。 10 (2620-10) (下書き用紙) スニングの試験問題は次に続く。 (2620-11) 第3問B 第3問Bは問17から問19までの3問です。長めの対話をーつ問き,問17から問19の答 えとして最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずつ選びなさい。 対話の場面が問題冊子に書かれているので,今,読みなさい。 では,始めます。 Questions NO.17 t019 M: Have you decidedwhich pr0邑r田11to apply for? W: This one looks Na11y excit血8. My br0仕ler did somethm套 Similarirl Brazi1雛ld Mexico. He helped or号飢ize events theN without hlowing portU号Uese or sparlish. M: W'eⅡ, you would be a 80od leader,too. W: Th血ks, butthere's a problem with t11e dates.1 C飢't 鵡a11y go before mid.July. M: How aboutthis one? That's whatl'd like to do. W: Yeah,itloob good. Butl have no teachirlg experience. M: we11,1'm pretw luclw.1've been teachm号 forei即Istudents as a v01山lteer fortwo years. W:111at's geat! M:111is pr08t'atn would be a good ch飢Ce to learn aboutthe localhistory,闘d it doesn'tS仇rttiⅡ early AU呂山t. W: Ri套ht,肌d 北Would be excitin号t0 宮ain some new ski11S. M: Look! Here's one that starts at 血e end ofJuly, a11d itrea11y helps the local people. W: Act山Ⅱy,1don'tthink lC肌 li丑 heavythin部. これで第3問Bは終わりです。次の問題に進みます。 回 第3問Bは問17から問 19 までの3 問です。長めの対話をーつ聞き,問 17 から問19の答えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① @)のうちから ーつずつ選びなさい。 対話の場面 二人の学生が掲示板のホスターを見ながら. どのプログラムに応募する かを話しています。 Summer volunteer pr0今rams Produce a music festival D熔 We11S in lNDONESIA in B0夏,1VIA FESTIVAL ^^^^ 、 逢、ー^1 、'1^^" 曳動一 Dates: July l-August lo Requirements: Intermediate level of English Leadership ski11S Dates: July 30 -August 31 Requh,ements: Physical strength WⅡⅡngness to work outdoors TeaC11 Japanese Restore an old casue inAUSTRAιIA in p01,AND ■、い、え1ξ Dates: AU宮Ustl september l Requirements: Dates: August 3 -september lo Requirements: Advanced level of Japanese Interest i訂 architecture/history Teaching experience Wi11ingness to learn new skiⅡS (2620-12) 問17 Which pr0琴ram does the woman refer to first in the conversation? [ヨ ① The one in B0ⅡVia ② The one in Brazil ③ The one in lndonesia ④ The one in portugal 問18 Which country is the man mostlikely to apply to go to?[1^ ①②③@ Austra11a Bolivia Indonesia Poland 問19 Which activity is the woman mostlikely to do?[1三三コ ①②③@ D喰 We11S. Produce a festival. Restore a castle. Teach Japanese. これで第3問Bは終わりです。 13 (2620-13) 第4問第4問もAとBの二つの部分に分かれています。どちらも長めの英文を聞き,=つの問 いに答えなさい。 第4問A 第4問Aは問20から問22までの3問です。長めの英文をーつ聞き,問20から問22の答 えとして最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからつずつ選びなさい では,始めます estions NO.20 t022 Jolm WⅡ$on waS 帥 En81ishm帥 Who worked to preventblmdrles$ m 小e developin套World. when he W鶴 12 years old, he was blirlded in both eyes duri11冬 arlexperimenti11Science class. A丑erthat, he wentto a Schoolforthe blind where he le田tled BNiⅡe, which is the writing system for people who C帥'tsee. Then he stⅡdied law at oX血rd universio,. A介er wilson 部'ad伽ted, hewentto A丑'ica. There, he wasshocked to firld widespread blmdrless notcaused by accidents, as irlhis own case, but resultit1合 6'om 仕le lack ofe行'ective 赴'eatment for certain diseases. For decades, he led arlor旦抑ization to prevent such blmd11esS 吐I A負'ica t11roue11education, research, a11d health Care. For exalnple, a disease spread by msects bli11ded lo% ofthe people i11a part ofGh如a, but m the 1950S, his or8如ization diS廿ibuted a drug 小at nearly eliminated the disease by 1960.1n addition,託 helped reduce 小e n1Ⅱnber ofblhld children by givin套 Out vi伽nhlS 即d also by perfonnina overt11ree mi11ion eye Opemtions. As a result, miⅡions ofpeople who were in da11套erofbecoming blind have been 住eated,肌d blindrless is less c0如non dlere now. これで第4問Aは終わりです。次の問題に進みます。 第4問(配点 12) 三 第4問もAとBの二つの部分に分かれています。どちらも長めの英文を聞き, つの問いに答えなさい。 囚 第4問Aは問20から問22 までの3問です長めの英文をーつ聞き,問20 から問22の答えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① @)のうちから つずつ選びなさい。 問20 ^at caused wilson's blindness? 〔亙コ ①②③@ A childhood accident A lack of vitamins A sports injury An eye disease 問21 、¥hy did blindness in Africa shock wilson? [ヨ ①②③@ It was caused by drugs. Literacy might have been reduced. Most cases wa'e preventable There was no known cure 問22 Which of the f0110win套 did w'ilson's or雪anization do in Africa? [ヨ ① lt built hospitals for thousands of people. ② lt carried out several mi11ion eye surgeries. ③ lt discovered a new drug in 1960 @ 1t reduced blindness by ten percent. これで第4問Aは終わりです。 14 (26?0-14) 第4問B 第4問Bは問23から問25までの3問です。長めの会話をーつ聞き,問23から問25の答 えとして最も適切なものを,四つの選択肢(① ④)のうちからーつずっ選びなさい 会話の揚面が問題冊子に書かれているので,今,読みなさい。 では,始めます。 QuestionsNO.23 如 25 Eiii: OK. The teacher asked usto discuss aiRs t0 仏ke to oursister schoolin the us. what kind of 底i丑SdoyoU血ink weshould仏ke, Tomomi? Tomomi: Hr1血, what aboutS仇tionery? 1've heerd thatlots ofAmeriC田Isrea11y like JaP飢e$e S捻tionery because there are a lot ofco01飢d Else6,11items. some have cute cartoon characteN on them. Even 員ⅡIctionala11d practica1血血呂S like pens, stapler$, and notebooks have cooldesi印Is that mi套ht not be available in the us. Yeah,1think stU寵like 壮lat would be 号ood because it's sma11 Ii帥t,班ld easy to carry. EⅡi: That's a 畠ood idea, Tomomi, but don'tyou thmk somethin8moN 伽ditionalwould be be壮er Iike a kimono? W'e11, maybe not ak血ono beca11Se that would be tooexpensive. Butwhat aboutchopsticks or仏11S? oh,1hlow. Howabout ce御nic bowls, vases,田ld th0鵠 kmds of 小mas? 1've seen 血em 血rsale in tourist areas,飢d 血ey seem rea11y popular. some have pictures Ofcarp, cherry blossoms, ormaple leaves on them. Yeah,1thinkwe should仏ke somethme like that. what do)゛OU 仕lilk Asako? Asako: Me? we11,1a寧'ee that our presentsshould reaectJaP肌esecult山e. But 血at k血d of如ditional StU章'you mentioned might be better 血r older people.1've heard thatsome AlneriC如 teenagers these days are craw aboutJaP帥ese pop cult山e, especiaⅡy飢itne 飢dm帥ga.11ike Tomomi'S ideaof始kin8Pens, but how about add血呂 Some 血ldeN with popular m帥8aorarlime characte郡 On them 砥ld some cute erasers? pottery 、、,ould be too heaⅥ1, butS仏tionery is easy to pack arld Carry. rm S11re everyone would love it. oh, maybe notthe teache岱,血Ough. Let'sjust getthem nice S仏tionery items wi血岫ditional desi即S. 動ル BdⅡiarlt! nose are rea11y good points, Asako. Tomomi: OK. n's settled 廿len. Let'S 号O wi廿1廿10se idees! これで,問題を聞く部分は全て終わりです。 この後は,監督者の「解答やめ」の指示があるまで,解答を続けることができます。 これからイヤホンを外してもらいます。その時に,イヤホンが机に当たって音を立てないよう注 意してください。 では,イヤホンを耳から外し,静力斗こ机の上に置いてください。 回 第4問Bは問23から問25までの3問です。長めの会話をーつ聞き,問23 から問25の答えとして最も適切なものを,四っの選択肢(① @)のうちから ーつずつ選びなさい。 会話の場面 英語の授業で, E垪, Tomomi, Asak0がアメリカへ持っていく手士産に ついて話し合いをしています。 問23 Which ofthe f0110wing does TomomisU套套est buyin宮? 1^ ① Expensivegifts ② Practicalgifts ③ Seasonalgifts @ Traditionalgi介S 問24 W11ich ofthe f0110W血g does EuisU喜gest buyin牙?[1^ ① Japanesepaintings ② Japanesepottery ③ Jal)anesestationery ④ Japanesesweets 問25 、、1hat 今ifts do they decide on?[1^ ① ② ③ ④ Kimonos, chopsticks, and fans Pencils、 notebooks, and comic books Pens, erasers, and folders Staplers, bowls, and picture books これで第4問Bは終わりです。 玲 (2620-15)
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