STATE UNIVERSITY CONSTRUCTION FUND Measurement Record of Operations and Accomplishments 2013/2014 Report A State University Construction Fund Projects in Planning As of September 30, 2013 Projects in planning have a design contract that has been awarded to a consultant for the development of contract drawings for the proper construction and completion of the project. As of the date of this report, these projects do not yet have a construction contract associated with them. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Research/University Centers Binghamton University Project title Architect Name Design Value LTD Central Ht Plant Upgrades CM for Uni Union - 07A35 RMF ENGINEERING, INC., P.C. TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY $2,452,126.75 $654,200.00 $1,107,291.78 $259,067.31 Cnst Mgr OConnr Johnson Comm- OConnor, Johnson Comm Serv Flood Rehab UDC LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. $1,395,828.00 $90,320.16 $0.00 $3,557.65 $42,023.00 $14,564.15 $57,796.00 $25,843.14 $51,106.00 $191,848.00 $5,232.99 $145,888.15 $499,925.00 $1,569,000.00 $257,000.00 $1,711,996.00 $1,702,900.00 $2,700,000.00 $1,684,000.00 $215,598.41 $479,756.76 $98,675.67 $328,458.21 $568,795.75 $210,918.67 $1,441,280.67 $205,821.00 $159,000.00 $149,111.78 $138,406.65 $15,424,889.91 $1,027,064.00 $5,192,447.74 $984,871.01 $2,234,024.00 $2,751,380.17 $1,969,385.12 $1,283,087.46 $83,394.00 $143,455.00 $21,135.11 $17,443.04 $79,093.56 $130,175.00 $60,871.15 $76,428.14 $2,570,000.00 $1,147,666.07 GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. Comm/Rehab Sci III baseme GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. Commiss Rehan UU Nth Ph2 GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. Cont Mngr Fld Rehab UDC GILBANE/OMEGA, A JOINT VENTURE Harpur Science Prog Study Life Safety System Upgr Rehab HVAC systems Irq Rehab Lect Hall Stud Wing Rehabilitate Sci IV ph 1 Renovate Comp Cntr Sci III/IV Add Cm Sci III/IV Add Com Site Impr-Parking-E/W Dr ELLENZWEIG OF NEW YORK, P.C. IBC ENGINEERING, PC M/E ENGINEERING, P.C. ARCHITECTURE + ASHLEY MCGRAW ARCHITECTS, P.C. ASHLEY MCGRAW ARCHITECTS, P.C. GILBANE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C. J. BROWN ENERGY ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTUR C & S ENGINEERS, INC. Binghamton University Total CM Services Stony Brook University JACOBS PROJECT MANAGEMENT CO. LIRO PROGRAM AND CONSTRUCTION CM Services MGMT, P.C. CM Services CompSci URS CORPORATION - NEW YORK HORIZON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, Comm - New Comp Sci Bldg LLP OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC Commissioning - Javits HORIZON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, Commissioning Old Chem LLP OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC Commissioning Mech Sys BEYER BLINDER BELLE ARCHITECTS & Rehab Javits Lecture Hall PLANNERS,LLP Replacement Elec Feeders RMF ENGINEERING, INC., P.C. $4,473,418.48 $2,241,112.20 Roof Repl Grad Chem Bldg Student Union Rehab HOFFMANN ARCHITECTS, INC. SPECTOR GROUP H2M ARCHS, ENGS, LAND SURVEYING & LANDSCAPE $196,000.00 $5,909,606.00 $104,435.65 $2,117,062.48 $1,338,000.00 $540,417.89 $20,935,610.21 $10,563,915.32 $8,996,671.00 $925,847.00 $30,685,486.46 $535,500.00 $0.00 $16,176,318.21 $40,608,004.46 $16,711,818.21 $496,606.00 $398,597.72 $1,413,386.03 $136,889.83 $778,171.60 $95,777.92 $436,126.00 $358,623.00 $35,433.00 $78,690.06 $164,418.38 $12,126.52 $136,161.10 $1,804,013.00 $136,161.10 $1,402,426.79 WWTP Southamton Stony Brook University Total Stony Brook University (HSC) CM MART New Bed T. Cx MART and Bed Tower MART and Bed Tower LIRO/STRUCTURE TONE JV RMF ENGINEERING, INC., P.C. AECOM ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS Stony Brook University (HSC) Total University at Albany CM - Const. WtrTwr / Fntn CM - Data Center Comm Services-Husted Comm. Servs-Bus. School Commisioning - Data Ctr Commissg - Wtr Twr /Fntn Const ETEC Building 2020 Constr. Mgt.. Services THE WHITING-TURNER CONTRACTING COMPANY LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC GENESYS ENGINEERING P.C. HORIZON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LLP COSENTINI ASSOCIATES GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. CANNON DESIGN ARCHITECTURE & ENGINERING SKANSKA USA BUILDING, INC Page 2 of 15 Report A State University Construction Fund Projects in Planning As of September 30, 2013 Projects in planning have a design contract that has been awarded to a consultant for the development of contract drawings for the proper construction and completion of the project. As of the date of this report, these projects do not yet have a construction contract associated with them. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Project title Ins. Pod Sky Light Domes Architect Name ROBERT SIEGEL ARCHITECTS Design Value $1,423,000.00 LTD $504,401.05 Redundant Network Connect Rehab Ext Envelope Ren. Health Ctr. Renovate Building 27 C & S ENGINEERS, INC. ARCHITECTURE + JMZ ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS PC CANNON DESIGN $395,319.00 $715,000.00 $2,244,261.08 $3,458,926.00 $370,614.28 $269,676.24 $47,224.08 $13,053,744.04 $4,258,285.74 $700,001.00 $1,042,697.33 $1,337,925.00 $7,803,200.00 $553,525.38 $637,593.78 $1,116,090.18 $177,642.66 $115,509.00 $258,372.00 $23,488.82 $222,798.80 $281,106.00 $2,772,187.00 $2,539,353.31 $1,639,341.00 $192,605.94 $2,769,959.12 $2,511,930.68 $598,828.71 $1,634,400.00 $676,149.21 $1,537,230.00 $1,485,969.63 $24,252,008.35 $7,254,794.20 $2,220,000.00 $556,512.21 $2,339,000.00 $2,475,000.00 $773,660.55 $1,347,789.25 $532,490.67 $5,106.50 $53,720,990.54 $20,663,275.74 $143,743,239.16 $57,389,742.75 $147,598.00 $1,474,660.00 $140,870.66 $1,474,731.43 $102,790.00 $135,000.00 $0.00 $96,996.01 $4,281,423.00 $187,829.00 $593,000.00 $263,000.00 $2,129,132.78 $185,655.40 $81,447.26 $91,174.96 $7,185,300.00 $4,200,008.50 $741,930.00 $94,360.00 $182,518.00 $502,000.00 $230,258.29 $1,651,000.00 $53,000.00 $240,153.01 $79,897.93 $7,163.30 $432,257.16 $99,172.65 $1,052,081.10 $12,724.08 $3,455,066.29 $1,923,449.23 University at Albany Total University at Buffalo SANDBERG KESSLER ARCHITECTURE&ENGINEERING LABELLA ASSOCIATES P.C. CANNON DESIGN GILBANE/LIRO A JOINT VENTURE ADA Improvements Biomed - HVAC Improve CM - EOC Buffalo CM- New SMBS Comm. BEB HVAC Improvmts Commissioning - Acheson BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. AFFILIATED ENGINEERS, INC C. J. BROWN ENERGY ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTUR TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY L.P. CIMINELLI CONSTRUCTION INC CHAINTREUIL JENSEN STARK ARCHITECTS, LLP RTKL NEW YORK ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERIN Commissioning - Eng, Ph I Const Mngr - Acheson Const. Mngr. - Eng, Ph I Constr. Mgr. - Hayes Crosby - Bldg. Restore FMP - Univ. at Buffalo New Schl. Med/Biomed Ph 1 HELLMUTH, OBATA & KASSABAUM, P.C. DIDONATO ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING & Rehab Exterior - CFA ARCHITECTUR OVE ARUP & PARTNERS CONSULTING Repl. FAs - N. Campus ENGINEERS Site Restoration - South PRESSLEY ASSOCIATES, INC. FACILITY DYNAMICS ENGINEERING SMBS Commissioning University at Buffalo Total Research/ University Centers Total Other Research/Doctoral College of Environmental Bldg Commiss - Gateway Science and Forestry Constr Mgr - Gateway Bldg GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Cx-Academic Research Bldg Elec Substation Replcmnt New Academic Research Bld Rehab Marshall Prog Stud Rep Elec Substation Rep Perimeter Heating ELLENZWEIG ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECTURE + C & S ENGINEERS, INC. MCFARLAND-JOHNSON, INC. CM for 41059 & 41060 Comm for 3rd flr Renov Commissioning for 41056 Lobby Renovations Rehab 1st Fl Lecture Hall Rehab Building Systems Rehabilitate Elevators THE MCKISSACK GROUP, INC DBA MCKISSACK & MCKISSACK OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC SYSKA HENNESSY GROUP, INC KLIMENT HALSBAND ARCHITECTS, LLP GOSHOW ARCHITECTS, L.L.P. LILKER ASSOCIATES SYSKA HENNESSY GROUP, INC GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. M/E ENGINEERING, P.C. College of Environmental Science and Forestry Total College of Optometry College of Optometry Total Page 3 of 15 Report A State University Construction Fund Projects in Planning As of September 30, 2013 Projects in planning have a design contract that has been awarded to a consultant for the development of contract drawings for the proper construction and completion of the project. As of the date of this report, these projects do not yet have a construction contract associated with them. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University Project title Architect Name Design Value LTD Bldg Commiss - Stocking CM - Stocking Hall FMP - Cornell Prog Stdy - Stocking Hall HORIZON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LLP GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY SASAKI ASSOCIATES, INC. S/L/A/M ARCHITECTS, P.C. $338,426.00 $4,083,130.00 $1,206,001.00 $448,000.00 $195,753.27 $2,526,429.55 $1,149,376.98 $401,162.41 $6,075,557.00 $4,272,722.21 $4,561,800.00 $1,651,459.72 $4,561,800.00 $1,651,459.72 $125,419.00 $39,471.25 $1,566,823.00 $5,807.49 $33,795.12 $928,176.50 $1,731,713.25 $967,779.11 $396,306.00 $395,630.29 $396,306.00 $395,630.29 $616,037.00 $589,247.50 $616,037.00 $589,247.50 $187,167.00 $12,686.00 AIRTEK ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING P.C. $342,832.00 $3,397,209.00 $131,975.00 $127,077.00 $0.00 $518,798.36 $22,398.85 $124,174.18 URS CORPORATION - NEW YORK ROLF JENSEN & ASSOCIATES, PROFESSIONAL ENGRS., P.C. $1,276,652.00 $1,260,057.33 $119,922.00 $0.00 $743,408.00 $200,300.72 $1,977,030.00 $1,855,516.63 $1,376,521.00 $71,384.60 $3,086,441.88 $123,497.70 $214,847.00 $34,179.84 New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University Total New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell Fd Res Lab Repl Roof University (Geneva) New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University (Geneva) Total New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred Commission McMahan Infill University Commissioning - HR Ph 2 Infill Projects - Var Bdg New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University Total New York State College of Human Ecology at Comissioning, NMVR Repl Cornell University New York State College of Human Ecology at Cornell University Total New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at CM for Waste Mgt. Cornell University New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University Total SUNY Downstate Ambulatory Services Exp. Medical Center Asbestos Abatement CM Sch of Public Health Comm Sch Public Health Comm Svcs Aminal Labs ConstructionMananger DLAR Fire Equiv Survey-UHB ASHLEY MCGRAW ARCHITECTS, P.C. BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. NBBJ ARCHITECTURE PLLC HORIZON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LLP C & S DESIGN BUILD, INC. PERKINS EASTMAN ARCHITECTS, P.C. HVAC Upgrade -Univ. Hosp. JOSEPH R. LORING & ASSOCIATES, INC. DAVID SMOTRICH & PARTNERS Renov & Expand BSB ARCHITECTS/PLANNERS HENNINGSON, DURHAM & RICHARDSON, Renovate DLAR B & 2 - 7 ARCH & ENG MURPHY BURNHAM & BUTTRICK Replace Admin Complex ARCHITECTS Replace Windows BSB Ph#1 URBAHN ARCHITECTS PLLC Page 4 of 15 Report A State University Construction Fund Projects in Planning As of September 30, 2013 Projects in planning have a design contract that has been awarded to a consultant for the development of contract drawings for the proper construction and completion of the project. As of the date of this report, these projects do not yet have a construction contract associated with them. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus SUNY Downstate Medical Center Total Upstate Medical University Project title Rpr Uppr Fls-Park Garage Architect Name HOFFMANN ARCHITECTS, INC. Design Value $565,000.00 LTD $36,549.99 Upgrade HVAC BSB JOSEPH R. LORING & ASSOCIATES, INC. $3,820,935.00 $567,542.36 $17,367,016.88 $4,827,086.56 $1,695,996.00 $65,427.00 $80,572.27 $65,427.00 $70,111.00 $0.00 $214,302.00 $82,771.00 $94,788.00 $103,594.00 $2,510,640.00 $1,881,351.64 $390,811.00 $10,446,380.50 $3,598,392.50 $287,000.00 $74,149.45 $39,297.14 $51,941.91 $3,539.48 $2,255,364.41 $724,347.28 $375,898.76 $8,968,152.54 $1,838,784.76 $142,023.41 $21,441,564.64 $14,619,498.41 $62,830,361.06 $33,446,881.53 L. P. CIMINELLI CONSTRUCTION CORP. LEND LEASE CONSTRUCTION INC LIRO PROGRAM AND CONSTRUCTION CM-Upton & Caudell Restor MGMT, P.C. C. J. BROWN ENERGY ENGINEERING & Commiss Agent -Tech Bldg ARCHITECTUR HORIZON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, Commission Science Ph 1 LLP Commissioning - Rockwell BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. $1,832,263.50 $1,747,196.00 $1,203,118.38 $1,719,082.75 $2,692,400.00 $180,196.90 $106,760.00 $24,299.17 $874,960.00 $77,591.00 $826,388.72 $55,912.90 Commissioning Caudell Hal BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. Commissioning Upton HORIZON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, Commissioning, Science II LLP Rehab Upton Hall, Phase I FLYNN BATTAGLIA ARCHITECTS, P.C. BHNT ARCHITECTS, PC Rehabilitate Caudell Hall Renov Buckham Hall Ph 2 LABELLA ASSOCIATES P.C. CANNON DESIGN Renov Sci Bldg, Ph II $98,389.00 $198,407.00 $7,071.04 $4,618.00 $387,201.00 $4,575,033.00 $1,990,000.00 $1,058,000.00 $5,498,169.66 $34,696.90 $1,899,019.56 $1,286,534.73 $275,704.05 $1,810,746.83 $21,136,370.16 $386,000.00 $117,958.00 $29,466.74 $1,244,409.00 $228,000.00 $177,547.00 $683,000.00 $9,327,389.93 $152,266.41 $17,271.13 $1,399.38 $618,064.97 $116,882.89 $33,499.73 $295,175.50 CM - New Academic Bldg Comm Svcs for 15448 Commission–DLAR Phase III Commissioning - IHP Addtn Commissioning Cell/Dev Commissioning-AHUs VE Commiss-NAB Constr Mngr - IHP Addtn DLAR Reno Ph III Weisk FMP - Upstate Hosp Vertical Expansion New Academic Building Upgr Electrical Service THE WHITING-TURNER CONTRACTING COMPANY GENESYS ENGINEERING P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY DAVID J. MASTANDUNO ARCHITECT STANTEC ARCHITECTURE, INC KARLSBERGER ARCHITECTURE, P.C. EWING COLE M/E ENGINEERING, P.C. Upstate Medical University Total Other Research/Doctoral Total Comprehensive Buffalo State College Colleges Buffalo State College Total College at Oneonta College at Oneonta Total Cortland College CM - Technology Bldg. CM Science Bldg. Phase II ADA - Var Bldgs ph III Commissioning Commissioning Health Ctr Constr.Mgt.. Services Rehab Athl Fields Rehab Fine Arts-Comm Rehab Health Ctr. ASHLEY MCGRAW ARCHITECTS, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY HMH SITE & SPORTS DESIGN GENESYS ENGINEERING P.C. ARCHITECTURE + Rehab HVAC Mills & Willsb Rehab Science II Bldg Rep HVAC Eq -Hunt Replace Windows - Hulbert Upg. Pl/HVAC-Bugbee Upgr Wtr Lines & Meterg Upgrade Tecomm & Data DELTA ENGINEERS, P.C. ELLENZWEIG ASSOCIATES, INC. C & S ENGINEERS, INC. ARCHITECTURE + C & S ENGINEERS, INC. C & S ENGINEERS, INC. STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES, INC. $327,000.00 $3,290,244.00 $504,000.00 $304,000.00 $580,000.00 $291,000.00 $733,400.00 $86,575.99 $640,755.95 $269,469.72 $125,675.03 $279,708.44 $128,397.91 $327,294.99 C W Elec Dist Upgr C & S ENGINEERS, INC. $8,896,024.74 $2,958,783.75 $3,092,438.04 $1,149,084.22 Page 5 of 15 Report A State University Construction Fund Projects in Planning As of September 30, 2013 Projects in planning have a design contract that has been awarded to a consultant for the development of contract drawings for the proper construction and completion of the project. As of the date of this report, these projects do not yet have a construction contract associated with them. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Project title Architect Name Empire State College Total Geneseo $181,135.00 $173,378.00 $13,977.61 $15,238.89 $106,406.00 $161,960.00 $1,721,509.00 $42,660.71 $34,684.40 $1,000,060.54 SLC Construction Manager C & S DESIGN BUILD, INC. $2,334,579.00 $761,762.12 $7,637,750.75 $3,017,468.49 Comm Regn Cntr Roch C. J. BROWN ENERGY ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTUR $67,747.00 $6,625.58 Const Reg Cntrs Statewide Empire State College FMP Rehab Elevator 1 Union JMZ ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS PC JMZ ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS PC SYSKA HENNESSY GROUP, INC $2,406,631.25 $400,140.00 $59,000.00 $1,016,969.31 $384,814.69 $29,334.57 Commissioning - Bailey Commissioning - Doty O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERS, INC SMARTEDGE $2,933,518.25 $159,994.00 $95,919.00 $1,437,744.15 $23,183.77 $93,410.52 $91,686.00 $26,329.49 Commissioning- Letchworth BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. Geneseo Total Old Westbury Const Mgr: Doty & Stadium Site Study TURNER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES, P.C $1,578,223.00 $435,418.00 $1,519,148.22 $366,994.34 CM AV Rehab/Pave/Signs JACOBS FACILITIES, INC. $2,361,240.00 $295,895.00 $2,029,066.34 $241,245.97 $2,417,685.00 $155,193.00 $3,059,585.00 $5,928,358.00 $3,091,221.00 $2,401,227.17 $19,419.91 $1,527,041.56 $4,188,934.61 $1,325,858.08 OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC PAVARINI MCGOVERN LLC THE MCKISSACK GROUP, INC DBA Constr Mngr Dining PhysEd MCKISSACK & MCKISSACK $194,918.00 $1,653,602.00 $17,580.91 $460,503.21 $549,097.00 $117,999.96 Humanities Commissioning HVAC Renov Dance Purchase College FMP $249,634.00 $1,590,000.00 $597,183.00 $41,758.19 $904,530.75 $555,737.55 $1,324,000.00 $325,000.00 $804,440.89 $49,817.01 $9,574,655.00 $4,278,226.55 $164,000.00 $0.00 $194,536.00 $900,627.00 $157,940.08 $59,756.43 $1,644,713.02 $110,147.00 $66,548.62 $42,214.61 $69,644.00 $48,769.74 $41,740.00 $31,510.25 $85,269.00 $287,389.57 $1,548,793.00 $1,041,609.00 $4,311.88 $128,736.68 $672,757.66 $821,489.72 Const Mgr - New Acad Bldg URS CORPORATION - NEW YORK OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC Cx - Renovate Library CANNON DESIGN, INC. Renovate Library Old Westbury Total Purchase College Center for Int.Tech. Lrn Commissioning HVAC Dance Constr Mgr Humanities Rehab Ext/ Dining Phys Ed Rehab Exter Various Bldgs FXFOWLE ARCHITECTS JOSEPH R. LORING & ASSOCIATES, INC. CANNON DESIGN, INC. SASAKI ASSOCIATES, INC. KAEYER,GARMENT & DAVIDSON ARCH'TS. & ENGRS., PC HOFFMANN ARCHITECTS, INC. Purchase College Total SUNY Brockport LTD Commission Dowd Fine Arts GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. Commissioning - SLC C. J. BROWN ENERGY ENGINEERING & Commissioning Bowers Hall ARCHITECTUR GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. Commissioning Sat. Boiler BARR & BARR, INC Construction Mgr. Bowers Cortland College Total Empire State College Design Value ADA Access to Ped Bridge RAZAK ASSOCIATES, LLC Bldg. Commissioning-SERC BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY CM-Liberal Arts/Tuttle Ex C. J. BROWN ENERGY ENGINEERING & Commiss - TFA Infrastr ARCHITECTUR BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. Commissioning - NAB C. J. BROWN ENERGY ENGINEERING & Commissioning - REOC ARCHITECTUR Commissioning-SERC PH II BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. Cx-Reno Lathrop & Neff Ha Reconstruct Plaza Renovate Lathrop REOC - CM BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. RAZAK ASSOCIATES, LLC LABELLA ASSOCIATES P.C. LIRO ENGINEERS, INC. Page 6 of 15 Report A State University Construction Fund Projects in Planning As of September 30, 2013 Projects in planning have a design contract that has been awarded to a consultant for the development of contract drawings for the proper construction and completion of the project. As of the date of this report, these projects do not yet have a construction contract associated with them. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Project title Repl Win/Rehab Ext-Allen SERC CM Smith Hall - Commissioing Architect Name BELL & SPINA ARCHITECTSPLANNERS,P.C. GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY SMARTEDGE CM- Rockerfeller Art Comm. Rockfeller Art Ctr Commissioning - Sci Tech Commissioning - Williams CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. RMF ENGINEERING, INC., P.C. BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. SUNY Brockport Total SUNY Fredonia Const. Mgr - Science Tech RAC Addition & Renov Rehab / Upgr Elevs. SUNY Fredonia Total SUNY New Paltz CM- Library Renovation Commissioning - NSB Commissioning - Old Main Commissioning - Wooster LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC DEBORAH BERKE & PARTNERS ARCHITECTS, LLP DELTA ENGINEERS, P.C. New Science Building Upgrd Electric Distrib HILL INTERNATIONAL, INC OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC GENESYS ENGINEERING P.C. OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC THE WHITING-TURNER CONTRACTING COMPANY JACOBS PROJECT MANAGEMENT CO. HILL INTERNATIONAL INC ZIMMER GUNSUL FRASCA ARCHITECTS, LLP C & S ENGINEERS, INC. CM - Education & Science Commissioning Agent THE WHITING-TURNER CONTRACTING COMPANY GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. Constr Mngr - NSB Constr Mngr - Wooster Constr Mngr Old Main SUNY New Paltz Total SUNY Oswego Commissioning- Rice Creek GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. Commissioning -Tyler PhI SWBR ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, P.C. Prg. Sty - Sci & Tch, P 1 SUNY Oswego Total SUNY Plattsburgh Tyler Hall Rehab 1 PFEIFFER PARTNERS ARCHITECTS, INC. Commissioning Commissioning Commissioning Commissioning for 11309 GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. C. J. BROWN ENERGY ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTUR JMZ ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS PC C & S ENGINEERS, INC. Commissioning for Hudson Renovate Beaumont Site Infrastructure SUNY Plattsburgh Total SUNY Potsdam CM Performing Arts Commissioning - PAB Commissioning Maxcy Commissioning Mech Sys Roof, Service SUNY Potsdam Total GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. ARCHITECTURE + Comprehensive Colleges Total Technology Colleges Alfred State College Commission Allied Health Commissioning - SLC BERGMANN ASSOCIATES, INC. HORIZON ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LLP Const. Mgr. - SLC LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC Alfred State College Total Page 7 of 15 Design Value LTD $180,000.00 $1,999,422.00 $97,989.00 $71,529.72 $1,863,682.53 $91,759.86 $8,365,878.59 $4,061,007.78 $1,724,305.00 $197,325.00 $238,568.00 $75,953.00 $90,125.15 $14,575.01 $106,298.94 $69,095.34 $2,181,602.00 $1,284,444.99 $3,213,675.00 $193,000.00 $7,824,428.00 $373,114.00 $199,815.00 $114,085.00 $188,400.00 $1,960,590.88 $149,428.63 $3,674,558.94 $198,281.94 $32,077.39 $95,601.58 $14,399.02 $2,078,440.00 $2,108,401.00 $133,260.00 $150,226.91 $589,376.72 $127,978.60 $4,017,594.80 $1,586,000.00 $2,354,390.10 $798,180.28 $10,799,109.80 $4,360,512.54 $5,079,472.00 $245,749.00 $3,333,201.71 $133,034.60 $37,607.06 $166,828.84 $600,000.00 $21,437.73 $0.00 $492,960.36 $2,542,464.13 $8,672,121.03 $75,453.00 $80,094.00 $190,899.00 $132,198.00 $1,710,898.52 $5,691,532.92 $23,486.15 $32,072.11 $84,525.36 $40,161.69 $175,919.00 $2,780,000.00 $447,000.00 $113,264.08 $899,649.83 $243,645.44 $3,881,563.00 $2,099,874.00 $132,546.00 $44,192.00 $83,205.00 $177,000.00 $2,536,817.00 $1,436,804.66 $1,245,078.32 $35,725.59 $11,860.72 $28,517.43 $63,447.85 $1,384,629.91 $100,547,834.32 $47,980,314.86 $103,078.00 $93,595.99 $151,470.00 $72,391.57 $1,868,108.00 $1,627,363.46 $2,122,656.00 $1,793,351.02 Report A State University Construction Fund Projects in Planning As of September 30, 2013 Projects in planning have a design contract that has been awarded to a consultant for the development of contract drawings for the proper construction and completion of the project. As of the date of this report, these projects do not yet have a construction contract associated with them. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Farmingdale State College Project title Architect Name Design Value LTD CM Major Projects GILBANE BUILDING COMPANY $3,320,248.00 $2,855,095.25 Comm. Agent-New Bus Schl Comm. Agent-New Day Care Comm. Agent-Rehab Conklin Commissioning - Stu. Cnt Commissioning Hale Hall Commissioning Nold Hall Construction Manager Construction Manager OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC $149,194.50 $16,351.71 OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC $80,677.50 $25,834.42 OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC SYSKA HENNESSY GROUP, INC GENESYS ENGINEERING P.C. OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC JACOBS PROJECT MANAGEMENT CO. HILL INTERNATIONAL, INC $93,925.00 $118,500.00 $151,057.00 $143,118.00 $1,964,503.00 $754,218.00 $12,273.21 $91,759.75 $106,299.80 $60,802.36 $262,492.79 $188,406.88 Rehab Conklin Hall Rehab Roads/Landscaping BUTLER ROGERS BASKETT ARCHITECTS HUGHES ASSOC, LAND.ARCH'T DBA HMH $1,151,250.00 $1,288,300.00 $586,685.99 $930,987.29 $9,214,991.00 $5,136,989.45 $89,850.00 $141,865.00 $278,000.00 $601,000.00 $150,000.00 $92,000.00 $78,217.64 $67,880.71 $42,121.58 $123,571.33 $120,900.00 $60,540.00 $1,352,715.00 $493,231.26 SMARTEDGE GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. $104,892.00 $49,533.00 $83,468.11 $8,849.36 GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. $165,000.00 $53,668.05 $319,425.00 $126,088.00 $716,540.00 $339,000.00 $1,181,628.00 $126,056.00 $145,985.52 $108,447.84 $505,225.20 $193,687.10 $807,360.14 $79,918.36 $195,863.00 $110,407.00 $550,000.00 $23,885.21 $100,967.54 $278,914.43 $683,743.00 $113,788.24 $80,462.00 $1,746,531.00 $61,978.00 $47,183.90 $644,657.68 $15,045.84 Farmingdale State College Total Maritime College Commissioning - HVAC Upgr Commissioning Agent Renovate Heating Plant Replace Roofs, Var. Bldgs Study - Riesenberg Gym Water and Gas Study SYSKA HENNESSY GROUP, INC OLA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, PC SCHUYLER ENGINEERING, P.C. HOFFMANN ARCHITECTS, INC. CANNON DESIGN, INC. CANNON DESIGN, INC. Maritime College Total Morrisville State College Bldg Conv Des - Comm Commissioning - Charlton Commissioning STUAC PH II Morrisville State College Total SUNY Canton COMM Servcies - CARC Cook Stabilization Replace Windows SUNY Canton Total SUNY Cobleskill Bldg Commiss - Wheeler GENESYS ENGINEERING P.C. ARCHITECTURE + ARCHITECTURE + GENESYS ENGINEERING P.C. CANR - Commissioning Svs GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. SYSKA HENNESSY GROUP, INC Commissioning - Frisbie Improve site Utilties C & S ENGINEERS, INC. MESICK COHEN WILSON BAKER Ren Home Ecc ARCHITECTS, LLP Wheeler Hall Commisioning GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. SUNY Cobleskill Total SUNY Delhi SUNY Delhi Total SUNYIT CM- Sanford Hall GILBANE/OMEGA, A JOINT VENTURE Commissioning for Kunsela GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. $15,601.00 $7,185.82 Commissioning for Sanford Site Utility Study & Work GENESYS ENGINEERING, P.C. C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES, P.C $66,313.65 $1,986,488.00 $49,779.51 $1,393,754.39 Commiss. Servs. AUX/SU SMARTEDGE FONTANESE FOLTS AUBRECHT ERNST ARCHITECTS, P.C. $2,130,380.65 $85,700.00 $1,465,765.56 $65,805.57 $189,000.00 $57,237.99 $274,700.00 $123,043.56 $18,343,026.65 $10,610,384.19 $201,032.00 $445,435.00 $235,000.00 $201,090.81 $149,027.06 $43,148.03 Repl Roof - Donovan SUNYIT Total Technology Colleges Total University-Wide System Administration Campus Development Study PERKINS & WILL ARCHITECTS P.C. Facilities Master Plan PERKINS EASTMAN ARCHITECTS, P.C. DELTA ENGINEERS, P.C. mech sys upgrd ph 2 Page 8 of 15 Report A State University Construction Fund Projects in Planning As of September 30, 2013 Projects in planning have a design contract that has been awarded to a consultant for the development of contract drawings for the proper construction and completion of the project. As of the date of this report, these projects do not yet have a construction contract associated with them. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Project title Rehab Plaza Garage Deck Rehab. 1st Floor- North Renov SUNY Global Ctr Architect Name HOFFMANN ARCHITECTS, INC. ASHLEY MCGRAW ARCHITECTS, P.C. PERKINS EASTMAN ARCHITECTS, P.C. Replace Exter Doors & Sec Site Rehab System Admin Study for E. 54th Bldgs HAMLIN DESIGN GROUP JACOBS CIVIL CONSULTANTS, INC. CANNON DESIGN, INC. System Administration Total University-Wide Total Grand Total 265 Total Projects in Planning as of September 30, 2013 Page 9 of 15 Design Value $288,600.00 $548,125.60 $599,000.00 LTD $78,445.63 $39,541.29 $95,702.63 $251,012.50 $385,979.00 $73,336.00 $173,229.23 $273,247.51 $69,679.39 $3,027,520.10 $1,123,111.58 $3,027,520.10 $328,491,981.29 $1,123,111.58 $150,550,434.91 Report B State University Construction Fund Projects in Construction As of September 30, 2013 Projects in construction have a construction contract that has been awarded to a contractor for the completion of the project. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Project title General Contractor Name Construction Value LTD Research/University Centers Binghamton University Rehab Elev Various Blds OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY $4,043,118.43 $3,650,884.43 Rehab OConnor Johnson WELLIVER MCGUIRE, INC. Rehab Sci III Basement STREETER ASSOCIATES,INC. Rehab Uni Union Nth Ph 2 FAHS CONSTRUCTION GROUP Binghamton University Total Stony Brook University Stony Brook University Total Stony Brook University (HSC) Computer Science Building MPCC CORP. KENSTAR CONSTRUCTION ESS Bldg Exterior Rehab CORP. Feeder BO - 13D74 ELDOR CONTRACTING CORP HTHW - Phase II ULTIMATE POWER, INC. Mech Systems Life Science FRAMAN MECHANICAL, INC. HSC Deck Rehab ZHN CONTRACTING CORP. WEST-RAC CONTRACTING CORP Renovate HSC Ph I Stony Brook University (HSC) Total University at Albany Rehab Water TR/Fountains Rel. Univ. Data Center JERSEN CONSTRUCTION GROUP JERSEN CONSTRUCTION GROUP University at Albany Total University at Buffalo ADA Imrpovements- Ph IIB Biomed Ed Bldg HVAC Ph1 Reconst. Pump House Repl Fire Alarms - PH I Repl Roofs - Var Bldgs S&W CONTRACTING OF WNY, INC D.V. BROWN & ASSOCIATES, INC. KANDEY COMPANY, INC FREY ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. JAMESON ROOFING CO., INC. University at Buffalo Total Research/ University Centers Total Other College of Environmental Research/Doctoral Science and Forestry Exterior Rehab - Illick Gateway Building College of Environmental Science and Forestry Total Rehab Elect Systems College of Optometry College of Optometry Total New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell Stocking Hall Rehab University New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University Total $17,043,000.00 $4,480,693.00 $0.00 $3,818,564.00 $9,631,776.91 $6,890,870.90 $35,198,588.34 $14,360,319.33 $33,594,408.77 $9,914,536.77 $4,396,272.48 $17,667,349.00 $5,880,583.22 $3,611,241.48 $6,618,499.00 $5,265,967.22 $13,788,685.85 $12,576,079.85 $75,327,299.32 $37,986,324.32 $14,541,464.41 $4,945,011.41 $6,861,511.98 $6,319,293.98 $21,402,976.39 $11,264,305.39 $17,765,787.00 $14,631,111.00 $24,357,847.98 $16,485,276.98 $42,123,634.98 $31,116,387.98 $1,775,499.53 $1,340,562.53 $1,932,975.22 $4,137,924.70 $1,111,905.22 $3,356,976.70 $3,366,885.00 $4,834,762.13 $2,815,314.00 $4,436,549.13 $16,048,046.58 $13,061,307.58 $190,100,545.61 $107,788,644.60 MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC. MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC. $8,955,215.15 $4,283,253.15 $17,837,530.00 $16,068,516.00 CRC ASSOCIATES INC $26,792,745.15 $8,347,431.60 $20,351,769.15 $3,444,717.60 $8,347,431.60 $3,444,717.60 $66,906,106.97 $55,209,274.01 $66,906,106.97 $55,209,274.01 THE PIKE COMPANY INC Page 10 of 15 Report B State University Construction Fund Projects in Construction As of September 30, 2013 Projects in construction have a construction contract that has been awarded to a contractor for the completion of the project. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Project title General Contractor Name Construction Value LTD New York State College of SORENSEN GROSS Human Ecology at Cornell JOC CM MVR Closeout CONSTRUCTION SERVICES $170,680.00 $162,146.00 University New York State College of Human Ecology at Cornell University Total $170,680.00 $162,146.00 SUNY Downstate Medical Instll Fls Mens & Wmns Rm CORBEX, INC. $11,180.00 Center New Academic Building TUTOR PERINI CORP $73,128,958.00 $5,746,949.00 Rehab HVAC & WP AN Labs H. M. HUGHES CO., INC. $22,778,678.84 $21,166,680.86 Repl Doors- Science Bld CORBEX, INC. $30,450.00 $0.00 Replace Transplant Roof CORBEX, INC. $80,207.00 $0.00 $96,029,473.84 $26,913,629.86 $333,816.00 $313,845.00 $47,514,304.00 $40,716,008.00 $47,848,120.00 $41,029,853.00 SUNY Downstate Medical Center Total Upstate Medical University SORENSEN GROSS Electric Switchgear Equip CONSTRUCTION SERVICES NORTHLAND ASSOCIATES, IHP Expansion INCORPORATED Upstate Medical University Total Other Research/Doctoral Total Comprehensive Colleges Buffalo State College $246,094,557.56 $147,111,389.62 R. B. MAC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. $6,030,052.00 $5,512,861.00 CONCRETE APPLIED Undergrnd Util Imprv ph 1 TECHNLGS CORP. /DBA/ CATCO $7,049,811.12 $4,548,779.12 $13,079,863.12 $10,061,640.12 $27,082,849.80 $13,162,749.80 $27,082,849.80 $13,162,749.80 $33,047,167.17 $23,792,067.17 $8,680,285.45 $7,806,548.45 Renov of Dowd Fine Arts BETTE & CRING, LLC $16,884,756.00 $10,663,946.00 Student rec. Center $46,158,994.02 $14,979,556.02 Exter Rehab - Various ph3 Buffalo State College Total College at Oneonta Rehab Fitzelle Hall CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION, LLC College at Oneonta Total Cortland College Bowers Hall Upgrades C. W. Satellite Boilers HUEBER-BREUER CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. J & K PLUMBING & HEATING CO., INC. FAHS CONSTRUCTION GROUP Cortland College Total Geneseo $104,771,202.64 $57,242,117.64 LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE Doty Building Renovation COMPANY New College Stadium THE PIKE COMPANY INC $26,458,511.00 $12,787,704.72 $24,027,004.01 $4,458,938.72 Rehab Bailey Hall $20,252,497.67 $12,447,182.67 Renovate Letchworth FAHS CONSTRUCTION GROUP HOLDSWORTH KLIMOWSKI CONSTRUCTION, LLC Geneseo Total Old Westbury Building envelope replace Cogeneration Improvements Interior Rehab Ren of Library Ph. I J. KOKOLAKIS CONTRACTING, INC BOILERMATIC WELDING INDUSTRIES INC. SIGMA CONTRACTING CORP MINELLI CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Old Westbury Total Page 11 of 15 $12,531,952.25 $3,886,560.25 $72,030,665.64 $44,819,685.65 $17,977,440.00 $6,918,971.00 $466,358.88 $3,316,375.85 $473.88 $2,696,689.85 $13,242,558.00 $3,159,881.00 $35,002,732.73 $12,776,015.73 Report B State University Construction Fund Projects in Construction As of September 30, 2013 Projects in construction have a construction contract that has been awarded to a contractor for the completion of the project. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Project title General Contractor Name Construction Value LTD Purchase College Exterior Repairs VA #58 MPCC CORP. $9,667,367.06 $8,216,788.43 JEMCO ELECTRICAL JOC Repairs Terra Ve CONTRACTORS, INC. $95,787.00 $82,371.00 Rehab Plaza Ext FOURMEN CONSTRUCTION, INC $2,097,129.30 $875,396.30 Pathways Rehab Plaza Pathways Ph I MPCC CORP. $5,712,318.77 $3,819,753.77 Renov of Humanities NIRAM, INC. $30,174,462.00 $10,458,354.00 Purchase College Total SUNY Brockport $47,747,064.13 $23,452,663.50 $115,380.00 $0.00 $21,851,939.00 $14,443,153.00 $7,344,421.18 $5,364,395.18 $391,387.00 $282,870.00 $110,062.00 $3,448,516.37 $110,062.00 $3,255,283.37 $33,261,705.55 $23,455,763.55 $42,467,221.00 $25,415,064.00 CUTTING EDGE GROUP, LLC $42,467,221.00 $178,646.00 $25,415,064.00 $0.00 APS CONTRACTING INC. $27,993,427.00 $6,939,338.00 RIDLEY ELECTRIC CO.,INC. $28,172,073.00 $2,549,027.06 $6,939,338.00 $2,082,423.06 FAHS CONSTRUCTION GROUP $26,032,123.00 $20,352,490.00 $28,581,150.06 $22,434,913.06 $41,753,316.00 $8,740,082.00 $33,795,680.00 $7,616,086.00 $8,863,948.00 $7,517,221.00 $59,357,346.00 $48,928,987.00 $491,553,873.67 $288,688,938.05 $16,110,448.00 $13,480,691.00 $5,624,770.64 $1,676,564.00 $3,144,521.74 $18,937,765.53 $3,946,488.64 $1,000,145.00 $478,305.74 $3,124,136.53 $45,494,069.91 $22,029,766.91 $23,497,035.49 $20,228,794.49 $7,601,117.70 $7,124,727.70 $4,029,960.26 $3,726,724.26 $35,128,113.45 $31,080,246.45 $6,669,241.24 $4,716,023.24 $6,669,241.24 $4,716,023.24 SORENSEN GROSS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES LECHASE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, LLC Install Ceilings Liberal Arts Bldg Rehab Ext. - Tuttle N & S CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION, LLC SORENSEN GROSS Reno Morgn Hll for Police CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SORENSEN GROSS Repair Ext Strs-Smith Hal CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Site Electric Ph II EAST COAST ELECTRIC, LLC SUNY Brockport Total SUNY Fredonia SUNY Fredonia Total SUNY New Paltz SUNY New Paltz Total SUNY Oswego Science Technology Bldg. THE PIKE COMPANY INC Drainage HAB Wooster Bldg Renovations Infrastr Electrical CWide Upgd to Sci/Eng/TechPh.1 SUNY Oswego Total SUNY Potsdam Performing Arts Building Rehab Ice Arena Maxcy Upgrade HVAC/Labs Stowell NORTHLAND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED BETTE & CRING, LLC NORTHLAND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED SUNY Potsdam Total Comprehensive Colleges Total Technology Colleges Farmingdale State College Locker Room Renovations New Day Care Center Rehab Conklin, Phase 1 Rehabilitate Elevators School of Business GII CONSTRUCTION CO., INC FRATELLO CONSTRUCTION CORP CNA ENTERPRISES, INC. LIPSKY ENTREPRISES, INC. STALCO CONSTRUCTION INC. Farmingdale State College Total Maritime College J. KOKOLAKIS CONTRACTING, INC D'ONOFRIO GENERAL CONTRACTORS CORP. New Academic Building Rehab & Expand Pier & WFS Rehab/Upgrade HVAC Variou DDC AIR CONDITIONING Ren Charlton Hall, PH I RICHARD E. ALEXANDER CO., INC. Maritime College Total Morrisville State College Morrisville State College Total Page 12 of 15 Report B State University Construction Fund Projects in Construction As of September 30, 2013 Projects in construction have a construction contract that has been awarded to a contractor for the completion of the project. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus Project title General Contractor Name Construction Value LTD SORENSEN GROSS SUNY Canton Cook Hall Joc South CONSTRUCTION SERVICES $2,283,148.00 $2,168,991.00 SUNY Canton Total SUNY Cobleskill Ag-Tech Building Water Tank Phase I J. KOKOLAKIS CONTRACTING, INC JAT CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Rplc Site Infrastructre RIFENBURG CONSTRUCTION CORP. SUNY Cobleskill Total SUNY Delhi SUNY Delhi Total Technology Colleges Total University-Wide System Administration EASTERN BUILDING & Exterior Renovations RIG RESTORATION, INC. Gnrl Infr/Space rehab DUNCAN & CAHILL, INC. System Administration Total University-Wide Total Grand Total 79 Total Projects Under Construction as of September 30, 2013 Page 13 of 15 $2,283,148.00 $2,168,991.00 $39,135,808.00 $315,932.09 $11,110,503.00 $278,697.09 $39,451,740.09 $11,389,200.09 $2,977,340.06 $1,333,384.06 $2,977,340.06 $1,333,384.06 $132,003,652.75 $72,717,611.75 $1,976,108.90 $775,357.65 $1,843,256.90 $457,198.65 $2,751,466.55 $2,300,455.55 $2,751,466.55 $2,300,455.55 $1,062,504,096.14 $618,607,039.57 Report C State University Construction fund Projects Completed. For the Year Ended September 30, 2013 Completed projects include those that have been accepted for beneficial occupancy, meaning that the project can be occupied and used for the purposes for which it was intended. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus General Contractor Name Construction Value LTD Project title Research/University Central Plant Upgr Ph 1 NICHOLSON & HALL CORP. $5,384,468.00 $5,374,364.00 Centers Binghamton University SORENSEN GROSS CONSTRUCTION $149,840.69 $149,840.69 Cnst Mock Up Johnson Hall SERVICES SORENSEN GROSS CONSTRUCTION $919,042.12 $919,042.12 Flood Rehab UDC Precon pr SERVICES Binghamton University Total Stony Brook University HVAC Rehab IRQ/Tusc Upgr HTHW InterCon Z 1&2 ANDREW R. MANCINI ASSOCIATES INC. ALL STATE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Old Chem Rehab J. KOKOLAKIS CONTRACTING, INC Stony Brook University Total University at Albany KIRCHHOFF-CONSIGLI CONSTRUCTION MGMT., LLC CUTTING EDGE GROUP, LLC WESTERN BUILDING RESTORATION CO., INC. Const. New Bus School Instl Ductbank-Data Cnter Rehab/Rep St/Masonry University at Albany Total University at Buffalo ADA Improvements - Ph IIA EOC-Buffalo TRASON DEVELOPMENT CORP SAVARINO COMPANY, LLC Hayes Restoration Kimball Roof Rehab Elevators - Var Bld Repl. Roofs - North Ph. A Repl. Roofs - South Ph. B Replace Roofs - Var Bldgs SLR CONTRACTING & SERVICE CO., INC. GROVE ROOFING SERVICES, INC. D C B ELEVATOR CO., INC. JAMESON ROOFING CO., INC. WEAVER METAL & ROOFING, INC. JAMESON ROOFING CO., INC. CONCRETE APPLIED TECHNLGS CORP. /DBA/ CATCO S. Campus UG Util. Ph II University at Buffalo Total Research/ University Centers Total College of Environmental Science Other Research/Doctoral and Forestry Block D Site Work FAHS CONSTRUCTION GROUP MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC. SORENSEN GROSS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Gateway Fndn, Stl & Site Msnry Stabilze-Illick College of Environmental Science and Forestry Total Multipurpose Space 3rd Fl College of Optometry Rehab Resea Flrs 16 & 17 KNIGHTSBRIDGE CONSTR. CORP. STALCO CONSTRUCTION INC. College of Optometry Total New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University (Geneva) Replace Roofs-Gnva/Barton New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University (Geneva) Total New York State College of Ceramics Heat Recovery Phase II at Alfred University NORTHEASTERN INSULATION CO.INC DBA J.L.GIAMBRONE TESTA CONSTRUCTION INC. New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University Total Other Research/Doctoral Comprehensive Colleges Buffalo State College New Tech. Bldg Rehab Rockwell 2nd Floor Renovate Science Bldg 15 Rpl Rf Accss Drs-Campus W Sci Bldg Staging lot Buffalo State College Total College at Oneonta MANNING SQUIRES HENNIG CONCEPT CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION CHRISTA CONSTRUCTION, LLC SORENSEN GROSS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES SORENSEN GROSS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Abate Asbestos - Wilsbach Modify BFS Exhaust Fans CUTTING EDGE GROUP, LLC CUTTING EDGE GROUP, LLC Rep HVAC Eq. Al Hall Repl Steam Cond Lines Ph2 Repl Window - Schum & CHP Repl. Windows Alu MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTOR, INC. ALL STATE CONSTRUCTION, INC. WINDOW SPECIALIST, INC. AJAY GLASS & MIRROR CO., INC. Page 14 of 15 $2,884,828.11 $3,069,761.91 $2,754,723.11 $2,634,759.91 $12,407,940.83 $24,768,543.65 $11,832,729.83 $23,011,840.65 $24,768,543.65 $23,011,840.65 $36,678,241.14 $126,270.00 $34,141,452.14 $98,045.00 $1,132,597.47 $961,701.47 $37,937,108.61 $1,355,225.32 $18,378,946.92 $35,201,198.61 $1,308,493.32 $17,288,342.92 $23,116,145.00 $676,369.00 $2,693,497.14 $2,394,519.14 $1,337,372.35 $1,857,352.00 $9,702,981.00 $629,810.00 $2,527,762.14 $2,208,347.14 $1,328,783.35 $1,731,280.00 $8,811,158.05 $8,273,414.05 $60,620,584.92 $44,999,213.92 $135,734,178.01 $115,044,983.01 $1,031,700.22 $1,031,600.22 $3,734,473.98 $3,338,982.98 $503,515.01 $503,515.01 $5,269,689.21 $7,371,906.02 $1,910,441.72 $4,874,098.21 $7,127,802.02 $1,758,876.72 $9,282,347.74 $8,886,678.74 $755,016.10 $691,353.10 $755,016.10 $691,353.10 $1,468,400.30 $1,452,153.30 $1,468,400.30 $1,452,153.30 $16,775,453.35 $15,904,283.35 $24,895,645.00 $23,147,024.00 $7,420,547.00 $35,187,603.62 $7,086,399.00 $32,632,915.62 $34,263.23 $34,263.23 $48,089.00 $48,089.00 $67,586,147.85 $161,280.00 $37,238.00 $62,948,690.85 $1,394,588.65 $1,375,411.33 $896,224.64 $1,153,165.46 $867,006.65 $1,136,007.33 $885,531.64 $952,581.46 Report C State University Construction fund Projects Completed. For the Year Ended September 30, 2013 Completed projects include those that have been accepted for beneficial occupancy, meaning that the project can be occupied and used for the purposes for which it was intended. All projects listed were let by the State University Construction Fund. Estimated Expended Campus Category Campus General Contractor Name Construction Value LTD Project title ALL STATE BOILER & CONSTRUCTION, Upg. Cen. Ht. Plant III INC. $3,689,055.82 $3,572,217.82 Upgr Plumb - Chase PE WILKINS MECHANICAL, INC. $282,500.00 $210,134.00 College at Oneonta Total Cortland College Elec. Dist. Phase I $8,989,463.90 $7,623,478.90 MOHAWK VALLEY UTILITY CONSTRUCTION CORP. $3,351,052.99 $3,270,812.99 $3,270,812.99 $246,465.22 Cortland College Total Empire State College JOC Elev Replace 1 Union CUTTING EDGE GROUP, LLC $3,351,052.99 $246,465.22 Empire State College Total Old Westbury Elevator Upgrade KNIGHTSBRIDGE CONSTR. CORP. $246,465.22 $1,188,298.00 $246,465.22 $1,072,712.00 $1,188,298.00 $1,072,712.00 JOC Plaza Extr Furn/Fixt Rehab Dining Exterior Rehab Plaza Deck/Drainage JEMCO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. CALADRI DEVELOPMENT CORP MPCC CORP. $103,611.51 $2,862,914.00 $18,198,184.45 $103,611.51 $2,460,533.00 $17,961,270.95 Site Infrast. Imp. VILLAGER CONSTRUCTION INC $21,164,709.96 $4,869,755.91 $20,525,415.46 $4,489,206.91 Elect Dist Upgrade LoGrasso Ext. Rehab O'CONNELL ELECTRIC CO. RESETARITS CONSTRUCTION $4,869,755.91 $3,656,806.89 $1,563,410.85 $4,489,206.91 $3,390,073.89 $1,431,984.85 Upgrade Elec Distr - PH I M. SCHER & SON, INC. $5,220,217.74 $4,677,891.56 $4,822,058.74 $4,628,596.56 $4,677,891.56 $4,628,596.56 $9,787,444.91 $46,577,596.61 $8,711,815.91 $41,995,640.61 Old Westbury Total Purchase College Purchase College Total SUNY Brockport SUNY Brockport Total SUNY Fredonia SUNY Fredonia Total SUNY New Paltz SUNY New Paltz Total SUNY Oswego His. Presv. - Sheldon Piez Hall Addition PAC & ASSOCIATES OF OSWEGO, INC. THE PIKE COMPANY INC R.J.TAYLOR GEN CONTRACTOR DBA TAYLOR THE BUILDER Renov/Add Rice Creek SUNY Oswego Total SUNY Plattsburgh NORTHLAND ASSOCIATES, INCORPORATED THE PIKE COMPANY INC MURNANE BUILDING CONTRACTORS, INC. Hudson Hall Rehab Ph II School of Business Window Replacements SUNY Plattsburgh Total SUNY Potsdam Instal FO & Card Access DOW ELECTRIC, INC. REHAB HVAC & Wind-RAYMON BURNS BROTHERS CONTRACTORS, INC. Rep Windows NEP GLASS CO., LTD. Upgrade Site Utilities CCI COMPANIES, INC. SUNY Potsdam Total Comprehensive Colleges Total Technology Colleges Alfred State College $5,350,682.00 $4,747,785.00 $61,715,723.52 $55,455,241.52 $21,719,184.93 $15,159,934.86 $21,623,731.93 $13,668,986.86 $6,108,272.38 $4,974,661.38 $42,987,392.17 $1,117,961.88 $40,267,380.17 $1,109,321.88 $3,659,608.20 $2,102,139.20 $6,997,112.29 $3,454,369.20 $1,730,822.20 $5,624,812.29 $13,876,821.57 $11,919,325.57 $235,873,940.39 $15,525,562.95 $17,452,027.00 $217,269,384.89 $15,365,797.95 $16,219,531.00 Rehab Allied Health Student Union MANNING SQUIRES HENNIG MANNING SQUIRES HENNIG $32,977,589.95 $31,585,328.95 Bunche Plaza Improvements Student Center CONDOS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CORP J. KOKOLAKIS CONTRACTING, INC $1,760,198.03 $21,208,081.10 $1,402,244.03 $19,711,304.10 Farmingdale State College Total Morrisville State College STUAC PH II BETTE & CRING, LLC $22,968,279.13 $10,037,090.13 $21,113,548.13 $9,166,489.13 Morrisville State College Total SUNY Cobleskill Renovate Wheeler Hall AOW ASSOCIATES, INC $10,037,090.13 $4,523,543.93 $9,166,489.13 $4,509,279.93 SUNY Cobleskill Total SUNY Delhi Renovate Sanford Hall BAST HATFIELD CONSTRUCTION LLC $4,523,543.93 $11,156,757.00 $4,509,279.93 $10,053,286.00 $11,156,757.00 $10,053,286.00 $81,663,260.14 $76,427,932.14 $470,046,831.89 $424,646,583.39 Alfred State College Total Farmingdale State College SUNY Delhi Total Technology Colleges Total Grand Total 65 Total Projeccts Completed as of September 30, 2013 Page 15 of 15
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